Chapter 02

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The French in
North America
What kind of society did the French colonists create in their
North American colonies?


When Europeans first came to North America, they created new settlements
called colonies. A colony is a territory of land that is controlled by another
country. Up until the mid-1900s, many countries in Europe, Asia, and the
Middle East claimed colonies around the globe. The earliest colonists in
Canada came from France. They are the ancestors of most Francophone
Canadians today.
Empires are networks of colonies controlled by a single
country, sometimes called the home country. Colonies had no
The French were not the
independence, meaning that the people living in a colony did
only imperialists during this
not have control of their political or economic affairs. Decisions
era. The British, the
about their future were usually made by the home country. This
Spanish, the Portuguese,
system of countries extending their control over other nations is
and many other peoples
called imperialism. For centuries, much of the world was ruled
also established empires
by imperial powers. It was within this framework that Canada
around the world. This
became a country.
chapter focuses on the
French because they were
the first imperial power to
have a lasting impact on the
identity of Canada.



The French in North America

Your Skills
Maps allow us to
see and show many
different types of
information about a
particular place. The
Skill Check feature
on the next page will
take you through
the steps to Analyze
Thematic Maps.
Wherever you see
in this chapter,
it is an opportunity
to practise your
new skill.


New France
In this chapter, we will investigate why France was interested in building a
colony in North America. Well look at the journeys of some French explorers as
they set out to claim new lands for France. In Chapter 1, you learned about the
societies and economies of three different First Nations. In this chapter, youll
look at these same aspects of New France.
The flow chart below shows the relationship between a colony such as New
France and its home country.

Think about what you already know about early French explorers, colonists, and the way of
life in New France. Record your information in a chart like the one below. In the Know
column, record everything you know, or think you know, about this topic. Then, in the
Wonder column, record those things you would like to know. When you have finished this
chapter, return to your chart. Check off the questions in the Wonder column that have been
answered. Then summarize what you have learned in the Learn column.
New France





A Story of Canada


Thematic Maps
hematic maps show specific types of detailed information (or themes) about a
place. For example, a climate map might show precipitation patterns across a
province. A historic map might use different colours or patterns to show the
empires around the world in the past. Here are some guidelines for analyzing and
interpreting thematic maps.

Examine the Basics

Most maps contain a title, a directional symbol such as a compass
rose, and a scale. The most important feature on a thematic map is the
legend. Maps, especially thematic maps, contain different patterns,
colours, and symbols. These are explained in the legend.

Interpret the Information

Tech Link
You can see several
historical maps of
New France, including
two by Samuel de
Champlain. Just open
Chapter 2 on your
Voices and Visions


Use the legend to identify patterns on the map. Then ask yourself what the
patterns mean. For example, the theme of the map in Figure 2.2 (page 35)
is empires around the world between the 1500s and the 1700s. By
studying the colour-coded legend and applying it to the map, we can see
the following:
Britain and Spain were in control of most of North America.
France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands controlled South America.
The Middle East and Northern Africa were mainly under the control of
the Turkish empire, while China and Russia were dominant in Asia.
The Dutch seemed to be mainly interested in coastal colonies in the
Southern Hemisphere.
Russia controlled the largest area of land,
while Spain had the largest number of
colonies spread around the globe.
Using GIS software or another
online mapping program, create a
Communicate Your
thematic map of Canada. What are the
two most important things a foreigner
should know about Canada, in your
Use the information you have
opinion? Add two theme layers to your
gathered to try to draw conclusions.
Then think about the significance this map to show this information as well
as a legend to explain the
information might have on the topic
colours or symbols used.
you are studying.

The French in North America


European Imperialism

uropeans began arriving in the land

we call Canada 1000 years ago. They
were the Norse, who sailed from
Scandinavia. In the 1400s, long
after the Norse had left North
America, sailors from Spain,
Why did explorers
Portugal, and possibly England
and colonists from
crossed the Atlantic to catch fish
Europe come to
off the shores of present-day
North America?
Newfoundland and Labrador.
These fishermen were followed by
many other Europeans, who came across
the ocean as explorers and colonists.
In this section, youll examine the
different reasons why the imperial
countries of Europe decided to cross the
ocean to North America. Youll see why they
wanted to claim colonies here.


When we say the 1400s or the fifteenth century, we

mean any year from 1400 to 1499. What years are
included in the twenty-first century?

Looking for a New

Silk Road
For centuries, the countries of Europe and
Asia traded with one another. France,
England, Spain, Portugal, and the
Netherlands looked to India, China, Japan,
and Indonesia to obtain spices, tea, silk,
porcelain, and precious gems.
To bring these goods home, the
Europeans travelled a route known as the
Silk Road. This long overland route crossed
through Asia and Eastern Europe. The route
was dangerous because ambush parties
would often attack the traders. They would
either steal the traders cargo or charge
them a large payment, or tax, to pass
through the territory. By the 1400s, the
Europeans were eager to find another route
to Asia, preferably a water route.

Figure 2.1 European explorers were looking for a water route to Asia. Do you see a possible route?
What disadvantages and challenges might this route pose?



Portugal led the search for a water

route to the Far East, sending ships south
around the tip of Africa as far as India. Soon
after, Spain began looking for a route. In
1492, Queen Isabella sent Christopher
Columbus west across the Atlantic.
More explorers followed in the wake of
Columbus. Their voyages increased
European knowledge of and interest in the
land across the ocean.

Expanding Across
the Ocean
Why did the imperial countries of Europe
want to expand their empires?
Economics. Europeans set up colonies so
they could claim the resources of the land
for themselves. In the country we now
call Canada, the resource the Europeans
valued most was fur. In Europe, there was
a fashion craze for beaver hats and fur
coats. Since the beaver had been hunted
to extinction in Europe, the Europeans
looked to North America for more.
Competition. The countries of Europe
were often at war with one another as
they competed for land and resources.
The more colonies a country controlled,
the more power and prestige it had.
Colonies supplied their home countries
with resources such as timber and iron
ore. These were used to build up
European armies and navies.
Religion. Most Europeans were Christians.
Like the followers of many religions, they
believed that theirs was the one true faith.
There was competition within the Christian
faith, however, between the Catholics and
the Protestants. Most people in France
were Catholic. Most people in England
were Protestant. Both groups wanted to
send missionaries around the world to
spread their version of Christianity.


A Story of Canada


The French in North America

Curiosity. The Europeans were also

curious about what lay beyond the
horizon. This played an important part in
their expansion around the world. New
technologies and improvements in
navigation helped them to travel farther
than they had ever been before.

Global Connections

Figure 2.2 Examples of empires around the world between the 1500s and the 1700s. La Francophonie is
an organization of all the countries around the world today where French is the peoples first language or
is the official (or main) language. Do some research in an atlas or on the Internet to find all the current
member countries. Then, on a tracing of this map, mark these countries with a symbol. How do the two
maps compare?

Many imperial countries used to claim colonies

around the world. Once a land was claimed, its
resources and original inhabitants were
controlled by the home country. How do you

Think It

think the people who lived in the lands that

were colonized felt about being told what to do
by a foreign power? How would you feel if this
happened in Canada today?

1. You are a French explorer in the 1500s.

Write a diary entry in which you explain
why you feel it is a good idea to sail to
North America and set up a colony there.
Point out the ways in which the colony will
benefit the home country as well as the
colonists who move there.

2. Think about what you learned in Chapter 1.

In a chart, outline the arguments the First
Nations might have made for and against
the Europeans coming to North America.



A Story of Canada

France Takes an Interest in North America

rance entered the race to find an ocean

passage to Asia in the mid-1500s. The
king, Franois I, was determined that his
people should find a route before the other
countries of Europe. The French
decided to start their search by
Why did the
exploring North America.
French decide to
This section looks at some of
explore North
the reasons the French continued to
America and build
come back to North America and
colonies here?
eventually built colonies here.


Cartier Crosses the

The king of France sent a French sea
captain named Jacques Cartier to find a
passage through North America to Asia.
In 1534, Cartier set out across the Atlantic
with two ships. After 20 days at sea, he
arrived off the coast of Newfoundland.
Sailing around the north end of the island,

Cartier entered a broad inland seathe Gulf

of St. Lawrence.
One day, Cartier and his men were
exploring along the shore. They came
across a group of Mikmaq [MIG-mah]
paddling in their canoes. Can you imagine
how the Mikmaq reacted upon
encountering Cartier and his crew? The boat
would have been larger than any they had
seen before. The style of clothing and the
language of the men on board would have
been unfamiliar to them as well. In his
journal, Cartier wrote about what happened
next from his point of view:

A large number of people set up a great

clamour and made frequent signs to us to
come on shore, holding up to us some skins
on sticks.
We likewise made signs to them
that we wished them no harm, and sent
two men ashore to offer them some knives
and other iron goods and a red hat to give
to their chief.
They bartered all they had, to
such an extent that all went back naked
and they made signs to us that they
would return on the morrow with more

Source: Ramsay Cook, ed., The Voyages of Jacques Cartier

(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993), pp. 2021.
Translated from the French original.

Figure 2.3 Mikmaq rock drawing showing sailors on board a

European ship. The Mikmaq had a rich oral culture to pass along
information. They also made drawings on rocks, called
petroglyphs, to record events and information. Why do you think
these old petroglyphs are considered so important today?


This is the first known written account

of trade between the Europeans and First
Nations peoples. What things in this account
suggest that the Mikmaq had traded before?
With whom do you think they might have

The French in North America

The Challenges of
In July 1534, Cartier landed at a place he
called Gasp. There, he met a First Nations
people called the Haudenosaunee
[hah-duh-nuh-SAH-nee] and their
Look in Chapter 2
leader, a man named Donnacona.
on the Voices and
They had travelled from their
Visions CD-ROM to
home farther up the St. Lawrence
compare two
River to fish in the region we
different paintings
know as the Gasp Peninsula.
showing the meeting
After this meeting, Cartier
of Cartier and the
took two of Donnaconas sons,
Taignoagny and Domagaya, on
board his ship. He sailed with
them back to France to prove to the king
what he had found. In 1535, Cartier
returned to North America with three ships
and 110 men. He brought Donnaconas sons

Tech Link

back with him. They guided the French up
the St. Lawrence River, deeper into the
continent. They went as far as Stadacona,
where Donnacona and his people lived.
Cartier and his crew decided to stay
the winter. They built a small log fort near
Stadacona. However, they did not have
enough fresh fruit and vegetables. Many
of the crew became ill and died from
scurvy, a disease brought on by a lack of
vitamin C. But the Haudenosaunee had a
cure for scurvy. They
taught the French
how to make the tea
Look under the
cure by boiling pieces
Videos section of
of white cedar.
Chapter 2 on the
Without their help,
Voices and Visions
Cartier and the rest of
CD-ROM to see a
his men may not have
First Nations person
survived the winter.
making cedar tea.

Tech Link

The Haudenosaunee had lived in the Great Lakes
St. Lawrence Lowlands since time immemorial. They
controlled travel along the river and governed the
surrounding lands. However, when Cartier arrived at
Gasp, he and his men raised a large wooden cross.
He wrote across the top, Vive le Roi de France!
Long Live the King of France!
In his journal, Cartier described how
Donnacona reacted to the cross:
When we had returned to our ships, the captain
[Donnacona], dressed in an old black bear skin,
arrived in a canoe with three of his sons and his
brother. Pointing to the cross, he made us a long
harangue, making the sign of the cross with his two
fingers; and then he pointed to the land all around, as
if to say that all this region belonged to him, and that
we ought not to have set up this cross without his

Figure 2.4 A painting of Cartier raising the

cross for France at Gasp, by Charles Walter
Simpson, 1927. In those days, it was typical for
European explorers to claim lands they visited
on their travels. Judging by this encounter, what
issue do you predict may develop between the
Source: H.P. Biggar, ed., The Voyages of Jacques Cartier First Nations peoples and the Europeans who
(Ottawa: Public Archives of Canada, 1924), p. 65. will eventually come to live in North America?



Land of Riches
The Haudenosaunee told Cartier about a
land northeast of their village where there
were fruit trees, metals, and gems. In the
spring of 1536, Cartier forcibly took
Donnacona and nine other villagers back to
Europe. He did this so that they could tell
the king about the riches in North America.
Cartier hoped this information would
convince the king to pay for another crossAtlantic trip.

Cartier Visits Again

Cartier returned to North America in
1542. He planned to set up a colony
along the St. Lawrence River. By
this time, all but one of the

Figure 2.5 A painting of

Jacques Cartier, by
Thophile Hamel, about
1844. No one knows for
sure what Cartier looked
like. A Qubec artist made
this painting many years
after Cartiers death. He
had to rely on other
portraits handed down
over the years. How might
this affect the accuracy
of this painting?

Think It

Haudenosaunee Cartier had taken across the

ocean had died in Europe. Cartier told the
Haudenosaunee that the people he took were
well and living in Europe. However, written
historical accounts say they didnt believe
him. As a result, the Haudenosaunee were
hostile toward the French.
After another terrible winter, the French
colonists decided to return to Europe. Cartier
took samples of what he believed were gold
and diamonds with him. But it turned out
they were worthless pyrite (fools gold) and
quartz. Although he was not able to establish
a permanent colony in North America,
Cartier did succeed in gathering a great deal
of important information about the land
across the ocean.

Figure 2.6 The routes followed by Jacques Cartier on three of his trips to the
St. Lawrence. How do historians know Cartier travelled these particular routes?
Where might they have found supporting historical evidence?

1. Think about why Cartiers explorations in

North America were important for France.
What did he accomplish? Create a web
diagram to illustrate your answer.
2. With a partner, role-play the encounter
between Cartier and Donnacona as Cartier


A Story of Canada

raised the cross at Gasp. Try to express

why Cartier felt justified in raising the
cross and why Donnacona felt justified in
objecting. (You may want to refer to Skill
Check: Research and Perform a Role Play
on page 268 before beginning.)


The French in North America

France Expands Its Empire

acques Cartiers settlement on the

St. Lawrence River had failed, but the
French did not forget about North America
completely. Fishing fleets still came to the
North Atlantic each year. Fur
traders still came to trade with
First Nations trappers. In this
How were the first
section, youll learn how France
permanent French
began to build North American
colonies established
colonies at Acadia and Qubec.
in North America?
Youll see why the explorer
Champlain and some First Nations
forged alliances, and youll investigate the
impact these alliances had on the colonies.


The French Return

By the early 1600s, the demand for furs in
Europe was growing. The French king, Louis
XIII, decided that France should build a
colony in North America. Then they would
have access to the abundant supply of furs.
Another reason the French returned to
North America was that Louis XIII wanted to

Figure 2.7 A re-creation of Port Royal in Acadia. The early French

colonists in North America built forts called habitations. What do
you think it would have been like living in such a place at that
time? What type of person do you think would have been willing to
take on the challenge of colonization?

be the most powerful ruler in Europe. To

reach his goal, he needed to expand
Frances colonial empire. Resources from
the colonies would give France a military
advantage over its imperial rivals.
The king knew that a colony so far
from home would be expensive for him to
build and support. So he decided to let
someone else pay for it. The king granted a
trade monopoly to a group of merchants.
This meant that only the merchants within
the group would be allowed to trade for furs
in the colony. In return, the merchants
agreed to build settlements in North
America and find French citizens to live
in them.

The French in Acadia

In 1604, a French noble named Pierre de
Monts received a monopoly. He sailed to
North America to set up a colony. He took a
map-maker and explorer named Samuel de
Champlain with him. In the spring of 1605,
de Monts established a settlement at Port
Royal on the Bay of Fundy. The French
called the area Acadia. It was from the
Greek word Arcadia, meaning an earthly
At first, the Mikmaq who lived there
did not object to the newcomers. The
French did not interfere with their fishing
and hunting activities, and the Mikmaq
welcomed the chance to trade their furs for
metal goods and blankets. The Mikmaq
were willing to share the land as long as
they had access to it.
In time, more and more French people
came to Acadia. Although life was hard, it
was no harder than it had been back in
France. Acadia offered poor farmers from
France an opportunity to make a new start.



A Story of Canada

Tech Link
You can see a
video re-enactment
of the hard work of
the wood artisans
who helped build
New France. Just
open Chapter 2 on
your Voices and
Visions CD-ROM.

Figure 2.8 Locations of French settlements and exploration routes. From the east, ships from
France could bring supplies to Qubec. From the west, canoes could travel from the interior,
bringing furs. As a result of the fur trade, strong partnerships developed between the First
Nations and the French. Why was water transportation so important in those days?

The colonists spread out along the shores of

the Bay of Fundy. They survived through
farming, fishing, and hunting. These French
pioneers formed a unique community and
culture. They were the first Acadians.

Figure 2.8 shows. However, living conditions

were far from ideal for the colonists. During
their first winter, 20 of the 28 newcomers
died due to the weather and lack of food.

The Founding of Qubec

Port Royal was a long way from the centre
of the fur trade, so de Monts and
Champlain decided to move to the
St. Lawrence River. They chose a
The Voices and
site near Stadacona, where Jacques
Visions CD-ROM
Cartier had built a fort many years
contains an image
of the original
The French colonists called
plan for Qubec.
their settlement Qubec. The name
Look at the image,
came from an Algonquin [aland explain how
GONG-kwin] word meaning the
security issues
place where the river narrows. It
influenced the plan.
was an ideal place to trade furs, as

Tech Link


Figure 2.9 Annual temperatures and precipitation

in Paris, France, and Qubec. The lines show
temperature while the bars show precipitation.
Compare these two graphs. How do they explain
one of the reasons why Champlain and his men
had such a difficult time surviving in New France?


The French in North America

Samuel de Champlain (15671635)
Samuel de Champlain worked to build the
colony at Qubec and to develop the fur trade.
He lived in Qubec for 27 years. During that
time, he returned to France eight times to
persuade the king to send more French colonists
and to provide greater support for the settlement.
At the same time, Champlain built alliances
with the Montagnais [MON-tun-yay] and
Algonquin First Nations. He travelled the rivers
into the interior. When he reached the Great
Lakes, he established a friendship with the
Wendat [WAH-n-dot] (also known as Huron) who
lived in what is now Central Ontario.
Champlain wanted to trade with the
Wendat. He agreed to fight with them against
their enemies, the Haudenosaunee. The French
and the Haudenosaunee had been enemies since
Jacques Cartiers encounter with them years
before. The two First Nations raided one another
to obtain furs and to take revenge for relatives
who had died in earlier conflicts. By siding with

Think It

the Wendat, Champlain fuelled a conflict that

would last for another 100 years. It would make
life insecure and unstable for all sides.
Champlain died at Qubec on Christmas
Day in 1635. At that time, Qubec was still a
struggling settlement with just a few dozen
people. In time, though, the colony began to
flourish. Champlain came to be known as the
founder of New France.

Figure 2.10 A self-portrait by Champlain. This is the

only picture of Champlain that dates from his lifetime.
It shows him firing his gun at a group of
Haudenosaunee during a battle. Is this a primary
source image or a secondary source image? Give
reasons for your choice.

1. Examine the painting at the beginning of

this chapter (pages 3031). It shows early
Acadians. Describe the details of the scene
to get a better idea of the Acadian way of
life. Consider clothing, tools, farming
techniques, roles of men/women, and so on.
2. a) Working in a small group, brainstorm a
list of challenges the French faced as
they tried to build the colonies. Prepare
a list of arguments to justify France
spending more money on the colony.
Then prepare a list of arguments to
justify France not spending more money.

b) Write one of the following letters:

Imagine you are Samuel de
Champlain. Write a letter to the king
of France asking him to send more
colonists to Qubec.
Imagine you are the king. Write a
letter to Champlain explaining why
you cannot fulfill his request.
3. Create a chart like the one below in which
you outline both the positive and negative
economic aspects of the colonies from the
perspective of each of the people listed.


The king
A French colonist
A First Nations person



A Story of Canada

Exploring Deeper into the Continent

side from the official explorers,

the first people to leave the
settlements of New France and begin
roaming the countryside were the coureurs
de bois (in English, runners of the woods).
In this section, youll investigate
how these adventurers and the First
Nations built the fur trade. Youll
What did the
see why they pushed farther west
early French
and south into the continent. As
explorers in New
you read about their explorations,
France achieve?
youll analyze how European ideas
of land ownership caused conflict between
them and the First Nations peoples.


The Coureurs de Bois

The coureurs de bois were a unique group of
adventurers. They lived for long periods
among the First Nations. In fact, many
coureurs de bois married First Nations
women, and these couples became parents
to the first Mtis [may-TEE]. The coureurs de
bois learned to speak the First Nations
languages and how to build birchbark
canoes. They also learned many of the other
skills they needed to survive in the woods.
Many of the young French men who
became coureurs de bois were lured into the
fur trade by the promise of adventure,
freedom, and money. Their main interest was
fur trapping, but they also acted as guides
and interpreters for the French traders. In this
way, they were responsible for much of the
early European exploration of the continent.

Cultural Exchange ...

Even Then
A young French colonist named tienne
Brl was one of the first coureurs de bois. In
1610, the French and the Wendat agreed to a


Figure 2.11 An artists portrayal of a coureur de

bois. Many of these adventurers married First
Nations women and had families. Their children
were the Mtis. The Mtis learned both French and
First Nations languages from their parents. They
also learned the customs and ways of life of both
peoples. What effect do you think these families
might have had on the fur trade?

cultural exchange. Brl went to live with the

Wendat. A young Wendat man named
Savignon went to live in France.
Brl wanted to learn as much as
possible about the Wendat. During his years
living with them, he gained an appreciation
for the Wendat way of life. He learned to
speak their language. He practised their
customs. Brl travelled with the Wendat
hunters and came to know their territory. He
was the first European to travel up the
Ottawa River and into Georgian Bay.
Things did not go as well for Savignon
in France. He learned to speak French, but he
was eager to return to North America. When
he did, Savignon described France as a place
where children were treated badly. He
described beggars living in the streets,
arguing loudly with one another.


The French in North America

Expanding West
Two of the most adventurous coureurs de
bois were Pierre Radisson and his brother-inlaw, the Sieur des Groseilliers. Radisson came

Figure 2.12 A painting of Radisson and des Groseilliers (Radisson

is standing), by Frederick Remington, 1905. Because the coureurs
de bois lived with First Nations peoples, each side learned about
the others culture. How can this type of cultural exchange affect
the relationship between peoples?

to New France in 1650 as a boy. When he was

a teenager, a group of Mohawk took him to
their home and adopted him into their family.
For two years, Radisson lived among the
Mohawk before deciding to return to Qubec.
During the time he lived with the
Mohawk, Radisson learned to speak their
language and survive in the woods. It seemed
only natural that he would become a coureur
de bois. In 1659, he joined des Groseilliers on
a trading trip. It took them deep inland to the
far end of Lake Superior. No Europeans had
ever been there before. Everywhere they
went, the First Nations people welcomed
them. Their knowledge of the fur country
grew. As they travelled, they gave French
names to some of the settlements, lakes,
rivers, mountains, and other landforms they
encountered. In this way, they claimed these
lands for France.
In 1670, Radisson and des Groseilliers
travelled to Hudson Bay because First Nations
people had told them the land was rich in
fur-bearing animals. Later the same year, a
fur-trading business called the Hudsons Bay
Company was founded as a result of the
accomplishments of these two explorers.

Visuals, such as photos, diagrams, and maps, often

help us better understand the text we are reading.
For the section of text on the next page titled
Expanding South, use the map in Figure 2.13 to
see the route the explorers took and the land they

Figure 2.13 New France at its largest extent. Some people

believe that New France grew too large too quickly and that
this was a disadvantage to the French colony. Look at the
map. What problems do you think the size of the colony



Expanding South []
For many years, the French heard the First
Nations talk about a mighty river beyond the
Great Lakes that flowed into the south. In the
Cree (Nehiyawak [nay-HI-uh-wuk]) language,
the river was called the Mississippithe big
river. In 1672, the king of France sent two
explorers, Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette,
to find out where this mysterious river
flowed. Would it take them south to the Gulf
of Mexico or west to the Pacific Ocean?
After several weeks of canoeing, they
learned that there was a Spanish colony only
a few days journey away. Worried that the
Spanish might take them hostage, Jolliet and
Marquette turned back. They had travelled a
long way and learned that the river emptied
into the Gulf of Mexico. But they still had not
reached the mouth of the mighty Mississippi.
In 1682, a French fur trader named
Ren Robert Cavelier de la Salle finally
reached the mouth of the Mississippi River at
the Gulf of Mexico. Due to his expedition,
France claimed ownership of all of the
Mississippi country. They called it Louisiana,
after the French king Louis XIV.

Think It


1. a) Make a colourful poster to show the

accomplishments of a French explorer.
Your poster should include
images of the explorer
a map(s) and/or photos showing the
areas explored
an explanation of the challenges
faced and the persons contributions
to the growth of the colony
any other biographical information
you can find at the library or online
b) In your opinion, how important was this
persons exploration to the future
development of Canada?
2. The French claimed a great deal of land in
North America, but there were not enough

A Story of Canada

Different Perspectives
about Land ]
Like people from the other imperial
countries of Europe, the French claimed
ownership of the territories they explored.
They did not discuss land ownership with
the First Nations or Inuit. They did not
understand that the First Nations had a
different idea about land. Although a First
Nation granted certain bands or families the
right to hunt and fish in a territory, no one
owned land privately. First Nations believed
land was to be shared by everyone.
While France claimed a vast territory,
most colonists remained clustered along the
St. Lawrence River. First Nations people
lived in other parts of the colony. To gain
control of the territory, France needed more
colonists. It wasnt easy to persuade people
to come to New France, though. The climate
was much colder than it was in France.
Also, it was hard to start a farm in the
wilderness. As a result, the population in
the colony grew slowly.

people to occupy it.

a) Come up with at least two possible
solutions to this problem. Create a
table to show the advantages and
disadvantages of each solution.
b) Choose the solution you feel is the best
one. Explain your choice.
3. Outline in writing, orally, or using a visual
illustration the differing perspectives that
the First Nations and the Europeans had
on the idea of land ownership.
4. Why do you think the First Nations helped
the French survive in the wilderness? Write
a scenario predicting what might have
happened if the First Nations had not
helped the French.


The French in North America

Economy and Government in New France

n this section, youll investigate how

the king of France increased the
population of the colony. Youll
analyze the tensions between the
How did the king
French and some First Nations.
of France and the
Youll examine the role of religion
Catholic Church
and the Catholic Church in
influence the
building the colony. Finally, youll
development of
investigate the way of life that was
New France?
evolving in New France.


The Royal Takeover []

As a colony, New France depended on
France for its survival. It relied on the home
country for colonists, supplies, and military
protection. In return, New France supplied
resources such as furs and fish. The colony

made France richer and more powerful,

which were the aims of imperialism.
In the early days of New France,
however, this system was not working well.
To the merchants who ran it, New France
was simply a place to trade for furs. They
had little interest in building settlements. As
a result, few people wanted to move there,
and the colony failed to prosper.




2 000
3 918
9 677
10 725
12 431
15 355

Figure 2.15 The population of New France.

Figure 2.14 King Louis XIV of France. Louis was

known as the Sun King because he was allpowerful. Louis was so forceful in acquiring
colonies that the other countries of Europe united
against him. Why would it have been important to
the king for New France to thrive?

In 1663, King Louis XIV took control of

the colony from the merchants. He set up a
Sovereign Council to govern the colony.
This council was made up of appointed
councillors and three key officials.
Governor. The most powerful member of
the Sovereign Council was the governor.
The governor, who was the Kings
personal representative, was usually an
army officer and a noble. He took charge
of the defence of the colony and of its
relations with allies and enemies.
Intendant. The second-most important
official was the intendant. The intendant
was in charge of the day-to-day affairs of
the colony. For example, he supervised
the courts, saw that roads were built and
that settlers were looked after, and
managed the economy.



What is a citizen? Brainstorm words and phrases

that come to mind when you think of this word.
Work together to come up with a definition.

A Story of Canada

The first intendant in New France was

Jean Talon. On the kings orders, Talon
brought newcomers from France to live in
the colony. He talked with colonists to find
out what they needed to improve their
lives. He started shipbuilding and fishing
industries, and built factories and roads.
Bishop. The head of the church in the
colony was the bishop. As a member of
the Sovereign Council, he played a
leading role in politics as well. The first
bishop, Franois de Laval, opened a
seminary in Qubec to train priests; it
later became Laval University.
The royal government paid the colonys
expenses, so taxes were lower than they
were in France. The government of New
France was all-powerful, and the colonists
had to follow the rules and laws established
by the Sovereign Council. However, the
courts heard complaints filed by the
colonists. Overall, the people enjoyed
greater freedom in New France than they
had back in France.
A distinctive Francophone society
developed. The colonists were expected to be
responsible, contributing members. In this
way, they became the citizens of New France.

Figure 2.16 A weekly session of the Sovereign Council, by Charles Huot, 1929. The governor is seated in
the tall chair. The bishop is to the left. The intendant is to the right. Other members of the Council were
appointed from among the most important merchants and nobles in the colony. Was this seventeenthcentury government democratic? Explain.


The French in North America




Interactions with the First Nations

What impact did the First Nations have on the French newcomers? The
habitants [a-bee-TAH(N)], who were the farmers of New France, admired many
things in the First Nations cultures. They adopted some of their skills and
technologies. For example, they learned to line their winter coats and mittens
with fur and to make boots out of moose hides to keep warm during the long,
cold winters.
However, not all interaction between the First Nations and the habitants
was peaceful. From the early days of the fur trade, the French and the Wendat
were allies. Farther south, the British and the Haudenosaunee were
allies. France and England were often at war in Europe. Sometimes,
these conflicts spilled over into North America. For decades, the
Why do you think
the French decided
people of New France lived under the threat of attack by the British
to use military
or the Haudenosaunee.
force against the
In the 1600s, the people of New France and the Haudenosaunee
lived in the same territory in the St. Lawrence River Valley. Often, the
Would such a
habitants were afraid to venture beyond their villages. Their lives
solution be
were at risk when they were simply working in the fields or hunting
acceptable in
in the forests. For their safety, the habitants would often arm
Canada today?
themselves when doing chores like gathering firewood. The
hostilities between the people of New France and the
Haudenosaunee convinced many people in France not to move to the colony.
The habitants needed help. Intendant Jean Talon wrote to the king asking
for military protection. The king sent 1500 soldiers to New France. The soldiers
burned down Haudenosaunee homes and villages. The Haudenosaunee seemed
to be overpowered and agreed to sign a peace treaty with the French.


The Catholic Church

in New France
Religion had an important place in the lives
of the Europeans. In France, most people
were Catholic. Therefore, almost all the
colonists in New France were Catholic, too.
Priests, nuns, and missionaries who
went to New France helped build the
colony. They held religious services, taught
school, ran hospitals, and cared for the
poor. The colonists supported the Church
and its activities by donating a portion of
their income, called a tithe.

The most important goal of the Church

was to spread the Catholic faith. The
missionaries came to North America to
convert First Nations peoples to their religion.
The village of Ville-Marie was founded as a
place where missionaries could do this.
Today, we know this place as Montral.
Many of the missionaries were
adventurous. They pioneered canoe routes
into the interior of the continent. As they
travelled, they wrote accounts of their
travels and life in the colony, which they
sent to family and friends in France. Many
of these writings have survived through the


centuries and are an important source of
historical information about that time. For
example, a series of journals called the
Jesuit Relations were written by a special
order of missionaries. The Jesuits, who
started arriving in New France in 1625,
wrote mainly about their work and travels.
They sent their journals back to France,
where they were published. The following
is an excerpt from the Jesuit Relations.
In it, a Jesuit missionary described the
conversion of some Wendat children and
their parents to the Catholic faith.

In our Processions we had the little children march before

the Cross, and perform some service, such as carrying the
lights, or other things. Both they and their fathers take
pleasure in this . Thank God this much has already
been accomplished, that they do not wish to die without
baptism, believing that they will be forever miserable, if
they pass away without it, or at least a strong desire for
it, and without sorrow for their sins.

Source: Jesuit Relations, Vol. 4, Acadia and Quebec

163334 (translation) (Cleveland: The Burrows
Brothers Company, 1897), p. 89.

A Story of Canada

Populating the Colony

Aside from nuns, few French women were
interested in living in New France. It was far
from home, and life there was very harsh.
But the colony needed women to marry the
male colonists and raise families. Without
them, New France would fail to grow and
The king had a solution. Between 1665
and 1673, he sent about 900 single young
women and girls to New France to become
wives. Some of the women were orphans.
Others were poor. If they married, the king
gave each couple an ox, a cow, two pigs,
two chickens, some salt beef, and a purse of
money. The women were known as the
filles du roithe kings daughters.
Within 14 years, the population of New
France grew from 3200 to 10 000. After
1680, there were few newcomers from
France. These 10 000 colonists are therefore
the ancestors of most Canadians of French
descentthe original Canadiens.

Women in New France []

The family was the centre of daily life in
New France. Women worked very hard
alongside their husbands in the fields. They
also cared for their homes and children and
helped manage the family finances.
Girls in New France received a better
education than they did in France. The
daughters of wealthier families went to
boarding schools in the towns. Other
families sent their daughters to schools
Figure 2.17 A statue of Marguerite Bourgeoys,
by sculptor Jules LaSalle, 1988. When she
arrived in Ville-Marie in 1653, there were only
200 inhabitants. There was no school, so
Bourgeoys took over a stone stable and began
to teach girls such things as cooking, sewing,
reading, and writing. Why do you think this was



The French in North America

in the countryside. The nuns operated the

schools and taught the children how to read
and write as well as how to do
domestic chores. Since there were
Look on the Voices
more schools for girls than for
and Visions CD-ROM
boys in the colony, girls often
to see a map of
received a better education.
the extent of the
Many children had a greater
seigneuries in
opportunity to attend school than
New France.
children in France did. In France,
many children were sent to the
cities at a young age to learn a trade.
Therefore, they never attended school. In
New France, though, most children stayed
with their families so they could help on the
farm. This gave them the chance to go to
school when planting and harvesting were

Tech Link

The Economy of New France

There was more to the economy of New
France than the fur trade. Most of the
French colonists were farmers.
The social structure of New France
was based on the seigneurial system. In

Figure 2.18 The filles du roi arriving in New France, as painted by

C.W. Jefferys about 1940. Girls were usually quite young when they
married, anywhere from 12 to 16 years old. Imagine you were a
young French person who was shipped across the ocean without
any family. What would be your greatest fear about coming to New
France? What would be your greatest hope?

this system, the king gave large tracts of

land along the St. Lawrence River to the
nobles, called seigneurs. In return, each
seigneur had to find colonists to settle the
land. These colonists, known as habitants,
rented strips of land from the seigneur and
set up farms. The river was used for travel
and irrigation. Both seigneurs and habitants
had duties to each other that were protected
by law. For example, each habitant had to
give the seigneur a portion of each years
crop and pay other fees. The seigneur had
to build a mill and a church on his land.

Pierre Boucher came to live in New
France in 1635. For many years, he lived
among the Wendat. Later, he settled on
a farm near the village of Trois-Rivires.
Boucher published a book about life in
New France in 1664. In it, he described
the kind of people who made the most
successful settlers in the colony.

The people best fitted for this country

are those who can work with their own
hands in making clearings, putting up
buildings and otherwise.
Poor people would be much better off
here than they are in France, provided
they are not lazy; they could not fail to
get employment and could not say, as
they do in France, that they are obliged
to beg for their living because they
cannot find anyone to give them work; in
one word, no people are wanted, either
men or women, who cannot turn their
hands to some work, unless they are
very rich.

Source: Pierre Boucher, True and Genuine Description

of New France, 1664; reprinted in English in 1883
as Canada in the Seventeenth Century
(Montral: GE Desbarats, 1883).



The king knew the seigneurial system

would encourage settlement in New France.
If a seigneur did not find tenants to farm his
land, he would not make any money. The
seigneurial system became the model for
settlement throughout New France.

The French: Forging the

Foundations of Canada
The citizens of New France had a much
different life than they would have had if

A Story of Canada

they had stayed in France. They had more

food and better houses than people in the
home country did. As well as being pioneers
in the fur trade, they were explorers of the
interior as far west as the plains and as far
south as the Gulf of Mexico. The French
colonists became a self-reliant people with
a unique way of life that was distinct from
that of France. Through hard work and
perseverance, the citizens of New France
laid the foundations of Canada.

Farming is still important in Qubec today.

About 7 per cent of the provinces total
land area is farmland. Most of this land
is located along the St. Lawrence River
where the first French colonists settled.

Figure 2.19 The seigneurial system was

officially abolished in 1854, and tenants
were able to start purchasing the farmland
rather than rent it. This is a modern photo
of the St. Lawrence River. Even though the
system no longer exists, can you see its
lasting impact on the landscape?

Think It

1. Create a chart to show all the ways in

which life in New France was different
from life in France. How do you think these
differences influenced the colonists views
of their relationship to France?
2. Create a web diagram to show how each of
the following contributed to the building
of New France:
Louis XIV
the Jesuits
Jean Talon
the nuns
the First Nations
the filles du roi
the Catholic Church the habitants


3. Return to the K-W-L chart you started at

the beginning of this chapter.
a) Check off the questions in the
Wonder column that have been
b) Summarize what you have learned in
the Learn column.
4. The French were the first permanent
colonists here. As a class, discuss the
impact of this fact on the development of
the Canadian society we know today.


The French in North America

Chapter 2


ramas can help us to understand and

appreciate a historical event and the
motives of the people involved. A tableau is a
type of drama that can both entertain and
inform us.
Tableau is a French word meaning a
painting. It is a scene created when actors
dramatize an event without moving or speaking.
Imagine watching a DVD movie and pressing the
pause button during a scene. The image that is
frozen on the screen is a tableau.
Tableaux can be performed in a series to
show a sequence of events. To signal a new
tableau, the stage lighting is dimmed to allow the
actors to rearrange themselves for the next

Selecting Scenes
In a small group, select an event from this
chapter that would make good tableaux. Think
about why this event is important and why it
would make a good drama. For example, the first
meeting of French explorers and First Nations
peoples would make effective tableaux.
Once your group has decided what scene to
present, think about how the event can be
presented from different points of view. For
example, how would the French have viewed the
event? How would the First Nations have viewed
it? Women? The king? Create a tableau for each
point of view.

Designing the Tableaux

Once you have the characters for the tableaux,
write a description of the scene from each
characters point of view. Identify the props that
will be needed. Keep these simple. For example,
a paddle or a paper hat may be sufficient to

Drama and History

identify certain characters. Avoid stereotypes,
and be respectful of the groups and cultures you
represent. Include a rough sketch of each scene.

Rehearsing the Tableaux

Decide who will play each character. Select
one person to be the technician who controls
the lights during your presentation.
Practise each scene. Actors should have a
frozen body position and facial expression.
Take turns looking at the others in their frozen
positions. Suggest changes that might improve
the drama or express emotions more clearly.
Practise changing from one tableau to the next
until you are able to make these changes
quickly and easily. Hold a final practice,
turning out the lights to provide the transition
from scene to scene.

The Audiences Role

While you are watching other groups tableaux,
write down the historic events you think they are
presenting. Remember to be a polite and attentive
audience. Dont interrupt the presentations, and
applaud when a presentation is over.
As you watch the tableaux, think of any
questions you have about the scene. Then raise
your questions following the presentation.

Metacognition: Reflecting
Recall your original ideas and points of view on
contact, imperialism, and colonization. Once all
groups have presented their tableaux, discuss
how the dramatization has affected your views.
Have you changed your thinking on any of the
topics presented? Explain.


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