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Hiking Groups DLM

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Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Appalachian Trail Activity




Start of

You and five of your friends decide to hike part of the Appalachian Trail,
the whole trail is a total of 2175-mile trail running from Georgia to Maine.
Your team will be dropped off in Pennsylvania and picked up at Harpers
Ferry. The team will be starting when school ends for the year in June.
Your team will consist of an expert in each of the following subjects on the
trip: Energy & Power, Manufacturing, Construction, Information &
Communication, Agriculture & Transportation, and Medicine & First Aid.
Your team must plan a 3 week hiking trip starting June 20th, dropping off
in Pennsylvania and picking up in Harpers Ferry.
Each person is responsible for making sure that their Hiking Team is well
prepared for this trip by knowing their own subject and packing the
resources needed for this trip within their subject. Each person is
required to have a plan and a back-up plan for their responsibilities on the
Your fearless and supportive leader/teacher will be meeting you ONCE
with a ration of supplies that you come up with within the weight limits.
Sheriff Sam will be around to protect you from anything that might harm
you like bears, crazy raccoons and other travelers.
Each of you will carry a pack filled to a maximum weight limit of 40 lbs.
Every pack does NOT have to have the same materials in it.
Your WHOLE team only has $2000 to spend on the materials for the trip,
this includes EVERYTHING needed for the trip (clothes, shoes, food,
Follow the Engineering Design Process to prepare your pack.
Computer w/Internet Access
Energy & Power
Fire, Charging
Pack, Clothes, Water
Sleeping arrangements
Equipment & Shoes
for all members: Where
*Challenge: What can
and How (Sleeping
you use for 2 different
bag, roll?)
Info & Communication
Medicine & First Aid
Information for the trip, Food for the trip (How
Simple First Aid Kit,
Communication on the many calories should
hike (Different paces?), you eat?), What
information that could
Communication with
Plants/Animals will you need medical
outside world, Ration
encounter? How will
attention, Normal
you react?
injuries (Prevention?)
Non-Verbal Day

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology


Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Define the Problem

What need or want must be met by the solution?
Make a plan to go on a 3 week hiking trip to the Appalachian Mountains by May 4, 2016. The supplies
must cost no more than $2,000 and weigh less than 40 pounds per person or 240 pounds per group.
We have to gather materials to meet medical, agricultural and transportation, construction,
manufacturing, communication, information, energy and power needs. Our leader is able to meet us
once to resupply us with what we need during our trip.


List possible items that might be used in your final pack. Clearly identify and describe how each of
these ideas relates to the problem statement. Organize them within the 6 Expert Categories: Energy &
Power, Manufacturing, Construction, Information & Communication, Agriculture & Transportation, and
Medicine & First Aid.

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Sleeping bags- it will help us survive

Clothing appropriate for the weather- survival

Agriculture & Transportation:

Food that will sustain us for a while- survival

Energy & Power:

Unperishable items- will help for a longer time

Information & Communication:

technology to bring- communication with group, location services
walky talkies, phones- communication and internet accessibility

Medicine & First Aid:

Antiseptic things like Neosporin- prevent infection in the case of an emergency
Bug spray- protect from diseases and sicknesses
Sunblock- help with sunburn and illness


Research and Generating Ideas

In the space below, document your research. I would suggest researching for cost and weight of items
as well as information of the trip. If any expert has something specific to research it should be done
here as well. Be sure to include proper citations at the end of your notes.

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

3 lb 14.25 oz

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5


Estwing Sportsman Axe 14-inch w/Sheath

2 pounds

$118.99, 16 lbs

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

.38 pounds




Identifying criteria and specifying constraints

What are the criteria and constraints of the design problem?



Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology


Period: 5

We have to survive our 3 week

hiking trip

Each person will bring their groups

stated materials

Sleepingbags that are waterproof

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Each person can only have 40 lbs

Must spend under $2,000

Team leader will meet you once along the way

Exploring possibilities
Reflect on your brainstormed ideas and research notes and describe the plusses and minuses of each
design approach you have considered. What decisions will your group have to make? Write down the
decisions that you must make to discuss.

Brainstorming Ideas &

Marmot sleeping bag
Hasky sleeping bag
Sportsman axe
Gray Westcott Scissors



Heavy duty

Heavy weighing, more expensive

Not as good of quality

Very light and cheap

May not be good quality because

it is a small one

Mildly heavy, small

Will be handy if we need it

Might be a waste of space

6. Selecting an Approach
a. Enter the constraints and criteria of the project in the first column.
b. Score your brainstorming ideas against each constraint or criterion and indicate how well the idea
meets the criteria and constraints. 3 pts = easily meets, 2 pts = somewhat meets, 1 pt. = does not
c. Total the columns and circle the highest score to indicate your best design idea.
On a scale of 1 to 5 least to greatest
3 Weeks









Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

7. Developing a Design Proposal

Based on the evaluation of your ideas, develop a design proposal packing list for the highest scoring
idea. Attach your working material list in Microsoft Excel file to your Weebly. Determine the materials
you plan to use based on your design.

8. Making a model or prototype

Within the 3D Modeling Software Autodesk Inventor create the items needed for the trip to fit within
the pack that you have bought/designed. Attach your parts & finished product from Autodesk Inventor
to your Weebly.

9. Testing and Evaluating the Design, using specifications

As you create your solution, you will perform tests to make sure that the solution is meeting the needs
of the given problem. If your solution does not work, you may need to repeat the previous steps of the
Engineering Design Process, until you find a functional design. In the space below, document the type
of tests you conducted and the results.
Test Performed
Waterproof sleeping

Test Results
The sleeping bag is waterproof, It showed a test video online


They can cut up to 15 sheets of paper at once

10.Refining the Design

Based on your tests, what design refinements should be made to the prototype to ensure that it can
satisfy all of the criteria and constraints of the design problem.

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

11.Creating or Making It
Modify your model/prototype to incorporate the design refinements you identified in section 10. What
additional steps would be necessary to produce the final product for the customer?

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

Name: Danielle Munn

Foundations of Technology

Period: 5

12.Communicating processes and results

a) Demonstrate your final packing list & packs to the rest of the class.


Date: 4/13/16
Unit 3 Hiking Group

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