Animals Dominoes
Animals Dominoes
Animals Dominoes
strong. I am grey. I
live in Africa. I have
four legs. I eat
I am very small and
usually grey. I have
got a long tail. I like
I look like a horse
but I have got black
and white stripes. I
live in Africa. I eat
I am pink and I have
a large head with a
long snout. I am an
I am a ruminant and
feed on grasses and
grains. I am raised
for meat and milk.
I am very long and
have not got any legs.
I eat small animals. I
can be dangerous.
I am a mollusc. My
soft body is
protected by a hard
shell. French people
like to eat me!
I have grasping
hands and feet. I can
climb trees. I live on
nuts and fruit. I love
I can swim in the sea
and walk on the land.
I cannot fly. I eat
fish. I live in very
cold countries.
I am a small mammal
with long ears and a
soft fur. I am a
herbivore and like
I am a mammal with 4
legs and hooves. I
can walk, jog or
gallop. I like to eat
I am a small rodent
and like to eat nuts
and seeds. I have a
soft and silky fur and
a bushy tail.
I live in the sea but I
am not a fish. I am an
invertebrate. I have
no head but I have 5
I am an intelligent
bird with a strong
and curved beak. I
can mimic human
I live and breathe in
water. My body is
covered with scales.
You can keep me at
home in an aquarium.
I am a flying mammal.
I have wings. I eat
fruit and insects. I
am often associated
with Halloween.
I have two humps on
my back. I live in the
desert and can
survive many days
without water.
I am a very good
jumper. In fairy
tales, if you kiss me I
can turn into a
handsome prince!