Peterson Sentencing Transcript

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No. 2009 CF 1048

REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS had at the hearing of the

above-entitled cause, before the Honorable
EDWARD A. BURMILA, Judge of the Twelfth Judicial
Circuit, Will County, Illinois, on the 21st day of
February, 2013.

Karen Moser
Official Court Reporter
CSR No. 084-004106


Mr. Peterson, you have a statement

you'd like to make.


Go right ahead, sir.



Would you like me to sit up.

You can stand right where you are or

sit whatever you'd like.


I don't have a loud speaker so I

am worried about people being able to hear me.


Then you can take the stand.


can speak at the roster if you choose to there.


ahead, sir.

Good day.

My name is Drew

I hope I don't aggravate the situation,

but I have a lot of things that I think need to be


Say whatever you choose.


And I have been forced to sit

silent since the beginning of all this.

I did not

kill Kathleen.

Yes, you did.

There won't be any comments from the

audience, or I will have to -UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER:

Your Honor --


Ma'am, I'd like you to leave the

Mr. Peterson, don't make any outbursts

which are calculated to irritate anyone in the


You are speaking to the Court now.

Please go ahead.

I am sorry, Your Honor, I just

have to apply the affirmative defense for misconduct

in your courtroom.

Go right ahead.


I apologize but --

I must have been woozy.

Go right ahead.


For the last couple of years the

Illinois state police in conjunction with the will

county state's attorney's office has conducted the
most extensive, expensive, and obsessive

investigation probably known in the United States.

They harassed every family member, friend, friend
of friends, neighbor, fellow employee, love interest
I have ever had.

They did illegal searches on my

property without a warrant and when they obtained

warrants, they did it with three year old bad
probable cause.

What this did was give the Illinois

state police the ability to souvenir, hunt, steal

from my home.

No usable evidence was ever found.

They altered evidence, and evidence that was

discovered in the first investigation miraculously
disappeared; evidence that could have shown me and
helped my defense.

They intimidated witnesses, and

they terrorized my children.

State police wrote reports that didn't
reflect what the witnesses said and this was
uncovered in court and in one case by a Lieutenant
Coffman of the Bolingbrook police department.


this incompetence at best or false police reporting

at worse.

Did they falsify police reports in their


They advised the state's attorney's

office who failed to disclose these items; however,

this wasn't discovered in court, and I have to ask
how many other times did the state police make false
police reports and all this was failed to be

What they did uncover was rumors,

gossip, outrageous lies, and most importantly

unreliable hearsay; hearsay that pierced three
privileges that stood for centuries.

I may be

redundant with some things that other people said,

but I need to say them.
First privilege was a clergy privilege.
When we met with Neil Schori, he was to become Stacy

and mine marriage counselor and when we talked with

him, he promised us, he guaranteed us, that anything
we talked about would remain personal and private
and would not ever be repeated.

He subsequently

The marital privilege was pierced to

subsequent create an agency.

Neil Schori testified

that Stacy told him that I asked her to lie for me

in front of the state police.

There was no proof of

that, no proof of truth, and out of this privileged

information from Neil Schori, the State was able to
create an agency and much like the fruits of the
poisonous tree doctrine, I find it hard to believe
the State was able to take information that they
obtained illegally and turn it to their benefit and
pierce the marital law privilege.
privilege was pierced.

The lawyer client

Harry Smith, without being

compelled, at both the hearsay hearing and at my

trial, gave up information, privileged information,
from both Stacy and Kathy like it was yesterday's

All that information between Harry Smith

and Neil Schori was what ultimately led to my


Hearsay's a scary thing.

It requires

no proof of truth, and I have to ask the Court who

would be accountable for a lie.

The person saying

the hearsay or the person who said the hearsay so

anything could be said and nobody's accountable for
the truth.
The appellate court took away the ability

for a judge, in this case Steve White, to determine

reliability and put in the hands of lay people who
don't have a clue.

Other mitigating factors in

Neil Schori testified under oath that Stacy

could be lying.

He also testified reluctantly in my

trial that Stacy could have been lying.

We have to

look at statements that were made that convicted me

were all statements made by women who were trying to
better position themselves in a divorce or as
testified trying to extort money out of a divorce.
Divorce statements in and of themselves should be
under suspicious and cause for a doubt.
Stacy made statements I killed my own men in
the army which if somebody would have noticed that
that wouldn't be true.

She made statements that my

son Tom knew I killed his mother.

Tom testified

that that never happened and he never believed that

I killed his mother.

In my experience in divorce

situations everybody lies and everybody lies

basically under the instructions of their own


There was an incident when Kathy was

arrested when she exited the home when me and Stacy

were there picking up the kids for a visit and she
punched Stacy in the face.

Kathy was arrested and

They went to court, it went to trial.


nine and ten year old sons were called to testify

and under oath they lied.

Kathy was subsequently

acquitted, found not guilty of the charges, and the

next visit with the kids I questioned them, why did
you guys lie.

They looked at me and said Harry

Smith told them to lie, and they were protecting

their mom because they didn't want her to go to

That couldn't be done.

Stacy provided me with an alibi right after

Kathy's death.

She provided me with an alibi to the

Illinois State police and you would think that alibi

would be more reliable because it was made to state
officials under penalty of law if she was perjuring

Then she later said she was lying about

Seemed like Stacy was lying all the time

about everything, but the State's Attorney picks and

chooses what they believed and what they chose not
to believe.

In fact all her testimony should be

stricken as Judge White did; however, the appellate

court changed that ability for the judge to make

that decision.

Stacy clearly had a crush on

Reverend Schori which I think was a factor in this

otherwise why would Reverend Schori think he'd need
a witness during the counseling forum or during the
counseling situation.

And the location of where you

choose to practice your religion or speak with your

attorney or your clergy personnel should be
insignificant because can't you pray anywhere, can't
you practice your religion anywhere so I am boggled
by the fact that all these privileges were pierced.
There was a constant and continuous illegal activity
by the state's attorney's office including the
State's Attorney himself.
They violated court orders, they failed to
discuss or disclose evidence properly, they made
accusations against the court or exchange in Emails
with His Honor, and defense counsel who we will say
were chastised so what the State's Attorney did they
found them a skinny butt spokesperson to go out and

speak publicly, criticize the Court, say anything

she wanted, and offered the state's attorney's
office from any anger the court might bring.
The grand jury in this case was convened and

used by the state police basically to intimidate

witnesses to make them or to compel them to talk,
hundreds of people were drug in front of the grand
jury particularly on my case, and I know there were
other cases going on at the time but it was
primarily my case.

And when it came time for a vote

from the grand jury, only a handful of people were

selected, not the entire grand jury was selected to
come in and do the vote, pretty much guarantee a
true bill of indictment which I was.

All this

misconduct took place under the nose and in the eyes

of the court.

I can't believe the court would

believe a second to say misconduct didn't take place

in the state's attorney's office, the state police
were unsupervised in the investigation and
preparation of this case.

There was a first

investigation of this case in which probably one of

the most experienced investigators was one of the

first people on the scene from the state police and
he determined that Kathy's death was an accident.
The late Dr. Mitchell, forensic pathologist
for the county at that time, looked at Kathy's body
when it was in its freshest state.
she died of an accident.

He determined

There was a coroner's jury

convened that viewed all the information, and they

determined that Kathy's death was an accident.


this was done when the evidence was at its freshest.

Three years later when Stacy disappeared the State
took an accident and staged a homicide.

I may be

redundant of a lot of things but again I need to say

I was a police officer for 32 years.
'74 to '76 I was a military policeman.
in my work.


I took pride

I did regular post duty and a secret

security clearance and was assigned to the secret

service occasionally to the presidential and VIP
security; security at the highest level.

I got an

honorable discharge from the United States Army and

in 1977 I joined the Bolingbrook police department.
I was quickly assigned to the Metropolitan Area
Narcotics Squad.

I received the rank of inspector

with the Illinois police department.

I received the

credential making me a deputy sheriff with the Will

county sheriff's department along with a Bolingbrook
police officer.

I did undercover work for five

years and my conduct was exemplary.

the M.A.N.S. unit.

I got out of

I was reassigned back to patrol

of the Bolingbrook police department where as a


patrol officer, field training officer, a squad

officer and detective.

I received numerous awards -

police officer of the year, numerous citations and

accommodations and is probably one of the highest
decorated officers at the Bolingbrook police

Only 20 percent of police officers are

promoted to a supervisory rank and in the 1970s -correction 1997, I was promoted to the rank of

My duties included running a shift of 8

to 15 police officers.

I was a S.W.A.T supervisor,

and I was responsible as a watch commander for the

responsibility, welfare, and the care of a town
population of 80,000.

I always took my job

I never violated the public trust, and I

never bared false witness against anyone.

I loved

having a job which allowed me to help people.

In my private life I owned and operated and
was the president and CEO as many as six companies
and at one time employed as many as 100 people.

helped everybody who asked me for it and every day

I'd give the shirt off my back.

Any skills that I

had when people knocked on my door looking for help,

I helped people at my own expense.
Until this happened, I thought I was viewed


as a great guy and then moments the media turned me

into a monster.

First chance I get I am going to

get a tattoo on my back from shoulder to shoulder

and it's going to read no good deed goes unpunished.
That statement now defines my life.
I love Kathy.

She was a good mom.

She kept

a nice home.

She did not deserve to die, but she

had an accident, but she was so emotionally and

psychologically damaged by some of these same people
Mr. Glasgow paraded in front of you today that made
it impossible for her to keep and maintain any kind
of long-term relationship.
I will try to be brief but today Kathy's
story needs to be told and not the Disney version
her sister's might have you have believe.


Kathy was 3 years old, she was abandoned by her


Her mother remarried.

She married a man

who was abusive both mentally, physically, sexually

abused her.

When she tried complaining to her

mother, her complaints fell on deaf ears.

She never

told me whether her sisters experienced these same

issues; however, they knew what was going on and
when they became old enough, they left the home,
again abandoning her, leaving her to face all these


problems by herself.
Her father, who had moved to the southwest
part of the country had another family, abandoned

them, moved back to the Chicagoland area, and Kathy

in her early teens, moved in with her father to
escape the abuse from one household where she met
with abuse from a stepmother and her father she was
physically and emotionally abused and at 16 years
old, she was put out on her own much like a dog
being tied to a tree who they didn't want him
anymore only difference is Kathy didn't get a bag of
dog food.

The most pathetic thing I have ever seen

in my life was the night after our wedding when I

held Kathy and she cried because her father failed
to show up to give her away at our wedding.


sister Anna testified that Kathy made a promise to

take care of her boys if she died.

I don't think

Kathy meant take action to put their family in

financial harm.

At Kathy's wake friends of the

family put money in cards and envelopes to help with

the cost of the funeral.

I paid for the funeral.

You did not.

There's a

liar right there.


I have the receipt.


I paid for

Kathy's funeral at the request of her Sister Anna

who is sitting right there.

I don't think Kathy

meant when she said take care her kids for Anna to
steal the money and spend it on herself, and I
didn't think when Kathy said take care of my kids
she meant show my kids the same neglect that you
showed her through the years; however, in this case
the Savio family neglected my kids and abused a good
Kathy's sister Anna was unhappy with the
results of the original autopsy and when Stacy
disappeared Anna contacted Dr. Baden, the world
renown pathologist, and asked him to come and take a
look at Kathy's body again and explain to him her
concerns and doubts.

Kathy's body was exhumed,

Dr. Baden did another autopsy at which time he made

different findings with his autopsy with a body
that's been soaking in water for three years

He took the head off the mother of my


He cut off the head of the mother of my

children and he put it on a counter so that the TV

producer assisting him could take a picture to

sensationalize the moment for a TV show.

didn't bother the Savio's at all.


They were more


concerned about who was going to pay for the burial

my life.

These people ruined her life which ruined


Now, they are attempting to ruin my kid's

These people were not there for her in her

life, and they have no business speaking for her in

her death.
I have six children - Lacy, age 7; Anthony,
age 9; children with Kathy - Christopher, age 18,
pursuing a law degree or pursuing a degree in law
studying at Western Illinois; Tommie's pursuing -he's 20 pursuing a degree in medicine; my son Steve,
who is a police officer, or was a police officer.
He lost his job when I was illegally charged with a
weapons charge and he got tied up in it and without
cause he lost his job and he lost his income, and I
have an older son Eric, 35, who I am estranged from.
Eric stopped talking to me when I became involved in
a relationship with Stacy.
Mr. Glasgow, all aspects of my life have

been destroyed.

Everything from my personal life to

my professional life to my social life, all aspects

have been destroyed, and I tell you this to give you
greater cause for celebration when you celebrate the
fact that you perpetrated the largest railroad job


that ever took place in this country.


Mr. Lopez says, I don't do well in incarceration.

have been held in solitary confinement for almost

four years.

Due to the bad food and lack of

exercise, I have high blood pressure, high

cholesterol, borderline diabetes, a variety of skin
issues, and I've had two bouts with skin cancer.
Since I have been incarcerated, I have had nine
family members who have died; six of which were
cousins; none of them making it to the age of their
mid 60s.
Then tell me this, I am not looking for any
sympathy, the point I am trying to make is anything
you sentence me to, you are sentencing me to the
Department of Corrections to die.

If you go through

the constitution and the various amendments, I feel

all my rights have been violated one way or the
other, twisted, turned, right to a speedy trial,
right to confront my accusers, right to against
reasonable -- rights against unreasonable searches
and seizures, forgive me, if you give me a moment;
right to a reasonable bond, equal protection of the
law just to name a few, and I think the only thing
left to make this case for true form would be a


cruel and unusual punishment, and I don't think

nobody would care because nobody cares.

I can't

believe I spent 32 years defending the Constitution

that allowed this to happen to me.

I can't believe

people fought and died in wars to protect the

Constitution that allowed this to happen to me.
Everybody should be outraged, but nobody cares.

take full responsibility for my relationship with

the media.
When this first broke out, the terrifying
event took place, my house was barraged with what I
believe was 20 media trucks, barrages, every

emporium you could imagine, and I just wanted them

away from my house because they were scaring my

They hounded me.

I agreed to go on national

TV to tell my side of the story and asked for legal


Everything from busy bodies like Nancy Grace

to the local and national news to that ridiculous

movie that was played repeatedly right before my
trial, during my trial, which introduced to the
public evidence that the state's attorney's office
knew would never be allowed in a court, but it
allowed the jury, pretty much guarantee, that I
would not receive a fair trial.

It was pretty clear


the State took part in that movie because things I

recall saying to the state police, and only to them,
was in that movie.

I did receive advice from

counsel which seemed sound at the time to make as

many TV appearances as I could.

The same advice was

given to governor Rod Blagojevich.

We share the

same publicist, and the same advice was given to us

by the same person.

Seemed like sound advice at the

I am an obnoxious man by nature truly and
through the years as a police officer, like most
police officers, my defense mechanism is always
comedy which is normally not seen by the public.
The media took it and capitalized on that, exploited
that, and my obnoxious nature shined through, but I
want to show the Court at no time did I, in any way,
wish to project any insensitivity to anyone.


that make sense?


It did, sir.

Go ahead.

Kathy's death, it was never my

intention throughout these proceedings, no one

witness, no one juror, not one prosecutor looked me
in the eye until today, and I hope Mr. Glasgow looks
me in the eye right now; never forget my face; never


forget what you have done here.

Originally, I had some cute and funny things
to end with but in closing now it's time to sentence
an innocent man to a life of hardship and abuse of
prison, and I don't deserve this.

I don't deserve


Thank you.


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