Investment Contract

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Investment Contract

Company: Zywary Tech Sdn Bhd (Zywary)

Investors: Syed Osman Bin Abdul Rahim and Ziahul Huq Bin Jamirullah Khan
Address: No. 65, Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, 10200 Penang.
This document serves as a binding contract between Zywary (hereinafter known as
the Company) and Syed Osman Bin Abdul Rahim (I/C No:851226-35-5193) of
Ziahul Huq Bin Jamirullah Khan (I/C No:840930-71-5021) both of No. 65, Jalan
Masjid Kapitan Keling, 10200 Penang, hereafter known as the Investors. Whereas
the Company is seeking an investment and the Investors are willing to fund the
venture, therefore both parties agree to the following conditions:
Article 1
The Investors had contributed RM100,000-00 each. The Company will be required to
present approved updates to the Investor on the status of the venture periodically. The
updates, benchmarks or deliverables shall be presented thus:
Progress report every 4 months
Return of Investment 3 years from the date of this agreement.
Article 2
The money provided by the Investor will be used for the following aspects
within the venture and nothing further:
- Acquisition of companies (Social media accounts, websites and offline stores)
- Any additional aspects must be approved by the Investors before the funding
can be allocated.
Article 4
This contract is valid and legally binding from 31-03-2016 to 29-02-2019 or
until the Investors receives the agreed upon ROI amount of [ %] of the

This contract shall be enforced according to the laws of Malaysia.

(Entrepreneurs Signature)


(Investors Signature)


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