Max Diff TechDOc
Max Diff TechDOc
Max Diff TechDOc
Projects may be conducted over the Internet, using computers not connected to the
internet (CAPI interviewing), or via paper-and-pencil questionnaires.
The Method of Paired Comparisons (MPC) is a very old and well-established approach
for eliciting tradeoffs among paired items, dating back at least to the early 1900s
(Thurstone 1927), with one author (David 1969) quoting a source as early as the 1800s
(Fechner 1860). One can extend the theory of choices from pairs to choices among larger
sets (three items, four items, etc.). MaxDiff (Maximum Difference scaling) is a
successful, relatively new method for scaling multiple items (Louviere 1991, Finn and
Louviere 1992). It may be thought of as a more sophisticated extension of MPC.
Our MaxDiff software makes it easy for researchers with only minimal exposure to
statistics or advanced statistical methods to conduct sophisticated research involving the
scaling of multiple items. For completeness of exposition, this document assumes that
the reader has some background in statistics and multivariate methods such as
hierarchical Bayes and Latent Class. If you are not familiar with these topics, don't
despair. The software manual is much less technical than our explanation here. The
trade-off techniques used in the MaxDiff System are very robust and easy to apply (for
example, much easier to use than the related conjoint analysis). The resulting item scores
are also easy to interpret. You do not need to have any formal training in statistics to use
our MaxDiff System well and to achieve good results.
System Specifications:
Number of Items (Lab System)
Number of Items (30 System)
Number of Items (500 System)
Number of Sets per Respondent
Number of Questionnaire Versions
across Respondents
Data Collection Modes
Parameter Estimation
Up to 20
Up to 30
Up to 500
Up to 200
Up to 999
Web, Paper, CAPI
hierarchical Bayes (HB), Logit, Latent Class
Clean bathrooms
Healthy food choices
Good taste
Reasonable prices
Has a play area
Restaurant is socially responsible
Courteous staff
Clean bathrooms
Healthy food choices
Good taste
Reasonable prices
Has a play area
Restaurant is socially responsible
Courteous staff
Clean bathrooms
Healthy food choices
Good taste
Reasonable prices
Has a play area
Restaurant is socially responsible
Courteous staff
Total: ______
There are a variety of ways these questions may be asked, including the use of grid-style
layout with radio buttons and drag-and-drop for ranking. And, it is commonplace to
measure many more items than the seven shown here. (These examples are not intended
to represent the best possible wording, but are meant to be representative of what is
typically used in practice.)
The common approaches (rating, ranking, and allocation tasks) have weaknesses.
Rating tasks assume that respondents can communicate their true affinity for an
item using a numeric rating scale. Rating data often are negatively affected by
lack of discrimination among items and scale use bias (the tendency for
respondents to use the scale in different ways, such as mainly using the top or
bottom of the scale, or tending to use more or fewer available scale points.)
Ranking tasks become difficult to manage when there are more than about
seven items, and the resulting data are on an ordinal scale only.
Allocation tasks are also challenging for respondents when there are many
items. Even with a manageable number of items, some respondents may have
difficulty distributing values that sum to a particular value. The mechanical
task of making the allocated points sum to a particular amount may interfere
with respondents revealing their true preferences.
A very old approach, the Method of Paired Comparisons (MPC) (David 1969), seems to
perform well on all these requirements. With MPC, respondents are shown items, two at
a time, and are asked which of these two they prefer (or which is most important, etc.).
The respondent is not permitted to state that all items are equally preferred or important.
Each respondent is typically asked to evaluate multiple pairs, where the pairs are selected
using an experimental plan, so that all items have been evaluated by each respondent
across the pairs (though typically not all possible pairings will have been seen) and that
each item appears about an equal number of times. A study by Cohen and Orme showed
that MPC performed better than the standard rating scale in terms of discrimination
among items and predictive validity of holdout (ranking) questions (Cohen and Orme
It should be noted that MPC can be extended to choices from triples (three items at a
time), quads (four items at a time) or choices from even larger sets. There would seem to
be benefits from asking respondents to evaluate three or more items at a time (up to some
reasonable set size). One research paper we are aware of (Rounds et al. 1978) suggests
that asking respondents to complete sets of from 3 to 5 items produces similar results as
pairs (in terms of parameter estimates), and respondents may prefer completing fewer
sets with more items rather than more sets with just two items.
Cohen and Orme also showed that a much newer technique, MaxDiff, may perform even
better than MPC, especially in terms of predictive accuracy (Cohen and Orme 2002).
MaxDiff questionnaires ask respondents to indicate both the most and least
preferred/important items within each set.
Interest in MaxDiff has increased recently and papers on MaxDiff have won best
presentation awards at recent ESOMAR and Sawtooth Software conferences (Cohen and
Markowitz 2002, Cohen 2003, and Chrzan 2004).
What Is MaxDiff?
MaxDiff is a technique invented by Jordan Louviere in 1987 while on the faculty at the
University of Alberta (Louviere, Personal Correspondence, 2005). The first working
papers and publications occurred in the early 1990s (Louviere 1991, Finn and Louviere
1992, Louviere 1993, Louviere, Swait, and Anderson 1995). With MaxDiff, respondents
are shown a set (subset) of the possible items in the study and are asked to indicate
(among this subset with a minimum of three items) the best and worst items (or most and
least important, etc.). MaxDiff (along with best only choices from sets of items)
represents an extension of Thurstone's Law of Comparitive Judgement (Thurstone 1927).
According to Louviere, MaxDiff assumes that respondents evaluate all possible pairs of
items within the displayed subset and choose the pair that reflects the maximum
difference in preference or importance (Louviere 1993). However, the theory we prefer
to apply is that respondents scan the set for the highest and lowest preference items (the
With HB modeling, we can derive useful scores at the individual level even
though we have asked each respondent to evaluate only a fraction of all
The MaxDiff System also includes an Aggregate Logit option, in case the user
wishes to pool all respondent data together to compute average scores across
the population. This is useful for quick, topline results, or to analyze especially
sparse MaxDiff data (e.g. many items and few exposures of each item to each
The MaxDiff System uses a cyclical algorithm to generate near-optimal plans for paired
comparison experiments. Importantly, respondents receive multiple versions (blocks) of
the plan, which tends to lead to more precise estimates (relative to a single version) and
can reduce context and order effects. Consider a typical study with 24 items. There are
k(k-1)/2 possible paired comparisons, or (24)(23)/2 = 276 possible pairs. Fortunately,
each respondent does not need to complete all possible paired comparisons to lead to
stable estimates of item scores.
At a minimum, we'd suggest asking each respondent 1.5x as many paired comparisons as
items in the experiment (each item is shown three times). You will probably want to
increase this by some amount, and the MaxDiff System gives great flexibility for
choosing the exact number of pairs that you feel fits well within your questionnaire length
and limitations. But, how should we choose the subset of the total number of possible
paired comparisons to ask a respondent?
The MaxDiff System uses a cyclical approach for choosing designs. To illustrate,
consider a small eight-item problem. There are (8)(7)/2 = 28 possible paired
comparisons. We can organize the possible paired comparisons into efficient,
progressive partitions (groups of questions). The first partition is the most valuable series
of questions, the second partition is next-useful, and so on, until all paired comparisons
have been described. Within each partition, the questions feature frequency balance.
For the eight-item experiment, there are four possible frequency-balanced partitions:
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3
Partition 4
Partition 1 completes a full circle, pairing each item with its adjacent item. Partition 1
achieves both frequency balance (each item shown twice) and full connectivity of the
items. Partition 2 pairs each item with the item half-way down the list. It achieves
perfect frequency balance with just four pairings (each item shown once). However, by
itself, it doesn't achieve connectivity of the items (but we already established connectivity
using Partition 1). Partitions 3 and 4 also reflect frequency balance, though only Partition
3 reflects connectivity. All together, there are 28 paired comparisons across the four
partitions, reflecting the full-factorial (all possible pairs).
If enough questions are asked (at least as many questions as items in the study) the
cyclical design approach ensures that each version of the design (respondent
questionnaire) features connectivity. If you need to ask each respondent fewer questions
than the number of items in the study, it becomes very challenging for HB to scale the
items relative to one another at the individual level. With fewer questions per respondent
than items in the study, wed recommend using latent class modeling.
If we could only ask eight questions of a respondent, we should use Partition 1. If we
could only ask twelve questions, we should ask Partitions 1 and 2. The next priority
would be Partition 3 followed by Partition 4.
A similar pattern generalizes for all experiments involving an even number of items.
(With ten items, there are five partitions in the full factorial, with twelve items there are
six partitions, etc.) Partitions with odd integer differences between paired items reflect
connectivity; those with even integer differences between paired items are not connected.
In the case of an odd number of items in the study, the same patterns are observed, except
there is no partition similar to Partition 2 above, where a frequency-balanced block can be
completed in 1/2k comparisons, where k is the number of items in the study (obviously, k
is not evenly divisible by 2). Also, partitions with even integer differences between items
are connected; those with odd integer differences between paired items are not connected
(with the exception of Partition 1).
The software is very flexible, allowing you to specify exactly how many questions to ask
each respondent*. For example, if you specify that 18 questions should be asked for an 8item experiment, Partitions 1 and 2, and six questions from Partition 3 would be chosen.
After the paired comparisons have been selected for a questionnaire version, the question
order is randomized.
Subsequent questionnaire versions are chosen such that the order of items taken into the
partitions is randomized and (in the case of a question count that is not evenly filled using
the partitions) deficits in item representation across the versions are attempted to be
remedied in later versions. The algorithm also pays attention to two-way frequency of
items (how many times each item appears with each other item). Subsequent
questionnaire versions are chosen such that deficits in two-way frequencies are reduced in
later versions. The algorithm also seeks to balance the number of times each item
appears on the left and on the right.
Designing Experiments Involving Choices from Three or More Items
In MaxDiff questionnaires or in extensions to MPC where respondents are asked to
choose just the most preferred/important item from sets of three or more items, we again
must decide how to choose an efficient fraction of the total possible combinations of
items to show each respondent.
The MaxDiff System uses a programming-based algorithm to choose designs according
to the same criteria as mentioned previously with respect to MPC designs:
Frequency balance
Positional Balance
As a final step, we randomize the order of the tasks within each version.
The design process is repeated 1000 separate times by default (using a different starting
seed each time), and the replication that demonstrates the best one-way balance (number
of times each item occurs) is selected. If multiple designs have the same degree of oneway balance, then we select among those designs based on the best two-way balance
(number of times each pair of items occurs within sets). If multiple designs have the same
degree of one-way and two-way balance, then we select among those designs based on
the best positional balance. With small to moderate sized designs and no prohibitions,
this usually happens within a few seconds.
The MaxDiff System produces a report to help you evaluate the quality of the design.
This flexibility comes at a small penalty in certain rare cases as slightly more efficient MPC designs exist
for numbers of pairs that are very specific multiples of the numbers of items (Grimshaw et al. 2001).
of Items (Attributes): 8
of Items per Set: 4
of Sets per Respondent: 10
of Questionnaire Versions: 2
Number Seed: 1
Mean = 2.500000
Std Dev. = 0.500000
In this example, the one-way frequencies are perfectly balanced and the off-diagonal twoway frequencies nearly so. It is not necessary to achieve exact balance in a design to
have a very satisfactory design, but balance is a desirable property. Methods such as
logit, latent class, and HB do not require perfect balance to achieve unbiased estimates of
The Positional Frequencies report how many times each item appears in the first, second,
third, and so on positions. A standard deviation is reported for each table. Lower
standard deviations are better, with a standard deviation of zero reflecting perfect
balance. With most design specifications (number of items, items per set, sets, and
versions), it is impossible to achieve exact balance in all three tables. Fortunately, exact
balance is not required for near-optimal efficiency and unbiased estimation of parameters.
However, the researcher interested in achieving slightly better designs should try
different starting seeds and perhaps even more than 1000 iterations, and compare the
How Many Items and Sets to Show
Research using synthetic data (Orme, 2005) suggests that asking respondents to evaluate
more than about five items at a time within each set may not be very useful. The gains in
precision of the estimates are minimal when using more than five items at a time per set
for studies involving up to about 30 total items. Orme speculated that the small gains
from showing even more items may be offset by respondent fatigue or confusion.
Another finding from Orme's research is that it is counterproductive to show more than
half as many items within each set as are in the study. Doing so can actually decrease
precision of the estimates. Orme provided this explanation: To explain this result,
consider a MaxDiff study of 10 items where we display all 10 items in each task. For
each respondent, wed certainly learn which item was best and which was worst, but
wed learn little else about the items of middle importance for each individual. Thus,
increasing the number of items per set eventually results in lower precision for items of
middle importance or preference. This leads to the suggestion that one include no more
than about half as many items per task as being studied.
Orme's simulation study also included an internal validation measure using holdouts,
leading to a suggestion regarding how many subsets to ask each respondent in MaxDiff
studies. He stated, The data also suggest that displaying each item three or more times
per respondent works well for obtaining reasonably precise individual-level estimates
with HB. Asking more tasks, such that the number of exposures per item is increased
well beyond three, seems to offer significant benefit, provided respondents don't become
fatigued and provide data of reduced quality.
Should We Ask for Worsts?
The MaxDiff System allows researchers to ask for best and worst choices within
subsets of items (set size >=3), or to ask only for bests. Collecting both bests and
worsts contributes more information. However, it has been shown that the parameters
resulting from best choices may differ (statistically significant differences) from those
developed only using worst choices. Even so, the results tend to be quite similar between
bests and worsts. There is some debate among leading academics regarding the statistical
properties of worsts and whether including both bests and worsts is an appropriate
extension of the logit model. We at Sawtooth Software do not know which approach is
best (to ask for worsts or not). We imagine that it depends on the focus of the research.
For example, healthcare outcomes studies often are concerned more about identifying the
worst outcomes with greater precision than the best outcomes. Asking only for bests is
theoretically more sound, but asking for worsts seems to offer practical value. We
hope that offering flexibility in this software will lead to more experimentation in this
If the purpose of the research is to measure the full range of scores from the best item to
the worst, it seems to us useful to ask for both best and worst judgments. For example, if
studying a variety of positions in a political campaign, it may as important to identify
positive positions as to identify those that might have a negative impression for groups of
potential voters. If the purpose of the research focuses on the trade-offs among items at
the favorable end of the scale for each respondent (such as is the case in choice
simulations or TURF analysis), then it may be more useful just to ask for bests and avoid
spending time asking for worsts. The statements within this paragraph reflect our
opinions at this point, and we have no data to support them.
Analyzing Results for MPC and Choice of Best Only Experiments
Counting Analysis
The simplest method of analysis consists of counting choices. For each respondent,
choice set, and item, we code a score. If an item is available in the choice set and chosen,
that item is coded as +1. If an item is available but not chosen, that item is coded 0. If
the item is not available within the subset, it is coded as missing. In Counting analysis,
we simply average these scores across all respondents and tasks, for each item. The
resulting means are probabilities of choice, ranging from 0 to 1. The probability reflects
the likelihood that the item is chosen within all possible subsets (of the size included in
the questionnaire) including this item in the study. The probabilities do not add to 100%,
since not all items are available within each choice set. The probabilities will sum to k/t,
where k is the total number of items in the study and t is the number of items shown per
Counting analysis is a quick way to summarize the average preference or importance of
items across respondents, under conditions of near-orthogonality. That is to say that each
item should appear approximately an equal number of times with every other item in the
experiment. With designs produced by the MaxDiff System, near-orthogonality holds
when no prohibitions are specified between items and when many versions of the
questionnaire are used. However, counts tend to be flatter than the more accurate
assessment of scores given through Logit, Latent Class, or HB analysis.
Multinomial Logit and Hierarchical Bayes Modeling
For paired comparisons or choices (bests only) among sets with more than two items, we
may treat the process as a utility-maximizing decision following Random Utility Theory,
modeled using multinomial logit (MNL). We find a set of weights for the items such that
when applying the logit rule we obtain a maximum likelihood fit to the respondents'
actual choices. The logit rule specifies that the probability of choosing the ith item as
best (or most important) from a set containing i through j items is equal to:
Pi = eUi / eUij
where eUi means to take the antilog of the utility for item i.
To avoid linear dependency, we arbitrarily set the utility for the last item to zero and
estimate the utility of all other k-1 items with respect to that final item held constant at
zero. This is accomplished through dummy coding.
In the MaxDiff System, we employ hierarchical Bayes estimation to compute individuallevel weights under the logit rule. Hierarchical Bayes borrows information across the
sample to stabilize the estimates for each individual. We use a prior covariance matrix
appropriate for proper estimation of categorical attributes to avoid potential troubles
estimating the omitted level with respect to the other parameters, as described by Orme
and Lenk (Orme and Lenk 2004). The interested reader can refer to the CBC/HB
Technical Paper for more information on hierarchical Bayes modeling (Sawtooth
Software 2004) and also Lenks procedure for specifying a proper prior covariance
To make it easier for users to interpret the raw scores, we zero-center the parameters as a
final step before saving them to file.
Probability-Based Rescaling Procedure
The weights (item scores) resulting from multinomial logit (MNL) estimation typically
consist of both negative and positive values. These values are on an interval scale and
their meaning is sometimes difficult for non-technical managers to grasp. Because these
experiments use choice data, we can convert these scores to ratio-scaled probabilities that
range from 0 to 100.
To convert the raw weights to the 0-100 point scale, we perform the following
transformation for each item score:
eUi / (eUi + a - 1)
Ui = zero-centered raw logit weight for item i
eUi is equivalent to taking the antilog of Ui. In Excel, use the formula =EXP(Ui)
a = Number of items shown per set
Then, for convenience, we rescale the transformed values to sum to 100.
The logic behind this transformation is as follows: We are interested in transforming raw
scores (developed under the logit rule) to probabilities true to the original data generation
process (the counts). If respondents saw 4 items at a time in each MaxDiff set, then the
raw logit weights are developed consistent with the logit rule and the data generation
process. Stated another way, the scaling of the weights will be consistent within the
context (and assumed error level) of choices from quads. Therefore, if an item has a raw
weight of 2.0, then we expect that the likelihood of it being picked within the context of a
representative choice set involving 4 items is (according to the logit rule):
e2.0 / (e2.0 + e0 + e0 + e0)
Since we are using zero-centered raw utilities, the expected utility for the competing three
items within the set would each be 0. Since e0 = 1, the appropriate constant to add to the
denominator of the rescaling equation above is the number of alternatives minus 1.
The rescaled scores follow ratio scaling, and we may say that an item with a score of 10
is twice as preferred or important as an item with a score of 5. The results should be
easily understood by non-technical people, as most people are used to seeing survey
results where the results for items range from 0 to 100.
Analyzing Results for MaxDiff Experiments
Counting Analysis
As with paired comparisons, we can compute the probability that an item is chosen best
or worst when it was available within a subset (see previous explanation). The MaxDiff
System reports these probabilities separately, for bests and worsts.
Multinomial Logit and Hierarchical Bayes Modeling
For MaxDiff experiments, assume that choices of bests and choices of worsts may be
treated as a utility-maximizing (minimizing) decision following Random Utility Theory,
modeled using multinomial logit (MNL). We find a set of weights for the items such that
when applying the logit rule we obtain a maximum likelihood fit to the respondents'
actual choices.
Under the logit rule, the probability of choosing the ith item as best (or most important)
from a set containing i through j items is equal to:
Pi = eUi / eUij
This rescaling procedure does not factor out the scale parameter. Scale factor is inversely related to noise.
The greater the noise, the flatter the probability scores. Thus, it is inappropriate to make direct
comparisons between groups of respondents who differ significantly on scale. But, such is the case with
many types of marketing research data, where the strength of signal depends upon the degree to which
respondents pay attention or understand the question. Most every informed researcher willingly accepts
this and expects noise to be fairly constant across respondent groups, such that this will make little matter
when comparing groups. If this issue still concerns you, each respondent's scores might be re-scaled such
that the mean is zero and the scores have a range of 100 points. This transformation comes at a cost,
however. After rescaling, the scores will not retain their ratio-scaled properties and will no longer
correspond to choice probabilities.
where eUi means to take the antilog of the utility for item i.
and the probability of choosing the ith item as worst (or least important) is equal to:
Pi = e-Ui / e-Uij
where e-Ui means to take the antilog of negative the utility for item i.
Researchers have found that the parameters and scale factor from best and worst choices
may vary (though the scale factor is more likely to vary than the relative preference
weights). However, it is common to concatenate both kinds of data and estimate using a
single MNL model, as described by Louviere (Louviere 1993), and that is the approach
we take with the MaxDiff System. The independent variable matrix is dummy-coded
with k-1 parameters (the last item is omitted and constrained to have a weight of zero).
Each set is coded as two separate sets: one for best responses and one for worsts. All
elements in the design matrix are multiplied by -1 in the set describing worsts. (Again,
there is debate regarding the correctness of modeling MaxDiff in the way as described by
Louviere, but the results seem to work very well in practice.)
We employ hierarchical Bayes to estimate individual-level weights under the logit rule,
as described previously for paired comparison experiments. To make it easier for users
to interpret the raw scores, we zero-center the parameters as a final step before saving
them to file.
Probability-Based Rescaling Procedure
As previously described, the weights (item scores) resulting from multinomial logit
typically consist of both negative and positive values. These values are on an interval
scale and are sometimes difficult for non-technical individuals to grasp. Because
MaxDiff experiments use choice data, we can convert these scores to ratio-scaled
probabilities that range from 0 to 100 as described previously.
Respondents indicate which items are relatively better (or worse) than others within
standard MaxDiff questionnaires. Thus, the scores are estimated on a relative scale,
without any indication that the items are good or bad, important or unimportant, in an
absolute sense. Some researchers have viewed that as a limitation for certain studies and
certain clients.
Anchored MaxDiff
Anchored MaxDiff lets the researcher draw a line (a utility boundary) between important
and unimportant items (positive vs. negative impact, buy or no-buy, etc.). That utility
boundary, for example, could be set at 0. Thus, any items that are positive are considered
important and those that are negative are not important (in an absolute sense). Anchored
MaxDiff score estimation is available for aggregate logit, latent class, and HB score
estimation routines within the MaxDiff System.
Anchored MaxDiff provides potentially more information than standard MaxDiff, but it
comes at a cost. One of the key benefits of standard MaxDiff is that it is free from scale
use bias, making it a very nice technique for studying relative preferences across
countries or across respondents who have different scale use bias tendencies.
With anchored MaxDiff, although a rating scale is not being used, the tendency for one
group of respondents to generally be more positive/agreeable than another group of
respondents can lead to similar problems as scale use bias, which was one of the main
problems researchers have wanted to eliminate by using MaxDiff!
Furthermore, using anchored MaxDiff scores within cluster segmentation (or latent class
segmentation) might lead to respondent groups that are being delineated as much by their
tendency to be positive/agreeable regarding the position of items vs. the anchor as by
their relative scores for the items of interest within your study. (An obvious solution to
this second issue is to develop the segmentation using un-anchored scores, but then to
profile the segments using the anchored scores.)
Dual-Response Indirect Method
Jordan Louviere, the inventor of MaxDiff scaling, proposed a dual-response, indirect
method for scaling the items relative to a threshold anchor of importance or desirability.
You may add indirect scaling questions to your MaxDiff survey by clicking the Add
Dual-Response Question box from the Format tab within your MaxDiff exercise. Below
each MaxDiff question, a second (hence, "dual") question is inserted, such as the
If the respondent clicks "None of these are important to me" then we inform utility
estimation that all four items shown in this MaxDiff set should have lower utility than the
anchor threshold.
If the respondent clicks "All of these are important to me" then we inform utility
estimation that all four items should have higher utility than the anchor threshold.
If the respondent clicks "Some of these are important to me" then we know that the "best"
item selected within the MaxDiff set should have higher utility than the anchor and the
"worst" item selected should have lower utility than the anchor.
When "Some of these are important to me" is selected, we do not have any information
about how the two non-selected items (from this set of four) relate to the anchor. Thus,
the dual-response indirect method provides incomplete information about how each of
the items shown in a MaxDiff set relates to the anchor.
Note: if the dual-response indirect method is applied to questions that show just two
items per set (paired comparisons questions), then we achieve complete information
regarding how the two items shown relate to the anchor.
The indirect method should probably not be used with more than 4 items shown per set.
Increasing the number of items per set increases the likelihood that respondents will
select "Some of these are important to me," which provides incomplete information.
Because of this issue, the software issues a warning if you try to use the indirect method
with more than 4 items displayed per MaxDiff set.
The indirect method works well in practice. Evidence has been presented at the Sawtooth
Software Conference that the indirect method tends to lead to more items being scaled
above the anchor threshold than the direct method. In other words, the indirect method
leads to more items being judged as "Important" or a "Buy" compared to the direct
method (described directly below).
Direct Binary Approach Method
Both Bryan Orme (in 2009 at the SKIM/Sawtooth Software European Conference) and
Kevin Lattery (at the 2010 Sawtooth Software Conference) have demonstrated how
standard ratings questions (or sorting tasks) may be used to anchor MaxDiff items.
Lattery's work is more generally referenced today, as his paper is more complete in
comparing direct and indirect anchoring methods. Using questions outside the MaxDiff
section, we may ask respondents directly whether each item (or each of a subset of the
items) is important or not. A 2-point scale could be used, or respondents could be asked
to sort items into two buckets: important and unimportant buckets. A 5-point scale could
also be used, where items rated either top box or top-two box could signal that these
exceed the importance threshold boundary, etc.
The direct method works well in practice. Evidence has been presented at the Sawtooth
Software Conference that the direct method tends to lead to more items being scaled
below the anchor threshold than the indirect method. In other words, the direct method
leads to more items being judged as "Not Important" or a "No buy" compared to the
indirect method (described directly above). Context bias can become a potential problem
with the direct method. If the number of items grows to the point that the researcher
wishes to show the items across multiple screens, then the context of the other items on
the screen can affect the absolute judgments given.
Validation Research-on-Research for Anchored Scaling MaxDiff
Sawtooth Software and Kevin Lattery (from Maritz) have separately done a few researchon-research projects to test and validate different methods for anchored scaling in
MaxDiff. To read more about different approaches to direct and indirect anchored
scaling approaches, please see:
"Using Calibration Questions to Obtain Absolute Scaling in MaxDiff" (Orme
If these issues concern you and you wish to conduct statistical tests and confidence
bounds more to the Bayesian tradition, then we suggest you export the data for use with
our CBC/HB product, which can produce a file of draws that may be used to develop
more proper confidence bounds and statistical tests.
Error Theory and the MaxDiff Model
In this section, we use simulated data to demonstrate that MaxDiff data can conform to
assumptions inherent in MNL and to Random Utility Theory.
Assume the respondent has some latent (unobservable) utility structure. To make the
selection of best, assume the respondent evaluates items in the set and chooses the
highest utility item according to the utilities plus extreme value error (right-skewed
Gumbel error). To choose the worst item, assume the respondent independently
evaluates items in the set and makes a selection of worst according to the utilities plus
extreme value error (left-skewed Gumbel error).
We have simulated this data generation process, and found that MNL (aggregate logit)
can recover known utility parameters. We employed the following steps: We generated
five thousand synthetic respondents with 12 parameters, assuming population means of
-5.5, -5.0, -4.5, -4.0, -3.5, -3.0, -2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, and 0. We generated a MaxDiff
questionnaire with 12 sets, where each set contained 4 items. Our synthetic respondents
answered the questionnaire according to the previously described rule. We coded the
independent variable matrix as described earlier in this documentation.
Recovery of True Parameters
in MaxDiff
The estimated parameters are quite close to the parameters used to generate the data set.
The small differences are explainable by random error.
It can be argued that the assumptions we made in generating the synthetic data really
dont hold with actual MaxDiff questionnaires, since the choice of best and worst are not
truly independent. They are exclusive for each task. But our synthetic respondents very
occasionally chose the same items as best and worst for tasks (since independent Gumbel
error was used). If we change the decision rule for the synthetic respondents such that
the choice of best and worst must be exclusive, and re-run the MNL estimation, the
estimated utility values become a little larger in scale, reflecting essentially a uniform
transformation of the previously estimated values when exclusivity of best and worst was
not enforced. The interpretation of the parameters, for all practical purposes, would be
the same.
We have demonstrated that an error theory consistent with MNL can be developed for
MaxDiff. Humans do not behave as nicely as simulated respondents, and the previous
cautions still apply regarding the blending of best and worst judgments.
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