Nicmar Assignment Public Private Partnership Idm-12
Nicmar Assignment Public Private Partnership Idm-12
Nicmar Assignment Public Private Partnership Idm-12
1. Course No
IDM 12
2. Course Title
Management of PPPs
3. Assignment No.
4. Date of Dispatch
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Management of PPPs
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Different Public Private schemes
Parties involved in Public Private
Partnership projects.
Do you think this system is ideal for
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The term public-private partnership describes a range of possible relationships among
public private entities in the context of infrastructure and other services. Other terms
used for this type of activity include private sector participation (PSP) and pritivisation.
Under PPP principle, a private entrepreneur is given a concession (by a contract) to
build, operate (or own /lease/ rent/ manage) for an agreed duration and then transfer
the asset to the Govt. / Govt organization. Based on the study material supplied to you
1. Different Public Private Schemes.
2. Parties involved in Public Private participation and their roles.
3. Financial structuring of Public-Private Partnership projects.
4. Do you think this system is ideal for infrastructure development? Discuss.
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Furthermore, there are efficiency gains arising from innovation, management and
marketing skills offered by the private sector and greater incentives for the control of
construction, operating and maintenance costs. More so, the provision of additional
finance for infrastructure projects enables projects to be brought forward in time, thus
generating earlier economic benefits.
The diagram below illustrates the options for involving the private sector in the provision
of infrastructure delivery.
Diagram 1: Range of Private Sector Options
At the left are supply and service contracts, which tend to be of short duration and
require less private commitment than the options higher in the continuum. The private
Contractor is not directly responsible for providing the service, but instead for
performing specified tasks, such as supplying inputs, constructing works, maintaining
facilities, or billing customers. At the left are the longer term arrangements which require
significant private sector commitment.
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There is a range of options for involving private sector participation that vary with
regards to ownership, operations and maintenance, financing, risk allocation and
duration. A summary of these options can be viewed in Table 1.
Table 1: Allocation of key responsibilities under the main private sector participation
cial Risk
and Public
1-2 years
3-5 years
Private and
Private or
private and
(may be
limited by
Service contract
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Under this option, the private sector performs a specific operational service for a fee, for
example meter reading, billing and collection.
Management contract
In this option, the private sector is paid a fee for operating and maintaining a
government-owned business and making management decisions.
Under the lease option, the private sector leases facilities and is responsible for
operation and maintenance.
Under concessions, the private sector finances the project and also has full
responsibility for operations and maintenance. The government owns the asset and all
full use rights must revert to the government after the specified period of time.
BOT is the terminology for a model or structure that uses private investment to
undertake the infrastructure development that has historically been undertaken by the
public sector. In a BOT project, a private company is given a concession to build and
operate a facility that would normally be built and operated by the government. The
private company is also responsible for financing and designing the project. At the end
of the concession period, the private company returns ownership of the project to the
government (although this need not be the case). The concession period is determined
primarily by the length of time needed for the facilitys revenue stream to pay off the
companys debt and provide a reasonable rate of return for its effort and risk.
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The table provided below reviews the BOT option and its variants, describes some
characteristics of these different procurement arrangements and depicts the relationship
between these different procurement methods and the financing of the project.
BOT Project Type
Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT)
The service provider is responsible
for design and construction, finance,
maintenance contract.
The service provider is usually
responsible for financing the project
during construction.
The government purchases the asset
from the developer for a pre-agreed
price prior to (or immediately after)
Some other schemes in PPP are:BOT-Toll (Build Operate Transfer Toll) - The private entity meets the upfront
cost of design, construction and recurring cost on operation and maintenance.
The Private entity recovers the entire cost along with the interest from collection
of user utilization during the agreed concession period. Capital infusion is
available from the public entity. A risk sharing model is predominant in this model.
BOOT (Build Operate Own Transfer) - This engagement model is similar to the
Build Operate Transfer model except that the private entity has to transfer the
facility back to the public sector. In BOOT model the government grants a private
entity to finance, design, build and operate a facility for a specific period of time
before the transfer. This is a variation of the BOT model, except that the
ownership of the newly built facility will rest with the private party and during the
period of contract. This will result in the transfer of most of the risks related to
planning, design, construction and operation of the project to the private entity.
The public sector entity will however contract to purchase the goods and States
and their area of development in PPPs services produced by the project on
mutually agreed terms and conditions.. The facility built under PPP will be
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BOT Annuity (Build Operate Transfer Annuity) This model though is globally
accepted one does not have the favour of the Planning Commission of India. In
case of annuity model, the cost of building the entity is paid to the private entity
or the developer annually after the starting commercial operations of the facility
DBFOT (Design Build Finance Operate Transfer) - These are other variations of
PPP and as the nomenclatures highlight, the private party assumes the entire
responsibility for the design, construct, finance, and operate or operate and
maintain the project for the period of concession. These are also referred to as
Concessions. The project will recover its investments (ROI) through
concessions granted or through annuity payments etc. It may be noted that most
of the project risks related to the design, financing and construction would stand
transferred to the private partner. The public sector may provide guarantees to
financing agencies, help with the acquisition of land and assist to obtain statutory
and environmental clearances and approvals and also assure a reasonable
return as per established norms or industry practice etc., throughout the period of
BOO (Build Own Operate) - In a BOO project, ownership of the project usually
remains with the Private entity. The government grants the rights to design,
finance, build, operate and maintain the project to a private entity, which retains
ownership of the project. In BOO the private entity is usually not required to
transfer the facility back to the government
BOOST (Build Operate Own Share Transfer) This model is very similar to the
BOOT model, except that there exists an arrangement or sharing the revenue to
the private entity for a longer time even after the rights of the private entity is
transferred to the public entity.
BOT projects, when properly designed, offer significant potential for technology transfer
and local capacity building as well as helping develop national capital markets.
Advantages and Challenges of the BOT Approach
The BOT approach has many potential advantages, some of which have been alluded
to above, and is a visible alternative in most countries to the more traditional approach
using sovereign borrowings or budgetary resources
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Some challenges that should be taken into consideration include the length of time
required to develop and negotiate BOT schemes, the need for a suitable political and
economic climate, and a defined regulatory environment. In short, the BOT approach
requires an environment that is conducive to private sector investment.
The economic costs associated with BOT projects include the following:
Costs due to imbalance in experience. Governments with little experience in BOT
contracts are advised to initiate BOT projects on a manageable scale and seek
professional advice to compensate the often greater experience of the private
User costs imposed for the first time or increased to match market rates. The
economic costs of public services, once covered by the Government, and then
become financial costs for the user.
Overpriced supplies. Potential conflicts of interest on pricing among the project
sponsors must be monitored. Care must be taken to ensure that sponsors who
supply goods or services to the project do so on a fully competitive basis.
High financing costs. Financing costs for BOT projects tend to be high, as the legal
fees associated with their contractual arrangements are much higher than those
of standard commercial contracts. The complexity of the credit means that
lenders need more time than usual to assess a projects merits and will tend to
charge higher fees.
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The Government:
The government is represented either through a ministry or a government
body (such as State Government or a Municipal Body) with its own body
of authorized personnel empowered to negotiate and take decisions
regarding the implementation of the project. The main interest of the
government in relation to the implementation of the infrastructure projects
by a private entity should be to ensure that only necessary and required
projects are authorized and the projects that are authorized are indeed
implemented within the time frame and at the costs that ensure their
viability not only at a commercial level but also at a social / public level.
This would entail that an adequate and balanced frame work is provided to
ensure the speedy implementation of the projects. This also ensures that
the facility is built to the required standards and within the reasonable
costs estimated at the time of authorization of the projects.
The concerned group from the non-government sector that is seeking or
that has been selected to implement the project are commonly referred to
as the sponsors or developers.
The persons who invest money into the development of the project are
referred to as investors. The main difference between lenders and
investors is that lenders do not look towards acquiring a participatory
interest in the implementation of the project and its consequent returns,
but only seek to lend money on commercial terms in order to ensure an
adequate increase in the amounts lent through the payment of periodic
interest on the amount till the complete repayment of the amount
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As an infrastructure project involves expertise that is seldom present
within the capability of any single sponsor or contractor, there are various
groups of contractor selected by the sponsors to implement the various
segments of the project. The contractors are commonly identified by the
nature of the responsibilities they undertake. Generally the main
contractor undertaking to construct the infrastructure facility. This
contractor is identified on the basis of the scope of work actually being
sought to be contracted out.
One of the prevalent methods os to contract out the entire scope of work
relating to Engineering, procurement and construction of an infrastructure
facility to one contract who is referred as the EPC contractor. Another
method is to contract out the work of formulating the design of the facility.
This method is not preferred as it causes complication regarding the
allocation of responsibility for any defeat detected in the facility at a later
The operation and maintenance of the facility upon completion of
construction is contracted out to contractors specializing in the operation
and maintenance of the particular facility (referred as the O&M) contractor.
Users / Consumers
The user of an infrastructure facility or consumers of the infrastructure
facility service are generally members of the common public and may be
at times be represented by a public interest forum or a consumer body. In
India, generally the user of the facility is generally represented by the
government itself. However, it is not uncommon to find that at times, an
infrastructure facility is designed for use for a clearly identified and defined
set of users or even a single user. In such circumstances the facility is
referred to as a single user. In such circumstances the facility is referred to
as a single user.
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Mezzanine capital is investment with some qualities of debt and equity, and so it carries
a risk profile intermediate between debt and equity. This may take the form of
subordinated debt or preference shares with regular interest. Mezzanine capital ranks
below the senior debt, and carries a higher rate of interest than senior debt. It is normal
to persuade the contractors/suppliers to subscribe to mezzanine capital. The
concessionaire may be able to secure a larger senior debt on favorable terms in view of
the mobilized mezzanine capital.
Financial Closure
When a SPV successfully negotiates a legally binding commitment of the equity holders
and the debt financiers to provide or mobilize the required funding on agreed terms, the
stage in the progress of the project is referred as the financial closure. This is a critical
mile-stone, denoting the preparedness of the project to commence construction. The
financial closure will be facilitated if the lenders perceive the project as 'bankable' and
view the projected cash flows realistic and adequate to cover the debt service
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A basic feature of any PPP scheme is that the project under consideration is usually a
high priority one and is well-planned by the government. Another essential aspect is that
both the sides assume some amount of risk and mutual value for the project. Some of
the infrastructure projects usually covered under PPP model include building of
highways, ports, airports, developing railways infrastructure, telecom facilities, power
generation projects, and sanitation, water and waste management projects.
In India, the PPP model was introduced by UPA Government at the Centre for
developing some of the major facilities including airports and metros. The main issues
faced with proper implementation of this model is that infrastructure projects are usually
long-term ones and a number of factors including cost of materials, policies and even
economic conditions can change while the project is underway. If the initiative to set up
a sophisticated mechanism for resolving such issues in implementation of PPP model is
successful, it can attract big investments from private sector and lead to fast-paced
development of infrastructure.
The status of the PPP in the infrastructure development in India, both in the Central
Government schemes as well as State sponsored schemes, is not encouraging, stable
macroeconomic framework, sound regulatory structure, investor friendly policies,
sustainable project revenues, transparency and consistency of policies, effective
regulation and liberalization of labor laws, and good corporate governance are the basic
requirements, which define the success of the PPP model. The PPP model in the road
sector has experienced with enthusiastic response with the introduction of massive
NHDP with structured MCA. However, many of the road projects are faced with cost and
time overruns on account of prolonging disputes in land acquisition, hurdles in the
material movements, law and order problems, etc.
Power shortage is a serious concern and the quality of the power supply is generally
poor, especially in rural and semi-urban areas, which has affected the micro and small
enterprises severely. Further, private sector participation in power generation is not
forthcoming due to specific issues such as delays in finalizing power purchase
agreements, high aggregated technical and commercial losses, and age-old
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transmission networks, shortage of fuel supply and policy and procedural barriers while
exploring renewable energy sources.
The progress in the development of many of the port projects under private participation
is at a sluggish pace, which requires conducive policy environment. Efficiency in cargo
handling needs to be enhanced through modernization of port facilities to facilitate the
trade. The PPP model projects in the airport sector are in slow progress and also
restricted to major airports. Modernization of airports like Chennai and Kolkata is yet to
take-off due to procedural hassles and land acquisition problems. This brings to the
fore a need for constructive and stable policy environment towards land
acquisition for public utilities. The urban infrastructure bottlenecks need to be
addressed through a development strategy, which encompasses efficient planning and
organization of the project, balancing the public-private interest, reinvigoration of
electricity, water supply and transportation system and integration of finance and
International experience suggests that the success of PPP projects requires a single
objective of better services for the public at a reasonable cost. This is achievable
through realistic and reasonable risk transfer while addressing the public concerns. The
Indian PPP model should adhere to such objectives and best practices to march
forward on the success path. In this pursuit, easy availability of long-term private capital
is an essential requirement. Fostering the Greenfield investments in the public
infrastructure with appropriate user charges, transparent revenue and risk sharing
agreements would transform the international capital inflows into productive ventures.
Above all, selection of right PPP model for a right project at a right time through
realistic planning would go a long way in providing meaningful and hassle free
infrastructure development, which ultimately would increase the infrastructure
standards and thereby sustain the overall macroeconomic developments of the
A planning commission working group on urban transport for the 12th five year plan has
outright rejected thePPP model for developing core urban infrastructure projects, like
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metro-rails, and bus procurement and transit systems. The working group, headed by
former managing director of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation E Sreedharan, has
particularly opposed PPPs for metro rail projects in the country. "It has been
proposed that urban rail transit system should be taken up with primarily government
funding except rare cases of high density metro cities where PPP can be attempted for
some elevated corridors," the group said. The cost of completion of the Delhi metro
Phase 1 network was Rs 10,571 crore while that of the Phase 2 is estimated to be more
than Rs 13, 338 crore. The average cost per km of rail network laid for Delhi metro
comes to around Rs 175 crore. The Airport Expressway, which is the part of the Delhi
Metro attempted in a PPP mode with Reliance Infrastructure was built at a cost of Rs
5,700 crore of which Reliance Infra paid Rs 2880 crore. The entire cost of the project is
enough to purchase around 20 full bodied Boeing 747s or build 2390 kms of high quality
4 lane national highway. The group observed that internationally also private investment
has not been successful in urban transport projects because the usually unstable
revenues of these projects make them commercially unviable.
PPPs offer the public sector potential cost, quality and scale advantages in achieving
infrastructure service targets. However, PPPs are different to the traditional public
sector route and these differences require adaptation of approach and capabilities in the
public sector. There are also some new costs associated with PPPs.
The advantages and challenges of PPPs are outlined below. In general, in a welldesigned and supported PPP the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.
Advantages of PPP
The advantages of PPP include:
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Efficiency advantages from using private sector skills and from transferring risk to
the private sector
This broadened focus creates incentives to reduce the full life-cycle costs (ie,
construction costs and operating costs)
All of these provide strong reasons in favour of using PPPs in India and elsewhere.
India has a very large infrastructure need and an associated funding gap. PPPs can
help both to meet the need and to fill the funding gap. PPP projects often involve the
private sector arranging and providing finance. This frees the public sector from the
need to meet financing requirements from its own revenues (taxes) or through
borrowing. This is an advantage where the public sector is facing limits on how much
capital it can raise, as in India. By shifting the responsibility for finance away from the
public sector PPPs can enable more investment in infrastructure and increased access
to infrastructure services.
Using private sector finance also allows the public sector to move large capital
expenditure programmes off balance sheet. This has been a motivating factor for PPPs
in countries where the constraint on finance is a government commitment to a
borrowing (ie. public debt) cap.
A well designed and managed PPP should take advantage of the potential for efficiency
gains from using the private sector.
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The allocation of risk and the associated performance rewards and penalties
create incentives in the PPP contract that encourage the private partner to achieve
efficiency at each stage of the project and to introduce efficiency improvements where
possible. By shifting risk onto private partners the public sector is able to limit its own
exposure to cost escalation.
Competition is introduced during the bidding stage, thereby bringing the benefits
of market procurement (this is a kind of competition for the market). As long as the
project is well specified in terms of the output requirements (rather than specifying the
inputs) then each private sector bidder has an incentive to produce an innovative
response and to minimize cost.
The PPP project must be clearly specified, including allocation of risk and clear
statement of the service output requirements. The long-term nature of PPP contracts
requires greater consideration and specification of contingencies in advance.
The tendering and negotiation process is a costly exercise. Transactions advisors and
legal experts will typically be required.
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PPPs often cover a long-term period of service provision (eg. 15-30 years, or life of the
asset). Any agreement covering such a long period into the future is naturally subject to
uncertainty. If the requirements of the public sponsor or the conditions facing the private
sector change during the lifetime of the PPP the contract may need to be modified to
reflect the changes. This can entail large costs to the public sector and the benefit of
competitive tendering to determine these costs is usually not available.
This issue can be mitigated by selecting relatively stable projects as PPPs and by
specifying in the original contract terms how future contract variations will be handled
and priced.
IDM 12. Management of PPPs
Reserve Bank of India Database on PPP
The Economic times
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