Activitiespacketcsn 1
Activitiespacketcsn 1
Activitiespacketcsn 1
Introduce yourself. Since this is your first visit, ask the teacher where he/she would like you to sit
while you complete your observation hours for this CSN Introduction to Education class. Show the
teacher this Field Observation Activities Packet, your Field Observation Time Log and
Cooperating Teachers Field Observation Student Evaluation pages. Let the teacher know
that you will be asking him/her to verify your hours of attendance each time you visit, and grading
you after the observation hours are complete.
*Observation 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity,
ELL, students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to
Culturally diverse; Caucasian, Hispanic, African American. More girls than boys. Has 8 ESL
students who are in a different classroom after lunch.
*Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written)
Listen, wait your turn, raise your hand, help clean up, keep your hands to yourself, walk dont
run, be a friend, walk in line, share.
*Observation 4: Does the teacher enforce the rules? Are rewards or consequences being
used for compliance or noncompliance?
The teacher has an option of treasure box or lunch with her for those that get 100% on their
*Instruction Question 4: Does the teacher incorporate the sensory modalities (learning
styles)? If so, give examples.
Changes tone of voice when questioning student about their work. (ex: drags words such as
where or what)
CSN Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013
*Instruction Question 5: Do the students seem engaged in the lesson(s) that are being
presented? Please explain.
Yes, they do. In their reading lesson, many of the students were interested and wanted to
answer the questions.
*Instruction Question 6: Are there any students isolated from the rest of the class for any
reason? Why?
Instruction Question 7: Is instructional time managed efficiently? Please explain
Yes, each subject is divided equally throughout the day.
Instruction Question 8: How does the cooperating teacher handle transitions from one
subject or period to another, and are these transitions effective?
There isnt really a transition. The subjects are just switched.
*Instruction Question 9: List ways that the teacher attempts any attention getting
commands? (ex: Countdown, Light flicker, Heads on Desk) How effective are they?
Freeze is effective. The students all freeze. Give me 5 is also effective. Students are all
quiet and stop what they are doing.
*Instruction Question 10: What specific behavior issues does the teacher have to deal with?
How does the teacher deal with these behavior issues? Be specific.
One student accused another of turning on the computer. The teacher told the student to mind
their own business.
*Instruction Question 11: Are there any policies or procedures in place that help or hinder
instructional time? If so, explain them and how they help or hinder use of instructional time.
CSN Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013
ASSIGNMENT FOUR (Culture): Using the information provided below, carefully observe and
evaluate the culture of the school where you are assigned to observe. Remember you are
evaluating the school for its educational culture, place of learning, sense of safety, invitation for
learning, promotion of self-actualization, development of values and socialization.
Physical Characteristics: Look at the physical areas of the school to determine atmosphere,
comfort, and feelings the school creates for students in the educational setting.
1. Consider the school property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees,
parking lot, crosswalks, gates, signs and symbols.
Beaten down, mural on wall across the street, cracked pavement, dirt, not many trees.
2. Next, study the interior of the school: halls, floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall
colors and decorations and entrance security.
Very colorful, lots of decorations, blue, white.
Culture of the School: Read, listen and observe to determine the climate, values, and
atmosphere within the school.
1. Identify the schools mission statement, motto, and mascot.
OD Staff and families collaborate with students to achieve high academic and social growth.
Together, we are taking on the responsibilities of our future. Mascot: otter
2. Analyze staff and visitor interactions in the main office. Note student and faculty interactions
in other areas of the school.
Staff is nice and helpful. Children are very friendly. They greet every teacher they see.
3. Look at the formal practices: school day schedule; ages of students; calendar of events; size
of school; grouping of students.
CSN Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013
*1. Look for teacher(s) expectations for learning and success, interactions with students, and
his/her personality.
Makes sure students are on task, does not tolerate students who disrupt learning experience.
She is typically very nice and helpful. (ex: helps students with their sentences and spelling)
*2. Evaluate the level of student participation in the class. Who participates? Who does not?
The entire class participates and they are very engaged in class discussion.
*3. Evaluate the interactions between teachers and students, rapport, cohesiveness,
distribution of power, tone, frequency and reinforcements.
Teacher speaks a little more gentle and soft towards students. With teachers, likes to joke.
*Interview Question 12: What procedures or strategies do you use to maximize instructional
Likes to clap to get their attention, will model a lesson herself then has the students do them
then have them do some by themselves or with a partner.
*Interview Question 13: What positive reinforcement programs have you had success with?
Math reinforcement with the treasure box or having lunch with the teacher.
*Interview Question 14: What behavioral consequences seem most effective with this age
They want to please the teacher as well as their parents. Sometimes has a student change
their pin down and stay back for a few minutes during recess.
Interview Question 15: How are specialist teachers involved in the instructional planning
Suggested that they touch base with the specialist teachers. (ex: if doing measures, tries to
incorporate with specialists)
A) Ask permission from your cooperating teacher to accompany the students and
observe one or more of the specialist classes (Art, Music, Library, Humanities, PE) they
attend, or a different middle/high school subject the same students attend within your
cooperating teachers grade level team.
1. Do the students participate or behave differently in these classes in comparison to
their regular academic/cooperating teachers class?
Students seem to be more behaved. The PE instructors are a little more vocal, so it
might make them intimidated.
2. Does any student seem to have a particular talent? Describe.
One student is the fastest runner in the class and the coaches try to challenge him.
3. What is the curriculum like in comparison to the regular education(cooperating
teachers) class?
Students first run a lap or two. Students then play a game. In this instance, they played
line soccer.
4. Describe the specialist teachers instructional style.
The PE instructor is very loud and bold. She does not tolerate misbehaving students.
She uses her voice to command the students to do what they need to do.
5. What different strategies do you notice this teacher using that are successful?
CSN Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013
1. Do you notice any social and academic differences between the kids in this class and
in the regular education classes?
2. What is the curriculum like in comparison to the regular education class?
3. Describe the GATE/AP teachers instructional style.
4. Would you rather be in this class or the regular education class? Why?
5. How are student needs being met?
C) Ask your teacher for permission to visit the rooms of any specialized programs at the
school: Special Education, SEC (Severely Emotionally Challenged), Autism room,
Deaf/Hard of Hearing rooms, etc. Remember some schools do not have these programs, so this assignment
for some will be optional. Specialist classroom visits are strongly encouraged IF THEY CAN BE ARRANGED. Maintain
your professionalism at all times. Do not write a students name down when you are writing observation notes.
Maintain the students right to privacy by referring to a student as Student #1, Student #2 etc.
1. Do you notice any social and academic differences between the kids in this class and
in the regular education classes?
2. What is the curriculum like in comparison to the regular education class?
3. Describe the SPED teachers instructional style.
4. What are the challenges these students possess?
CSN Education Department, Las Vegas, Nevada 2013