Fatca & Ubo Form
Fatca & Ubo Form
Fatca & Ubo Form
Second Applicant
Country of Birth
Country of Citizenship / Nationality
[Please specify the country if you hold any
other citizenship than India]
Are you a US Specified Person? (Yes / No)
If Yes, please provide Tax Payer ID.
Country of Tax Residency 1 #
Tax Identification No. 1 %
Country of Tax Residency 2
Tax Identification No. 2
Country of Tax Residency 3
Tax Idenfitication No. 3
# To also include USA, where the individual is a citizen / green card holder of USA
% in case Tax Identification Number is not available, kindly provide functional equivalent
Details under FATCA/Foreign Tax Laws: Tax Regulations require us to collect information about each investors tax residency. In certain circumstances (including
if we do not receive a valid self certification form you) we may be obliged to share information on your account with relevant tax authorities. If you have any
question about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. Should there be any change in information provided, please ensure you advise us promptly, i.e.,
within 30days.
If you are a US citizen resident or greencard holder, please include United States In the foreign country information field along with your us Tax identification Number.
Foreign Account Tax compliance provisions (commonly known as FATCA) are contained in the US Hire Act 2010.
Note: In case of any doubt or/and for any clarification about your tax residency/any other FATCA aspects,please contact your tax advisor.
Other Information
Are you a Specified US Person? If yes, please provide Taxpayer Identification No.
If Yes, specify the name of the Stock Exchange(s) where it is traded regularly:
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
Please Tick:
Participating FFI
Deemed Compliant FFI
Exempt Beneficial Owner
Non-Participating Financial Institution
In case of any doubt or/and for any clarification about your organizations tax residency/any other FATCA aspects, please contact your tax advisor.
10. UBO declaration:
Country of Tax
Country of Citizenship
(House no., street, city,
Tax identification
(for each country)
UBO Code
(Please refer Instructions)
UBO - 1
UBO - 2
UBO - 3
UBO - 4
A. If UBO is already KYC compliant, KYC complied proof to be enclosed. Else PAN / Tax Payer Identification Number / any other valid identity proof must be attached
B. If any of the UBO is resident / citizen of other than India or citizen/tax resident/green card holder of country [like USA, UK], please provide Taxpayer ID Number/ Social Security
Number [SSN]
C. Submit documentary proof like Shareholding pattern duly self-attested by Authorized Signatory / Company Secretary.
D. If number of UBOs are more than 4, information in the given format can be enclosed in additional sheet(s)
Details under FATCA/Foreign Tax Laws: Tax Regulations require us to collect information about each investor's taxresidency. In certain
circumstances (including if we do not receive a valid self-certification from you) we may be obliged to share information on your account with
relevant tax authorities. If you have any questions about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. Should there be any change in
information provided, please ensure you advise us promptly. i.e., within 30 days. If you are classified as a passive NFFE for FATCA purposes, please
include in the section relating to Ultimate beneficial Owner (UBO), details of an) specified US persons having controlling interest in the foreign
country information field along with your US Tax Identification Number for FATCA purposes. Foreign Account Tax Compliance provisions (commonly
known as FATCA) are contained in the US Hire Act 2010.
Controlling ownership interest of more than 25% of shares or capital or profits of the juridical person [Investor], where the juridical person is
a company
Controlling ownership interest of more than 15% of the capital or profits of the juridical person [Investor], where the juridical person is a
Controlling ownership interest of more than 15% of the property or capital or profits of the juridical person [Investor], where the juridical
person is an unincorporated association or body of individuals
Natural person exercising control over the juridical person through other means exercised through voting rights, agreement, arrangements
or in any other manner [In cases where there exists doubt under clause 4 (a) above as to whether the person with the controlling ownership
interest is the beneficial owner or where no natural person exerts control through ownership interests]
Natural person who holds the position of senior managing official [In case no natural person cannot be identified as above]
The beneficiaries with 15% or more interest in the trust if they are natural person(s)
UBO-10 Natural person(s) exercising ultimate effective control over the Trust through a chain of control or ownership.