Book Biz Sales Plans
Book Biz Sales Plans
Book Biz Sales Plans
Format: Paperback
Trim Size: 5 x 8
Page count: 310
Imprint: DUH House
Warehouse date: 06/2017
Publication date: 07/2017
ISBN: 978-0072609598
List price: $16.99
Initial print run: 10,000
Book cod book title abbreviation: SAYIAMYOU
Edition: 1
Rumi: Soul Fury
o Author: Coleman Barks
o Pub date: 10/2014
o Price: $24.99
o RTD: 2772
o Publisher: HarperCollins
o ISBN: 978-0062350985
o Reason: A book on Rumi and Shams which sold well, by a friend of Huston Smiths
Rumi Day by Day
o Author: Mafi Maryam
o Pub date: 10/2014
o Price: $14.95
o RTD: 3206
o Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser
o ISBN: 9781571747006
o Reason: A modestly-selling recent title focusing on the poetry of Rumi by a small
And Live Rejoicing
o Author: Huston Smith
o Pub date: 09/2012
o Price: $15.95
o RTD: 1083
o Publisher: PGW
o ISBN: 9781608680719
o Reason: One of the most recent titles by Huston Smith on a similar subject which rises
to the levels of our predicted sales
Sales Outlets:
ChainsB&N, Hastings, Books A Million
IndiesPowells, Annie Blooms, Sagrada
Internet RetailersAmazon, Rumi Poetry Club
Librariesall libraries in the PNW area
Specialty accountsgift shops, mystic paraphernalia stores
International SalesIndian Books Center
Special emphasis in terms of material:
Possibly can be used as a textbook for any classes focused on mystic poetry, Middle Eastern
literature/culture, theosophy or world religions, or LGBTQ studies. Smiths connections with
MIT and other prestigious universities may help with this.
Rely heavily on publicity around Huston Smiths name and advancing age/career
Utilize Smiths relationships with MIT, Syracuse and Berkeley to pitch title as a potential
textbook for various related courses
Announce preorder information at the PSA Spring Benefit in New York
Work with online poetry websites and clubs to help promote the title and link to online
bookselling partners such as Amazon or Rumi Poetry Club.
Send email blasts to Publishers Weekly, Shelf Awareness and Booklist to promote title
Billboards featuring recognizable or evocative bits of Rumis poetry throughout the PNW and
Re-air Smiths three series for public television: "The Religions of Man", "The Search for
America", and (with Arthur Compton) "Science and Human Responsibility". His films on
Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Sufism have all won awards at international film festivals
and could be streamed on Netflix/PBS/NPR/etc.
Book launch and event opportunities:
Book launch would take place at Sagrada Sacred Arts Bookstore (a frequent venue for Smith)
and be primarily a poetry reading of Rumis work among other Sufi mystic poets. Smith
would close out the event by reading an excerpt from the book itself. Traditional Middle
Eastern food and music would accent the evening to celebrate the culture and religion of
Rumi and Shams.
Format: Hardback
Trim size: 8x10
Page count: 200
Imprint: X
Warehouse date: 09/2017
Publication date: 10/2017 (Samhain)
ISBN: 978-0072610598
List price: $19.95
Initial print run: 7,000
Book code: THEWICMEN
Edition: 1
The Celtic Golden Dawn
o Author: John Michael Greer
o Pub date: 02/2013
o Price: $19.99
o RTD: 1622
o Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
o ISBN: 978-0738731551
o Reason: A moderately-successful book about druidism by a small press
Only The Stones Survive
o Author: Morgan Llywelyn
o Pub date: 01/2016
o Price: $25.99
o RTD: 1419
o Publisher: Macmillan
o ISBN: 9780765337924
o Reason: Llywelyns most reason work, also dealing with Irish mythology
1014: Brian Boru & the Battle for Ireland
o Author: Morgan Llywelyn
o Pub date: 11/2014
o Price: $20.00
o RTD: 674
o Publisher: Dufour
o ISBN: 978-1847175571
o Reason: Another recent Ireland-centric work by Llywelyn
Societies and Organizations that may be helpful to sell the book:
National League of American Pen Women (Novel of the Year award)
Specific audiences:
Practitioners of Neo-Druidism or Paganism
Scholars interested in ancient Celtic/Roman history and culture
Anyone who appreciates Celtic art, literature, and culture
History Channel and BBC viewers
Author Resources:
Llywelyn has a very large fan base for her numerous historical fantasy and historical fiction
novels, many of which topped bestseller charts
Author is now an Irish citizen and lives in Dublin, potentially expanding an overseas market
for the title
Commissioned by City College of New York to write Xeres: Past & Present : Non-fiction Biography,
so future of The Wicker Men as a textbook or academic resource seems possible. Wind from
Hastings also was used as a textbook by Little Rock High School in AK.
10/20/16: The Council of Magickal Arts, Inc. Samhain Festival
10/21/16: Annual Womyn's Spiral Dance Daughters of the Goddess
10/31/16: Annual Salem Witches Magic Circle
Are there related topics:
15,000 converts to Neo-Druidism worldwide
Release date set to converge with Samhain, the traditional Celtic festival of the
Titles pointed discussion about the misrepresentation of the Druidic religion by the
colonizing force of the Roman Empire could pose an interesting juxtaposition to issues in
todays foreign policy
Strongest Selling Points
Morgan Llywelyn is a New York Times bestselling author with numerous literary awards. She
has wide name recognition not only by fans of her work but also numerous writing and
literature associations. Her current living situation in Dublin makes the overseas market a
viable option.
Timed to launch during Halloween/festival of the dead/Samhain
Can appeal to the fan of historical fantasy and folklore or academics studying Celtic culture
ChainsB&N, Hastings, Books A Million
IndiesPowells, Annie Blooms, The Goddess Gallery
Internet RetailersAmazon
Librariesall libraries in the PNW area
Specialty accountsgift shops, mystic/Wiccan paraphernalia shops, tourist attractions, the
Primitive Celtic Church (based in WA)
International SalesChapters Bookshop, Winding Stair, The Gutter (Ireland)
Special emphasis:
Possible textbook (see Selling Points and Author Resources)
Direct mail to various Neo-Druidic sects throughout the United States and UK
Place embargo on the title until Samhain (October 31st)
Send galleys to the Primitive Celtic Church and other Neo-Druidic organizations for blurbs
Have Llywelyn give author tour throughout PNW and Dublin
Target specialty accounts
Push prelaunch information at various events (see above)
Book Launch/Event Opportunities:
Book launch will take place on Samhain in Salem, OR and will be formatted after a traditional
Samhain celebration. Live Celtic music and a reading by Llywelyn.
Format: Paperback
Trim size: 5 x 8
Page count: 245
Imprint: X
Warehouse date: 10/2017
Publication date: 12/2017
ISBN: 978-0073509588
List price: $12.95
Initial print run: 10,000
Book code: POWOFCIRC
Edition: 1
Comp Titles:
The Dude and the Zen Master
o Author: Jeff Bridges
o Pub date: 01/2014
o Price: $16.00
o RTD: 13,606
o Publisher: Penguin Group
o ISBN: 978-0142180525
o Reason: A no-frills self-help book on the subject of Zen
Eye of Newt, Toe of Frog
o Author: Marty Crump
o Pub date: 11/2015
o Price: $35.00
o RTD: 361
o Publisher: University of Chicago Press
o ISBN: 978-0226116006
o Reason: A history of the folklore behind amphibians and reptiles and popular
cultures view of them
Societies and Organizations that may be helpful to sell this book:
Faith and Worship Society (John Birchs website)
Zen Community of Oregon
The Mandala Society (CA)
Specific audiences:
Anyone who identifies with the Celtic religions, be it Celtic Christianity, mysticism, etc.
Anyone who identifies as a Buddhist
Those interested in folklore and mythology and world religions
Author Resources:
John Birch has a third of a million visitors to his website yearly and keeps an active blog that
provides not only a great marketing platform but a constant draw to new potential book
Full Moon Loving Kindness Practice and Ceremony for Ethical Living (12/13)
Beginner's Mind Weekend Retreat (12/16)
A New Years Retreat for Women with Martha Boesing and Sandy Boucher (12/28)
Promisek to Host Mandala Assessment Research Instrument Workshop for Therapists
Are there related topics to this book that will help to sell more copies:
Mandala Assessment Research has recently come into the public eye as a form of therapy
New Age and spirituality are prevalent in todays culture (especially in the PNW)
Craze for adult coloring books opens up the possibility for a spin off title/activity book
Strongest selling points:
John Birch is a well-established and respected religious scholar and spiritualist with a large
online following
The themes of the circle of life, continuation, and self-betterment are popular around the
holiday season leading into the New Year
Plan for a spin-off title, an adult coloring book of all the kinds of circles referenced in The
Power of Circles.
Sales Outlets:
ChainsB&N, Hastings, Books A Million
IndiesPowells, Annie Blooms, New Renaissance Bookstore, Celestial Awakenings
Internet RetailersAmazon, John Birchs website
Librariesall libraries in the PNW area
Specialty accountsgift shops, yoga studios, meditation centers
International SalesN/A
Special emphasis:
The compilation of numerous mythological and religious views on and incorporation of
circles into popular culture presents an opportunity to tap into the millions of various
religious communities throughout the United States
In Portland and the PNW, yoga and meditation are two very large components of culture and
theories aligning with these practices (as well as an element of self-improvement) are strong
in the title, making it a candidate for specialty sales
Release the book in December as book buyers are ready to ring in the new year with new
ways of thinking and living. Themes such as self-improvement, rebirth, and the circle of life
are all popular themes around this time of year.
Offer special discounts or deals to yoga studios and meditation centers to tap into the
specialty market
Guerilla marketing tactics including street and pavement art of circles from around the
world all over Salem, Portland, San Francisco, and Del Mar
Follow up sales with a pitch for an adult coloring book on the same subject
Book launch/event opportunities:
Host book launch at the Mandala Society headquarters in Del Mar and have John Birch speak.
Opportunity to sell other John Birch books at the event.
Format: Paperback
Trim size: 5 x 8
Page count: 215
Imprint: X
Warehouse date: 02/2018
Publication date: 03/2018
ISBN: 978-0071600098
List price: $12.95
Initial print run: 10,000
Book code: INANOLIFE
Edition: 1
Comp Titles:
Return to Life
o Author: Jim B. Tucker
o Pub date: 01/2015
o Price: $14.99
o RTD: 6717
o Publisher: Macmillan
o ISBN: 978-1250063489
o Reason: Popular recent work on reincarnation in the modern world
Past Lives for Beginners
o Author: Douglas de Long
o Pub date: 06/2013
o Price: $13.99
o RTD: 666
o Publisher: Llewellyn Publications
o ISBN: 978-0738735177
o Reason: A guide on past lives for the amateur reincarnationists published by a small
Meditations on Intention and Being
o Author: Rolf Gates
o Pub date: 12/2015
o Price: $16.95
o RTD: 7411
o Publisher: Anchor
o ISBN: 978-1101873502
o Reason: A book by a well-respected yoga professional about meditations and Zen
Special emphasis:
This book could easily be used as a textbook for courses on popular psychology and the
incorporation of myth or religion into modern society, and could be pitched as such
Special sales opportunities are endless
Utilizing Osborns reputation and clout to promote books to yoga instructors as
recommended reads for their students or inspiration for meditations
Push a hopeful, spring-oriented marketing campaign that relates to rebirth
Book Launch/Event Opportunities:
Launch the book at the Bhaktishop and provide free or discounted yoga with Osborn as a
perk of coming/buying a book/participating in the event.
Format: Hardback
Trim size: 8x10
Page count: 250
Imprint: X
Warehouse date: 03/2018
Publication date: 04/2018
ISBN: 978-0122609598
List price: $27.99
Initial print run: 7,000
Book code: SERVOFPAN
Edition: 1
Ancient Trees: Portraits of Time
o Author: Beth Moon
o Pub date: 09/2014
o Price: $49.95
o RTD: 11,200
o Publisher: Abbeville Press
o ISBN: 978-0789211958
o Reason: A beautiful photo book of trees published very successfully by a small press
American Canopy: Trees, Forests, and the Making of a Nation
o Author: Eric Rutkow
o Pub date: 04/2013
o Price: $19.00
o RTD: 5852
o Publisher: Scribner
o ISBN: 978-1439193587
o Reason: A tree-themed photo book dedicated to telling the story of a nation
Daffodil: The Remarkable Story of the Worlds Favorite Spring Flower
o Author: Noel Kingsbury
o Pub date: 09/2013
o Price: $27.50
o RTD: 597
o Publisher: Timber Press
o ISBN: 978-1604693188
o Reason: A book on the surprising history of horticulture published by an independent
Special emphasis:
Can be used as a textbook or a coffee table book
Provide a correlating presales pitch and launch on both sides of the Atlantic to increase
awareness in the UK
Wait until April and the beginning of spring to take advantage of seasonally-based marketing
Use only 100% postconsumer recycling for book production
Book launch/Event opportunities:
Book launch could correspond with or be preceded by a tree planting ceremony or
celebration, during which participants volunteer with Friends of Trees or another locallybased ecological initiative to help the environment and enact the theme of the title