Living Things Blubber Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Candidate: Hannah

Course: T&L 1


Location: MidAmerica
Nazarene University

Subject: Science and reading

Grade level: Kindergarten


(Highlight content-nouns and skills-verbs)

science) K-LS1-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and

animals (including humans) need to survive. [Clarification Statement:
Examples of patterns could include that animals need to take in food but
plants do not; the different kinds of food needed by different types of
animals; the requirement of plants to have light; and that all living things
need water.]

Temperature and survival

Learning Goal:

Students will understand the science behind how some animals keep warm
in such cold weather.

(Big Idea, title,


Critical Content:

Students will
understand that
penguins have
blubber under
their skin.

Critical Skills:

Students should be able to

follow instructions correctly
without much prompting.

Blubber is to
penguins as a
coat, gloves and
a scarf is to us.

Students will evaluate data

which can be gathered from
an experiment.

How do penguins keep warm?

Objectives/Target/I can

Assessment Plan
Sentence Stem:
Formative/Summative: Students will... Teacher will...

Identify the verb, is it measurable?
The condition (if any) under which
it will occur
The criterion of acceptable

The learner will discover what

makes penguins able to survive
in such cold temperatures.

Formative: students will complete the blubber experiment

Summative: students will answer comprehensive
questions about the blubber experiment as a class and
discuss them.

The learner will understand that

different parts of the earth have
different climates

Integration of
(Reading, Writing,
Speaking, Viewing,

Bus in

Formative: students will point to the coldest parts of the

world on a map.


By Anne

Blubber: fat



Includes either the

academic language you will
be teaching or the
language processes you
will expect the students to
use during the lesson. Ex:
Ask and answer questions.
Orally defend a position.


The students
will be able
to describe
stay warm in
such cold

Technology Standards (NETS)

ITSE: creativity and innovation- apply existing

knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or
processes. Use models and simulations to
explore complex systems and issues.

Innovative Materials & Technology Tools:

Ex: Google Docs: Modification, Teacher will have students use a

google doc to sign up for performance projects.

(Tool: Label SAMR Level, Describe)

Use Penguin app to view live feed of California Zoo penguin facility.

Responsive Teaching/Differentiation:

What will I do if they dont get it? How will you


What will I do if they get it? How will you


How will you include all learners?

(Includes: Hook the learner increase interest, activate prior
knowledge, review, preview content and vocabulary, essential
questions posed, and relevance established)

Sentence stem: Differentiated the (process, product, content,

environment) by _(name the strategy)_ based on student (ability,
interest, readiness).

Kinesthetic tactile learners: the blubber

experiment is an extremely hands on experiment
which will be great for these types of learners.
Auditory and linguistic: I will be verbally giving
directions and repeating them multiple times. We
will also be discussing what they are realizing
about the experiment
Visual: I will be demonstrating the experiment
before hand
I walk into the classroom wearing my heavy
winter coat, gloves, a scarf, boots, and anything
else thats warm. I will keep making remarks
about how cold it is.
The students will ask why I am wearing it and that
will be the lead in to the lesson about blubber.
Penguins also have to stay warm but they dont
have coats or gloves or scarves.

Lesson Procedure (The following three categories occur simultaneously)



Checking for Understanding

(Specific & Scripted)

(Specific & Scripted)

(Include blooms level, question, strategy)

Ex: Application question: How does ___
apply to you?-Think-Pair-Share

1. First I will discuss

some of the
vocabulary words
that we will run into
in the lesson
2. We will use our
guessing skills to try
to guess why we
think penguins dont
need coats
3. We will read the
Magic School Bus
book about the
Arctic together as a
class at the front of
the room
4. I will introduce the
experiment by
bringing out a giant
bucket of ice cold
5. Each student will get
2 gloves and 2
rubber bands and
they will put them on
their hands and
secure them with the
rubber bands
6. On one hand the
teacher will apply
Vasaline or Crisco to
the outside of the
glove. Each student
will then place both
hands in the cold
7. They will describe
what they are feeling
and why they think
they are feeling it.
8. After the experiment
the student will then
discuss with the
person next to them
what they learned
then we will share as

1. I will write them on

the board and use
choral reading and
echo reading
strategies to get the
students familiar
with them
2. The teacher will
model some
questions they can
ask themselves.
Example: What are
penguins covered
3. Teacher will model
good reading
4. Teacher will
introduce the
experiment and
show the students
how to do it before
they get to do it.

1. Students will apply these

vocab words to the
experiment that will take
2. Students will think pair
share about how they
think penguins stay warm.
The teacher will write
them all on the board
using general guesses
and tally marks. At the
end we will see how many
of them were right.
3. Students will answer
questions that the teacher
stops to ask periodically in
the story.
4. The students will use their
descriptive words to tell
what they are observing in
the experiment.
5. They will do a Think pair
share about what they
learned then we will
discuss as a class.

a class
9. If there is extra time
and the students
have behaved really
well then we can
watch the Magic
School Bus goes to
the Arctic on
Youtube or Netflix
Guided Practice:

The students will conduct the experiment with the assistance

and guidance of the teacher.

Independent Practice:

Students will discuss what they discovered with the



Who can tell me what we learned today? *students answer*

We learned about how penguins can use blubber to keep
warm. We did an experiment to prove that it does keep us
warm when the water around us is cold.

(Review Objective, Student Reflection,


Self Reflection:
What went well?
What will I change?

I need to make sure to close out the lesson well and not just
drop it off after we are finished with the experiment. I need to
make sure to tie it all together at the end and answer any
questions they will have.

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