RWS 6:00-7:20
"The Worst Case of Child Abuse In US History The Murder of Baby Brianna
(GRAPHIC)." N.p., 17 Jan. 2013. Web. 23 Mar. 2016.
El Paso is one of the safest cities in the nation. As you tune in to watch the news you
wont really see a killer on the loose very often. Yet, crime does occur. Abuse reported and
unreported happens every day. An even more sensitive situation, child abuse is also identified in
our safe city.
Just right next to El Paso, In Las Cruses NM, and The Worst Case of Child Abuse made
history. On February 14, 2002, Brianna Lopez was born. Brianna lived with her mother,
Stephanie Lopez, her father Andy Walters, and her uncle Steven Lopez. After her birth, Breanna
Lopez was abused by all three members of her family. She was hit, pinched, thrown around, and
even raped. Even after her loud cries her parents would laugh and stuff her mouth with clothing
to keep her quiet. Her mother would again abuse every time Briana would cry. When her mother
wasnt abusing her, her father and uncle would torment the infant by raping her. The child
survived a total of 153 days.
On July 19th 2002, Briana was killed. The night before her death, her mother, Stephanie,
was drinking while her father and uncle were literally throwing baby Briana up in the air and
laughing at her as she tumbled to the ground. Briana was bruised all over her body the next day.
That morning, during Brianna's diaper change, her father stuck his finger in her anus and put
foreign objects inside the infant. At near death of the her, her mother waited to call the
ambulance and told the authorities she fell from her high chair. It is said that her mother may be
released coming this September. No child deserves to be abused. Baby Brianna could not protect
herself and while her mother laughed her baby suffered. Where is the justice?