Recollection 4th Year Students

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Journeying with God

THEME: God Experience and Decision Making

Title: Admin ng Facebook ko
For 4th year Students

To be able to gradually recognize their unique identity and special mission through their experiences


To be able to identify the importance of God in their lives as they discover themselves in the discerning.


To be able to enjoy the friendship with God, the true Friend who continually helping them in their decision in life.



Key Points


Opening prayer
Facilitator asks the students to be silent and assume meditative

To get the attention of

Name tags of the


Facilitator leads the prayer prepared.

the students
To set and prepare the

students and the


mood of the students

Getting to know each other

The facilitators introduce themselves in creative way
The facilitators try to get some information from the students.

8:45 am

Schedule posted


Short explanation of the meaning of recollection and the

To have a basic

theme/title (to help understanding, the facilitator can us the

knowledge of the

on the classroom.

facebook analogy: facebook account: sign up, information about

recollection and its goals


self, profile, pictures, etc.

9:00 am


Schedule and House Rules


Drawing expectations from both sides


Short bond paper

Session 1: Your Symbol/ Your Profile Pictures

Activity I: Drawing of your symbol/your profile pictures about God
a) The students are asked to pair themselves (preferable close
b) The students are asked to draw and color any symbol that would
represent his/her partner, and draw his/her partners face on one

To accomplish the first


drawing (crayon)
and writing
Masking tape.


sheet bond paper

c) The students are to identify the symbol which would represent
his/her partner
d) After finishing their drawings, the students are to post and display
their drawings on the wall of the classroom.
Activity II: Sharing
Some students are to share the meaning of their drawings.
The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
The facilitator is to give the important values of first session:
Your true friend sees you as one who has a special identity who
reflects Gods works (even though the symbol might be the same)
Your true friend will help you identifying and fulfilling your unique.
The students know that they are in continuous self-discovery.


10:30 am

Film Clip The Bridge

To dispose them in the

God revealed himself and offered His own self for the salvation of

sharing of reflection

the world. There is no greater love who sacrifices His own self for

through their own

his brethren. The ultimate Love was given from our creator himself


who gave the true example of loving.

Recall the saving acts of God in the Old Testament



Exile towards the Promised Land (Canaan)

God revealed Himself in stages. God reveal himself through the
biblical signs made up of words and deeds. He made covenants
with Noah, with Abraham, and with Moses. He performed greatest
works and wonders for His chosen people, and proclaim the To accomplish the second
wonderful saving power and truth through the prophets words.
CCC 56-64.
Through his chosen men and women, God led, liberated, and


corrected His people. He forgave their sins. He thus revealed

Himself as Yahweh, He who with His people. He is the Lord a
merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and
fidelity (Ex 34:6). Today through His inspired word in the Old
Testament, God still reveals Himself to us and inspires us to
respond to his Covenant.
Activity 1 - Sharing of God Experience
About our Family, Friends and Others
Points of reflection:
1. How God works in our lives?
2. How does God lives in our life?
3. Why are these things happening to us?
This activity is for 2 individual. After the sharing with partners, they
will write their experiences in a piece of paper and probably, it may
describe God in their own experiences.
Activity II: Write the things that what happened in their lives. A
situation that contributed or converted them to be good person
now or vis a vis.
The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
The facilitator is to give the important values of second session:
The Value of openness and sharing ones thought.
12:00 pm


1:15 pm


To energize the
students after the break

1. The facilitator must instruct the students to give the and to dispose them
word TILAPIA. It must be broken into syllables. TI TI before the third session
To accomplish the third
TI TI with the hands locating on the head. Then, TILA

TILA TILA TILA hands locating on the shoulders.


2. This may repeat in slow motion and faster motion at

they cooperate attentively on the activity. The faster
as they can much better. All of the students must be
in a form of circle to see if they are participating or
3. After the speed has been sufficed, the word tilapia,
which is the highlight of the ice breaker, must be
uttered with great voice and the hands are crossed
over at the lower part of the limbs.
1:30 pm

God's PlanorMy Plan?

(discerning Gods will)
I. Gods Will is the Best Possible Plan.

Stationary paper
Envelop Puzzle of

Ephesians 1:1-20; Colossians 2:2-10

Jesus (prepared by


the facilitators)
Vigil candle

The Plan:

We can do many things without God (acquire wealthstart a

businessget an educationetc.), but only in Gods will can we
find true joy, fulfillment, faithfulnessand expect someday to hear
from Him Well done, good and faithful servant.
That wonderful plan God has already designed for your life and
mine contains the very best of Purpose, Adventure, Fulfillment,
Joy, and new lessons.

The Trust:

Whom do you trust? Is there a person in your life with whom you
would trust your very life, if necessary? A spouse...a parenta
siblinga very good friend? Think about that person. And then
realize that God loves you infinitely more than that person with

whom you would trust your life!

We can trust someone who loves us perfectlyperfect love drives
out all fear 1 John 4:18.
Then trust the Lord completely, dont even trust yourself.


everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown
your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:5
Activity I: Magic Puzzle Making.
a) The facilitator introduces the 4 magic words (I love you; thank you;
I am sorry; Help me)
c) (the puzzle must be made by the facilitor. This can be a picture
that was cut into different shapes and thus enables to complete by
the students.)
b) The students are to be given a piece of puzzle as they say the
magic words to his/her special friend.
c) They are to complete the whole puzzle.
d) The facilitators are to see to it that the students will complete their
puzzle within the allocated time frame.
Activity II: Sharing
Some students are to share their experiences on the first activity.
The facilitator is to gather the points of their sharing.
The facilitator is to give the important values of First session:
As we discover ourselves, we discover God in each one of us.
We are created in the image and likeness of God. Our life is not
complete if we do not include God in every decision that we make.
We need Him in our discernment for our career in the near future.

He always eager to love us and listen to us (thus, we write Him

a letter)
Activity III: Letter Writing
The facilitator reads the letter from Jesus
The facilitator reads some replies to the letter.
The students are to write a letter to God.
They may color or decorate their letter.
Recapitulation and Conclusion
The facilitators are to remind the students of the whole activities
and the values they could instill.
3:15 pm

The facilitators are to close the recollection with the word of GOD,

3:30 pm

thanksgiving and prayer.

Prepared by: Sem. Jojimar Kenneth M. Gonowon

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