Hajj & Umrah
Hajj & Umrah
Hajj & Umrah
Hajj, Umrah, Travel & Tourism Services, Pak Govt Hajj Group Organizer License # 3168, Saudi Hajj # 3858
To Our dearest brothers , sisters and elders in Islam, Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuh
Alhamdolillah with the great mercy of Allah ,we and our colleagues at Arqem(Pvt)Ltd have been blessed
and honored as being one of the most trusted and responsible companies to take pilgrims for Hajj &
Umrah. Arqem(Pvt)Ltd in Hajj & Umrah Services is geared towards making this auspicious and spiritual
journey of a lifetime a one that will Inshallah change your life for the better forever.
Mr.Zafar M. Choudhry Cheif Executive of Arqem (Pvt) Limited, has a vast experience with Hajj/Umrah
services since 1977. He is fully aware with the religious activities and help to pilgrims according to true
Sunnah and Quran. As a result of this awareness the performance of Hajj and Umrah become easier.
The highly educated and well trained team at Arqem is always available for your assistance.
Our team with five generation experience in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia is totally focused on ensuring your
trip runs as smoothly as possible and your Urkans are followed in the ways shown by our Beloved Prophet
Muhammed (PBUH).
Our aim is to have the honor of serving you as a guest of Allah to the two Holy Mosques in Saudia Arabia,
and assisting each and every pilgrim to have a comfortable, trouble free and safe Umrah or Hajj journey.
We must be honest and inform all the pilgrims will be performing all urkans with millions of people around
the world, in this safer-e-azeem for hajj-e-mabroor it is must for everyone to be patient as per Sunnah.
We hope you will decide to travel with us, but even if you do not we Pray that May Allah SWT accept your
Hajj/Umrah and we request you to pray for our group and our families. Please find enclosed picture in CD
of our pervious few Hajj Activities.
Good Luck ! We are praying for your Great Journey to Haramain sharifain .
Management of
Gate way to Haramain Sharifain .
Operation Office:14/1, L Block Gulberg III Main Ferozepur Road Opp Model Town More Lahore.
R e gis t e r ed of fi c e /P os ta l Ad d r ess : 2 8/ 2 Bl ock G Mo d el T ow n L a ho r e Pa k ista n.
Ph # + 9 2- 4 2- 5 85 19 54, 585 03 99 C el l # +9 2- 3 21 - 940 04 28 F a x # +9 2- 42 - 584 32 66
Em ail : a r qe mh aj j @ y a h o o. co m w e b: w w w. a r qe mh aj j .c om