American HST II Syllabus
American HST II Syllabus
American HST II Syllabus
Spring 2015
Course Description:
As outlined by the North Carolina Dept. of Public Instruction (subject to change as the bureaucrats and politicians make work for themselves).
American History II: The Founding Principles will guide students from the late nineteenth century through
the early 21st century.
Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States from the
end of the Reconstruction era to present times. The essential standards of American History II: The Founding
Principles will trace the change in the ethnic composition of American society; the movement toward equal
rights for racial minorities and women; and the role of the United States as a major world power. An emphasis is
placed on the expanding role of the federal government and federal courts (is this a good thing?) as well as the
continuing tension between the individual and the state. The desired outcome of this course is for students to
develop an understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship between past and present events, recognize
patterns of interactions, and understand the impact of events on in the United States in an interconnected world.
Student Learning Expectations:
My goal is to use the 86 days we have together to improve your ability to reason, to articulate, to read, and to express
yourself in the written word.
-Tests (50%) 4 Tests each quarter (total of 8 Tests) and 2 project grades (to count as test grades)
-Quizzes (25%) Weekly Vocabulary Quizzes will come from Vocab and Notes packets completed each week
-Homework and class work (20%) This will come from Weekly Vocab/Notes packets and other in-class and
homework assignments.
-Notebook (5%) I will conduct bi-weekly notebook/binder checks looking for graded packets, quizzes, and assigned
-Final Exam (20%) of overall grade) See Exam Exemption policy
Please see Powerschool for assignments, grades, and due dates.
Classroom Expectations:
A classroom set of textbooks will be kept on the shelf in the room. As needed, you are welcome to take books
home. Please bring them back.
If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain any notes from class and ensure that
his/her notebook is up-to-date and/or assignments submitted.
Late work will receive a letter grade deduction (unless approved by me in advance)
Conduct yourselves as ladies and gentlemen. I am old fashioned and like things orderly, quiet, appropriate,
and consistent with high moral and ethical standards. Gentlemen, not hats please. Watch your language.
Conduct yourself with dignity.
I will adhere to the Stokes Co. Schools Parent/Student handbook (this especially concerns electronics, cell
phones, tardy policy, and behavior issues).
Class Materials
-3 ring binder, paper
-Pen or pencil. If I loan a pen/pencil, I will need collateral
Finally, let us look at the Essential Standards for the course. If you leave here in June unfamiliar with the standards below
then I have let you down (and you likely let yourself down). The standards sound fancy, but in reality a good student of
history who follows the story, understands the narrative, can isolate the conflicts, appreciate the colorful characters,
realize the turning points, and recognize that who were are today is a reflection our past, probably understands the overly
dramatized language below.