Biological Approach Edexcel Psychology Unit 2
Biological Approach Edexcel Psychology Unit 2
Biological Approach Edexcel Psychology Unit 2
It gives us physiological explanations for human behaviour
Uses scientific research methods
Key terms
The tiny gap between two neurons. When a nerve impulse takes along a pre-synapse
neuron, it triggers the nerve ending to release neurotransmitters across a synapse.
Sites on the postsynaptic neuron (the receiving neuron) that binds with
A nerve cell. The send electrical messages called nerve impulses along their length.
Chemical messengers that carry a signal across a synapse from one neuron to another.
Chemical substances that are produced by glands of the body. They are similar to
neurotransmitters in the body, but affected it more slowly.
To see whether a trait is due to genetic factors by ruling out the environmental ones
Compare Monozygotic (MZ) twins to Dizygotic twins (DZ) to see if there are differences in
share 50%
Twin studies are the main method of investigate the impact of genes on behaviour
There is no other way of having 100% same gene, which means this is about the most
that they share almost the same environment and so the similarities or differences between DZ and
MZ twins are not due to environment but only genetics.
Investigate children that are adopted into a different family in different environment
Adopted children have same genetics to their biological parents but are raised in a different
Shows genetics play a big role in determining the child's characteristics, behaviours and
mental orders
development because of the knowledge that they themselves are adopted and so have
more or less sense of rejection than average people
Children are often selectively placed in families that are reflective of their 'biological'
Make untangling differences between genetics and environment difficult
organs, help radiologists see more clearly, takes about an hour to be absorbed
PET scan detect signals from the tracer, computer generate signals into 3D picture for
or south, and the second turned on and off in a series of quick pulse, causing hydrogen
atoms to align then quickly return to their relaxed normal stage
The scanner can detect them, and in conjunction with a computer, can create a detailed
Alternative Hypothesis
Hypothesis used in hypothesis testing that is contrary to null hypothesis. It is usually taken to be that the
observations are the result of a real effect (with some amount of chance variation superposed).
Experimental Hypothesis
A prediction that yourexperimental manipulation will have some effect or that certain variables will relate
to each other
Null Hypothesis
(H0) is ahypothesiswhich the researcher tries to disprove, reject or nullify. The 'null' often refers to the
common view of something, while the alternativehypothesisis what the researcher really thinks is the
cause of a phenomenon.
One-tailed tests
Used if only deviations in one direction are considered possible.
Two-tailed tests
Used if deviations of the estimated parameter in either direction from some benchmark value are considered
theoretically possible
Control Groups
Members of complementary groups in independent measure experiment which receives no
Levels of Measurement
The relationship among the values that are assigned to the attributes for a variable.
This is where data is in the form of a count or
E.g. How many males and females were there
This is where the data is in the form of a rank
or an order.
E.g. this person came first, the next second etc.
Subjective rating scales are another example of
functioning brains)
In lesion studies, researchers are not allowed to cause pain or discomfort unless:
The finding have significant benefit to humans
Use surgical anaesthetic
Researchers are required to gain a license to do animal research from the Home Office
It is said that a decision cube should be used to see whether a study should be carried out or not. It
weighs up the potential benefits from running the experiment, and measures them up against the
costs of doing so. This is particularly important when deciding whether or not to do an animal
study, as these are among the most controversial (ethically).
Benefit to society or individuals
Scientific quality of findings
Ethical cost to animals or participants
If the benefits are not considerably higher than the costs of the study, and the study has not been
planned well, it shouldnt be conducted. Similarly, when the benefits highly outweigh the costs and
the study is well-thought out and controlled and monitored well, it should be carried out.
Sometimes, it can be more expensive to use animals compared to humans, as
animals have to have the highest level of care and cannot fend for themselves.
Human participants can go home when not participating and look after themselves
Small animals like rats and pigeons are easy to house and monitor, when compared
with humans
With animals like rats, their gestation period is only 22 days, so large samples can
be bred quickly
Humans and animal brains are different, thus it may be difficult to generalise the
results from animals to humans, because we dont know that animals and humans
would behave in the same way.
No demand characteristics
Animals are said to be naive participants, because they dont understand what is happening
This increase the validity of the experiments, as their behaviour is natural
animals to humans, because we dont know that animals and humans would behave in the same
Space consumption
Small animals like birds or mouse are easier to house and monitor when compared to humans
Time saving
Animals like rats have gestation period of 22 days, large samples can be bred quickly
Can be expensive
Sometimes, it can be more expensive to use animals compared to humans, as animals have to have
Easier to study
Humans and animals are similar
Chromosome abnormality
Turners syndrome (XO):
Female develop one X on chromosome 23 (1/5000 chance), results in child with female external but under
A typical cell has a nucleus; the nuclei contain 23 pairs of chromosomes. The chromosomes
in females, the chromosomes are XX. The X/Y chromosome determining the persons true
must come from the father.
Brain lateralisation
(right > left) Male > Female (right = left)
Supports : evolutionary psychology and
visuospatial skills
Male XY and Female XX
Sex chromosomes determine hormones and so
gender behaviour
Hormones appear to play a crucial role in the development of sex and gender:
They determine the anatomical sex of the baby at birth and affect the development of secondary
At 6-8 week of the foetus, the presence of SRY gene determine the foetus sex
that girls dont have the SRY gene which means that
testis-determining factor is not produced. This causes
the gonads to develop into ovaries
The default sex for all foetuses = females
After three months, if the testes have developed, they produce anti-mullarian
hormone which prevents any further development of female sex organs
The testes then produce androgens (e.g. testosterones) which stimulates the
development of male sex organs
In females, the development of full female sex organs is due to the absence of males
The hypothalamus instructs the pituitary glands to produce male hormones if there is
testosterone in the body these further masculine the male.
The hypothalamus will instruct the pituitary gland to produce female hormones if
there is no testosterone in the body these further feminises the female.
Studies like Pfeiffer were conducted on rats, so the findings may not be
generalisable to humans as rats and humans are not 100% genetically identical
Money (1975) showed that even though Bruce Reiners parents tried to raised him as
a girl, he went back to living as a man and said he always felt male showing
nature, not nurture determines gender
Pfeiffer (1936) who showed that when gonads were removed from newborn rats,
their pituitary glands produced female hormones but when testes were sewn on the
pituitary gland produced males hormones showing the importance of testosterone in
gender development
It cannot explain why some people have a gender that doesnt match their genetic
sex for example some people want to change their gender so it doesnt match their
sex because they feel they were born in the wrong gender
The researchers accessed records from Maudsley and Bethlem Royal Joint Hospital
Short stay psychiatric hospital with a large outpatients department
Samples 57 twin pairs: male and female, and monozygotic and dizygotic twins
Primary data
Hospital notes, Case histories for the twins, Personality testing, and Testing to examine thought
Secondary data
Tape recordings of 30 minute samples of verbal behaviour gathered by semi-structured interviews
In the monozygotic twins the concordance rate was 42% (i.e. 42% were BOTH diagnosed as having schizophrenia)
In the dizygotic twins the concordance rate was 9% (i.e. 9% were BOTH diagnosed as having schizophrenia)
Genes appear to play an important role in schizophrenia because the concordance rate is higher in MZ twins than DZ
Since some MZ twins did not share the same diagnosis genes alone cannot be a sufficient explanation for
Therefore the findings have high reliability as similar results have been found.
Many different research methods were used, therefore it provides a more objective analysis of the results
also shows that the environment individuals are brought up in is also important.
Twins share the same environment and MZs are treated the same way, therefore findings may be due to this
would give to raise a baby girl. Money assured the parents that, based on successes of
adult operations, Brenda would become a girl and would conform to the gender she has
been brought up as. He instructed the parents to inform relatives, friends and Brian
(Brenda's twin) about this
success, due to her feminine toys, hair, clothes, and upbringing style. The children began to copy
their same-sex parent, and Brenda wanted to play with dolls whereas her twin wanted toy cars
However, Brenda was tomboyish, with abundant physical energy, stubbornness and being the
dominant in an all-girl group. The mother tried her best to make Brenda more lady-like. Brenda was
the more dominant sibling of the two twin
Money decided that after 9 years, the girl would one day have to be told the truth about her gender
reassignment, for it is hard to be kept secret since all her family knows
The twin went to the zoo. They were asked by Money which animal they liked, Brenda said monkey because it
can climb and swing on their arm, but she chose to be a girl monkey not a boy one because she was already a
Data collection: most of the finding was from the mother, who made most of the
Money concluded she exhibited normal girl behavious, including the liking of dresses, and
her desire to take on a feminine profession, such as teaching or being a doctor, as well as
her desire to be a female monkey. he contrasted this to her brothers desire to be a fireman
or policeman. He did not comment upon issues such as her liking for physical climbing &
activity, however.
He said the mother was a good observer, and had helped her daughter to adapt well
through her own behaviour & comparisons between girls & boys.
It was concluded from the study as a whole that gender identity is sufficiently incompletely
differentiated at birth to allow successful gender reassignment, and that gender was
primarily a product of upbringing
It is more effective to create female organs than male ones, hence the decision to bring
The study was 9 years long and Money concluded it a success but it was later revealed by Reimer
that he was never happy as a girl, which is shown by the fact he later changed back to a male,
therefore there is no validity
It is hard to generalise these findings as this is a very unique case study the ablatio penis study is
rare enough, but also having an identical twin brother as well as willing-to-be-studied parents
like wearing dresses and refused to play with dolls, she would beat up her brother. - false
information from Brenda's mother
It is possible that Money knew that Brenda was unhappy as a girl, and that he knew David
has resumed his male identity, but he only followed the case until the children were about
11, so it is unclear if he deliberately lied.
When she was 14, Brenda was told the truth. David said that everything made sense, and
he underwent surgery and turned back to being a male. He attempted suicide twice, and
was depressed, but married in his 20s and his wife was a huge source of support.
Davids mother attempted suicide, and his father turned to alcohol. His brother Brian
At the age of 30, David met a psychologist, Diamond, who went on to publish a paper
about him, showing that Moneys conclusions were wrong and should not be used to justify
gender reassignment in infants. Diamond & Sigmundson [1997].
in 2000, David published a book about himself & his life. His brother overdosed and died in
2002, and David himself committed suicide in 2004 after the breakdown of his marriagehe was also unemployed, depressed and grieving. There are indications of a genetic
tendency towards depression in the family, but it is likely that his upbringing contributed to
his problems.
The now-conclusion is that there are Biological influences on gender, and this case does
Lower language ability
Communication problem [eye to eye gazing, facial expression and body posture]
Lack of empathy
Lack of interest to share enjoyment, interests and achievements
males who tend to have higher systemising scores than empathy scores. However, the difference is more marked in
people with autism. This led to the idea that autism is a form of an extreme male brain (EMB).
In fact, Autism and Autism Spectrum are far more common in males than in females. There are four times as many males
with autism than females, and nine times as many males than females with AS.
This idea of autism being caused by EMB is supported by other evidence:
Women are better than men at recognising someone's emotion from their eyes and people with autism score even lower than typical
Men are faster than women at detecting target shapes in an image. People with autism are even faster than typical males.
Males score higher than females on the Autism Spectrum Quotient (a diagnostic questionnaire) and people with autism score even
Regions of the brain that are typically smaller in males (e.g. The prefrontal cortex and thalamus) are even smaller in people with
Regions of the brain that are typically larger in males ( e.g. Amygdala and cerebellum) are even larger in people with autism.
However, some of this evidence, especially in terms of brain structures, has not yet been reliably replicated
To investigate the difference in brain functions regarding gender and age differences
By using MRI scan to see if grey matter decrease and white matte increase over time