This document is an approval page for a research proposal by Andini Safitri with ID number A 121 12 014. The proposal is titled "Improving Writing Skill of Grade X Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo through story mapping technique". The page lists Andini Safitri as the writer and her supervisors Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman M.Hum and Shalehuddin, S.Pd M. Pd. It also acknowledges approval from the Head of the language and Art Education Department Dr. H. Anshari Syafar, M. Sc and the Head of English Education Study Program Drs. Abd waris, M.Pd.
This document is an approval page for a research proposal by Andini Safitri with ID number A 121 12 014. The proposal is titled "Improving Writing Skill of Grade X Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo through story mapping technique". The page lists Andini Safitri as the writer and her supervisors Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman M.Hum and Shalehuddin, S.Pd M. Pd. It also acknowledges approval from the Head of the language and Art Education Department Dr. H. Anshari Syafar, M. Sc and the Head of English Education Study Program Drs. Abd waris, M.Pd.
This document is an approval page for a research proposal by Andini Safitri with ID number A 121 12 014. The proposal is titled "Improving Writing Skill of Grade X Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo through story mapping technique". The page lists Andini Safitri as the writer and her supervisors Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman M.Hum and Shalehuddin, S.Pd M. Pd. It also acknowledges approval from the Head of the language and Art Education Department Dr. H. Anshari Syafar, M. Sc and the Head of English Education Study Program Drs. Abd waris, M.Pd.
This document is an approval page for a research proposal by Andini Safitri with ID number A 121 12 014. The proposal is titled "Improving Writing Skill of Grade X Students of SMK Negeri 1 Sarjo through story mapping technique". The page lists Andini Safitri as the writer and her supervisors Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman M.Hum and Shalehuddin, S.Pd M. Pd. It also acknowledges approval from the Head of the language and Art Education Department Dr. H. Anshari Syafar, M. Sc and the Head of English Education Study Program Drs. Abd waris, M.Pd.