Maryland Ornithological Society
Maryland Ornithological Society
Maryland Ornithological Society
Include all records where CITATION.PUB is in the list 'AR','AT','BK','CL','DR','IN','MC','NP' and RCMASTER.State is in the list 'MD','DC','??','VA' and RCMASTER.Decision is not in the list 'Withdrawn','Reopened'
sorted by year
Publication abbreviations:
AB American Birds
AFN Audubon Field Notes
AN Audubon Naturalist
FN Field Notes
MB Maryland Birdlife
MYT Maryland Yellowthroat
NAB North American Birds
WT Wood Thrush
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1842. Curator. Meeting: September 12, 1842 - donations for the cabinet from Andrew Fueson. Bull Proc Nat Inst Prom Sci 1842:251. The National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
1842. Curator. Meeting: September 12, 1842 - donations for the cabinet from J Varden. Bull Proc Nat Inst Prom Sci 1842:251. The National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
1842. Curator. Meeting: September 12, 1842 - donations for the cabinet from Master Bender. Bull Proc Nat Inst Prom Sci 1842:251. The National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
1842. Vice Chair. Meeting: January 10, 1842 - donations for the cabinet from Martin Johnson. Bull Proc Nat Inst Prom Sci 1842:134. The National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
??/2000-043 01/01/1842 Ivory Gull ?? ?? Johnson_Martin Reviewable
1843. Recording Secretary. Meeting: November 13, 1843 - donations for the cabinet from George Washington Custis. Bull Proc Nat Inst Prom Sci 1843:319. The National Institute for the Promotion of Science.
DC/2003-074 11/13/1843 Yellow Rail Potomac River Custis_GW USNM
1861. Haley, William D. (ed). Philp's Washington described, a complete view of the American Capital and the District of Columbia.p. 27. Rudd & Carleton. New York.
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
1862. Coues, Elliot, and D. Webster Prentiss. List of birds ascertained to inhabit the District of Columbia, etc. Smithsonian Annual Report for 1861:399-421. Smithsonian Institution.
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
1864. Coues, Elliot. A critical review of the family Procellaride:-Part II; embracing the Puffineae Proc. Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila., 1864:138. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
1878. Ridgway, Robert. Eastward range of Chondestes grammaca. Nuttall Orinithology Club Bulletin 3:43-44.
DC/2004-133 08/27/1878 Lark Sparrow Roberts_Mr Ridgway_R S&R
1882. Ridgway, Robert. Birds new or rare to the District of Columbia. Nuttall Ornithological Club Bulletin 7:253.
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
1883. Coues, Elliot, and D. Webster Prentiss. Avifauna Columbiana: being a list of birds ascertained to inhabit the District of Columbia. USNM Bulletin 32(26):100.
DC/2003-096 Sandhill Crane ??? Unreviewable
DC/1999-170 09/08/1882 Clapper Rail 14th Street Bridge Ford_F et al. Unreviewable
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
DC/1999-105 05/06/1861 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Coues_E Prentiss_DW Unreviewable
DC/2001-048 01/01/1865 Northern Shrike ?? Drexler_C Ready
DC/2001-047 12/01/1859 Northern Shrike Falls_AJ Accepted
??/2001-046 02/10/1846 Northern Shrike ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/2010-044 09/30/1874 Western Kingbird ?? ?? Jouy_PL Reviewable
1885. Beckham, C.W. A White-winged Junco in Maryland. Auk 2(3):306.
MD/2004-110 02/01/1885 "White-winged" Junco HWRD Ilchester Beckham_CW Ready
1885. Palmer, T .S. Natural history notes: A Shearwater on the Potomac. The Pastime 3(8):8.
MD/2007-090 11/27/1884 Shearwater, sp. PGEO Fort Foote Smith_HM Reviewable
1886. Henshaw, H.W. Occurrence of Chondestes grammacus about Washington, D.C. Auk 3(4):487.
DC/2004-140 06/01/1877 Lark Sparrow Smithsonian Institution ??? S&R
DC/2004-030 08/08/1886 Lark Sparrow Henshaw_HW S&R
DC/2004-133 08/27/1878 Lark Sparrow Roberts_Mr Ridgway_R S&R
1886. Smith, Hugh M. Birds new to the District of Columbia. Auk 3(1):140.
DC/1997-664 04/15/1885 "Common" T eal Potomac River Marshall_H S&R
1887. Sportsman (anon.). A stray pelican. Forest and Stream 28(16):345.
MD/1999-061 04/30/1887 American White Pelican ?? Oakland ??? S&R
1888. Smith, Hugh M., and William Palmer. Additions to the avifauna of Washington and vicinity. Auk 5(2):147-148.
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
VA/2001-042 04/01/1864 American White Pelican Potomac River Ferguson_J Drexler_C Reviewable
Page 2
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
DC/1999-207 10/04/1879 Yellow Rail Potomac River Clark_TE Accepted
VA/2003-073 10/01/1878 American White Pelican Alexandria Huxhurst_J et al. Unreviewable
DC/1999-216 03/28/1884 Yellow Rail Potomac River Skinner_A Accepted
1889. Batchelder, C.F . Minor ornithological publications. Auk 6(2):174-184.
MD/1999-061 04/30/1887 American White Pelican ?? Oakland ??? S&R
1890. Ridgway, Robert. Junco hyemalis shufeldti in Maryland. Auk 7(3):289.
MD/1999-130 04/28/1890 "Montana" Junco PGEO Laurel Ridgway_AW Ridgway_R Reviewable
1891. Richmond, Charles W. Barrow's Golden-eye (Glaucionetta islandica) near Washington, D.C. Auk 8(1):112.
DC/2008-038 11/22/1889 Barrow's Goldeneye Potomac River Herbert_C Ridgway_R Reviewable
1893. Hasbrouck, E.M. Rare Birds of Washington, D.C. Auk 10(1):91-92.
DC/1999-070 07/02/1892 Wood Stork Washington Monument Zeller_F Hasbrouck_E Accepted
1894. Fisher, William H. Maryland birds that interest the sportsman. Oologist 11(3):94-97.
MD/2010-042 11/12/1892 "Western" White-fronted Goose BALT Grace's Quarter Fisher_CD Reviewable
1895. Kirkwood, Frank C. A list of the birds of Maryland. TMAS 2:255. Maryland Academy of Sciences.
MD/1999-097 10/01/1876 Sooty T ern BALT Baltimore City Wolfe_A S&R
DC/2001-051 12/26/1887 Northern Shrike Richmond_CW Accepted
MD/1999-067 05/01/1895 Anhinga WORC Pocomoke River Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-082 12/31/1894 Common Eider CHAS Marshall Hall Chapman_FM S&R
DC/2010-043 03/01/1856 "Western" White-fronted Goose Potomac River ??? Reviewable
MD/2010-042 11/12/1892 "Western" White-fronted Goose BALT Grace's Quarter Fisher_CD Reviewable
MD/1999-071 07/01/1865 Wood Stork ALGY Cumberland Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-072 10/15/1893 Wood Stork BALT Dulaney Valley Kirkwood_FC S&R
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
MD/1999-150 05/18/1889 Yellow Rail HARF Hog Creek Marsh Fisher_WH S&R
MD/1999-151 04/27/1893 Yellow Rail BALT Patapsco Marsh Kirkwood_FC Unreviewable
MD/1999-152 10/20/1894 Yellow Rail BALT Back River Neck Kirkwood_FC S&R
??/1999-090 08/24/1889 Purple Gallinule Potomac River Marshall_G S&R
MD/2003-294 08/19/1893 Long-billed Curlew WORC Ocean City Fisher_J Reviewable
MD/2008-041 09/15/1893 Long-billed Curlew CHAS Cobb's Island Rasch_GA Reviewable
MD/1999-084 08/01/1889 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Catonsville ??? Kirkwood_FC S&R
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
DC/2004-118 08/29/1892 Yellow-headed Blackbird Potomac River ??? S&R
MD/2004-113 09/10/1891 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Baltimore City Nickel_O S&R
MD/2004-114 09/18/1893 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Patapsco Marsh Cantler_R S&R
MD/2004-115 10/01/1894 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Patapsco Marsh Schenck_E S&R
MD/2003-288 02/25/1893 Northern Shrike BALT Baltimore, just west of Gray_? Reviewable
MD/2004-134 01/10/1893 Northern Shrike CECL Bay View Wolle_A Unreviewable
MD/2003-287 02/19/1893 Northern Shrike BALT Dulaney Valley Kirkwood_FC Unreviewable
MD/1999-116 10/26/1887 Northern Shrike BALT Patapsco Marsh Resler_A S&R
??/2001-046 02/10/1846 Northern Shrike ?? ??? Reviewable
??/2001-053 01/10/1891 Northern Shrike ?? Leizear_WGW Unreviewable
MD/2003-293 05/23/1893 Long-billed Curlew KENT Eastern Neck NWR ??? Reviewable
MD/2004-135 12/02/1894 Northern Shrike BALT Dulaney Valley Kirkwood_FC Unreviewable
??/2004-136 12/28/1917 Northern Shrike ?? Oberholser_H Swales_BH Unreviewable
MD/2003-171 02/11/1892 Northern Shrike BALT Powattan Gray_? Unreviewable
MD/2010-060 06/06/1895 Carolina Chickadee ALGY Dan's Mountain Kirkwood_FC Reviewable
1896. Fisher, William H. Wild Pigeon and Dove. Nidologist 3(12):139.
MD/2009-084 09/15/1888 Passenger Pigeon BALT Bradshaw Fischer_WH Unreviewable
1896. Palmer, William. The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in Virginia and Maryand. Auk 13(1):83.
MD/1999-106 08/15/1865 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher PGEO Bryan's Point Bryan_ON S&R
1897. Bartsch, Paul. Uria lomvia, an addition to the Avifauna Columbiana. Auk 14(3):312-313.
DC/1999-175 01/01/1897 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-174 12/28/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
Page 3
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
DC/1999-172 12/22/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P Accepted
DC/1999-100 12/14/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-173 12/27/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
1897. Bartsch, Paul. A few notes on the Avifauana Columbiana. Auk 14(3):326.
DC/1999-177 04/11/1897 Swallow-tailed Kite Chain Bridge (Aqueduct Bridge) Bartsch_P Bent_AC Reviewable
1897. Figgins, J.D. Bachman's Sparrow in Maryland. Auk 14(2):219.
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
1897. Palmer, William. The Wood Ibis in Virginia and Maryland. Auk 14(2):208-209.
MD/1999-169 07/20/1896 Wood Stork PGEO Suitland Suit_A Palmer_W S&R
MD/1999-074 07/27/1896 Wood Stork PGEO Laurel Marshall_G Palmer_W S&R
MD/1999-073 07/20/1896 Wood Stork PGEO Silver Hill Thiele_R Palmer_W S&R
1897. Palmer, William. An addition to North American Petrels. Auk 14(3):297-299.
DC/1999-060 08/29/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Navy Yard Bridge Palmer_W Accepted
DC/1999-059 08/30/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Capitol Hill Wetmore_A Accepted
1897. Palmer, William. Bachman's Sparrow in Virginia. Auk 14(3):322.
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
1900. Kirkwood, Frank C. The occurrance of the Egyptian Goose in North America. Auk 17(1):64-65.
MD/2007-111 12/05/1898 Egyptian Goose HARF Havre de Grace Simpers_J Reviewable
1900. editor. Abstract of the proceedings of the Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Philadelphia for the year 1900.Abstr Proc DVOC 4:6. Delaware Valley Ornithological Club of Philadelphia.
MD/1999-088 11/28/1900 Corn Crake WORC Hursley (now Stockton) Livesey_J Laurent_P S&R
1901. Ridgway, Robert. Species account: Junco Montanus_in_The Birds of North and Middle America. Part 1 Bull USNM 50 Pt 1: 290. Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum
MD/1999-130 04/28/1890 "Montana" Junco PGEO Laurel Ridgway_AW Ridgway_R Reviewable
1902. Maynard, Lucy Warner. Birds of Washington and vicinity, rev. ed. BWV:181. Woodward and Lothrop.
DC/1999-011 09/18/1893 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Four Mile Run Palmer_W Reviewable
MD/1999-130 04/28/1890 "Montana" Junco PGEO Laurel Ridgway_AW Ridgway_R Reviewable
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
DC/2003-096 Sandhill Crane ??? Unreviewable
1904. Chapman, Frank M. The Pine Grosbeak at Washington, D.C. Bird-Lore 6(1):17.
MD/1999-158 11/26/1903 Pine Grosbeak ?? ?? Levering_T S&R
1904. Eifrig, G. Birds of Allegany and Garrett Counties, Western Maryland. Auk 21(2):234-250.
MD/2010-060 06/06/1895 Carolina Chickadee ALGY Dan's Mountain Kirkwood_FC Reviewable
1906. Houghton, C.O. The Masked Duck in Maryland. Auk 23(3):335.
MD/1997-492 09/08/1905 Masked Duck CECL Elkton - Elk River Marshes Smith_JC Houghton_C et al. Accepted
1908. Cooke, Wells Woodbridge. Bird migration in the District of Columbia. Proc Bio Soc Wash 11:116. Biological Society of Washington.
DC/2003-082 04/15/1879 Swallow-tailed Kite ??? Reviewable
??/2001-049 11/07/1884 Northern Shrike ?? ??? Unreviewable
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
MD/1999-083 08/07/1879 Swallow-tailed Kite HWRD Ellicott City ??? Bent_AC S&R
MD/1999-084 08/01/1889 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Catonsville ??? Kirkwood_FC S&R
DC/1999-091 04/11/1842 Long-billed Curlew Potomac River Walker_W Not Accepted
DC/1999-177 04/11/1897 Swallow-tailed Kite Chain Bridge (Aqueduct Bridge) Bartsch_P Bent_AC Reviewable
DC/2008-038 11/22/1889 Barrow's Goldeneye Potomac River Herbert_C Ridgway_R Reviewable
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1999-060 08/29/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Navy Yard Bridge Palmer_W Accepted
DC/1999-053 07/15/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
??/2004-109 01/15/1878 Leach's Storm-Petrel ?? ?? Palmer_W Unreviewable
DC/2004-104 07/16/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
DC/1998-011 06/07/1891 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Bayley_W Accepted
DC/1999-059 08/30/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Capitol Hill Wetmore_A Accepted
??/2007-114 07/15/1859 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? ??? S&R
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
Page 4
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1908. Kirkwood, Frank C. Chestnut-collared Longspur (Calcarius ortatus) in Maryland. Auk 25(1):84.
MD/1997-363 08/20/1906 Chestnut-collared Longspur WORC Ocean City Kirkwood_FC Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
1912. Wright, Albert Hazen. Early records of the Carolina Paroquet. Auk 29(3):343-363.
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
1914. Cooke, Wells Woodbridge. The migration of North American Sparrows. Bird-Lore 16(3):176-178.
DC/2008-082 04/28/1913 Bachman's Sparrow ??? Unreviewable
DC/2008-081 04/26/1914 Bachman's Sparrow ??? Unreviewable
MD/2008-080 05/15/2008 Bar-headed Goose CECL Perry Point McCandless_S Ready
1917. Oberholser, Harry C. A cooperative bird census at Washington, D.C. Wilson Bulletin 29(1):18-29.
MD/2004-093 05/12/1913 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR Kearney_TH S&R
1918. McAtee, W.L. Early bird records for the vicinity of Washington, D.C. Auk 35(1):85.
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
??/2000-043 01/01/1842 Ivory Gull ?? ?? Johnson_Martin Reviewable
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
DC/2003-074 11/13/1843 Yellow Rail Potomac River Custis_GW USNM
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
1918. McAtee, W.L. A sketch of the natural history of the District of Columbia: Birds. Bull Bio Soc Wash 1:46-52. Biological Society of Washington.
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
MD/2010-032 07/31/1915 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Fisher_AK Reviewable
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
1918. Oberholser, Harry C. Washington Region_in_The Season (VIII - 4/15-6/15/1918). Bird-Lore 20(4):303-305.
MD/2004-094 05/02/1918 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Moore_RW S&R
1919. Swales, B.H. A former record of he Heath Hen (Tympanuchus cupido) at Washington, D.C. Proc Bio Soc Wash 32:198. Biological Society of Washington.
DC/1999-086 04/10/1846 Greater Prairie-Chicken McWilliams_A S&R
1920. Swales, B.H. Records of several rare birds from near Washington, D.C. Proc Bio Soc Wash 33:181-182. Biological Society of Washington.
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
DC/1999-091 04/11/1842 Long-billed Curlew Potomac River Walker_W Not Accepted
1921. Cooke, May Thacher. Birds of the Washington region. Proc Bio Soc Wash 34:11. Biological Society of Washington.
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
MD/2004-092 04/30/1912 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR S&R
MD/2004-093 05/12/1913 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR Kearney_TH S&R
MD/2004-094 05/02/1918 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Moore_RW S&R
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
DC/2004-105 06/01/1920 Bachman's Sparrow Congress Heights Bartsch_P S&R
VA/2004-108 05/22/1920 Bachman's Sparrow ?? Black Pond Miner_LD Non-Review Species
VA/2004-106 06/01/1913 Bachman's Sparrow ?? Peacock Station Wetmore_A Non-Review Species
MD/2004-095 05/09/1915 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Cabin John Wetmore_A S&R
VA/2004-107 04/26/1914 Bachman's Sparrow ?? Four Mile Run Wetmore_A Reviewable
MD/2008-039 03/17/1885 Greater Prairie-Chicken KENT ?? ??? Reviewable
DC/1999-174 12/28/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-175 01/01/1897 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-172 12/22/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P Accepted
DC/1999-173 12/27/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
DC/2004-104 07/16/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
??/2007-114 07/15/1859 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? ??? S&R
DC/1999-053 07/15/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
??/2004-109 01/15/1878 Leach's Storm-Petrel ?? ?? Palmer_W Unreviewable
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
Page 5
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
DC/1998-011 06/07/1891 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Bayley_W Accepted
DC/1999-059 08/30/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Capitol Hill Wetmore_A Accepted
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1999-060 08/29/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Navy Yard Bridge Palmer_W Accepted
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
1925. Wetmore, Alexander. Wilson's Petrel in Maryland. Auk 42(2):262-263.
MD/2002-025 06/21/1924 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Wetmore_A Accepted
??/2007-114 07/15/1859 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? ??? S&R
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
MD/2010-032 07/31/1915 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Fisher_AK Reviewable
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
1926. Bent, Arthur Cleveland. Life Histories of North American marsh birds. USNM Bulletin 135:325. United States Government Printing Office.
DC/1999-207 10/04/1879 Yellow Rail Potomac River Clark_TE Accepted
MD/1999-151 04/27/1893 Yellow Rail BALT Patapsco Marsh Kirkwood_FC Unreviewable
MD/1999-212 11/17/1920 Yellow Rail DORC Black Water River Blogg_PT Accepted
DC/2003-074 11/13/1843 Yellow Rail Potomac River Custis_GW USNM
DC/1999-216 03/28/1884 Yellow Rail Potomac River Skinner_A Accepted
1926. Wetmore, Alexander. The migrations of birds. p. 92. Harvard Univ. Press
DC/2008-104 08/01/1925 Bewick's Wren The Mall Wetmore_A Unreviewable
1927. Wetmore, Alexander. Records from the coast of Maryland. Auk 44(2):256-257.
MD/2003-014 03/24/1920 "Ipswich" Sparrow ANAR Annapolis Wetmore_A S&R
MD/2008-017 12/04/1926 Razorbill WORC Ocean City Wetmore_A Non-Review Species
1929. Cooke, May Thacher. Birds of the Washington, D.C. region. Proc Bio Soc Wash 42:15. Biological Society of Washington.
DC/2004-125 04/17/1928 Red-throated Loon Tidal Basin Ball_WH Unreviewable
DC/2003-086 04/18/1928 Red-throated Loon Tidal Basin Ball_WH Unreviewable
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
MD/2007-090 11/27/1884 Shearwater, sp. PGEO Fort Foote Smith_HM Reviewable
DC/1998-011 06/07/1891 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Bayley_W Accepted
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/2004-104 07/16/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
DC/1999-053 07/15/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
??/2007-114 07/15/1859 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? ??? S&R
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
MD/2010-032 07/31/1915 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Fisher_AK Reviewable
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
DC/1999-060 08/29/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Navy Yard Bridge Palmer_W Accepted
DC/1999-059 08/30/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Capitol Hill Wetmore_A Accepted
DC/2003-096 Sandhill Crane ??? Unreviewable
MD/1999-083 08/07/1879 Swallow-tailed Kite HWRD Ellicott City ??? Bent_AC S&R
MD/2004-160 08/26/1890 Passenger Pigeon FRDK Jefferson Figgins_JD S&R
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
DC/1999-013 05/30/1906 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Anacostia River Bartsch_P Reviewable
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
DC/1999-011 09/18/1893 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Four Mile Run Palmer_W Reviewable
DC/1999-012 09/26/1898 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Potomac Flats Palmer_W Reviewable
MD/2004-094 05/02/1918 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Moore_RW S&R
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
MD/2004-092 04/30/1912 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR S&R
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/2004-095 05/09/1915 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Cabin John Wetmore_A S&R
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
VA/2004-108 05/22/1920 Bachman's Sparrow ?? Black Pond Miner_LD Non-Review Species
VA/2004-107 04/26/1914 Bachman's Sparrow ?? Four Mile Run Wetmore_A Reviewable
VA/2004-106 06/01/1913 Bachman's Sparrow ?? Peacock Station Wetmore_A Non-Review Species
DC/2004-105 06/01/1920 Bachman's Sparrow Congress Heights Bartsch_P S&R
MD/2004-093 05/12/1913 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR Kearney_TH S&R
DC/2001-060 04/19/1925 Bachman's Sparrow Piney Branch Lees_F S&R
DC/2001-047 12/01/1859 Northern Shrike Falls_AJ Accepted
MD/2001-065 11/17/1888 Northern Shrike PGEO Laurel Ridgway_R Thompson_ES Accepted
??/2001-053 01/10/1891 Northern Shrike ?? Leizear_WGW Unreviewable
??/2001-054 02/10/1896 Northern Shrike ?? Figgins_JD Unreviewable
DC/2001-051 12/26/1887 Northern Shrike Richmond_CW Accepted
DC/2001-052 11/17/1888 Northern Shrike ??? Reviewable
DC/2001-048 01/01/1865 Northern Shrike ?? Drexler_C Ready
??/2001-049 11/07/1884 Northern Shrike ?? ??? Unreviewable
??/2001-050 11/11/1887 Northern Shrike ?? Henshaw_HW Unreviewable
??/2001-055 01/26/1920 Northern Shrike ?? Field_GW Unreviewable
MD/1999-130 04/28/1890 "Montana" Junco PGEO Laurel Ridgway_AW Ridgway_R Reviewable
DC/2008-038 11/22/1889 Barrow's Goldeneye Potomac River Herbert_C Ridgway_R Reviewable
1930. Kirkwood, Frank C. A Raven in Baltimore County, Maryland. Auk 47(2):255.
MD/1999-109 11/08/1929 Common Raven BALT Sunnybrook Eckhart_O Kirkwood_FC S&R
1930. Oberholser, Harry C. The Season: Washington (D.C.) Region. Bird-Lore 32(4):279.
DC/2008-028 08/31/1891 Red Phalarope Marron_T Non-Review Species
1931. Ball, W. Howard, and Edward J. Court. The American Magpie (Pica pica hudsonia) at Point Lookout, Maryland. Auk 48(4):604.
MD/1997-747 06/28/1931 Black-billed Magpie STMA Point Lookout State Park Ball_WH Court_EJ Unreviewable
1931. Ball, W. Howard. Leach's Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) in the District of Columbia. Auk 48(1):106.
DC/1998-008 10/04/1930 Leach's Storm-Petrel Hains Point Ball_WH Accepted
1931. Palmer, T .S. Audubon's Shearwater in the United States. Auk 48(2):198-206.
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
MD/2007-090 11/27/1884 Shearwater, sp. PGEO Fort Foote Smith_HM Reviewable
1932. Ball, W. Howard. Notes from the Washington, D. C. region. Auk 49(3):362.
DC/1999-096 09/23/1899 Parasitic Jaeger Little River Heintz_L Young_L et al. Ready
1932. Bent, Arthur Cleveland. Life Histories of North American gallinaceous birds. USNM Bulletin 162:262. United States Government Printing Office.
MD/1999-087 05/01/1860 Greater Prairie-Chicken PGEO Marshall Hall ??? Bent_AC S&R
DC/1999-086 04/10/1846 Greater Prairie-Chicken McWilliams_A S&R
1932. Burns, Frank L. Charles W. and Titan R. Peale and the Ornithology Section of the Old Philadelphia Museum.Wilson Bulletin 44(1):23-35.
MD/1999-068 05/01/1804 Anhinga BALT Elkridge Landing Burns_FL Peale_C S&R
MD/1999-063 01/01/1932 American White Pelican HARFCECL Upper Chesapeake Bay Burns_FL S&R
MD/2004-089 01/01/1807 American White Pelican KENTQUAN Mouth of Chester River ??? S&R
MD/2004-090 01/01/1807 American White Pelican ?? ?? ??? S&R
MD/1999-062 07/01/1932 American White Pelican KENTQUAN Mouth of Chester River Burns_FL S&R
1932. Lincoln, Frederick C. Status of the Arkansas Kingbird in Maryland. Auk 49(1):88-90.
MD/2010-045 09/28/1931 Western Kingbird CRLN Denton Perkins_III_SE et al. Reviewable
MD/2010-044 09/30/1874 Western Kingbird ?? ?? Jouy_PL Reviewable
1933. Murphy, Robert Cusham, and William Vogt. The Dovekie influx of 1932. Auk 50(3):325-349.
MD/2004-029 11/15/1932 Dovekie ?? ?? Gilliard_ET Reviewable
1934. Lincoln, Frederick C. An influx of Leach's Petrels. Auk 51(1):74-75.
DC/1998-012 08/24/1933 Leach's Storm-Petrel Chevy Chase Morey_Mrs. Lincoln_FC Accepted
1936. Brooks, Maurice. Notes on the land birds of Garrett County, Maryland. Natural History Society of MD Bull. 7(2-3):6-14.
MD/2004-170 06/01/1900 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT ?? ??? S&R
MD/2004-091 06/15/1923 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT Oakland Brooks_M S&R
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1937. Bent, Arthur Cleveland. Life Histories of North American birds of prey, Order Facconiformes (Part I). USNM Bulletin 167:52-53. United States Government Printing Office.
DC/1999-177 04/11/1897 Swallow-tailed Kite Chain Bridge (Aqueduct Bridge) Bartsch_P Bent_AC Reviewable
MD/1999-083 08/07/1879 Swallow-tailed Kite HWRD Ellicott City ??? Bent_AC S&R
MD/1999-085 08/03/1895 Swallow-tailed Kite MONT ?? ??? Bent_AC S&R
1938. Brooks, Maurice. Bachman's Sparrow in the north-central portion of its range. Wilson Bulletin 50(2):86-109.
MD/2008-080 05/15/2008 Bar-headed Goose CECL Perry Point McCandless_S Ready
DC/2008-081 04/26/1914 Bachman's Sparrow ??? Unreviewable
MD/2004-091 06/15/1923 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT Oakland Brooks_M S&R
1939. Hampe, Irving E., H. Seibert, and H Kolb. Purple Gallinule in Maryland. Auk 56(4):475.
MD/1997-746 10/12/1938 Purple Gallinule ANAR Patuxent Mash Smithers_RB Hampe_IE et al. S&R
1939. Wetmore, Alexander. Arkansas Kingbird in Maryland. Auk 56(1):86.
MD/2010-044 09/30/1874 Western Kingbird ?? ?? Jouy_PL Reviewable
MD/2010-046 09/18/1938 Western Kingbird STMA St. Mary's City Wetmore_A S&R
MD/2010-045 09/28/1931 Western Kingbird CRLN Denton Perkins_III_SE et al. Reviewable
1943. Deignan, H.G. Some early bird-records for Maryland and the District of Columbia. Proc Bio Soc Wash 56:69. Biological Society of Washington.
DC/1999-089 04/30/1845 Purple Gallinule Pollard_RJ Accepted
MD/1999-092 09/15/1843 Long-billed Curlew STMA ?? Pollard_RJ Deignan_H Accepted
DC/2003-057 02/12/1847 Snowy Owl Pollard_RJ Non-Review Species
1943. Deignan, H.G. Occurence of the Hudsonian Godwit in the District of Columbia. Proc Bio Soc Wash 56:70. Biological Society of Washington.
DC/2003-078 08/27/1933 Hudsonian Godwit Hains Point Deignan_HG et al. Unreviewable
1943. Kolb, Haven, and Gorman Bond Unusual records for eastern Maryland. Auk 60(3):451.
MD/2010-030 07/24/1936 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Kenwood Beach Kaiser_B Reviewable
1943. Meanley, Brooke. Red-cockaded Woodpecker breeding in Maryland. Auk 60(1):105.
MD/1997-745 06/09/1939 Red-cockaded Woodpecker WORC Assateague Island Meanley_B S&R
1943. Stewart, Robert E., and Brooke Meanley. Bachman's Sparrow in Maryland. Auk 60(4):605-606.
MD/2004-095 05/09/1915 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Cabin John Wetmore_A S&R
MD/2004-093 05/12/1913 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR Kearney_TH S&R
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
MD/2004-092 04/30/1912 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR S&R
MD/2004-094 05/02/1918 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Moore_RW S&R
MD/1997-629 05/10/1942 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Meanley_B Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2004-091 06/15/1923 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT Oakland Brooks_M S&R
1944. Wetmore, Alexander. Records of Sharp-tailed Sparrows from Maryland and Virginia in the National Museum. Auk 61(1):132-133.
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
1947. Brackbill, Hervey. Escaped American Magpie in Baltimore. MB 3(5):83.
MD/2006-247 09/10/1947 Black-billed Magpie BALT Baltimore City Brackbill_H et al. Reviewable
1947. Davis. Edwin G. Trips of the month. WT 2(2):53.
MD/2003-434 05/04/1947 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Langley Park T ousey_R_Dr et al. Unreviewable
1947. Hampe, Irving E., and Haven Kolb. Preliminary list of the birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia. PLBMD-DC: 18. The Natural History Society of Washington.
MD/1999-088 11/28/1900 Corn Crake WORC Hursley (now Stockton) Livesey_J Laurent_P S&R
MD/1999-130 04/28/1890 "Montana" Junco PGEO Laurel Ridgway_AW Ridgway_R Reviewable
DC/2003-096 Sandhill Crane ??? Unreviewable
1947. McCormick-Goodhart, L. Pine Grosbeak at Langley Park. WT 2(8):42.
MD/2003-433 03/21/1947 Pine Grosbeak PGEO Langley Park McCormick-Goodha Unreviewable
1947. Stewart, Robert E. Special Articles: The distribution of Maryland birds. MB 3(5):71-73.
MD/1997-629 05/10/1942 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Meanley_B Stewart_RE S&R
MD/1997-696 06/24/1947 Purple Gallinule PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
MD/1997-746 10/12/1938 Purple Gallinule ANAR Patuxent Mash Smithers_RB Hampe_IE et al. S&R
MD/2003-441 06/25/1948 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Stewart_RE Springer_PF S&R
MD/2003-436 07/17/1947 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Mountain Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2003-435 06/01/1947 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Robbins_CS Unreviewable
1947. Stewart, Robert E., and Chandler S. Robbins. Recent observations on Maryland birds. Auk 64(2):266-274.
MD/2002-026 11/08/1944 "Gambel's" Sparrow PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE Recirculate
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1948. Buckalew, John H. Ruff in Maryland. WT 4(1):22.
MD/2003-440 08/06/1948 Ruff WORC Assateague Island Buckalew_JH S&R
1948. Packard, Fred M. Rare birds at the airport. AN 4(1):21.
DC/1997-480 05/22/1948 Sandwich T ern National Airport Packard_F Unreviewable
DC/1997-479 05/22/1948 Roseate T ern National Airport Packard_F Unreviewable
1948. Springer, Paul F ., and Robert E. Stewart. Twelfth breeding-bird census: apple orchards. AFN 2(6):227-229.
MD/2003-441 06/25/1948 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Stewart_RE Springer_PF S&R
1949. Donnelly, Thomas. Piping Plover and Golden Plover seen at National Airport. AN 5(2):73..
VA/2003-065 03/25/1881 Piping Plover Aquin Creek Richmond_CW Unreviewable
DC/1997-434 09/03/1949 Piping Plover National Airport Donnelly_T Unreviewable
1949. Meanley, Brooke. Bachman's Sparrow at College Park, Maryland. AN 5(2):73.
MD/1997-433 07/31/1949 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO College Park Meanley_B S&R
1950. Buckalew, John H. Records from the Del-Mar-Va Peninsula. Auk 67(2):250-252.
MD/1999-159 11/11/1945 Pine Grosbeak WORC Assateague Island Buckalew_JH Accepted
MD/1999-123 02/20/1949 Hoary Redpoll WORC South Point Packard_F Aldrich_JW et al. Ready
1950. Cross, F .C. Washington's changing birdlife. AN 5(5):213-219.
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
1950. Davis. Edwin G. European Teal at airport. AN 5(3):124.
DC/1997-481 12/03/1949 "Common" T eal National Airport Davis_EG Unreviewable
1950. Webster, Clark G. Ocean City & Blackwater, Feb 18-19, 1950. MB 6(2):35.
MD/2008-172 02/18/1950 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Webster_CG Unreviewable
1950. Webster, Clark G. European Teal in Maryland. MB 6(3):37.
MD/2008-172 02/18/1950 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Webster_CG Unreviewable
MD/1999-147 02/18/1950 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Webster_CG Stewart_RE et al. S&R
1951. Buckalew, John H. First winter record of the Bachman's Sparrow in Maryland. MB 7(2-5):40.
MD/1997-725 01/25/1951 Bachman's Sparrow SMST Monie Buckalew_JH S&R
1951. Davis. Edwin G. Bird Notes: European Widgeon [sic] at Roaches Run. AN 6(4):175.
DC/2010-066 12/03/1950 Eurasian Wigeon Roaches Run Davis_EG Non-Review Species
1951. Hoyler, Mabel J. Escaped American Magpie at Frederick. MB 7(1):24.
MD/2004-123 12/23/1950 Black-billed Magpie ALGY Allegany County CBC circle Deetz_JJF Unreviewable
MD/2004-122 11/05/1950 Black-billed Magpie FRDK Frederick Brandenburg_R Unreviewable
1951. Stewart, Robert E. Bird Notes: Kittiwake seen on Assateague Island. AN 6(4):175.
MD/2010-067 08/30/1951 Black-legged Kittiwake WORC Berlin Stewart_RE Reviewable
1952. Johnson, J. Enoch. Black Skimmer in Washington, DC. AN 8(2):90.
DC/1997-443 08/18/1952 Black Skimmer Naval Research Laboratory Johnson_JE Unreviewable
1952. Low, Seth H. Summary of Maryland Christmas Bird Counts (1950-1951). MB 8(1):3-9.
MD/2004-123 12/23/1950 Black-billed Magpie ALGY Allegany County CBC circle Deetz_JJF Unreviewable
MD/1999-144 12/27/1950 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Low_S Arnold_JH S&R
1952. Stewart, Robert E., et al. Seasonal distribution of bird populations at the Patuxent Research Refuge. American Midland Naturalist 47(2):257-363.
MD/1997-696 06/24/1947 Purple Gallinule PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2004-087 05/13/1945 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2003-438 06/16/1947 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
MD/1997-629 05/10/1942 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Meanley_B Stewart_RE S&R
MD/1999-215 04/08/1944 Bewick's Wren PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE Accepted
1952. Willis, Edwin. Summary of Maryland nest records, 1951. MB 8(4-5):35-43.
MD/2008-120 05/12/1951 Bewick's Wren ALGY Dan's Mountain Llewellyn_LM Reviewable
1953. Kerr, Richard. Purple Gallinule at Seneca, Maryland [a]. AN 9(1):35.
MD/1997-444 07/19/1953 Purple Gallinule MONT Seneca Kerr_R et al. Accepted
1953. Kerr, Richard. Purple Gallinule at Seneca, Maryland [b]. AN 9(2):91.
MD/1997-444 07/19/1953 Purple Gallinule MONT Seneca Kerr_R et al. Accepted
1953. Richards, John W. Some records new to Frederick County. MB 9(1-3):3-4.
MD/2005-109 11/24/1951 Brewer's Blackbird FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW et al. S&R
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1999-162 11/24/1951 Pine Grosbeak FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW et al. S&R
1954. Richards, John W. Rufous Hummingbird seen at Emmitsburg. MB 10(2-3):36-37.
MD/1990-012 11/08/1952 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW Not Accepted
1954. Worthley, Jean Reese. Bewick's Wrens wintering at Owings Mills, Baltimore County. MB 10(4):48.
MD/2006-135 11/27/1953 Bewick's Wren BALT Owings Mill Worthley_J Worthley_E et al. Reviewable
1955. Cole, Richard D. Two wintering orioles believed to be Bullock's. MB 11(4):49-50.
MD/2004-129 01/17/1955 Bullock's Oriole BALT Ruxton Cole_R Reviewable
MD/2004-130 03/03/1955 Bullock's Oriole TLBT Claiborne Kleen_R Reviewable
1955. Stecher, Karl. Brown-capped Chickadee at Rockville. AN 10(4):214-215.
MD/1997-654 12/12/1954 Boreal Chickadee MONT Rockville Stecher_K Stewart_RE et al. Accepted
1955. Willis, Edwin. Maryland nest summary for 1954. MB 11(2):3-11.
MD/2008-159 07/01/1954 Bewick's Wren CARR Millers Worthley_J Dubois_Mr_Mrs_R Reviewable
1956. Abbott, Jackson M. Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) at Hunting Creek, Alexandria, Virginia. The Raven 27(10-12):69.
DC/2003-079 10/28/1956 Black-legged Kittiwake Hunting Creek Abbott_JM Reviewable
1956. DuMont, Philip A. Wood Ibis at Gibson Island. AN 11(1):6-10.
MD/2007-107 06/26/1955 Wood Stork PGEO Hyattsville Scofield_F Unreviewable
MD/1997-442 06/24/1955 Wood Stork ANAR Gibson Island Fisher_G DuMont_PA et al. Accepted
MD/1999-075 07/12/1955 Wood Stork ANAR Nottingham Stewart_RE S&R
1956. Fletcher, A.J., et al. List of Caroline County birds. Maryland Avifauna 1:10. Maryland Ornithological Society
MD/2010-045 09/28/1931 Western Kingbird CRLN Denton Perkins_III_SE et al. Reviewable
MD/1997-660 10/08/1954 Bewick's Wren CRLN Denton Fletcher_R et al. Reviewable
MD/1999-132 10/31/1955 "Oregon" Junco CRLN Denton Fletcher_R Fletcher_AJ et al. S&R
1957. Dyke, Samuel H. Buff-breasted Sandpiper, first sight record for Maryland. MB 13(4):72.
MD/1999-182 09/24/1957 Buff-breasted Sandpiper DORC Hurlock Dyke_SH Unreviewable
1957. Kleen, Richard L. 1956 county bird lists. MB 13(1):3-9.
MD/2008-127 04/15/1956 Bewick's Wren GRTT ??? ??? Reviewable
MD/2008-126 04/07/1956 Bewick's Wren ALGY Martins Mountain Miller Reviewable
1957. Miller, Helen Burns. A Bewick's Wren nest in Allegany County. MB 13(3):51-52.
MD/2008-125 04/07/1955 Bewick's Wren ALGY Martins Mountain Miller Reviewable
MD/2008-126 04/07/1956 Bewick's Wren ALGY Martins Mountain Miller Reviewable
MD/2008-128 04/07/1957 Bewick's Wren ALGY Martins Mountain Miller Reviewable
1957. Tappan, Elise G. Blow me down! A White Pelican at Gibson Island. MB 13(4):70.
MD/2004-089 01/01/1807 American White Pelican KENTQUAN Mouth of Chester River ??? S&R
MD/1999-061 04/30/1887 American White Pelican ?? Oakland ??? S&R
MD/1999-126 10/04/1957 American White Pelican ANAR Gibson Island Dwight_R T appan_Mrs_EG et al. S&R
MD/2004-090 01/01/1807 American White Pelican ?? ?? ??? S&R
1958. Bruce, James. Shorebird, gull and tern records in the Alexandria-Anacostia area. AN 13(1):37.
DC/2003-068 09/22/1957 Piping Plover Marbury Point DuMont_PA Abbott_JM et al. Reviewable
DC/1997-437 09/21/1957 Black Skimmer Potomac River Bruce_J et al. Unreviewable
1958. DuMont, Philip A. European Ruff in District. AN 13(1):36.
DC/1997-438 09/22/1957 Ruff Naval Research Laboratory DuMont_PA et al. Reviewable
1958. DuMont, Philip A. Highlights of other nearby [CBC] counts. AN 13(2):116.
MD/1997-653 01/01/1958 Harris's Sparrow MONT Darnestown Robbins_CS et al. S&R
1958. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Maryland nest summmary for 1957. MB 14(1):3-9.
MD/2008-128 04/07/1957 Bewick's Wren ALGY Martins Mountain Miller Reviewable
1958. Goodpasture, Katherine A. Harris' Sparrow found near Darnestown, Maryland. AN 13(2):118.
MD/1997-653 01/01/1958 Harris's Sparrow MONT Darnestown Robbins_CS et al. S&R
1958. Kleen, Richard L. 1957 county bird lists. MB 14(1):10.
MD/2008-128 04/07/1957 Bewick's Wren ALGY Martins Mountain Miller Reviewable
1958. Kolb, Haven. An inland Dovekie. MB 14(2):48.
MD/1997-309 02/27/1958 Dovekie BALT Dundalk Bedell_J Kolb_H Accepted
MD/2004-029 11/15/1932 Dovekie ?? ?? Gilliard_ET Reviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1958. Marshall, E. Wayne. Bird Banding: Banding recovery adds House Finch to Maryland list. MB 14(4):96.
MD/1999-198 04/06/1958 House Finch HARF Havre de Grace Unknown Non-Review Species
1958. Meanley, Brooke. Lark Bunting, an Addition to the Maryland List. MB 14(3):59.
MD/1997-221 07/10/1958 Lark Bunting DORC Slaughter Creek Meanley_B et al. Accepted
1958. Robbins, Chandler S. Harris' Sparrow wintering in Montgomery County, Maryland. MB 14(1):18.
MD/1999-124 10/21/1956 Harris's Sparrow HWRD Elkridge Bond_GM Hampe_IE et al. S&R
MD/1997-653 01/01/1958 Harris's Sparrow MONT Darnestown Robbins_CS et al. S&R
MD/2003-449 05/08/1954 Harris's Sparrow GRTT Avilton Hodgdon_KY T aylor_G Reviewable
1958. Simon, Stephen W. An Ash-throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus cinerascens cinerascens) in Maryland. Auk 75(4):469.
MD/1997-642 11/22/1957 Ash-throated Flycatcher BALT Monkton Simon_SW et al. Accepted
MD/1999-108 11/25/1911 Ash-throated Flycatcher PGEO Beltsville Marshall_E Accepted
1958. Stewart, Robert E. Recent breeding records of birds in Maryland. AN 13(4):246-247.
MD/1999-138 06/02/1932 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/1999-141 09/20/1956 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Springer_PF S&R
MD/1999-139 04/08/1933 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/1997-606 05/30/1958 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Stewart_RE Meanley_B et al. Unreviewable
MD/1999-140 10/08/1955 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Hurlock_P S&R
MD/1997-745 06/09/1939 Red-cockaded Woodpecker WORC Assateague Island Meanley_B S&R
1958. Stewart, Robert E. Nesting of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker in Maryland. MB 14(3):63-64.
MD/1997-606 05/30/1958 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Stewart_RE Meanley_B et al. Unreviewable
1958. Stewart, Robert E., and Chandler S. Robbins. Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia, North American Avifauna, No. 62. S&R: 388. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
??/2000-043 01/01/1842 Ivory Gull ?? ?? Johnson_Martin Reviewable
MD/1997-492 09/08/1905 Masked Duck CECL Elkton - Elk River Marshes Smith_JC Houghton_C et al. Accepted
MD/1999-084 08/01/1889 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Catonsville ??? Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-083 08/07/1879 Swallow-tailed Kite HWRD Ellicott City ??? Bent_AC S&R
MD/1999-085 08/03/1895 Swallow-tailed Kite MONT ?? ??? Bent_AC S&R
MD/1999-087 05/01/1860 Greater Prairie-Chicken PGEO Marshall Hall ??? Bent_AC S&R
DC/1999-086 04/10/1846 Greater Prairie-Chicken McWilliams_A S&R
MD/1999-133 03/12/1909 Yellow Rail PGEO Laurel Marshall_EB Accepted
MD/1999-150 05/18/1889 Yellow Rail HARF Hog Creek Marsh Fisher_WH S&R
DC/1999-134 05/20/1917 Yellow Rail National Zoological Park Caminetti_E Accepted
MD/1999-154 03/26/1955 Yellow Rail TLBT Neavitt Haddaway_G Reese_J et al. S&R
MD/1999-136 11/19/1898 Yellow Rail BALT Carroll Island Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-152 10/20/1894 Yellow Rail BALT Back River Neck Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-135 10/02/1929 Yellow Rail PGEO Patuxent River Marsh Tremis_J Accepted
MD/1997-696 06/24/1947 Purple Gallinule PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
MD/1997-746 10/12/1938 Purple Gallinule ANAR Patuxent Mash Smithers_RB Hampe_IE et al. S&R
DC/1999-089 04/30/1845 Purple Gallinule Pollard_RJ Accepted
MD/1999-088 11/28/1900 Corn Crake WORC Hursley (now Stockton) Livesey_J Laurent_P S&R
MD/1997-444 07/19/1953 Purple Gallinule MONT Seneca Kerr_R et al. Accepted
??/1999-090 08/24/1889 Purple Gallinule Potomac River Marshall_G S&R
MD/1999-092 09/15/1843 Long-billed Curlew STMA ?? Pollard_RJ Deignan_H Accepted
MD/2000-044 09/15/1861 Eskimo Curlew ?? ?? ??? S&R
MD/1999-093 05/19/1899 Long-billed Curlew BALT Gunpowder River Marsh Thomas_J S&R
DC/1999-091 04/11/1842 Long-billed Curlew Potomac River Walker_W Not Accepted
MD/2000-045 09/15/1913 Eskimo Curlew WORC Ocean City Walker_RC S&R
MD/2003-440 08/06/1948 Ruff WORC Assateague Island Buckalew_JH S&R
DC/2008-028 08/31/1891 Red Phalarope Marron_T Non-Review Species
MD/2008-027 10/05/1928 Red Phalarope WORC Ocean City Wetmore_A Non-Review Species
MD/1999-095 01/12/1929 Pomarine Jaeger PGEO Potomac River Oberholser_H S&R
MD/1999-094 05/01/1906 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Atlantic Ocean Kirkwood_FC S&R
DC/1999-096 09/23/1899 Parasitic Jaeger Little River Heintz_L Young_L et al. Ready
MD/1999-097 10/01/1876 Sooty T ern BALT Baltimore City Wolfe_A S&R
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
DC/1999-099 08/13/1955 Least T ern Potomac River Davis_EG S&R
MD/1999-098 10/17/1954 Sooty T ern BALT Baltimore City Kolb_H S&R
MD/1997-679 04/13/1955 Least T ern MONT Unity Low_S S&R
MD/1997-678 04/13/1955 Least T ern FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW S&R
MD/2008-017 12/04/1926 Razorbill WORC Ocean City Wetmore_A Non-Review Species
DC/1999-175 01/01/1897 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
MD/1999-102 11/24/1899 Thick-billed Murre MONT Kensington Shepherd_RS Accepted
MD/1999-101 11/05/1899 Thick-billed Murre HARF Havre de Grace Kirkwood_FC S&R
DC/1999-100 12/14/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-173 12/27/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-174 12/28/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P S&R
DC/1999-103 09/01/1844 Common Ground-Dove McGuire_JC Accepted
DC/1999-172 12/22/1896 Thick-billed Murre Potomac River Bartsch_P Accepted
MD/1999-111 07/04/1938 Common Raven MONT Rockville Lawrence_WH S&R
MD/2004-160 08/26/1890 Passenger Pigeon FRDK Jefferson Figgins_JD S&R
MD/1999-104 10/14/1888 Common Ground-Dove PGEO Broad Creek Marron_T S&R
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
MD/1990-012 11/08/1952 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW Not Accepted
MD/1999-139 04/08/1933 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/1999-138 06/02/1932 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/1999-140 10/08/1955 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Hurlock_P S&R
MD/1999-141 09/20/1956 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Springer_PF S&R
MD/1997-745 06/09/1939 Red-cockaded Woodpecker WORC Assateague Island Meanley_B S&R
MD/2010-045 09/28/1931 Western Kingbird CRLN Denton Perkins_III_SE et al. Reviewable
MD/1999-107 04/15/1881 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher PGEO Accokeek Richmond_CW S&R
MD/2010-046 09/18/1938 Western Kingbird STMA St. Mary's City Wetmore_A S&R
DC/1999-105 05/06/1861 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Coues_E Prentiss_DW Unreviewable
MD/2010-044 09/30/1874 Western Kingbird ?? ?? Jouy_PL Reviewable
MD/2010-047 11/14/1954 Western Kingbird WORC Berlin Sutton_H Reviewable
MD/2010-050 12/23/1946 Western Kingbird WORC Snow Hill Robbins_CS Overington_RB Reviewable
MD/2010-049 09/17/1956 Western Kingbird WORC Ocean City Cole_RD et al. Reviewable
MD/2010-051 05/22/1956 Western Kingbird TLBT Clairborne Kleen_R Reviewable
MD/1999-106 08/15/1865 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher PGEO Bryan's Point Bryan_ON S&R
MD/2010-048 09/09/1956 Western Kingbird QUAN Wye Island Nevius_N et al. Reviewable
MD/1999-108 11/25/1911 Ash-throated Flycatcher PGEO Beltsville Marshall_E Accepted
DC/1999-115 12/29/1952 Common Raven Wetmore_A S&R
MD/2004-123 12/23/1950 Black-billed Magpie ALGY Allegany County CBC circle Deetz_JJF Unreviewable
MD/2004-124 07/03/1952 Black-billed Magpie MONT ?? ??? Unreviewable
MD/2004-122 11/05/1950 Black-billed Magpie FRDK Frederick Brandenburg_R Unreviewable
MD/1999-113 04/10/1949 Common Raven MONT Unity Low_S S&R
MD/1999-114 10/12/1951 Common Raven BALT White Marsh Hackman_CD S&R
MD/1999-112 01/09/1949 Common Raven MONT Woodside Fales_JH S&R
MD/1999-110 02/11/1930 Common Raven BALT Back River Kirkwood_FC Sommer_J S&R
MD/1997-747 06/28/1931 Black-billed Magpie STMA Point Lookout State Park Ball_WH Court_EJ Unreviewable
MD/1999-109 11/08/1929 Common Raven BALT Sunnybrook Eckhart_O Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/2010-060 06/06/1895 Carolina Chickadee ALGY Dan's Mountain Kirkwood_FC Reviewable
MD/1999-120 01/25/1955 Boreal Chickadee ALGY Cumberland Smith_Mrs_HW S&R
MD/1997-654 12/12/1954 Boreal Chickadee MONT Rockville Stecher_K Stewart_RE et al. Accepted
MD/1999-121 01/25/1955 Boreal Chickadee ALGY Cumberland Livingston_N S&R
MD/1999-215 04/08/1944 Bewick's Wren PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE Accepted
MD/2003-443 04/16/1950 Bewick's Wren BALT Baltimore County Willis_E S&R
DC/2007-014 04/15/1890 Bewick's Wren Richmond_CW S&R
MD/2003-439 04/03/1948 Bewick's Wren WORC Ocean City Low_S S&R
Page 12
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1997-609 03/05/1951 Northern Shrike WORC Pocomoke City Buckalew_JH S&R
MD/1999-116 10/26/1887 Northern Shrike BALT Patapsco Marsh Resler_A S&R
MD/2001-064 01/18/1893 Northern Shrike MONT Sandy Spring Stabler_HB Accepted
DC/2001-051 12/26/1887 Northern Shrike Richmond_CW Accepted
MD/2004-113 09/10/1891 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Baltimore City Nickel_O S&R
DC/2004-118 08/29/1892 Yellow-headed Blackbird Potomac River ??? S&R
MD/2004-116 05/11/1956 Yellow-headed Blackbird WORC West Ocean City Buchanan_CM et al. S&R
MD/2004-114 09/18/1893 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Patapsco Marsh Cantler_R S&R
MD/2004-115 10/01/1894 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Patapsco Marsh Schenck_E S&R
MD/2005-109 11/24/1951 Brewer's Blackbird FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW et al. S&R
MD/2005-110 11/08/1955 Brewer's Blackbird FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW S&R
MD/2005-111 12/23/1946 Brewer's Blackbird WORC Newark Aldrich_JW S&R
MD/2005-112 12/28/1946 Brewer's Blackbird CHAS Port T obacco Gabrielson_IN S&R
MD/2005-113 04/08/1956 Brewer's Blackbird TLBT Easton Buckley_PA S&R
MD/2005-114 04/08/1956 Brewer's Blackbird DORC Blackwater NWR Buckley_PA S&R
MD/1999-161 02/17/1952 Pine Grosbeak BALT Baltimore County Braker_WP S&R
MD/1999-158 11/26/1903 Pine Grosbeak ?? ?? Levering_T S&R
MD/1999-162 11/24/1951 Pine Grosbeak FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW et al. S&R
MD/1999-159 11/11/1945 Pine Grosbeak WORC Assateague Island Buckalew_JH Accepted
MD/1997-658 01/01/1955 Pine Grosbeak FRDK Catoctin Robbins_CS Stauffer_S S&R
MD/1999-163 03/01/1953 Pine Grosbeak GRTT Red Oak Sanders_KF Slater_HE S&R
MD/1997-657 12/31/1954 Pine Grosbeak GRTT Cranesville Robbins_CS Bell_R S&R
MD/1997-613 02/15/1956 Pine Grosbeak ALGY Cumberland Workmeister_J S&R
MD/1997-615 01/06/1955 Pine Grosbeak BALT Monkton Simon_SW S&R
MD/1997-612 11/06/1954 Pine Grosbeak WASH Monument Knob Beaton_RJ S&R
MD/2001-074 01/23/1952 Pine Grosbeak GRTT Redhouse Buckalew_JH Accepted
MD/1999-123 02/20/1949 Hoary Redpoll WORC South Point Packard_F Aldrich_JW et al. Ready
MD/2003-014 03/24/1920 "Ipswich" Sparrow ANAR Annapolis Wetmore_A S&R
DC/1999-010 09/15/1862 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow Drexler_C Accepted
DC/2004-133 08/27/1878 Lark Sparrow Roberts_Mr Ridgway_R S&R
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
MD/1999-178 04/29/1896 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Figgins_JD Accepted
MD/1997-725 01/25/1951 Bachman's Sparrow SMST Monie Buckalew_JH S&R
MD/2008-043 05/16/1946 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Potomac T ousey_R_Dr S&R
MD/2004-089 01/01/1807 American White Pelican KENTQUAN Mouth of Chester River ??? S&R
MD/2004-087 05/13/1945 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2004-094 05/02/1918 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Kensington Moore_RW S&R
DC/2004-105 06/01/1920 Bachman's Sparrow Congress Heights Bartsch_P S&R
MD/1997-616 05/07/1955 Bachman's Sparrow HWRD Savage Robbins_CS S&R
DC/2001-060 04/19/1925 Bachman's Sparrow Piney Branch Lees_F S&R
MD/1997-433 07/31/1949 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO College Park Meanley_B S&R
MD/2004-093 05/12/1913 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR Kearney_TH S&R
MD/2003-438 06/16/1947 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
DC/2001-061 04/11/1956 Bachman's Sparrow Soldier's Home DuMont_PA et al. S&R
MD/2003-446 04/29/1953 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Cabin John DuMont_PA Wetmore_A S&R
MD/2004-090 01/01/1807 American White Pelican ?? ?? ??? S&R
MD/2004-092 04/30/1912 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Lanham Maxon_WR S&R
MD/2004-091 06/15/1923 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT Oakland Brooks_M S&R
MD/2004-095 05/09/1915 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Cabin John Wetmore_A S&R
MD/1997-629 05/10/1942 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Meanley_B Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2003-441 06/25/1948 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Stewart_RE Springer_PF S&R
MD/2004-170 06/01/1900 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT ?? ??? S&R
MD/2004-171 05/20/1946 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Court_EJ S&R
Page 13
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1999-132 10/31/1955 "Oregon" Junco CRLN Denton Fletcher_R Fletcher_AJ et al. S&R
MD/1999-131 03/02/1952 "Oregon" Junco HARF Gunpowder Neck Imhof_TA S&R
MD/1999-130 04/28/1890 "Montana" Junco PGEO Laurel Ridgway_AW Ridgway_R Reviewable
MD/1999-124 10/21/1956 Harris's Sparrow HWRD Elkridge Bond_GM Hampe_IE et al. S&R
MD/1997-363 08/20/1906 Chestnut-collared Longspur WORC Ocean City Kirkwood_FC Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
DC/2003-096 Sandhill Crane ??? Unreviewable
MD/2007-111 12/05/1898 Egyptian Goose HARF Havre de Grace Simpers_J Reviewable
MD/1997-642 11/22/1957 Ash-throated Flycatcher BALT Monkton Simon_SW et al. Accepted
MD/1999-126 10/04/1957 American White Pelican ANAR Gibson Island Dwight_R T appan_Mrs_EG et al. S&R
MD/1997-653 01/01/1958 Harris's Sparrow MONT Darnestown Robbins_CS et al. S&R
DC/2004-104 07/16/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
DC/1999-057 08/25/1933 Leach's Storm-Petrel Hains Point Deignan_HG S&R
DC/1999-055 08/30/1893 Leach's Storm-Petrel Palmer_W Retracted
MD/1999-056 10/17/1954 Leach's Storm-Petrel TLBT Royal Oak Kleen_R Reviewable
DC/1999-054 08/29/1893 Leach's Storm-Petrel Palmer_W Retracted
DC/1999-053 07/15/1859 Leach's Storm-Petrel ??? S&R
DC/1998-012 08/24/1933 Leach's Storm-Petrel Chevy Chase Morey_Mrs. Lincoln_FC Accepted
DC/2003-084 08/26/1842 Audubon's Shearwater Varden_J Unreviewable
MD/1999-058 08/25/1933 Leach's Storm-Petrel PGEO Fort Washington Deignan_HG S&R
DC/1998-008 10/04/1930 Leach's Storm-Petrel Hains Point Ball_WH Accepted
DC/1998-007 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J Accepted
DC/2004-102 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Varden_J S&R
DC/1998-009 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1998-011 06/07/1891 Leach's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Bayley_W Accepted
DC/1998-010 08/15/1842 Leach's Storm-Petrel Fueson_A Accepted
DC/1999-060 08/29/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Navy Yard Bridge Palmer_W Accepted
MD/2010-030 07/24/1936 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Kenwood Beach Kaiser_B Reviewable
MD/1999-061 04/30/1887 American White Pelican ?? Oakland ??? S&R
MD/1999-062 07/01/1932 American White Pelican KENTQUAN Mouth of Chester River Burns_FL S&R
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
MD/1999-063 01/01/1932 American White Pelican HARFCECL Upper Chesapeake Bay Burns_FL S&R
DC/1999-059 08/30/1893 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Capitol Hill Wetmore_A Accepted
MD/2010-032 07/31/1915 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Fisher_AK Reviewable
??/2007-114 07/15/1859 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? ??? S&R
MD/2002-025 06/21/1924 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Wetmore_A Accepted
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
VA/2001-042 04/01/1864 American White Pelican Potomac River Ferguson_J Drexler_C Reviewable
MD/1997-715 06/13/1953 Brown Pelican PGEO Fort Washington Cottam_C S&R
MD/1999-068 05/01/1804 Anhinga BALT Elkridge Landing Burns_FL Peale_C S&R
MD/1999-067 05/01/1895 Anhinga WORC Pocomoke River Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1997-442 06/24/1955 Wood Stork ANAR Gibson Island Fisher_G DuMont_PA et al. Accepted
MD/1999-078 07/15/1955 Wood Stork BALT T owson Royal_W S&R
MD/1999-169 07/20/1896 Wood Stork PGEO Suitland Suit_A Palmer_W S&R
MD/1999-072 10/15/1893 Wood Stork BALT Dulaney Valley Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-075 07/12/1955 Wood Stork ANAR Nottingham Stewart_RE S&R
MD/1999-074 07/27/1896 Wood Stork PGEO Laurel Marshall_G Palmer_W S&R
DC/1999-070 07/02/1892 Wood Stork Washington Monument Zeller_F Hasbrouck_E Accepted
MD/1999-069 07/28/1851 Wood Stork PGEO ?? Young_WR Davis_PC Accepted
MD/1999-077 08/10/1955 Wood Stork TLBT Tilghman Island Cummings_J S&R
MD/1999-071 07/01/1865 Wood Stork ALGY Cumberland Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1999-073 07/20/1896 Wood Stork PGEO Silver Hill Thiele_R Palmer_W S&R
MD/1999-079 06/17/1956 Wood Stork ANAR Gibson Island Stout_M_Dr Stout_M_Mrs S&R
MD/1999-076 07/24/1955 Wood Stork PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Stewart_RE S&R
Page 14
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1999-080 11/12/1947 Barnacle Goose KENT Langford Geiser_TA S&R
MD/1999-146 12/27/1955 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Low_S S&R
MD/1999-144 12/27/1950 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Low_S Arnold_JH S&R
MD/1999-147 02/18/1950 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Webster_CG Stewart_RE et al. S&R
DC/1997-664 04/15/1885 "Common" T eal Potomac River Marshall_H S&R
MD/1999-145 12/27/1954 "Common" T eal WORC Jenkins Pond Low_S Buckalew_JH S&R
MD/1999-081 04/09/1910 Cinnamon T eal CECL Bohemia River Warren_BH S&R
1959. Dyke, Samuel H. Curlew Sandpiper at West Ocean City, Maryland. MB 15(2):51.
MD/1983-018 05/02/1959 Curlew Sandpiper WORC West Ocean City Dyke_SH Not Accepted
1959. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Maryland nest summmary for 1958. MB 15(1):5-12.
MD/2008-130 04/15/1958 Bewick's Wren ALGY ??? ??? Reviewable
1959. Robbins, Chandler S. Report of state-wide bird count, May 2, 1959. MB 15(2):52-61.
MD/2008-131 05/02/1959 Bewick's Wren ALGY ??? ??? Reviewable
1959. Sutton, Harriet A. 1959 Christmas Bird Counts: the District of Columbia area. AN 15(2):118-120.
DC/2003-040 12/26/1959 Black Scoter Oxon Run ??? Reviewable
DC/2003-043 12/17/1983 Black Scoter Blue Plains DuMont_PG Non-Review Species
1960. Dyke, Samuel H. Hurricane Birds in Wicomico County, Maryland. MB 16(3):63.
MD/1997-239 09/12/1960 Sooty T ern WICO Salisbury Dyke_SH Accepted
MD/1997-241 09/12/1960 Leach's Storm-Petrel WICO Shad Point Dyke_SH Reviewable
MD/1997-240 09/12/1960 Bridled T ern WICO Mt. Hermon Dyke_SH Accepted
1960. Howard, Marguerite, and David. Western Tanager -- an unexpected visitor in Annapolis. MB 16(1):10-11.
MD/1997-227 12/02/1959 Western T anager ANAR Annapolis Howard_M Howard_D Unreviewable
1960. Meade, Gordon M. Red-cockaded Woodpecker near Golden Hill, Maryland_in_Field Notes. AN 15(1):44.
MD/2010-040 03/28/1959 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Meade_GM T eele_R et al. Reviewable
MD/1997-441 03/28/1959 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Meade_GM T eele_R et al. Unreviewable
MD/1997-606 05/30/1958 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Stewart_RE Meanley_B et al. Unreviewable
1960. Riesz, Richard P . Autumn record of Bell's Vireo for Maryland. MB 16(1):27.
MD/1987-016 09/08/1956 Bell's Vireo WORC Assateague Island Riesz_RP Not Accepted
1960. Schmid, Frederick C. Banding record of Harris' Sparrow in Maryland. MB 16(1):11.
MD/1997-228 12/22/1959 Harris's Sparrow PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Schmid_FC Reviewable
MD/1997-640 04/30/1958 Harris's Sparrow ALGY Frostburg Richardson_C Unreviewable
MD/1997-653 01/01/1958 Harris's Sparrow MONT Darnestown Robbins_CS et al. S&R
1961. Briggs, Shirley A. Magpies near Rockville, Maryland. AN 16(2):127.
MD/2004-122 11/05/1950 Black-billed Magpie FRDK Frederick Brandenburg_R Unreviewable
MD/1997-720 02/07/1960 Black-billed Magpie MONT Rockville Fell_D Briggs_SA et al. Unreviewable
MD/2004-124 07/03/1952 Black-billed Magpie MONT ?? ??? Unreviewable
MD/2004-123 12/23/1950 Black-billed Magpie ALGY Allegany County CBC circle Deetz_JJF Unreviewable
1961. Donnald, Margaret T . Anhinga at the Arboretum. AN 16(2):126.
DC/1997-439 08/11/1960 Anhinga National Arboretum Donnald_MT et al. Accepted
1961. Getchell, B.C. Sight record of Painted Bunting near Laurel. MB 17(2):28.
MD/1997-325 05/01/1961 Painted Bunting PGEO Laurel Getchell_BC Unreviewable
1961. Hoover, Charlotte M. First Maryland record of Fulvous Tree Duck. MB 17(3):67-68.
MD/1996-039 07/19/1961 Fulvous Whistling-Duck WORC West Ocean City Hoover_C Dyke_SH et al. Accepted
1961. Jones, Rodney S. First Maryland Record of the Black-headed Grosbeak. MB 17(1):7.
MD/1995-005 01/07/1961 Black-headed Grosbeak BALT Pikesville Jones_R Lubbert_C et al. Accepted
1961. Kleen, Richard L. Sandhill Crane added to Maryland List. MB 17(4):102.
MD/1997-224 11/19/1961 Sandhill Crane TLBT McDaniel Kleen_R Reviewable
1961. editor. Things to do in January, February, and March. MB 17(4):118.
MD/1997-631 11/25/1961 Pine Grosbeak ALGY Iron's Mountain Garland_M Minke_P Unreviewable
1962. Brackbill, Hervey. New bird in Maryland. Baltimore Evening Sun: 28 Nov 1962.
MD/1999-180 01/26/1960 Razorbill WORC Ocean City Inlet Kleen_R Unreviewable
MD/1999-198 04/06/1958 House Finch HARF Havre de Grace Unknown Non-Review Species
MD/1995-005 01/07/1961 Black-headed Grosbeak BALT Pikesville Jones_R Lubbert_C et al. Accepted
Page 15
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1999-179 11/11/1961 Clay-colored Sparrow FRDK Libertytown Jehl_JR Reviewable
MD/1999-181 12/27/1956 Black-legged Kittiwake WORC Ocean City Cutler_DA Unreviewable
MD/1999-182 09/24/1957 Buff-breasted Sandpiper DORC Hurlock Dyke_SH Unreviewable
MD/1997-221 07/10/1958 Lark Bunting DORC Slaughter Creek Meanley_B et al. Accepted
MD/1995-007 10/21/1962 Western T anager WORC Ocean City Scudder_W Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
1962. Brackbill, Hervey. Thick-billed Murre in Baltimore after a severe northeaster. MB 18(2):25.
MD/1995-006 03/07/1962 Thick-billed Murre BALT Baltimore City Brackbill_H et al. Accepted
1962. Dyke, Samuel H. Cinnamon Teal at Ocean City, Maryland. MB 18(3):62-63.
MD/2008-173 05/16/1962 Cinnamon T eal WORC Ocean City Futcher_A Hammill_R et al. Reviewable
MD/1997-223 06/14/1962 Cinnamon T eal WORC Ocean City Dyke_SH et al. Unreviewable
1962. Jehl, Joseph R. Clay-colored Sparrow added to Maryland List. MB 18(1):3.
MD/1999-179 11/11/1961 Clay-colored Sparrow FRDK Libertytown Jehl_JR Reviewable
1962. Martin, Anderson J. Clapper Rail in Western Maryland. MB 18(4):92.
MD/1996-015 08/30/1962 Clapper Rail ALGY Cumberland Martin_AJ et al. Accepted
1962. Mewaldt, L. Richard. What do California "crowned" sparrows do in Maryland? MB 18(4):111-112.
MD/2007-015 11/24/1963 "Puget Sound" WC Sparrow PGEO Laurel ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-277 10/15/1962 Golden-crowned Sparrow PGEO Laurel Mewaldt_LR Reviewable
1962. Sanders, K. Friel. Western Grebe seen in Calvert County. MB 18(2):24.
MD/1997-646 11/24/1961 Western Grebe CLVT Leitch Wharf Sanders_KF et al. Unreviewable
1962. Scudder, Billy. Western Tanager at Ocean City. MB 18(4):91-92.
MD/1995-007 10/21/1962 Western T anager WORC Ocean City Scudder_W Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
1963. Arnold, Elting. Painted Bunting at Ocean City. MB 19(4):108.
MD/1995-008 08/31/1963 Painted Bunting WORC Ocean City Arnold_E et al. Accepted
1963. Baker, A.A., and Edwin T . McKnight. Another winter occurrence of a Black-headed Grosbeak in a Washington suburb. AN 18(2):118-119.
DC/1998-021 02/03/1963 Black-headed Grosbeak Westmoreland Hills McKnight_ET Baker_A et al. Accepted
MD/1997-384 02/03/1963 Black-headed Grosbeak MONT Westmoreland Hills Baker_A McKnight_ET et al. Accepted
1963. Bridge, Margaret A. Maryland nest summary for 1962. MB 19(2):55-63.
MD/1997-223 06/14/1962 Cinnamon T eal WORC Ocean City Dyke_SH et al. Unreviewable
1963. Dyke, Samuel H. Audubon's Shearwater seen at Ocean City. MB 19(3):67.
MD/2008-026 06/03/1963 Audubon's Shearwater WORC Ocean City Inlet Dyke_SH Non-Review Species
1963. Garland, Mel. A Lazuli Bunting winters in Maryland. MB 19(1):9.
MD/1995-023 01/14/1963 Lazuli Bunting BALT Timonium Garland_M Simon_SW et al. Accepted
1963. Jones, Jack. Magpie in Talbot County. MB 19(1):21.
MD/2006-138 11/27/1963 Black-billed Magpie TLBT Neavitt Jones_J Reviewable
1963. Oakley, Doris. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher seen in Talbot County. MB 19(2):64.
MD/1986-024 06/02/1963 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher TLBT Bailey's Neck Oakley_D et al. Accepted
1963. Pyle, Robert L. House Finch reaches District of Columbia and Virginia. AN 18(1):32-33.
MD/1999-198 04/06/1958 House Finch HARF Havre de Grace Unknown Non-Review Species
DC/2010-061 11/10/1962 House Finch NW Pyle_L DeCourcey_D et al. Non-Review Species
1963. Raine, Jean. Further notes on the Maryland Lazuli Bunting. MB 19(2):53-54.
MD/1995-023 01/14/1963 Lazuli Bunting BALT Timonium Garland_M Simon_SW et al. Accepted
1963. Robbins, Chandler S. Second record of Clay-colored Sparrow in Maryland. MB 19(4):109.
MD/2003-460 09/11/1963 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Ocean City Robbins_CS Ready
MD/1999-179 11/11/1961 Clay-colored Sparrow FRDK Libertytown Jehl_JR Reviewable
1964. Baker, A.A., and Edwin T . McKnight. Reappearance of Black-headed Grosbeak. AN 19(2):127.
MD/1997-385 12/07/1963 Black-headed Grosbeak MONT Westmoreland Hills Baker_A McKnight_ET Accepted
1964. Meade, Gordon M. 1963 Christmas Bird Counts: the District of Columbia area. AN 19(2):121&123.
DC/2003-054 12/28/1963 Ring-necked Pheasant Saint Elizabeths Hospital Schneider_F Reviewable
1964. Mewaldt, L. Richard. Effects of bird removal on a winter population of sparrows. JFO 35(3):184-195.
MD/2007-015 11/24/1963 "Puget Sound" WC Sparrow PGEO Laurel ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-277 10/15/1962 Golden-crowned Sparrow PGEO Laurel Mewaldt_LR Reviewable
1964. Mewaldt, L. Richard. California sparrows return from displacement in Maryland. Science 146(3646):941-942.
MD/2007-015 11/24/1963 "Puget Sound" WC Sparrow PGEO Laurel ??? Reviewable
Page 16
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/2006-277 10/15/1962 Golden-crowned Sparrow PGEO Laurel Mewaldt_LR Reviewable
1964. Weske, John Seddon. 1963 County Bird Lists. MB 20(4):98-102.
MD/1997-641 05/20/1963 Purple Gallinule PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge McGilvrey_F Unreviewable
1965. Carlson, Carl W. Field Notes: Finding Bewick's Wrens. AN 20(2):100.
MD/2010-064 08/01/1964 Bewick's Wren WASH Hancock Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2010-063 05/27/1962 Bewick's Wren FRDK Myersville Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2008-137 07/04/1964 Bewick's Wren WASH Pectonville Scheider_FG Reviewable
MD/2010-062 07/04/1961 Bewick's Wren FRDK Wolfsville Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2008-135 05/09/1964 Bewick's Wren ALGY Little Orleans Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2010-065 08/01/1964 Bewick's Wren WASH Hancock Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2008-136 05/16/1964 Bewick's Wren GRTT Grantsville Carlson_CW Reviewable
1965. Sanders, K. Friel. Sheld-Duck at Broadwater Point. MB 21(2):35.
MD/2006-191 02/27/1965 Common Shelduck ANAR Broadwater Point Sanders_KF et al. Reviewable
MD/2006-192 03/11/1965 Common Shelduck BALT Baltimore City Snyder_S Reviewable
MD/2006-193 03/13/1965 Common Shelduck BALT Baltimore City Schaffer_NK Reviewable
1966. Fletcher, Roberta B. Maryland's second Lark Bunting. MB 22(3):94.
MD/1997-220 08/18/1966 Lark Bunting CRLN Denton Fletcher_R et al. Accepted
1966. Getchell, B.C. First appearance of Varied Thrush in Maryland. MB 22(1):3-4.
MD/1995-002 12/31/1965 Varied Thrush MONT Ashton Getchell_BC et al. Accepted
1966. Kaestner, Hank. 1964 county bird lists. MB 22(1):17.
MD/1997-001 10/06/1964 MacGillivray's Warbler QUAN Kent Island Church_J Unreviewable
1966. Kaestner, Hank. Magnificent Frigatebird at Ocean City. MB 22(4):99.
MD/1997-648 06/13/1966 frigatebird species WORC Ocean City Kaestner_J Unreviewable
1966. Kleen, Melvin H. Report of statewide bird count, May 7, 1966. MB 22(2):60.
MD/2005-073 05/07/1966 Lark Sparrow KENT ?? ??? Reviewable
1966. Pepper, Bob. Harris' Sparrow banded at Denton. MB 22(1):16.
MD/1997-582 10/12/1961 Harris's Sparrow KENT Chestertown Mendinhall_E_Mrs Reviewable
MD/1997-310 03/19/1965 Harris's Sparrow CRLN Denton Pepper_B et al. Reviewable
1966. Sibley, David Allen. Field identifcation of the Sharp-tailed Sparrow complex. Birding 28(3):196-208.
MD/1997-059 09/21/1991 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow MONT Rockville O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ Reviewable
1967. Armistead, Henry T . Roseate Tern new for Dorchester County. MB 23(1):10.
MD/1997-242 04/30/1966 Roseate T ern DORC Blackwater NWR Armistead_HT et al. Reviewable
1967. Armistead, Henry T ., and William C. Russell. Maryland's first Black-necked Stilt and fourth Ruff. MB 23(2):62-63.
MD/2003-469 05/06/1967 Ruff DORC Blackwater NWR Armistead_HT Russell_WC Reviewable
MD/2003-466 04/22/1966 Ruff ANAR Annapolis Wierenga_Harold Reviewable
MD/2003-464 08/23/1964 Ruff WORC Ocean City DuMont_PA Reviewable
MD/2003-440 08/06/1948 Ruff WORC Assateague Island Buckalew_JH S&R
MD/2005-072 05/06/1967 Black-necked Stilt DORC Blackwater NWR Armistead_HT Russell_WC et al. Reviewable
DC/1997-438 09/22/1957 Ruff Naval Research Laboratory DuMont_PA et al. Reviewable
1967. DuMont, Philip A. Barnacle Goose observations. AN 22(1):40.
MD/1999-193 11/25/1966 Barnacle Goose DORC Blackwater NWR DuMont_PG DuMont_PA et al. Ready
1967. Reese, Jan G. Branta Canadensis Hutchinsii in Maryland. MB 23(2):45.
MD/2004-049 11/16/1966 Cackling Goose DORC Cambridge Bounds_P Accepted
MD/2004-054 10/29/1950 Cackling Goose HWRD Triadelphia Reservoir Low_S Tuttrap_J Unreviewable
MD/2004-058 10/05/1961 Cackling Goose KENT Chesapeake Farms Clark_? Webster_? Unreviewable
MD/2004-050 12/27/1964 Cackling Goose KENT Eastern Neck NWR Gibson_DZ Accepted
MD/2004-057 03/31/1961 Cackling Goose WORC Heine's Pond Weske_JS MacLachlan_RF Unreviewable
MD/2004-059 11/23/1961 Cackling Goose TLBT Easton Reese_J Unreviewable
MD/2004-056 01/01/1961 Cackling Goose MONT Unity Low_S Unreviewable
MD/2004-053 01/07/1967 Cackling Goose TLBT Oxford ??? Unreviewable
MD/2004-055 01/01/1961 Cackling Goose TLBT Miles River Neck Buchanan_CM Adkins_E et al. Unreviewable
1967. Van Velzen, Willet T . Report of statewide bird count, May 6, 1967. MB 23(2):27-35.
MD/2003-470 05/06/1967 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Potomac DuMont_PA Reviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1967. Van Velzen, Willet T . Maryland's third record of Clay-colored Sparrow. MB 23(4):100.
MD/1999-179 11/11/1961 Clay-colored Sparrow FRDK Libertytown Jehl_JR Reviewable
MD/2003-472 10/09/1967 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Ocean City Van_Velzen_W Reviewable
MD/2003-460 09/11/1963 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Ocean City Robbins_CS Ready
1967. Van Velzen, Willet T ., and Gladys Hix Cole. Maryland's first Baird's Sparrow. MB 23(4):87.
MD/1996-047 10/14/1966 Baird's Sparrow WORC North Ocean City Van_Velzen_W Cole_G Accepted
1967. Wierenga, Harold L. Maryland's third Lark Bunting. MB 23(2):41.
MD/1997-222 05/21/1967 Lark Bunting ANAR Glen Burnie Wierenga_H Unreviewable
1968. Armistead, Henry T . Gull-billed Terns at Blackwater. MB 24(4):94-95.
MD/1997-238 08/18/1968 Gull-billed T ern DORC Blackwater NWR Armistead_HT Accepted
1968. Carlson, Carl W. Where to go: Ridge and Valley birding, Eastern Allegany County, Maryland. AN 23(3):143-149.
MD/2003-462 06/03/1964 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2008-095 06/15/1965 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2008-044 06/15/1963 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Carlson_CW Reviewable
1968. Meanley, Brooke. Yellow-headed Blackbird at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. AN 23(1):36.
MD/2004-113 09/10/1891 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Baltimore City Nickel_O S&R
MD/2004-114 09/18/1893 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Patapsco Marsh Cantler_R S&R
MD/2004-117 02/09/1967 Yellow-headed Blackbird PGEO Oxon Hill T ousey_R_Dr T ousey_R_Mrs Reviewable
MD/2004-115 10/01/1894 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Patapsco Marsh Schenck_E S&R
MD/2004-116 05/11/1956 Yellow-headed Blackbird WORC West Ocean City Buchanan_CM et al. S&R
MD/1997-388 10/13/1967 Yellow-headed Blackbird PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Reviewable
1968. Van Velzen, Willet T . Report of state-wide bird count, May 4, 1968. MB 24(2):35-43.
MD/2008-138 05/04/1968 Bewick's Wren ALGY ??? ??? Reviewable
1968. Wetmore, Alexander. A raven over the city of Washington. AN 23(1):35.
DC/1997-440 11/01/1967 Common Raven Constitution Avenue Wetmore_A Unreviewable
1969. Abbott, Jackson M. Field Notes: Eared Grebe off Dyke Marsh, Fairfax County, Virginia. AN 24(1):38.
MD/2010-068 12/03/1968 Eared Grebe PGEO Oxon Hill Abbott_JM Ready
1969. Teuber, Leonard. Lark Bunting in Oxon Hill. AN 24(2):106.
MD/1997-314 12/01/1968 Lark Bunting PGEO Blue Plains T euber_L Abbott_JM et al. Accepted
1970. Hackman, C. Douglas. Report of statewide bird count, May 2, 1970. MB 26(2):39-51.
MD/1997-512 05/02/1970 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Brooklandville Dandy_WE Johnson_J Reviewable
MD/1997-330 05/01/1970 Western T anager ANAR Gibson Island Schmeisser_A Alexander_B et al. Unreviewable
1970. Monson, Gale. 1969 Christmas Bird Counts: the District of Columbia area. AN 25(1):25-30.
DC/2003-033 12/27/1969 Lapland Longspur Blue Plains DuMont_PA et al. Reviewable
DC/2003-038 12/25/1969 Surf Scoter Potomac River DuMont_PA et al. Reviewable
DC/2003-038 12/25/1969 Surf Scoter Potomac River DuMont_PA et al. Reviewable
1970. Rhodes, Leon. White Pelican seen at Blackwater refuge. MB 26(1):3-4.
MD/1995-004 02/28/1970 American White Pelican DORC Blackwater NWR Rhodes_L Julian_WH et al. Accepted
1970. Wierenga, Harold L. Chestnut-collared Longspur seen at Sandy Point. MB 26(4):115.
MD/1983-030 10/30/1970 Chestnut-collared Longspur ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H Robbins_CS et al. Not Accepted
1971. Blicharz, Raymond J.. Yellow Rail near Elliott Island, Maryland. AN 26:(3):124-125.
MD/1997-343 05/05/1971 Yellow Rail DORC Elliott Island Blicharz_RJ et al. Accepted
1971. Carlson, Carl W. Barrow's Goldeneye seen at Ocean City, Maryland. MB 27(1):39-40.
MD/1985-007 04/10/1971 Barrow's Goldeneye WORC Ocean City Carlson_CW et al. Not Accepted
1971. Carlson, Carl W. Arctic Loon at Ocean City, Maryland. MB 27(2):68-72.
MD/1983-016 01/10/1971 Arctic Loon WORC Ocean City Carlson_CW et al. Not Accepted
1971. Carlson, Carl W. Harris' Sparrow in Bethesda. MB 27(2):85.
MD/1997-270 04/07/1971 Harris's Sparrow MONT Bethesda Carlson_CW Unreviewable
1971. DuMont, Paul G. Limpkin comes north. AN 26(4):167.
MD/1995-014 05/25/1971 Limpkin FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
1971. Hackman, C. Douglas. Report of statewide bird count, May 1, 1971. MB 27(2):55-66.
MD/1990-013 05/01/1971 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA Accepted
MD/2006-223 05/01/1971 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? et al. Reviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1971. Holmes, David W. Christmas Counting, 1970 -- adventures and results. MB 27(1):2-10.
MD/2006-222 12/26/1970 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? Reviewable
1971. Paulus, James. Mountain Bluebird sighted in Oldtown, Maryland. MB 27(1):11.
MD/1985-024 12/23/1970 Mountain Bluebird ALGY Oldtown Paulus_JF Accepted
1971. Pope, Frances B. An Oregon Junco at Cockeysville. MB 27(1):12.
MD/1995-024 01/17/1971 "Oregon" Junco BALT Cockeysville Pope_F Recirculate
1971. Preston, Dickson J. Fall sighting of Northern Phalarope in Talbot County. MB 27(1):40-41.
MD/1997-262 10/17/1970 Red-necked Phalarope TLBT Easton Preston_DJ et al. Non-Review Species
1971. Preston, Dickson J. Hill Myna in Talbot County. MB 27(4):183.
MD/2006-276 10/01/1971 Hill Myna TLBT Oxford Critchlow_Mr_Mrs Woodman_Dr_Mrs_D Ready
1971. Rowlett, Richard A. Rufous Hummingbird at Lily Pons, Maryland. AN 26(3):125-126.
MD/1990-013 05/01/1971 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA Accepted
1971. Rowlett, Richard A. First Maryland record for the Sage Thrasher. MB 27(4):171-172.
MD/1995-015 10/24/1971 Sage Thrasher WORC Assateague Island Rowlett_RA Accepted
1971. Sharp II, Robert. Hurricane-borne Wilson's Petrel in Chesapeake Bay. MB 27(3):149.
MD/1997-246 08/28/1971 Wilson's Storm-Petrel QUAN Wye Island Sharp_R et al. Reviewable
1971. Wood, Sharrill D., and Bruce W. Wood. First Maryland crane. AN 26(1):35-36.
MD/1997-354 10/25/1970 Sandhill Crane WORC WICO Snow Hill Wood_SD Wood_BW et al. Reviewable
1972. Abbott, Jackson M. Field Notes: Correcting the record on Barnacle Goose. AN 27(4):194.
DC/1999-190 11/10/1956 Barnacle Goose Anacosta River Abbott_JM et al. Ready
1972. Hackman, C. Douglas. Report of statewide bird count, May 6, 1972. MB 28(2):45-56.
MD/2008-142 05/06/1972 Bewick's Wren ALGY ??? ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-225 05/06/1972 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? Reviewable
1972. Holmes, David W. The 1971 Maryland Christmas Bird Count. MB 28(1):7-12.
MD/2003-481 12/29/1971 Greater Flamingo WORC Assaeague Island Fisher_RG et al. Reviewable
MD/2008-141 12/18/1971 Bewick's Wren ALGY ??? ??? Reviewable
1972. Julian, William H. Swallow-tailed Kite seen at Blackwater refuge. MB 28(3):104.
MD/1996-004 05/31/1972 Swallow-tailed Kite DORC Blackwater NWR Julian_WH DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
1972. Klimkiewicz, M. Kathleen. Breeding Bird Atlas of Montgomery County, Maryland. MB 28(4):130-141.
MD/2004-085 07/15/1972 Monk Parakeet MONT Silver Spring Kessler_S Reviewable
1972. Newman, Harry Bruce. Bohemian Waxwing at National Arboretum. AN 27(3):128-129.
DC/0000-012 01/14/1972 Bohemian Waxwing National Arboretum Newman_B et al. Accepted
1972. Rowlett, Richard A. First records of the Limpkin in the mid-Atlantic states (Maryland and Virginia). MB 28(1):3-6.
MD/1995-014 05/25/1971 Limpkin FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
1972. Rowlett, Richard A. Third Maryland Record of the Painted Bunting. MB 28(4):146.
MD/1997-234 04/18/1972 Painted Bunting MONT Kensington Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
1972. Rowlett, Richard A. A "wild" flamingo in Maryland? MB 28(4):148-149.
MD/2003-480 11/15/1971 Greater Flamingo DORC Cambridge ??? Reviewable
MD/2003-481 12/29/1971 Greater Flamingo WORC Assaeague Island Fisher_RG et al. Reviewable
MD/2001-088 08/08/1972 Greater Flamingo WORC Assateague Island Rowlett_RA Accepted
1973. Carlson, Carl W. First Sharp-tailed Sandpiper in Maryland. MB 29(3):111.
MD/1985-022 08/26/1973 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper MONT Seneca Carlson_CW Abbott_JM et al. Not Accepted
1973. DuMont, Paul G. Painted Buntings near the National Capital. AN 28(1):25-26.
MD/1997-234 04/18/1972 Painted Bunting MONT Kensington Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
1973. Hackman, C. Douglas. Report of statewide bird count, May 5, 1973. MB 29(2):39-51.
MD/2006-226 05/05/1973 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-262 05/05/1973 Whooper Swan ANAR Davidsonville Wierenga_H Sladen_WS Reviewable
1973. Mewaldt, L. Richard, et al. California sparrows fail to return from displacement to Korea. Auk 90(4):857-861.
MD/2007-015 11/24/1963 "Puget Sound" WC Sparrow PGEO Laurel ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-277 10/15/1962 Golden-crowned Sparrow PGEO Laurel Mewaldt_LR Reviewable
1973. Rowlett, Richard A. First specimen of Audubon's Shearwater. MB 29(1):13-14.
MD/2008-026 06/03/1963 Audubon's Shearwater WORC Ocean City Inlet Dyke_SH Non-Review Species
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1973. Rowlett, Richard A. Sea birds wintering off Maryland shores, 1972-73. MB 29(3):88-102.
MD/1999-101 11/05/1899 Thick-billed Murre HARF Havre de Grace Kirkwood_FC S&R
MD/1995-006 03/07/1962 Thick-billed Murre BALT Baltimore City Brackbill_H et al. Accepted
MD/2008-016 01/13/1973 Great Skua WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Non-Review Species
MD/1997-546 03/03/1973 Thick-billed Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Unreviewable
MD/2008-017 12/04/1926 Razorbill WORC Ocean City Wetmore_A Non-Review Species
MD/1997-402 02/03/1973 Razorbill WORC Atlantic Ocean Holmes_D et al. Non-Review Species
1974. Abbott, Jackson M. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper sighted in Maryland. AN 29(1):27.
MD/1985-022 08/26/1973 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper MONT Seneca Carlson_CW Abbott_JM et al. Not Accepted
1974. Bystrak, Paul G. The Maryland Christmas Counts of 1973. MB 30(1):3-7.
MD/2007-033 12/30/1973 Brown-headed Nuthatch KENT Lower Kent CBC circle T erry_J Reviewable
MD/2003-487 12/27/1973 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Ocean City Robbins_CS Robbins_G et al. Reviewable
1974. Fales, John H., and Elizabeth H. Fales. Lesser Nighthawk believed sighted in Maryland in December. MB 30(4):133.
MD/1983-026 12/03/1974 Lesser Nighthawk CLVT Plum Point Fales_JH Not Accepted
1974. Flyger, Laddie. Ground Dove sighted at Point Lookout, Maryland. MB 30(4):147.
MD/1997-244 05/18/1974 Common Ground-Dove STMA Point Lookout State Park Flyger_L Unreviewable
1974. Hackman, C. Douglas. Report of statewide bird count, May 4, 1974. MB 30(2):83-94.
MD/2006-089 05/04/1974 Monk Parakeet HARFCECL ?? ??? Reviewable
1974. Hills, Charles. Ground Dove at George's Island Landing, Maryland. MB 30(4):147.
MD/1997-245 08/21/1974 Common Ground-Dove WORC George's Island Hills_C Unreviewable
1974. Hodgdon, Kendrick Y . First occurrence of the Swallow-tailed Kite in western Maryland. MB 30(4):137.
MD/1996-005 08/17/1974 Swallow-tailed Kite ALGY LaVale Hodgdon_KY Paulus_JF et al. Accepted
1974. Klimkiewicz, M. Kathleen, and Joanne K. Solem. First year of Breeding Bird Atlas, Howard County, Maryland. MB 30(1):27-35.
MD/2006-075 08/20/1973 Monk Parakeet HWRD West Friendship Geis_A Reviewable
1974. Mason, Charles N. European Wigeons in the District of Columbia. AN 29:(2):73.
DC/1997-355 12/15/1973 Eurasian Wigeon McMilllan Reservoir Mason_C et al. Non-Review Species
1974. Meanley, Brooke, and Matthew C. Perry. Red-cockaded Woodpecker near Bowie, Maryland [b]. AN 29(3):133.
MD/1996-018 05/11/1974 Red-cockaded Woodpecker PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Perry_M Accepted
1974. Meanley, Brooke, and Matthew C. Perry. Red-cockaded Woodpecker near Bowie, Maryland [a]. MB 30(3):104.
MD/1996-018 05/11/1974 Red-cockaded Woodpecker PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Perry_M Accepted
1974. Reynard, George B. Some vocalizations of the Black, Yellow, and Virginia Rails. Auk 91(4):747-756.
MD/1997-308 04/26/1969 Yellow Rail DORC Elliott Island Reynard_GB et al. Accepted
MD/1997-517 04/18/1973 Yellow Rail SMST Rumbly Point-Irish Grove Sanct Hackman_D Poscover_B Unreviewable
1974. Rowlett, Richard A. Additonal sighting of skuas in Maryland and Virginia waters. MB 30(2):51-55..
MD/2008-016 01/13/1973 Great Skua WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Non-Review Species
1974. Wierenga, Hal. Snowy Owl at Annapolis, January 1-5, 1974. MB 30(1):36.
MD/1997-260 01/01/1974 Snowy Owl ANAR Annapolis Wierenga_H et al. Non-Review Species
1975. Boone, Daniel 24th annual nest card summary, 1972. MB 31(1):17-24.
MD/2008-145 06/04/1972 Bewick's Wren ALGY Little Orleans Rowlett_RA Reviewable
1975. Bystrak, Paul G. The Maryland Christmas Counts of 1974. MB 31(1):27-31.
MD/2003-490 12/27/1974 Eared Grebe WORC Ocean City Sheppard_JM Reviewable
MD/2005-132 12/28/1974 Brewer's Blackbird CECL Elkton Gant_C Gant_J Reviewable
1975. Holmes, David W. First Maryland record of Gray Kingbird. MB 31(3):103-104.
MD/1995-021 06/14/1975 Gray Kingbird WORC Girdletree Holmes_D Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
1975. Jewell, D. Girard. Snowy Owl at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. MB 31(1):33.
MD/1997-259 12/21/1974 Snowy Owl BALT Fort HcHenry Jewell_DG Non-Review Species
1975. Klimkiewicz, M. Kathleen. Le Conte's Sparrow in Maryland. MB 31(1):16.
MD/1995-011 12/27/1974 Le Conte's Sparrow WORC Ocean Pines Klimkiewicz_K Vaughn_C et al. Accepted
1975. Meanley, Brooke. Two more Yellow-headed Blackbirds banded near Laurel, Maryland. MB 31(4):138.
MD/1997-388 10/13/1967 Yellow-headed Blackbird PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Reviewable
MD/1997-265 12/03/1975 Yellow-headed Blackbird PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Mitchell_RT Bystrak_D Reviewable
MD/1997-264 11/16/1975 Yellow-headed Blackbird PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Reviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1975. Meanley, Brooke. Birds and marshes of the Chesapeake Bay Country. pp. 87-89. Tidewater Publishers. Cambridge.
MD/1997-606 05/30/1958 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Stewart_RE Meanley_B et al. Unreviewable
1975. Rowlett, Richard A. First records of Atlantic Puffin and Yellow-nosed Albatross off Maryland. MB 31(2):51-56.
MD/1990-007 03/16/1975 Atlantic Puffin WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1990-006 02/01/1975 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Kelly_J et al. Accepted
1975. Sanders, K. Friel. Unusual birds noted at Broadwater Point. MB 31(4):139-140.
MD/2006-191 02/27/1965 Common Shelduck ANAR Broadwater Point Sanders_KF et al. Reviewable
1975. editor. Field trip reports. Howard County Bird Club newsletter 3(6):3.
MD/2006-113 01/11/1975 Monk Parakeet HWRD Columbia Solem_J Chestem_M et al. Reviewable
1976. Bystrak, Danny The Maryland Christmas counts of 1975. MB 32(1):12-14.
MD/2008-146 01/04/1976 Bewick's Wren STMA Point Lookout CBC circle ??? Reviewable
1976. Carlson, Carl W. Sabine's Gull on Chesapeake Bay. MB 32(4):109-110.
MD/1986-018 05/21/1976 Sabine's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Carlson_CW Wierenga_Harold et al. Accepted
1976. Carlson, Carl W., and Josephine Walker. Birding for sparrows in October. MB 32(4):127-129.
MD/2003-499 10/07/1976 Harris's Sparrow MONT Issac Walton Road Carlson_CW Walker_J Reviewable
MD/2003-497 10/07/1976 Bachman's Sparrow MONT Sycamore Landing Carlson_CW Walker_J Reviewable
1976. DuMont, Paul G. Sabine's Gull and Arctic Tern sightings near Ocean City. MB 32(4):108.
MD/1986-016 05/28/1973 Sabine's Gull WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PG Not Accepted
MD/1986-017 05/09/1976 Sabine's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1986-019 05/28/1973 Arctic T ern WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PG Not Accepted
1976. Ghiselin, Jon. Lark Sparrow in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MB 32(4):131.
MD/1997-271 08/18/1976 Lark Sparrow ANAR Rose Haven Ghiselin_J Reviewable
1976. Meanley, Brooke. Swallow-tailed Kite near Cambridge, Maryland. MB 32(3):85.
MD/1997-272 05/20/1976 Swallow-tailed Kite DORC Cambridge Meanley_B Willey_? et al. Unreviewable
1976. Patterson, Robert M. First nesting confirmation of Purple Gallinule in Maryland. MB 32(4):110-112.
MD/2003-459 04/25/1962 Purple Gallinule PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Bridge_D Uhler_F et al. Reviewable
MD/1997-258 07/01/1976 Purple Gallinule PGEO Upper Marlboro Patterson_RM et al. Accepted
1976. Pyle, Peter. Long-billed Curlew in Somerset County, Maryland. MB 32(3):101.
MD/1988-003 06/12/1976 Long-billed Curlew SMST Deal Island WMA Pyle_P Accepted
1976. Rowlett, Richard A. Maryland records of the Manx Shearwater. MB 32(1):27-28.
MD/2008-015 06/01/1974 Manx Shearwater WORC Pelagic Zone Rowlett_RA et al. Non-Review Species
1976. Rowlett, Richard A. Sabine's Gull and Arctic Terns off Ocean City. MB 32(4):107.
MD/1995-034 05/16/1976 Arctic T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Holmes_D Rowlett_RA et al. Not Accepted
MD/1986-017 05/09/1976 Sabine's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
1976. Walker, Josephine. Audubon's Warbler seen in Maryland. MB 32(3):86.
MD/2001-082 04/04/1959 "Audubon's" Warbler MONT Cabin John Walker_J et al. Unreviewable
1976. Wierenga, Harold L. Maryland's first Franklin's Gulls. MB 32(4):113-114.
MD/1986-018 05/21/1976 Sabine's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Carlson_CW Wierenga_Harold et al. Accepted
MD/1994-002 05/18/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Not Accepted
MD/1988-007 05/11/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
MD/1994-001 05/20/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Not Accepted
1977. Blom, Eirik A.T ., and James L. Stasz. Winter gulls in the Baltimore Harbor area in 1977. MB 33(4):131-138.
MD/2005-078 04/30/1977 Thayer's Gull BALT North Point Blom_EAT Stasz_JL Unreviewable
1977. Bystrak, Danny The Maryland Christmas counts of 1976. MB 33(1):20-30.
MD/1996-028 11/27/1976 Smith's Longspur WORC Assateague Island Hoffman_ML Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1995-013 12/29/1976 Common Murre WORC Ocean City Inlet Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
1977. Carlson, Carl W., and Josephine Walker. Curlew Sandpiper in Dorchester County, Maryland. MB 33(1):49-50.
MD/1983-019 11/19/1976 Curlew Sandpiper DORC Blackwater NWR Carlson_CW Walker_J Not Accepted
1977. DuMont, Paul G. Oiled birds seen at Ocean City, Maryland. MB 33(1):12-13.
MD/1995-013 12/29/1976 Common Murre WORC Ocean City Inlet Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
1977. Hackman, C. Douglas. Report of the state-wide bird count, May 7, 1977. MB 33(2):56-68.
MD/2008-149 05/07/1977 Bewick's Wren WASH ??? ??? Reviewable
MD/2008-150 05/07/1977 Bewick's Wren ALGY ??? ??? Reviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1977. Robbins, Chandler S., and Danny Bystrak. Field list of the birds of Maryland, 2nd edition. FLBM 2nd ed.
MD/2003-491 12/16/1974 Black-throated Gray Warbler ANAR Epping Forest ??? Reviewable
MD/1996-017 11/03/1975 Groove-billed Ani KENT Millington Loughry_D Dierner_R Accepted
1977. Rowlett, Richard A. A non-storm-blown Bridled Tern and other observations from a late September pelagic trip off Maryland. MB 33(1):31-33.
MD/1997-240 09/12/1960 Bridled T ern WICO Mt. Hermon Dyke_SH Accepted
MD/1997-255 09/26/1976 Bridled T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
1977. Rowlett, Richard A. First records for the Thin-billed Murre in Maryland, with a summary of alcid observations for the winter of 1976-19 MB 33(2):105-106.
MD/1997-237 01/09/1977 Thick-billed Murre WORC Assateague Island Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1997-236 01/16/1977 Common Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1995-013 12/29/1976 Common Murre WORC Ocean City Inlet Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
1978. Abbott, Jackson M., and David F . Abbott. Franklin's Gull in Alexandria, Virginia. The Raven 49(4):67-68.
DC/2003-046 06/12/1977 Franklin's Gull Potomac River Abbott_JM Non-Review Species
1978. Armistead, Henry T . Anhinga near Bellevue, Talbot County. MB 34(4):172-174.
MD/1983-006 09/02/1978 Anhinga TLBT Ferry Neck Armistead_HT Not Accepted
1978. Dupree, Charles D. The Maryland Christmas Counts of 1977. MB 34(2):85-95.
MD/2005-119 01/01/1978 Brewer's Blackbird ANAR Annapolis Stasz_JL Reviewable
MD/2003-507 12/17/1977 Sandhill Crane HARF Rock Run CBC circle Graham_CR Reviewable
MD/2005-117 12/18/1977 Brewer's Blackbird KENT Lower Kent CBC circle Klimkiewicz_K Droege_S Reviewable
MD/2005-116 12/17/1977 Brewer's Blackbird ALGY Allegany County CBC circle Twigg_MG Reviewable
MD/2005-118 12/30/1977 Brewer's Blackbird DORC Blackwater NWR Robbins_G Reviewable
1978. Finch, Davis W., et al. Pelagic birds in the Gulf of Maine. AB 32(2):140-155.
MD/1990-006 02/01/1975 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Kelly_J et al. Accepted
1978. Graham, Charles R. Varied Thrush in Harford County. MB 34(4):186.
MD/1997-257 03/05/1978 Varied Thrush HARF Aberdeen Graham_CR et al. Unreviewable
1978. Meanley, Brooke. Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, MD. p. 124. Tidewater Publishers. Cambridge.
MD/1996-018 05/11/1974 Red-cockaded Woodpecker PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Perry_M Accepted
MD/1997-272 05/20/1976 Swallow-tailed Kite DORC Cambridge Meanley_B Willey_? et al. Unreviewable
MD/1996-039 07/19/1961 Fulvous Whistling-Duck WORC West Ocean City Hoover_C Dyke_SH et al. Accepted
MD/1995-004 02/28/1970 American White Pelican DORC Blackwater NWR Rhodes_L Julian_WH et al. Accepted
MD/1997-681 11/30/1972 Gyrfalcon DORC Blackwater NWR Julian_WH Carlson_CW et al. Unreviewable
MD/1997-337 12/07/1975 Fulvous Whistling-Duck DORC Blackwater NWR Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
1978. Rowlett, Richard A. Second record of the Le Conte's Sparrow in Maryland. MB 34(3):164-165.
MD/1983-007 10/23/1977 Le Conte's Sparrow WORC Ocean City Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
1978. Updegrove, Spike. Mid-winter Clay-colored Sparrow in Harford County. MB 34(4):184.
MD/1997-232 01/15/1978 Clay-colored Sparrow HARF Churchville Updegrove_K Rowlett_RA et al. Reviewable
1978. Wierenga, Hal. Maryland's first Fork-tailed Flycatcher. MB 34(4):171-172.
MD/1983-005 09/23/1978 Fork-tailed Flycatcher ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
1979. Baugh, Donald R. Roseate Spoonbill - accidental visitor to Smith Island. MB 35(3):67-68.
MD/1983-001 04/14/1979 Roseate Spoonbill SMST Smith Island Baugh_DR et al. Accepted
1979. Fales, John H. Bewick's Wren in Calvert County. MB 35(1):11.
MD/2004-158 05/09/1978 Bewick's Wren CLVT Plum Point Fales_JH Reviewable
1979. Fales, John H. Sooty Tern in Calvert County. MB 35(4):87.
MD/1995-010 09/06/1979 Sooty T ern CLVT Plum Point Fales_JH et al. Accepted
1979. McKinely, Daniel. History of the Carolina Parakeet in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the District of Columbia.MB 35(1):3-10.
DC/2003-060 09/15/1865 Carolina Parakeet Potomac River Derrick_E S&R
1979. Willoughby, Ernest. Common Eider on Potomac River at Point Lookout. MB 35(2):32.
MD/1983-004 10/07/1978 Common Eider STMA Point Lookout State Park Willoughby_E et al. Not Accepted
1980. Blom, Eirik A.T . Buff-breasted Sandpiper seen for new Howard County record. Howard County Bird Club newsletter 8(3):1.
MD/1983-021 09/15/1979 Buff-breasted Sandpiper HWRD Green Manor Turf Farm Blom_EAT Accepted
1980. Devlin, William J., et al. History and present status of the Red-cockaded Woodpecker in Maryland. AB 34(3):314-316.
MD/1996-018 05/11/1974 Red-cockaded Woodpecker PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Perry_M Accepted
MD/1999-140 10/08/1955 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Hurlock_P S&R
MD/1997-606 05/30/1958 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Stewart_RE Meanley_B et al. Unreviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1999-138 06/02/1932 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/1999-141 09/20/1956 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Springer_PF S&R
MD/1999-139 04/08/1933 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/2003-007 12/31/1958 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Blackwater NWR Burns_RK Unreviewable
1980. Evans, Mary E., and William J.L. Sladen. A comparative analysis of the bill markings of Whistling and Bewick's Swans and out-of-range occurrences of the twoAuk 97(4):697-703.
MD/1997-426 03/15/1971 "Bewick's" Swan TLBT Claiborne Sladen_W Not Accepted
1980. Holmes, David W. Report of the statewide bird count, May 3, 1980. MB 36(3):101-112.
MD/1997-507 05/03/1980 Anhinga MONT C&O Canal Cleveland_R Elliot_W Unreviewable
MD/2006-228 05/03/1980 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/2008-097 04/25/1980 Anhinga MONT Gaithersburg Sieck_W Unreviewable
1980. Klockner, Wayne. Sabine's Gull at Chincoteague. Raven 51(4):64.
MD/1986-018 05/21/1976 Sabine's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Carlson_CW Wierenga_Harold et al. Accepted
1980. Lehman, Paul E. The identification of Thayer's Gull in the field. Birding 12(6):199.
MD/1997-749 02/05/1977 Thayer's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Brady_A Orgain_J Accepted
1980. Nistico, Paul. Red Phalarope in the Maryland Piedmont at Hughes Hollow. MB 36(4):139.
MD/1997-267 09/13/1980 Red Phalarope MONT Hughes Hollow Nistisco_PE Reviewable
1980. Robbins, Chandler S. Statewide bird count, May 6, 1978. MB 36(2):43-59.
MD/1997-298 04/22/1978 Western T anager MONT T akoma Park Ringler_RF Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/2005-102 05/06/1978 Lark Sparrow GRTT Mountain Lake Pope_F Unreviewable
MD/2008-151 05/06/1978 Bewick's Wren WASH ??? ??? Reviewable
1980. Rowlett, Richard A. Observations of marine birds and mammals in the northern Chesapeake Bight. FWS/OBS-80/04. 87 pp.p. 12. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Service Program
MD/1990-006 02/01/1975 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Kelly_J et al. Accepted
MD/2008-015 06/01/1974 Manx Shearwater WORC Pelagic Zone Rowlett_RA et al. Non-Review Species
MD/1997-530 05/08/1977 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Atlantic Ocean DuMont_PG Barnhill_MV Unreviewable
MD/1997-531 08/08/1974 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Unreviewable
MD/2008-034 05/09/1976 South Polar Skua WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Accepted
MD/1997-749 02/05/1977 Thayer's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Brady_A Orgain_J Accepted
MD/2003-493 02/08/1976 Thayer's Gull WORC Ocean City Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Reviewable
MD/1986-016 05/28/1973 Sabine's Gull WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PG Not Accepted
MD/1986-017 05/09/1976 Sabine's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1986-018 05/21/1976 Sabine's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Carlson_CW Wierenga_Harold et al. Accepted
VA/2008-035 09/08/1977 Sabine's Gull Craney Island ??? Reviewable
MD/1997-255 09/26/1976 Bridled T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/2008-036 08/12/1972 Arctic T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean DuMont_PG Reviewable
MD/1997-537 05/08/1977 Arctic T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean DuMont_PG Barnhill_MV Unreviewable
MD/1995-034 05/16/1976 Arctic T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Holmes_D Rowlett_RA et al. Not Accepted
MD/1986-019 05/28/1973 Arctic T ern WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PG Not Accepted
MD/1997-546 03/03/1973 Thick-billed Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Unreviewable
MD/1997-237 01/09/1977 Thick-billed Murre WORC Assateague Island Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1995-013 12/29/1976 Common Murre WORC Ocean City Inlet Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
MD/1997-236 01/16/1977 Common Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1990-007 03/16/1975 Atlantic Puffin WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/2001-062 09/04/1972 Sooty T ern WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PA Reviewable
MD/1997-638 08/11/1977 Sooty T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Trichka_CJ Unreviewable
MD/2004-161 04/14/1976 Magnificent Frigatebird WORC Ocean City Brown_Dale Reviewable
MD/2008-037 08/12/1972 Roseate T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean DuMont_PG Reviewable
1981. Blom, Eirik A.T . The 1980-81 Maryland Christmas Counts. MB 37(1):5-14.
MD/1997-600 12/26/1980 Thayer's Gull BALT Hernwood Landfill Stasz_JL Ready
MD/2006-229 01/03/1981 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT Baltimore City ??? Reviewable
MD/2008-040 12/30/1980 Lilac-crowned Parrot SMST Crisfield CBC circle Stadler_R Reviewable
1981. Blom, Eirik A.T . First photographic record of Eared Grebe in Maryland. MB 37(4):143-144.
MD/1986-011 04/07/1981 Eared Grebe BALT Masonville Blom_EAT Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1981. Holmes, David W. State-wide bird count, May 5, 1979. MB 37(3):92-103.
MD/2008-153 05/05/1979 Bewick's Wren WASH ??? ??? Reviewable
1981. Martin, Elwood M., and Matthew C. Perry. Yellow Rail collected in Maryland. MB 37(1):15-16.
MD/1996-016 09/03/1974 Clapper Rail ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Martin_E Accepted
MD/1995-018 10/04/1980 Yellow Rail ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Perry_M Martin_E Accepted
1981. Pope, Frances B. First documented sighting of Western Grebe in Maryland. MB 37(4):127.
MD/1983-002 06/11/1981 Western Grebe GRTT Broadford Reservoir Pope_F Phillips_C et al. Accepted
1981. Rowlett, Richard A. Yellow-nosed Albatross off Virginia and Maryland. Raven 52(1):13-14.
MD/2008-020 12/03/1979 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Recirculate
MD/1990-006 02/01/1975 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Kelly_J et al. Accepted
1981. Sanders, K. Friel. American Flamingo at Broadwater Point. MB 37(1):14.
MD/1997-665 10/07/1980 Greater Flamingo ANAR Broadwater Point Sanders_KF Wierenga_Harold et al. Unreviewable
1981. Slaughter, Eddie. Great Cormorant in Caroline County. MB 37(4):128.
MD/1983-003 03/07/1981 Great Cormorant CRLN Martinak State Park Slaughter_E et al. Accepted
1981. Stasz, James L. Statewide bird count, May 2, 1981. MB 37(2):76-86.
MD/2006-232 05/02/1981 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/1997-649 04/27/1981 Ruff BALT Phoenix Stasz_JL Dixon_B et al. Accepted
1982. Gregoire, John A. Fulvous Whistling Ducks in Patuxent River. MB 38(2):74-75.
MD/1997-247 09/20/1981 Fulvous Whistling-Duck PGEO Jug Bay Natural Area Gregoire_J et al. Accepted
1982. Kirkwood, Dennis. First spring record of Sandhill Crane in Maryland. MB 38(4):123.
MD/1995-012 04/11/1982 Sandhill Crane HARF Madonna Kirkwood_D Kirkwood_J et al. Accepted
1982. Stasz, James L. Statewide bird count, May 1, 1982. MB 38(3):108-119.
MD/2006-233 05/01/1982 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/2008-157 05/01/1982 Bewick's Wren CLVT ??? ??? Reviewable
1982. Stasz, James L. Statewide bird counts: 1970-1979. MB 38(4):126-127.
MD/2006-225 05/06/1972 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? Reviewable
MD/1997-330 05/01/1970 Western T anager ANAR Gibson Island Schmeisser_A Alexander_B et al. Unreviewable
MD/2006-226 05/05/1973 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-089 05/04/1974 Monk Parakeet HARFCECL ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/1997-298 04/22/1978 Western T anager MONT T akoma Park Ringler_RF Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/2005-102 05/06/1978 Lark Sparrow GRTT Mountain Lake Pope_F Unreviewable
MD/2006-223 05/01/1971 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT T owson ??? et al. Reviewable
1982. editor. Update on the Urban Wildlife Research Center: Rare bird indeed! Urban Wildlife News 6(3):19-20.
MD/1992-023 10/01/1982 Red Phalarope HWRD Columbia Eccles_SD Solem_J et al. Accepted
1983. Harrelson, P . European Goldfinch seen in Anne Arundel County. MB 39(4):110.
MD/2004-159 04/17/1983 European Goldfinch ANAR Cape St. Claire Harrelson_P Reviewable
1983. Johnson, Judith C., and William J.L. Sladen Whooper Swans released in Maryland. MB 39(1):3-4.
MD/2006-262 05/05/1973 Whooper Swan ANAR Davidsonville Wierenga_H Sladen_WS Reviewable
1983. Ross, Barbara M. Swainson's Warbler caught and banded in Baltimore County. MB 39(3):63.
MD/1986-029 05/24/1983 Swainson's Warbler BALT St. Timothy's School Ross_BM Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
1983. Stasz, James L. Statewide bird count, May 7, 1983. MB 39(2):31-41.
MD/2006-207 05/07/1983 Chukar TLBT ?? Effinger_JK Reviewable
MD/2003-168 05/07/1983 Spotted T owhee WASH ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/2006-236 05/07/1983 Ringed Turtle-Dove BALT ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/1985-014 05/07/1983 Anhinga WORC Berlin Humphreys_M Bruckmann_F Accepted
MD/2008-158 04/15/1983 Bewick's Wren ALGY Dan's Mountain ??? Reviewable
1984. Blom, Eirik A.T ., and James Orgain. Anhinga sighted at Fort Smallwood. MB 40(1):3-4.
MD/1985-012 05/09/1981 Anhinga ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Blom_EAT Orgain_J Accepted
1984. Miller, John C. Bell's Vireo in Maryland. Cassinia 60(1982, 1983):63.
MD/1987-017 04/30/1982 Bell's Vireo DORC Elliott Island Miller_JC et al. Not Accepted
1984. Pope, Frances B. Burrowing Owl in Garrett County, Maryland. MB 40(3):55-56.
MD/1985-020 05/18/1983 Burrowing Owl GRTT Gortner Pope_F et al. Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1984. Stasz, James L. Report of the statewide bird count, May 5, 1984. MB 40(3):73-86.
DC/2001-056 05/01/1984 Clay-colored Sparrow Constitution Gardens Czaplak_DS Swift_B et al. DCRC
1984. White, Tony. Trumpeter Swans in Chesapeake Bay. MYT 4(5):1-2.
MD/2005-069 12/15/1983 Trumpeter Swan TLBT St. Michaels Harrington_J et al. Reviewable
1985. Czaplak, David, and Floyd E. Hayes. Six species of birds new to the District of Columbia. AN 35(5):19-22.
DC/2003-015 09/23/1978 Great Cormorant Jones Point Abbott_JM et al. DCRC
DC/2003-020 09/06/1979 Sooty T ern Anacostia Naval Air Station Abbott_DF DCRC
DC/2003-016 10/17/1982 Great Cormorant Blue Plains Swift_B Czaplak_DS et al. DCRC
DC/2003-019 09/30/1983 Franklin's Gull Hains Point Czaplak_DS Futcher_T DCRC
DC/2003-022 09/03/1979 Western Kingbird Anacostia Naval Air Station Hayes_FE Futcher_T et al. DCRC
DC/2003-017 10/18/1984 Great Cormorant Potomac River Czaplak_DS Abbott_JM DCRC
DC/2003-018 08/06/1978 Franklin's Gull Anacostia Naval Air Station Abbott_DF Fang_O DCRC
DC/2001-056 05/01/1984 Clay-colored Sparrow Constitution Gardens Czaplak_DS Swift_B et al. DCRC
DC/2003-021 11/29/1983 Selasphorus, Rufous/Allen's Monumental Core Burnett_PR Swift_B et al. DCRC
1985. Resch, Mike. Statewide bird count, May 4, 1985. MB 41(2):24-40.
MD/2006-239 05/04/1985 Ringed Turtle-Dove ALGY ?? ??? Reviewable
1985. Robbins, Chandler S., and D. Daniel Boone. Threatened breeding birds of Maryland. MB 41(4):87-108.
MD/2004-091 06/15/1923 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT Oakland Brooks_M S&R
MD/2004-170 06/01/1900 Bachman's Sparrow GRTT ?? ??? S&R
MD/1997-561 05/30/1970 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Mountain Carlson_CW Hodgdon_KY Reviewable
MD/2008-044 06/15/1963 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Carlson_CW Reviewable
MD/2003-436 07/17/1947 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Mountain Stewart_RE S&R
MD/2008-158 04/15/1983 Bewick's Wren ALGY Dan's Mountain ??? Reviewable
MD/2003-462 06/03/1964 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Carlson_CW Reviewable
1986. Blom, Eirik A.T ., and Robert F . Ringler. Black-legged Kittiwake in northern Chesapeake Bay. MB 42(1):23-24.
MD/1986-028 10/23/1983 Black-legged Kittiwake BALT Hart-Miller Island Blom_EAT Ringler_RF Accepted
1986. Chestem, Martha Yellow-headed Blackbird at Fulton, Howard County MB 42(2):54-55.
MD/1987-003 11/09/1985 Yellow-headed Blackbird HWRD Fulton Chestem_M Accepted
1986. Gollop, J.B., T .W. Barry, and E.H. Iversen. Eskimo curlew a vanishing species? Saskatchewan Nat. Hist. Soc. Spec. Pub. No. 17. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Page.
MD/2000-044 09/15/1861 Eskimo Curlew ?? ?? ??? S&R
MD/2000-045 09/15/1913 Eskimo Curlew WORC Ocean City Walker_RC S&R
1986. Grant, Peter J. Gulls, a guide to identification, 2nd edition; Thayer's Gull species account. p. 333.
MD/1997-749 02/05/1977 Thayer's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Brady_A Orgain_J Accepted
1986. Kaestner, Hank. Red-necked Phalarope in Baltimore County. MB 42(2):1.
MD/1997-269 09/12/1985 Red-necked Phalarope BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H et al. Non-Review Species
1986. Kaestner, Hank. First Baltimore County record of Black-necked Stilt. MB 42(3):59.
MD/1987-022 05/25/1986 Black-necked Stilt BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
1986. Resch, Mike. Statewide bird count, May 3, 1986. MB 42(2):28-45.
MD/2005-068 05/03/1986 Swainson's Warbler STMA ?? Newberger_T Reviewable
1986. Resch, Mike. 1986 May Count Summary. MYT 6(5):5.
MD/2005-068 05/03/1986 Swainson's Warbler STMA ?? Newberger_T Reviewable
1986. Solem, Joanne K. Limpkin in Howard County, Maryland. MB 42(1):3-4.
MD/1986-026 05/26/1985 Limpkin HWRD Lake Way Drive (Benson Branch) Solem_J McClure_M et al. Accepted
1987. Gibson, Daniel D. Hammond's Flycatcher (Empidonax hammondii) new to Maryland and the Atlantic coast. Wilson Bulletin 99(3):500.
MD/1989-009 10/09/1963 Hammond's Flycatcher WORC Ocean City Gibson_DD Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
1987. Kaestner, Hank. First upper Chesapeake Bay record of Sandwich Tern. MB 43(4):94.
MD/1987-014 06/08/1986 Sandwich T ern BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Kaestner_P et al. Accepted
1987. Klockner, Wayne. A spring record for Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus) in Maryland waters. MB 43(4):91-92.
MD/1987-010 06/07/1986 Bridled T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Czaplak_DS Klockner_W et al. Accepted
1987. Stasz, James L. Statewide bird count, May 2, 1987. MB 43(2):36-49.
MD/1987-029 05/02/1987 Eared Grebe CLVT Chesapeake Beach Boyd_E Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1987-033 05/02/1987 Sandhill Crane MONT Little Bennett Regional Park DeMoll_E et al. Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1988. Kirkwood, Dennis. Annual reports of local chapters: Harford Chapter. MB 44(3):78-79.
MD/1996-001 07/23/1987 American White Pelican HARF Havre de Grace Brady_A Meyer_W et al. Accepted
1988. Ricciardi, Sue. Shorebirds and herons flock to Tower Gardens. MB 44(2):67.
MD/2003-194 09/02/1985 Ruff QUAN T ower Gardens O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ Reviewable
1988. Ringler, Robert F . Barnacle Goose in Maryland. MB 44(2):35-37.
MD/1999-189 02/24/1985 Barnacle Goose HARF Deer Creek Kirkwood_D Ringler_RF Ready
DC/1999-190 11/10/1956 Barnacle Goose Anacosta River Abbott_JM et al. Ready
MD/1999-191 11/22/1975 Barnacle Goose KENT Remington Farms DuMont_PG et al. Unreviewable
MD/1999-187 01/02/1986 Barnacle Goose DORC Cambridge Meritt_D Reese_J et al. Unreviewable
MD/1999-192 11/24/1984 Barnacle Goose PGEO Bowie O'Brien_M Unreviewable
MD/1988-024 10/13/1986 Barnacle Goose WICO Fruitland Ringler_RF ID OK/?? Origin
MD/1999-188 01/09/1979 Barnacle Goose DORC Blackwater NWR Julian_P Gniadek_? Unreviewable
MD/1999-193 11/25/1966 Barnacle Goose DORC Blackwater NWR DuMont_PG DuMont_PA et al. Ready
MD/1999-196 12/31/1965 Barnacle Goose KENT Remington Farms Unknown Ready
MD/1999-195 12/19/1982 Barnacle Goose KENT Remington Farms Holmes_D Jeschke_C Reviewable
MD/1997-704 05/08/1981 Barnacle Goose PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Martin_E Unreviewable
MD/1999-194 11/26/1964 Barnacle Goose DORC Blackwater NWR Hake_T et al. Unreviewable
MD/1997-666 01/09/1981 Barnacle Goose ANAR West River Wierenga_H et al. Unreviewable
1988. Wilson, Erika M. Long-billed Curlew in Prince George's County. MB 44(1):29-32.
MD/1988-004 08/30/1987 Long-billed Curlew PGEO Brandywine Wilson_EM Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
1988. editor. The Denton Lark Sparrow: information needed. MYT 8(3):3.
MD/1990-001 12/24/1985 Lark Sparrow CRLN Denton O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1988-018 02/09/1986 Lark Sparrow CRLN Denton Blom_EAT Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
1989. Blom, Eirik A.T . Eurasian Wigeon in Baltimore County. MB 45(1):12-13.
MD/1988-023 03/15/1988 Eurasian Wigeon BALT Loch Raven Reservoir Kaestner_H Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
1989. Blom, Eirik A.T . Yellow-headed Blackbird in Baltimore County. MB 45(4):135-137.
MD/1991-031 02/14/1988 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Chase Blom_EAT Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
1989. Kaestner, Hank. Second record of Swainson's Warbler for Baltimore Co. MB 45(3):79-80.
MD/1988-014 05/03/1987 Swainson's Warbler BALT Phoenix Kaestner_H Simon_SW et al. Accepted
1989. Stasz, James L. Report of the statewide bird count May 13, 1989. MB 45(2):48-64.
MD/2003-225 04/12/1989 Eared Grebe CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Boyd_E et al. Reviewable
MD/1997-702 05/13/1989 Laughing Gull ALGY ?? ??? Unreviewable
1989. Wilson, Erika M. First record of Eurasian Wigeon in Carroll County. MB 45(1):13.
MD/1988-022 03/10/1985 Eurasian Wigeon CARR Piney Run Park Wilson_EM Hawk_MI et al. Accepted
1990. Rambo, Kyle E. White-winged Dove at Patuxent Naval Air Station, St. Mary's County, Maryland. MB 46(1):3.
MD/1995-003 11/04/1988 White-winged Dove STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Rambo_K Bryan_M Accepted
1990. Stasz, James L. Report of the statewide bird count, May 12, 1990. MB 46(2):36.
MD/1991-015 05/25/1988 Sandhill Crane MONT Poolesville Mudd_SH Wilson_EM et al. ID OK/?? Origin
1991. Blom, Eirik A.T . First record of Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea) in Maryland. MB 47(1):3-4.
MD/1986-027 10/19/1985 Curlew Sandpiper BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
1991. Blom, Eirik A.T ., and Robert F . Ringler. First record of Black-legged Kittiwake in Baltimore County. MB 47(4):134-135.
MD/1986-028 10/23/1983 Black-legged Kittiwake BALT Hart-Miller Island Blom_EAT Ringler_RF Accepted
1991. Iliff, Marshall J. Eared Grebe in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. MB 47(3):104-105.
MD/1992-020 03/27/1990 Eared Grebe ANAR South River Iliff_MJ Accepted
1991. Kaestner, Hank. Winter record of Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus) in Baltimore County. MB 47(1):26-27.
MD/1987-027 03/08/1986 Lark Sparrow BALT Loch Raven Reservoir Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
1991. Kaestner, Hank. First record of Gull-billed Tern (Sterna nilotica) for Baltimore County. MB 47(3):79.
MD/1992-003 06/09/1991 Gull-billed T ern BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
1991. O'Brien, Michael. First record of Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) in Maryland. MB 47(4):131.
MD/1991-009 09/11/1990 Northern Wheatear CRLN Hog Island Marsh O'Brien_M Czaplak_DS et al. Accepted
1991. Rambo, Kyle E. Wilson's Storm-Petrels off St. Mary's County, Maryland. MB 47(3):127.
MD/1997-193 06/29/1986 Wilson's Storm-Petrel STMA St. Jerome's Creek Rambo_K Reviewable
Page 26
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
1992. Bazuin, John B. The Wilson's Storm-Petrel in Chesapeake Bay. Raven 63(1):3-14. Virginia Society for Ornithology
MD/2010-034 10/01/1962 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Solomons ??? Reviewable
MD/2010-033 09/23/1972 Wilson's Storm-Petrel TLBT Poplar Island Cohee_T Reviewable
MD/2010-030 07/24/1936 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Kenwood Beach Kaiser_B Reviewable
MD/2010-031 07/30/1985 Wilson's Storm-Petrel STMA Point Lookout SP Jeschke_C Reviewable
MD/2010-032 07/31/1915 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Fisher_AK Reviewable
DC/1999-064 08/15/1842 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? Bender_M McAtee_WL S&R
MD/2010-035 08/15/1955 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT ?? ??? Reviewable
MD/2002-025 06/21/1924 Wilson's Storm-Petrel CLVT Chesapeake Beach Wetmore_A Accepted
MD/2010-029 06/05/1988 Wilson's Storm-Petrel STMA Point Lookout SP Yokel_B Reviewable
DC/1999-057 08/25/1933 Leach's Storm-Petrel Hains Point Deignan_HG S&R
MD/1999-065 06/27/1914 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Marshall Hall Schmid_ES Wood_NR et al. S&R
??/2007-114 07/15/1859 Wilson's Storm-Petrel ?? ??? S&R
MD/1999-058 08/25/1933 Leach's Storm-Petrel PGEO Fort Washington Deignan_HG S&R
MD/1997-246 08/28/1971 Wilson's Storm-Petrel QUAN Wye Island Sharp_R et al. Reviewable
1992. Stasz, James L. Report of statewide bird count, May 9, 1992. MB 48(2):42-54.
MD/1992-038 05/09/1992 Harlequin Duck DORC Elliott Island Armistead_HT Accepted
1993. Miller, Stauffer. A guide to bird finding in Frederick County, Maryland. p. 31.
MD/2003-276 09/16/1992 Clay-colored Sparrow FRDK Nolands Ferry Krueger_H Reviewable
MD/1990-013 05/01/1971 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA Accepted
MD/1991-008 05/30/1988 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens O'Brien_M Mudd_SH et al. Accepted
MD/1991-007 09/22/1990 Red Phalarope FRDK Frederick Miller_S Thrasher_E et al. Accepted
MD/2003-157 02/20/1980 Sandhill Crane FRDK Green Valley Horrocks_H Unreviewable
MD/1991-026 01/20/1991 Northern Shrike FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Czaplak_DS O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1997-383 05/11/1988 Purple Gallinule FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Miller_S Unreviewable
1993. Scarpulla, Eugene J. A lifetime of memories on one rare bird. Birding 25(4):286-287.
MD/1991-004 03/03/1990 Ross's Gull BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Scarpulla_EJ Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
1993. Sibley, David Allen. Birds of Cape May. p. 50. New Jersey Audubon Society
MD/2003-205 11/14/1986 Sandhill Crane ?? ?? ??? Reviewable
1993. Stasz, James L. Report of the statewide bird count, May 8, 1993. MB 49(1-4):41-54.
MD/1994-036 05/08/1993 Mississippi Kite HARF Susquehanna Hall Rd and Broad Effinger_JK Accepted
MD/1997-178 04/18/1993 Clay-colored Sparrow STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Rambo_K Lister_D Reviewable
1993. Williams Jr., E.H., and L. Bunkey-Williams. Three unusual marine bird records. Caribbean Journal of Science 29(1-2):127.
MD/1997-395 10/02/1992 Anhinga CLVT Scientists Cliffs Williams_E Bunkley-Williams Unreviewable
1994. Brady, Alan. White-faced Storm-Petrel at the Baltimore Canyon, Maryland. Cassinia (1992-1993):17.
MD/1994-004 08/22/1993 White-faced Storm-Petrel WORC Atlantic Ocean Larson_L Brady_A et al. Accepted
1994. Coskren, Jane. It really is an Eared Grebe. Howard County Bird Club newsletter 22(5):1. Howard County Chapter of the MOS.
MD/1997-170 03/30/1994 Eared Grebe HWRD Columbia - Centennial Lake Coskren_J Iliff_MJ et al. Reviewable
1994. Wilds, Claudia, and David Czaplak. Yellow-legged Gull (Larus cachinnans) in North America. Wilson Bulletin 106(2):344-356.
MD/1991-024 01/01/1991 Yellow-legged Gull MONT Laytonsville O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/2007-096 01/25/1992 Yellow-legged Gull MONT Laytonsville Czaplak_DS Kruger_? Reviewable
DC/0000-007 12/26/1991 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Hilton_R Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
DC/0000-001 02/01/1990 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Czaplak_DS Wilds_C et al. Accepted
MD/2007-097 01/09/1993 Yellow-legged Gull MONT Laytonsville O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ et al. Reviewable
DC/0000-003 12/18/1990 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Czaplak_DS Janni_O et al. Accepted
DC/2007-098 02/02/1993 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Czaplak_DS Janni_O et al. Reviewable
1995. Czaplak, David. Identifying Common and Hoary Redpolls in winter. Birding 27(6):446-457.
MD/2006-027 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2003-296 11/01/1993 "Greenland" Common Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS Reviewable
MD/1997-140 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Unreviewable
MD/2006-021 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-023 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-022 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/2006-016 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-017 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-026 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-014 03/12/1994 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS O'Brien_PJ et al. Ready
MD/2006-020 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-019 02/05/1994 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS O'Brien_PJ et al. Ready
MD/2006-028 02/08/1994 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown O'Brien_PJ Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-029 02/08/1994 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown O'Brien_PJ et al. Ready
MD/2006-018 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-015 03/12/1994 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS O'Brien_PJ et al. Ready
MD/2006-025 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
MD/2006-024 11/01/1993 Hoary Redpoll MONT Germantown Czaplak_DS et al. Ready
1995. Johnson, Tom. Paradise Lost: tropical bird lands in Liganore. Frederick Post: April 12, 1995 (front page).
MD/1995-028 04/09/1995 Anhinga FRDK Lake Merle Suter_S Holmes_D et al. Accepted
1996. Bowers, Deborah Townsend's Solitaire in Harford County, the first for Maryland MB 52(4):126-129.
MD/1996-027 03/22/1996 T ownsend's Solitaire HARF Street Bowers_D Jett_GM et al. Accepted
1996. Meanley, Brooke. The Patuxent River wild rice marsh. p. 14. The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
MD/1996-016 09/03/1974 Clapper Rail ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Martin_E Accepted
MD/1999-135 10/02/1929 Yellow Rail PGEO Patuxent River Marsh Tremis_J Accepted
MD/1995-018 10/04/1980 Yellow Rail ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Perry_M Martin_E Accepted
MD/1997-247 09/20/1981 Fulvous Whistling-Duck PGEO Jug Bay Natural Area Gregoire_J et al. Accepted
1996. Pemburn, Leanne J. Statewide May Count, 1995. MB 52(4):13-140.
MD/1997-360 05/13/1995 Anhinga WICO Riverton Lawler_E Cashman_L Ready
1996. Peterjohn, Bruce, and Phil Davis. First report of the Maryland/DC Records Committee. MB 52(1):3-43.
MD/1987-011 02/01/1987 Varied Thrush MONT Bethesda Allen_HA Pond_JA Accepted
MD/1987-012 09/14/1986 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Assateague Island O'Brien_J Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
MD/1987-016 09/08/1956 Bell's Vireo WORC Assateague Island Riesz_RP Not Accepted
MD/1987-014 06/08/1986 Sandwich T ern BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Kaestner_P et al. Accepted
MD/1987-015 08/31/1983 Sandwich T ern STMA Point Lookout State Park Wilson_EM et al. Accepted
MD/1987-006 01/03/1978 Mew Gull BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Ringler_RF Blom_EAT et al. Not Accepted
MD/1987-009 03/28/1986 Sandhill Crane HWRD Woodbine St Charles_D Accepted
MD/1990-003 05/07/1989 Varied Thrush MONT Wheaton Russell_JT Not Accepted
MD/1987-002 03/06/1985 Clay-colored Sparrow BALT Stablers Church Road Dixon_B Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
MD/1987-001 12/09/1977 Boreal Chickadee BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Stasz_JL Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1990-002 10/12/1988 Lark Sparrow HWRD Clarksville Wallace_MD Accepted
MD/1987-003 11/09/1985 Yellow-headed Blackbird HWRD Fulton Chestem_M Accepted
MD/1987-004 12/19/1985 Yellow-headed Blackbird MONT Sunshine Chestem_M Dupree_DC Accepted
MD/1987-005 03/31/1986 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Back River Neck Douglass_CS Evans_AB Accepted
MD/1990-001 12/24/1985 Lark Sparrow CRLN Denton O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1987-010 06/07/1986 Bridled T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Czaplak_DS Klockner_W et al. Accepted
MD/1987-008 04/26/1984 Sandhill Crane ALGY Pinto Marsh Simons_T Johnson_D et al. Accepted
MD/1987-017 04/30/1982 Bell's Vireo DORC Elliott Island Miller_JC et al. Not Accepted
MD/1987-007 12/16/1979 Mew Gull BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl O'Brien_PJ O'Brien_M Not Accepted
MD/1987-018 01/16/1984 Eared Grebe BALT Back River Ringler_RF Accepted
MD/1988-025 08/30/1987 Eared Grebe BALT Hart-Miller Island Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1989-010 01/29/1989 Indigo Bunting WICO Whaleyville Webb_PA Not Accepted
MD/1988-014 05/03/1987 Swainson's Warbler BALT Phoenix Kaestner_H Simon_SW et al. Accepted
MD/1989-007 04/17/1988 Ruff FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Vaughn_B et al. Accepted
MD/1988-015 07/11/1984 California Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Sibley_D Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
MD/1988-013 08/18/1986 Bridled T ern WORC Ocean City Swift_C Not Accepted
MD/1988-012 03/28/1987 Curlew Sandpiper CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL et al. Not Accepted
MD/1988-011 02/13/1982 "Bewick's" Swan WORC West Ocean City Sykes_PW et al. Not Accepted
MD/1988-008 10/27/1985 Franklin's Gull BALT Loch Raven Reservoir Kaestner_H et al. Not Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1988-009 06/19/1987 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1988-010 07/01/1987 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1988-016 12/06/1987 Bullock's Oriole TLBT Blackwalnut Point Reese_J et al. Not Accepted
MD/1988-017 12/08/1979 Brewer's Blackbird BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Blom_EAT Orgain_J Accepted
MD/1989-006 11/26/1989 Great Cormorant CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Schutsky_RM Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
MD/1988-018 02/09/1986 Lark Sparrow CRLN Denton Blom_EAT Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
MD/1989-002 12/06/1987 Black-headed Gull CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
MD/1989-001 09/20/1987 Little Stint BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
MD/1988-023 03/15/1988 Eurasian Wigeon BALT Loch Raven Reservoir Kaestner_H Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
MD/1989-003 06/22/1984 Red-cockaded Woodpecker STMA Point Lookout State Park Craig_P Not Accepted
MD/1988-007 05/11/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
MD/1989-004 03/07/1988 White Ibis DORC Blackwater NWR Johnson_B Estrada_S et al. Accepted
MD/1988-021 09/15/1987 Cinnamon T eal QUAN Horsehead Farm Sanctuary Ringler_RF Hren_B et al. Accepted
MD/1988-019 08/20/1987 Sandwich T ern CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1989-005 05/22/1988 Anhinga WORC Big Mill Pond Lee_DS et al. Not Accepted
MD/1988-020 12/06/1987 Little Gull CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Blom_EAT Accepted
MD/1988-022 03/10/1985 Eurasian Wigeon CARR Piney Run Park Wilson_EM Hawk_MI et al. Accepted
MD/1987-019 04/30/1984 frigatebird species WORC Assateague Island Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted-Group
MD/1989-008 10/09/1988 Black-legged Kittiwake TLBT Bellevue Armistead_HT et al. Accepted
MD/1988-005 12/10/1983 Baird's Sandpiper BALT Hart-Miller Island Ringler_RF Accepted
MD/1987-024 04/23/1982 Ruff DORC Blackwater NWR Coble_L et al. Accepted
MD/1987-025 08/14/1984 California Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park O'Brien_M O'Brien_J Accepted
MD/1987-026 05/16/1984 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher DORC Blackwater NWR Rollfinke_BF et al. Accepted
MD/1988-024 10/13/1986 Barnacle Goose WICO Fruitland Ringler_RF ID OK/?? Origin
MD/1987-023 04/16/1982 Ruff DORC Blackwater NWR Ellison_WG Martin_NL et al. Accepted
MD/1987-022 05/25/1986 Black-necked Stilt BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1987-020 12/29/1986 Broad-winged Hawk WORC West Ocean City Armistead_HT et al. Not Accepted
MD/1989-009 10/09/1963 Hammond's Flycatcher WORC Ocean City Gibson_DD Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
MD/1987-021 05/11/1984 Caribbean Coot MONT Hughes Hollow Mudd_SH et al. Not Accepted
MD/1990-005 08/14/1988 Red Phalarope BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Kaestner_P Accepted
MD/1987-028 04/13/1987 Eared Grebe CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1987-029 05/02/1987 Eared Grebe CLVT Chesapeake Beach Boyd_E Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1987-031 06/27/1987 Mississippi Kite PGEO Lanham Murphy_B Not Accepted
MD/1988-002 08/27/1986 Piping Plover HWRD Triadelphia Reservoir Wallace_MD Not Accepted
MD/1988-003 06/12/1976 Long-billed Curlew SMST Deal Island WMA Pyle_P Accepted
MD/1988-004 08/30/1987 Long-billed Curlew PGEO Brandywine Wilson_EM Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1988-001 12/16/1984 Western Grebe BALT Loch Raven Reservoir Ringler_RF Noell_P et al. Accepted
MD/1988-006 10/03/1987 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher WASH Antietam National Battlefield Czaplak_DS Grove_L et al. Accepted
MD/1987-037 08/28/1987 Wood Stork MONT Barnesville Thoerle_L et al. Not Accepted
MD/1987-035 05/17/1987 Black-necked Stilt CLVT Cove Point Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1987-032 02/24/1987 Sandhill Crane ANAR Annapolis McMullen_K et al. Not Accepted
MD/1987-033 05/02/1987 Sandhill Crane MONT Little Bennett Regional Park DeMoll_E et al. Accepted
MD/1987-034 05/02/1987 Piping Plover CLVT Cove Point Boyd_E Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1987-036 03/15/1987 American Avocet HWRD Lake Elkhorn Waugh_D Waugh_M et al. Accepted
MD/1986-027 10/19/1985 Curlew Sandpiper BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
MD/1986-029 05/24/1983 Swainson's Warbler BALT St. Timothy's School Ross_BM Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1983-019 11/19/1976 Curlew Sandpiper DORC Blackwater NWR Carlson_CW Walker_J Not Accepted
MD/1983-020 10/15/1977 Curlew Sandpiper WORC Ocean City Slaughter_E Not Accepted
MD/1983-021 09/15/1979 Buff-breasted Sandpiper HWRD Green Manor Turf Farm Blom_EAT Accepted
MD/1983-022 03/18/1978 California Gull BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Stasz_JL Boyd_E Not Accepted
MD/1983-018 05/02/1959 Curlew Sandpiper WORC West Ocean City Dyke_SH Not Accepted
MD/1983-016 01/10/1971 Arctic Loon WORC Ocean City Carlson_CW et al. Not Accepted
MD/1983-017 06/14/1980 Black-capped Petrel WORC Atlantic Ocean Hoffman_ML et al. Not Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1983-014 06/24/1978 Mississippi Kite BALT Owings Mills Boyd_E Not Accepted
MD/1983-015 07/09/1982 Mississippi Kite TLBT Wittman Effinger_JK Not Accepted
MD/1983-013 12/16/1979 Barrow's Goldeneye KENT Eastern Neck NWR Parks_F et al. Not Accepted
MD/1983-023 03/04/1980 California Gull BALT Cabin Branch Stasz_JL Boyd_E Not Accepted
MD/1983-025 05/10/1981 California Gull BALT Pleasure Island Kaestner_H Not Accepted
MD/1985-001 09/18/1978 Common Ground-Dove HARF Bel Air Graham_CR Not Accepted
MD/1985-002 11/16/1982 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Assateague Island Slaughter_E Slaughter_C Not Accepted
MD/1985-003 09/20/1980 Western Wood-Pewee KENT Damsite Gruber_J et al. Not Accepted
MD/1983-024 10/26/1980 California Gull BALT Back River Stasz_JL Not Accepted
MD/1983-030 10/30/1970 Chestnut-collared Longspur ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H Robbins_CS et al. Not Accepted
MD/1983-028 05/28/1982 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher CECL Elkton McCandless_S Not Accepted
MD/1983-029 07/01/1979 Western Kingbird MONT Hughes Hollow Czaplak_DS Prybis_R Accepted
MD/1983-026 12/03/1974 Lesser Nighthawk CLVT Plum Point Fales_JH Not Accepted
MD/1983-027 11/11/1982 Swainson's Hawk CECL Elkton McCandless_S Not Accepted
MD/1983-012 11/07/1981 Spotted Redshank CLVT Chesapeake Beach Kraus_W Not Accepted
MD/1983-011 09/05/1981 Yellow Rail BALT Ft McHenry Natl. Mon. Bielenberg_W et al. Not Accepted
MD/1983-010 09/12/1982 Baird's Sandpiper HWRD Triadelphia Reservoir Mudd_SH Mudd_M et al. Accepted
DC/0000-006 11/01/1988 Black Scoter Hains Point Czaplak_DS Accepted
DC/0000-007 12/26/1991 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Hilton_R Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
DC/0000-008 08/26/1990 American Avocet Potomac River Czaplak_DS Hilton_R et al. Accepted
DC/0000-009 04/15/1990 Eared Grebe Hains Point Czaplak_DS Gough_G et al. Accepted
DC/0000-005 10/03/1988 frigatebird species Potomac River Coggin_RA Williams_JP Accepted-Group
DC/0000-003 12/18/1990 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Czaplak_DS Janni_O et al. Accepted
DC/0000-004 10/22/1988 Golden Eagle Georgetown Reservoir Czaplak_DS White_T Accepted
MD/1986-030 10/15/1985 Northern Wheatear BALT McDonogh School Keimig_W Not Accepted
DC/0000-002 05/07/1988 Seaside Sparrow Anacostia Naval Air Station Czaplak_DS et al. Accepted
DC/0000-010 07/21/1991 Black-necked Stilt National Airport Jennison_MB Accepted
DC/0000-011 10/04/1991 Lark Sparrow Rock Creek Park Janni_O et al. Accepted
MD/1983-001 04/14/1979 Roseate Spoonbill SMST Smith Island Baugh_DR et al. Accepted
MD/2010-039 10/26/1990 White-tailed Kite ALGY T own Hill Paulus_JF Twigg_MG et al. Circulating
MD/1983-008 04/26/1980 Le Conte's Sparrow WASH Antietam National Battlefield Cheevers_JW et al. Not Accepted
MD/1983-009 12/17/1981 Snow Bunting CARR Sykesville Ellis_B Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1983-007 10/23/1977 Le Conte's Sparrow WORC Ocean City Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1983-006 09/02/1978 Anhinga TLBT Ferry Neck Armistead_HT Not Accepted
MD/1983-005 09/23/1978 Fork-tailed Flycatcher ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
MD/1983-002 06/11/1981 Western Grebe GRTT Broadford Reservoir Pope_F Phillips_C et al. Accepted
MD/1983-003 03/07/1981 Great Cormorant CRLN Martinak State Park Slaughter_E et al. Accepted
MD/1983-004 10/07/1978 Common Eider STMA Point Lookout State Park Willoughby_E et al. Not Accepted
MD/1985-004 10/19/1982 Little Stint QUAN Horsehead Farm Sanctuary Limpert_RJ et al. Not Accepted
MD/1995-022 05/03/1983 Gray Kingbird ANAR Arnold Van_Velsir_G Van_Velsir_S Accepted
MD/1992-003 06/09/1991 Gull-billed T ern BALT Hart-Miller Island Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
MD/1985-007 04/10/1971 Barrow's Goldeneye WORC Ocean City Carlson_CW et al. Not Accepted
MD/1986-014 03/04/1983 Eared Grebe CLVT North Beach Kraus_W Gregoire_J et al. Not Accepted
MD/1986-015 10/16/1983 Eared Grebe BALT Hart-Miller Island Blom_EAT Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1986-016 05/28/1973 Sabine's Gull WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PG Not Accepted
MD/1986-017 05/09/1976 Sabine's Gull WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1986-013 04/28/1983 Eared Grebe ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Wierenga_H Klockner_W et al. Accepted
MD/1986-011 04/07/1981 Eared Grebe BALT Masonville Blom_EAT Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1986-012 09/27/1982 Eared Grebe CARR Piney Run Park Ringler_RF Accepted
MD/1986-009 05/09/1985 Sprague's Pipit FRDK New Design Road Stovel_R Hoyt_G Not Accepted
MD/1986-010 08/11/1979 Lark Sparrow ALGY Rouge Lagoon Paulus_JF Accepted
MD/1986-008 05/13/1983 Swallow-tailed Kite CRLN T anyard Trever_K Accepted
MD/1986-018 05/21/1976 Sabine's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Carlson_CW Wierenga_Harold et al. Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1986-026 05/26/1985 Limpkin HWRD Lake Way Drive (Benson Branch) Solem_J McClure_M et al. Accepted
MD/1990-004 03/12/1989 Red Phalarope MONT Great Falls Jones_S Not Accepted
MD/1986-028 10/23/1983 Black-legged Kittiwake BALT Hart-Miller Island Blom_EAT Ringler_RF Accepted
MD/1986-019 05/28/1973 Arctic T ern WORC Assateague Island DuMont_PG Not Accepted
MD/1986-025 07/13/1980 Ruby-crowned Kinglet WICO Athol Blom_EAT Ringler_RF Not Accepted
MD/1986-023 11/13/1983 Great Skua CLVT Chesapeake Beach Williamson_JP Coes_D Not Accepted
MD/1986-024 06/02/1963 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher TLBT Bailey's Neck Oakley_D et al. Accepted
MD/1986-021 05/12/1978 Magnificent Frigatebird WORC Assawoman Bay Slaughter_E Not Accepted
MD/1986-022 11/24/1979 Fulvous Whistling-Duck KENT Eastern Neck NWR Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1986-007 06/01/1979 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Jacksonville Reid_M et al. Not Accepted
MD/1986-006 05/25/1978 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Owings Mills Smyth_JD_Jr Accepted
MD/1986-004 04/30/1983 T ownsend's Warbler BALT Cockeysville Jump_S Not Accepted
MD/1985-013 10/19/1981 Clay-colored Sparrow MONT Rockville O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1985-014 05/07/1983 Anhinga WORC Berlin Humphreys_M Bruckmann_F Accepted
MD/1985-012 05/09/1981 Anhinga ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Blom_EAT Orgain_J Accepted
MD/1985-010 11/02/1983 Pine Grosbeak BALT Timonium Kaestner_H Not Accepted
MD/1985-008 05/17/1981 Common Redshank KENT Worton Parks_F Gruber_J Not Accepted
MD/1985-009 03/27/1984 Barrow's Goldeneye CLVT STMA Patuxent River Runkles_RR et al. Not Accepted
MD/1985-017 04/17/1984 Swainson's Hawk ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Klockner_W Accepted
MD/1985-018 12/11/1983 Whooper Swan CRLN Greensboro Allen_H Riddleburger_J Not Accepted
MD/1985-019 11/27/1982 Sandhill Crane TLBT Tilghman Island Rollefson_L Accepted
MD/1986-001 10/11/1979 Lesser Nighthawk BALT Memorial Stadium Resch_M Suter_S et al. Not Accepted
MD/1986-002 08/18/1979 Red-cockaded Woodpecker CLVT Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Conn_R Not Accepted
MD/1986-003 10/03/1981 Vermilion Flycatcher CECL Turkey Point Russell_RW McCandless_S Not Accepted
MD/1985-025 04/12/1977 Roseate T ern BALT Back River Stasz_JL et al. Not Accepted
MD/1985-024 12/23/1970 Mountain Bluebird ALGY Oldtown Paulus_JF Accepted
MD/1985-023 04/08/1974 Red-breasted Sapsucker WORC Pocomoke River State Park O'Brien_PJ O'Brien_J et al. Not Accepted
MD/1985-020 05/18/1983 Burrowing Owl GRTT Gortner Pope_F et al. Accepted
MD/1985-021 10/27/1983 Arctic Loon PGEO Potomac River Abbott_JM Abbott_DF Not Accepted
MD/1985-022 08/26/1973 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper MONT Seneca Carlson_CW Abbott_JM et al. Not Accepted
MD/1985-006 07/21/1979 Long-billed Dowitcher ALGY Rouge Lagoon Paulus_JF Hodgdon_KY et al. Not Accepted
MD/1985-005 03/13/1983 Barrow's Goldeneye STMA Point Lookout State Park Straub_JE Not Accepted
MD/1987-027 03/08/1986 Lark Sparrow BALT Loch Raven Reservoir Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
MD/1994-025 12/11/1977 Varied Thrush HWRD Savage Solem_J et al. Accepted
MD/1992-001 08/22/1989 Eared Grebe ANAR Sandy Point State Park Haury_AG Hilton_R et al. Accepted
MD/1992-002 08/06/1989 Gull-billed T ern DORC Hurlock Wastewater Treatment P O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1991-033 09/19/1990 Yellow-headed Blackbird WORC Assateague Island Chynoweth_J et al. Accepted
MD/1991-032 03/04/1990 Yellow-headed Blackbird CECL Rising Sun Fogleman_H et al. Accepted
DC/0000-001 02/01/1990 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Czaplak_DS Wilds_C et al. Accepted
MD/1994-027 02/14/1994 Prairie Falcon ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Swarth_C Not Accepted
MD/1992-004 12/29/1987 Lincoln's Sparrow WORC Ocean City O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1992-005 09/14/1986 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Assateague Island O'Brien_M O'Brien_J et al. Accepted
MD/1992-008 08/13/1988 Yellow-headed Blackbird DORC Blackwater NWR O'Brien_M Not Accepted
MD/1992-007 03/28/1991 Eared Grebe CLVT Chesapeake Beach Kraus_W Not Accepted
MD/1992-006 02/10/1991 Eared Grebe WORC Ocean City O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1994-041 11/28/1993 Ross's Goose QUAN Starr Iliff_MJ Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1994-028 02/13/1994 Bohemian Waxwing WORC Assateague Island Hoffman_ML O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/1994-039 06/07/1994 Mississippi Kite ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Ricciardi_S Accepted
MD/1994-022 09/26/1991 Red Phalarope MONT Sycamore Landing O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/1991-031 02/14/1988 Yellow-headed Blackbird BALT Chase Blom_EAT Kaestner_H et al. Accepted
MD/1992-039 01/04/1992 Ross's Goose DORC Blackwater NWR Gustafson_M O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1992-032 02/09/1992 Least Bittern FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens White_T et al. Accepted
MD/1995-014 05/25/1971 Limpkin FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
Page 31
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1994-019 06/07/1992 Roseate T ern WORC Ocean City Hoffman_ML O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1994-008 04/09/1991 Ruff ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Mumford_DM et al. Accepted
MD/1993-002 04/28/1990 Swainson's Hawk ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Ricciardi_S Murphy_B et al. Not Accepted
MD/1994-007 07/10/1985 Gull-billed T ern ANAR Sandy Point State Park O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ Accepted
MD/1992-009 10/20/1991 Yellow-headed Blackbird HWRDMONT Triadelphia Reservoir Elgert_G Not Accepted
MD/1995-025 09/25/1994 Bullock's Oriole DORC Blackwater NWR Peterjohn_B et al. Accepted
MD/1994-003 03/11/1993 guillemot species ANAR Chesapeake Bay Wheeler_J et al. Accepted-Group
MD/1994-021 03/02/1991 Falcated Duck MONT Laytonsville Hilton_R Czaplak_DS et al. ID OK/?? Origin
MD/1994-020 06/18/1994 Roseate T ern WORC Ocean City Iliff_MJ Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/1994-001 05/20/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Not Accepted
MD/1992-031 03/15/1992 Sprague's Pipit FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Hershberger_WL Not Accepted
MD/1994-002 05/18/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wierenga_H et al. Not Accepted
MD/1994-004 08/22/1993 White-faced Storm-Petrel WORC Atlantic Ocean Larson_L Brady_A et al. Accepted
MD/1994-009 09/04/1991 Ruff BALT Hart-Miller Island O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1992-010 01/25/1992 Yellow-headed Blackbird DORC Blackwater NWR Mozurkewich_D Accepted
MD/1992-012 04/02/1991 Brewer's Blackbird CRLN Hog Island Marsh O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1992-028 09/29/1991 Vermilion Flycatcher WORC Assateague Island Czaplak_DS T odd_MA et al. Accepted
MD/1993-008 11/28/1992 Painted Bunting PGEO Beltsville Williams_T Wachter_H et al. Accepted
MD/1992-027 09/28/1991 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Atlantic Ocean Czaplak_DS O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1992-025 07/08/1990 Pomarine Jaeger MONT Seneca O'Brien_PJ Czaplak_DS Accepted
MD/1992-026 10/06/1990 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Atlantic Ocean O'Brien_PJ O'Brien_M et al. Not Accepted
MD/1993-007 12/29/1991 Painted Bunting WORC Stockton Hilton_R et al. Accepted
MD/1995-001 09/30/1994 Black-throated Gray Warbler TLBT Easton Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1994-033 10/17/1993 Yellow Rail ALGY Pinto Marsh Miller_S Accepted
MD/1993-001 05/21/1976 Franklin's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Wilds_C et al. Accepted
MD/1992-030 08/19/1983 Sedge Wren MONT Rockville O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1995-003 11/04/1988 White-winged Dove STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Rambo_K Bryan_M Accepted
MD/1993-004 03/14/1992 Swainson's Hawk MONT Laytonsville Spector_D Not Accepted
MD/1993-006 04/28/1991 Arctic T ern WORC Ocean City - Fourth Street Fla DeBellevue_E et al. Not Accepted
MD/1992-024 01/28/1979 Yellow-headed Blackbird HWRD Columbia Solem_J Krishnamoorthy_M et al. Accepted
MD/1992-023 10/01/1982 Red Phalarope HWRD Columbia Eccles_SD Solem_J et al. Accepted
MD/1993-009 12/04/1992 Ash-throated Flycatcher DORC Blackwater NWR Mudd_SH Janni_O et al. Accepted
MD/1992-022 03/25/1992 Eared Grebe ANAR South River Mumford_DM Not Accepted
MD/1992-015 07/15/1991 Wilson's Storm-Petrel SMST Smith Island Rogers_WC et al. Not Accepted
MD/1992-014 12/22/1985 Bobolink MONT Seneca O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1992-013 11/14/1991 Brewer's Blackbird DORC Shorter's Wharf Wilson_EM et al. Accepted
MD/1994-029 10/11/1993 Rock Wren WORC Assateague Island Scarpulla_EJ Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/1994-042 10/15/1994 Ross's Goose WORC Snow Hill O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1995-010 09/06/1979 Sooty T ern CLVT Plum Point Fales_JH et al. Accepted
MD/1992-011 02/28/1991 Brewer's Blackbird DORC Shorter's Wharf O'Brien_M Augustine_B et al. Accepted
MD/1994-030 11/01/1985 Black-legged Kittiwake CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1992-016 07/23/1991 Wilson's Storm-Petrel SMST Smith Island Osenton_PC et al. Accepted
MD/1992-021 03/22/1992 Eared Grebe ANAR Bay Ridge Mumford_DM Not Accepted
MD/1992-020 03/27/1990 Eared Grebe ANAR South River Iliff_MJ Accepted
MD/1992-019 01/26/1991 Northern Shrike HWRD Marriottsville Haft_D Renfrew_C Not Accepted
MD/1992-018 12/22/1986 Brown Pelican CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Fraunfelter_RK Accepted
MD/1992-017 10/13/1981 Brown Pelican BALT CARR Liberty Reservoir Kaestner_H Ringler_RF et al. Accepted
MD/1994-031 12/13/1992 Black-legged Kittiwake HARF Conowingo Wortman_J Olsen_B et al. Accepted
MD/1995-018 10/04/1980 Yellow Rail ANAR Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Perry_M Martin_E Accepted
MD/1995-023 01/14/1963 Lazuli Bunting BALT Timonium Garland_M Simon_SW et al. Accepted
MD/1992-033 08/29/1991 Fulvous Whistling-Duck MONT Hughes Hollow Homan_D Not Accepted
MD/1991-001 09/13/1990 Yellow-legged Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park O'Brien_M Not Accepted
MD/1992-034 12/31/1984 Ross's Goose DORC Blackwater NWR O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
Page 32
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1995-021 06/14/1975 Gray Kingbird WORC Girdletree Holmes_D Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/1990-019 10/09/1988 Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow HWRD Univ. Maryland Central Farm Atkinson_S Accepted
MD/1990-020 02/04/1989 Harris's Sparrow WORC Nassawango Iron Furnace Pinckard_CE Not Accepted
MD/1991-002 11/11/1989 Fulvous Whistling-Duck DORC Blackwater NWR Mudd_SH Hilton_R et al. Accepted
MD/1994-016 05/09/1992 Red-necked Phalarope DORC Elliott Island Armistead_HT Accepted
MD/1994-015 08/31/1993 Red-necked Phalarope FRDK Emmitsburg O'Brien_PJ Accepted
MD/1991-006 10/21/1989 Red Phalarope HWRD Centennial Park Wilkinson_J et al. Accepted
MD/1994-010 02/24/1994 Bronzed Cowbird ANAR Ft Meade Stinson_D Not Accepted
MD/1991-005 09/24/1989 Red Phalarope ANAR Sandy Point State Park Ricciardi_S Davidson_L et al. Accepted
MD/1991-004 03/03/1990 Ross's Gull BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Scarpulla_EJ Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
MD/1991-003 11/04/1989 Harlequin Duck ANAR Sandy Point State Park Iliff_MJ Wierenga_H et al. Accepted
MD/1990-018 12/22/1989 Red-cockaded Woodpecker CHAS Waldorf Kriemelmeyer_M Not Accepted
MD/1991-007 09/22/1990 Red Phalarope FRDK Frederick Miller_S Thrasher_E et al. Accepted
MD/1990-015 01/03/1988 Northern Shrike PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Klimkiewicz_K et al. Accepted
MD/1990-008 07/11/1989 Wood Stork BALT Hampton Czaplak_DS Mudd_SH et al. Accepted
MD/1990-009 11/25/1989 Ross's Goose DORC Blackwater NWR Armistead_HT Armistead_GL et al. Accepted
MD/1990-007 03/16/1975 Atlantic Puffin WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1991-015 05/25/1988 Sandhill Crane MONT Poolesville Mudd_SH Wilson_EM et al. ID OK/?? Origin
MD/1994-017 11/27/1981 Ross's Goose DORC Blackwater NWR O'Brien_PJ O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1990-006 02/01/1975 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Kelly_J et al. Accepted
MD/1994-018 06/18/1991 Roseate T ern WORC Ocean City Inlet O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1990-010 12/03/1988 White-rumped Sandpiper FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Whitcomb_S Accepted
MD/1990-014 11/09/1988 Rufous Hummingbird MONT T akoma Park Klimkiewicz_K Mudd_SH et al. Accepted
MD/1990-013 05/01/1971 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Rowlett_RA Accepted
MD/1990-012 11/08/1952 Rufous Hummingbird FRDK Emmitsburg Richards_JW Not Accepted
MD/1986-005 10/17/1982 Black-headed Grosbeak HWRD Fulton Munro_RB Not Accepted
MD/1990-011 03/09/1989 White-winged Dove CECL Appleton O'Brien_PJ O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1990-016 10/24/1989 Swainson's Hawk FRDK Washington Monument State Park Burke_L Murray_L et al. Not Accepted
MD/1991-008 05/30/1988 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens O'Brien_M Mudd_SH et al. Accepted
MD/1992-036 05/18/1991 King Eider WORC Ocean City O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1993-003 11/04/1991 Swainson's Hawk WASH Hancock Hull_C Not Accepted
MD/2002-011 12/28/1989 Black Guillemot WORC Assateague Island O'Brien_PJ Mills_LE Not Accepted
MD/1991-025 01/05/1991 Northern Shrike HWRD Schooley Mill Park Magnusson_NC Ott_B et al. Accepted
MD/1991-024 01/01/1991 Yellow-legged Gull MONT Laytonsville O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/1991-023 04/28/1990 Mississippi Kite ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Murphy_B Young_W et al. Not Accepted
MD/1992-037 11/05/1991 King Eider MONT Laytonsville O'Brien_M Hilton_R et al. Accepted
MD/1991-026 01/20/1991 Northern Shrike FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Czaplak_DS O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1991-027 10/29/1990 California Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park O'Brien_M Blom_EAT et al. Accepted
MD/1991-028 01/09/1985 Lesser Yellowlegs FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1994-011 01/17/1993 Ross's Goose DORC Blackwater NWR Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
MD/1991-030 07/10/1989 Wood Stork CLVT Cove Point O'Brien_M Stasz_JL et al. Accepted
MD/1994-034 05/17/1992 Curlew Sandpiper BALT Hart-Miller Island Ricciardi_S Stasz_JL et al. Accepted
MD/1992-038 05/09/1992 Harlequin Duck DORC Elliott Island Armistead_HT Accepted
MD/1991-022 05/11/1990 Mississippi Kite MONT Rockville O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1991-021 05/11/1991 Great Cormorant MONT Seneca Murphy_B Young_W et al. Not Accepted
MD/1994-012 12/31/1990 Sandhill Crane TLBT Trappe Iliff_MJ O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1991-019 11/10/1989 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher HWRD Savage Murdoch_F Not Accepted
MD/1991-020 09/26/1989 Great Cormorant MONT Sycamore Landing O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1991-011 05/09/1984 Clay-colored Sparrow MONT Rockville O'Brien_M Augustine_B Accepted
MD/1991-010 10/09/1982 Clay-colored Sparrow MONT Rockville O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1994-014 09/26/1991 Red-necked Phalarope MONT Seneca O'Brien_M O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/1991-009 09/11/1990 Northern Wheatear CRLN Hog Island Marsh O'Brien_M Czaplak_DS et al. Accepted
MD/1991-013 10/10/1987 Clay-colored Sparrow MONT Rockville O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1991-014 09/16/1990 Clay-colored Sparrow WORC Assateague Island O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1991-012 10/01/1985 Clay-colored Sparrow MONT Rockville O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1991-018 08/21/1990 Western Kingbird MONT Pennyfield Lock Bonham_LD Not Accepted
MD/1994-013 01/04/1994 Sandhill Crane QUAN Wye Mills Therres_G Accepted
MD/1991-017 12/28/1985 Western Kingbird WORC Berlin O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1991-016 08/16/1989 Sandhill Crane GRTT Bittinger T alliaferro_WB et al. Accepted
1996. Robbins, Chandler S., Eirik A.T . Blom, et al. Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia. MD/DC Atlas (1996):438. University of Pittsburgh Press.
MD/2006-090 07/20/1986 Monk Parakeet ANAR Davidsonville ??? Reviewable
MD/2004-085 07/15/1972 Monk Parakeet MONT Silver Spring Kessler_S Reviewable
MD/2006-074 07/06/1973 Monk Parakeet PGEO Beltsville Keane_Mrs Robbins_S Reviewable
MD/1989-003 06/22/1984 Red-cockaded Woodpecker STMA Point Lookout State Park Craig_P Not Accepted
MD/1999-138 06/02/1932 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/1999-139 04/08/1933 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Golden Hill Smith_FR S&R
MD/2003-008 03/26/1976 Red-cockaded Woodpecker DORC Blackwater NWR Willey_G et al. Unreviewable
MD/1997-745 06/09/1939 Red-cockaded Woodpecker WORC Assateague Island Meanley_B S&R
MD/1997-627 07/07/1962 Bachman's Sparrow ALGY Green Ridge Scheider_FG Johnson_M et al. Unreviewable
1997. Brinkley, Edward S., et al. The storms of '96. FN 51(4):819-829.
DC/1999-014 09/06/1996 Roseate T ern Potomac River Pisano_P Unreviewable
MD/1997-589 09/07/1996 Roseate T ern PGEO Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Pisano_P Unreviewable
1997. Hess, Gene K. Sooty Tern (Sterna fuscata) specimen from Ocean City, Maryland. MB 53(2):43.
MD/1997-731 08/05/1995 Sooty T ern WORC Ocean City Hess_G Accepted
1997. Johnston, David W. A review of 19th century Yellow Rail records from Virginia. The Raven 68(2):116-117.
DC/1999-209 04/14/1893 Yellow Rail Hasbrouck_EM Accepted
DC/1999-216 03/28/1884 Yellow Rail Potomac River Skinner_A Accepted
DC/1999-207 10/04/1879 Yellow Rail Potomac River Clark_TE Accepted
1997. Rambo, Kyle E. Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana) in St. Mary's County, Maryland. MB 53(4):121-122.
MD/1997-751 09/22/1997 Fork-tailed Flycatcher STMA Chaptico Rambo_K Craig_P et al. Accepted
1998. Brinkley, Edward S., and Brian J. Patteson. Gadfly petrels in the western North Atlantic. Birding World 11(9):341-354.
MD/1997-500 07/18/1979 Black-capped Petrel WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA Accepted
??/2003-467 08/16/1966 Black-capped Petrel ?? Atlantic Ocean ??? Reviewable
1998. Hoffman, Mark L., and Phil Davis. Second report of the Maryland/DC Records Committee. MB 54(1):3-26.
MD/1994-032 05/14/1992 Yellow Rail MONT Potomac Jaffin_J Accepted
MD/1996-019 05/01/1993 Bewick's Wren MONT Violette's Lock Peterjohn_B Accepted
MD/1997-495 02/07/1997 Barrow's Goldeneye STMA Saint George Island Craig_P Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/1997-455 07/11/1996 Roseate Spoonbill SMST Smith Island Haramis_M Harrison_M et al. Accepted
MD/1997-450 09/10/1996 Anhinga ALGY T own Hill Paulus_JF Accepted
MD/1997-448 08/18/1996 Long-tailed Jaeger WORC Atlantic Ocean Czaplak_DS O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1997-492 09/08/1905 Masked Duck CECL Elkton - Elk River Marshes Smith_JC Houghton_C et al. Accepted
MD/1996-003 05/26/1994 American White Pelican ANARPGEO Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary Kearns_G Accepted
MD/1997-496 03/18/1997 Tufted Duck CLVT Jefferson Patterson Park Bell_T Craig_P et al. Accepted
DC/1997-439 08/11/1960 Anhinga National Arboretum Donnald_MT et al. Accepted
MD/1997-447 08/31/1996 Anhinga ALGY T own Hill Paulus_JF Kiddy_R Accepted
MD/1995-040 02/08/1993 Painted Bunting STMA Hollywood Craig_P Accepted
MD/1997-473 01/19/1997 Gyrfalcon KENT Chestertown Millar_B et al. Not Accepted
MD/1995-037 12/13/1993 Painted Bunting CECL Elkton Griffith_G Hawkins_R et al. Accepted
MD/1995-036 06/06/1993 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck CLVT Potts Point Mattel_A Accepted
MD/1994-026 08/01/1992 Arctic T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean O'Brien_M Patteson_B et al. Accepted
MD/1996-004 05/31/1972 Swallow-tailed Kite DORC Blackwater NWR Julian_WH DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
MD/1996-001 07/23/1987 American White Pelican HARF Havre de Grace Brady_A Meyer_W et al. Accepted
MD/1997-456 10/26/1996 California Gull BALT Hart-Miller Island Scarpulla_EJ Blom_EAT Accepted
MD/1996-002 09/12/1992 American White Pelican WORC Assateague Island Olsen_B et al. Accepted
MD/1995-039 01/20/1995 Painted Bunting WORC Berlin Hoffman_ML Accepted
MD/1997-630 01/22/1997 Barrow's Goldeneye STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Rambo_K Craig_P et al. Accepted
Page 34
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1997-465 05/04/1996 Pine Grosbeak BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Smith_EL Not Accepted
MD/1993-005 07/02/1991 Arctic T ern WORC Ocean City O'Brien_M Not Accepted
MD/1997-471 01/04/1997 Pacific Loon WORC Ocean City Ribaudo_M Not Accepted
MD/1997-465 05/04/1996 Pine Grosbeak BALT Back River Sewage Treatment Pl Smith_EL Not Accepted
MD/1995-038 12/27/1993 Painted Bunting WORC Berlin Jett_GM et al. Accepted
MD/1997-471 01/04/1997 Pacific Loon WORC Ocean City Ribaudo_M Not Accepted
MD/1997-423 02/26/1995 Thick-billed Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean O'Brien_M Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/1996-027 03/22/1996 T ownsend's Solitaire HARF Street Bowers_D Jett_GM et al. Accepted
MD/1997-418 05/27/1996 Anhinga ANAR Patuxent Research Refuge Peterjohn_B Osenton_PC et al. Accepted
MD/1996-043 11/19/1986 Fulvous Whistling-Duck PGEO Nottingham Kearns_G et al. Accepted
MD/1995-013 12/29/1976 Common Murre WORC Ocean City Inlet Rowlett_RA DuMont_PG et al. Accepted
MD/1995-026 04/24/1994 Western Grebe WORC Assateague Island Jett_GM Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/1995-015 10/24/1971 Sage Thrasher WORC Assateague Island Rowlett_RA Accepted
MD/1996-042 11/11/1985 Fulvous Whistling-Duck STMA Point Lookout State Park Weber_RF Accepted
MD/1995-019 08/06/1994 White-winged T ern WORC Assateague Island Dobbins_B et al. Not Accepted
MD/1995-016 09/04/1992 White-tailed Kite PGEO College Park Bender_R Holms_J Not Accepted
MD/1996-017 11/03/1975 Groove-billed Ani KENT Millington Loughry_D Dierner_R Accepted
MD/1995-012 04/11/1982 Sandhill Crane HARF Madonna Kirkwood_D Kirkwood_J et al. Accepted
DC/0000-012 01/14/1972 Bohemian Waxwing National Arboretum Newman_B et al. Accepted
MD/1997-093 01/23/1993 California Gull MONT Laytonsville Landfill Mackiernan_G et al. Accepted
DC/1997-091 01/15/1993 California Gull Georgetown Reservoir Janni_O et al. Accepted
MD/1996-045 02/28/1996 Barrow's Goldeneye STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Craig_P Rambo_K et al. Accepted
MD/1996-049 12/29/1993 Le Conte's Sparrow WORC Gray's Creek O'Brien_PJ Iliff_MJ et al. Accepted
MD/1996-047 10/14/1966 Baird's Sparrow WORC North Ocean City Van_Velzen_W Cole_G Accepted
MD/1996-046 04/04/1969 Sprague's Pipit ANAR Sandy Point State Park Murphy_L Not Accepted
MD/1995-011 12/27/1974 Le Conte's Sparrow WORC Ocean Pines Klimkiewicz_K Vaughn_C et al. Accepted
MD/1996-028 11/27/1976 Smith's Longspur WORC Assateague Island Hoffman_ML Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1996-018 05/11/1974 Red-cockaded Woodpecker PGEO Patuxent Research Refuge Meanley_B Perry_M Accepted
MD/1995-020 08/14/1994 White-winged T ern STMA Point Lookout State Park Rambo_K Craig_P Not Accepted
MD/1996-032 02/17/1967 Harris's Sparrow PGEO Greenbelt Hailman_J et al. Accepted
MD/1996-031 01/23/1965 Harris's Sparrow HWRD Columbia Baysinger_E Accepted
MD/1996-033 01/06/1968 Harris's Sparrow PGEO Greenbelt Hailman_J Accepted
MD/1996-030 01/23/1965 Harris's Sparrow HWRD Columbia Baysinger_E Accepted
MD/1996-026 05/20/1996 Cave Swallow CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Not Accepted
MD/1997-422 02/25/1995 Common Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1996-029 11/24/1995 Western Grebe KENT Eastern Neck NWR Iliff_MJ et al. Accepted
MD/1994-040 10/20/1992 Ross's Goose WORC Snow Hill O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1996-034 11/19/1968 Harris's Sparrow PGEO Greenbelt Hailman_J Accepted
MD/1996-037 01/15/1988 Harris's Sparrow WASH Hagerstown Brandenburg_H Accepted
MD/1996-041 11/02/1984 Fulvous Whistling-Duck KENT Remington Farms White_J Accepted
MD/1996-040 02/16/1975 Fulvous Whistling-Duck WORC Berlin Malone_LK Accepted
MD/1996-024 05/11/1996 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck CRLN Ridgely T ango_P Maciorowski_M Accepted
MD/1996-021 12/17/1994 Spotted T owhee MONT Derwood Murphy_B Gibbs_R Accepted
MD/1996-022 04/28/1980 Magnificent Frigatebird WORC Ocean City Rowlett_RA Accepted
MD/1996-038 01/12/1996 European Goldfinch TLBT St. Michaels Warriner_LP Ringel_S et al. ID OK/?? Origin
MD/1996-039 07/19/1961 Fulvous Whistling-Duck WORC West Ocean City Hoover_C Dyke_SH et al. Accepted
MD/1997-236 01/16/1977 Common Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
MD/1997-180 03/12/1994 Common Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Jett_GM O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/1995-002 12/31/1965 Varied Thrush MONT Ashton Getchell_BC et al. Accepted
MD/1995-032 02/06/1994 Mew Gull CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Scarpulla_EJ Not Accepted
MD/1995-031 02/02/1994 Mew Gull CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Ziolkowski_D Not Accepted
MD/1995-030 10/26/1990 Mew Gull WORC Ocean City Inlet Broderick_C Broderick_D Not Accepted
MD/1997-237 01/09/1977 Thick-billed Murre WORC Assateague Island Rowlett_RA et al. Accepted
Page 35
St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/1995-029 12/29/1994 Barrow's Goldeneye STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Zook_R Martin_E Accepted
MD/1995-033 01/22/1994 Mew Gull CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Peterjohn_B Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
MD/1997-379 01/08/1996 Pine Grosbeak ALGY Cumberland Paulus_JF Accepted
MD/1995-034 05/16/1976 Arctic T ern WORC Atlantic Ocean Holmes_D Rowlett_RA et al. Not Accepted
MD/1997-295 01/12/1995 California Gull MONT Laytonsville Landfill Janni_O Accepted
MD/1996-008 04/24/1993 Swallow-tailed Kite PGEO Laurel Barbour_A Stephens_P Accepted
MD/1996-009 05/14/1993 Swallow-tailed Kite MONT Seneca Creek State Park Norton_R Accepted
MD/1996-005 08/17/1974 Swallow-tailed Kite ALGY LaVale Hodgdon_KY Paulus_JF et al. Accepted
MD/1996-010 04/22/1995 Swallow-tailed Kite ANAR Fort Smallwood Park Ricciardi_S Rineer_R et al. Accepted
MD/1997-295 01/12/1995 California Gull MONT Laytonsville Landfill Janni_O Accepted
MD/1996-012 12/09/1994 Ash-throated Flycatcher DORC Blackwater NWR Dobbins_B Not Accepted
MD/1997-297 02/26/1995 Thick-billed Murre WORC Atlantic Ocean Hoffman_ML O'Brien_M et al. Accepted
MD/1995-004 02/28/1970 American White Pelican DORC Blackwater NWR Rhodes_L Julian_WH et al. Accepted
MD/1995-006 03/07/1962 Thick-billed Murre BALT Baltimore City Brackbill_H et al. Accepted
MD/1995-007 10/21/1962 Western T anager WORC Ocean City Scudder_W Robbins_CS et al. Accepted
MD/1992-029 07/12/1992 Vermilion Flycatcher STMA Hollywood Muth_FJ Quillin_S et al. Not Accepted
MD/1996-013 12/18/1994 Ash-throated Flycatcher STMA Patuxent River Naval Air Stati Rambo_K Iliff_MJ et al. Accepted
MD/1996-014 02/06/1979 Tufted Duck ANAR Bay Ridge Haramis_M et al. Accepted
MD/1997-411 02/10/1973 Pine Grosbeak GRTT Big Savage Mountain Rowlett_RA Accepted
DC/1997-414 04/05/1996 Little Gull Hains Point Janni_O Accepted
MD/1997-363 08/20/1906 Chestnut-collared Longspur WORC Ocean City Kirkwood_FC Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
MD/1995-028 04/09/1995 Anhinga FRDK Lake Merle Suter_S Holmes_D et al. Accepted
MD/1992-035 10/28/1991 Ross's Goose DORC Blackwater NWR O'Brien_M Armistead_HT et al. Accepted
MD/1995-041 11/22/1970 Bullock's Oriole ANAR Annapolis Howard_M Howard_D Not Accepted
MD/1997-285 01/28/1995 California Gull CECLHARF Conowingo Dam Scarpulla_EJ et al. Accepted
MD/1995-008 08/31/1963 Painted Bunting WORC Ocean City Arnold_E et al. Accepted
MD/1997-249 11/28/1994 California Gull WORC West Ocean City O'Brien_M Accepted
MD/1996-006 06/10/1992 Swallow-tailed Kite BALT Catonsville Boyd_E Accepted
MD/1995-009 12/26/1981 Painted Bunting ANAR Pendennis Mount Wierenga_Harold et al. Accepted
1999. Angle, Claudia J., and Carla J. Dove. First specimen record of White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) for Washington, DC. MB 55(2) 23-24.
DC/1999-031 10/30/1998 White-winged Dove Georgetown Herrick_N Accepted
1999. Kostenko, Jane. Kelp Gull visits St. Mary's County, MD Part I. MB 55(1):3-6.
MD/1999-035 01/25/1998 Kelp Gull STMACLVT Sandgates Janni_O O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
1999. Kostenko, Jane. Waterside wonder. Winging It 11(9):1-3.
MD/1999-035 01/25/1998 Kelp Gull STMACLVT Sandgates Janni_O O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
1999. Mangaliman, J. Black-Winged sensation lures birders to St. Mary's. Washington Post: 27 Feb 1999, pg B01. Washington Post.
MD/1999-035 01/25/1998 Kelp Gull STMACLVT Sandgates Janni_O O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
1999. Wilcove, David S. Gullible Bird Watchers. Living Bird 18(4):6-7.
MD/1999-035 01/25/1998 Kelp Gull STMACLVT Sandgates Janni_O O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
2000. Fry, Jean. Harford's Avian Visitors Jan. 1 2000 - Mar 20, 2000. Wrenderings 13(5). Harford County (MD) Bird Club.
MD/2006-010 03/07/2000 Painted Bunting HARF Havre de Grace Longabaugh_F Unreviewable
2001. Davis, Phil. Maryland/DC Records Committee status report as of April 1, 2001. MYT 21(3):18-19.
DC/1997-188 12/25/1994 Yellow-legged Gull Georgetown Reservoir Bowen_M Elitzak_H et al. Accepted
2001. Ednie, Andrew P . Mid-Atlantic pelagic results for 2000. Delmarva Ornithologist 33:12-20.
MD/2000-036 06/04/2000 South Polar Skua WORC Atlantic Ocean Iliff_MJ et al. Accepted
2001. Meanley, Brooke. Notes on southern marshes, swamps, and pineywoods. 82 pages. [Private printing]
MD/1997-629 05/10/1942 Bachman's Sparrow PGEO Beltsville Meanley_B Stewart_RE S&R
2001. Meyer, Eugene L. Exotic avian visitor drawing crowds: Swan has bird-watchers flocking to Schoolhouse Pond in Upper Marlboro.Washington Post: 01 Feb 2001. Washington Post.
MD/2001-009 01/09/2001 Whooper Swan PGEO Upper Marlboro Shaffer_F Barnes_W et al. Not Accepted
2002. Barnes, Wain. From your backyard (letters from readers): Escapee or rarity? Wild Bird 16(1):20.
MD/2001-009 01/09/2001 Whooper Swan PGEO Upper Marlboro Shaffer_F Barnes_W et al. Not Accepted
2002. Fry, Jean. Harford Birdlife: March 16, 2002 - May 15, 2002. Wrenderings 15(3);[online-HTML]. Harford County (MD) Bird Club.
MD/2002-036 03/01/2002 Painted Bunting HARF Havre de Grace Cook_JL et al. Accepted
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
2002. Saunders, Norman C. The 102nd Christmas Bird Count 2001 - 2002: Delaware/Maryland. CBC Results (102nd):51-52. National Audubon Society.
MD/2001-078 12/15/2001 Western T anager MONT Sandy Spring Iliff_MJ Saunders_F et al. Accepted
2003. Armistead, George L., and Marshall J. Iliff. The vagrancy of Gray Kingbird in North America. NAB 57(2):148-161.
MD/1998-031 06/20/1998 Gray Kingbird STMA Dameron Craig_P et al. Accepted
MD/1995-022 05/03/1983 Gray Kingbird ANAR Arnold Van_Velsir_G Van_Velsir_S Accepted
MD/1995-021 06/14/1975 Gray Kingbird WORC Girdletree Holmes_D Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/1995-035 07/22/1995 Gray Kingbird STMA Point Lookout State Park Craig_P et al. Accepted
2003. Moreno, Sylvia, staff writer. Two small wonders get birder's attention. Washington Post: 24 Dec 2001. Washington Post.
DC/2003-140 11/29/2003 Rufous Hummingbird Smithsonian Institution Farron_L Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
DC/2003-141 11/17/2003 Black-chinned Hummingbird Smithsonian Institution Farron_L Gustafson_M et al. Accepted
2004. Day, Todd M., and Marshall J. Iliff. Special interregional report: Hurricane Isabel of 2003/Middle Atlantic Region/Maryland. NAB 58(1):50-51.
MD/2003-123 09/19/2003 Roseate T ern CLVT North Beach Hafner_M et al. Accepted
MD/2003-118 09/19/2003 Long-tailed Jaeger TLBT Tilgman's Island Armistead_GL Accepted
MD/2003-124 09/19/2003 Arctic T ern CLVT North Beach Hafner_M Not Accepted
DC/2003-120 09/19/2003 Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Potomac River Abrams_B Unreviewable
DC/2003-121 09/19/2003 Wilson's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Young_W et al. Not Accepted
MD/2003-125 09/19/2003 Red Phalarope ALGY Rocky Gap State Park Churchill_JB Kiddy_R et al. Accepted
MD/2003-126 09/19/2003 Laughing Gull ALGY North Branch Churchill_JB Kiddy_R et al. Accepted
DC/2003-149 09/19/2003 Wilson's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Abrams_B Unreviewable
DC/2003-150 09/19/2003 Wilson's Storm-Petrel Potomac River Abrams_B Unreviewable
MD/2003-130 09/19/2003 Sooty T ern QUAN Kent Island Czaplak_DS T odd_MA Unreviewable
MD/2003-127 09/19/2003 Laughing Gull ALGY Cumberland Kiddy_R Accepted
MD/2004-002 09/19/2003 Sooty T ern KENT T olchester Beach Ellison_WG Not Accepted
2004. Schoettler, Carl. Rare bird. Baltimore Sun: 14 Feb 2004, pg D01.
MD/1999-035 01/25/1998 Kelp Gull STMACLVT Sandgates Janni_O O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
2005. editor. Northern Lapwing: A Maryland First. MYT 25(2):1.
MD/2005-012 02/12/2005 Northern Lapwing FRDK Creagerstown Nelson_LM Nelson_OS et al. Accepted
2006. Jett, George M. Victor, the Varied Thrush. MYT 26(3):14-15.
MD/2006-009 02/20/2006 Varied Thrush ANAR Lothian Jett_GM Ripley_A et al. Accepted
2006. Mumford, Bob. (Photo insert). MYT 26(4):21.
MD/2006-042 06/04/2006 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck MONT Gaithersburg O'Brien_PJ Hoffman_ML et al. Recirculate
2006. Roslund, Les. Birds of note. MYT 26(3):14.
MD/2006-009 02/20/2006 Varied Thrush ANAR Lothian Jett_GM Ripley_A et al. Accepted
MD/2006-036 04/18/2006 Anhinga FRDK Lilypons Water Gardens Byrnes_J Burchett_M et al. Accepted
MD/2006-051 06/17/2006 Southern Lapwing WORC West Ocean City Hoffman_ML ID OK/?? Origin
MD/2006-042 06/04/2006 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck MONT Gaithersburg O'Brien_PJ Hoffman_ML et al. Recirculate
MD/2006-052 05/22/2006 "European" Whimbrel HARFCECL Havre de Grace Hubbell_J Hubick_B et al. Accepted
2007. Davis, Ricky, et al. Special Interregional Report: Tropical Storm Ernesto. NAB 61(1):10-17.
MD/2006-091 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern MONT Violette's Lock Hilton_R Shannon_L et al. Accepted
MD/2006-098 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern CLVT Scientists Cliffs Suter_S Accepted
MD/2006-092 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern MONT Violette's Lock Czaplak_DS Hilton_R et al. Accepted
MD/2006-103 09/02/2006 Pomarine/Parasitic Jaeger MONT Violette's Lock Hilton_R Shannon_L et al. Accepted-Group
MD/2006-093 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern MONT Violette's Lock Hilton_R et al. Accepted
MD/2006-094 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern MONT Violette's Lock O'Brien_PJ et al. Accepted
MD/2006-097 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern TLBT Tilghman Island Reese_J Accepted
DC/2006-114 09/02/2006 Long-tailed Jaeger Hains Point Pisano_P Accepted
MD/2006-099 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern PGEO Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Keller_J Reviewable
MD/2006-105 09/02/2006 Bridled T ern ANAR Laurel Sheppard_JM et al. Not Accepted
MD/2006-104 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern MONT Lake Needwood Patton_H Accepted
DC/2006-095 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern Hains Point Pisano_P et al. Accepted
DC/2006-096 09/02/2006 Sooty T ern Hains Point Parr_M et al. Reviewable
MD/2006-100 09/02/2006 Wilson's Storm-Petrel PGEO Oxon Hill Keller_J Reviewable
MD/2006-101 09/02/2006 Bridled T ern ANAR Rose Haven Day_TM Unreviewable
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/2007-100 09/02/2006 "Tropical" T ern sp. ANAR Rose Haven Day_TM Unreviewable
MD/2006-102 09/02/2006 Royal T ern MONT Violette's Lock Czaplak_DS Not Accepted
2007. Roslund, Les. Birds of note. MYT 27(3):13.
MD/2007-077 02/15/2007 Monk Parakeet TLBT Neavitt Bogan_F Reviewable
MD/2007-038 02/17/2007 Thick-billed Murre WORC Ocean City Elmer_J Harris_C et al. Accepted
MD/2007-076 02/09/2002 California Gull CECL North East Scarpulla_EJ Cullison_R et al. Unreviewable
MD/2007-054 04/13/2007 Yellow Rail SMST Rumbly Point Road Bystrak_P Mumford_DM et al. Accepted
MD/2007-068 05/26/2007 Arctic T ern BALT Hart-Miller Island Scarpulla_EJ Feild_TC et al. Reviewable
MD/2007-055 04/14/2007 Pacific Loon GRTT Herrington Manor State Park Baron_S et al. Accepted
MD/2007-064 05/09/2007 White-winged Dove ANAR BWI Airport Boyd_E Accepted
MD/2007-070 06/25/2007 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck ANAR Glen Burnie Schueman_S Davis_PC et al. Accepted
MD/2007-089 08/04/2007 Red-necked Stint WORC Ocean City McCandless_S John_PH et al. Not Accepted
MD/2007-093 09/02/2007 Say's Phoebe MONT Poolesville Czaplak_DS Jett_GM et al. Accepted
2007. Rottenborn, Stephen C., and E.S. Brinkley. Virginia's Birdlife: an annotated checklist 4th edition. Virginia Avifauna (7):95.
DC/1999-209 04/14/1893 Yellow Rail Hasbrouck_EM Accepted
DC/1999-207 10/04/1879 Yellow Rail Potomac River Clark_TE Accepted
2007. Schmoker, Bill, and Tony Leukering. The Changing Seasons: Wheatears, flycatchers, and plovers. NAB 61(1):18-27.
MD/2006-119 09/22/2006 Yellow Rail GRTT Finzel Swamp Lutmerding_M et al. Accepted
2008. Green, Jim. Happy Father's Day. MYT 28(4):1-2.
MD/2008-051 06/15/2008 Henslow's Sparrow MONT Poolesville Hubick_B et al. Reviewable
2008. Jett, George M. Chapter Chatter - Southern Maryland. MYT 28(1):8-9.
MD/2007-116 10/21/2007 Calliope Hummingbird CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Jett_GM et al. Accepted
MD/2007-115 10/21/2007 Fork-tailed Flycatcher KENT Eastern Neck NWR Pettit_P Pettit_S et al. Accepted
MD/2008-003 10/16/2007 Fork-tailed Flycatcher ANAR Churchton Wearmouth_A et al. Circulating
MD/2007-147 12/18/2007 Painted Bunting ANAR Ferry Farms Haas_D Jett_GM et al. Accepted
2008. Jett, George M. Southern Maryland California Gull. MYT 28(3):14-15.
MD/2008-006 01/23/2008 California Gull CHAS Waldorf Jett_GM Ready
2008. Roslund, Les. Birds of note. MTY 28(5):12..
MD/2008-067 09/06/2008 Sabine's Gull ANAR Sandy Point State Park Weigant_L Accepted
MD/2008-066 09/06/2008 Long-tailed Jaeger BALT North Point Graff_K Reviewable
MD/2007-116 10/21/2007 Calliope Hummingbird CLVT North Beach Stasz_JL Jett_GM et al. Accepted
MD/2007-120 11/11/2007 Cave Swallow WORC Rum Pointe Golf Course Hubick_B Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/2007-115 10/21/2007 Fork-tailed Flycatcher KENT Eastern Neck NWR Pettit_P Pettit_S et al. Accepted
MD/2007-136 11/23/2007 Cave Swallow BALT North Point Kaestner_H Reviewable
MD/2007-121 11/11/2007 Cave Swallow WORC Assateague Island Hubick_B Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/2007-127 11/15/2007 Cave Swallow HARF Havre de Grace McCandless_S Circulating
MD/2007-137 11/20/2007 Ash-throated Flycatcher ANAR Lothian T aylor_J et al. Unreviewable
MD/2007-145 12/21/2007 Loggerhead Shrike WASH Antietam Holbrook_H Hubbell_J Accepted
MD/2007-150 12/18/2007 Swainson's Hawk DORC Hurlock Wastewater Treatment P Brenneman_D et al. Accepted
MD/2008-045 05/07/2008 Le Conte's Sparrow ANAR Annapolis Schreitz_B Hafner_M et al. Accepted
MD/2008-048 05/18/2008 "Audubon's" Warbler CRLN Federalsburg Patton_H Accepted
MD/2008-024 04/05/2008 White-faced Ibis WORC Berlin Hafner_M Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/2008-056 08/17/2008 White-winged Dove WORC Truitt Landing Stasz_JL Accepted
MD/2008-068 09/13/2008 Curlew Sandpiper BALT Hart-Miller Island Haas_D Collins_S et al. Circulating
MD/2008-064 08/31/2008 Western Meadowlark DORC Hurlock Hubick_B Lutmerding_M et al. Accepted
MD/2009-088 12/27/2008 Aechmophorus species STMA Point Lookout State Park Ostrowski_R Circulating
MD/2008-094 11/15/2008 "Audubon's" Warbler WORC West Ocean City Hubick_B Recirculate
MD/2008-093 11/16/2008 Ash-throated Flycatcher WORC Ocean City Feild_TC Noell_P et al. Accepted
MD/2009-006 01/07/2009 Barrow's Goldeneye DORC Cambridge Lutmerding_M Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/2008-177 12/26/2008 Tufted Duck DORC Cambridge Handley_H Davis_PC et al. Accepted
MD/2008-166 12/22/2008 Allen's Hummingbird CLVT Prince Frederick Jett_GM Davis_PC et al. Circulating
MD/2008-096 11/23/2008 Swainson's Hawk BALT Cromwell Valley Park Nuss_R et al. Not Accepted
MD/2009-019 02/08/2009 Trumpeter Swan HARF Edgewood Ziolkowski_D et al. Ready
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St/Rec# Start Species Co1 Co2 Location Observer1 Observer2 et al. Decision or Status
MD/2009-028 02/22/2009 Trumpeter Swan MONT Seneca Czaplak_DS Martin_A et al. Ready
MD/2009-034 03/19/2009 Harris's Sparrow HWRD Columbia Jett_GM Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
MD/2009-054 05/26/2009 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher KENT Eastern Neck NWR Green_J Haas_D et al. Circulating
MD/2009-055 06/06/2009 Yellow-nosed Albatross WORC Assateague Island Arnold_S Accepted
MD/2009-046 04/24/2009 Yellow Rail SMST Irish Grove Hafner_M Davis_PC et al. Accepted
MD/2009-057 06/02/2009 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck PGEOANAR Westwood Roane_M Bystrak_D et al. Accepted
MD/2009-059 06/17/2009 Neotropic Cormorant MONT Violette's Lock Czaplak_DS Arnold_S et al. Circulating
MD/2009-056 05/31/2009 Black-bellied Whistling-Duck MONT Germantown Hamilton_K Bukowski_RW et al. Recirculate
MD/2009-061 06/24/2009 Roseate Spoonbill WORC Ocean City Hanfman_J Kalasz_K et al. Accepted
2009. Saunders, Norman C. Delaware/Maryland_in_Regional Summaries of the 109th Christmas Bird Count. AB 63:60-61. National Audubon Society
MD/2008-109 11/29/2008 Trumpeter Swan KENT Fairlee Creek Jett_GM Dulak_L et al. Ready
MD/2008-176 12/28/2008 Ash-throated Flycatcher WORC Berlin Davidson_L Accepted
MD/2009-001 12/21/2008 Trumpeter Swan PGEO Beltsville Orr_R Retracted
2009. editors. Birding briefs; Picture gallery of rare bird sightings. Birder's World 23(2):15.
MD/2009-006 01/07/2009 Barrow's Goldeneye DORC Cambridge Lutmerding_M Hoffman_ML et al. Accepted
Records: 1561
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