Grant Proposal Prompt
Grant Proposal Prompt
Grant Proposal Prompt
Sara West
Pace University
December 8, 2015
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... ii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1
ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 2
NEED DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 3
WORK PLAN .............................................................................................................................. 5
EVALUATION .............................................................................................................................. 9
BUDGET .................................................................................................................................. 10
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 12
The Jewish Child Care Associations (JCCA) core belief is to, meet the child welfare and
mental health needs of all children and their families in the New York metropolitan area (JCCA,
2013). This practice is carried out through various avenues including, early childhood
intervention, foster care, and the domestic and international adoptions. By expanding the level
of our involvement, we can ensure a better future for our patients.
The following in-depth grant proposal will outline the adjustments and additions that need to be
made to the current adoption program in order to increase our ability to care for the adoptees and
their families. This report includes: a description of the JCCA and our work; a look at the need
and importance of expanding the current adoption program; a realistic work plan of what can be
done to improve the therapy curriculum; a six-year timeline of the speculative program; a
sensible budget outline; and an evaluation of the assistance and impact this program will have on
the patients lives.
The Jewish Child Care Association (JCCA) of Westchester County is the chief family
psychiatric care facility for at-risk children, youth, and young adults in Westchester County. The
JCCA aids in a variety of services that range from child rearing and personal psychiatric health
assistance to family counseling and even monetary and emotional support during the adoption
process. The JCCA is dedicated to working with families to build on their strengths, preserve
the family when possible, and help create new families when necessary, so that all children may
thrive by having a sense of family, culture, and community (JCCA, 2013).
When the JCCA was founded in 1822, they started by raising just $300, which was used to
ameliorate the condition of the unfortunate of the same faith (JCCA, 2013). A little over 50
years later, in 1874, the JCCA helped immigrants acclimate to the Westchester area by providing
asylum to displaced homeless children. During this time, the JCCA raised approximately $110
per child, to help cover each childs costs. Throughout the 1960s, the JCCA became the premier
youth center and provided innovative, coed, therapeutic residential treatment program for 40
older adolescents, ages 16 to 21 (JCCA, 2013).
Over the years, the JCCA has continued to be an influential piece of the Westchester community
and they have networked with dozens of other organizations including (but not limited to): Forest
Hills; the Brooklyn Child and Adolescent Guidance Center; Kew Garden Hills Youth Center; the
Juvenile Justice Programs in Brownsville; and the Ametz Adoption Program (JCCA, 2013).
Adoptions, whether domestic or international, can be expensive, daunting, and difficult.
However, the JCCA has a highly trained staff of professionals who are ready to help the adopting
family every step of the way. The staff can answer questions about how the family matching
occurs; with preparing the new house and room for the adoptive child; and counseling.
Building the strengths of the family means improving the family dynamics through psychiatric
counseling for the individual and the family unit. According to About Kids Health, adopted
children have a higher risk of developing mental and emotional health disorders (About Kids
Health, n.d.), which can put a damper on how quickly the child is adopted. No family wants to
adopt a child who is going to have moderate-to-severe (or even mild) psychiatric and/or
emotional problems. And sometimes these problems remain dormant until years after the
adoption has gone through.
This problem could be more quickly identified and remedied if the JCCA was able to help the
families by having the potential adoptee children tested for psychiatric disorders and
disturbances. However, The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), the
standard in psychiatric testing, initially costs $500 to take, per test, per person (PsychCorp,
2015). In addition, many insurance programs will only justify paying for part of an MMPI (if
any of the charge at all) (PsychCorp, 2015), which can leave the family in a tough spot because
they are not able to afford the testing. The JCCA can give some monetary support to these
families, however, not to each adopting family and prior adoptive families.
The Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) would help to pay for post-adoption mental health intervention
programs such as therapy for the families, play therapy for the children, and psychiatric
appointments with doctors to observe and maintain care while the patients undergo treatment.
The JCCA plans to increase the adoptees quality of life. They are hoping these life changes will
be met within three years of starting therapy with trained therapists and counseling with trained
psychiatrists. This is an achievable goal because the JCCA staff will focus on the individuals
progress in solo therapy, as well as the family and their well being by providing group family
therapy. The results are the most important part of the JCCAs plan, because if they are able to
remold behavior, they can better the family unit and the individuals life and future.
There are several methods the JCCA is proposing to create these results. After the adoptees have
their initial MMPI-2 screening test, they will undergo intensive individual therapy sessions with
a designated therapy professional. The JCCA has a staff of play therapists, psychotherapists, and
behavioral therapists, whom are all eager to help these children to better cope with their
surroundings. The childs MMPI-2 scores will determine what type of therapy (or combination
of therapy) they will have. In addition, a chief psychiatrist will oversee all patients cases. This
is vital because the children need to be under a doctors care at all time, but also helpful in case
the children need additional intervention through medications.
As for the family units, they will undergo therapy as well, but as a whole. A couple times a
month, the family will attend group therapy sessions with a specialized family therapist who will
help the family to get used to the new arrangement and any new personality traits. After several
months of family therapy, depending on how quickly the family progresses, they will be allowed
to attend group therapy sessions with other families who are under the same stresses and are
living in similar situations.
January: family one begins official adoption process (note: all required paperwork and
official documents have been signed and turned in to the appropriate parties prior to this)
Several days later: a psychiatrist will go over the childs results with the
family, the child, and a therapist and create a treatment plan
May: the child will continually see the therapist once a week, before any changes are to
be made to the current treatment plan
o End of May: family three begins official adoption process
June: the child will meet with the psychiatrist to talk about how therapy is going with the
therapist and how they feel about their medications
o The family will continue therapy twice a month for three months, before any
changes are made to the current treatment plan
July: the child continue the therapy and treatment plan as scheduled
o The family will continue the treatment plan as scheduled
August: the child will meet with the psychiatrist for a re-evaluation of any possible
changes in direction of therapy and or medication treatments
o The family will begin to attend a group therapy session with other families who
are experience the same situations for the next three months
o Mid-August: family four begins official adoption process
October: the child will see the psychiatrist for a check-up and to make sure things are
going smoothly for both the therapeutic and the medication treatment plans
o The family will continue the current treatment plan of group therapy
o End of October: family five begins official adoption process
December: the child will meet with the psychiatrist to discuss any possible changes in
the treatment plan
o The family will meet with the psychiatrist to talk about how family therapy
sessions were
o The family will slowly stop attending group family therapy sessions
Every 12 months that treatment continues: the JCCAs psychiatrist will re-distribute
an MMPI-2 to the adopted child
o The JCCA will record, track, and compare the childs progress to a the childs
own previous scores; to a baseline; and to the general public
For three years: the adopted child will be under the therapeutic and medical supervision
and observation of the JCCA
After three years: it is up to the family and/or the individual to decide if they want to
continue treatment at the JCCA; seek private care; or discontinue treatment all together
Every two and a half months: a new adopted child and their family will be admitted to
the JCCAs program for treatment
o The JCCAs goal is to admit and process at least five adoptees and their families
per year for six years, for a total of 30 rehabilitated individuals and their families
The JCCAs success can be measured both qualitatively and quantitatively throughout the
treatment plan process.
Qualitatively, the progress can be measured by the increase (or decrease) in the childs coping
skills, emotional control, and family interaction. The therapist and psychiatrist can gather this
information through stories that the family relays to them as well as first-hand during their
interactive therapy and psychiatric sessions with the child. Additional people the child may
interact with, i.e. church teachers, school teachers, and even bus drivers or teachers aides, can
also give their opinions on the childs social growth and progress.
Quantitatively, the child can be observed through the MMPI results. The child will be taking the
MMPI examination a minimum of five times throughout their three year treatment program,
which will give ample results to compare to the baseline MMPI scores from the childs initial
intake. The JCCA hopes that the child will decrease in any hyperactivity and social ineptness,
and will increase in social awareness and ability to interact in a health manner.
If the child is put on medications, the progress can also be quantitatively measured through blood
test results. For example, if the child is on a psychotropic drug, like Lithium, the drug levels will
build up in the blood stream, allowing the doctors to track the levels of ups and downs children
may have during their treatment.
Because the JCCA is expanding on a program, the budget will need to expand as well. The
JCCA is hoping help at least five adoptees and their families with psychiatric and therapeutic
rehabilitation per year. To start this program, the JCCA is asking for six years support, which in
turn would provide 30 individuals and their families with services. Altogether, the estimated
cost would be $150,000 to run the program for six-year trial period. Over this span, the JCCA
would be able to positively impact over 30 lives.
The JCCA already has the proper facilities for individual and group therapy treatments. In
addition, the JCCA has the appropriate staff. However, the JCCA will need to increase staff pay
to the psychiatrists and therapists who participate and take on more clients. There will be an
allotted $70,000 cushion to reimburse the staff of therapists, psychiatrists, and lab technicians
that give their services.
The building is already intact and paid for, so there will not be a significant increase in utilities.
Yet, there may be an increase in supplies needed for the new treatment plans. For example, each
MMPI-2 test starts at $160 just to obtain the test. Then, the JCCA will have to pay for the results
of the test. If each adoptee takes the test a minimum of five times during their three year
treatment program, there must be an allotted $800-$1,000 per child for proper accommodations
while under the care of the JCCA.
Other expenses will include extra toys and play things for play therapy sessions. Also, the JCCA
will need extra materials for psychotherapy and behavior therapy sessions, such as workbooks
and pamphlets for both the staff and the patients. It is estimated that each patient and their
family will require an additional $500 per three-year stay, in additional therapy materials.
Finally, there will be lab costs for any blood tests and other tests necessary to maintain and
manage medication therapy. The type of medication will dictate which tests will need to be run
and how often these tests will be done. However, a safe rough estimate would be about $1,000
per child per three-year treatment plan.
The remaining $11,000 will be used towards any miscellaneous expenses such as: snacks for the
break room or basic office supplies. The remainder of the grant can also be saved for any
emergency expenses such as: ambulance fees, emergency room visits, or unscheduled blood
work testing.
Lab Costs
Staff Salary
About Kids Health. (2014-2015). Mental health of adopted children: risks and protective
factors. Retrieved November 12, 2015 from
JCCA. (2013). The history of JCCA. Retrieved November 19, 2015 from
Park, Madison. (April 14, 2010). Adopted children at greater risk for mental health disorders.
Retrieved November 12, 2015 from
SAMHSA. (2015, September 29). Substance abuse and mental health block grants. Retrieved
November 12, 2015 from
SAMHSA. (2015, August 13). Grants fact sheet. Retrieved November 12, 2015 from
SAMHSA. (2014, March 5). Community mental health services block grant. Retrieved
November 12, 2015 from
Texas Adoption Resource Exchange. (n.d.). Requirements for foster/adopt families. Retrieved
December 2, 2015 from
The Long-Term Effects of Abuse and Neglect in Early Childhood. (n.d.). [Infographic].
Retrieved November 12, 2015 from