Mind Body Techniques
Mind Body Techniques
Mind Body Techniques
Mind Body
Advanced Training
For continued support and advice please contact your principle trainer Chris
This course and its contents are not suitable for people suffering with
psychotic episodes or extreme emotional problems. Always consult your
doctor on any matter that concerns your health.
If you only have a hammer, you will treat every problem like a nail.
Were sure this course will add more tools to your toolbox.
The number of delegates on this training course has been kept small to help
facilitate learning. You are welcome to ask questions throughout the training
(even the tricky ones) and although none of the course is meant as a therapy
session, you will have the opportunity to work through any problems you
may have.
Some of what you will learn includes:
Feldenkrais Bodywork
Neuro Linguistic Programming
New Code NLP
Belief Change Work
Exercise One
Take a few moments and consider, What do you Really Want?
Listen to the little voice inside your head and notice what is says. Does it
say, Yeahbut or perhaps something like, You are never going to get it.
Maybe it will let you dream of what you want. Is it the voice that prevents
it? Or now ask yourself what stops you?
Do This Now. Repeat a few times, think of other things you want, are you
getting more objections or the same objections? Perhaps, an uncomfortable
feeling or a strange memory. List them down. If you feel comfortable swap
notes with the person you are sitting next to. Ask them about their dreams
and limitations ask them if these are common limitations in their life, are
there any others that come to mind.
These limitations are not usually conscious rational limitations but most
often learnt from experiences social, environmental, physical, emotional and
spiritual, that have been in built, hard wired in to our deeper unconscious
Consider the smoker who wants to stop smoking and who knows that the
cigarettes are too expensive, smell bad, taste bad and are full of toxic
chemicals causing emphysema, impotence, cardiac problems and many other
conditions. They might say, I wish I could stop smoking, but often they do
not do it.
Well, because often the unconscious mind interprets the build of addictive
urges and the stress with not having a cigarette and the feeling, so being
more comfortable after having one. The unconscious is child like and literal
not analytical or able to sort through what consciously we perceive as the
obvious. It creates patterns and after repeating patterns so many times
they get hard wired in. The Unconscious perceives the feelings of comfort
with smoking and pain with not. This is how many limiting patterns of belief
and behaviour we have stored.
A man who kept building up successful businesses and then have them
collapse was found to have a limiting belief installed by his much caring
mother from childhood that successful people had heart attacks because
they worked too hard. In fact her Dad died from one. When he was
installed a new belief and showed him evidence of many healthy, successful
and old people who had no cardiac problems, his business took off in the
right direction.
Most of us are genetically much the same and yet some are better at some
things than others, some are more successful than others in health,
relationships, money, happiness etc. They are not born with winning lucky
lottery genes they often just have different belief patterns.
Now take your thought patterns and limiting beliefs and ask each
other where do you think they stemmed from? Some may remember
past bad experiences some may remember being programmed with
these thought patterns by parents or carers, siblings, friends etc.
OK, now time to look at how we can begin to change these experiences that
changed our once positive minds we were born with to a more limiting mind
Most mind therapists miss the point they may ask how much it upsets you
etc; but completely and utterly miss the physical reaction to these
experiences of the body.
As you do this, notice where it feels emotionally good in your body and
become aware of your body posture, breathing etc. How relaxed are
your muscles, how deeply do you breath? Take a couple of minutes to
do this and become more and more aware of what you experience.
Repeat the above exercise as many times as you need to until you can
feel the good emotions and are aware of your physical body, breathing,
posture and physiology. Are your breaths calm and deep, shallow or
short? Are you sat upright or are you slumped? Pay attention to
everything you can.
You have now become aware of how your body has acted and behaved in
the past during negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs.
Over the next few pages you will see just a few differing therapy tools for
bad memories or trauma to be released.
18 Next move your fingers 4x in a figure 8, first one way and then the
Make sure your client is feeling OK and then have them become aware of any
differences in images, sounds and feelings compared with what they had
experienced before.
Sometimes only small changes are noticeable on the first go. Has the image
moved further away or become blurred? At times clients may get more
memories or sounds, their feelings may change.
Repeat again until the SUD is at a one and you have cleared any new aspects
of the memory that may have been called up. Often new aspects will need
clearing so keep going until client is in a safer stronger place.
You will already be aware of the Trauma treatment used in TFT. We have
included it this manual with a couple of additions because it can be so quick
and effective in helping people.
Tap side of hand and then Tap under nose. This may help those people who
are reversed.
19 Next, tap the following points whilst thinking of the negative emotion:
Under eye
Under arm
Collarbone point
Index finger
Little finger
2. Then do the nine gamut. Think of the problem and continuously tap the
back of the hand (gamut spot) while moving your eyes in the following
down left
down right
one way
the opposite way
The three simple methods listed above have many other facets to it that can
improve the success rate dramatically and can be learnt in more detail in
other courses.
If whilst practicing any of these exercises you have any difficulty your trainer
will take over and find a way through for you.
Well done, you have discovered three different ways to lessen trauma or
negative memories. Many of the other exercises introduced on this course
will also work, however the ones above are quick, effective ways that will
37 Choose a behaviour, trauma or event from the past or the future that
is troublesome.
38 Have the client stand on a spot associated with the problem and have
them explain how they feel and get a SUD.
39 Have them go to the observer spot and notice how their BPP was.
Have them show you, ask them is it helpful to stand that way for them
to aid them in feeling better? THE ANSWER IS NO.
40 Have them stand back on the trouble spot, give another SUD
sometimes a touch lower.
The aim of the game is for the player to read out loud the letters of the
alphabet whilst following the command signs below each letter.
in with your new resources, you may now feel great. If not repeat the
exercise by getting more resources and repeating it until you are comfortable
in the old situation and you can feel yourself acting differently.
Now we have worked with behaviours, you may have limiting Beliefs that
need changing and residual body patterns that have taken a rigid shape. You
can release tight hips, shoulders, crunched or forward feet, uneven tight
breathing etc.
When we have a belief our unconscious mind acts like a prover and will go
all out to prove your belief.
What the thinker thinks the prover proves.
For instance John thinks Sally is tight with her money, four friends including
John and Sally go out for the day. Mark buys a round of drinks and
sandwiches, next it is Marys turn, then Johns, by this time most are getting
full, but Sally is still peckish and has finished her drink, she notices that
only Mark has finished his, so she gets two drinks and some crisps only.
John automatically says told you she was tight with money, only to be
reminded by Mary that Sally had paid the admission fee to the night club
restaurant and the ten pounds of fuel for the car to get there and back.
Remember what the thinker thinks the prover proves. Watch out we are
every day living in belief illusions that do us no good.
If you were to believe the world is flat, and I offered you two, round the
world cruises and fifty grand spending money. You would not go. The survival
mechanism hard wired into the unconscious mind would know that the, cruise
ship would fall off the flat edge of the earth and that you would die.
So even if we tapped out your fear, if it would allow us to it would create it
again perhaps worse or even something else like migraine, dizziness, panic
attacks, paralyzed legs, whatever to stop you going over the edge.
Now we would have to prove to you with satellite navigation, stories of
sailors and cruise ships sailing around the world safely passengers who have
enjoyed the trip, perhaps film from outer space to the laws of gravity etc,
then tap out your fears and your unconscious would probably accept and
enjoy the trip . Of course I would be 50 grand lighter as well!
Beliefs are at the very top of the tree in making change work. Anxiety and
panic attacks are often because of these inner conflicts of belief.
do something even accidentally not good, their prover inside of them will
prove it by bringing on a small disaster.
Beliefs about Identity are enormously powerful; when we change our limiting
identity beliefs we can change much of our lives for the better.
i.e.; I am worthless, ok the prover will go all out to prove youre worthless,
you will not get the promotion, the date, a lottery win, or be chosen for
anything your prover will do whatever to destroy your chances.
There are a number of ways to work and change beliefs, try some listed
below here.
For Instance I am worthless. Now write down ten good things you have done
for others that was of value to them. For instance, I give my neighbour a
lift, shopping for a friend, people called me on the phone to see how I was,
cut neighbours lawn, did kids laundry, took partners car for mot, made
dinner, contributed to shopping fund, looked after parents pets whilst they
were on holiday, did well at school. Now what ever your belief was, now you
have a list of ten, make a mental image of each of these events, make each
one big bright beautiful, see hear and feel the experience then go to the
next one until you have completed all ten then run through them one by one
again, again and again many, many times over faster and faster and faster
when you have done each one approximately 12 times, stop, you have just
increased your value or whatever the limiting belief was, you have reduced it
and improved the positive opposite.
Belief modalities.
Find a limiting Belief get your partner to illicit image
sounds, feelings associated with the belief, check and make note of all the
sub modalities, ie; how bright, big, clear, distance colour etc, of the picture ,
sounds, loudness, tone location, rhythm etc, feeling heavy, light, moving,
warm, cold etc, smell and taste if included too. Get a detailed sub modality
Now find some thing you are not sure of for instance will it rain next
Christmas, locate again all the modalities. Detail them all.
Now something you do not believe in, like Father Christmas or Elvis, is alive
Keep on repeating with resources until all are better, and then take these
new learnings and feelings right into the present and future.
Well done you have just managed to re-imprint forever a bad experience and
will now have better beliefs and behaviours.
Busting Rigid Beliefs
Note the belief and all its modalities for instance, I will always be ill.
Note the picture, maybe you were ill and that is the image, note the feeling
this belief gives you, where is it, how would you describe it, locate in your
head the internal voice that says you will always be ill.
Point your eyes bottom right imagine a green speaker box hear the voice and
project it so coming from speaker only.
Now you should have just an image and feeling. If you have another voice
just repeat last exercise.
Now locate feeling, point your eyes bottom left imagine the shape and colour
of this feeling and imagine a green cage, drag the feeling into the cage, get
help with your imagination i.e., JCBs or tug of war team superman giant
vacuum cleaner to drag it out etc. When in cage relax your eyes. Ask
yourself did the feeling or the internal voice help you feel good at any time.
Ask, what might the good intention of voice saying, you will never get better,
be. Possibly for instance it was trying to stop you looking foolish, ask what
does that do for you; the answer might be so that people respect me. Aha
now we have a real resource. Repeat, same with the feeling it is possibly the
same but could be different.
Now remember a time when you gave, had or received respect or what would
respect feel like to have, as if you are back there, notice the feeling amplify
it by spinning it making it bigger faster and brighter, spin this feeling into
your image of being ill in the past take the colour into the image watch the
image change listen now to the positive internal voice and notice the good
feelings associated now, with your good picture. You have now changed a
very rigid belief entirely.
Ok, now lets look at emotional body patterns.
Rolfing, Bowen, Shiatsu and Deep Tissue Massage can all be great for
releasing emotions from the body. When these emotions have been held in
the body for a while, the fascia, a jelly like substance under the skin can
harden. The muscles, cartilage and other tissue may become rigid in their
position and alter our skeletal systems.
If you look at people as they go about their day-to-day lives, you may notice
that some will have stiff shoulders; their shoulders might be forward, upward
and hunched. Some will only partially move their chest, ribs or tummy when
breathing, and their necks may be stiff, hips all agog when walking, and
much, much more. Any of the body therapies above are essential in
releasing the emotion and helping the body to recover.
Feldenkrais methods are used by Chris to re-teach the body how to hold
itself. These methods can often make a body change in forty minutes where
other therapies may take several sessions to do the same thing.
It is recommended to use other therapies alongside the Feldenkrais methods
to help with emotional and muscle release etc. but you will be amazed at
what these INCREDIBLE exercises can do!
Many of these exercises are floor exercises where you will need a blanket or
towel and a cushion or pillow ready.
Because of the many positions in these routines a standard format is needed
that means the same thing whether standing, sitting or lying on your front or
Command Format:
Up = towards your head
Down = towards your feet
Forwards = the direction your noise is pointing
Backwards = opposite way to where your nose is pointing
Left = your left.
Right = your right.
Breathing Exercise
Lie on your back with your arms down by your sides and with your legs out
Become aware of both your shoulders touching the floor and compare any
differences between the two.
Notice the gaps between your body limbs and neck etc. (where they leave
the floor and where they touch the floor.) Be aware of the distance between
your lower back and the floor and the distance between your right/left
shoulders from your spine.
Take 6 deep breaths and notice how your tummy and chest expands and
contracts; notice any constrictions. Does the chest and tummy expand more
forwards towards the ceiling or up towards head, down to the feet or maybe
out at the sides. Notice where these body parts move and what moves most
and least. Notice in particular how they expand and constrict. Notice how
deep you breathe, is your chest moving, is your tummy moving etc?
Once you know how your tummy expands on inhale and contracts on exhale,
start opposite breathing. Breathe out and expand your tummy, inhale and
pull in tummy. Do this half a dozen times.
Breathe normally three times.
Now imagine doing the opposite breathing another three times making it
perfect in your own mind.
Now do six opposite breathing with tummy. Have a Rest.
Continue to notice how you expand your chest on inhaling again and do 6
opposite breathings with chest. (I.e. expand your chest on exhale, and
contract it on inhale.)
Rest and do the techniques again in your mind.
Now repeat opposite breathing for your chest. Relax.
Next, stand up, inhale, and hold your breath whilst alternating between
expanding and contracting your chest and expanding and contracting your
stomach. (As you contract your chest expand your stomach and vice-versa)
Relax and take a breath, then repeat.
Now lie on your tummy on the floor with your elbows beneath your
shoulders. As you do this, hold up your head and place your forearms out in
front of you like a dogs lying down position.
Repeat the above exercise again. Stand up, inhale, and hold your breath
whilst alternating between expanding and contracting your chest and
expanding and contracting your stomach. (As you contract your chest expand
your stomach and vice-versa)
Next do the same exercise in your mind and then repeat another 6 times
Now do six tiny slow movements while holding your breath on inhale.
Do the above exercise again but this time very fast. Stand up, inhale, and
hold your breath whilst alternating between expanding and contracting your
chest and expanding and contracting your stomach. (As you contract your
chest expand your stomach and vice-versa)
Do the above exercise another 6x but this time with large, comfortable
movement. Stand up, inhale, and hold your breath whilst alternating between
expanding and contracting your chest, and expanding and contracting your
stomach. (As you contract your chest expand your stomach and vice-versa)
Now its time to all the above again but this time while holding your breath
after exhaling. (Contract your chest expand your stomach and vice-versa)
Do the exercise 6 more times in your mind.
Do the exercise with tiny movements.
Do the exercise 6x using very fast movements. Rest and repeat.
Do the exercise 6x using large movements.
Now change positions. Bring up your knees so you are resting on them and
place your forehead in your upturned palms in front of you. You can take
your knees slightly back or forward to find a more comfortable position.
When in this position, notice how your lower back, pelvis and bottom can
help the breathing movements by moving them. Really move your bottom up
and down, pull your tummy in, raise your lower back, push your tummy out
and lower your lower back. Get your pelvis moving in and out.
Now its back to the exercise above. Inhale, and hold your breath whilst
alternating between expanding and contracting your chest and expanding
and contracting your stomach. (As you contract your chest expand your
stomach and vice-versa) Do this 6x.
Do the exercise 6 more times in your mind.
Do the exercise 6 more times with tiny movements.
Do the exercise 6 more times with very fast movements.
Do the exercise 6 more times with large, comfortable movements.
Now its time to all the above again but this time while holding your breath
after exhaling. (Contract your chest expand your stomach and vice-versa)
Do the exercise 6 more times in your mind.
Do the exercise 6 more times with tiny movements.
Do the exercise 6 more times with very fast movements.
Do the exercise 6 more times with large, comfortable movements.
Now lie on your tummy on the floor again with your elbows beneath your
shoulders. As you do this, hold up your head and place your forearms out in
front of you like a dogs lying down position.
Compare all the repetitions to the last time you were in this position. Are the
movements bigger, are you using bottom, pelvis and lower back more, are
you more coordinated, how do they differ?
Repeat the above exercise again. Stand up, inhale, and hold your breath
whilst alternating between expanding and contracting your chest and
expanding and contracting your stomach. (As you contract your chest expand
your stomach and vice-versa) Do this 6x.
Do the exercise 6 more times in your mind.
Do the exercise 6 more times with tiny movements.
Lie on the side of the shoulder you are not exercising. You can use a cushion
to support your head and have your arms and legs outstretched.
44 Move your shoulder forward and back to the middle very slowly half
dozen times.
ironing out the jumpy bits. Remember to use some large and some small
muscle movements and work most where needed.
From your shoulders resting point in the middle, take shoulder up towards
your ear and back down to the middle. Do small, large and slow movements
to find the jerky bits and then do tiny movements in and out of the jerky
movements. When better, rest.
Now from the middle resting point, take your shoulder toward feet and then
back up to the middle again. Repeat the large and small movements ironing
out the jerky bits. Also do some movements in your mind.
This time work through all of the four differing quarter circles from where
your shoulder rests in the middle of its range of motion i.e. top forward,
lower forward, top back and lower back.
In each of the circles think of a clock face, go round each hour of the clock,
anti clockwise and clockwise, ironing out the jerky or unfamiliar hours of the
clock. Do large circles and small circles at a slow and medium pace.
Take your shoulder toward ear and hip toward ear making one leg shorter
than the other. Bring shoulder and hip up and down co coordinated together
just like one large broom stick. Repeat ten times. Notice how easy and large
the movements are. This time raise your head with your shoulder and hip
going down i.e. your leg getting longer than the other, how much bigger is the
movement when combining your head. Repeat half a dozen times.
Now repeat the movement resting your head notice any improvements.
Now stretch your shoulder up whilst hip and leg are going down and
stretching your leg. So leg and shoulder are going opposite out and then back
together again a bit like a xylophone, repeat half a dozen times.
Do some in your mind and repeat again.
Now take shoulder in complete 360 degree circles clockwise and anti
clockwise large and small circles. Find the hours of the clock face that are
most jerky and do tiny movements back and forth until they are smoothed
Rest. Now Move shoulder and hip forward and backwards together half a
dozen movements large and small, rest, now take your hip forward and
shoulder back then hip back and shoulder forwards. So that they are moving
opposite to each other. Take large and small movements slow and medium do
Recommended reading
You can have what you Want
Michael Neill
Be Happy Now
Michael Neill
Richard Bandler
Richard Bandler
Robert Dilts
Belief Strategies
Robert Dilts
Biology of Belief
Bruce Lipton
Body Electric
Robert O Becker
Moshe Feldenkrais
Moshe Feldenkrais
Body Mind
Ken Dytchwald
Kevin Trudeau