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Four Main Temperaments

Please understand that this information is simply an

indicator, the real you cannot be mentioned in one
temperament because people usually had a mixed
temperament and even some people might have all
four of the temperament! And keep in mind! Not
many meets all the requirement of a single
temperament, its just what suit you best are chosen
to be your temperament.

Page 1

There are four main of temperament personality

Which is:





|Phlegmatic|Melancholic |Choleric |Sanguine|






Page 2



Based on the background color, Element, and
Anima you couldve guessed what type of person
a Sanguine is. They are humorist, easy going,
expressive, have a high level of curiosity, and
always follow the trend. For them popularity and
trend is essential for their lifestyles, without it
means without living. They cannot live without a
people around them; there must always be a
people to pay attention on them because they
love it! And being in the center of attention is a
daily portion to be done each and every day.
No wonder if they are the best at controlling or
leading a talks or conversation in a group or
society. Sanguine is the best in communication





Sanguine and Choleric are predicted to be the

greatest leader.

Page 3

Strength and Weakness

Imaginative Had many ideas in mind
Talkative and Enthusiastic The first
initiator of conversation.
Optimistic The primary support in a
workplace (cheerful, helpful, tolerance, and
Influential Fulfill the characteristic society
needs for an attractive information
Self-Centered Prioritize themselves
without thinking of others feeling/desire.
Undisciplined, Unproductive Have a strong
Desire to procrastinate job and move on to
another interesting activity (quickly gets
bored in one subject or topic).

Page 4


Often exaggerates things.

Choleric type of person has the talent of
leadership, the aura and the natural itself. They







challenges, and respect or appreciation. These

people tend to live by their own theories, consider
things logically and like to instill things they had
in mind into everybody else. This type of person is
usually a negative thinker. They may be thought
to be one negative temperament, and are not
trusted at first. But this temperament is one with
a characteristic of loyalist in friendship. They care
that they would lose others trust just to help
them improve. They as well were an organized
people; they tend to accomplish the goal in







responsibility. This temperament is best suited to

be a leader in a discussion and in taking action.
However, not compatible as an announcer or
reporter as how the sanguine does.

Page 5

Strength and weakness

Visionary Fantasy imaginary (innovative).
Practical Organized and versatile (multipurpose).
Strong willed Tough even in the worst
Independent Capability of moving on even
without a support or teammate.
Decisive Unshaken and bold decision.

- Cold Unlike a Sanguine, it is less sensitive.
- Hot headed Impatient and demand a quick
- Domineering Control anothers will the way
they want it in arrogant way.
- Sarcastic Analytically sharp and keen
in ones action or decision or opinion.

Page 6

Unforgiving and Cruel (put Justice over mercy)

This temperament is mostly known as the worst
among the four. That was because the word
Melancholic itself means gloomy or simply
sadness. But the truth is the other temperament
werent any better than melancholic. Each


their own strength and

weakness. So melancholic are very sensitive, they

are touchy as well, but aside of that, they are the
greatest when it comes to analyzing matter or
case. In a workplace, they are best to be placed
in project making or planning and managers
right hand (because they usually doubt their self
when it comes to making decision). They tend to
be introvert; it is hard for them to socialize with







comprehend humor as what it is. But they are the

one who would sacrifice their-self when it comes
to friendship matter. They are a perfectionist as

Page 7

Loyal They would rather sacrifice their self for the
sake of the loved ones.
Critical Thinkers and deep analyzer. Simply smart
and detail about things!
Rational Logic, always have a detail or clear reason
at most of decision.
Organized Just like Choleric, they are neat and
cannot stand a messy stuff.

Touchy One bit of a humor could slice them to bleed.
Doubtful Has the feel like their work or opinion is not
good enough; they simply had a high standard of life.
Negative thinking they think negatively, they cannot
believe in someone unless there is a clear reason or
Pessimistic they view the world
as if it was thoroughly bad.

Page 8

Phlegmatic is symbolized with Yellowish green as
a color and water as an element, why? Because it
shows peaceful state in ones characteristic.
Phlegmatic people tend to live peacefully, they do
not like what is complicated and simplify things if
necessary. They are fond of nature and are
introvert, but looks like an ambivert because they
had balance characteristic as they are water
They likes to stay alone, take theirself out of the
worlds matter and enjoy the time. But in the
same time are sociable, easy going and are
desperately needed when it comes to solving






temperament are best suited in disscussion and

communication matters.

Page 9

Calm doesnt get panic or in stressful situation, less
emotional and less sensitive. Good listener.
Sociable similar to Sanguine, but more in passive
reaction. Yet they like to make people happy, but not to
be in center attention. And yet the greatest mediator
among the four temperament.
Mature especially in socializing, they arent reckless
and think before they act. They are stable in emotion
and daily activities.
Peace Theyre a positive thinkers!
Boring Not attractive, only enjoy staying in the same
way or activities and didnt like a variation.
Lack of leadership they just cannot lead people,
despite the fact that they are a great mediator, leading
arent something introvert and flat people do. They
would rather follow than lead.
Indecisive accept peoples opinion easily and unfirm.

Page 10

The elements
Fire Extrovert
Fire and water Confident
Air and Earth Doubtful, sensitive

Earth Introvert
Earth and Water Wise
Air and Fire Impulsive, impatient

Water Introvert, patient, passive

Fire and Earth Negative thinker
Air and Water Positive thinker, Sociable
How to identify people according to their
- Use the elements! (The information about
which element refer to certain temperament
were in the second page).
- Use the knowledge from page 3 to 10,
according the four temperaments information
(the characteristics).
- Categorize each of the temperament in an
imaginative way that is easy to remember, E.g.
Sanguine: Pink or Air.

Page 11

Clear image are seen in a mirror,
and so is talent. Our Ability are
revealed when we reflect our self
oftenly, but our true talent are finally
obtained when we accept ourselves
like our God accept us as His son.
(Accept and admit your weakness)

To unlock you talent you need to;

1. Reflect and know yourself.
2. Do not run from the truth, whether it is bad
or good.
3. Your hobby is more likely to be your talent
4. Dont make things you want your hobby,
what you like and good at is what hobby is.
5. Believe in yourself, do not fall to Satans
trap, but even if you do, do not give up to
rise again and improve your weakness.

Page 12

Eight personality traits

First pair
Introversion [I] vs. Extraversion [E]

Second pair
Intuitive [N] vs. Observant [S]

Third pair
Thinking [T] vs. Feeling [F]

Fourth pair
Judging [J] vs. Prospecting [P]

Whats more like you?

Let us see...

Page 13

Introvert vs. Extrovert

Introvert (the black one)

They prefer a solitary activity, tired of interacting
with social. This leads to a higher sensitivity to
nature and surrounding as they are not busy of
interaction. And by that they tend to keep their idea
or perception in their heads rather than express it.
Extrovert (the white one)
They love group activities, sharing ideas, expressing
what they think and feel, chating, etc. Unlike
introverts, they are energized for being in social
interaction. They tend to express than reflect.

Page 14

Intuitive vs. Observant

Intuitive means to have
an idea or instinct that comes out of nowhere of
the world or the logic, E.g. there is a stone, wood,
rubber, and knife. Then you imagine things like;
what can I do to make this material useful?
Afterward you start cutting the wood into Y
shape, then tie the rubber for both side of Y. Then
put a stone in the middle of rubber, and then its
done. A slingshot is made! Intuitive type is simply
imaginative, open-minded, and curious. They
prefer innovation over stability and focus at
things that havent existed based on the worlds
invention. They are the traits that are needed in
each company that make a products.

Page 15

Observant people are pragmatic; they are highly
practical and tend to have strong habits. They
would rather focus on whats happening recently
or has happened, and had down to earth





imaginatively. Because for them certainty is more


than possibilities


only by

certainty they know exactly what theyre facing.

They see things in life practically, theory rather
than perception.
Thinking vs. Feeling
Thinking type of individual is
rather rational and prioritizes
logic over emotion. For them

Page 16

being right is better than being co-operative with

both the team and the opposite team. They would
rather win a debate rather than lingering on
emotions of others. These people focused to their
objectives, prioritize it and stick to it along the
way they are going. They wouldnt want to pause
or stop just because of emotional reason. They as
well have feelings, but rather hide it and see
efficiency more important than cooperation.
Feeling type of individual is
sensitive, they are easily got
affected by emotion and the
emotion they get are more
likely to be expressed since
they were also expressive. These people are more
empathic to the others and also less competitive
in works compare to the thinking type, because
they focus on being socially harmony and
cooperative, unlike the thinking type.

Page 17

Judging vs. Prospecting

People who judge
rather than prospecting
are very decisive; they are high in perception and
yet highly organized. Despite for having a
negative thinking as weakness, they highly value
clarity, predictability, and closure. By making
things all clear and easy to predict, then life
would be easier for them. They wouldnt want
messy background because it is hard to control,
and planning to spontaneity which means they
put their duties and responsibility up high above
everything else.

Page 18

Prospective people are
very good at improvising
and spotting opportunities. Unlike judging type
who are all organized and clear, this type prefer
an option to choose. Because they are type that
is flexible and relaxed. In social matters, they
would get to know a person by time and activities
together unlike judging type who identify people
right after the first sight of them. This type is good
for meeting with another side of company or work
place, they get along easier.

Page 19

Personality types
Analyst ~ Intuitive [N] and Thinking [T]
Those who are analyst are logistic but in the
same time imaginative, theyve never shown
their feeling as a vulnerable spot to stop their
ideas and innovation. Yet they had a powerful
instinct and ideas. They are the true leader and
manager for each company, a great
type of worker for the need of the
company innovation.
Diplomats ~ Intuitive [N] and Feeling [F]
Diplomats are the master when it
comes to inspiring their students; theyre
instinctive and sensitive to the surrounding.
Either always eager to help peoples or is
very inspiring in aura and in peoples
eye. Theyre highly respected both in
society and in business matter.

Page 20

Sentinel ~ Observant [S] and Judging [J]

This type of personality are the most reliable
when it comes to taking care or serving of
people, their service are not to be doubted.
Their sense is great and yet they are organized
and decisive, making their expertise in service
even more powerful. Sentinel people are best
suited as Doctor, Nurse, sales
person, steward, and all the other
that does services.
Explorer ~ Observant [S] and
Prospecting [P]
When it comes to something practical
and creative, explorer type is the one to be
indicated. Theyre the expert of life, without
them life is colorless because theyre
sensitive in nature and in humanity.
We learned lifestyle from them.

Page 21

Connection of personality
temperament and traits
From the first topic to the second, temperament
and traits theyre both a different way to identify
people or our self. First one talks about temper of
the four and animal and element representative.
It is represented in both anima and element
because one doesnt apply itself as a human
temperament; human is unique and even had
more than one temperament in general. Because
of that I made it as broad as possible according
humans temper, and I as well make it vivid and
imaginable. Meanwhile the trait itself is made by
Carl Gustav Jung (Swiss, 1875-1961) theory,
even until now we spread the general into a more
detail personality. That is why there is this eight
personality traits. And there are also 16 branch of
personality characteristic from the 8 personality
traits, made by Isabel Briggs Myers (Washington,
1897-1980) which talks about profession traits.

Page 22

Eight personality traits

Introversion Melancholic, Phlegmatic
Extraversion Sanguine, Choleric

Intuitive Sanguine, Melancholic

Observant Choleric, Phlegmatic

Thinking Choleric, Phlegmatic

Feeling Sanguine, Melancholic

Judging Choleric, Melancholic

Prospecting Sanguine, Phlegmatic

Page 23

When we combine personality

temperament and trait plus the type, we connect
the basic human temperament to business world
and ideal profession. By knowing who we are in
temperament could help finding who we are to be
in the future, and the trait helps in spreading the
detail from temperament which is general.
Meanwhile the four personality type explains the
profession youre potential in.
This identifier may be great to use to
identify people and our self, but remember that
this theory were larger than what Ive told and
your personality isnt single, but multiple. In my
perception, we all have the 4 temperament! Its
just not all part of the temperament are applied

Page 24

in us. As a prove, I can say that Jesus Christ

had all the 4 temperament. He is caring and
kind as He heals the sick and feed the poor
(Sanguine). He is Choleric when He had to choose
be in temptation and resist it. He sacrifices
Himself so that human were free from eternal sin
and could still be given mercy (Melancholic), A
Phlegmatic as He is calm and loves nature, being
a mediator among debate and misunderstanding.
The traits could as well be wrong to match the
temperament as in my case I am a CholericMelancholic Combination, but as you can see I
should be a judging type of person. But somehow
I was Prospecting type when I do Jungs test, it
states that I have the 4 temperament too.

Page 25

What affects humans personality?

Current temperament
and experience

Community you are in

Group of people you
associate with (Friend)
Familys treatment
Memory of the past
that is marked red

Page 26

Experience affects the greatest in how you see

this world and how your personality change. It
affects your mind, the way your temper works and
change based on your perception. With
experience, you have the control over your mind
and your temperament. It even affects the
Community, Friend, Family, and Memory that may
change you.
Community is your all around the place youre
living at, where ever you are there were
community. And without sufficient experience and
wisdom, you are more likely to be affected by it. It
also depends on how great is the aura and vibe
from the community that youre dealing with.
More often they show their nature, the more aura
transmitted and the stronger they belief or desire,
the stronger the vibe is.
Your Friend were also one of the great affection
refer to your personality, especially the more you

Page 27

trust them. Usually people will tend to believe

what they friends believe, for example they
believe that K-pop is the coolest artist in the
world, whether you believe it or not subconsciously and gradually you will believe it
Familys treatments were the backup faith and
mental for you to have, when you know someone
loves you, you will see the world and yourself in a
better way whether or not you had experience or
wisdom. And the way your family nurture you
affect how high faith and mental you possess.
Memory is essential to have in mind, because it
produce experience and wisdom. But it depends
on how you comprehend the memory you had,
because some negative memory could prevent
you from doing certain things and could even
make a phobia for you.
(Remember that all five connects each other)

Page 28

Satans goal
- To hold us human in the darkness and
disobedience to God, simply turn our back
to God (each person gets different trap,
depending on their weaknesses)
Satans guidance/aura in our life
- Cause the loss of our interior peace
(prevent us from thinking in clarity)
- Accuse (convince) us for being terrible,
sinful, etc.
(the reason why we thought we cannot be
forgiven, we are forsaken, and are useless)
Simply break our self-esteem.
Satans way to destroy our faith (teen); (big three)
1. Fear; avoid truth, self-isolate, doubt ourself
2. Temptation; Sex, Money, Fame Greed
3. Confusion: Why God? What should I do?

Satans lie to trap us up {greatly efficient...!!}

1. You can be a Christian, but you dont have
to instill relationship with Christ.
2. Dont bother to read bible, it doesnt apply
3. What you believe is unimportant.
4. Gods ten commandment law has been
done or dealt with. It doesnt matter what
you do, heaven is your future home.
5. Trust psychics, spirits, mediums, and
6. Dont be afraid of me, I am not going to
destroy you.
7. The second coming of Christ is for each
individual and in a secret rapture.

Big threes cause

- Avoid people; fear of rejection, fear of
wrong action, and fear of negative reaction
or response.
- Avoid your family; fear of confession
(cannot accept the truth) and fear of
negative reaction.
- Avoid your true self; fear of your weakness
and fear of peoples response.
- Discrimination; fear of peoples ability or
talent (that might take down your position),
fear of losing follower, fear of being

threatened (in a various way) and fear of

being under-estimated.
- Phobia; Fear of frightening memory, and
fear of being threatened or harmed.
- Fear of taking action; fear of your
incapability, fear of negative response, fear
of embarrassment.
- Fear of responsibility; fear of peoples
disappointment to you, fear of bond, fear of
punishment or penalty.
- Anxious; fear of being wrong, fear of bad
impact, fear of penalty.
(There is much more, but I will stop here)

- Crush/adore; good
looking (faces and body
structure. Simply a desire
and greed for our eyes)

- Corrupt; for easier life, one step further,

wastes lesser time. (desire and greed for
our eyes and our body)
- Discrimination; desire to be higher in

Temptation is all about desire and greed,

there is no way to explain the process of
temptation in our mind and our heart, but
both could get tempted. Temptations vibe
and aura is so strong that we are lured. As it
says in the bible that even from the moment
we are born, we are sinful and our fleshes are
eager to sin.


Satan is tricky, even to the point that we couldnt

notice he was. So by confusion, every possibility
could happen especially the change of our
perception to our self, others, the world, and even
God. We keep asking of what and why are things
happened, sometimes we even blame God for it.
Confusion were also connected to both fear and
temptation. When you fear, youre confused why
did you fear, what is fear and how to overcome it?
If you dont know, you will end up aviod fear.
When you are tempted, you got confused why is it
so hard to resist?, is it even a good things? Then
you may end up following your desire and greed.

Everybody has their own talent, but nobody
is perfect. Be confident, but dont be too
God maybe full of love, but dont rely on
God everytime youre in trouble because
He believe youre capable of it.

This is all that Ive got to tell you. When

youre in trouble, not knowing what is it
that is wrong in you, read this book. For
it gave you the knowledge to know and
understand yourself.
By Fernandez, the author.
Thank you.....

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