The Pershing Cable (Sep 1983)
The Pershing Cable (Sep 1983)
The Pershing Cable (Sep 1983)
Vol. 20 No. 9
September 1983
Whirlwind tour
Marsh visits
brigade unit
br Greg Alim
A "Pursuit o Excellence" wu ,he miin
,heme in speech delivcr<d by xcmary of
the Army, John Marsh, Jr., Aug. 26 in NeuUlm.
Brig. Gen. WIiiiam Sweet 11'"11 Secretary of the Army John Merah, Jr. during
aurprlN vlalt to NeuUlm and the 56th FA Bde. (Photo by Jim Cramblet).
(Photo1 by ~ Allen).
up for
by Thomas Copeland
A nomination of 37 general officers
rommended for major general, including
S6th FA Bdc.'s commander Brig. Gen. Wil
liam Sweet, has been approved by president
Reagan and forwarded 10 1he Senate for confinnaiion.
The ""0-llar promotion selections were
made by a panel of nine senior generals. They
scrttned the rtcerds of all in Army category
brigadier generals as of July 1, 1982.
Besides Sweet, the list 1!10 includes Brig.
Gen. Joseph Lutz, who heads ihe ht Special
Opcmions Command at Fon Bragg, N. C.
and Brig. Gen. J>.mcs Do1ier, O.puiy CG of
IU Corps, Fon Hood, Tex.
After Senate approval, which is virrually
assured, ,he Brig. Gens. (P) mun wai1 for the
by Greg Allen
They described the incident as "no big
1hing", and said "anybody .,.ould have done
,he s&me ,hing.
But ihe no big thing" earned SSg,. Ao10nio Thomu and Sp4 Willwn Dukes of Co.
B, 2nd Bn, 4th Inf. Army Commendation
Medals for heroism.
They .,ere presented the medals Aug. 26
by Secretary of ihe Army John Marsh, Jr.
during ccr<monies held in Neu-Ulm.
On April 2S Thoma.s and Dukes were en
route to Stuttgart to deliver supplies. A
heavy fog c.aused them 10 pull over to a
parking area 10 wait for the fog 10 lift.
"The fog wa.s so ,hick we couldn't ,ee 100
yard5, Dukes told a Surs and S1ripcs report
"Mo1t of the cars on ihe road had also
pulled over.
SSgt. James H1rmon, NCOIC of the MARS station et Herdt KaNme, Mndl
MARSgram statetlde. The masaa9", which are,,,.., Is feeture offered by H1rmon
and his unit to toldlara In tha Schwliblach Gmiind araa, Monday thro119h Friday from
7 1. m. until 5 p. m. (Photo by J. D. Godwin).
by J. D. Godwin
vity and status of military forces; any classificd information; profane, idccoent or abusive
language; discussion of polictics, legislative
matters and sex; and calls for the purpose of
discussing a private business. Private busincss includes Stock transaions, real estate
purchases, banks or credit unions,
The 30-word limit might not seem long
enough to some soldiers. But occording 10
PFC Scon Hoagland, smion operator, a lot
cn be said in 30-words.
A 30-word limit might seem 100 short 10
some soldiers," said Hoagland. "But ,he
me,sagc is sent in telegram form. If we ha"e
10, we can send up 10 two grams, or 60
words, on a conl.inous message. Bu( these uc:
limited. However, you can send out an unlimitcd numb<r of messages.
The MARSgrams arc transmitted twice a
day to a Net Control Station in West Germany. Then all messages are stnt to Washing
ton, D. C. by trans-Atlantic underseas cable.
From D. C. ,he gram is sent ,o a major
military installation closest to , he addressee's
town or my.
Usually UJ>?n receipt of the groms. the
add_re_ssee can ,n turn se~d a reply back to !h,
orgmoal send~,. Accordm~ to Hoag_land, " s
fors.t. come, f,m s~rvc, w11h mm,mum of
wamng. And that os the only problem.
"Business has been slow," said Hoagland.
"We average about six people a day, with
only eight 10 12 messages sent. We want
more business!"
One German's
most unforgettable
American memory
might easily be you.
bar 1983