General Englis H: SSC, RRB, Bank Exams

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Read the passage given below and answer

the Question Nos. 1 to 5.


Since earliest times man has been travell
-ing from one place to another. The thirst
for adventure is the main reasonbehind this
travel. Another reason is lust for knowledge
or discoveryor amusement. Whatever the
reason, travelling has agreat educative value.
Through travel, one gets first-hand
knowledge of men, their manners and
culture. In this way,many doubts and
astonishedto find so many common things
among human beings despite the vast
diversity that must also be there. One learns
newlangauges and makes new friends. This
adds to the spirit of equality, secularism and
universalism in the store-house of the
human mind.
In early times, means of communication,
travel and transportation were not so
developed. People went on long pilgrimages
and voyages. This furthered human interaction, no doubt, but the process was slow. A
large chunk of humanity led a vegetable life
in their somewhat self-reliant villages and
small towns. But now the astonishingly fast
means of travel and communication have
made the world a very small place.Still, in
this world of infinite variety where there is
always Gods plenty, the value of travel
can never diminish. In fact, the more the
discovery of lands, seas and mountains
besides human beings of innumerable
ethnic and linguistic diversity, the more the
curiosity to see and hear for onself. The
great historical discoveries have established
Indiansforays into other countries as far as
Italy and West Asia besides South Asian
countries, where ancient Indian coins and
other sings of Indian culture have been
found. The travels of the ancient Greek
hero, Ulysses, have been immortalized by
the blind poet Homer. Marco Polo, Fahian,
Huin Tsang, Ibn Batuta and other travellers
are known to all students of history. Who
can forget the adventurous stories of
Columbus and Vasco daGama? Now we
have Tensing and Hillary the first to climb
the Mt Everest. Neil Amstrong was the first
to travel to the moon in the rocket. Rakesh
Sharma has been the first and so far the
only Indian to travel in space in a Russian
rocket.This keen desire for travel has
greatly boosted tourism in modern times.
The wealthy and not-so-wealthy but curious
tourists visit several countries of the world
to see natural beauty, historical buildings
and men and their manners. They are also a
great source of foreign exchange to the
countries they visit. They bring some
impressions of their own countries and
carry impressions of the countries they visit
to their ownlands.
Of course, everybody cannot travel to the
moon. But many of us, specifically those
who are more adventurous, do travel round
the world in a ship, plane or even on bike or
on foot.

Almost all of us try to visit different cities

or countries if we can afford it or if we get
an opportunity. Why do we do so? Obviously,
God has not made man a stay-at-home crea
-ture. Avegetable life is unnatural to man.
So travelling is importantand natural to all of
us. We all believe in the dictum:
Travellight without the adjunct ...when
you must. After all, travelling replenishes
our sagging spirits by saving us from the
fatalroutine ennui and supplies us with
fresh energy and determination for the
struggle of life.
1. One is astonished to find..........
(a) Diversity
(b) Culture shock
(c) So many common things
(d) Differences

(a) taut
(c) student

(b) teaching
(d) class

9. Where would a Thesaurus be most

likely to befound:
(a) Theatre
(b) Library
(c) Garden
(d) Zoo
Find the correct meaning of the under lined word.
10. Your offer certainly mitigated their
(a) make milder
(b) increase
(c) take off
(d) help
11. She was insouciant throughout her
college days:
(a) carefree
(b) concerned
(c) interested
(d) troubled

(a) False
(c) Impossible

(d) Sensational

18. The baby is in the carrying basket.

(a) perambulator
(b) cot
(c) carry bag
(d) bassinet
Choose the correct answer to the underlined
19. I can never let the grass grow under
my feet.
(a) Be ambitious
(b) Be untidy
(c) Remain idle
(d) Be selfish
20. Nobody cares for a man of straw.
(a) a scholar
(b) a politician
(c) an insignificant common man
(d) a thin man
21. I hope that he will join our jazz band
because hecan really tickle the ivories.
(a) Be funny
(b) Play the piano skilfully
(c) Repair all instruments
(d) Sing very well
Pick out the word or phrase that is most
nearlysynonym to the word in Capital
(a) One who has very great natural
ability and talent.
(b) Class or Group of similar animal or
(c) Someone who is kind and friendly.
(d) Honest and Sincere.

SSC,RRB,Bank ExamS
2. A large chunk of humanity led a
vegetable life.Choose the meaning of
the underlined term.
(a) Farmers
(b) Cooks
(c) Stagnant
(d) Exciting
3. The keen desire to travel has boosted..
(a) Exchange programmes
(b) Tourism
(c) Modernism
(d) Secularism
4. Travel replenishes our sagging spirits.
Choose the opposite of the underlined
(a) Drooping
(b) Soaring
(c) Exciting
(d) Ill
5. Explain the word replenish
(a) Empty
(b) Refill
(c) Enjoy
(d) Relish
Choose the correct answer:
6. Her written statement failed to be
consistent......what she had said
(a) on
(b) with (c) in
(d) to
7. Canine is to dog as ____is to cat:
(a) bovine
(b) feline
(c) pine
(d) ravine
8. Strait is to straight as____is to taught:

12. A Rapacious man would be:

(a) generous
(b) very greedy
(c) helpful
(d) rude
13. A group of geese on the ground
(a) google
(b) gaggle
(c) rake
(d) flock
14. A group of geese in the air
(a) flight
(b) cloud
(c) pace
(d) skein
15. Choose the correct figure of speech Bill
is at rest
(a) Euphemism
(b) Alliteration
(c) Pun
(d) Hyperbole
16. Choose the correct option
The article reflects on the famous actor
as____and ruthless,____the already
widespread belief that he attained
stardomthrough unethical means.
(a) scheming ... questioning
(b) vengeful ... injuring
(c) ambitious ... verifying
(d) cruel ... challenging

(a) Hardworking
(b) Having an economy based on
(c) The work and process involved in
manufacturing things in factories.
(d) Things that relate to industry.
(a) Ultimate truth
(b) Ability to alter
(c) Unselfish concern for others
happiness and welfare
(d) Something that can exist instead of
something else
(a) Adjacent to a port
(b) Something, which can be carried
One who is fat
(d) A person whose job is to be in charge
of the entrance of a building
Find the correct meaning of the given words.

26. Illicit
(a) immoral
(c) ineligible
27. Flair
(a) talent
(c) bias
28. Salient
(a) valiant
(c) prudent

Choose a word to replace the underlined


1.c 2.c

17. The Indian Idol viewers love a Cindere

-lla story.

(b) illegal
(d) illegible
(b) tendency
(d) need
(b) variant
(d) prominent




5.b 6.b 7.b 8.a

9.b 10.a 11.a


13.d 14.a 15.c

16.c 17.b 18.a



21.b 22.c

23.a 24.c 25.c




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