Tuesday, 22 December 2015
100 RAVI 2000
100 RAVI 2000
101 VINAY 3000
100 RAVI 2000
101 VINAY 3000
The above example calculates only HYDERABAD city employees total.
18. What are nested aggregate functions in aggregator
The above example returns which department is paying highest salaries.
Inner function calculates how much salary we are paying for each
19. What happens if group by port contains null values in aggregator?
All rows containing null values will treat as separate group and the
aggregator transformation returns last row from that group.
When cache les not available in informatica server, then session won't
fail, it will recreate the cache automatically. But it takes more time
compared to normal run, reason is recreation of cache takes some time.
Yes we can sort data more than one port, but the default port order for
sorting is top to bottom. You can select one port ascending and another
port descending also. You can move the ports up and down also if you
are expecting dierent sort order.
41. How do you eliminate duplicate rows using informatica?
There are two ways to eliminate duplicate rows which are coming from
the source. If your source is relational then you can use either rst or
second option below. Performance wise rst option is the best one. If
your source is les then you need to go for second option only.
i) Using Source Qualier, under properties tab select distinct option
ii) Using Sorter, under properties tab select distinct option
42. What are dierent types of caches exist for sorter transformation?
In general transformations that contains caches internally contains two
types data cache and index cache. Sorter transformation has only one
cache i.e data cache. This data cache contains output ports from the
sorter transformation.
43. What are dierent types of joins exist in Joiner transformation?
There are four dierent types of joins exist in joiner transformation. In
order to use joiner transformation you should have at least two sources.
The sources may be tables or les or combination of both.
1. Normal Join
2. Master Outer Join
3. Detail Outer Join
4. Full Outer Join
44. What is master and what is detail in joiner transformation?
We can join only two sources at a time. One we need to consider it as
master and the other need to consider it as detail. For performance
point of view we take less no.of rows as master and huge no.of rows as
detail. Even if you take in reverse direction the output is same. Internally
it builds cache for master source.
43. How many joiner transformations required to join 3 tables?
Two joiner transformations required to join 3 tables. You can join only
two tables at a time. First take two tables and then connect to joiner. The
third table and rst joiner output need to connect to second joiner.
a) Active Mapplets
b) Passive Mapplets
79. What is active mapplet?
If a mapplet contains atleast one active transformation then it is called
active mapplet. Every mapplet contains one mapplet input and mapplet
out transformation.
80. What is passive mapplet?
If a mapplet contains all passive transformations then it is called passive
mapplet. Passive mapplets give more performance than active mapplets.
81. What are dierent types of restrictions while creating mapplets?
a) You can't use XML sources
b) You can't use targets
c) If you want to use sequence generator that should be reusable
d) If you want to use stored procedure that should be normal
e) You can't use normalizer transformation
f) Nesting of mapplets not allowed
82. What are the optimization techniques for joiner transformation?
a) Take less no.of rows as master and huge number of rows as detail
b) Sorted Input, which is available under properties tab of joiner
83. When you select sorted input option in joiner what ports you need
to sort?
The join condition columns in both the sources need to be sorted. You
can sort those ports using sorter transformations before joiner or in the
source qualier itself. We can sort the port either in ascending or
descending order.
84. What happens if you don't sort the data and you selected sorted
input option?
If you select the sorted input option and don't sort the sources data,
then the session will fail.
85. What are the optimization techniques for lookup?
a) Use lookup override
[workow name]
[folder_name.wf:workowname.st:session_name] etc
93. What happens if a parameter not dened in a parameter le?
The session won't fail, it uses default value. In the session log we can
verify whether the parameter has taken value or not.
94. Where to declare a parameter?
In power center designer tool, menu bar select mappings and then
parameters and variables. You can declare multiple parameters with in a
95. What is a mapping variable?
A mapping variable is a variable, the value is stored in informatica
repository at the end of successful session run. Both parameters and
variables starts with $$ symbol.
96. What is the dierence between mapping parameter and variable?
Parameter values stored in a le, where as variable values stored in a
repository. Parameter values can't change during session run, variable
values can change during session run.
97. How do you change the value of variable?
The value of a variable we can change using below functions
SetMinVariable() etc
98. How do you know the current value of the variable?
In workow manager tool, select workow designer tool, select the
session right click and select view persistent values option.
99. Can you reset the value of a variable?
Yes we can reset the value of a variable. In workow manager tool,
select workow designer tool, select the session right click and select
view persistent values option. Here you can see reset option.
100. How do you override the present value of variable?
a) Fixed Width: In this le each and every eld is dened with xed
length. If the value of the led exceeds the eld length, the exceeded
value moved to next eld value.
b) Delimited: In this le each and every eld is separated by some
symbol. In real time most of the times we see comma and pipe delimited
at les.
105. Can informatica handle multiple delimited at les?
You need to set the property number of initial rows to skip to 1. This
option you can set in the session level or under source analyzer tool.
108. How to skip top 3 rows from a at le?
You need to set the property number of initial rows to skip to 3. This
option you can set in the session level or under source analyzer tool.
109. How to skip footer from a at le?
Read the footer value into the rst port and use lter transformation and
then you can skip the footer.
110. What are the characteristics of data warehouse?
127. What is the use of e-mail task?
Generally E-mail task is used at the end of the workow, to send a mail
to business about today's data loads status
128. What is the use of command task?
Command task is used to execute any unix commands or to call a shell
129. What is the use of event wait task?
Event wait task is used to wait for a le and check that le exists at
particular path frequently at regular intervals. Generally this is used as
the rst task in the workow, to check the source system is ready or not
130. What is the use of timer task?
The timer task is used to wait the process particular time. At that time
the timer task will execute. For example you have two sessions, after one
sessionsucceeds you need to wait 1 min and then you need to start
another session. In this scenario we can use timer for 1 min
131. What is the use of decision task?
The decision task is used to avoid multiple link conditions. For example
after 10 sessionssucceedsthen you want to run another task then we
can use single decision taskafter 10 sessions
132. What is the use of assignment task?
Assignment task is used to assign values to workow variables
133. What is the use of control task?
Control task is used to fail the parent i.e workow or worklet
134. When session fails will workow also fail?
No by default when session fails workow succeeds
135. When session fails how can you fail workow also?
You need to check the property, Fail Parent If this Task Fails.
144. What might be the reasons, your session failed with table or
viewdoesn'texist ?
There might be several reasons for failure.
1. Table Not exist in the database
2. Schema name not specied
3. Grants are not available for that relational connection user
4. Relational connection is wrong
145. What happens to third session if second session failed in the
workow, workow contains 3 sessions?
By default third session will execute even if the second session fails and
also it will show workow as succeeded, unless if you specify fail parent
if this task fails option.
146. How to make it happen in a workow only one tasksucceedsthen
only need to run another task?
We need to connect all tasks with in a workow using links. By using
link task, task we can set status=succeeded. Just double click on the link
then it opens a dialogue box. If you set this if rst task succeeds in a
workow then only second task will start.
147. What is a domain?
Domain is a collection of nodes and services. You can congure domain
details at the time of informatica server installation. You can use power
center informatica administration console to get more details about your
148. What is a node?
A node is a logical representation of a machine. In real time we can see
multiple nodes in a single environment. One node act as master gateway
node and all other nodes work as worker nodes.
149. What are main dierentservicesin power center?
The following are dierent services in power center tool
Repository Service: It is responsible for retrieving or inserting data into
the repository database.
Integration Service: It is responsible for running workows and talks
transformation, then it assigns same currval to all the rows. Currval port
automatically comes into sequence generator when you create, you can't
delete this port from the transformation.
156. Will union transformation eliminate duplicates?
The union transformation won't eliminate duplicates, it is equal to union
all operation in oracle. If you want to delete duplicate rows then you
need to place a sorter transformation after union and you need to enable
distinct option which is available under properties tab of sorter
157. What are restrictions in order to use union transformation?
You can connect n number of sources to union transformation. All the
sources should have same number of columns and data types also.
Suppose if one of the source has less number of columns, we can create
a dummy port and we can use this while connecting to union
158. What is target pre sql?
The target pre sql option is available at the session level. Doublce click
on the session, select mappings tab, select targets left side, right side
you can see this option. If you want to execute any sql statement before
loading into your target you can use this. In real time we use this option
to drop indexes before loading data into the target table.
159. What is target post sql?
The target post sql option is available at the session level. Doublce click
on the session, select mappings tab, select targets left side, right side
you can see this option. If you want to execute any sql statement after
loading into your target you can use this. In real time we use this option
to re create indexes after loading data into the target table.
160. How can you send a mail when a session fails?
We have predened option at the session level, to send a mail when the
session fails. Double click on the session, select components tab, there
is a property "On Failure E-mail". You can select either reusable or
non-reusable e-mail task.
161. How do you fail a session explicitly?
We can fail a session explicitly by calling abort() function in the
mapping. We can call abort() function from the expression
transformation. For example if you want to fail a session when the date
is invalid, then in the expression you need to create output port and
need to set value like this.
162. What is a short cut?
A short cut is a repository object from a share folder. You can create
shortcuts for sources, targets and mappings also. In real time we use
short cuts if same sources or targets or mappings used by multiple
departments or line of businesses.
163. How can you compare folders from dierent repositories ?
Using repository manager, we can compare folders from dierent
repositories. Connect to both the repositories using login credentials.
After this you can select same folder from each repository and compare.
It gives result similarities and dierences from both the folders.
164.Lookup transformation is active/passive?
session running?
Session Log
Workow Log
Error Log
Bad File
168.Can we return multiple ports from unconnected lookup?
Yes we can return multiple ports from unconnected lookup indirectly by
concatenating multiple ports as single and then you can select that port
as return port. Once we get this port value, using expression we can
break value into multiple ports.
169.What is the use of bulk load option?
This option is available at session level. Double click on the session,
select mappings tab, select targets and right side you can see the option
"Target Load Type". By default it is bulk, you can also set normal. When
you select bulk load option, the target writing performance is high. It
internally calls bulk utility and by passes redo log le.
170. What is the disadvantage of bulk load?
The disadvantage of bulk load utility is you cannot recover the data, why
because it writes data into the data le, it won't write data into the redo
log le. If you want to recover data the data should be available in the
redo log le also.
171. Can you use bulk load if indexes exist on target table?
Bulk load won't support if you have dened indexes on your target table.
In order to use bulk load, drop indexes before load and create indexes
after loading data into the target table.
172.What is code page?
A code page represents the character set. Character set represents
alphabets, digits and special characters.There are dierent types of code
pages ASCII, EBCIDIC, UTF etc. Source and target data falls under some
code pages.
173. When code page comes into picture?
We give code page while creating relational connections. If you want to
write data into the database other than alphabets, digits and special
characters for example non-Englishcharacters then we need to change
accordingly. But your target data base also should support that code
174. What is a surrogate key?
A surrogate key is an articial key, which is not coming from the source.
We are going to generate surrogate key values using sequence
generator transformation.
175.what is push down optimization?
Push down optimization means pushing business logic handing into the
database side instead of handling in the informatica server level. When
we use this option, internally it creates sql for transformations in the
mapping and it will re on the database.
GanttChart View: This view displays workow run details in report
187. What is the dierence between applied rows and aected rows?
Applied rows on the target side means number of rows reached to the
target and aected rows means number of rows actually updated or
deleted or inserted in the target.
188. How many ways you can create ports?
There are dierent ways you can create ports. One way is double click
and go to ports tab, select the icon add a new port to the transformation
another option is you can directly drag from another transformation.
189. What is propagate attributes option?
Using this option you can propagate attribute names, data types and
size from one transformation to other entire ow. Generally we use this
option in enhancements of the project.
190.How do you create a relational connection?
Under workow manager tool, in the menu bar select connections,
select database, give connection name,useridand password. Generally
we can create relational connections only for databases.
191. What is the default condition in lter transformation?
The default condition for lter transformation is TRUE. Just if we connect
lter and don't give any condition then, what ever the rows entered into
lter are moving to next level transformation or target.
192. What is the dierence between replacechr() and replacestr()?
Replacechr() function is a character by character replacement.
Replacestr() is a string by string replacement.
Eg:- replacechr(0,'abcd','ac','fx')
output: fbxd
Eg:- replacestr(0,'abcd','ac','fx')
output: abcd
SYSDATE gives current time of that node at that time, it will change while
loading huge data you can observe. SESSIONSTARTTIME is the
timerepresentsconstantvalue during entire session run, that contains
time at the session started.
197. How to remove new line character in a column value?
We can remove new line character in a character column using
replacestr() function. In real time we face this kind of issue, if the
column value contains huge amount of data.
Venkat M at 01:46
Dharmendra Pradhan 25 December 2015 at 07:03
Please post more question and a sample project with all the document
Venkat M
About Me
Venkat M