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Lesson Plan 3: Wednesday, February 24

Grade: 9
Subject: Freshman Honors English
Central Focus:
The central focus of this unit is to decode and analyze Macbeth with students and reach a
point where students can do this on their own.
AP Standard:
R3.1 Student rhetorically analyzes authors purpose, intended audience, and goals. Student
analyzes an authors intended audience, purpose, and goals; the authors appeals to the
logic, emotion, values, and beliefs of an audience; and the authors use of specific genre
elements to guide interpretation of texts.
Learning Objectives:
1. Students should be able to analyze the words of characters and make predictions about
future events based on clues in the text (foreshadowing).
1. (7 mins) Warm-Up Activity, Attendance, and Housekeeping
a. (5 min) Students should free write and use the prompt on the board as inspiration
b. (1 min) Take attendance while students complete warm-up
c. (1 min) Collect the Vocabulary Assignment
d. (1 min) Inform students that they will start with the Word Wall Wednesday Activity
and then we will work on the discussion activity for the day
2. (10 mins) Word Wall Wednesday
a. (5 mins) In small groups of five or six, students should choose a vocabulary word that
one of them chose to nominate for the Word Wall
i. Students should share their word with their group and explain why their word
should be chosen
ii. Once the group can agree on a word one member should write that word on the
board, no other group can use the same word
b. (5 mins) As a class, students should vote on one of the words posted to the board, that
word will be posted to the Word Wall
i. Each group should explain the definition of their word and why that word should
be chosen
ii. Students will vote once on a word, that word cannot be their groups word
iii. The top two least voted words will be eliminated and students will vote again
between the top two voted words, students may vote for their own word this time
iv. The winning word will go onto the Word Wall and the student who chose the
word will receive an Eagle Ticket
3. (21 mins) Discuss Macbeth Act 1, Scene 4 - Act 1, Scene 7
a. (3 mins) Summarize previous nights readings with students
i. Ask students what happened correct students if they are wrong
ii. 1.4: The king shows his gratitude but declares his son heir to his throne, 1.5: Lady
Macbeth hears about the witches prophecy and asks the forces of darkness the
strength for her and her husband to kill Duncan, 1.6: King and company arrive at
Glamis and Lady Macbeth greets them, 1.7: Macbeth struggles with the idea of
killing the king but Lady Macbeth steps in to set him straight

b. (6 mins) Using DR-TA Read Macbeth 1.4.1-1.4.14

i. Is there anything we can read into in this scene?
ii. Here the king shows poor judgement, they tell a joke about the traitor, and
Macbeths death is foreshadowed
iii. See lines 1-2 for Macbeths death foreshadowed, lines 7-11 for joke about traitor,
and lines 13-14 for kings judgement
c. (12 mins) Using DR-TA Read Macbeth 1.7.27-1.7.82
i. Is Macbeth evil or is he made that way by the influence of others?
ii. Have students choose a side for this question and split themselves to debate their
side using textual evidence
4. (2 mins) Assign Homework
a. (1 min) Read Macbeth Act 2, Scene 1 - Act 2, Scene 4 (due tomorrow)
b. (1 min) Post to Canvas (due at midnight): What do you think the significance is of the
language in Macbeth? For instance, characters like the witches almost always use
trochaic tetrameter while nobles like Macbeth and Banquo use iambic pentameter, at
the same time commoners like the Porter use prose. Consider the effect this has
within the play and if it contributes to some deeper meaning of the text. Support your
answer with textual evidence.
Informal Assessment: There will be informal assessments taken based on students feedback
during the discussion activities. Students will be expected to orally respond to questions
raised in class. If students cannot successfully answers questions then further instruction
will be needed to help them reach the correct conclusions. If students are able to
successfully answer questions then the assessment shows students understand the deeper
meanings present in Macbeth.
Formal Assessment: There will be a formal assessment for this lesson in the form of an
online class discussion. Students will be expected to respond to a prompt on Canvas:
What do you think the significance is of the language in Macbeth? For instance,
characters like the witches almost always use trochaic tetrameter while nobles like
Macbeth and Banquo use iambic pentameter, at the same time commoners like the Porter
use prose. Consider the effect this has within the play and if it contributes to some deeper
meaning of the text. Support your answer with textual evidence. Students will be
expected to respond at least once and will be graded out of 10 points. Students will
receive 5 points for responding with their opinion and 5 points for supporting that opinion
with textual evidence. There are no right or wrong answers but students responses will
show instructor the level of understanding and command the students have over the
discussion topic.
Text: Macbeth
Google Slides: Warm-Up

Macbeth Essay
The Macbeth Essay Outline will be due Monday, March 21st at midnight via Canvas and
undergo peer editing. The Macbeth Essay Final will be due Monday, March 28th at midnight via
Canvas. The essay should address a theme or device used within the text and analyze how it
influences the play. You may address any of the following themes or devices that we discussed
in class or you can address something that you observed on your own. Listed below are possible
essay topics:


Language (meter, rhyme, etc.)


Colors (light, dark, etc.)


Double meanings


The essay should be a minimum of five paragraphs long with an introduction paragraph,
conclusion paragraph, and at least three body paragraphs. The essay should be typed in Times
New Roman 12 pt font, double spaced, and use 1 margins. Any submission that does not adhere
to these guidelines will receive a point deduction. All submissions must be through Canvas,
email or paper copies will not be accepted. Assignments submitted one day late will receive half
credit, two days late will receive another half credit, and assignments submitted more than two
days late will be an automatic zero.

Name ______________________________________________ Date __________ Period _____

Macbeth Essay Rubric





Essay should address a theme or literary device within

Macbeth and analyze how it influences the text.

/ 100


Essay must include textual evidence to support your

argument. Each body paragraph should include at least
one quote with proper MLA citation.

/ 100


Introduction must include attention getter, attention

holder, 3 preview sentences, and thesis statement

/ 100


Essay must have at least 3 body paragraphs with 1 topic

sentence each, 2 (or more) supporting sentences, 2 (or
more) elaborating sentences, and 1 transitional sentence.


Conclusion must include restated thesis, review of

preview, and concluding statement.

/ 100


Essay is written in Times New Roman, 12 point font,

double spaced, and 1 margins.

/ 100


The outline should be submitted on time and include full

sentences with labeled part of the essay.

/ 100

Peer Editing

You must peer edit at least 2 other papers and offer

critical feedback. Do not provide feedback on an outline
that already has 2 people giving feedback.

/ 300

/ 100
/ 100


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