Knife Combat Spetsnaz
Knife Combat Spetsnaz
Knife Combat Spetsnaz
Knife Combat
Version of Spetsnaz GRU
self-defense with knife
Special Forces of the MAIN INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT of the
General Staff of the Russian (former Soviet) Army (or, in an abbreviated
form, "Spetsnaz GRU") are intended for conducting secret combat operations
at the rear of the enemy. Missions carried out by SPETSNAZ troops
determine special character and basic lines of SPETSNAZ COMBAT
Usually a fighter from the Spetsnaz has several knives: knife-bayonet for a
Kalashnikov's submachine-gun (AK-74), combat knife, all-purpose "survival"
knife, all-purpose clasp-knife, hidden knife, and (or) fling knife. If necessary,
any can become an effective weapon.
at the initial training stage in knife-combat technique is flawless acquiring of
basic methods up to the automatic level: one has no time to ponder in a fight!
It is hard to foresee expert's actions during a knife fight, because his stock of
methods is very large. He is in a constant motion, trying to take an
advantageous position for an attack, makes feint lunges, inducing you to
engage. It is not enough to know the knife basic technique in order to
outmatch an experienced enemy. You should be able to unite elements of the
basic technique into fighting combinations ("bunches") and spontaneously use
them in a fight depending on the situation.
combination is not a casual, but a law-governed set of basic techniques that
leads to success in certain situations.
The book presents the most effective knife fighting combinations and their
use in different combat situations, including a combat against two armed
enemies. Countermeasures against an enemy who is armed with a knife and
uses those combinations against you are also considered.
The book serves as a training aid and it is designed for instructors in hand-to-
hand combat of the Special Forces and for those who are interested in self-
defense with cold steel.
Conception of Knife Combat
The peculiar features of a fight against an enemy armed with the knife lies in
that fact that you should approach him with great caution and foresight. Knife
is a quite dangerous weapon and any false step can cost you life. It is
impossible to predict which stroke will be used by your enemy. However,
seeing the position he is standing at this or that moment, you can try to
foresee his possible actions. Every position dictates its own conditions. If you
do not know that, you’d better not fight at all. It is similar to the fight which
is conducted blindfolded. It can be also compared to the car driving without
traffic regulations knowledge. You will have an accident at once.
Real hand-to hand combat with "bare hands" is quick and transient, but a
knife combat is still shorter. In a knife combat any well-aimed blow will be
either mortal or disabling you. Unlike a combat with "bare hands" where you
can beat off (block) enemy's blows with arms, it can not be done in a knife
combat because you will receive a wound. Equally you can not shorten the
distance to make enemy's blow weaker at the moment of an enemy's attack,
as it is usually done in a hand-to-hand combat because in that case even if
you weaken force of a blow, all the same you will be wounded. A knife
slash, even not too strong, is very dangerous.
Therefore, the knife combat introduces some changes into the fighting
technique. There should not be deceitful postures and movements, as the
slightest mistake is fraught with a mortal danger. At no account one should
thoughtlessly jump and caper before the enemy. While you are jumping or
moving, the enemy can swiftly run up to you and deliver a mortal blow. If
you are in a state of readiness, you will easily respond to enemy's movement
and quickly move aside or back. If you are jumping up at one place, at that
moment (at the moment of a jump) you are in a state of unreadiness; and can
not dodge back or aside. The same happens when you make unnecessary
movements before the enemy. At that moment you are in a state of
unreadiness too and become an easy prery of your enemy.
Judging by the fact how the enemy holds a knife and how he moves, one can
say at once if he is a novice or professional. If the enemy holds a knife before
him and makes various passes with it, one can say at once that he is a novice
who saw a lot of cinema thrillers. The knife, even if it is before you, should
not move too far from the torso, moreover, one should not make various
figures with it, as at that moment you can allow to deliver a mortal blow. A
genuine professional does not make unnecessary movements in a mortal
combat, his movement are economical and simple. He will never brandish a
knife before himself. A professional expects enemy's actions and acts
depending a situation. If the enemy expect your attack in a state of readiness,
your thoughtless attack will look like a jump in precipice, and most likely you
will perish.
A combat against several armed enemies extremely aggravates the situation.
In this case one must not stand motionless and wait for an enemy's mistake.
You must move all the time to avoid hostile attacks from several sides.
That's why you need to move toward one of the enemies, so that the other
enemies could not approach you from the back or sides. While moving aside,
it is necessary to watch enemies' actions all the time and choose a
convenient moment for an counterattack. When moving aside, deliver strong
slashing blows at enemy's vital points (important parts of the body) and
When you fight against the enemy armed with the knife, you should fix
continuously all his positions (of arms, legs, body, weapon etc.). It is very
important as all these details can help you predict your enemy’s possible
actions. Because every position dictates its own conditions and possible
actions. However, your thoughts and ideas about these items must run in your
subconsciousness. You should take the decision about this or that action at the
instinct level. Your consciousness must be clear and sober at the fighting
Consciousness (programmer) would search the definite answer much longer
although it did insert the necessary solution into subconsciousness. That is
why you must switch it off when fighting otherwise it will brake all your
actions. The main task of training is to form that knowledge in your
subconsciousness which will help you in real fights. Thus you will be able to
find the right solution at once.
It is very important to know why you need these training and what exactly
you want to put in your subconsciousness. If you obtain incorrect knowledge
or that one you will never need in practice, you will not manage with all
fighting tasks. Mover over, your subconsciousness will find wrong solutions.
This may cause deplorable consequences, especially since we talk about
enemies armed with knives. Any mistake can lead to the lethal outcome.
Before starting learning any technique, you should understand why you need.
You have to imagine vividly what goals you want to reach and then search for
different ways of the realization. If you want to achieve sport’s results and
become a champion, it supposes one way. If you want to strengthen your
health – you will choose another way. If you want to get joy – this is the third
way. If you want to master the self-defense methods, you have to choose the
fourth way and so on.
The easiest way to start going in for martial arts is to find a club. It would
help you realize the first three currents. If you want to practice self-defense,
you will have to think twice before choosing this or that school. Before
making choice, you should analyze and weigh everything thoroughly. You’d
better visit several clubs in order you could make a comparative analysis of
their methods.
How and what do they learn? How are they trained? Do the coaches verify the
methods learnt by their disciples? How do they do that ? Do they tell you
always the truth concerning your results? You can learn lots of good methods
but in fact they will not work for you in real fights though they will look
beautifully and striking. All these methods must be tested in real fights
against skillful opponent so you will reveal their advantages and drawbacks at
once. Never test this or that method in a fight against inexperienced enemy as
any technique will look good in this case.
Never trust anyone even though people who surround you speak how
wonderfully it is. You should verify it in person. Trainings with sparring-
partner is not the verification of the technique you learn. It is nothing but the
skill acquiring. It is far from the real fight as well as authentic flower is not
that one drawn on paper.
Your technique must work in any situation that is why you should test it in
full contact with different opponents. It is better to use protective equipment
and work in full speed. Before starting training in a sports’ club, find out
whether hard real fights are practiced there or not. Leave it at once if they are
not in use there. Secondly, find out whether disciples can apply those methods
they learn in hard contact fights. If disciples fight ferociously but cannot use
methods they already know, it means that they are taught incorrect technique.
In this case you have nothing to do there. If you put unsteady basis, your
building will crash sooner or later and you will be buried under the wreckage.
In this case you’d better not build it at all.
Fight combination analysis
Combination 1.
This combination consists of two elements. First, you make a step backwards
(with your back leg). At the same time you need to make a cutting move with
knife in bottom-up direction from left to the right (pic. 1 – 3). Then step
forward with your front leg and deliver a straight knife blow at the face or the
throat of the enemy (“Spurt of a rattlesnake”) (pic 4 – 5). This combination
has a defensive counter-attack character.
pic. 4 pic. 5
To perform it correctly, your body weight must be put onto your front leg. It
will be easier to make a step backwards with your back leg. If your body
weight is put more onto your back leg, it will be more difficult to retreat. That
is why you will have to perform other actions from this position. So when you
step backwards you need to perform a cutting knife blow in a bottom-up
direction and aside in circular move. This stroke fulfills a counter attack
function. With its help you can damage your enemy’s beating arm. Thus you
abandon the reach zone of his stroke. At the same time your deliver your own
stroke at his arm.
This is one of them main principles of a defensive strategy when your fight
against the fighter armed with the knife. Trying to avoid his attack, you attack
his arm yourself. As a result your enemy can be stabbed or cut seriously. He
will not be able to perform further actions against you. However this tactics is
not always effective in real fight. Your enemy can wear a thick clothes which
will prevent him from grave cuts. Here you must step forward with the help of
a “shuttle” step quickly and deliver a thrust knife blow. Such strokes possess
a great power and that is why you will be able to pierce his thick clothes. Pay
attention to that fact that your body weight shifts onto your back leg. As a
result of this position it will be easier to move forward but not backwards.
The defensive position turns into the attacking one.
Example 1.
Here you can see two fighters armed with knives. They are standing opposite
each other in expectant position (pic. 6). What can we say about this position?
pic.6 pic.7
If we analyze both fighters’ positions, we can say that the fighter from the
right is standing in a more favourable position for the further attack actions
than that one from the left. His body weight shifts onto his back leg and thus
it is easy for him to make a quick lunge forward with his front leg. Secondly,
he holds his knife with the direct snatch and locates it beside the hip. It is
convenient to deliver thrust bottom-up strokes from this very position. As a
rule, they lead to the lethal outcome or wound seriously.
While the opponent (from the left) is in the position destined for the defense.
His body weight shifts onto the front leg. It is not very easy to move forward
with the front leg that is why the fighter from the left is not going to attack.
Secondly, he holds his knife that way which allows delivering cutting stokes
only. They are not fatal as a rule.
As a result of this stroke, the fighter can dissect seriously the arm and injure
artery. He can lose much blood.
pic.11 pic.12
However one must not concentrate too hard on the counter attack stroke and
try to hit the aim at all costs. This stroke fulfills the protective function. It is
of more importance to dodge the knife stroke and counter attack later on. If
you try to hurt your enemy with the cutting knife stroke, you risk getting
under the assaulter’s knife as well. That is why the main task of the opponent
is to avoid the assaulter’s stroke and choose the appropriate moment for his
own counter attack. You should use the “shuttle” step in this case.
You can see here the opponent stepping back a little bit and thus manages to
avoid the enemy’s stroke. Then he rushes forward and delivers a fast thrust
blow aimed at the assaulter’s chest. Pay attention to the opponent’s second
arm. It performs a safety knock of the assaulter’s arm which holds the knife
(pic. 10-12). He does not let him perform further actions. The assaulter cannot
perform any attack actions from this very position.
And now let’s take a look at the position which looks similar to that one
described above. In this case the assaulter performs the same actions. He
delivers a thrust stroke with the knife in bottom-up direction. The opponent’s
defensive actions are different. Instead of making a step backwards, he steps
aside. He approaches his enemy then and delivers a thrust stroke aimed at his
heart or liver.
pic.13 pic.14 pic.15
pic.16 pic.17
Why did the opponent step back in the previous example but not aside as it is
shown here? Just look attentively at the opponent’s position (pic.13). In the
previous situation his body weight shifted onto the front leg and that’s why it
was easier for him to make a step backwards. In this very situation, is body
weight shifts onto the back leg and it was difficult for him to perform a step
backwards with it. That is why here the opponent makes a step aside with his
front leg (pic. 14 – 17).
In this variant the position is similar to that one taken by the assaulter. That is
why the opponent could start the attack, that’s to say to become the assaulter.
Example 2.
pic. 18 pic. 19
Here you can see the position which is similar to that one described above
(pic. 18). But in this very case the assaulter delivers a thrust forwarding stroke
instead of a thrust-disemboweled one (pic.19). The opponent’s actions are
similar to his actions in the 1st example. The only difference between them is
that in this case the opponent performs a safety knock with his spare hand
either in top-down direction or from aside pic. 20 – 21).
pic.20 pic.21
The assaulter’s hand is in the middle level (it was in the upper part in the 1st
example). That is why your knock his arm in bottom-up direction. These are
quite important actions when your fight against the person armed with the
knife. With the help of this knock, even if it is not too strong, you can disable
the enemy’s beating arm and deprive him of a chance to continue any actions
at all. At the same time you should deliver a thrust blow which will help you
put your opponent out of action.
Here you can see a position which demonstrates the body weight shifted onto
the back leg of a fighter (pic. 22). That is why it is not easy for him to make a
step backwards with his back leg. He avoids the assaulter’s attack by means
of a step aside. Having shifted the back leg to the assaulter’s side, he delivers
a thrust stroke (pic. 23 – 26).
pic.25 pic.26
Example 3.
Let us analyze both fighters’ position. The fighter on the right is ready to
attack. He is holding the knife with the reversing snatch and locates it beside
the right shoulder. Thus he is ready to deliver a top-down thrust blow. The
fighter on the left: his knife blade looks aside. This is nothing but the
defensive position which allows performing cutting strokes only (pic. 27).
Pay attention to both fighters’ positions. They look similar at first glance. But
still there is a difference between them.
The fighter from the left bends his body
slightly forward, that is why his front leg
is loaded. From this position it is not easy
to attack with the help of a front leg step
The right from the right side keeps his back leg loaded. It is easier for him to
perform the attack actions instead of defensive ones. What do we see in fact ?
the fighter from the right starts attacking his enemy with the help of a front
leg step forward. At the same time he delivers a thrust top-down stroke. To
repulse these actions the opponent steps backwards with his back leg and thus
he manages to avoid the assaulter’s knife (pic.28).
This attack is quite easy and it is not difficult at all to defense oneself from it
by means of a step backwards or aside. It is also possible to counter attack the
enemy at once. To do that you need to step a little bit forward and deliver a
knife blow aimed at the enemy’s head or body. With your free hand you
should bring the enemy’s arm down. All these actions are possible in that case
only, when you know for sure where the enemy’s blow will come from.
pic.28 pic.29 pic.30
And now let’s take a look at the very fight in this example. The fighter is
trying to repulse the enemy’s attack by means of making a jump backwards.
At the same time he is delivering a cutting knife blow aimed at the internal
part of the enemy’s forearm (pic.29). This is a very guileful blow. There are
big venous vases in this part of the arm. The cut will cause bleeding. If there
is no chance to provide medical care, it may lead to the loss of blood or even
to the lethal end. However, it is not always convenient to deliver this blow as
you can get under your enemy’s blow too.
Pay attention to both fighters’ positions. That one from the left has his back
leg loaded. He can easily move forward. His enemy has his right leg loaded
and it is not easy for him to perform the attack.
As we can see here the fighter from the left passes on quickly to the attack
actions with the help of “shuttle” pace. He completes his actions with the
thrust knife stroke aimed at the opponent’s heart (pic.30).
pic. 31 pic. 32 pic. 33
You can see a position which demonstrates the body weight shifted onto the
back leg (pic.31). It is not convenient to make a
step backwards with the back leg. The fighter
avoids the assaulter’s attack by means of a step
aside. Having moved the back leg towards that
one of his assaulter, he delivers a thrust stroke
(pic. 32 – 34).
Example 4.
pic.35 pic.36
Here you witness the position which is similar to that one described above.
There is a slight difference between them. The assaulter delivers a top-down
trust disemboweled stroke instead of a thrust one. This is a very strong blow.
Your beating arm must go behind your back in the final stage of the battle.
The opponent’s actions are the same (see example 3) (pic. 35 – 38).
pic. 37 pic. 38
Here you see a position that demonstrates the body weight shifted onto the
back leg too. It is not convenient to make a step backwards with the back leg.
The opponent steps aside to avoid the assaulter’s stroke.
Having moved the back leg towards that one of his enemy,
he delivers a thrust blow (pic.39-42).
pic. 42
Example 5.
Here again you see the position similar to those ones describe in examples 3
and 4.
Here you see the position of a fighter from the right who’s holding the knife
in reverse snatch just in front of himself, on chest level. This position is
appropriate both for attack and defensive actions. The second fighter from the
left is in defensive position. His armed hand is located so that he is able to
deliver cutting stroke only (pic.43).
We see that the fighter on the right starts the attack. He makes a step forward
with his front leg and delivers a knife blow at the same time.
pic. 43
However the assaulter (on the right) performs
a cutting blow from right to left instead of a
thrust stroke in bottom-up direction. So again
the opponent’s actions remain the same as it
were shown in a previous example. The
opponent performs a step backwards with his
back leg and delivers a cutting move in bottom-up direction. His stroke is
aimed at the enemy’s beating arm (pic. 44 – 45).
pic.44 pic.45
However in this case it is necessary to act accurately and deliberately. It is
easy to get under the enemy’s knife blow. After the cutting move is performed
the opponent’s arm is lead behind the back automatically. You should do that
in order you could counter attack your enemy at once with the help of a thrust
Then he makes a front leg step forward and delivers a thrust knife blow aimed
at heart (pic. 46). But you should be very cautious in this case as your enemy
can answer with the thrust knife blow from left to right. That is why the
opponent must perform a secure blow with his spare arm. It must perform a
strong beating blow with the palm. At the same time you should perform a
thrust knife blow.
pic. 46
pic.50 pic.51
Here you see the position which demonstrates the body weight shifted onto
the back leg (pic. 47). It is not convenient to make a step backwards with his
back leg. He avoids the assaulter’s attack by means of a step aside and then
moves his back leg towards the enemy and delivers a thrust stroke (pic. 48 –
Example 6.
In this very example a fighter who is on the right is in a attack position. He is
holding a knife with the reversing snatch from the right side and is getting
prepared for the attack actions. The opponent who is standing on the left is in
defensive stance. He is holding a knife in a direct snatch just in front of
himself. He is ready to repulse the assaulter’s attack actions (pic. 53).
pic.53 pic.54
So the fighter on the right is making a pace forward with his front leg. At the
same time he is delivering a cutting (disemboweling) bottom-up blow. The
opponent makes a step backwards with his back leg and thus he manages to
avoid the assaulter’s knife stroke (pic.54-55). A second later he is moving
forward with the help of a shuttle pace (pic. 56 – 57). At the same time he
delivers a thrust blow aimed at the assaulter’s chest. The opponent fulfills a
beating move with his spare arm in a bottom-up direction and thus he
prevents a possible top-down blow made by the attacker.
The moment when the assaulter lets his armed
hand down or leads it behind is a very
dangerous one. At this second the opponent
could attack him immediately by means of
delivering a thrust knife blow forwards.
However this opening could become a trap.
Then to repulse his attack the fighter on the
right can retreat quickly and perform a cutting knife blow from aside.
Such traps are applied quite often in fights. You show your enemy your
intention to open yourself but instead you prepare your own counter attack.
When he starts his attack, you counter attack him at once. That is why being
cautious about such trap the fighter from the left does not hurry to start the
pic.56 pic.57
Example 7.
pic.58 pic.59
Here you can see two fighters. The one from the left is armed with the knife,
another one is armed with the police baton.
The fighter on the left is holding a knife in direct snatch just in front of
himself. He is ready to deliver a thrust blow at any time, as soon as his
opponent commits the mistake. The fighter on the right is holding a baton
near the right shoulder. From this very position, he can make both the attack
and defense actions (pic. 58).
pic.60 pic.61
Despite the fact that the fighter from the left is ready to attack his opponent,
he doesn’t want to be the first. If he starts the attack blindly, the fighter from
the right will step backwards and deliver a chop blow with his baton.
pic.62 pic.63
In this case, the fighter armed with the baton strives eagerly to start actions.
He makes a step forward with his front leg and delivers a chop blow
slantwise from right to left and top-down direction. To repulse these actions,
the fighter armed with the knife makes a step backwards (pic. 59 – 61). With
the help of “shuttle pace” he returns to the original position and delivers a
thrust knife blow aimed at the assaulter’s neck (pic. 62-65).
pic.64 pic.65
Combination 2.
When you perform this combination, the first move you should do is a step
forward with your front leg. At the same time you should deliver a thrust
disemboweling blow in bottom-up direction. After that you need to step aside
with your front leg and deliver a cutting top-down blow at the same time.
Then make a step forward with your back leg and deliver a thrust blow from
the right to the left (pic. 66 – 73).
Here you can see the previous combination development. After the thrust
blow is delivered, one must perform a thrust blow through the head. This
stroke is performed in that case, if your enemy attacked you suddenly from
behind (pic.74-85).
Look at this combination application against the unarmed fighter (pic. 86 –
92). In this case it is not necessary to step aside when deliver the second
cutting blow. The attack must be continued with the step forward with the
front leg and the knife blow must be aimed at the enemy’s neck.
When you are attacked by a fighter armed with the knife, you must be passive
when step aside or backwards. The assaulter will get you with his weapon in
any case. That is why when you are attacked with the knife, you must perform
active defensive actions. It would be fine, if you could arm yourself with a
thing at hand. If there is not such a possibility, you must counter attack your
enemy immediately just after the first knife blow is delivered.
A question can emerge here. Why can’t we attack the enemy at the moment
the first blow is delivering or even earlier? I can say that it is a rather
dangerous undertaking. If the enemy commits a mistake and opens himself in
a fight, you can attack him at once without wasting the time. But if the enemy
does not make errors, it’s better for you to counter attack him just after the
first blow is delivered. After he performs his first stroke, you will be able to
predict where the next blow will come from. All the following blows are
delivered in antiphase to the first one. Let us presuppose that the first blow
was a thrust blow delivered in top-down direction. The next one will be a
cutting blow delivered from the top or side-down direction. But it is rather
hard to predict where the first blow will come from.
Example 1.
pic.93 pic.94
Here you can see a fighter on the left who’s holding the knife in direct snatch
near the right hip. His enemy on the right is holding the knife in reverse
snatch in front of himself at the stomach level. Both fighters are standing in a
rather universal position which lets them both attack and defense themselves
pic.95 pic.96
pic.97 pic.98
The fighter on the left starts the attack. He makes a deep step forward with his
front leg. At the same time, he draws his hand behind the back and delivers a
thrust bottom-up blow. The enemy on the right steps backwards and thus
avoids the assaulter’s thrust blow (pic. 94 – 95). However he commits a
mistake. He doesn’t draw his hand behind the back and that is why he is tardy
with his counter attack.
When the fighter on the right starts his counter attack, that one from the left
side is already ready to react to it. As a result, the enemy’s blow doesn’t hit
the aim. The fighter on the left repulses his opponent’s attack with the help of
a cutting blow aimed at his body (pic. 96-97). If it is not enough to end the
battle, you can complete it with the help of a thrust blow aimed at the enemy’s
side (pic. 98).
Combination 3.
When you perform this combination, you should step forward and aside with
your front leg and get down at the same time. While getting down you should
deliver a cutting blow aimed at the enemy’s abdomen or popliteal joint. Then
you have to step with your back leg in your enemy’s direction and then you
can end the combination with the help of a thrust elbow from left to right (pic.
99 – 104).
You should pay attention to where the enemy’s knife is located. If the knife is
beneath, the blow can be delivered in bottom-up direction. That is why, when
you step forward, be ready to put your free arm under the beating hand of
your opponent. With your second arm, you can deliver a cutting blow aimed
at the enemy’s beating arm.
Example 1.
If you enemy hold his weapon overhead, the blow will be delivered in top-
down direction or from aside. Take a look at this combination against the
enemy who attacks the fighter with the help of a thrust blow form right to left
(pic. 105). To repulse this attack, you should step aside and forward
immediately in your enemy’s direction and get down in a lower position at the
same time. Thus you will be able to avoid your enemy’s knife. While getting
down, you must deliver a cutting blow from right to left aimed at the
opponent’s abdomen (pic. 106 – 107). Then you should step forward with
your back leg and complete the combination with the thrust blow from left to
right (pic. 108-109).
pic.105 pic.106
properly that very moment, which will allow you to approach your enemy. If
you start approaching him earlier than you have to, the opponent will
definitely change the direction of his blow. In this case his attack will hit the
aim. If you are tardy with the move forward, his attack will be certainly
effective again.
Example 2.
Now let’s take a look at this combination against two armed fighters. The first
assaulter, armed with the knife, is standing just in front of another fighter. The
second assaulter, armed with the police baton, is standing at the side (pic.
110). Both fighters start the attack simultaneously. The first opponent delivers
a side cutting blow from right to left. The second opponent delivers a blow
with this baton in top-down direction. The second fighter makes a step
forward and aside in the first assaulter’s direction (pic.111 – 113).
pic. 110 pic. 111
pic.112 pic.113
While getting down he delivers a cutting blow form right to left aimed at the
enemy’s abdomen. The second assaulter, that one with the baton, manages to
deliver one more blow (pic. 114-115). But it is quite awkward to deliver the
second blow and that’s why he makes a blunder. Firstly, his baton was down
after the first blow had been delivered. That is why from that very position the
blow can be delivered in bottom-up or side direction only. But here the first
assaulter is standing and there is a probability to hurt the mate. The fighter
who tries to repulse the assaulters’ attacks, jumps towards the second
assaulter and delivers a thrust knife blow aimed at his abdomen (pic. 116).
pic.114 pic.115
Combination 4.
When you perform this combination you should make a step forward with
your back leg and deliver a thrust blow from right to left at the same time.
The arm is in circular motion for 360 degrees, the body turns back (pic. 117 –
121). Then it turns forward and a cutting blow from left to right is delivered at
the same time (pic. 122-123).
pic.122 pic.123
Depending on the situation the second move can be performed both on the
spot and with a step forward with the front leg. If it is necessary, you can
make a step backwards with the back leg to avoid the enemy’s counter attack.
Now you can see the further development of this fighting combination (pic.
124 – 130). After the cutting blow is delivered, you should turn back at 180
degrees. Now the front leg becomes the back one. Make a step with this leg in
the back direction, that’s to say forward and then backwards. This method is
necessary for the purpose you could fight against several opponents at once
who attack you from different sides.
Example 1.
Now you will see the application of this combination against the fighter
armed with the knife (pic. 131 – 134). Perform a thrust blow from right to left
and make a step forward with your back leg at the same time. If the enemy
avoids your blow by means of a step backwards, step towards him with your
front leg and deliver a cutting blow aimed at his neck and namely the carotid
artery. If it is necessary, you can end the combination with the thrust blow
aimed at the opponent’s abdomen.
pic.133 pic.134
Example 2.
pic.135 pic.136
Here you can see the position which shows two armed enemies preparing to
start the fight (pic. 135). The fighter on the left is holding a knife in direct
snatch near the right hip. He’s standing at that position which allows him both
to defense himself and attack. The enemy on the right is also holding a knife
in direct snatch but a bit higher, at the chest level. The edge of the knife looks
upwards. From this very position a man can deliver cutting blows only. We
can say that it is up to defensive actions but not attack ones.
pic.137 pic.138
The opponent on the left starts the attack. He makes a step forward with his
front leg and delivers a side thrust blow aimed at his enemy’s head. To
repulse it, the fighter on the right makes a step backwards and thus manages
to avoid the enemy’s attack (pic. 136 – 138). After that he begins his counter
attack at once. He steps forward with this front leg and delivers a top-down
thrust blow (pic. 139 – 140). Together with the body turn, he performs a
cutting blow aimed at the beating arm of the enemy and then delivers a thrust
blow aimed at his abdomen (pic. 141).
Combination 5.
When you want to perform this combination, you need to make a step forward
with your front leg first. And deliver a cutting (disemboweling) bottom-up
blow at the same time (pic. 142 – 145).
Then you step again with your back leg and deliver a cutting blow from left to
right (pic. 146 – 147). Pay attention to the left hand. It is always moving and
never stands still. It is an obligatory condition so that you could perform
different props and avertings when counter attack your armed enemy.
pic.146 pic.147
Example 1.
And now let’s take a look at this combination against the unarmed fighter
(pic. 148 – 153). Perform an attack of the unarmed opponent with the help of
a disemboweling blow in bottom-up direction. If you enemy avoids your
knife blow by means of a step backwards, you should continue the attack with
the cutting blow from the left to the right aimed at his neck. You can end the
combination with the thrust blow aimed at the enemy’s abdomen.
pic.148 pic.149
pic.150 pic.151
pic.152 pic.153
Example 2.
This combination can be applied both as an attack one and a counter attack. It
was used as an attack in a previous example, but now it’s used as a counter
attack (pic. 154 – 159).
pic.154 pic.155
Here we can see this combination applied against the enemy armed with the
knife. We see a position which the fighter on the left is taking. He is holding a
knife in a direct snatch in front of himself at chest level. The second fighter on
the right is holding a knife in reverse snatch in front of himself at chest level
too. Both fighters are standing in that very position which allows them both to
attack and defense themselves.
pic.156 pic.157
The fighter from the right starts the attack. He makes a deep step forward with
his front leg and delivers a side blow from right to left at the same time. The
opponent on the left tries to repulse the first fighter’s attack by means of a
step backwards. And thus he manages to avoid his blow. The arm is drawn
back. When the fighter from the left starts his counter attack, he delivers a
disemboweling bottom-up blow. With another hand he delivers a cutting blow
aimed at the opponent’s neck. At the same time he steps forward with his
back leg. If it is necessary, you can beat your enemy with the thrust blow.
pic.158 pic.159
Combination 6.
This combination consists of two blows. The knife is held in direct snatch and
is located near the right side.
When you perform this combination, you should step forward with your front
leg first. At the same time you have to deflect your arm aside in order you
could make a wave. When you step forward with your back leg, don’t forget
to deliver a thrust top-down blow form right to left (pic. 160 – 162). When
this blow is performed, your body is turned for 180 degrees (pic. 163). A
thrust blow is delivered through the head (pic. 164-165).
This combination is applied in that case, when you have to fight against
several enemies at once. Let us presuppose that you attack a fighter who’s
standing in front of you. At the same time another enemy can attack you from
behind. After you beat your first opponent you turn back and repulse your
second enemy’s attack. If the first assaulter tries to attack you from behind,
you can deliver a thrust blow through your head.
Example 1.
Now take a look at this combination against the unarmed fighter (pic. 164 –
167). Make a step forward with your back leg and deliver a thrust blow form
right to left simultaneously. If your enemy jumps backwards and avoids your
blow, then jumps towards you very fast and grasp you from behind, you
should deliver a thrust blow through the head.
Example 2.
Here you can see another variant. It demonstrates the tactics of correct actions
of an unarmed fighter against that one armed with the knife. The armed
enemy makes a step forward with this back leg and delivers a thrust blow
from right to left at the same time. When he performs this stroke, he turns his
body for 180 degrees. To repulse his actions you should step backwards and
try to avoid the blow (pic. 168 – 171).
pic.168 pic.169
pic.170 pic.171
Then jump towards the enemy and intercept the enemy’s arm with the knife.
With your second arm, you should grab the opponent’s neck from internal
side and pull him harshly. Neck-bones break and the fight ends with the lethal
outcome (pic.172 – 174). You cal also grab your enemy’s neck with external
side (pic.175). In this case you should bend your forearm on your opponent’s
throat and break it sharply when draw him towards yourself. Both variants are
performed according to the situation and your enemy’s state and position.
pic.172 pic.173
pic.174 pic.175
Example 3.
Do not forget to control and intercept the armed hand of your enemy. If you
are not able to do that or miss that moment, you will definitely get under your
opponent’s sharp knife (pic. 176 – 181). Here you can see the unarmed fighter
has committed a mistake when tried to grasp the enemy’s hand. As a result he
was stabbed. You should grab your enemy’s armed hand by the forearm or
wrist. Otherwise you won’t be able to hold the arm.
pic.176 pic.177
pic.178 pic.179
pic.180 pic.181
Combination 7.
Here you can see a fighter (on the left) holding a knife in direct snatch in front
of himself at the stomach level. The second opponent (on the right) is holding
the knife in reverse snatch. The weapon is on the right above the shoulder
(pic. 182). Both fighters are in the attack position. Each of them can start the
attack at any moment.
pic.185 pic.186
The fight from the right starts the attack. He makes a deep step with his front
leg and delivers a thrust bottom-up blow. The fighter on the left jumps
backwards immediately and thus delivers a thrust bottom-up blow (pic. 183 –
184). But when the fighter steps back he commits a mistake. His arm was not
drawn back for the purpose of further counter attack. That is why he loses
several instants in order to draw the arm behind (pic. 185 – 186).
pic.187 pic.188
Pay attention to the opponent’s position. He’s standing on the right. After the
thrust blow is delivered, his arm stands at such position which will let him
deliver the next blow immediately. His whole position demonstrates his
readiness to react to his enemy’s attack. Pay attention to his free hand. It is
ready to avert the enemy’s beating arm at any moment.
Here you can see that the fighter on the right goes aside very easily. At the
same time he beats the enemy’s armed hand with his free arm. With another
hand he slashes his enemy’s neck with the knife (pic. 187 – 188). If the blow
does not hit the aim, you can deliver quickly a thrust blow aimed at his neck
or hip (pic. 189-190).
pic.189 pic.190
Combination 8.
Here you can see the situation which shows the fighter (from the right) in his
attack position. He is holding the weapon with the direct snatch beside the
right shoulder. The opponent (from the left) is in defensive position
provoking the enemy to the attack actions (pic. 191).
pic.191 pic.192
The fighter from the right makes a step forward with his back leg. At the same
time he performs a cutting-chop stoke in top-down direction. To repulse this
action, the opponent steps backwards with his back leg avoiding the
assaulter’s knife stroke (pic. 192 – 193). The assaulter continues his attack by
delivering a back leg kick with the turn. To repulse this action the opponent
makes a step backwards with his front leg. He continues also his counter
attack by means of delivering a thrust stroke aimed at the assaulter’s body
side or neck (pic. 194 – 197).
pic.193 pic.194
pic.195 pic.196 pic.197
That is why you should calculate your enemy’s actions at once. So if the
assaulter (as it is shown in this very example) performs a knife stroke with the
body turn, it means that he is going to perform other actions at once. The most
real thing he can do is to perform a back leg kick with the turn. The opponent
has to predict at once these actions but not follow blindly to the trap. That is
why here the opponent did not rush into attack immediately but waited for the
best moment to start.
Combination 9.
pic. 198
Here you can witness the situation which
demonstrates the assaulter’s attack
actions. He is holding the knife with the
direct snatch beside his right body side.
The weight of the trunk shifts onto the
back leg and he performs his attack
actions quite easily. The opponent on the
right is holding the knife with the direct snatch too. However the weapon
blade looks upwards and the hand is just in front of himself at the chest level.
That is why you can state at once that he is in defensive position (pic. 198).
The fighter on the left makes a step forward with his front leg. At the same
time he performs a side thrust blow from right to left. To repulse this stroke,
the opponent makes a step backwards with his back leg and thus manages to
avoid the assaulter’s attack (pic. 199 – 201).
pic.199 pic.200
pic.201 pic.202
He passes on to the counter attack at once with the help of an attached step.
At the same time he delivers a side thrust stroke. Now the assaulter steps back
and moves backwards. He manages to avoid his opponent’s counter attack. At
this he performs the cutting stroke from left to right against the beating
enemy’s arm (pic. 202 – 203).
However you should not accent your attention at the cutting stroke. It will be
good if you manage to hit the aim. There is nothing too serious if you miss it
also. The main thing is to retreat and avoid the enemy’s attack. The assaulter
gets quickly towards his opponent delivering a thrust stroke aimed at his
stomach. At the same time he performs a knock down block with his spare
arm. He does not give him a chance to use the weapon (pic. 204).
pic.203 pic.204
Readers sometimes ask: why did the enemy from the right lose the fight. To
answer this question, I offer you to take a look at pictures. Let's look at the
initial position of a fighter on the right (photo 198). His body weight is
shifted more at his front leg. As a result this is a defensive position and he is
going to work on counter attack. However there is a mistake in his position.
His is holding the knife in his right hand. His left leg is in front of him. That
is why it is not very easy for him to perform defensive cutting knife strokes.
The damage area decreases. So the fighter on the right makes his martial
abilities narrower.
This is the first mistake. Let's view other situations. Compare fighters'
positions showed at pictures 201 and 203. If you take a look at picture 201,
you will see that his body is bent a little bit forward after a side thrust knife
blow is delivered. His position lets him perform further actions. If we look at
picture 203, we will see the difference. The right fighter's body is bent
backwards after a thrust blow is delivered.
As a result he loses his balance for some time and he is unable to perform
further actions from this very position. So he becomes defenseless for a
couple of seconds. The opponent on the left grabs this mistake at once and
delivers a thrust blow aimed at his enemy's stomach.
Combination 10.
Now you see the position which demonstrates the best way to attack for the
fighter who is on the left. However he is holding his knife that way which
allows performing defensive (cutting) strokes only. The fighter from the right
is standing with his side towards the second fighter and is ready to perform
the attack. He is holding his knife with the back snatch beside his stomach.
Thus is is about to perform thrust strokes (pic. 205).
pic.205 pic.206
The fighter from the right makes a step forward with his front leg and delivers
a thrust blow. To repulse this action the opponent makes also the step forward
with his front leg. At the same time he performs a cutting stoke against the
enemy’s beating arm (pic. 206-208). The knife stroke or knock against the
beating arms of the enemy is the defensive counter attack action.
pic.207 pic.208
From the position which was held by the assaulter, the range of actions was
limited. That is why the opponent was at the better position. He had a chance
to foresee the assaulter’s actions and perform the appropriate attack. As we
can see the opponent performs the cutting stroke just after the first one had
been delivered. The second one is aimed at the enemy’s body side (pic. 209-
Having analyzed this situation, we can say that the position occupied by the
assaulter in the beginning of his attack, was not very good. You’d better not
use them in fights with knives.
Combination 11.
pic.211 pic.212
In this example both fighters are in that position which let them both start the
attack. The fighter on the left is holding the knife with the reversing snatch
beside the right shoulder. His body weight shifts onto the back leg. It is easier
for him to move forward or aside. The fighter on the right is holding the knife
with the direct snatch beside the right hip beneath. His body weight shifts also
onto the back leg. He is also ready to step forward or aside with his front leg
(pic. 211).
The fighter on the right starts the attack. He steps forward with his front leg
and delivers a thrust stroke at the same time. To repulse this action the fighter
on the left makes a pace aside with his front leg. He delivers a thrust-
disemboweled stroke in top-down direction against the enemy’s beating arm
(pic. 212 – 214). He steps towards the assaulter with his back leg and
performs a cutting stroke aimed at his throat (pic. 215-216).
pic.215 pic.216
Combination 12.
Here you witness the situation which lets both fighters start the attack. They
are holding the knife with the reversing snatch beside the right shoulder. The
fighter who is on the left spreads his body weight equally, right on both legs.
The fighter on the right shifts his trunk weight onto the back leg. There is a
significant difference between them and their positions. The fighter on the left
is holding the knife in the hand which coincides with his front leg. The fighter
on the right is holding the knife in the hand which coincides with his back leg
(pic 217).
pic.217 pic.218
The fighter on the right rushes into attack. He makes a step forward with his
front leg and delivers a thrust stroke in top-down direction at the same time.
To repulse this action the fighter on the left steps aside immediately. At the
same time he delivers a thrust knife stroke aimed at the enemy’s neck or nape.
He finishes his combination with another stroke aimed at the enemy’s
stomach (pic. 218 – 220).
pic. 219 pic. 220
Combination 13.
Here you can see the opponent resists two armed fighters. One of them is
armed with the club and the second one has a knife. How should one act in
this situation?
There is no single meant recipe for this very situation. Everything depends on
the particular circumstances (both fighters’ postures and positions). Here we
can see the position which demonstrates both fighters ready for the attack
actions. The first
assaulter armed with the club is standing in front of his opponent. He is
preparing to deliver the chop top-down stroke with his club. The second one
is standing on the side. He is also ready to rush into attack and deliver the
thrust knife blow (pic. 226).
pic.226 pic.227
In this situation the opponent must not be the first with attack actions. If he
tries to start the attack against any of his opponents, another fighter will
deliver a stroke (with the knife or a club) from behind. How should he act
then ?
pic. 228 pic. 229
Here you can see both fighters rush into attack at the same time. The first one
delivers a chop top-down stroke with the club. At the same time the second
fighter rushes also into attack and delivers the thrust bottom-up blow. To
repulse this action the opponent steps aside and performs a cutting stroke
aimed at the first fighter’s arm. Thus he managed to avoid both fighters’
attack. Then he starts his rapid counter attack. He jumps up towards his
enemy holding a club in his hand and delivers a thrust blow aimed at throat.
Without ceasing the move, he performs a straight leg kick aimed at the second
enemy’s groin (pic. 227 – 231).
pic. 231 pic. 232
Pay attention to this episode. We can see that at the moment the thrust stroke
is delivered, the opponent starts performing a straight leg kick with the jump.
When the knife stroke is finished, the opponent performs a leg kick (the jump
was made at the moment the knife stroke was delivered). That is why there is
no breach in the opponent’s actions. Afterwards, the opponent does not stop
in his actions and continues the counter attack. The enemy was not still
disabled but just lost for a second the possibility to resist. If you don’t beat
him completely at his moment, he will be able to stand up again and pass on
to the attack actions. That is why the opponent comes close to him and
delivers a thrust stroke aimed at the assaulter’s throat (pic. 232 – 233).
Old Chinese Books in Electronic Format
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