Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Questions and Answers

Question 1

Prity does not design

structures, but she says she
does use the engineering
design process. How?

Answer 1

Prity uses the design process by

confomring to the constriants of
money and time to create the best
solution for a construction process.

Question 2

What is the primary way

that the architect
communicates his or her
building plans to Pritys

Answer 2
The architects create plan and elevation
drawings to communicate their ideas to the team
showing the floor plans which can be used to
determine materials and know how to manage
the constraints

Question 3

Prity describes two new

construction technologies that
help her team deliver a higherquality product for the money.
What are they?

Answer 3

They use rebar when making the footing

which adds to the structural strength of the
foundation. They also use engineered wood
joists that move less and provide squeak
free floors.

Question 4
You are an structural engineer working for
a design fi rm, and you have been given
the task of designing a scaffold that can
support a load of 300 pounds. The
scaffold must have a safety factor of 2.
How many pounds must your design be
able to support?

Answer 4

Your design must

support 600 pounds.

Question 5
Sketch a plan view and elevation view of
your schools lunchroom or library. The
drawings should not include furnishings,
but they should include architectural
features such as windows, doors, pillars,
or skylights.

Answer 5

Question 6
Prity explains that she learned a lot about
the construction industry by asking
questions of the people she was working
with. Describe a time when youve had to
ask a lot of questions to learn what you
needed to know in order to do a job or an
assignment well.

Answer 6
When I was working as in store support for the first
tiem at sears for the first week a lot of the tools and jobs
i was doing i was not familiar with and wasn't sure of
the best way of completing my tasks so i asked a lot of
questions and soon became a very efficient worker.

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