Image Narrative: A Sticky Gum Problem

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Qualities of a Mathematician

Throughout your story, please talk about the Qualities youve grown in (refer back
to your journal prompts):
Growth Mindset
I can use probability because...


A Sticky Gum Problem

This was one of our first problem
we did. It was easy to understand
because it was talking about
worst case scenario how much
money does Mrs.Hernandez
spend or her kids. If she had two
kids and there are 2 different
colored gumballs(red and blue)
how many pennies does she
spend given it's the worst case
scenario. The chances of rolling
one or the other is 50% so if the
next one is the other color that
means the next one will be one of
the two colors.

Basics of BlackJack
In this problem we started off be
playing a fun game of blackjack.
After we finished playing we then
talked to each other about some
observation we saw and who had
the position during the game. I
played blackjack with
Angelo,Giancarlos and Lily. We all
noticed that its better to stay if
you have a hand of 17 or higher. I
notice that being the second
player often won the most
because first player influence the
other players and third to decide
based off the other two choices.

Conditional Probability &

For this problem we had to look
into a subgroup of a bigger group
and rather that group has
different probability from the
overall group. For example if 75%
of smokers have lung cancer but
only 3% of nonsmokers have
cancer. This means that you're
more likely to have cancer if you

The Titanic Part 2

To learn more about probability
we started using it to learn about
how being a gender in a class in
the Titanic would affect your
odds. In this packet you had to
use how being a specific class
would affect your chances of
survival. So if you were a first
class passenger what would be
your odds of living. If 201 out of
324 1st class survived compared
to 2nd class being 118/284 and
3rd class having 181/709
surviving. If you turn them all to
percentage (1st:62% 2nd:41%
3rd: 25%) you can see that 1st
class had higher chance of
survival compared to the other

The Titanic Part 3

For the 3rd part of our Titanic
problem we started using
probability to find out if they went
be the women and children first.
This was like our part 2 but in a
more detailed and specific way.
What I did was find how many
children survived and the percent
difference between how many
overall survivors and children that
are living. After that we saw if
each different class of children
survive had different odd of
surviving. Ex: 56/107(number of
kids that lived) = 52% 500/1317
=37%(number of survivors)
52>37 22/22=100%(2nd class)
4/5=80%(1st class)
30/50=60%(3rd class) no 2nd
class child died compared to the
other two classes.

Independent vs. Dependent

In this sheet we learning different
types of probabilities there is.
Independent means if you do the
same thing again it wont have a
change the probability.
Dependent means that if you do
the same action and the
probability is changed because of
the last time you did it. We had
to discuss with our table about
some examples that represent
these events. We each said an
example for each event. I said
that flipping a coin is
independent, Arianna said rolling
a dice and Giancarlos said playing
rock paper scissor is independent.
Justin said pulling a card out of a
deck, Natalie said using a gumball
machine and Marissa said playing
poker are dependent.

Probability Group Quiz

For the group quiz we thought it
would be better if we try to work
on it individually and then share
what was our answer. This format
was working until we got to #3(b)
in which no one in our table knew
how to answer correctly. What we
did was we started working
together to solve it, this was
tricky until Arianna found out that
we do each outcome for both
sides and then combine them to
find the answer.

Probability Test
After study and understanding
how probability works I felt like I
was going to ace the test. And
during the test I used everything I
learned about probability and
used it to help me answer the
questions right. Once we got the
test back I realized that there
were many questions crossed out
or had notes on them. I was
confused about this until I started
re-looking at my work and notice
that I didnt really made my
answers look more noticeable. For
example in #1 I didnt
categorized my answer from it
being boy or girls. I learn that I
need to explain my work. Explain
my work is also one of my

semester goals which is why I

think I should learn how to use a
better format or writing down my

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