Ab Wireless Power Transfer PDF
Ab Wireless Power Transfer PDF
Ab Wireless Power Transfer PDF
Products Used
ANSYS Maxwell 15.0, ANSYS HFSS 14.0, ANSYS Simplorer 10.0
Wireless power transmission
A diverse variety of applications can benefit from wireless power transfer:
Sensor networks
Implanted medical devices
Electric vehicle charging
The concept of available ambient power for electronic devices is a great
enabler of increasingly portable designs, especially since they eliminate the
tether required for charging.
The most common form of wireless power transmission uses direct induction; resonant magnetic induction applications are second. Both are related
to electromagnetic fields and can be modeled with ANSYS Maxwell or
ANSYS HFSS. In solving for electric and magnetic fields, you must drive
the coils with appropriate circuitry. ANSYS solutions offer this flexibility
through coupling between full-field solvers, such as Maxwell and HFSS, and
circuit design tools such as ANSYS Simplorer and ANSYS Designer.
Inductive Type Coupling
Magnetic induction has been extensively used for wireless power transfer,
but its performance is directly linked with the mutual inductance between
transmitter and receiver coils, which decays as the inverse cube of separation distance. These types of designs rely on large numbers of coil turns or
bulky magnetic core materials to obtain higher coupling coefficients and,
therefore, higher efficiency. Using Maxwell, it is possible to automatically
calculate mutual and self inductances with the field solution, enabling a
variety of analyses, such as:
Coupling efficiency
Different coil topologies and separation distances
Material properties and possible core saturation
Figure 2. ANSYS Simplorer schematic of a simple power transfer
system, cosimulating with transmitter and receiver coils from
ANSYS Maxwell
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Canonsburg, PA 15317
The full solution of the wireless power transfer problem requires a systemslevel approach with dynamically linked parameters between the circuit and
3-D FEA model. With a complete set of coupled tools, ANSYS enables an
efficient workflow design for Simulation-Driven Product Development.