Transcribe Shortcut

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Spacebar Start Play, or Pause if already playing.

. (period, full stop) Stop.
, (comma) Pause / Unpause.
C Cue (skip rapidly forwards).
R Review (skip rapidly backwards).
Control - L Loop mode.
Control - R Scroll mode.
Control - 1, 2, 3, 4 Speed 100%, 50%, 35%, 25%
Control - 7, 8, 9, 0 Speed -3%, -1%, +1%, +3%
Z When pressed : Play only as long as the key is held down. When released : paus
e playback.
; (semicolon) When pressed : if paused then resume playback. If stopped then sta
rt playback as if spacebar was pressed. Play only as long as the key is held dow
n. When released : pause playback. The effect of this is that this key can be us
ed to play back progressively, resuming playback each time the key is pressed at
the point where playback paused when the key was last released.
- (minus) Decrease volume.
= (equals) Increase volume.

Shift - S New Section
Shift - M New Measure
Shift - B New Beat

Text Blocks
Shift - T New Text Block
Shift - Tab Activate previous text block.
Tab Activate next text block.
Enter Edit the active text block.

Current point & Selection

Left arrow Enlarge the selection at the left.
Right arrow Reduce the selection at the left.
Shift - Left arrow Reduce the selection at the right.
Shift - Right arrow Enlarge the selection at the right.
[ Move selection or current point to left.
] Move selection or current point to right.
{ Move selection or current point to previous marker.
} Move selection or current point to next marker.
Control - [ Move selection or current point to previous measure or section marke
Control - ] Move selection or current point to next measure or section marker.
Alt - [ Move selection or current point to previous section marker.
Alt - ] Move selection or current point to next section marker.
E Set the current point to the currently playing or paused point.
J, K, L These create a small (1, 2 or 3 tenths of a second respectively) selecti
on, centred on the currently playing point. This is intended to allow instant lo
oping of a single note (if you have loop mode switched on).
D Select from the current point to the currently playing or paused point.
1, 2, 3 Set the current point to the left, middle or right of the window. This c
an cause a forwards playback jump if the current point is now to the right of wh
ere you were playing.
U, I These cancel any existing selection, placing the current point at either th
e left or the right edge (respectively) of where the selection was.

Zoom zoom
Control - Right arrow Horiz zoom in.
Control - Left arrow Horiz zoom out.
Control - Up arrow Vert zoom in.
Control - Down arrow Vert zoom out.
Control - G Fit whole file.
Control - F Fit selection.

Up arrow Small scroll to left.
Down arrow Small scroll to right.
Page Up Big scroll to left.
Page Down Big scroll to right.
Home Scroll to start.
End Scroll to end.
Q Scroll selection into view.
W Scroll the currently playing or paused point into view.

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R (ReviewÀÇ ¾àÀÚ) : µÚ—Î »¡¸® °¨±â

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Ctrl + 7,8,9,0 : °¢°¢ Àç»ý¼Óµµ -3%, -1%, +1%, +3% (Àç»ý¼Óµµ¸¦ Á¶±Ý¾¿ ºü¸£°Ô ȤÀº
Z : ÀÌ Å°¸¦ ´©¸£°í ÀÖÀ¸¸é Àç»ýÇÏ°í ¶¼´Â ¼ø°£ ¸ØÃá´Ù. ´Ù½Ã ´©¸£¸é »¡°£ ¼¼¸ðºÎÅÍ Á
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Shift + M : ¸ÞÀú(Measure) ¸¶Å©¸¦ »õ—Î »ðÀÔ(¿¬µÎ»ö ¼¼¸ð)
Shift + B : ºñÆ®(Beat) ¸¶Å©¸¦ »õ—Î »ðÀÔ(°ËÀº»ö ½Ç¼±)

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