This administrative order from the Philippines Department of Health outlines new labeling requirements for pharmaceutical products containing 4 or more active ingredients. It requires the generic name of each active ingredient and its strength to be printed in a box on the principal display panel, with the brand or trade name printed below in smaller letters. It provides examples of the new labeling format. It also establishes a process for drug companies to change over to the new labels, including deadlines to submit proposed labels for approval and to complete transitioning existing product labels.
This administrative order from the Philippines Department of Health outlines new labeling requirements for pharmaceutical products containing 4 or more active ingredients. It requires the generic name of each active ingredient and its strength to be printed in a box on the principal display panel, with the brand or trade name printed below in smaller letters. It provides examples of the new labeling format. It also establishes a process for drug companies to change over to the new labels, including deadlines to submit proposed labels for approval and to complete transitioning existing product labels.
This administrative order from the Philippines Department of Health outlines new labeling requirements for pharmaceutical products containing 4 or more active ingredients. It requires the generic name of each active ingredient and its strength to be printed in a box on the principal display panel, with the brand or trade name printed below in smaller letters. It provides examples of the new labeling format. It also establishes a process for drug companies to change over to the new labels, including deadlines to submit proposed labels for approval and to complete transitioning existing product labels.
This administrative order from the Philippines Department of Health outlines new labeling requirements for pharmaceutical products containing 4 or more active ingredients. It requires the generic name of each active ingredient and its strength to be printed in a box on the principal display panel, with the brand or trade name printed below in smaller letters. It provides examples of the new labeling format. It also establishes a process for drug companies to change over to the new labels, including deadlines to submit proposed labels for approval and to complete transitioning existing product labels.
ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO.99 S. 1990 SUBJECT : REQUIREMENTS FOR LABELLING MATERIALS OF CATEGORIES OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS CONTAINING FOUR OR MORE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS OUTSIDE THE COVERAGE OF A.O. 85 s. 1990. Section 1 : Applicability of the provision of A.O. 55 s. 1990 All pertinent provisions of A.O. 55 s. 1990 on general and specific requirements for labelling materials of pharmaceutical products shall apply to products containing four or more active ingredients covered by this A.O. Section 2 : Coverage All multiactive-ingredient pharmaceutical products containing four or more active ingredients not covered by A.O. 85 s. 1990, are covered by this A.O. Section 3 : Generic Labelling For these multiactive-ingredient products, covered by this A.O., The Generic Name for each active ingredient with the corresponding strength or concentration shall be printed within the outline box on the principal display panel with the Trade or Brand Name of the product printed in smaller letters than each generic name immediately below the box as shown in the example below: 3.1. Example 1 ORAL REHYDRATION SALT - 90 Per Liter Sodium 90 mEg Potassium 20 mEg Chloride 80 mEg Citrate 30 mEg Dextrose 25 mEg PEDIALYTE-90 Example 2 DTP + IPV INJ. Per 5 mL Vial Diphtheria Toxoid 1 vac dose Tetanus Toxoid 1 vac dose Bordetella Pertussis min Int 1 IU Inactivated Polio Myolitin Type I 1 vac dose Type 2 1 vac dose Type 3 1 vac dose TETRACOQ
Section 4 : Procedure for Changing Over to New Labels
4.1 All drug establishments that own registered drug products covered under this A.O shall present their proposed generic labels in compliance with the above for review and approval by BFAD not later than March 31, 1991. 4.2 All satisfactory applications for new generic labels covered by this A.O. submitted within March 31, 1991 deadline shall be approved by BFAD no later than May 31, 1991. 4.3 Starting sixty (60) days after approval but not later than August 1, 1991, only such approved generic labels shall be used for these products in new production. The drug establishment is required to submit the last batch number bearing the old label and the first batch number bearing the new generic label before the start of actual production with the new label. 4.4 After October 31, 1991, all covered products with the old label shall be deemed misbranded and subject to seizure by BFAD. 4.5 It shall be the responsibility of the drug establishment to ascertain the coverage of this A.O. on its products.' 4.6 Remedial generic labelling according to the provisions of A.O. 79 s. 1989 is available to products covered by this A.O. 4.7 Approval of the new label under this new A.O. should not be taken to mean that the present formula for the FDC is acceptable. This formula will still be subject to review per A.O. 96 s.1990.
Section 5 : Separability Clause
In any case provision of the A.O is declared contrary to law or unconstitutional, other provisions which are not affected thereby shall continue to be in force and in effect. Section 6 : Effectivity This A.O. s., Rules and Regulations, and other Administrative issuance or parts thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of the A.O. are thereby repealed and modified accordingly. Section 7 : Effectivity This A.O. s, shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in two newspapers of general circulation.