Unit Assessment For Weebly
Unit Assessment For Weebly
Unit Assessment For Weebly
A. America
B. England
C. Boston
D. Paris
SHORT ANSWER: Answer using complete sentences, but no more than two
sentences for each question.
19. What caused the American colonists to desire change and act on those desires?
C .
A. America
B. England
C. Boston
D. Paris
FILL IN THE BLANK: Use what you have learned about the Revolutionary
War to fill in the blanks to complete the statements correctly.
19. The Declaration of Independence was adopted in 1776 and gave America
their independence they had been longing for.
20. During the Revolutionary War King George III was the
ruler of England.
21. Paul Revere warned the colonists that the British
were coming.
22. There were 13 colonies before they became
one United States of America.
23. The Tax
their anger.
SHORT ANSWER: Answer using complete sentences, but no more than two
sentences for each question.
21. What caused the American colonists to desire change and act on those desires?
-Parliament wanted to raise taxes because of their debt brought on by the French
and Indian War
-The American colonists were not happy with this at all because they didnt elect the
members of Parliament anymore and no longer lived in that country.
Summary of Assessment
Throughout this unit on the Revolutionary Warm, I have reflected on my
assessments and come to the realization of their importance. I made certain that each
of my assessments at the end of each lesson, reflected each of those lessons. Also,
its important that student learning is the goal and that each assessment given to
students has a purpose. Each of my assessments, both formative and summative, all
have a purpose in my unit and help me a clear depiction of what the students
understanding of the individual lessons. At the same time, these assessments also
show me what the students still have questions about or are still struggling with. I
used 5 formative assessments as well as 1 summative assessment at the end of the
unit. Although I used a variety of formative assessments during this unit: newspaper
article, letters, journal prompts, exit slip and a response journal. I think that students
would enjoy the idea that I try to immerse them in the time period in half of these
assessments. They are asked to tell pretend as if they lived in the time period of the
Revolutionary War and respond in different situations, about different events and to
different people. This is a great way to help students not only remember information
but, understand and apply that information. They will want to know more about the
information of the time and will most likely want to extend their knowledge of what
was taught by researching to fulfill all of the needs of the assessment. I am very
happy with my assessments and the fact that all of my formative assessments go
along perfectly with my summative assessment and my end goal and over all
objective for this unit
Table of Specifications
COS Standards
Know and able to do