Summative Evaluation 2
Summative Evaluation 2
Summative Evaluation 2
Master of Teaching
Teacher Candidate: Vanessa Wolf
Year: 1 Practicum Session: 1
Dates: October 26, 2015 to November 20, 2015
Associate Teacher: Lucy Babjak
Grade level and/or subjects: JK,SK
School: St Sebastian C S
Vanessa was able to successfully teach material in a progressive, focused, and organized fashion during large
and small group activities. She observed and listened to the students interests and planned her small group
lessons accordingly. She used observation and anecdotal record keeping to track student progress and assess
student learning. Vanessa created lessons and activities that matched the academic ability and attention span
of young learners that were consistent with the Ontario curriculum expectations. Before leaving at the end of
the day, she ensured that all materials were prepared and available. Vanessa clearly demonstrated the ability to
create meaningful lessons and activities that challenged and encouraged the students. Her Mystery Number
Skype activity combined a variety of curriculum expectations (Math, Language/Media, Personal/Social
Development) and enhanced the students learning while using Technology.
Vanessa established a good rapport with the students in the classroom, creating an immediate connection and
a sense of respect. From the beginning of her placement, she learned the rules and routines of the class and
adopted it as her own. She was very organized in the planning and preparation of her lessons, thus contributing
to the successful delivery and flow of her teaching. Her caring and calm manner, along with her patience and
respectful nature, helped her to create a positive learning environment. She provided many reminders to the
students in a positive manner and tone regarding behaviour and quality of work. Vanessa recognized the
importance of consistent, reasonable consequences in responding to misbehaviour.
Vanessa demonstrated a high level of professionalism and dedication to the teaching profession. She worked
collaboratively with all sta and demonstrated initiative in seeking out opportunities to assist other teachers.
She consistently communicated openly and showed flexibility and adaptability as she willingly accepted advice
and shared her ideas. She had regular punctual attendance and always put forth extra time after school for
setting up for the next mornings lesson. She regularly arrived at school well before the beginning of class to
allow ample time for preparation of lessons, resources, and classroom set up. She displayed great flexibility in
adapting to the demands of a very busy classroom and attended to all responsibilities placed upon her. She
accepts tasks willingly, carries them out well and did things without needing to be asked. She is respectful
toward students and colleagues, and interacts positively with all sta in the school.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Vanessa throughout this practicum block. She has been a wonderful
addition to our classroom. Vanessa brings with her a great deal of energy, excitement and creativity. She
continued to promote a safe and nurturing learning environment while adhering to the established classroom
routines. Her commitment to the students well-being, and her love for learning and children, all make her an
excellent candidate for the teaching profession. Her enthusiasm, positive and respectful attitude, and
organizational skills are all attributes that will make her a wonderful classroom teacher and a valuable member
of any sta. I wish Vanessa all the best.
Overall appraisal: