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Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Holy Thursday Evening

Matins of Holy Friday
Matins of the Crucifixion
Copyright 2013 by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Denver
All rights reserved. These materials remain the property of the Greek Orthodox
Metropolis of Denver, 4550 East Alameda Avenue, Denver, CO 80246; phone: 303-3337794.
The proper materials contained herein are published solely and exclusively for use by the
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Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Matins of the Crucifixion

for Holy and Great Friday
on Holy Thursday Evening

. .

Priest Blessed is our God, always, now,

and ever, and to the ages of ages.


, ,
, ,

Priest Glory to You, O God, glory to

Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of
truth, present everywhere and filling all
things, Treasury of good things and Giver of
life: come and dwell in us, cleanse us of
every impurity; and save our souls, O good

, , .

, ,

, .



God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy , ,


God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy , ,


Holy , ,

God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal, have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. , . ,

Lord, cleanse us of our sins. Master,
pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit
and heal our infirmities for Your
names sake.

. ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. . .

Lord, have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Our Father, Who art in the heavens, , ,

hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

come, Thy will be done on earth as it is

in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one.



Priest For Thine is the kingdom and the

power and the glory, of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and
ever, and to the ages of ages.


Amen. Lord, have mercy. (12)

. . ()

Imperial Psalms

Psalm 19

The Priest censes with the Katzion.

The Lord hear you in the day of

affliction; the name of the God of Jacob ,
defend you.
Let Him send forth help to you from
His sanctuary, and let Him help you
out of Sion.

Let Him remember every sacrifice of

yours, and let Him fatten your wholeburnt offering.

The Lord grant you according to your

heart, and fulfill your purposes.

We will rejoice in Your salvation, and

we shall be magnified in the name of
the Lord our God.

The Lord fulfill all your requests.

Now I have known that

saved His anointed one:
him out of His holy
salvation of His right
mighty deeds.

the Lord has

He will hear
heaven; the
hand is in

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Some trust in chariots, and some in

horses, but we will call on the name of
the Lord our God.
They have been fettered and have
fallen, but we are risen and are set
Lord, save the king, and hear us in the
day when we call on You.



, ,

Psalm 20

O Lord, the king shall be glad in Your ,

strength, and he shall rejoice
exceedingly in Your salvation.
You have granted him the desire of
his heart, and have not denied him the
requests of his lips.
You went before him with the
blessings of goodness, You have set
upon his head a crown of precious




He asked life of You, and You gave

him length of days to ages of ages.

, ,

Great is his glory in Your salvation;

You shall lay glory and majesty on
For You shall give him blessing to
ages of ages, You shall gladden him
in joy with Your countenance.
For the king hopes in the Lord, and
through the mercy of the Most High
he shall not be shaken.
Let Your hand be found on all Your
enemies; let Your right hand find all
that hate You.
For You will make them as an oven of
fire in the time of Your presence; the
Lord in His wrath will sorely trouble
them and fire shall devour them.






Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

You will destroy their fruit from the

earth, and their seed from the sons of
men, for they have intended evil
against You, they have devised
counsels which they shall not be able
to establish.
For You shall make them turn their
backs; You shall make ready their
countenance among those who are
Your remnant.
Be exalted, Lord, in Your strength; we
will sing and chant of Your mighty

, ,

, ,


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .


God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy , ,


God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy , ,


Holy , ,

God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal, have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. , . ,

Lord, cleanse us of our sins. Master,
pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit
and heal our infirmities for Your
names sake.

. ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. . .

Lord, have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Our Father, Who art in the heavens, , ,

hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one.



Priest For Thine is the kingdom and the

power and the glory, of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and
ever, and to the ages of ages.



Imperial Troparia

O Lord, save Your people, and bless , , ,

Your inheritance; grant victory to the
rulers against the adversaries of the
faith, and protect Your commonwealth
through Your holy Cross.

, ,

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, .

and to the Holy Spirit

You, O Christ our God, Who chose of ,

Your own will to be lifted up on the
Cross, grant Your mercies to Your new
commonwealth which is called by Your
name. In Your power, gladden the
hearts of our faithful rulers against
those who war against them, having
Your alliance as their weapon of peace,
an invincible standard.

, ,
, ,
, .

Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.


. .

Awesome and blameless protection, do ,

not overlook our petitions, O pure and , , ,
praiseworthy Theotokos; make firm the

community of the Orthodox; save those ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

whom you have called to rule; and grant ,

them victory from heaven, for you bore
God, only blessed one.
, .

Priest Have mercy on us, O God,

according to Your great mercy; we beseech
You, hear us and have mercy.

, ,
, ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. ,

, .

Lord, have mercy.

Priest Again we pray for pious and
Orthodox Christians.

, .

Priest Again we pray for our Archbishop

(Name), and for all our brotherhood in

, .

Priest Truly You are a merciful God Who

loves mankind, and to You we send up
glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
ages of ages.

( ),

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. ,

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. ,

Lord, have mercy.


Amen. In the name of the Lord, Father, . , ,


Priest Glory to the holy, consubstantial,

life-creating and undivided Trinity, always;
now and ever, and to the ages of ages.



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Glory to God in the highest, and peace ,

on earth, good will to men.

, .

Glory to God in the highest, and

peace on earth, good will to men.

, .

Glory to God in the highest, and

peace on earth, good will to men.

, .

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth , ,

shall show forth Your praise.

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth

, ,

shall show forth Your praise.

Psalm 3

O Lord, why are those who afflict me

; .
Many rise up against me. Many say to
my soul: there is no salvation for him .
in his God.
But You, O Lord, are my Helper, my
Glory, and the One who lifts up my .
I cried to the Lord with my voice, and
He heard me out of His holy .
I laid down and slept; I awoke, for the

Lord will help me.

I will not be afraid of ten thousands of
people that set themselves round .
about against me.
Rise, O Lord; save me, my God; for
You have struck down all who
without cause are my enemies; You ,
have broken the teeth of sinners.
Salvation is of the Lord, and Your
blessing is on Your people.
(And Again) I laid down and slept; I ( )
awoke, for the Lord will help me.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Psalm 37

O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your ,

anger, nor chasten me in Your wrath!
For Your arrows are fastened in me,
and You have laid Your hand heavily .
upon me
There is no healing in my flesh in the
face of Your wrath; and there is no ,
peace in my bones in the face of my
For my iniquities have risen higher
than my head; they have pressed ,
heavily on me as a heavy burden.
My wounds have become foul and
festering in the face of my
I have been wretched and utterly
bowed down until the end; I went all ,

the day long with downcast face.

For my loins are filled with
inflammation, and there is no healing
in my flesh.
I am afflicted and exceedingly
humbled, I have groaned from the
turmoil of my heart.
O Lord, all my desire is before You,
and my groaning is not hidden from
My heart is troubled, my strength has ,
failed me; and the light of my eyes,
even this is not with me.

My friends and my neighbors drew
near over against me and stood, and
my nearest of kin stood afar off.

And those who sought after my soul
used violence; and those who sought
evils for me spoke vain things, and ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

they meditated deception all the day


But as for me, like a deaf man I did

not hear them, and I was as a
speechless man who does not open his

And I became as a man that does not

hear, and that has no reproofs in his

For I have hoped in You, O Lord; You

will hear me, Lord my God.


For I said: Let my enemies never

rejoice over me; indeed, when my feet
were shaken, those men spoke
boastful words against me.

For I am ready for scourges, and my

sorrow is continually before me.

For I will declare my iniquity, and I

will anguish concerning my sin.

But my enemies live and are made

stronger than I, and those who hated
me unjustly are multiplied.

Those who render me evil for good

slandered me, because I pursued

Do not forsake me, O Lord my God,

do not depart from me.

, .

Be attentive to my help, O Lord of my


(And Again) Do not forsake me, O

Lord my God, do not depart from me.

( )

Be attentive to my help, O Lord of my



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Psalm 62

O God, my God, to You I rise early at .

My soul has thirsted for You; how
often has my flesh longed after You in
a land barren and untrodden and



So I have appeared before You in the

sanctuary to see Your power and Your

For Your mercy is better than lives;

my lips shall praise You.

So shall I bless You in my life, and I

will lift up my hands in Your name.

Let my soul be filled as with marrow

and fatness, and my mouth shall
praise You with lips of rejoicing.

If I remembered You on my bed, I

meditated on You at the dawn.

For You have become my Helper; I

will rejoice in the shelter of Your

My soul has cleaved after You, Your

right hand has been quick to help me.

But as for those who in vain have

sought after my soul, they shall go
into the lowest parts of the earth, they
shall be surrendered to the edge of the
sword, they shall be portions for

But the king shall be glad in God;

everyone shall be praised that swears
by Him; for the mouth of those who
speak unjust things is stopped.



(And Again) At the dawn I meditated

on You; For You have become my

( )


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Helper; in the shelter of Your wings I

will rejoice.

My soul has cleaved after You, Your

right hand has been quick to help me.


Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to , , ,

You, O God.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. ,

, .

Lord, have mercy.

Psalm 87

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .
O Lord, God of my salvation, I have
cried by day and by night before You.

Let my prayer come before You, bow

down Your ear to my supplication.


For my soul is filled with evils, and

my life has drawn near to Hades.

I am counted with those who go down

into the pit; I have become as a man
without help, free among the dead.



I am like the bodies of the slain that

sleep in the grave, Whom You
remember no more, and who are cut
off from Your hand.

They laid me in the lowest pit, in

darkness and the shadow of death.


Your anger lies heavily on me, and

You have afflicted me with all Your


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

You have removed my friends far

from me; they have made me an
abomination to themselves.

, .

I have been delivered up, and have not

come forth; my eyes have grown
weak from poverty.

I have cried to You, O Lord, the

whole day long; I have stretched out
my hands to You.

No, will You work wonders for the

dead? Or shall physicians raise them
up that they may give thanks to You?

No, shall any in the grave tell of Your

mercy, and of Your truth in that

No, shall Your wonders be known in

that darkness, and Your righteousness
in that land that is forgotten?

But as for me, I have cried to You, O

Lord; and in the morning my prayer
shall come before You.

O Lord, why do You therefore cast off

my soul and turn Your face away
from me?



I am as a poor man, and in troubles

from my youth; indeed, having been
exalted, I was humbled and brought to

Your fierce wrath has gone over me,

and Your terrors have sorely troubled


They came around me all day long

like water, they engulfed me


Because of my misery You have

removed friend and neighbor and my
acquaintances far from me.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

(And Again) O Lord God of my

salvation, I have cried by day and by
night before You.

( )


Let my prayer come before You, bow

down Your ear to my supplication!

Psalm 102

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that , , ,

is within me, bless His holy name.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not

forget all that He has done for you.

, , ,

Who is gracious to all your iniquities,

Who heals all your infirmities.


Who redeems your life from

corruption, Who crowns you with
mercy and compassion.


Who fulfills your desire with good

things; your youth shall be renewed as
the eagles.


The Lord does deeds of mercy, and

executes judgment for all those who
are wronged.


He has made His ways known to

Moses, the things that He has willed
to the sons of Israel.


The Lord is compassionate and

merciful, long suffering and plenteous
in mercy; He will not be angered to
the end, neither will He be angry to


He has not dealt with us according to

our iniquities, neither has He
rewarded us according to our sins.



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

For according to the height of heaven

from the earth, so has the Lord made
His mercy to prevail over those who
fear Him.
As far as the east is from the west, so
far has He removed our iniquities
from us.
Like a father has compassion on his
sons, so has the Lord had compassion
on those who fear Him; for He knows
of what we are made, He has
remembered that we are dust.
As for man, his days are as the grass;
as a flower of the field, so shall he
blossom forth.
For when the wind passes over it, then
it shall be gone, and its place will no
longer remember it.
But the mercy of the Lord is from
eternity, even to eternity, on those
who fear Him.
And His righteousness is on sons of
sons, on those who keep His testament


The Lord in heaven has prepared His

throne, and His kingdom rules over
Bless the Lord, O all you His Angels,
mighty in strength, that perform His
word, to hear the voice of His words.

, ,
, ,
, , ,

Bless the Lord, O all you His hosts,

His ministers that do His will.
Bless the Lord, O all you His works,
in every place of His dominion; bless
the Lord, my soul.


, .
, ,




Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

(And Again) Bless the Lord, O all you

His works, in every place of His
dominion; bless the Lord, my soul.
Psalm 142

( )


O Lord, hear my prayer, in Your truth ,

give ear to my supplications; hear me in
Your righteousness.

And do not enter into judgment with
Your servant, for in Your sight no
man living shall be justified.
For the enemy has persecuted my
soul; he has humbled my life down to ,
the earth.
He has sat me in darkness as those
who have been long dead, and my
spirit within me has become
despondent; my heart within me is
I remembered days of old, I meditated
on all Your works, I pondered on the
creations of Your hands.

I stretched forth my hands to You; my

soul thirsts after You like a waterless
Quickly hear me, O Lord; my spirit
has fainted away.


Do not turn Your face from me, lest I

be like those who go down into the
Cause me to hear Your mercy in the
morning; for I have put my hope in
Cause me to know, O Lord, the way
in which I should walk; for I have
lifted up my soul to You.

Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord;

I have fled to You for refuge.



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Teach me to do Your will, for You are

my God.

Your good Spirit shall lead me in the

land of uprightness; You shall quicken
me for Your names sake, O Lord.

In Your righteousness You shall bring

my soul out of affliction, and in Your
mercy You shall utterly destroy my

And You shall cut off all those who

afflict my soul, for I am Your servant.

righteousness, O Lord, and do not
enter into judgment with Your

( )


(And Again) Hear me in Your

righteousness, O Lord, and do not
enter into judgment with Your

( )


(And Again) Let Your good spirit lead

me on a level path!

( )

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to ,
the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia; Glory to , , .

You, O God.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia; Glory to , , .

You, O God.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia; Glory to , , .

You, O God. Lord, my Hope, glory to . , ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

The Great Litany


In peace let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Priest For the peace from above and for

the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the

Lord, have mercy.


, .

Priest For the peace in the whole world,

for the stability of the holy churches of God,
and for the union of all, let us pray to the

Lord, have mercy.

, ,

, .

Priest For this holy house and for those

who enter with faith, reverence, and the fear
of God, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, ,

, .

Priest For pious and Orthodox Christians,

let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, .

, .

Priest For our Archbishop (Name), the

honorable presbytery, the diaconate in
Christ, and for all the clergy and the laity, let
us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

(), ,
, .

, .

Priest For the president of our country,

for all civil authorities, and for our armed
forces on land, at sea, and in the air, let us
pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, .

, .

Priest For this city, for every city and

land, and for the faithful who dwell in them,
let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.


, .

, .

Priest For
abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for
peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.


, .

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Priest For travelers by sea, land and air;
the sick, the suffering, the captives and their
salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, ,
, ,
, .

, .

Priest For our deliverance from all

tribulation, wrath, danger, and necessity, let
us pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, ,
, .

, .

Priest Help us, save us, have mercy on us,

and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Lord, have mercy.

, ,
, , .

, .

Priest Commemorating our all-holy, pure,

most-blessed, and glorious Lady, the
Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with all
the saints, let us commit ourselves and one
another and all our life to Christ our God.

To You, O Lord.

, ,

, .

, .

Priest For to You belong all glory, honor,

and worship: to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to
the ages of ages.


, ,


My spirit seeks You early in the night

watches for Your commandments are a , ,
light upon the earth.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

, , .
Learn righteousness, you who dwell
upon the earth.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

, , .
Zeal shall seize an untaught people, ,
and now fire shall devour adversaries.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

, , .
Bring more evils upon them, O Lord, , ,
bring more evils upon those who are .
glorious upon the earth.

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

, , .

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Troparion of the Mystical Supper

Tone Plagal 4

(Solemnly) When the glorious disciples

were enlightened by the washing at
the Supper, then Judas the impious
one was darkened with avarice, and
to the lawless judges he betrays You
the righteous Judge. Behold you
lovers of money him who struggled
for greed, flee from the greedy soul of
the disciple who dared to commit such
things. O You Who are good to all,
O Lord, glory to You.

() ,
. ,

, .

(Repeat, solemnly) When the glorious

disciples were enlightened by the
washing at the Supper, then Judas the
impious one was darkened with
avarice, and to the lawless judges he
betrays You the righteous Judge.
Behold you lovers of money him who
struggled for greed, flee from the
greedy soul of the disciple who dared
to commit such things. O You Who
are good to all, O Lord, glory to You.

(, )
, ,
. ,

, .

(Repeat, quickly) When the glorious

disciples were enlightened by the
washing at the Supper, then Judas the
impious one was darkened with
avarice, and to the lawless judges he
betrays You the righteous Judge.
Behold you lovers of money him who
struggled for greed, flee from the
greedy soul of the disciple who dared
to commit such things. O You Who
are good to all, O Lord, glory to You.

(, )
, ,
. ,

, .


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

First Matins Gospel

John 13:31 - 18:1

. 31 - 1

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. ,

, .

Lord, have mercy.

Deacon Wisdom. Rise. Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to John.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.

First Antiphon

Tone Plagal 4

The rulers of the people take counsel ,

together, against the Lord, and against , .
His Anointed One.

A lawless accusation is laid against me ,

, , ,

Lord, O Lord, do not forsake me.

Let us present our senses pure to ,

Christ, and as His friends, let us offer
our souls to Him. Let us not, like Judas,
choke ourselves with the concerns of
this world, but from our innermost
depths let us cry out: Our Father, Who
art in the heavens, deliver us from the
evil one.

, ,



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

O Mary Theotokos, as a Virgin you ,

give birth, and yet remain a Virgin: O , ,

unwedded Mother, entreat Christ our .
, .
God to save us.
Second Antiphon

Tone Plagal 2

Judas hastens to the lawless scribes

saying: What will you give me, and I
will deliver Him to you? And
invisibly You stand in the midst of
these who conspire as to the price that
would be agreed for You. Spare our
souls; O You Who know the hearts of

, ,


Let us serve God with compassion, as ,

did Mary at the supper; and let us not, ,

like Judas, foster avarice, that we may , ,
forever be with Christ, our God.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Cease not, O Virgin, to implore Him, ,

Whom you inexplicably bear; that He ,

may save from dangers those who flee , ,
to you; for He is ever-merciful.
Third Antiphon

Tone 2

By reason of raising Lazarus, O ,

merciful Lord, the Hebrew children cry ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

out: Hosanna to You; but the lawless .

Judas is unwilling to understand.

At Your Supper, O Christ God, You ,

foretell Your disciples: One of You
will betray Me; but the lawless Judas .
was unwilling to understand.
, .

When Judas asks You, O Lord, Who

is Your, betrayer, You reveal him by ;

the bread; but the lawless Judas is ,
unwilling to understand.
, .

For thirty pieces of silver, and a ,

deceitful kiss, the Jews seek to slay ,
You, O Lord; but the lawless Judas is .
unwilling to understand.
, .

At the washing of the feet, You, O ,

Christ God, exhort Your disciples: Do .
the same as you see; but the lawless .
Judas is unwilling to understand.
, .

You, O God, say to Your disciples, ,

Be vigilant and pray, that You not be ,
tempted; but the lawless Judas is ,
unwilling to understand.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
Deliver us, all of your servants, from
danger, O Theotokos; after God, we
all flee to you, for shelter and covering,
as an unshakable wall and our

. .

Sessional Hymn (Kathisma)

Grave Tone

, ,
, .

While feeding Your disciples at the

Supper, and knowing the scheme of
Your betrayal, You accuse Judas,
recognizing him as incorrigible. You
want to make it known to all, that You



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

willingly surrender, in order to grasp , ,

the world from the enemy. O long- .
suffering Lord, glory to You.
Second Matins Gospel

John 18:1-28

. 1-28

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to John.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.
Fourth Antiphon

Tone Plagal 1

Today Judas forsakes the Master, and ,

takes to himself the devil; he is blinded
by the passion of avarice, and in his
darkness he is falling from the light.
For, how is he able to see, since he sold
the Bearer of light for thirty pieces of
silver? But He Who suffers for the
world becomes the Dawn for us. To
Him let us cry: Glory to You Who
suffer for, and with, mankind.

, ,

, ,
, .

Today Judas simulates godliness, and

estranges himself from grace. While a ,
disciple, he becomes a betrayer, and , ,
under a guise of friendship he conceals , ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

deceit. He, in his folly, prefers thirty

pieces of silver to the love of the
Master, and becomes a guide to the
lawless council. But let us glorify the
Master, Christ Who is our salvation,.
Tone 1


As brothers in Christ, let us acquire ,

brotherly love. Let us not lack
compassion for our neighbors, that we
may not be condemned like the
unmerciful servant on account of
money, or lest our repentance like that
of Judas, be to no avail.

, ,
, .

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Glorious things are spoken of you

everywhere; for you bear in the flesh , ,
the Maker of all, O Mary: the , ,
Theotokos, the all-praised, and the , .
unwedded Bride.
Fifth Antiphon

Tone Plagal 2

The disciple of the Teacher contracts

the price, and sells the Lord for thirty ,
pieces of silver. With a deceitful kiss, , ,
he surrenders Him to death at the hands ,
of the lawless.

Today the Creator of heaven and earth

says to His disciples: The hour is near,
and Judas, who betrays me, is at hand.
Let no one deny Me, seeing Me on the
Cross between two thieves; for as Man
I suffer, and as the One Who loves
mankind, I save those who believe in

, .
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

O Virgin, who in the last days , ,

ineffably conceives and gives birth , ,
your own Creator, save those who , .
magnify you.
Sixth Antiphon

Grave Tone

Today Judas is vigilant as to how he

can deliver up the Lord, the Savior of
the world before all ages; even Him
Who with five loaves satisfies the
multitude. Today the transgressor
denies the Teacher; although he is a
disciple, he betrays the Master. He sells
for silver, the One Who satisfied His
people with manna.

, .


Today the Jews nail to the Cross the ,

Lord, Who divides the sea with a rod,
leading them through the wilderness.
Today they pierce His side with a
spear, Who for their sake smites Egypt
with plagues; they give Him gall to
drink, Who rains manna upon them for

, ,
, .

O Lord, as You come willingly to

Your Passion, You declare unto Your
disciples: If you can not watch with
Me for one hour, how can you promise
to die for Me? Look at Judas, how he
does not sleep, but hastens to betray
Me to the enemy? Arise, pray, lest any
of you deny Me when you see Me on
the Cross. O long-suffering One, glory
to You.


; ,
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Rejoice, O Theotokos! For you contain

in your womb, the One, Whom the
heavens cannot contain. Rejoice, O
Virgin! For you are the proclamation of
prophets, through whom Emmanuel is
made manifest to us. Rejoice, O
Mother of Christ God.

, ,

Sessional Hymn (Kathisma)

Grave Tone

In what manner are you compelled, O ,

Judas, to betray the Savior? Does He
separate you from the company of the
Apostles? Does He deprive you of the
grace of healing? Does He at the
washing of the feet of others, overlook
yours? Oh! How forgetful you are of
the many blessings! You are
condemned for your ingratitude, while
His bountiful forbearance and great
mercy are proclaimed.


, ;
, !
, ,

Third Matins Gospel

Matthew 26:57-75

. 57-75

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel
according to Matthew.
Deacon Let us be attentive.


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.
Seventh Antiphon
Tone Plagal 4



While permitting the lawless men to ,

seize You, O Lord, You thus declare:
Though you strike down the
Shepherd, and scatter the twelve sheep,
O My disciples, yet I could summon
more than twelve legions of angels by
My side; but I forebear, so that the
unknown and secret things, which I
reveal to you through My prophets,
may be fulfilled. O Lord, glory to

, ,

, .

Peter, denying You three times, ,

straight-away recalls the words You
said to him, and he brings tears of .
repentance to You, saying: O God .
forgive me and save me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Let us all praise the holy Virgin, as the

gateway to salvation; as a paradise of , ,
delight; as a cloud of everlasting Light, ,
and cry out, Rejoice!
Eighth Antiphon

Tone 2

Tell us, O lawless men: What do you

hear from our Savior? Does He not set , ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

forth the teaching of the Law and the

Prophets? How then, can you take
counsel to hand over to Pilate the Word
of God, Who comes forth from God,
the Redeemer of our souls?

, ;

Let Him be crucified! cry those who ,

had always benefited by Your gifts of
grace. The slayers of the righteous,
request to receive a malefactor, instead
of the Benefactor; but You, O Christ,
are silent, enduring their impudence,
that You might suffer, and save us, as
the One Who loves mankind.

, ,
, ,


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Since we have no boldness because of ,

our many sins, O Virgin Theotokos,
implore the favor of the Master Who is
born of you; for the prayer of a Mother
avails much. O all-holy Lady, do not
overlook the entreaties of us sinners;
for He is merciful and able to save, and
Who also condescends to suffer for us.
Ninth Antiphon


, ,

, ,

Tone 3

They, the children of Israel, have set ,

thirty pieces of silver, as the price of
the Priceless One. Watch and pray, that
you enter not into temptation! The
spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is
weak; therefore, watch!

, ,

They give me gall to eat, and when I ,

am thirsty they give me vinegar to
drink; but You, O Lord, raise me up ,
again, and I shall repay them.

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

We, of the Gentiles, praise You, O

pure Theotokos, for you give birth to ,
Christ, our God Who, through you, ,
frees mankind from the curse.
, .
Sessional Hymn (Kathisma)

Tone Plagal 4

How could Judas, who is Your ,

disciple, meditate Your betrayal? The
traitor and evil-doer deceitfully eats
with You; and yet going to the priests,
he says: What will you offer me, and I
will deliver to you Him, Who set aside
the Law and profaned the Sabbath? O
long-suffering Lord, glory to You.

, ,

Fourth Matins Gospel

John 18:28 - 19:6

. 28 - 6

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to John.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Tenth Antiphon
Tone Plagal 2

He Who clothes Himself with light as ,

with a garment, stands naked at the
judgment; and He receives blows on
His cheeks from the hands which He
has fashioned. When the lawless people
nail the Lord of glory to the Cross, then
veil of the Temple is torn in two, and
the sun goes dark, unable to endure the
spectacle of God blasphemed, before
Whom all the universe trembles. Him
Let us worship.

, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,

The disciples deny Him; but the thief ,

exclaims: Remember me, O Lord, in ,
Your kingdom.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Grant peace to the world, O merciful

Lord; You, Who for Your servants

sake, condescend to take on flesh from ,
the Virgin. Therefore with one voice ,

we praise You, Who love mankind.

Eleventh Antiphon

Tone Plagal 2

In return for the benefits which You, O , ,

Christ, bestow upon the Hebrew race,
they condemn You to be crucified, and
give You vinegar mixed with gall to
drink. Render unto them, O Lord,
according to their works, for they do
not comprehend Your condescension.

, ,

With Your betrayal, O Christ, the

Hebrew race is not content; but wag ,
their heads, sneering and mocking.

Render unto them, O Lord, according .

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

to their works, for they devise vain ,

things against You.
, , .

Neither the earth as it quaked, nor the ,

rocks as they split; neither the veil of
the Temple, nor the raising from the
dead, convince the Hebrews. But You,
O Lord, reward them according to their
deeds, for they devise vain things
against You.

, ,
, , ,


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Only pure and blessed, O Virgin

Theotokos, we know that God takes , ,
flesh from you; therefore we ,
unceasingly praise and magnify you.
Twelfth Antiphon

Tone Plagal 4

Thus says the Lord to the Jews: O My

people, what have I done to you, or
wherein have I wearied you? I give
light to your blind; I cleanse your
lepers; I raise up your paralytics. O My
people, what have I done to you, and
how have you recompensed Me? In
place of the manna, you give Me gall;
in place of water from the rock, you
give Me vinegar; in place of loving Me,
you nail Me to the Cross. No longer do
I endure; I call the nations unto Me,
and they glorify Me with the Father
and the Spirit; and I grant them eternal

, ,
, ,
; ,
, ,
, .

Today the veil of the Temple is torn in ,

two, as a reproof to the lawless; and the
sun hides its own rays, beholding the , ,
Master on the Cross.

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

The company of the Apostles calls out ,

to you, O law-givers of Israel, Jews and
Pharisees: Behold the Temple, which
you destroy; behold the Lamb which
you crucify. You deliver Him to the
tomb, but by His own power He is
risen. Do not deceive yourselves, O
Jews, for in the sea He saves, and in the
desert He feeds. He is the Life and the
Light and the Peace of the world.

. ,
, ,
, ,

, ,

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Rejoice! O gateway of the King of ,

glory, through which only the Most ,
High passes, and again leaves sealed, ,
for the salvation of our souls.
Sessional Hymn (Kathisma)

Tone Plagal 4

When You, O God the Judge, stand ,

before Caiaphas, and are given over
unto Pilate, the heavenly powers shake
with fear. When You, the sinless One,
are lifted up on the wood between two
robbers and are numbered with the
transgressors, You save mankind. O
most-patient Lord, glory to You.


. , .

Fifth Matins Gospel

Matthew 27:3-32

. 3-32

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to Matthew.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.

Thirteenth Antiphon

Tone Plagal 2

The assembly of the Jews demands of ,

Pilate that You, O Lord, be crucified;
and finding no cause against You, they
ask for the release of the prisoner,
Barabbas, and they condemn You, the
righteous One, incurring for themselves
the accusation of blood-guiltiness.
Render unto them, O Lord, according
to their works; for they devise vain
things against You.


, , ,

The priests strike Him with their ,

hands, and give Him gall for drink, to
Him before Whom all things tremble
and quake, and Whom every tongue
praises. As the One Who loves
mankind, He condescends to suffer all
these things, wanting to save us from
our sins by His own Blood.

, ,
, .


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

By a word, you ineffably bear the ,

Word, the Creator Himself, O , ,
Theotokos! Implore Him, that He may , .
save our souls.

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Fourteenth Antiphon

Tone Plagal 4

O Lord, You take as Your fellow- ,

traveler, the thief whose hands are
defiled with blood; thus we ask You to
also number us with him, for You are
the good One Who loves mankind.


The thief upon his cross utters few

words, but expresses great faith. In an
instant he is saved, and being the first
to open the Gates of Paradise, he
enters. O Lord, Who accepts his
repentance, glory to You.

, ,
, ,


Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Rejoice, O you, who through an Angel ,

receives the joy of the world. Rejoice,
O you, who bear your own Creator and
your Lord. Rejoice, O you who are
found worthy to be the Mother of
Christ our God.

, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Fifteenth Antiphon
and Procession

Tone Plagal 2

The Priest takes the Cross in procession around the church, intoning:

Today is hung upon the Tree, He ,

Who suspends the earth in the midst of .
the waters.

Today is hung upon the Tree, He ,

Who suspends the earth in the midst of .
the waters.

Today is hung upon the Tree, He ,

Who suspends the earth in the waters.

A crown of thorns surrounds Him, ,

Who is King of the angels.

The purple of mockery is wrapped ,

about Him, Who wraps the heavens in .

Buffetings fell upon Him, Who frees ,

Adam in the Jordan.

Nails transfixed Him, the Bridegroom ,

of the Church.

A spear pierces Him, the Son of the ,


We venerate Your Passion, O Christ.

We venerate Your Passion, O Christ.

We venerate Your Passion, O Christ.


us also


glorious ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

The Choir may repeat the Troparion:

Tone Plagal 2

Today is hung upon the Tree, He ,

Who suspends the earth in the midst of
the waters. Today is hung upon the
Tree, He Who suspends the earth in
the midst of the waters. Today is hung
upon the Tree, He Who suspends the
earth in the waters. A crown of thorns
surrounds Him, Who is King of the
angels. The purple of mockery is
wrapped about Him, Who wraps the
heavens in clouds. Buffetings fell upon
Him, Who frees Adam in the Jordan.
Nails transfixed Him, the Bridegroom
of the Church. A spear pierces Him,
the Son of the Virgin. We venerate
Your Passion, O Christ. We venerate
Your Passion, O Christ. We venerate
Your Passion, O Christ. Show us also
Your glorious Resurrection.

, .

. ,
. ,

Christ our God, our Passover, is

sacrificed for us; therefore let us not
keep the feast as the Jews, but let us
defilement and sincerely beseech Him:
Arise, O Lord, and in Your mercy
save us.

, .

Your Cross, O Lord, is life and ,

resurrection unto Your people; trusting ,
in it, we praise You, our crucified Lord. , ,
Have mercy on us.
. .

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Seeing You hanging upon the Cross, O , ,

Christ, Your Mother cries aloud: What , ,
strange mystery do I see, O my Son? ;

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

How do You, the Giver of life, with , ,

Your flesh transfixed, die upon the ;
Sessional Hymn (Kathisma)

Tone Plagal 4

You redeem us from the curse of the ,

Law by Your precious Blood. Being
nailed to the Cross and being pierced
with a spear, You gush forth
immortality upon mankind. O our
Savior, glory to You.

, ,
. .

Sixth Matins Gospel

Mark 15:16-32

. 1-28

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to Mark.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

The Beatitudes
Tone 4

In Your kingdom remember us,

Lord, when You come into Your , .
kingdom. Blessed are the poor in spirit: ,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they ,

shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek: for they shall


inherit the earth.

Because of a tree, Adam is estranged ,

from paradise; and because of the tree,
the thief abides in paradise. For the
former disobeys the commandment of
the Creator by tasting; but the latter,
who is crucified with You, confesses,
and admits that You are a hidden God.
O Savior, remember us also in Your

, .

Blessed are they which do hunger and

thirst after righteousness: for they shall
be filled.

The law-transgressors do truly buy the ,

Law-Ordainer from a disciple. And
they bring Him as a law-breaker before
Pilate, crying out that He Who gives
them manna in the wilderness should
be crucified. But we, emulating the
righteous thief, cry out in faith:
Remember us also, O Savior, in Your

, ,



Blessed are the merciful: for they shall ,

obtain mercy.

The assembly of the lawless, God- ,

attacking nation, madly cries out to
Pilate, saying: Crucify Christ the
innocent. And they plead that
Barabbas, be released instead. But we


, .


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

cry out in the voice of the grateful ,

thief: Remember us also, O Savior, in , .
Your kingdom.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they ,

shall see God.

Your life-bearing side, O Christ, ,

overflows like a spring from Eden,
watering Your Church as a paradise
endowed with speech. It divides the
glad tidings into four Gospels, as into
four headwaters, watering the world,
gladdening creation, and teaching the
Gentiles to glorify Your kingdom in

, ,
, ,

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they ,

shall be called the children of God.

You are crucified, O Christ, for my ,

sake, so that You might pour forth
salvation for me. And Your side is
pierced with a spear, so that it might
cause rivers of life to flow for me. You
are fastened with nails, and thus,
realizing the depth of Your Passion and
the height of Your might, I cry to You:
Glory to Your Passion and to Your
crucifixion, O life-creating Savior.

, ,
, .

Blessed are they which are persecuted

for righteousness sake: for theirs is ,
the kingdom of heaven.

The whole creation, O Christ, trembles ,

as it beholds Your crucifixion; the
foundations of the earth are shaken in
dread of Your might; the luminaries go
into hiding; the veil of the Temple is
torn; the mountains quake; and the
rocks burst asunder, as the believing
thief cries with us to You, O Savior:
Remember me.

, ,

, ,
, .


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Blessed are you, when men shall revile ,

you, and persecute you, and shall say ,
all manner of evil against you falsely, ,
for My sake.

By the Cross You tear the handwriting ,

of our sins, O Lord, and are numbered
among the dead, by Your resurrection
You bind the tyrant, O Lord Who love
mankind, and deliver all from the
prison, thus enlightening us; and, we
cry to You, Remember us also in Your

, ,

, ,

, .

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for ,

great is your reward in heaven.

O Lord, Who are elevated upon the ,

Cross, and Who, being God, loose the
bonds of death and blot out the
handwriting of ordinances against us,
grant us the repentance of the thief, O
You Who alone love mankind. We
worship You in faith, O Christ our
God, and we cry to You: Remember
us also in Your kingdom.

, ,

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit.

Come, O all you believers, let us ,

beseech God with one mind, glorifying
as is right, the Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit: the one Godhead in three
Persons, permanent without confusion,
unapproachable, through Whom we
escape the fire of punishment.

, ,
, ,
, ,

Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.


. .

We offer to You as an intercessor, O ,




Your ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Mother, the true Virgin, who without

seed, gives birth in the body and
remains without defilement after her
birth-giving, that You might forgive the
transgressions of those who cry to You
constantly: Remember us also, O
Savior, in Your kingdom.

, ,

, .

Tone 4

They divide my garments among them, ,

and upon my vesture they cast lots.

They divide my garments among them, ,

and upon my vesture they cast lots.

My God, my God, look upon me; why , ,

do You forsake me?

They divide my garments among them, ,

and upon my vesture they cast lots.
Seventh Matins Gospel

Matthew 27: 33-54

. 33-54

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.
Priest Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

. ,

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to Matthew.
Deacon Let us be attentive.


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Psalm 50

Have mercy on me, O God, according , ,

to Your great mercy, and according to
the multitude of Your compassions blot
out my transgression.
Wash me thoroughly from my
iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

For I know my iniquity, and my sin is

ever before me.



Against You only have I sinned, and I

have done evil in Your sight, that You
may be justified in Your words, and
be victorious when You are judged.


For behold, I was conceived in

iniquities, and in sins did my mother
bear me.



For behold, You have loved the truth;

the hidden and secret things of Your
wisdom You have made manifest to



Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall

be clean; wash me, and I shall be
made whiter than snow.

, ,

Make me to hear joy and gladness;

the bones that are humbled shall


Turn Your face away from my sins,

and blot out all my iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,

and renew a right spirit within me.


Do not cast me away from Your

presence, and do not take Your Holy
Spirit from me.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Restore the joy of Your salvation to

me, and establish me with Your
governing Spirit.

I shall teach transgressors Your ways,

and the impious shall turn back to


Deliver me from bloodguilt, O God,

the God of my salvation; my tongue
shall rejoice in Your righteousness.



O Lord, You shall open my lips, and

my mouth shall declare Your praise.

, ,

For if You had desired sacrifice, I

would have given it; with whole-burnt
offerings You shall not be pleased.


A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a

heart that is broken and humbled God
will not reject.

Do good, O Lord, in Your good

pleasure to Sion, and let the walls of
Jerusalem be built.

, ,

Then You shall be pleased with a

sacrifice of righteousness, with
oblation and whole-burnt offerings.


Then they shall offer young bulls

upon Your altar.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Eighth Matins Gospel

Luke 23:32-49

. 32-49

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.
Priest Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

. ,

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to Luke.
Deacon Let us be attentive.


Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.

Kosmas the Monastic
Fifth Ode
Tone Plagal 2

I approach You early in the Morning,

O Word of God, You Who without
change, in Your compassion for fallen
man become of no account, and You
Who are without suffering, bow
Yourself down even to suffering. O
merciful Lord, grant me peace.

, ,
, .

Glory to You, O God, glory to You.

, , .
With their feet washed, and being

purified by participation in the Divine

Mystery, Your servants, O Christ, now
come together from Sion to the Mount
of Olives, and they praise You, O
most-merciful Lord.

, ,
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Glory to You, O God, glory to You.

, , .
You say: See, O My friends, that you ,
not be troubled, for now the hour is
near for Me to be given up and slain by
the hands of lawless men. All of you
shall be scattered, forsaking Me; but
those whom I shall gather will preach
of My mercy.

, ,
, .

(Repeat) I approach You early in the

Morning, O Word of God, You Who
without change, in Your compassion
for fallen man become of no account,
and You Who are without suffering,
bow Yourself down even to suffering.
O merciful Lord, grant me peace.
Read (Tone Plagal 4)

() ,
, ,
, .

( . )

Come, let us all praise Him Who is ,

crucified for us. For Mary beholds Him
on the wood and cries out, Even if
You endure the Cross, You are my Son
and my God.
Read (Tone Plagal 4)


( . )

The Virgin Mother, seeing her own ,

Lamb led to the slaughter, follows
wailing with the other women, and she
cries, Where are You going, O my
Child? Why do You travel so fast?
Surely there is not another wedding in
Cana? Where are You going so
quickly, will You change water into
wine for them? Can I not come with
You, my Child? Or can I not stay here
with You? Give me a word, O You
Who are the Word? Do not pass by me
in silence, O You Who kept me holy,
for You are my Son and my God.

, ,
; ,
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Of the Day from the Menaion, and the ,

commemoration from the Triodion:

On Great Friday the holy, saving, and ,

awful Passion of our Lord and God and
Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated. For
He willingly condescends for our sake
to endure the spittings, the scourgings,
the buffetings, the scorn, the mocking,
and the purple robe; the reed, the
sponge, the vinegar, the nails, the
spear, and above all, the Cross and
death; the confession on the cross to
salvation of the penitent thief, who is
crucified with Him, is also celebrated.

Lines for the Crucifixion

, ,
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, , ,
, ,


You are a living God, and yet, You are ,

lifeless upon the tree;

O naked corpse, You are nonetheless , .

the Word of the living God.
Lines for the Penitent Thief

The locked gates of Eden were opened, ,

By the thief with the key, Remember ,


unbounded compassion for us, O , ,
Christ our God, have mercy on us. . .


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Eighth Ode

Tone Plagal 2


The divine children expose a

monument of impious wickedness, and
the arrogant and lawless Sanhedrin take
counsel in vain against Christ,
discussing how to slay Him Who holds
life in the palm of His hand, and Whom
all creation blesses, glorifying unto the

, ,


Glory to You, O God, glory to You.

, , .

Now shake off the sleep from your

eyelids, O disciples, said Christ.
Watch with prayer, lest you be
overwhelmed by temptation; and you,
Simon, in particular, for the trial is
greatest for the strong. O Peter, know
Me, Whom all creation blesses,
glorifying unto the ages.

Glory to You, O God, glory to You.

, , .

O Master, cried Peter, a profane

word shall never fall from my lips.
Even if all should deny You, I will
nevertheless joyfully die with You. For
not flesh and blood, but Your Father
has revealed You to me; You, Whom
all creation blesses, glorifying un to the

, ,


, ,

We bless the Father, the Son, and the ,

Holy Spirit.

You have not yet sought out all the

depth of divine wisdom and
knowledge, and you, O man, have not
comprehended the bedrock of My
judgment, says the Lord. Do not

, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

boast, for you are flesh; and three times ,

you will deny Me, Whom all creation .
blesses, glorifying unto the ages.

Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.


. .

You will fail Me, O Simon Peter, as

soon as the question is put to you, even
though you are persuaded, for the
maidservant approaching very hastily
will dismay you. Nevertheless,
weeping bitterly, you know Me as very
merciful, Whom all creation blesses,
glorifying unto the ages.

, ,


, ,

We praise, we bless, and we worship ,

the Lord.

(Repeat) The divine children expose a

monument of impious wickedness, and
the arrogant and lawless Sanhedrin take
counsel in vain against Christ,
discussing how to slay Him Who holds
life in the palm of His hand, and Whom
all creation blesses, glorifying unto the

() ,

, ,


Ninth Ode

Tone Plagal 2

Deacon The Theotokos and Mother of the

Light, in hymns of honor let us magnify!


, .


More honorable than the Cherubim,

and more glorious beyond compare
than the Seraphim; without corruption
you give birth to God the Word, true
Theotokos, we magnify you.


, ,
, ,

Glory to You, O God, glory to You.

, , .


synagogue, that worthless

company of scheming, abominable, , ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

and God-slaying men attack and drag ,

You away, O Christ: the Creator of , ,
all, Whom we magnify.

Glory to You, O God, glory to You.

, , .
The impious men, understanding ,
neither Law nor prophets, and
foolishly questioning You, unjustly
drag away the Master of all, as a
sheep to the slaughter; Whom we

, ,

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit.

The priests and scribes cause the ,

Gentiles to take away the Life that is
betrayed, and they do smite Him with
most envious malice, Who by nature
the Giver of Life; Whom we magnify.


Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.


. .

They come around about You like

many dogs, O King, and they strike
You on the cheek with their hands.
They question You, and bring forth
false witnesses, but You endure all
things and You save all.
(Repeat) More honorable than the
Cherubim, and more glorious beyond
compare than the Seraphim; without
corruption you give birth to God the
Word, truly Theotokos, we magnify

, ,
, , ,
, ,


, ,
, .


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Small Litany

Priest Again and again, in peace let us

pray to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Priest Help us, save us, have mercy on

us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Lord, have mercy.

, ,
, , .

, .

Deacon Commemorating our all-holy,

pure, most-blessed, and glorious Lady, the
Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with all
the saints, let us commit ourselves and one
another and all our life to Christ our God.

To You, O Lord.

, ,

, .

, .

Priest For all the powers of the heavens

praise You, and to You they send up glory:
to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages
of ages.



Tone 3

O You Who on this very day, make

the thief worthy of Paradise: O Lord ,
by the wood of the Cross illuminate ,
and save me.
(Repeat) O You Who on this very day,
make the thief worthy of Paradise:
O Lord by the wood of the Cross
illuminate and save me.

() ,

(Repeat) O You Who on this very day,

make the thief worthy of Paradise:
O Lord by the wood of the Cross
illuminate and save me.

() ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Ninth Matins Gospel

John 19:25-37

. 25-37

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.
Priest Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to John.
Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.


The Priest reads the Gospel.

. ,


, , .

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.

Tone 3

Let every breath praise the Lord. .

Praise the Lord from the heavens,
praise Him in the highest. To You is
due praise, O God.

Praise Him all you His Angels; praise

Him all you His hosts. To You is due ,
praise, O God.

Idiomela Stichera


Tone 3

Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise

Him according to the multitude of His ,

Israel, My first-born son, commits two

evil deeds: he forsakes Me, the Source ,
of the Water of Life, and digs out for , ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

himself a broken well; and he crucifies

Me upon the tree, and asks for the
release of Barabbas. The heavens are
aghast at this, and the sun hides its
rays. But you, O Israel, are not
ashamed, and you deliver Me up to
death. Forgive them, O Holy Father,
for they do not know what they are



Praise Him with the sound of trumpet, , ,

praise Him with the psaltery and harp.

(Repeat) Israel, My first-born son,

commits two evil deeds: he forsakes
Me, the Source of the Water of Life,
and digs out for himself a broken well;
and he crucifies Me upon the tree, and
asks for the release of Barabbas. The
heavens are aghast at this, and the sun
hides its rays. But you, O Israel, are not
ashamed, and you deliver Me up to
death. Forgive them, O Holy Father,
for they do not know what they are

() ,
, ,


Praise Him with timbrel and dance, ,

praise Him with strings and flute.

Every member of Your holy Body ,

endures dishonor for us: Your head, the
thorns; Your face, the spittings; Your
cheeks, the blows; Your mouth, the
taste of vinegar mixed with gall; Your
ears, the impious blasphemies; Your
back, the lash; Your hand, the reed;
Your whole body, extension upon the
Cross; Your joints, the nails; and Your
side, the spear. O You Who suffer for
us, and Who set us free from suffering,
Who by Your compassion bends down
and raises us up: O almighty Savior,
have mercy on us.

, ,
, .
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, ,

praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. .
Let every breath praise the Lord.

All creation trembles, O Christ, at the ,

sight of You crucified; and the
foundations of the earth heave upward
in fear of Your power. For today, by
uplifting You, the Hebrew race
perishes, the veil of the Temple is torn
in two, the tombs are opened, and the
dead rise from their graves. The
centurion shudders when he sees the
miracle, and Your Mother stands near,
crying with a mothers lamentation:
How is it possible that I should not
mourn, and that my whole being should
not be overwhelmed, when I see You
naked and hanging as a criminal on the
tree? O Lord, Who are crucified and
buried, and are risen from the dead,
glory to You.


, ,
, ,


, ,
, ,


Tone Plagal 2

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit.

They take away My garments from ,

Me, and put upon me a scarlet robe;
they set upon My head a crown of
thorns, and they put a reed in My right
hand: that I might break them into
pieces like a potters vessel.

, ,
, .

Andrew of Crete
Tone Plagal 2

Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.


. .

I gave My back to scourgings, and I do ,

not turn My face away from spittings; I
stand before the judgment seat of ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Pilate, and endure the Cross for the , ,

salvation of the world.
Tenth Matins Gospel

Mark 15:43-47

. 43-47

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to Mark.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.

Small Doxology

For to You belongs glory, O Lord our , , ,

God, and to You we send up glory, to
the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
ages of ages. Amen.


. .

Glory to God in the highest, and on

earth peace, good will to men.

We praise You, we bless You, we

worship You, we glorify You, we
give thanks to You for Your great

, ,
, ,

O Lord King, heavenly God, Father

almighty; Lord, the only-begotten
Son, Jesus Christ; and Holy Spirit.

, ,
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of

the Father Who takes away the sin of
the world: have mercy on us, O You
Who take away the sins of the world.
Receive our prayer, O You Who sit at
the right hand of the Father, and have
mercy on us.
For You only are holy; You only are
the Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of
God the Father. Amen.

, ,
, ,
, ,
. .

Each day I will bless You and praise

Your name to the ages of ages.



O Lord, You have been our refuge

from generation to generation. I have
said: O Lord have mercy upon me;
heal my soul, for I have sinned
against You.
O Lord, I have taken refuge in You;
teach me to do Your will for You are
my God.
For in You is the fountain of life, in
Your light we shall see light.
Continue Your mercy to those who
know You.
Make us worthy, O Lord, to be
protected from sin this day.

. ,
, ,

Blessed are You, O Lord, the God of

our fathers, and praised and glorified
is Your name to the ages. Amen.
O Lord, let Your mercy be upon us,
as we have placed our hope in You.
Blessed are You, O Lord: teach me
Your commandments.
Blessed are You, O Master: make me
understand Your commandments.

, ,


, ,

, ,

. .
, ,
, .
, ,
, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Blessed are You, O Holy One:

O Lord, Your mercy is to the ages; do
not disdain the works of Your hands.
To You is due praise, to You is due
song, to You glory is due, to the
Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
ages of ages. Amen.

, ,
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, .

Completed Litany

Deacon: Let us complete our morning

prayer to the Lord.

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon: Help us, save us, have mercy on

us, and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Lord, have mercy.

, ,
, , .

, .

Deacon: That the whole day may be

perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us
ask of the Lord.

Grant this, O Lord.

, ,
, ,
, .

, ,.

Deacon: An Angel of peace, a faithful

guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies,
let us ask of the Lord.

Grant this, O Lord.


, ,.

Deacon: Forgiveness and remission of our

sins and transgressions, let us ask of the

Grant this, O Lord.


, ,.

Deacon: Those things which are good and

beneficial to our souls, and peace in the
world, let us ask of the Lord.

Grant this, O Lord.


, ,.

Deacon: To complete the remaining time of

our lives in peace and repentance, let us ask
of the Lord.

Grant this, O Lord.

, .

, ,.

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Deacon: A Christian end of our lives,
painless, unashamed, peaceful, and a good
defense before the fearsome judgment seat
of Christ, let us ask.

Grant this, O Lord.

, , , ,


, ,.

Deacon Commemorating our all-holy,

pure, most-blessed, and glorious Lady, the
Theotokos and ever-Virgin Mary, with all
the saints, let us commit ourselves and one
another and all our life to Christ our God.

To You, O Lord.

, ,

, .

, .

Priest: For You are a God of mercy,

compassion, and love for mankind, and to
You we send up glory: to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and
ever, and to the ages of ages.


, ,

Prayer at the Bowing of Heads


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Deacon: Let us bow our heads to the


To You, O Lord.

, ,.

Priest: O holy Lord, dwelling on high and

watching over the humble, looking upon all
creation with Your all-encompassing eye:
we have bowed the neck of our soul and
body to You and we beseech You. O Holy
of Holies, extend Your invisible hand from
Your holy dwelling place, and bless us all;
and whether we have sinned knowingly or
unknowingly, forgive us as the good God
Who loves mankind, granting us Your
earthly and heavenly benefits.

, ,





For it is Yours to show mercy and to save

us, our God, and to You we send up glory:
to the Father, and to the Son, and to the
Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages
of ages.




Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Eleventh Matins Gospel

John 19:38-42

. 38-42

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to John.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Priest reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Idiomela Stichera

Tone 1

All creation is transfixed with fear, as , ,

it beholds You, O Christ, hanging upon
the Cross: the sun is darkened, and the
foundations of the earth are shaken. All
things suffer with the Creator of all
things. O Lord, Who willingly endures
these things for us, glory to You.

. ,
, ,

By Theophanes Protothronos
Tone 2

They divide My garments amongst ,

themselves, and for My vesture they .
cast lots.

An impious and perverse people; why ,

do they strive in vain? Why do they
condemn the Life of all to death? O
wondrous marvel! The Creator of the
world is betrayed into the hands of
lawless men; and He Who is merciful
is lifted up on the tree, so that He might
bring freedom to those bound in Hades
and who cry out, O long-suffering
Lord, glory to You.

, ;
! ,


Leontos the Despot

And they give me gall for my food; and ,

for my thirst they give me vinegar to .

Today the blameless Virgin sees You, ,

O Word of God, hanging upon the
Cross, and she mourns within herself,
and is sorely pierced in her heart,
groaning in agony from the depth of
her soul. Exhausted by striking her
breast, and with her hair disheveled,
she cries out, wailing, Alas! My
Divine Son; Alas! Light of the world.



Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Why O Lamb of God, are You

departing from my eyes? At this the
armies of heavenly hosts are seized
with trembling, and they cry out, O
unconquerable Lord, glory to You.

! ,

But God is our King before the ages, ,

He works salvation in the midst of the .

When she saw hanging upon the tree, ,

You, O Christ, the God and the Creator
of all, Whom she bears as a Virgin, she
cries out with bitterness, O my Son,
where has the beauty of Your form
gone? I cannot endure to see You
unjustly crucified; hasten, therefore,
and arise, that I might also behold Your
resurrection from the dead on the third

, , ,
; ,

, ,
, .

By Theophanes Protothronos
Tone Plagal 4

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit.

As You are lifted upon the Cross, O ,

Lord, fear and trembling fall upon all
creation, but You do not permit the
earth to engulf those who crucify You,
and You suffer Hades to send up its
captives in the regeneration of mortals.
You come to grant life and not death, O
Judge of the living and the dead. Mostmerciful Lord, glory to You.

, ,
, ,


By John the Monastic

Now and ever, and to the ages of ages.


. .

Already the sentencing pen is dipped ,

by the unjust judges and Jesus is ,
arraigned and condemned to the Cross, , ,
as all creation suffers, seeing the Lord ,

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

upon the Cross. O You Who suffer for .

me in Your natural body, O most- ,
righteous Lord, glory to You.
Twelfth Matins Gospel

Matthew 27:62-66

. 62-66

Deacon And that we may be made worthy

to hear the Holy Gospel, let us pray to the
Lord our God.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Wisdom! Rise! Let us hear the

Holy Gospel.

. ,


Peace be with all.

And with your spirit.

Priest The reading from the Holy Gospel

according to Matthew.

Deacon Let us be attentive.

Glory to You, O Lord, glory to You.

, , .

The Deacon reads the Gospel.

Glory to Your forbearance, O Lord, , ,

glory to You.

The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Priest It is good to confess to the Lord,

and to chant to Your name, O Most-High, to
proclaim in the morning Your mercy, and
Your truth at night.

, .

Amen. Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy . , ,

Immortal have mercy on us.


God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal have mercy on us.

Holy , ,


Holy , ,

God, Holy Mighty,

Immortal have mercy on us.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

All-holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O , . ,

Lord, cleanse us of our sins. Master,
pardon our iniquities. Holy One, visit
and heal our infirmities for Your
names sake.

. ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. . .

Lord, have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Our Father, Who art in the heavens, , ,

hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread and forgive us our trespasses as
we forgive those who trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one.



Priest For Thine is the kingdom and the

power and the glory, of the Father, and of


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and
ever, and to the ages of ages.



Tone 4

You redeem us from the curse of the ,

Law by Your precious Blood. Being
been nailed to the Cross and being
pierced with a spear, You gush forth
immortality upon mankind. O our
Savior, glory to You.

, ,

(Repeat) You redeem us from the curse

of the Law by Your precious Blood.
Being been nailed to the Cross and
being pierced with a spear, You gush
forth immortality upon mankind. O our
Savior, glory to You.

() ,
, ,


(Repeat) You redeem us from the curse

of the Law by Your precious Blood.
Being been nailed to the Cross and
being pierced with a spear, You gush
forth immortality upon mankind. O our
Savior, glory to You.

() ,
, ,


Litany of Supplication

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Have mercy on us, O God,

according to Your great mercy; we beseech
You, hear us and have mercy.

, ,
, ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Again we pray for pious and

Orthodox Christians.



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

Deacon Again we pray for our Archbishop

( ).

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Again we pray for our brothers,

the priests, hieromonks, hierodeacons, and
monastics, and for all our brotherhood in




Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Again we pray for mercy, life,

forgiveness, and remission of sins of the
servants of God, of all pious and Orthodox
Christians, of those who dwell and are in
this city, and of the members and the
council of this holy church.

, ,
, , , ,



Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Again we pray for the blessed and

ever-memorable builders of this holy
church, and for all our fathers and brothers
gone to their rest before us, and the
Orthodox here and everywhere who piously
lie asleep.



, ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Deacon Again we pray for those who are

fruitful and do good works in this holy and
all-venerable temple; for those who serve
and those who sing, and for all the people
here present, who await Your great and rich

, ,

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. , . , .

Lord, have mercy.

, .

Priest For You are a merciful God Who

loves mankind, and to You we send up
glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to
the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the
ages of ages.




Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening


Deacon Wisdom.


Blessed is Christ our God, the
existing One, always, now, and ever, and to
the ages of ages.

, ;

Amen. May the Lord God strengthen . , ,

the holy and pure faith of pious and
Orthodox Christians, together with His
holy Church and this city, to the ages
of ages. Amen.

Most-holy Theotokos, save us.


. .

More honorable than the Cherubim,

and incomparably more glorious than
incorruptibly gave birth to God the
Word, truly the Theotokos, we magnify

Glory to You, O God, glory to

, ,

, .

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, ,
and to the ages of ages. Amen.
. .

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. . .

Lord, have mercy.

Holy father, bless.

, .

Priest May He Who endured spittings,

scourgings, buffetings, the Cross and death
for the salvation of the world, Christ our
true God, through the intercessions of His
all-pure and all-blameless holy Mother; by
the power of the precious and life-giving
Cross; through the protection of the
honorable heavenly bodiless powers;
through the supplications of the honorable,
glorious, prophet, forerunner, and baptist
John; of the holy, glorious, and allpraiseworthy Apostles; of the holy, glorious
and triumphant martyrs; of our venerable

, ,

, ,


Matins of the Crucifixion on Holy and Great Thursday Evening

and God-bearing fathers; of (the patron
, (
saint); of the holy and righteous ancestors
of God, Joachim and Anna; of (the saints of
, (
the day) whom we commemorate; and of all
the saints: have mercy on us and save us,
, ,
for He is good and loves mankind.
Through the prayers of our holy fathers, O
Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on
us and save us.



The faithful come forward to the solea, to venerate the Cross.


To God be the glory.

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