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1. Why there is a simple geometry?

We have already highly swirled engine

from previous experience. So why we didnt use that?
2. Can we use lambda value or some ratio of air fuel at inlet?
3. Why better? Dont use better.
4. Swirl? Why we required more swirl? How much? pros and cons? Functions?
5. Mesh size? How do we know that its converged and we do not require
more fine mesh?
6. Grammar
7. What is dissipation? How this and in which form this dissipation energy
convert. Why we required more or strong dissipation? How it affects TKE?
8. Why more TKE is required? What its role in swirl and charge motion?
9. Energy Cascade
10.More details about models.
11.About Diesel injection, its processes
12.If possible, can we use experimental data for comparison? (like plots
without values)
13.Courant number (Pankaj)
14.Not satisfied with, why I am increasing Swirl?
15.What is the role of Tumble here?
16.What is better combustion? There is nothing better. Use
comparable with experiments or use according reference or your
experience or any other term.
17.Not satisfied whether increasing swirl will help or not.
18.Use of word (office) for writing thesis and endnote for citation
19.Engines: An Introduction by Lumley, Paul miles (sandia)

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