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Practical Chess Openings 3 4 Reuben _Practical Chess Qpenin Reuben Fine Reuben Fine is the world’s leading authority on chess. In addition to being one of the foremost grandmasters of our time, his writings have done more than those of any other man to make the knowledge of the masters available to all chess players. He has that rarest of all gifts, the ability to be both lucid and profound. In this book, a sequel to Modern Chess Openings, all the theoretical and practical discoveries of the past few years have been incorporated. A welcome innovation is the inclusion of about 200 diagrams. David McKay Company, Inc., New York unjzjey BIUaIMey AQ YET oy S1akdos UBisap 18A05)PRACTICAL CHESS OPENINGS by Reuben Fine David McKay Company, Inc New Yorkconvnicit® © 1945 nY DAVID MCKAY COMPANY, INC All rights reserved, inluding the right to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review First Paperback Edition, 1973 Reprinted July 1973 LAMEARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 73-76571 PREFACE It has been my purpose in this book to present a compact guide to the chess openings. I have attempted on the one hand to include ev- cerything that is important for current play, and on the other to exclude ‘material which is too specialized to be of any practical value. While the task of summarizing the best thought in contemporary opening theory has been quite difficult, I hope that the reader may derive as, ‘much stimulation and benefit from my efforts as I have. wish to express my thanks to my friend Mr. Charles Jarrell for aid with some parts of the manuscript, to the University of Southern Cali- fomia and the Cleveland Public Library for their cooperation in pro- viding the necessary literature, and to my friends Fred Reinfeld, Sid- ney Bernstein and Pau! Little for their assistance in the reading of the proofs and the preparation of the work in the final form. REUBEN FINEINTRODUCTION ‘The alphabetical arrangement ofthe openings isthe traditional one, and has been adhered to. A schematic overview is provided in the in- troduction to show the interrelations of the different openings more clearly, The order of variations within each opening is determined by rain and sub lines. All the main lines are described in the introdue- tions, together with any of the sub-variations that are particularly relevant. 'No attention has been paid to transpositions unless they affect the final position reached. In some openings, such as the English and Queen's Gambit, almost any order of moves may be adopted; in others, such as the Ruy Lopez, the choice is more narrow. In any comparison of games quoted here with published scores this point should be borne in mind. Those unfamiliar with an opening are best advised to read the in- troduction and confine themselves to the main variations at fist. Ref- erence to the relevant passages in my THE IDEAS BEHIND THE CHESS OPENINGS wil also be found helpful Al the variations have been carefully evaluated. The symbols used are those current in all chess publications; we include a glossary for those who are unacquainted with them. In those few rare cases where no symbol ends a variation, the final position is one which is extremely ‘complex and offers both sides good practical chances, EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS USED ++ (after White move) White has a winning advantage 4+ + (after Black move) Black has a winning advantage + (after White move) White's position is distinctly superior, but a forced win is not yet demonstrable + (after Black move) Black's position is distinctly superior, but a forced win is not yet demonstrable + (after White move) White has a clear positional advantage = (after Black move) Black has a clear positional advantage & (after White move) White's position is slightly more comfort- ableINTRODUCTION ‘= (after Black move) Black's position is slightly more comfortable ‘The position is even— Norarion For the benefit of those readers who are unfamiliar with the Eng- lish notation we give a diagram of the board with the names of the squares in the English (descriptive) and algebraic notations, together with the names of the pieces and their equivalents in various foreign languages. For further information on notation the reader is advised to consult any standard introductory work, such as my CHESS THE EASY WAY. (muse) pc DE F CG R (oo) Eng French Tal Span Germ Dutch Russ Czech Polish Hung King 9K OR RoR KK Kp kK kK OK Quen Q@ D DD D Db ® dD H V Rook oR oT TT T T A Vo WB Bishop 8 F A A L Lok) C S GF Knight Kors) C oC CoS PK J S oH Pawn PPP PUB UP SCHEMATIC OVERVIEW OF THE OPENINGS 1P—Ky ‘King’s Pawn Openings 1P—O4 Queen's Pawn Openings 1 P-QB4 English Opening 1 Kt-KB3 Réti Opening Other moves: Variously named, Irregular 1. King's Pawn Openings 1 PKs No name; see various subdivisions 1 French Defense : Caro-Kann Defense Z Sicilian Defense 1 Alekhine’s Defense 1 ‘Nimzovitch’s Defense 1. PHOS Center Counter Game Other replies Irregular 1 P—K4, P—Ky 2 KtKB3 ‘King's Knight's Opening; further name depends on Black's reply 2 Kt_QB3 Vienna Game 2 PKB, King’s Gambit 2 P05 Center Game 2 BB, Bishop's Opening Other moves Irregular 1 PK4, PK; 2 Kt—KB3, 2... Kt-QB3 No name; depends on further moves 2... Kt-KB3 Petroff’s Defense 22+. PHQ3 Philidor’s Defense 2... POKBS Latvian Counter Gambit (or Greco Counter Gambit) Other moves Irregular 1 PR4, P—K4; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt-QB3, 3B-Kts Ruy Lopezvii__SCHEMATIC OVERVIEW OF THE OPENINGS 5 BBs ‘Name depends on Black’s reply 3P-O4 Scotch Game 3 PBs Ponziani’s Opening 5 KtBs ‘Name depends on Black’ reply Other moves Irregular 1 P—K4, PK; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt-QB3; 3 B—By 5.1 BOBy Giuoco Piano 3+ +s BBs 4 P—OKy Evans Gambit 3... KBs ‘Two Knights’ Defense 3... BUKa ‘Hungarian Defense Other moves Irregular 1 PK4, PKq; 2 Kt-KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 Kt—By Boe KBs Four Knights! Game 3... BKts ‘Three Knights’ Game Other moves ‘Transposition or Irregular IZ. Queen's Pawn Openings TPO 1s. PHQ4;2 P-OB4 Queen's Gambit Other moves: Queen's Pawn Game Queen's Gambit 1 P—Q4y P—Q45 2 P—OB4 2... PP ‘Queen's Gambit Accepted 2... PAKS Queen's Gambit Declined 2... POOBS Slav Defense 2... PKS Albin's Counter-Gambit Other moves Irregular For further dicusson see the introduction to the Queen's Gambit. Queen's Pawn Game: TPH Pay and White omits an immediate P— (04 —Queen’s Pawn Game 1... KtKBS Indian Defenses P—0By Benoni Counter Gambit 1... PORBS Dutch Defense Other moves Irregular SCHEMATIC OVERVIEW OF THE OPENINGS ix For further discussion sce the introduction to the Queen's Pawn Game 1 P—QBy 1 KtkBs 1 PEBy 1 Kt—QB3 1P-K3 1P—QB3 Other moves IIL. English Opening ‘The independent variations are those which do not transpose to the Queen's Pawn or the Réti IV. Réti Opening ‘The independent variations are thote which do not transpose to the English or the Queen's Pawn. V. Otter Openings Bird's Opening Queen's Knight's Opening van't Kruys Opening Saragossa Opening include in iegular openingsALEKHINE’S DEFENSE “Tras veresse was introduced to master ply by Alekhine at Budapest in tan. During the this it was a favorite vith many of the lading raster, including Euwe, Flohr, Resevaky and Fine, but inthe present decade it has fallen off considerably in poplaity The tain strategic! idea underiying the opening is that of provoking the advance ofthe White center Pawn, onthe theory that thy wil evene tually become weak, This theory was inline withthe tenets of the hyper made cho, but sno longer adhered to by mot preen-day masters Recent analy, especially the improvement in col. 2, indicates that Wihite can aford to acept Black's challenge Black can obian equality with the ln incl 1, but other variations are unfavorable fr him, ‘Alternatives tothe Four Pawn Attack at tines lad to an advantage fr White, but by and lange Hlack gets of with a playable game. However, is Jac of development inevitably exposes him toa number of serial ate tempt, of which that in ol. 14 moet prong ‘Against moves oter than 2 P—Ke, Black can trangpote to more regular lines with «PK. If he persists in keeping the center mobile, he may aqui have to withstand such dangerous attacks as that een incl 19 DIAGRAM DIAGRAM 2 Poge 2 cal 4 Pope 5, 0b. 33, [Aer 9 Ba] Talter 5 8X2}2 ALEKHINE’S DEFENSE ALEKHINE’S DEFENSE 3 1 PAK4, Kt-KBS; 2 PKS, Kt—-Q4; 3 P—OB4, Kt—KO; 4 PO, 1 P—Ké, Kt-KB3; 2 PKS, Kt—04; 3 P—0B4, Kt—KO3 P08; 5 PBs, PX P; 6 BPX P i 6 7 8 ° ro " 2 3 + s 40-00 PBs 6 Kim eeeeenarceentteet reer EOK(2) e209) KO 7 BK (0) P95! 5PxP Kens KiB) bom Pox PX? BPXPO BOK Ext 8 xt085 Kt-on3 60830) K-9B) BE PX oP x xt POK3 PXP Kt—Bs P—Kty PXP KP X P(j) P—Q3 (m) 9 Kt—B3* PXP 7 BAK B-K3 P—Bs (g) B-Ka(k) BP XP KUKI. BOK BARKS QRS Be BOKG PKs? BOK PX woR-Br BOR: DK BK Pox oB-Q RUB XK Kes KR Pm 0-0-0 0-0 BXK oes 0-0 BGG) PXEL 0-0 KOE @) 1 BK) 0-0 oo PXB(m) —-B-KDy oXKIUK: BK BXP PO BOB PXP@ PB) PB Rh PK PKs) KOR) BRB ROK a EXP PXP PXP/G) BoB BxP 0-0 PK «XB 0-0 2 By PXP BXP QBs Ox Pek Rr 0-0 RPXPO) Bobs 0-0 re a er 11 PKR 0-0 QxP Bs o-0 Keepy KOK, © OK QOH BK. BoRy) PRR) -RIQs KE Bs Pep MKOXE BXE RQ RXQ Ke OO OG Bm ROBY Kix PO) PXEU KIXKUh —QR-Qi_- 0-0-0 0-0 Doky OR POR PHO BO 1X Qk BX) BIO) Ror exe BXB KEEL © BXP BBs Kix Kt EXQW) BPXBG) BR BORIS BxO RPXB BXB EXB 0 KBr Pxxe 16 BX Rich PQRS:t () K-Re (I) PRS (6) RRO PKs KIXB | PXKL — PORRS4 (QBs PxB BoB OPK) BORG =(D BOK * See py Digram 1 15. Qs bats 6 BX KEP X © Winstead P05 Ke (rR Greate, Mesow, 1939), OOH; 7 Ke Darby eisai Rye Reh Shy Roky KURG)-G2, 8 KBs, Rp BKigs #Thg Re Qe 9 P— KBs 19 Key (sg PAKRS PRG ORB RRy By fo PORK Beg, 17 Ke—nby, Bont; s P—Kor7, GZ BOBS RBs 18 KR, K Emr cee em Oee ip 2 mg rs Se Phenleh Bs Rt Gethespcaaiee (Seba taken Wane 35 PoRDy 15O—KS PORKG: 14B—Ks) Fin, Halwood, 4s fiscsbecnteech rn POs fhegn tio B3< BORKIS 12 Pls (not 2 KU RR 7, BSR BGs, PSE, Tussah Ar 4. KBs) 9 PERS, 00% Rois eke Bolg gy Pxcbp, KOCBED, Ke Oy. Renee OX Yolk, Wnts ROH O- Qu Pa tr PRG Q-05; 14 PX Kets, QX Qehj 15K XQ, Kei rg Kt—Kts 4-21. D—Ka 7 is re- Qs; 10 P—OKty, Kt—Ba; 12 B—B2, B— ar Rt jy 12 Kt X Kt, Beare Rn woes ie BRS ated by 2 POs, PTs 1g BRL 5: Reus 7 Bhs, BBS Kew a0 Ps, Ree 12 BL SUE BL Oxty Qos; i OKtags, RP XB: 14 P XP, KK: 5 Kt Kis; 12 070 Bs: 1g YBa BRS Ke PCB: 13 00, KE Kish tg B Peet ass, poke Selgie Quy PRG (or #5. 16 RX 1g Kt u Ro, Yalte“Alebine, Dred, 190, crt Tenia Lisngad oss, Yt, Rex O17 KeKig and wi; 9 (On 2h Poss 29 PX Pi bes 3 ZrenevntyLorwenioch Lega oye, BL Rex Op Reis nd wi) yrs P05 Ke Ka: 20 BRIS, O-Oe; Grea Fede KER Re Ke Cuprom per etksinte Hom Petey kim Ke Oem ie Ren tes REG Fo Ge KEKE 1 Re PRE and OC ate oth pobably Op, OF 1S and win) r8 PRS, 2QK-K:, PRS Petrow—Fobe, Kem Qa sou Rta Ke Sela? QoKG, Px Pr altlough te gameended Tk Tc the Qucen, Arby Bar © OX Pisin but tity: KL ty Pe Be BGP; 18 KLX Bh 3 daw. ZaoskoTorowky—Aketibe, {> poorky and Groce Sols Beek Bag oe 21 Tete Rete Han Or BHKs; 12.0-0,0-0; 1, r— QANS HS RX KU RDPB: 14 DXB, OMSK O07 BGP Bho Gh Po ray Kee, RecByi ay Re BPS 27 Ox Qch BX: 19 RXY Seip icns fi a good Zuber Notes contnsed Oke BE UREX FRE BS IRE ees 2 Olam Tren compo oP Ry ile go Zahn oes conned on . 4 Br, BOKiys- Pettow—Fine, Kemer, SO 927 1a. ‘Notes continued on p. ¢4 ALEKHINE'S DEFENSE ‘Notes continued from p. 2 ) The point 15...RPX BI; 16 Kt— ts! loses at one for Black. (9 16. Bo Bach; 17 KORE. Try P— K4 18 P—QKu /, BOs; 19 KtKts BS Ry 20 Kex Poh, KR; 27 Ke Kis owe G) Mood alternatives 12 Kt—KR4, P X By ay Rex, PX KY 2g PQs, Kt Qs! 15 B ¥ Kt, PHB; 16 Q XP, Ke Qa 27 K—Rrs. Znotko-Borovaky— Colle, Paris, 1929. @) An ieprovernent on 25 Q—Kx, Kt— Kt; 16 P=ORY f, Kt—Brs 27 QB, Kt XB 28 QX KE (RauserFine, Lenine rad, 1932), PB. © 16... RQ 17 P-Q5 1, KLKUs (7 Ke—Qr with cramped postion is best); 8 P—OR3, Kt—Rs; 19 POR, KR—Q1; 29 B~Q4!, Bronstein Rade kovaky, Moscow, 154s (m) Weaker ig 17, BX B, Kt x BP; 22 BX Kuh, PX Bj 13 Bia /, Q-Q2 =. () 16...BX Kitch; 17 PX. Prins— ‘Tareakower, Hastings, 1945-46. (©) Marshall suggests. PKs withthe following main possibles: (2) 7 Kim QBs, Be Kes; # D—Ks, P—Qlba 9 PX B, 0x Qek, 10 KX Q, KKtQe (2) 7 RIK, BK) 8 BK, Png, 9 BKyy Px Ps ro Kt BX By 2? Q xB, B Key; 2 KKB S, KOBE, Notes continued from p. 3 @) The sscrfcial variation 7 Ke P2, WX B; 8 QXB,Q XP; 90-0, OR Qa; zo KUXKt is setuted by 10,..0X Kt) Gnd not 10. Ke Ke 17 KBs, DAQBS; 12 BOK, Q-Kai 13 QR—i, POK3: 1g QBs, 0-0-0} 15 BP, QO; 16 1—-Qs, OK Bs: 17 OKs, PoKys 1 BK. AlekhineResbev shy, Kemer, 132; 21 Kt—Bs, P—K35 io b-Ks, BK 13 QR_Qy 140-Ku, 0-0; ‘ThomasFobr, Antwerp, 193. (0) This is god enough o dram, but ro. KBs was better Alekhine maintains that after 11 0-0, KUX P; 12. XP, RP Ps 13 BK Black bas only alight drawing chances, but after 17 R—-QKU; 14 Q—Kg, Kt—Kty! Black bas 2 slid Destion and White may ave to ght fora rae () 15 Kes, BX Kick; 26 PX B, O— 0 Alethine—Euwe,,2oth_ match game, 4935 Black drew Talay eal, despite the Pawn minus (A 6...BP XP, transposing into eal. 7, {Sa pod possibilty (0) Or 7 PKR, BR; 8 BK, Kt— By, 9P—05,B X Kt; 10B X BRI 21 BKa, Qs; 12 0-0, P-Kuys Ki—Q2, ROKK 74 Qua, PRU as PX'P, KUx KeP (Rashdan—Euwe, Hastings, 931-32) and now 26° Kt—B3, Ris 17 BBy + (Kashdan) © tg. BORG, 15 PoR5, BKI3; 15 POOKt4, PORS; 17 OKs. Marocey Keres Dresden, 1956 (im) Black must liquidate atleast one of the advanced White Pawns quickly to ‘equalize. Bg, 6... P—Kgr 7 BeKS, P— Qku; 3 PP, RP x Pro Ke—By KI By; 10 B03, BR3;11 0-0, B—K2 =. ‘Maroeay—Cole, Bled, 1931. But if... KE SDE, SB, PORRG: 3 BOB B—KUy; 9 B—By, 0-0; 10 QQ, P > KRY, PKR 12 0-0-0, 13 BRK(5 4, Stolte—Colle, Ble, 951 (i) Better than 4... B—Ka; 9 BOKMs, PX Py 10 KEXP QX Qe 17 RX, BAK; and now 12 By BX By ry Re XB, RURG 1p KtRs/ a. Tarts ewe (©) Golombek—Tylo, London, 1936. ALEKHINE’S DEFENSE 5 1 PKA, Kt—KB3; 2 PKS, Kt—Qe 1 2 33 4 15 3 PB), P04) Co) POs 4 PBS)... P—QKty KKB (hi) t=O) PORK) BIS () 5B BK: ()* Pa P03 (k) ce KI QBS 6 Kt-QBs (0) Kt-KBs 0-0. KiKi! 0-0 KUXKt | PQ, BXKt) | BoBy PK: 7 QPXKU)PXPep. — BXB PK6!(5) PB BXP QXP PXP PXP KK $Q-KYy Poy PXP PUKKY! = PXP. KBr Kish) PKs BK PXP OBB POs Qk B03! (0) POKts PQ 0-0-0 QB: Bk 100-0-0 BK Pay B-K3 (6) K—Q: QBs? KK! 0-0 HEB-Q3 QKt-Q2 BK KtB3 BK -BXKt 7 PO PKR, BXB Pom PBs PB, KK, POKR, Kea 13 ROR3 (0) B-Ky (BOR Pky = See p. 1, Diagram 2 @, 60—Kig PQs; 7 BPX P, PX Pr SP—Qg, PX P59 Pw, Ke Kes; 10.0 Ks £! Prins Lloens, Sitges, 1934 BxP: Ss Q—Kt, KBr 9 P—O4 gives White » srongattae);BP x P,P X'PsgP XP, Bx Ps 10 PQs, OO; 11 Ke—Bs, @ : A tis Sergeant™Tartakower, Hastings, 22---P Kai 14. 11 (0) 7 KX Ke, P-O5 U7. (©) White has strong stack. Schware— Hleraog, correspondence, 1926-28, @) Ory PKR: \Kts 5 PBs, 0-0-0 = (a) ty; 6. QBs, PKs; 7 PKR, Ke— By, 8 Q—Ks, PQs; v Kt—KBy, Kt X 1 KEXKG BK 1 BBS Richter~Danision, Zopot, 2935 (© Better is 8. OKEXP: 9 KUX Kt PX Kt 109 FQ Q:11B XQD— Bg 12 Kt, PK 113 BX PO M0; 14 B—Ks, Ps: 3 Bg, (Qkts +. Tantakower—Calle, Ble, 293 Kita, O-B3; 15 QBs i. Steiner “Pkler, Budapest, 1931 @) 3 BB4 is inferior: 9. BoKts, PQ4; 5 Q—Ks, Kt—By, 6 KiOKMs, Ps; 7 PXP ep, PKG KB), BX, 9 KK, BOKa; 10 KtKs; ¢ K-04 6 BoB PKS: 7 POG P= pQs, Kt—Q5#. VatesRubinstein, Rig, # PX, Rex Py 9 BOs, B— ith 10 BO, KtBsi 17 Kt KBs = A. StsinerPiber, Budapest, 1932), B— Dresden, 1926. Notes continued on 9.76 ALEKHINE’S DEFENSE ALEKHINE’S DEFENSE 7 1 PoK4, RKB: Note continued fom p. § 7 @ . > (4 PP,as sun eds to tig: 4) Thericaly sictoy eg...P— F 7 9 SLR Reese abel Reeebe Re Rent Rene Re, 2 OKs)... 00s. vos vse BQ3 Biowsmrensing QM EISRORES, SFoKRy HKG ex BR ye Gen Poe Poem) BR a bok RGU 7 KenBy) S.A Tinmar Pn, Hating tir= Kt_OB3 PXP. PKs PKB, 0-0-0; 8KLXKLQX KYU oB—Ks, 38. Oktxkt() EXP KKI—02 (i) Kt—Bs (n) aa eee er age! OMS PXMs 7 KexP, BB: § QR 12 DOs, QX KPH. lyin Qxb, Hons Ge 6 Kw Ose y Be FKP XEEQ) BODE EXP KSI). PP Drentynat Me, eo sR Sn FS Oe MEOH PP Pag Ken) EXP PRP ORXP eet ee ee ere ee ty # RRs, 0-0; p OKO, RAY'2” owl, “aver 5P-KBy | BAKty KK: P94 Kt—KB3 Ike -Q3; 10 Kt—Br, P—Qq=. Vater 1950) POKIG Kien go Boone PORK; PoOB, — PQby KYB (4) REX KU eet ern oe a eens Seer 6 Kt—By P—Q3 (4) P—QKts (g) Kt—By QxX Kt @ Or 4... P XP; 5 KtXP, P—K3; 6 Ktz, O—O; 13 KR—Qi, Q—Baj 1g R— Bee Poe Poke Pome BG Beate nOs ro Om REEDS Gy k Tinie Noting se ‘ Kt, B—Q2; 9 Q—K2, Q—Rs; 10 P—QB3,_(m) Bots “Flohr hs 936. ogy ake ope poet BQ 9a ORs oR) etn Fy Nasi er OO Ty MERE RG MONEE) Lew aan ba a Bardo et, 5 BQ: 0-0 Ky B-OKis! P04 bs, 0-02 CBR e PoBy, 87 BOOS, BX Bi SQ XB, PORRS: 9 3 Be ee BME ESB Rik, P—Ky; 10 0-0, PX Pyar P 0-8 Bk Oke Rs ESkymichiensearet MABE Re Bo Fh 90-0 ty PoBy 0-0 B93 orelicbow arash Brena r020) 6 ahevaky, Kemer, 137 om Ono Eek: Qo Qoack OMe Oe AP AERA BOX 6) nstendy Kt RPI, Q—Qe 10K 70 Q—Kr B-K3 BXB RK P—Kty Kick, Kt—Ka; 11 P—ORs !, Q—By; 12 xe Bee ee ed ee ne ae Te BERSE. Reker! Grn, Vem, 28, Whites gi move b peed by HRPXP PO BB} BX LQ as > ee Eos Pooky EeRy PRB OX GD A promising atematve is PKR, (9) OF 10 Key Boy: 1 Boy, P PBs PXP — BRig(O) KI-KS 0) EIXO= (0 BARTON cmee Bi ge Fibs Rigs) Ri, Oo, KtRy = B—Q2 = (i) Ky; & P—Rs/ (an improvement on the #4 Kt—QKts. But not here 1g P— fer #7—RKe KGB 9 BGR, ORY KUMP 15 PKG OD Ris thes ee QeOs, BX, PQs —. Bolesavsky—Mike- Qt, Ki QBs: 9 B OKs O° Os: As, Moscow, 19a, The cxluma a Tart @ 2-PKS: 4 ROX KS PX KY § Pos; rg KtBy £. Marocy—Landa, 10 PB Kt (Q0)— Ka; 170-0, RQ, fey Messi 3 ae Boose RBS Rip! Zana nae 12 Kis x, Boleslavaky—Khavin, Moe: Kower—Takacs, Budapest, 1926 Ka, B—Ka; § B—KBgs, 0-0; 9 0-0, (e) ro... Kt—Qs equalizes. The column is cow, 1044 Payinbx grin = sami’ Oleh apt Notes oni See Buda tne ne tes continued frm 6 @oreowrny Pol.rons Levee kere eRe x ree ' PRES E POs XKLEX KE m4, PKs; 5 KUBy POD; mary of the ponies see aie by Kits, FOB 6 BRB KCBS = Gpaenng~abromavian, "Felson, Petes eendbs Ww simian othe Machel a ine Novenbes to is also good. Vatex—Capabianca, Moscow, gy), Kt-Kta (oot #. KKt-Qat 5 B 1925), S RU—B3PXPL6QX Qh KX R' French Defense, p. 9 ol. 56. See Nimzo- (32, —Kig; 13 Q—Qs, R-KKt 14 PEt 40X oak Erm ais Bg Sas Nr @ a Pa 13 Oy RRR GP READ RR SE Ob TORS Gy 6 Key Kex Kick 7 OX Kt Kt = 2B Be BOs eB RK KIQ1 S-Type 3 Bits, BOs ©. von Holshate (1) No entirely satistctory defense for NG ea sp ony Keo: columns Giob—Gructeld Merny iso, 4, Niue, Gen 988 OF PB Buck itnown Ws. P Bs OPP ONT eeguaecnd amt Mery 38. ER Spy Hoey QBs PRE eae Sina Bg Ret Re RQ 9 Remy Pei 008 4. Pky; s KIM POs, Pigy s Poh bok wo BOOKS, By IKE is, PKK 90-00 Rey BOR BOR Z BRS Resi 8 0 60-0, B—Kaj7 P—Q4, Kt XKts PX 0—0; 11 B—Ku, KtQu =. Tartakower 100K, 070; 1 BOKKts, KoRrj 12 QP RUCKUS ORB XKUB Bi 10 BX Ki, 0-0; 9 Kt Ks, QBs =. Hromad- —Landau, Rotterdam, 190. QRS? PK! 5. Khavin—MMikenas, Rh BX Bsr KKB, Bt 12 0 SR Ke ee ey 2°) Better 22 Ke—By and if 12... Kt Moscow, oss), P-KK(S (or 7...Kex GLO ™. Nimovitch—Vakovieb, Kee- Orga Ris ke gay, Reaky 2 Beer Remy Mca, 4d PRK (7K Bay @) Rarely payed, but neverthelen strong, BeQ Regs 6-PoRs 7 Pgs, Re Ang; # Boks, Kas, 9 KKtoks, Kix; 0 RP Ke, Ke-Qys 77 UX HQ Rt 120 XO, P XQ: 13 PQs, ‘Notes continued on p.7 PUKRg, BKta; 9 PRS, Qua; 20) Or 3...P—Os; 4 BPXP, KtKts BO0:, 0X BP; rr P XP, PX Pi 2 R (Alekhine). X Reh, XR; 13 Kt—KRet, A. Steiner) NimaovitehAlekine, New Yor “Hansen, Munich, 1936. Fora good sum: 1987 17 Ris, POR; 1g BX Ke, BX Bi; 15 Q—Ks, Kt—Qy, Romanov ‘Tosh, Moscow, 1045 ~~BIRD’S OPENING Tans onesie was popularize by the English master Bird towards the end ofthe last century, but i i tely tried by modern masters because it affords Whit to little hold on the center, In Germany and Holand iti known as the Dutch Defense with White Ts the main variations Back can develop rapidly and equalize in variety of ways. The simplest is Schlechter’ line in col. 1, but ater replies are cauully satisfactory. A trap to be avoided i the center bind exempliied in ol. 3 note) this is quite similar to Nimzovitch’s Attack cee Réti Open- ing, p. 322 "he Ceechostovakian master Pelian has recently attempted to conduct the opening as pure Dutch Defense with an extra tempo, and has had some success. However, Blick can eat avo a disadvantage (cols. 7) From’s Gambit (cos 8-5) ia violent efrt to get the initiative. Ualke the Staunton Gambit its counterpart inthe Dutch Defense, iis unsound ‘The defense by White i unusal in that he can afford to hold on to the xtra Pawn, DIAGRAM 3 Page 11, nate (9) Tater 7. PKS] Whit’ idea position 2 Kt-KBs. 3 Kt—KBS ()* B-Kts 0) 4 BK BXEE 5BXB QKt—92 (0) 6 Pky PKS 7PXP PXP. 5 KBs PB 90-0 Bok 10 P03 Kt nr Pay PXP PX PERS (0) BXED QxB OKt-02 P04 xis = PRBS (0) oo PKs PB PBS Bog B03 PBs BB P—OKy BBgch = (0)Q—Ba = PEK Pay, Kt_KBy PBy tm) P84 (m) POKIy @) Kt0By BLK isch PKs Bok BQ: Boke Kt—B3 BX Bc B-Q3(b) 0-0 KEXB Bos Qk Kt—By Po PXPG) 0-90 BXP KBs KBs PB Ktxs PxXP PAKS (k) BXBP | KtXEt 0-0 PXEt Kis P04 KK 0-3 KB; BG: KOK Poy P04 Ky, PXP=() KeKs=@ eeronhl G@ 4 P—OKs fs premature; Black gets ole, 1-3 [Alter 9 eB) the better endgame mith PQs /,4—Q3, PX PSP XP, PoKy OP XP, Kt Kis; 7 B_Ktge, PBs; 5 X Qeh RX Qi 9 BKa, Ke'x POs) *. Nimaoviteh “Steines, Keesemet, 1927 (@) Sehlechue’s Variation, thretening B >< Kt and an early advance of the KP. (© §...P-By; 6 0-0, ORt-02; 7 P— Qs, PKs; 3 B—Q2, B—Ksy 9 PBs, 00; 190s, Rr; 17 P—QBS, Ke SKe 12 POkty, PBy 13 Pokey, PORKIg =. Réti"Kaulmans, Viens, ro (@ Tantakower—Groeatld, Vienna, 197 Notes continued on p. 111° BIRD'S OPENING BIRD'S OPENING n yay Note continued fom p.9 a (© Oter continuation ae) 4 P—Buy Kt 17 BX Ke QR-Q) ad the ge $ 7 3 9 7 sre kteiy enige 6R-ORG tan inn dame, Tonhower ter 1 Kt Pm © pre wo yb MR SCRE EO x ANOS P Netinghan, soe feces I. ach concen, wy a 3 a —_ PxP Py ip, haPooku PRs eke Ovi 8) mt OPM Paks P93 Pxe Boy #804 OKt_Qs: 7 POKRS, Gp capone ragged later he x 3 Kt—KB3, PXP P93 (0) BX Ru FQ%B Ke—Bei 20-0, 0~ ination #cKt oe Kt 9 PC Ky Kees PQ PQ; BP Pox Oy 2 RBs BOs =. Taakower— geo bX fed, Ris tt FG P= pe eBXE Pa cater, Veh, By iB Re Or ROR bos bore? BENQ) EXE (9 Tm poston bas tecome a Sonora PSK B. Wars he Qacens Pawn. Comte () 1g KU B REX Kt 14 PX Ke, Q— 50-0 BH PO Pay BO pres si. The conn i Donckmaame™ yay hae BS Beh QB Pm 0-0 Poxts POR (a) PRS EES eect en On 170-0" b-kis, 18 Bs OK ee ee © On 1BKuch BOs eualas mast BE, Taraower—Coplnc, Cad, KBs Gk) QU) PRs Key oem NO ea Rell semeKerks Genny Ono, Om 3. BORiay ¢ PO, KKM: 7Q0-Kr 0-0 9-93 eR P—QR3 Fe) ine pean Sacteas Gags) $203, 0-0; 6 Gkt~-Qay Pas Po oo Pe POKES Be Kika leads to White's ideal position in this open- Bs, P—Kts; 8 Q—K2, B—Kta; 9 Kt—Ks, 8 QR (ae) PHBy PER Ktke KtRs ing. Seep. 8, Diagram 5. Qs 10 0-0, Kicy 17 ORB, OK) PKs K-08) PRs Pooky ) §.--KI—By, 6 Bos, ORL: 7 PUBS EP RBS Hiss hobs RRS ox QB = PXP oo ORANG, PRBXKE DH DOR Kye LicwhalTerakeee, gl ath Boks) BRE RC Ets ake TR BAR 050% BS Be, vn 10 QKt—Qa! P—Q3 Q-QKts Kt—Q2 . » 1988 (n) 13 P—Bs, PX Pj 14 Kt X BP, P— gee ze | fom re 20 Px P, Pokus 14 B04, Be apterTee New Yom, 11 POKRs & (0) Kt—B3 RXP+() BX KIP+ (0) BB -t(p) Hts 150" Es, Q— Kis; s¢ Re“ E4EKt top PO = (© Wesker is 8 B=Q1, Q—Ba; 9 PK, PX Ph 1 PX P, PORe fs PXE, Okt P+. TetalowerMarvery, Zand: oor, 1936- (©) 8...Q-Bs followed by... PK te ‘more logieal, but compare Dutch Defense, ‘age 299, col. 199-200, (9, MoKt—B, PQs 10 Kt, Kt Okts 7 Ker, PX Pera Kt, Kt (Qs =. Pelikin—Maderna, Mar’ del Plata, 104. @ 1 BX RY 12 BXB, PBs: 15 POs, Ke-OKts; 24 B-Q1, QBs 1 PRS, Keogh 16 Poy, Poy 27 B Ba. Polkan—Guimard, Mar del Plata, 1045. (©) 6. PBs (6. KBs; 7 Qs, PAK 41: 80—0,P X Pig PX'PR-KE, 10 Kiwis, POg; 17 BOK, BQ 12 Bx Ke, Bx By 1) KtKs!, POsi rg KeoKs, KOKis i+. Mencik— Romat ovaky, Moscom, 1989) 7 0-0, Kt—Bp SP—Bu, QBs; Qe, P—Kyis0P PPX By PQs Boks; 2 KBs, QR—Oy; 13 PRRs, BBs 1g PK, Kt—Q5;15 RBs, 0-03 =. Hliskases” Menchi, Hastings, 933-24. ) 2 PKs, PKG: 13 PX P, OKEX By ry Ke x Rt, PKU 25 Rt—Q5, B— (QBi. Eliatases~-Graenfld, Vienna, 1935 G@) The From Gambit, onus SiS 3Q-05 4. Lipke ES, Breda 1869, OF 4 KUKBS: 5 PQs, Kt—Kis; 6 O— Qs, 0-0; 7 PK, PLQBg; # PK, BoKa; 9 PQs, R-Ky; ro Ka, B Rech, 1 RUB, Q x Keck 12 OKs, Ox Ook; 13 PXG, RX Pg KBs, Ke—Kojs BX Kt. Pio Tyon Hast ings, 1038-0. Notes continued on p. 11 [Notes continued from p. 10 (9 Stronger than 6 Kt—Ks, BX Kt; 7 PX B,Qx Qek; 8 EXO, Kt—OB5 9 DKts, Ke x Pr 10 Kt—Bs, BKsy 1 PK; PORES; 12 BR (Benak smannTartakower, Keskemet, 1927) and ow 12...0—O--Ovk equalize, G) M6... PRBg; 7 P—Ka (but not 7 P2057, 0-Ka; 80-4, B-Ku; 0 ty, PKR; 20 Kt—Ke, BX Kt. Bied and Lee Mason and Cook, 189), P KR); F PKs, BK; 9 KE-KRs P X Kt; 10 Q—Rseh, KBr; 27 B— Oh, QOR: (or RR 12 GoKt6, Re Ku; 0B X P+. Hromadia— Gilg, Pode- brady, 1930); 12. Q PORG) and’ White is a'stng attack (Smiraof—Jacobern, 193) 9 Or 8. Kt—KR3; 9 PBs, KIB; zo PX PRKtX P17 Kt—QRs!, BX Kt; 2 P XB, B—Qz:15 PRY, 0-0 0; ty BOKKtes, Hromadka "Daniel fe, Munich, 1936 © 11. RXR; 12 QX Rech, K-Q3; 2p KUX R, EX Paks 14 KO, Ke Ry rs PKs, PX Pep iB XP. Anal ysby Alebhine. (om) §...P—Kis; 6 Kt—Rg, PBs for br, BKa; 7 Ri-Rta, PLR, sc the column); 7 PoRs, Kika; 8 BOs, QKt~Bs; 9 0-0, Kt—Kyy 10 Kt, KUX Kt i BX KY KtBéek; 12 RX Rt, PXR; 15 QXP, 0-0; 14 Q~ Ktjckt. ChethoverRabinovite, o36 (2) 1--KI-KBr; 12 KtoBu, KtoKg; wy KU Ke BX KG 4y Boikts. Hell ‘man—Strautmanis, The Hague, 1938 () The alternative is 3 Kt—QBs, Kt— Kis; ¢ P-KRUs (the Swiss Gambi), P— KES (PERS ie als good) § P— is, KI“Rys 6 PO, Py; 7 BK, KUKu; 1 P XP, PXP; 9 QX Och, KX Qj 10 Kt XP, BBy; BQ, KE <2 =. Hold Musi, 2905, @) 1. B—Kta; 12 PBs, 0-05 13 Q-Ks, Pony 14 P—OR4?, KRG, Pelikan—Alekhine, Podebady, 1936.BISHOP?S OPENING 3 1 P—K4, P—K4; 2 B—B4 , : 2 3 ‘ s BISHOP'S OPENING eae T, . 3 PO cece PoBh so PHQ3 Le Pvarose of the Bishop's Opening is to develop quickly and institute PXP KEXP) PB (om) an attack against the Black King postion without weakening the White 4 KKB P03 Ka (a) King asin other KP openings such as the King's Gambit. At one time the ix? Seceeeees KEB3()—KE=Q3 (BOK American master Weaver Adams claimed that it is a forced win for White; 5 OX Pb) BOKKts (j) BOKts BBs while he was alone in his claim (and later abandoned it in favor of the nom ean ee Vienna) his games and analysis helped to clarity the theory ofthe opening. 6 BoEEts (a) Ben
) | BK:@) 0-0 QB $Kt-K: — Q—Rs/() 0-0 BOR, PORK) | POKKQ | ROKr PAKS 9 Q—B go! BK Q-K ROE 0-0 BOKKts Kt-@: ro BKR6 = KIB) ROK Ker, BKB, (0) Kt—-Q2KI-Q2 Boxy 0-0-0 0-0 g-03 PB BoKs KK QB 0-0-0 2Q-OK BK PHEKY 0 oR ROKr KeBr PKB 13P-KBy PLKR3/_—Kt_qa Paty BO BoB ee B93 4 BXB RE: PQs PRs RXKt | BKB, | BXE Kt 15 KR-KWI4() RX REG) RX B BBs) PRG KeKy = () Pky =() * DIAGRAM 9 (@) A gambit alternative which fs dificult ols. 1-5 GWweone [ler 5 ie x aH] for Bick to meet is $ B31, OXF; Rts, Or; 7 OK, 5 BX Ki, Keg (etter is 9 BX By Q—Ryeky 10 TOs, QX br 0-0".0, Kt"Q2); 9 0-0, Kt—-Ba Jo R-Qu, Q—By; 12 RE-KG, Alekhine Winter, Hastings, 93637 ) On 7... P—KKts; § QR is strong, oe 8 O04, with ites similar to col ‘The point i that Black's Qib has ben de> rive of the square KK. (©) Better r0.-.B—K35 11 B XB, with a ‘imal pouitional advantage, @) 15.0 RXR 16 RXR, KOR BOB, P—OKt4; 18 Q—Ks ,—Oa} rp B—Kts Keres Mikenas, Buenos Ares, Notes continued on p.20 CARO-KANN 1 P-K4, P—QB3; 2 P04, P—O45 DEFENSE 0 5 Kt—QB3, PX P; 4 KEXP (@) 6 1 8 9 10 4 (RIABY)... PK BB SKtKiy KtKB3 KIKty POR) KI-B3 | BOK ORtBy | KtKty PUKR,/. Kes PXP —QKt—-Q2 PKR; P—K3 (om) 7 ELXP() BHOs Kt-Bs (@) Kew, BK (@) PBS Keg: Rs SB-K2 0-0 B03 hy Kt x Bin) oo Poxs() BXB BPX Kt 90-0 ROK QxB 2-03 B-QBy BOK: Pox KG ro Kt-Ky PLB Bg tks exe EXP KKI—By Q-ar! WRXQ — KtXP 0-0-0 BOK: BOK () BR = QB OKt—Bs ye PERS POR KK. KROKI KX Ktch (0) BK 0-0 Ba) Bos PXE? 13 BOKKts PK KtKy Kt-Ky BQr QKt-O2 KtBy KIX Rt | OKEX Kt © QB RQ: BBE | QXECSG)QXEt | PURKY QR-or Kt—B3 = (k) 0-0-OF (p) * See p17, Diagram 7 () Agambit pouty ie 4 B—QBs, Ke— By; ¢ PoBs, PKG, 6 Bx KP, B—By; 7 Rit—Ka, P Kass PERU, BORG DPARRs P—KRS. vd. Bosch—Flbr, natch, 2932 (@) Another satisfctory defenses §.- P— Ba; 6Kt—By, Kt—By;7 BRS, O-Ktyy S105, PKs; 9 0-0, B—Qr =, Tare raech—K&i, Bad’ Kissinger, 1928, Une {atlfactory’ alternatives are () B= Kis, 6 0~Q5, QKt—Q2; 7 PRRs, Rar RUB, KUx Ke 9 Ke—B3, P— Ry; 10 PKK, BUQS, a7 B—Kes &, ‘Spitlmann-—Capablanca, New York, 1927. Gp P-RRG 6 PRRs, BORG 7 BAKS, BX B: 8 KKE XB, QKt—0: 5 Q-Q3'x. Spleimann—Alethine, Ca tad, rors Not, however, bere BKK, PRS 7 BX KG PE 8 BOKS, RXP: 9 RXR, Q-Reck; 10 PBs, Q x Bal r PXQPX REF. 5. P— es tanspases 0 ea. 7 707.0 Q5SKEX Q.B—By =. ‘lekbine—Capablnca, New York, 1997 (@ But not 7.,.B—QBs § Q—Kach, BOKS; 9 BAKG, POR (het is 9. (0-0; 10}0-0-0,Q—Ra); OKI“, 0-0; rr Q—Bi+. Alekhine—Tarta” ower, Kecskemet, 1937 (©) Von HolshausenSsemisch, erlin, DOr 8...BOKs; 9 Pos, PP: to PX, 0-0; 11 Kt-Ks, KtKG: ia BOKKts, QKt—O4 17 Ror Iecker—Doety, Views, 1938. Black playing a variation af the French Defense ‘nth atempo behind. For simllar positions fee French Defense, p. 87, col 46 and Queen's Gambit Accepted, p16, cols Sa-13. The column is Spidmann-Hoen: Inger, ath match game, 100. G7 KtRs, threatening # Kt—By is refuted by 7.-.P—Ka (Capablanca). [Notes continued on 9. 202 CARO-KANN DEFENSE CARO-KANN DEFENSE x Notes continued from p18 (©) The exchange of Queens leads to a ry KR—Qt, KR—Kry 15 P—QKt4 ‘uch superior ending for White because of Misses Pla, Bournemotth, 090. bis majority of Pawns onthe Queen's de. Gj) Keree—Flohn, AVRO. toureament, (D Theolderinesare too tame: 8 Kt—Bs, 98 0-0; 9 0-0, BLKKIs; 10 ROK, (&) Animprovementony P—QB3,P—K35 B—Q55 11 Qs, Kt-Q3; 12 PERS, So B-QY BKB, 1 OXB, K-OH BORG 13 BOKty, PORK: 14 PBS, 7 QBs, Q- Ra, 1 RCOKy, O-Oe, KicBas =. Belavienete—Flobs, Lenin. 12 Spe Boog] A TAR Ges frad—Moscow, 1050. ‘Zabare, Moscow, 1935 © 15..QXR: 16 PBs KOs; @) Horowite Hobs, match USA ERE White won the ends, Tei rigs Naidort—Stablberg, Bodas de Pith 1983. my g PKK i premature because of 9 Another possbility. is 6 P—OB, fF Q~Qa! (6. Bey 7h Rtn Pe BOs; 7 BOs, 0-0 (beter now 7 Kid Kt Ka, Kt-Qa; 90-0, Kt Rts Q Kae), 8 QBs (or 8 ORs, Jo PKist Cole Winter,” Hastngh, BOKKi5; 9 OR PQs; 10 KK, Soyo): 7 Kt-Bs, Bh, 3 PB IB511 BORRG witha strong attack. ech! 5 QlKS Kec so POR, dor, Mat del Plata, 9421, QW 00; 7 BKta, PK. Len: i519 Kt Ka, Bai oP KRs, thal—Tolash, USSR, championship, 104s (0) 16 Kis, BORG; 17 Q—Ks, BX ( More aegresive is 7 BK, 0-0; Kt, ts Gx ROK 1p BOs, 8°O-Q2, TEKS: g BHKa, Kes; RU Kt. “ahienthal~Konstantnopolsky, 10 Pt, Q—Ba; 1r QRBr DORKS; TES. champloneip, sons 12 POKRS, BORg 13 0-8, QRH; ‘Notes continued from p. 19 Pee ee een ae cere eee Seba re Tens bee Rael eo Neate eee hin ane sa axe Se RED ns mnyr bad, 1923. (Also good is 7...KKt—B3; § P—KR4, Bae Sete ee oe et yet escmy 15 ome o-oo, aa, BRO see D Bes AE RE GO Galatia ere ece Vesti taceNeiseaa Leet rere ae cet aie cee a soe ‘Bek. Spimann-—Capablancs, New York, O—O, Q—Ba; 14 Q—Bs, Q—Ryj #5 B— Es Sao ae Sab, eee 3 Otte Og ae wae oo Kets, OB CRE Gee Pabth oss Takeaegehl Fee oe oe Oe negara GRE BS Re G8 as ot 1 P—K4, P—QB3; 2 P—Q6, P—O4; 3 PX P, PX Pi 4 P—QBE (a), Ki—KB3; 5 Ki—-QB3, Kt—B3* 2 8 4 15 PKs (6) K-33 (b) KOK KOR, PXP. BOK 80-06 KBs!) BXP Rr) Ketch PK BK 0-0 (m) oBXKt Kt-Ks/ 0-0 a PXB | PXP 0-0 KKs ro Rt—By | Q—Rach RUBY BxB PORK () KBs POR oxs mBXKt 0-0-0 BQ, PgR; BOK: PXB 0 BOK: PR Pky Bo 0-0) KtXKt «= BR) BR: POR BOK:(0) PXK ROK Boke Poby? 1g QR-Qr BX Kt POR; 0-05 0-0 BxB E04 K-04 wg RXP QXPA = BKB BUG) BX EE BKB; BQ KEXKt | POKQ REX Etch wsR-Q2 QXOPH RX Kt © BXB_ OX Kt 3-03 Bob OKtXB PXB 16 PRK H+ (0) BOKs!t KtKs 00+ (n) RoR * DIAGRAM 10 (@) The Panov—Botvnnik attack, which enna Amost demolished the ole defeme in (©) Other posites are tkewise unsatiee factory, fy 20..-P-RR3, 17 BX Kt, KP xb; 12 0-0, BK3; 15 KK, Qty: 14. OX OPH. Znosko-Bonovaky willy, Nice, 1934." OF 10.-. PKS a BX OX By 22 KeKs/! with ‘Beat advantage in development for White (© Basler to refute i 12.-.0—Kts; 2 KR X Botvinnik—Floh, oth match game, 1933. (© 26...B~Br; 17 Kt—Kq with an over ‘shelming position. Analysis by Botan. [Notes continued on p. 222 CARO-KANN DEFENSE 1 P—K4, P—QB3; 2 P—Q6, P—O4; 3 PX P, PX Pi 4 P—QB, Kt— KBB; 5 Kt—QB3 16 17 8 19 20 5 (KB) Px PQ 6 Kis)... KBs BXP ok) Bots (ae PKs 7 PBs PXP Kay Bok: KEIXP Poon: SB-Kts PBs BOOK's.....Q—Kts P—ORs (mm) 0-0 Ke-Ks!() RoBi) BX Kt KeBy 9 Kt-B3(0) POKR3 = POKR PXB 0-0 Ktks BXKt «= BX Kt = PUK) BK 1 BXB BXB QxB ax. Boks KIXBQ) EtXKt PK} -RIXP 0-0. ROB PXEt © 0-0 BXtsh ROBY POKy! Bom POR = KIXB Ke—-OKts ve POR KX Kt QuBéch ty POR, QxK = KOK: KRI-O4 13 P—QR3 QXQ gx Etats) QBs PXEP PXQ © KIX EEG) POR 14 BPXP BR PX KE Ki—-Q9 PXP BK: 0-04 KUKts) X Kt 15 QPXP BK Qxgt@) Rex Et+(0) 3-93 = () * DIAGRAM 1 els. 17-19 (@) Better 9 KKt—Kea and fg... Kt— Kg, 0 BX'B, Kt xy 11 0-0, P— Oks; 2 P~Oku, POR: 15 P-ORS witha good game. Compare col sand 7. (©) Much stronger than 10...0X Bi; QBs, Kee; 2 Kt X KQQX Kt, ty BX KY, PB; 1g 0-0, PK; 1) PX PH. KeresAlethine, avo ‘urnament, 1938. (@ 16K X'Ke, R-Kes fs 17 QKs, B— Q2; 18 BX B,Q XB; 9 RK, Q-Rs find Black wins & awa, Analysis by La} Steiner, @6.BKs 7 PO Bs, PORKts; SB-OKts, BoKta; 9 Ke-Ks, QB 100K, -Qz; 1100, 0-0; 2B KBs, POR): 1) BXK¢. Dake— Alethine, Paden, 2932 ‘Notes continued on p. 23 CARO-KANN DEFENSE 23 ‘Notes continued from p. 2 (©) 83 x Pistooindeisive:8.._Kt x B; 9 Q—Rach, B-Qy; 10 Q % Ke, P—Kea Fr Q—Ka, Q-Rts 12 R-Qr, PKs iy KtKa, Ke x Key 2 OX KY, P Ry =. Pitechak Henne, Lichwerds 1934. U5 P-OKu, PX Peps 9 PXB P— Kgl (oot 9. PKs 710 BKtsch B— QB XK, PRB, PX PPK: 2s Q—Rsck/4 +) with uncear complica. () The improvement &..P—QR is best tet by 9 Kt—Ks, POKty; 10 Ke od White has encugh for his Pawn, The is by Yudovitch @) 6...Q—Key ie met by 7 PXP, QKEXP 1, # KKt—-Ko/ with the beter development. If now 8. Kt—Bg, asin ‘correspondence game Nightingale—Kor, 9 0-Os, Kt—Qy; 10 BHKs, Q—Ry; 7 Ke—Key & iebest 6. BRty i refuted by7 Pais, BK: PBs, PERU 9B Kis, B-Kus 10 KKt~Ks, 0-0; 11 Q-Qay P—QRS; 12 BX OK PX BE TyP—RKey & Marchistti—Dieguls cot respondence, 44-45. 6..-Q—R4 is ane swered by 7 Q-Gs, PXP; 8 BXP, PKG; 9 PQs, Kt—Qs; 10 PBs, B—Q5; #4 KKt—Kat. RereCoerial, Buenos Altes, 1059. () 17 PXP,PXPiSBX KLQXB; Kt X F,Q—Qr; 10 Rt—Q83,0 X P =. () Better than 12 B~K5, when the game Botvinnik-—Eume, Hastings 934-35, com. Aioued 12._.ORt—Kes; 49 B-Kts, P— Okty; 14 KI-Ks, BoKta, 15 QO, Roy 16 PLB (16 PBs is safer, Qe Oui 7 KEX Kt, QX KE oP Bs, BWQs 4. The colima is Welss— Podhorzr, Viens, ro (But not 14 Kt—Ke F,KUBS)—Kis +. Hasenfuss—Flobs, Kemer 1037 () Book—Flor, Kemes-Rig, 1939. Col lua 19 and 14 should be compared with the Queea’s Gambit Accepted p10 (© Unosal treatment for White was sen In Cornforth~Sehenck, Oxordsire Cham lonship, 1044 whieh ran 3B—Qu, P X Py 9 BX BE, 0-0; 10.031, P—ORS; fr 0-0, 'P—Rta; 12 B~Q3, PKU 1p BRG, B—Ktss tg RRO ©, Gm) 8.0.2 XP, transposing to previous columns, was necessary. () BotvinnikKonstantinopolsy, Sverd- Tovah, 943, This game isa mode for perfect ply by White. ‘Notes continued from p. 22 (© 7..P XP 8P-Qs, BX Kt; oBX 1B, KeKg, 20.0-0 with » strong ate teks 10.--QQs; 7 Q—Ks, Ke x Beh 12. X Ki, 0-0-0; 23 POKt3 1, P— Ky ag. Kepx P+. Mikenas Flohr, Folkestone, 133 OD Weaker is 8... B Ka; 9 0-0, 0-0; 20 BORG, Kt-Kj 17 Q—Rt3 /, 0-08; 12 KR“Qr, Pog, 13 PORRS ‘Alethine—Turover and Wimsatt, Wash- inguon, 1933. The column is Nimzovit Gyel, Zach, 1934 @) Jn the senatonsl game Nimzovteh— Alekhine, Bled, 193, 6.--Q—Re led to ‘quick victory for Back after 9 O-Kts, Bx Ke, co PXB, KUXKe 1 BX Kuby, PB; 12 O—Ky 7, Ke-04 dis ch; 13B~Qa, Q-Ktsi 14 Q X Reh, K— 3 folowed by... Ke—Bs. But Alekhine ‘Binsel later fluted #._.Q—R4 by'9 Q— Ki, BXKt; 20 PMB, KOCK HEP XKUP—Ky; 12 0-OF. Alekhine ‘Winter, London, 1932, () 16 B—Kts, Kt—Ke, Krause—Nimeo- ite, eorrespondence, 1924-35 © g-Kex Ke; 20 QX PI, Kex QP; tr BSCKtE (Panov). Ig. A KUX PE To BKtseh wins piece G) Hers... Qs 14 KU X Kuch PX Kt; 15 Q-Kach, OKs; 16 BKs, PBs; 17 ROB withthe better ending. Pano —sergeer, Moscom, 1930. 2) 15.--P XQ: R—-QKtr. Analysis by Becker © Weak is. 5.-.PORKIS; 6 Q—Kts 4, BKes; 7 PX, 0-0; BKs—By with advantage to White: If bere & B= QBa, OKt— Os; o KKI—Ka, Kt—Kts; to 6-0, Kex Bs 17 QXRL PEt 12 BoKis, B-Kta 13 Kt—By, Q-Q2 ig KRKs, KR-Qr =. Aldine Ewe, Bere, 1932 (im) The opening transposes to a Queen's Gambit. Accepted. Compare ako col ‘The column ie Aleie Tart Lower, Pari, 1262 CARO-KANN DEFENSE CARO-KANN DEFENSE 25 1 P—K¢, P—QB3; 2 P—04, P06; 5 PX P, PX P 1 P—Kt, P—QB3 a 2 23 24 35 26 2 8 29 3° 4980) B93 () 2&0. vos PQS (ct—KB3) K-08; cm) Po 5 tb) XP) PAKS... POKBS EPXP PK @xP BB Po ®) PXP BKB, 4-03) BQ) BK PxP Boks (e-OB) BKB OK G...-KtBy Kt KBs (9) B03 (8) KB} (m) SPB) XB EQ? B36) BKigch PXP@) POR .Q-Ky, (Bs) PKS Kt 2 PBK) OKt—-O2 04... BKth BXBP OK OK 6 BKB) Kt-_OBs (©) B03 PBs) QKt—By K-83) BQ) 0-0 QB Bx POKES = Q-Ky POR) BPXP PEK 90-0 BX Bh 0-0 Oko PXE 7B; KICK: | PUBS BPXP KtB 0-0) KX B®) OKQ2 BK) PK BRU PQB, PBS PXP B-Ke 10 RK: KEXKe BOB 0-0 Kt-g SP-KR3() PXP = B-QBR = PXP PQS! POKy?(d) PXKt POR 0-0 KtO2 BBQ) BXP = QX KP KEXP | PXP HEXEY | Q-Ky 0 RUB POKR3 | ROKK 90-0 0-0 KK: KKB; 0-0 PXE KOKy POOKY BORy(n) PKG. BxB KK: Q-R6 BXtsch 0-0 BOs! 0-0 B-o3 QB POR 1WOxB KR, 0-0 QKt-g2 Pos BOQ: 0-0 B-Ka BK (0-0-0 0-0 By KK EXE | POKRS 13 Q-Ry BB KI-Ks KL (0) 0-0-0 OKO: KLXB PX PQ) OKEX KE | BORDy KOKa BO} KUKQBXB BK) Q-EG) = QX KE | PXP. BX Ktch KK 4 BXBE@ BXBE RAE Qxa 22 QR-KH exB so) QR—Br = (0) KIO By ¥ (m) * See p.17, Diagram 8 (5 PBs is premature: 6._.B—Ks; 7 Kt—Bs, 0=0;-8 BOs, POKES b POR, POR 10) KI—ORs, Sr POOR, PX KW 3 re fry Kt X KP, Rt Kt BgP X KUKt—-Qas 15 BK PM PS Yudoviech™Kasparyan, Moscow, ro5n- (©) The simplest wad to equality is 8 Kex Rt; 9 PX Ke, QBs 10 OKs, POR: © 9...P—ORs;_ 10 R-Ks, POR: BH BXKe P XB; 12 BKts, 0-0} 3 DXB, ROX B: 14 Kegs, RRS 1 Ke—Kis =, Hotvinnik-~Khavin, USS. championship, i944 (@) Euwe recommends 20... Kt—Ktyj 22 BK, BB. RB FG) KRQs! (9 An tonprent on 4 Ki BX B515Q XB PORS: 13 0—Rs, BOs, 178 B 2. Botsnnik~Alekhing, AVRO tournament, 1938. After 17 B XB, Kt B; 15 BB4 Black's difcultes are more pronounced (Buwe). The positon after Biack’s pth move can alo come ot ofthe Queen's Gait Declined. 108, co. 90, () Alo good is §-.-Ke—Bs; 9 OR 0-0; 10 BX Ke, eK 11 ORS PXB; 12 0-0, Kt-Qs = Packman Kotov, match Prague—Moscow, 1946 @) Bewer ie 9. .Q % Bor if 10 Kt—Ks, KexKty 17 P XK Gr Os, OX PY, QBs; 12 Q—Rach, Ke-Q2 = The ol. tion Alehine~"Elishases, Bucos Aes, 1939. Notes continued on . 27 (©) Or 5 QKL-O2, B—By; 0 BX BLP B; 10 Kt—Ky, Q-Kty; 11. 0-0, 0-0; TE Kt-Kty P—Ky; 13 OKs, KR—Qst fy Key, Kex Rtas BX KU Ke K1°. Spietmaan-Ssemisch, Berio, 92 @) 8...0-0; 9 QKt-Q2, P—OR3; 10 070, Key, fy BRE Is not adie able for Black (E.Stiner~Kashdan, Gy- Sr, 1950). Simlary 8." Kt—Ke is wea ‘ecatse of 9 QKI~O2, PBs; 10.00, 070511 Kt—Ks J, OKt X Kt 12 QB Kt, BX B; 15 PB, KEX KY; 14 OX Kt, Pits; 5QR—Q0 Lasker—Tarta- Loe, Maciiach— Osta, 1923 © Bogaryrchuk—Tarakower, Mosow, ro, (Ong PKEKtg the safest epi B--Qe fotiomed by...P—K5, «P-OBs, Kt_QBs, _..PORRY ete, when White's ‘weakened Pawn position wil bea Uabiity. Ong. BoKty; 5 P—KRs, PERG 6 PUG /, PX P17 B—O5, Bx B 3 OX BB ves White some attack, although the sume MiesesSpeyer, Scheveningen, 1923 Continued in Black's favor PX Quoc, KOs; 109 x P (KU), Byi 11 ORs, RORG (©) 01 6 Kt—K2, Q—Kts; 7 0-0, P— QB4;8 P—OB3, GKI—Bs; 0 Ke—Oa, R= Be roKt—Bs,P x Pls KU PB bay 12 Kits, KKtKa; ry Kt XB Q'x Ke=, Suemisch—Tavtakower, Pit! ( Nimaovitch—Capablanca, New York, oer ‘Notes continued on . 276 CARO-KANN DEFENSE CARO-KANN DEFENSE 2 ae Notes continued fom p. 26 as (iy Alter 7 B-Kis, 0-0; 8 Ps is 0-0, Rs *.Spimana Nineveh o # 38 # 35 ee ee se 2 1-08) (9 Teen PeOhy io POR RoKG 17 (WOR Ke, BK 7 0-0,P—Ks, Pe pO Sei OS teks, PP: Pods ay Rew, Bis vo . OT SRD NT O-Re) PRES Bobi ONE, DOs a 3 KKB (@) KBs By Os, Otc 1 Os, Bet QR Qs ¥- Lent Phe, Oe PQs PXP BxKts () 155 GY GORE, Kan—Malopee, pose ue And 6 PORK PK 7 +P KIX POERS sie campos. 190 Boeri crs" Ks ox: = 183 (0 : Oro P Oks; 4 BR BRU; Gm) OF 7 Q-KUs, K-QRA; § QR, Bs BURG. am) Boe mm 0,017, BARE BBG BEC) OF7 G5 Key KOR Ra SECB KK KUKG() PXP xB Bree Ori BBX BUX: 19 “Po, Ras 18 ORE KeQ: | KtBs Poy PP BkS Qo MERE KG R-BY 1S Oy Re Mavcny™Capaanea, 6RK> BK PQ) Bh © POY G2a Pkt asta Aline Oks tons 8 mes Pe pee RN Re Sms tress GR Gy as gd eae 70-0 «=oEEES QxP 49 UKEMI BED Sew a Sin, Us Rin ner Par ess oe =e one (Q) This must be nlayedassoon sere Gey 5 > B frat ea ik stronger. Com SRK QB IXQ KES PLS. Grerton ees wy BoOby Ke-ODs 5 inet ary Zs borvey, 0-0 0 OR OGRE BO Ba 6 RI bs, PRE 7 Bly, ae oKtQ KtBy BK PO QE (k) eee ee ee ctyis se B— (P) Miler Harry—Flobr, Hastings, 1934 DXB Poy Bs PB} OO ee RERE RR Ra a Ss 7oQxB BQ; BOs KKXB BUR ‘Notes continued from p. 25 ere S= Tce eee G 9c.PX PF fs wintabe became it ( OF 6 PRS, RKI—Q7 PKB, Ke ae ae) ELQY—Bs_O-@s 0-0 Qa vitict torembeining sesckseg, QB # Ki—Ks, OOK PXP | BK: PRK 0-0-0 BOR Bi Ky s RIkiy BoC eE ay Woes aac pt orth Pawn ROK 40) BQ KEK) BX KEG) QR fergie BoKsi 700; KiSBs.8 Kt Tyrakoner-Sottan Khan, match 109 0-0= () OKO Kt-0B3 0) Pate Gn; o KIX HPRXKE 1B Gy 4X Fes KU-OB, O-ORA 5 (@) 0F 3 P—O4, P—Q5; 4 Kt-QB3, Q— Ba; 5 B-Ks, B—Ks; 6 B—Ky, Kets, 7 POKR3, 0-0; 5 Kt—By, OKt-Q 9 0-0, R°Ks; 10 RBs, BB 11 Ba, PORKQg; 12 PQs, Kt—Rys 13. Q— 2, Ke“Kea) 1g PKR. Aleander “Fiohe, Hastings, 1957-38 (©) 12.5, Q-R5; 13 KUX P, KK 1 POKU, MikenatFlobr, Hastings 997" %. (©) 2 Kt—KBs, PO4; 3 PKs, Boy; 4 K—Q417 G POs ianspoaes to col 2), BK 5 P—K6, QR; 00K Glter 6 P x Pek, BX P57 Kt KD, B Re; 8 Pe with intresting complica. tons), Polis: 7 PX Poh, ROP: 8 KU KBs, Ki—Kis 9 O08, Q—Kyc 10 QXQch KX QF. Tolish—Kotow, USSR. championship, 1930 (@) Flobr—Laser, Zatch, 1954 (© Weskerisg...B—By;5 Ke Key, B— es! (but not §.- B—Kts; 6 PKR, POKR3: 7 KicKs, BOR: 8 QRS, PORK; 9 Q—B3, KiB, Lasker Mueller, Zurich, 1934, and now 10 B—Ba, POKS; 11 P—Q¢ is overwhelming); 8 BOMs, PLKG: 7 POKRS, BRL S Q XB, Ke—By; 9 0-0, Bg; 10 R— Ks, 00: 11 PKs, OKt—Qay 12 B KU. Loeventsch"Konstantinopolsky, eningindMoscon, 1990 D5 Re Kech usually transpose to bet ter known lines. An exception ie 3K? X Kt, 6 PORK (compare cok § note (o)), Bots; 7 BOK, Py, 2 P— Qs, Ke Qa39 0-0, BK ro RK, 070511 BoKs, R-Kus 12 QBs, Kt By; 15 PBs, PK; 14 Qa . Kom stantinopelsky—Fiohe, USSR. cham. Pionship, 145. @ This postion may as arise from el 6, (0) Thomae—Nimzoviteh, Franklurt rose Notes continued on p.27 Wh Soe Rong, Rake P kebx skeQnbe Ria ss Fechmanie Mis, match, 085 0) Ory Deby, Rims, 12 KRU, Ps. ites tack spective 019K RBs 0-0-0, 4551 0— sO, BOs; 16 Rts HE? Soar sahogomn, USSR Simian, ot ~ Kt-by DKa; 6 PKs, KKE Ooo ag hana SOBER any: fats, Q-Kts 100-0, 0~0; SPEER PGR = Nate, on: fey, tsk 0) 5. LOKG a god rr cade ionwraoa iGo Araby Re RDS Ke By, Pky, # 0-0, Be 9 #06 Bio, posites! 1. Scer~Car Soe tate at A srngaheraie Pe peaks ska Ke KBE ERC ig? ReGen 7 BER: CL Stoner Pn Sasings gs) ano Ke Pe by, ReR sro BBs, PX Ps yorkeic, BES wih © good attack un) re oPRyy 13 BOQ, Kas og Pig, Bo £s RRR O18 ERs hleikne Peg, Kemet 9. [Notes continued from p. 26 @ 3..-Kt—By; 4 P—Ks, Kt—Ks; 5 Q— Sse chk Ponti Sieg. re Kppereme SPR an wos Spina Water, ‘aot i 1a 0X8; 19 OP, PKG 8 a A ESOS waka Ook, RoR 7 OOO, RR 18 Ke—Kts, Q-Kta; 19 QBs and Back has no real compensation for the Pawn, Holeslavaky—-Bordarevsky, Lenin- grad ~Morcow, 1941 (0) Better 9 Q—Ka, and if 9...0-0; 20 POR. © Chrstofel—Exstrom, Hastings, 1945- 4.CENTER GAME "Tre cartes cau is one of te oldest and most logical continuations of White's attack. Despite its inherent logic, however, the ealy development of the White Queen is such a serous breach of sound opening principles that ita rarity in current tournament play. In modern times ft has been championed only by Spielmann, Tartakower and Mieses. In the main variation (( P—K4, P—K4; 2 P—Qs, P X P; 3 QX P) ick development by Black, favored by the exposed positon ofthe White Queen, assures the second player at least equality and usually more. ‘Alter 3..-Kt—QB3; 4 Q—K3, Black can choose either 4, ..Kt—B3, 4..B—Ktsch, oF 4...PRK¢5, The frst isthe most common; however the line in col 5 promises some improvement of White's fate and deserves investigation ‘The major alternative to the immediate recapture with the Queen is the Danish Gambit (cols. 8-19), 3 P—QB3. In this interesting gambit, favored by Marshall, White sacrifices one or two Pawns forthe sake of rapid devel opment and a strong attack. The traditionally safe reply is Schlechter’s Tine in col. 8 which leads to a materially even ending where Black has a considerable positional advantage. However, an examination of older games and analysis reveals that even without ths counterattack Black can afford to accept the two Pawns and submit to the storm (see col. 10). Alekhine recommended after 3 P—QBs, PX Pj 4 Kt X P (instead of the older 4 B—QH4) and maintained that White's attack is fully a strong ain the older lines. Unfortunately the defense in the games where he tried this theory was sadly lacking, and final opinion on his recommendation is sil wanting (se cols 13-14) Black can safely decline the Danish with 3...P—Qg (cols. 15-17) but, has less counterplay than when he accepts. Other methods of declining the gambit (ol. 8-r9) are somewhat dubious, although the old line in col. 19 appears to be satisfactory. Altematives other than the Danish Gambit on White’s thd move (col. 40) are easy for Black to meet. CENTER GAME 9 TER CAE 1 PK4, P—K4; 2 Pf, PX Ps 3 XP, Kt-QB3; 4 O-K3 (0), KBs r > 3 ‘ 5 5 R08 Pas 0) Boe a ks Eekkts one Be a) Po 60) Po > 0-0-0 = Rep Rom EKO KP? (0) PROCKE | OM Kiy, BOBO) a Bit EXPO Ree mg Kees oR) KKK: DXB KUBsG) OKs Bae Rat RcP 0 BoRy BOB poke BKB QB BKB LOR So oom ety RB ee ee ee er aa rr 120-0-0(0) BQ; KUKts PBR KB! Boxy EeGsr BoRS) | PKR; 0-0-0 BQ BK: Bg PERE PX Bod) ROR) PRR) | OBI! PP DXB | BXKt PER QB) PB ee rSERK: PR) BOR RE Os RE Bt KHQsF BX PH) KOR (i) EEXKLT © Gata) toes with olor revered, whee White Eien ey ace Tater RX RX By 16Q X ROX Rij s7 KB KE Rati (@) IE 4 QBs, Ke~Ba; 5 Kt—OBs, P- Qeekex PRE XKuyP x KG KI [Notes continued on . 302 CENTER GAME CENTER GAME 3x ‘Notes continued from p. 29 (@ Or 6...P—Os; 7 PBs, B—-OB4; QnKts, KIKRG; 9 QBs, Kt—Bs; 70 BBs,” BOKKYy F. Mieses—Englund, Scheveningen, 1953. (© Weakis§...P—Qs; 0 PBs, BAK, ZO KtRs, Q- Kaj 1? Kt—By, QRH, BK-KuY, PRS; 13 1-03, Ki Ra Te OKt-03, BX Ku 15 BX B, BRS 16 RR-Kr . MieserSpeimann, Bet Hs oes. ) 15. BORts 7 instead ina mistake be (htsed 1g Kt—Rts/, RX Biss XB), Keo Kyehy 26 BX Rt, RBs #7 Kt Kal, RX Kty18Q x Reb MlewsCapa- bana, Bel, 1933. @) 16PX B, R-KKts; 17 OKs, QX Pek; 18 B—B3, Q x Gch; PX QR X with a winning endgame: Analysis by Capablanca. (0) White has no really good continuation, 118 PBs, Py; 9 QBs, PX Ps 10 Kex P, BX Boks RX B, Q—Kai 12 KU x Kuch, QX Kt, 23 Boe Rts, 14 BHKts, POR, Meiing—De Lasker, 1928. (16 RX Ke BR; 17 BK (Wina- ‘wer—Steinite, Nuremberg, 1896) and now, 45 recommended by Tamasch, 27... BysrO KU x R, Kt—Ky; 19 Kt P,Q x Kuz 20 BX Kt, Q-Qlis; 21 R—-Qn, BX RPP G1. BORs = Jj 22 R—Q6 ++, de Greet—Seibold, correspondence, 193% @) Org PBs, Kt—Kas 10 Kes, Kyi11 PK P—By, 12 Pts, KK Qa. Spidmann—Elishases, sat match same, 1957 () Tartakower—Resheveky, Stockholm, 137 © 5 PQs, KEKKts (5...B-Ka; 6 Kt=Qbs Wansposes into co. 1; 6 Q— KKig, PQehh 7 PoKRG, KUBy; 8 PX, KEXP; 9 thy, BORs: 10 (0-0-0, ~Q5 =. Analysisby Dr Lan. as, Gm) 6 Q-Ka, PQs 7 PXP eps BOK 3; 5 PX P, O- Oth; 9 K XQ, KE X Pb. Or § B~QR6, Q XP; 9 BX P, QURisci. Miser—Barm, Bred, 1913, ) Speculative. Best ie 7. Kt—Ry 8 PX Pepeh, BKy, 9 BX Kt, Q—Rsch ‘vith an attack worth the Pawn (Loevene a) 6 3 QXP. 1 P—K4, P—K¢; 2 P—Qt, PX P eee (x08) 4K) BKigch... PRK SP-Bs() BOs BE) BK xe tO Key KtBa/(@) 7B-Kis 0-0-0 00 oo 50-0 PB Po RO oPXP QBs KIXP | PXP 10 Q—Ka BOEK's 3-03 ex RQ Bx Rok BXB 42 QB Rex BOERS + (9 Boke a Kis Ks + DIAGRAM 13 val, 8-10) erg BX Pl DANISH GAMBIT pe DANE CE § 9 0 P0Bs! (0) PXP B-0B4 PXP BxPt PHOKI) cceseecsesesee POs KBXP = _PXP Kt—Ka (m) Kt-KBs Kt-KB;—_Kt-QB3 BX Pek (b) Kt—KB3(j) 0-0 EXE BQ BK Qxq oo BOs BoKtsch 0-0 KBs Oe KB OK BXQh B-KKts Q—Br EtXB — Q-O4 Kt By PoByF() QKt-Q2 BX KRKr XB ROK: KK KtKKts | RUKr Rm) BE KKtKy BX Kt QR) PX Bt) (@ 5 B-Q2 is safer 5 KBs, KI By ftansposea to columns 2-4. Weak after 5 KeoBy ies. KRU Kar 6 B~Q2, 0-0; 70-00, PQ5; 8 Q—Kts, Res 9 Fong "TokshHotwnnie, USSR championtip, 044 (@) Charouseh's improvement on the oder 5-BRe (© Winawer—Charousek, Belin, 1867.13 (OKt—Qs set for White; neither 13 enor 19 Kt—Kts will do. (@) Interior is 6... KKK; 0-0; 8 BBs, P—Q5; 9 (©) 834, P—Q5;9P—Bs, KK 20 BOKts, BK = ices, bot Kt QRa 9 OKs, P—Q4/ is aio feasible ‘The coin ie lackburme—Lasker, match, 18. Notes continued on p. 343 CENTER GAME CENTER GAME 3B DANISH GAMBIT 1 PK4, P—K4; 2 P—Q4, PX P 1 PKs, P—K¢; 2 P—Qf, PX P; 3 P—QB3 DANISH GAMBIT DECLINED DES CDE 7 2 3 4 15 6 7 ry 9 20 3@PXP), P—Q4 (0) 5 (QBS). bese Kt—KB3 (i) 4 (B-QB4), Kt X P(g) KPXP (P04). . . P—Q6. Q—Ka (ce) B—By (i) Pas HA—OB5 (0) BK (H..-Kt-0By KKB! 4 0° XP) Bx PxP@ EXPO) SELXP KGB} BOB, DOB, PX POD) Ox? BoB QX Pe Kt—KB3 KeQB | BB, PQ PQ BKtsdh 5PXP KER; = BLK! K-08) () Ome-B | KIXP@) KUB KEBy BQ Kr083 () Po Qx Ke Poy! BOK PQ)” BX Kth RIB} () BX Beh 6 KiB o BB PXP 7 B95 Q-KG © PXB — Q-KG(m) QXB Boxts KNOB OK 0-0 BXB/(@) QQ KiQB OQ 0-0 7BOKa KIB) OK Q2 KUBy BURKS sPxB K-05 0-0 Kt-EKts KIER Key BK POR BKis_ 0-03! KOK) KKK: KiB) Kt—Ky (0) Kt eee BG KEK KK: BX Kt 9 OO! QBs B—R3 (i) B—Kts QBs Q-ORs (b) BX Kt BUR: Kt-K2 QXB Kt-KBy 0-0 o-0() PBs QXP 90-0 BXB QKt-04 KtBy, 10 Q—Ks re ee ee 0-0-0 Q-0R, KKK (@) KEYS ae EXE KORE PXB QR wo B-Ky BOKS o-0 Bk HELXEE = PXEL | PXP PX EE ORG: BOB | BXKUh = 0-0 BX PYet | Kt, | PXP | PP IX nQ-R PX DORKS BxB 12 OXP EXEL = BXP | BKS+ OX KE BXP | Ox Ph | PBS Roki oo Peet ROK: Roki BEXB | EB Bk x BB-Ks QXP 0 RKUI+ Kt-Ks KOCK QoBsh KR 102 (m) POKR = (6) BHOa = exer @ BXBd KK PRR RK PKK ee KtXB= KKK = (© QoRO CG) KOK = (@ Bot this isnot he peal continaton, QRig, BK (Seblecher—Hromadka, st er Eee ite OR ROKK BEES Kengk x () 5..-P—QB4; 6 Kt—-QB3, OX QP; 7 Kt-O85I, PXKP) 6 BXP, Ke— ety GBs Rew x Ktj1s PoBy + (Marah kegs, Recity, # @-Rck BURG; Kb 7 BBs, OX Qa # KIX, PH OKI tie) Peg Rebs, 0 os Rn (©) 14 BRs, O-Q2, OpcenyFahe» (Alene warmly recommends this and OK EE Cline ete tuen EInSE ae aug Rea Be Sh Baden, ate {Gi that ives White lly ae strong a8 © Tae i eter ur fore Qn PO eget © 4. BARs is near: 5 PX P,Q— stack as 4 BOB han Rs lene) 15 BRIG Olly 5 Kies, POs; 8 PRS, PL So, kas Bey Cie hans @) Deter g.P—Qy transposing into Qe Bhs column is eben “Opmeen O07 Ret Shllnanny aden, 14. 1 pte Que by PSB, O x Rea kee column. fay, aden tote The poten afte (MQH P ack can cae by 4 PRS te hia, MEE SIRE poe ROMs, Oseberyece tae PETS AS Me SE ae Bok Poe com kx Saree, RRM BS 2 OAs BRE ep ate pn So ROKKts (Ansiyes by RJ. Loman). wt satisfactory game (Alki). Bee hang RB Te Oa Re Rgs otenenle ce fo"eckx nner atr deers Bete eee Bede ag batty XQ RRP PO sche OS eee ae a ggg Rabkin ip RCD CRS, Splcinann, Baden, 19 Ge 7 Kt KKty, KtKg# BKtgch, P org. KEK gRe Boh Os:s@ Keg laoO Xb, 0 x Bb una com- (©) For 7 BOKKts ote Scotch Game, p. "B35 9 PB, QRtKUs 20 BaF ean oo Ss) B—Q3i 7 plications. Beer than 20. KOKts) rr PH ‘Notes continued on p24 a anaes naa34 CENTER GAME [Notes continued from p. 31 BARS; 9 KIOs/, PXKG 10 PXP, Qo Rieck; 11 R—0;, Rg; 72 Q—Kts, Kt—Qu; 13 Kt with srong attack. Larotek, 1921. (2) 5._-KI—KB; 6 Ki ) The Danish Gambit @) troduced by Schecter. O) 7 Ke-KHs, B—Kseh, § Kot, SPS OUT ES hs PKs, KEK 57 PRE, P QXQ RX OH, KBs: 10 Kes, OES GT Rs eo SORE PAR BO Ne ey Remit sR BS Be i, Badeny 3014 Kis (7... P—Q3; 8 Q—Kty, BoK3;, @ Foled by -B—Ky and RQ B'S BBG OS PAO KS its the Detter endgame Selects). Mat Qn, § Qs, PQs; 9 0-0-0, fo gives the alternative 10, °0R—Kri #1 Bye erro Q x Bs Bok, tr RRR, Potiy Phare Kt ROG IE BX Brgy 0-0, PLR Ree Ks, RICK. W ro ROKG 12 P Kerrey Ryan Whites exelent devel Bj, KiB 7s 12 RBs |, BK3;23P— nest ig silent. to counter talance sg ae Kes, RS: 15H ene ae) Rc Ei nyhaimTaratower, Baden 191g Ry Ran Ge eke ae a Ke 0r7 Ke—-OBs, QKt-Q2 (r7-B— Kits np Ob), 7 Kes, POs; BO Qi:80" Bs QKaek gRKI—Ks,0—0; Kt RERG, 9 0-0—0/0-0; 10 P= 20 0-0-0, BORO, Tavtakower § Rtg, Py #2 KRKUs ith a power Kecby BKtsi9 0-0, O-OF Ny nk G1, DIRRUN eRe) lm Spitmann, Baden, 134 (7) 0r OKs, Q—5:7 K1—Ohis, KE (09 Opoceny—Réd, Baden, 114 Maus: 8 KOs, Kt 9 OKs, © Ateratives are (0) 5..-Q—Kex; 6K PKB; 10 BK, P—Baz 2 Ki, OB Obs. QBs (orf RRU-Ka, KRG; 12 Q—ONs, POR, Mies POR i; 8 HKG, PoORas g Re> —Maraal, Hannover, soa Obs Ke-ORy; 10 020, Key 12 KL) 14RXP,Q—Qa 15 Q—Kts, 0-0 2G, ROC BY AeseTehignin,Cam- 0 MieesMrocy, Monte” Caro, ‘uldse Spring ta), P—Q51 80-00, yop Black won ily [Notes continued from p. 32 (0) Better $.-.Kt—Qx (Alekhine). ‘The transposes nto columns 16-1), B—Ka $. alums is Aldhine—Verlinsky, Odessa, Laraboh considers 5 BQiy best. 5 Q— tos Rach (or ¢ PON, Pg), PBs; 6 (0) The Danish Destine, QPP, Rex Py 7 BOKts, BOs; 8 @) Opinions ate divided o Whit’ best Kt—is,Q-—Kaek; 9 KBs, B-Q674 is move here ¢Kt—By,QX'P/(---KUX Nybolm—Brejer, Baden, 1524. Marshall D;6Qx , Kt_OBss 7 BOK, B recommends 5 B~Ktsch. Kaj SKtoKs/2); 0 KtXP (OP XP (@) Reti—Schlechtr, Baden, 191 [Notes continued from p. 33 ots is PHBA, B—Be; ¢ KK) For 4B-QBs, KKB se Bishop's Ry Rt-QB3; 5805) KBE ORE Opening col oie OPQ 7 B-ORs' PORE FO) OF B_KKts, PKR; 6 BX KY, K2,6-0, 90-0, B-Gat Andisisby Qyens 7 PaQiy, Key # Rohs Marsa 670'E/ sis Alhine, "The Hage, G9) 3.-Kt—KEB wanes int Pete's o3t Botts, 1 P'Gs nto Phiidors De- Gm Dlumentd and Klang, fens 9, Ke~QRbor--BKUchino Socom, oes tbe Ste Game CENTER COUNTER DEFENSE “Tae cenran counenisof largely theoretical interest since no important cxamples of it have appeared in master chess for almost twenty-Sve yar Some years ago the noted American analyst Fred Reinfeld attempted to prove its theoretial adequacy, but he found no support among tournament players. ‘Alter 1 P—Ke, P—Q4; 2 PX P Black has two main repli, immediate recapture with 2..Q% P and development with 2...Kt—KB5, Tn the frst, Black's Queen i harried to such distraction that he cannot develop propery. White can secure an advantage in variety of ways (cls. 1-6). Th the second choice (2...Kt—KB3) the situation is diferent. Here White's somewhat more adequate development assures him no permanent advantage (cols 7-10) although he can obtain a slightly more comfortable postion in many lines. To refute this line, unless some strengthening of the traditional continuations is found, White should adopt one of the sug- gestions in col. 10, note6 CENTER COUNTER DEFENSE CENTER COUNTER DEFENSE 37 1 P—K4, P—Q4; 2 PX P,Q X P; 3 Kt—QB3, Q—ORs* 1 PKA, P42 PX P r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 P04. Kt—B3, P—OKts (i) 2 (Q XP). Kt—KB3 py poe ER BE jarom) Pee er prea Tom more eee Se Eee = BKts B-OKts, BQ: 93 4P-04 P—OBy (1) KtKBy BUB4 () beep) ek ty PMs BO ey Fae a Bee re Ee, seO) Enets rom) Pom Rs eee ec ae REO Ram SSM? a, Genomes Ht | Ewe sg) gE SEQ: KtKs Q-03 2-3 (&) BKts BKts B-OKts — Kt—Q2 Ector ees aay pe pOxB Poem onny) pee noes BLP Ore oP, 2S Bi, te SEY OPAL, ee ee yo KtKty B-Q2(d) QXB B—OBy tor BO Oy BX Bh = BOK Fah CHGS nM, Be ree xs) kere sees Ss TS, oS foo Ee ESS, ESBS ER Seem eS pion CQ mee Gas oh Ba F&-0 SR PAK Pk 0-0-0 0x CEP BERS 12 PX Ba (c) PX Kt(e) P—KER3 14 PXP 0-0-0 Kt Poh B—Q3 Kt—B3, ‘Kt—-Q2 BX Kt = (j) tim 2° EM be, BG — x= Foro tr apy a eamaane "DingRAM 4 atk ikees Rog ket te Dre ica Kex PARE Df 17 BX Beh, P—But land enn, Cohn-—Tartakower,” Osten 4907), and now 3X P gives Back the better of it, ey 9 B X Bek, Kt X Bj 10 QBs, OKs PRK, PBs! and if re Rip 7, QR wi. ©) Better is 10,..P—Kg. The columa is Durat~Spielnann, Venn, 190. © /0r(0)9...B—Ks; 10 Kt Bs, 0-45 TF ROX Be REX Ky 12 PQlhy, PKS, (@) For « more detailed treatment of the Satiatons in columns 7-8 see The Chess CCorespondent, May Jue, 1046. (@) Réti—Tartakower, match, 2930. Somewhat stronger is s Kt—KBs, B— Kets Kt, Pegs 7 PBs, PX PP (etter 7-— KK Qs Tarraseh); 3K Ky, KKU—Qs; 9 Q XP, Q-Ka; 0B QKis. Lasker Alin, St Peters 1B 3, Kt—Q95 14 KK 2 Balogh saree Tor, 10.1. P—Tig; 11 OO ives “Pahrni correspondence, 1938-20. (9 Tater 5 7 White @ winning attack now. ‘The game QKI~Q3; 10 KBs, Q continued ro. Kt~-By; 27 BX Kt, PX © OF 4..P—OBy, ¢ KBs, BK; BoB Raise tReet SAE iy sO! BRO OW x Ret x BO-5-6; Ter 5.0084] i oa Nae aa eae 0, Key; 9 RoR, BOR; 10 Q— [Notes continued on. 28 Qs #: Techrann—Lee, match, ir. ©) An equally strong alternative is § B— Notes continued on p. 38CENTER COUNTER DEFENSE [Notes continued from p. 36 (6 Inferioris 10 QBs, Ke X Ke 17 B= 2, Kt—Qa5 12 Ke X KU X Kt B— Qi KS; 140% B, Kt XQ; 15 BX Q, PKg: 16 PKs, Key = (Fred Reinfeld). The column to the rath move is analysis by C.J. S. Purdy (@ OF 10... KUX Kt; 1 BX KL Q~ Qe 2 Poy Or Kt By 12 Q XRG PBs ie Ke x BPX Ke 1B 5, PARK) 2g PRS, Kt— Qa 15 B Bich. Ws? XP, B-ORIs; 6 KBs, B— Kis,7 B—Ke, Kt—QBs; # 0-0, RK K @) White won the ending. Tarrach— Mieses, Gothenburg, 192. (0) Réi—Rabinstein, Tpit © 4 BBs, Ke—KBy; 5 P—Q9 leads fonly to equality, since Black bas a safe ‘ontinalion in §.--P Bs @ Weaker is 7-..P—B3; 6 B~Q3, P. Qkty; 90-0, PKs; 100K, BOK: RUCK Rex Kt; 12 OX Ky Q— 7) 33 Q-Kuy, BBs: 14 Poe with’ an overwhelming attack. Mises Leonhardt, Prague, 1908. @) If instead § B~QB4, P—Ky; 9 0-0, Boa 10 R-Ks, P-OKtgs 17 BRU, BAKU 12 BK, OKs; 15 OKs, R—Qbr. Thomas-—du ‘Mont, ‘Tun bridge Well ror ) Schumer—Thomas, City of London sanpionnip, 2913 Schoen, [Notes continued from p. 37 © The Kiel Variation ) Ie x P,Q X Qek; 7 Kt XQ, KI By; 3 PB, BK; 9 PKs, O_O 0:70 Kt—K, B-OB4: 22 POR, KR— Ki. Trepbalopoliubow, Pityan, ©) Spicimann—Walter, Machrisch—Os- frau, 1935, G) Bogatyzchuk—Rabinovieh, Moscon, 1035. @ 3. P—QB4 deserves more attention ‘than it has received, i nly forthe reason at ater 3. PBs; g P—Oe, PX PS Kt—QUs White has transposed to the Panov Atack against the Caro—Kann ‘The continuation }P—QBs, P—Bgi PX P,KEx Pj 5 Kt-QBs, PKys6 PQs, BWQB4;7 B—Ky, BX B)EPXB,Q~ Key; 9 0-Qs, BLK; 10 PKal is suppested by De. Laser. © 4 BX Beh, QXB: 5 KQBs, Ke XP 6 Rex Ky OX Kt; 7 QBs, P— QBs:5Qx QP XQ = Krcjele—Rethy, lenna-~Budspest mate, 2951 (im) Somenbat better is7 KKt—K, Ke KUjj8B-Ku, ORUX Pg Rex Ke, Ke XRG 10 KUKG, BK; 1 0-0, POX}; 12 PKB, Ke—K3j13P—O4 2 ‘Maroety” Walter, Gybr, 1934 2) Best. W 8. .PHOR; 9 Pts, B— Kuy; 10 P—Be. The column i Bogatyr. hak Torre, Moscow, 1928. ENGLISH OPENING "Tae sxctisn orranss is «typical product of the reversal inches ide- logy produced by the hypermodem revolution. Initially White makes no attempt to build up a Pawn center, but concentrates on speedy develop- ment. The theory is that if Black plays in the center White will counter there effectively, if not, a center advance after both sides are fully developed will not be easy for Black to meet. In addition, the numerous transposition possibilities require a deep and thorough grasp of opening theory where even a first-class master ean easily go wrong. Among its adherents are many of the greatest contemporary masters, including Botvinnik and Keres ‘The most important reply on Black's first move is r...P—K4, which leads to a Sicilian Defense with colors reversed. Ate the subsequent devel- ‘opment of all the Kt’s (2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QBs; 3 Kt—B3, Kt—B3) White hha four moves at his disposal: (1) 4 P—Q4 (2) 4 P—K4i (3) 4 P—Q3i (4) 4PKs. (2) 4 P-Q4 is the mest common and the most logical. Tn the Siiian Defense Black must ordinarily fight hard for ...P—Qg; ence he plays it he has almost certain equality. Here the extra tempo allows White to advance his QP immediately; this is one reason why the English is better for White than the corresponding lines in the straight Sicilian are for Black. However, Black can achieve full equality here with the line in cl. 2, where White's superior development is offset by his weak Pawn structure. Various traps ‘must be avoided by Black (cols. 1-5). (2) 4 P-K4 was one of Nimzovitch’s favorit lines. White hopes to play P—Q4 soon and remain with strong Pawns at Kg and QBq against « weak one at Q3, But the temporary hole at Black's Qs can be utilized in several ways to equalize (cols. 6-7). (3) 4P—Q3 transposes to cols. 13-15 with best play by Black, As played in the column, Black submits to an inferior variation of the Dragon. (4) 4 PKs isa tame line which promises no advantage. ‘The order in which White develops his Kt’s is of considerable theoretical importance. If the KKt comes out first (2 Kt—KB3), 2...P—Ks! forces ‘equality (cols. 11-12). It is therefore better for White to develop his QKt first (the order in cols. 6-10 has been adopted to simplify classification). Similarly, it is necessary for Black to develop his K1's in the correct order; specifically he should be prepared to counter with an early ...P—Q4.42 ENGLISH OPENING ‘Thus after 2 Kt—QB3, 2. ..Kt—KB3 (cols. 13-15) is better than 2... Kt— QB5, cos. 16-19. Alter 2 Kt—QB3, Kt—KBy White can vary from the main lines in cls. 1-9 with 5 P-KKts (a Dragon Variation with colors reversed). Here a new idea has been introduced by some American masters inthe main varia- tion: to continue with ...P—KB4 asin the analogous lines of the Sicilian ‘This plan appears to be much stronger than the more routine continuations (Gee col. 3 and col. 33 note (i). When Black chooses a reply other than r...P—K4, White usually trans- potes toa variation of the QP or Q.G.D. The lines considered in cols. 20-30 are those which do not readily transpose. In the symmetrical variations with ...P—QBbq Black achieves equality with an early ...P—Qg, but is at a disadvantage if he omits this center break (cols. 20-23 and notes). ‘The interesting variations in cols 26-28 represent an attempt to avoid this transposition to the QP openings. Of particular importance is the new line in col. 28, There are however various good alternatives for Black before this position is reached (col. 26 note (b) and cols. 29-30). DIAGRAM 16 Pages 41-12, cs. 1-9 DIAGRAM 17 Page 44, cols. 13-15 ft t 28 thom A _Mweee (after 3a) Titer #09] ENGLISH OPENING “ Kt—B3, Ki—B3* 1 P—QB4, P—K4; 2 Kt—QB3, Ki—KB3, 4 Pa PXP. PKs 5 RLxPe Kt—Q (i) B_Kts. BoB KEXP... BUKts () 6 B-Xts (a) KeXKt KEXP PKS 0-0. PUKR: KPXKt Key 0-0 7 Ro oy PKK PKK | BAK ROKr BX Rtch(@) 0-0) KtXKt REY sP-Ky | PXB BKy = KX 0-0 PQ} Kt-Ky(@) ROK! B Kitch BX Kt 9B: PKs 0-0 Ba PXB KK, P-Q3/ 6) B-Br BXBb = P—Q3 10 0-0 BB QXB 0 PAB! BX Et RK 0-0 PXPP (m) WRXB QB B Ke BXPI KUKb ©) BK PHQ3() RX P 2 KtKis! KR-Q: 0-0 KeKy BO: POR; BQ: Rokr 13 BX Kt RQ: Kt BAKts PXB PB BB Kk: 14 B—Q3 BX Ba (h) Kt-Qs t (k) Q-Q2+ (a) +See. 40, Diagram 16 ** DIAGRAM 38. cole. (@) 1.6 Kex Kt, BX Kick (beter than 6. -KAP x Rt, 7 Q—Kty, BBys 8 P— K5,0-0; 9 Bos, ReKr; 10 0-0, Gas 1 Os, OK 12 KOR ‘TantkowerGrucneld, match, 19221 Or 6..QP x Kt; 7QX Geh, KX Qs B— Qo): 7 PX B, OP x Ke Gan Ker x Kt; 8 BORs, P03; 9 PRs, PQs: 10 PAK), 0-0; 11 P QBs #)/8.Q x Qh (8 9-047, O—K2; 9 B—Kts, 0-0; 20 Bx KGP x Birr PKs, R93; 120 By, Q—R6/ and wins, Golombel— Fob, Hastings, 1935-36), K XQ =. Hanauer Reinfeld, New York, 1938 () 120. POKRS; 12 BOs, KtKts (est is 72. PRK 13 Kt Ke Ks); 15 BX Kt a wansposes into Flobr— HL Joliee, Zaich, 1934. The column is AlechineVates, Semmerng, 1036 Notes continued on p432 ENGLISH OPENING 1 P—QB4, P—Ké; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3 6 7 9 10 3 Kt—Bo). P—4 (xB) * P03 () 4 Poy, P99. PKs eB BAKE (@) P04 (0) BKts () 5 P03 PXP — Q-Br() PQs Po KtXP 0-0 Keke OPORR....B-K2(6) PKK BKs PKs PER} 0-0 BOK () ROK: KKB 7 BK; 0-0 B-Kn = 0-0 Boke BQ BX KE BK PQs BOK SPR; PXB oo KUKr 0-0 BX Ktch Q—K> 0-0 BK; 0-01) oPXB Ktxr POR; POR] PLER KK: Kt-Kr @O -BXKt | BX xt yo R-QKu KtB BQ QB PX BY POKy | PB ORO: POR, P-QRs WPHKy | PXP. Pky POKty PR oo BXP KIXKE — Q-Q2 KR ne B-Ka Kt—Ks BX Et PQs PB, QB) BK: BB) Py Kt 13 Kt-Ku PO CB ti) QB BOK Kt_kr= ORO + Seep. 40, Diagram 16 (©) On 4... B—By; s KEX P is met by 5. Rt X Kt; 6 PQ4, BORIS; 7 PX Ke, Ke X 7:5 Q—Qs, B-KBa; 9 Px P ep, KEXP (Ba); 10 PBs, Q—Kack TE B—Ks, B x Kuh; 12P XB, 0-0. istCalle, Bedi, 1926. A better ides on a BBs iss KR3; 9 BKs, BKty; fo KR, Kt— KRG 1 Qs, Pty 12 BP, BP: 13 PQe a. Fine Adams, New York, 1936. () Nimzoviteh—Naege exhibition game, Berne, 193. (© 016 P—KKts, 0-0; 7 B~Kta, Kt— Qs. 3 Ke x KP X Key 9 P—ORs, BX Kish; 10 P XB, PP, 17 QBs, Ke Kis; 12.0. P, QnIls; 13 0X0. Ke Q'=. Nimsovitch~Speinan, Bled, 193% () Fine—Dake, Mexico City, 1935 © 4..BOKis; 5 BoOs, Py 6 P XP KEXP; 7 PORK, 0-0; 3 B— Kus, Kt—kth; 9 0-0, BOKRy: 10 R Ri Q—Ks; fr POR, BOs, 12 Ke— Kt, BoKS: 15 Pkt, PRS, 1g KUX ID, PX Kt; 15 PK le, Cape ‘Semmering-Baden, () Removing the Ke from Qy transpose to cole tytg. If 6... PoBs. 7 Boke, BHK3,8 POR, KUKIy; 90-0, B Kaj 10 BK, Rt_Qs fs POU, Q 212 B XK, P XB, 19 Kika, Kt ERSIh 2g KUXQP/ 2. Ragotn Keres, Semimering— Baden, 1657 G) 13.--Kt—Os; 1g BX KL PX Bs og KrQs, Kay 16 QR—Ket, Regain ‘Petow, SemmeringBade, 1937 Notes continued on p. 42 ENGLISH OPENING 43 Notes continued from p. 41 69 7. PHOS SP ORUXKLD oe Re BX micro P 8, 0-07 His int), QRH 9 Bos, Po Kits 19 Kes, og; 17 KOCK Gree, 080: 720~0,8 x Kt eea at Bere Se Re Rea Bors: Botinty, PX Kt; 2 OR $02 b:s90-0. 8 Resa Pe De Bpgas REM Re, Be! = oto ay ath math ge 955A remark thle cles heen Pokus SB BG Peay 9 Rake, RU Re Q x Repeat PRRs Rei R Non Reiss ts QRS, Bx Kick 1g P IRE Px RL BR oP SOY. kere Richer, Munich, be @ Weserigs.. PQs; 9s, 0-0: OTR ROR or Boks, ug 2 Bots, Re“ Os; 13-0, RE Rey ig Keokty, BORG 35 PBs, Tovinti Pie, Monon 955 () More prcee than 9. KIKI; 10 Pty Renkeg, 12 Qs, RU Boe Rese ky Poot Pha OK BRODIE Kee br tors Polis Poe Biro Re-Ost ry Bs, By 18 QRGrt Botsanlk—Locren: fab, Bosco, soy, Mack hao preven Pops by vaying a ber move 9 oF GD Now Back eed nok be ina bury Caine i Ke The oun Laser Listen, Moscow, 1958 @ Inferior ie 7...P—Q4; § BKts, B— (026; 10. ORs, Ba; {Kas 12 KR—Qr =. Ret Proepitka, Marenbad, 1995) (0) Réti—Gruenfeld,Baden—Baden, 1925. Stronger than ether (2) §Kt—Ks, B— Kits BeKUs, PER, 7 BX KL OX By # Kex Ke P—Ko lrg PXP, OP x Ki; 10 Qty Q—Recks 12 K—Qa, P= Qa; 12 P—Res, Q—Kts+. Bigelow — Nethine, Bradley Beach, 1929, ) KE TKKtG, POKR3: 6 POs, PX KU 7 BX Ke Bigg SPX KUP,BX Pip P— 3, Q—Ka; 10 P—ORs, PRG; 11 B K3,B—Byy 12 B—Q2, Q—Kas PRS, DRS =. Koatich-Opocendty, Prague, ost. G) Violent but ineective is 17..R— Key; 22 0-0, PKU 15 PXP, RX Bere P—OR4, RKtr; 15 KR—Qi, P— 5, 25 Gite. Coetniak—Villegs, ‘ar del Pista, 2048 (8) HotvinnikFlobs, sth match game, 5... K6 fs worth a try compare Alebine’s Defense, p., eal 18 (im) Better 10.,.B—B4 with a dial pasion, ) 1g... PBs; 15 ORK, BB 16 Bi Ke, Px By a7 PRR, Botsink— ‘Ragosn, sth match game, 1940. Notes continued from p. 2 The most energetic. 4. ..P—O4; § Php Ktx Py BeKtsy UX Ke 7 KAD Ke, BOs; 3 Pe, B=Q35 0B XK BB; 1 PXP,BXKG 1 Q Sip, Bx P; 12. 0-0, F_OBs; 13 B Ry. Plohr—Petrow, Semmering Ba en, 1937-04 --B—K2; 3 Q—B3, 0-0; BTAORS, POs; 7 HORS, RORY 3 0-0, BBr; 9 P—Q4, B—Ktsy 10 P— Q5, Kt—Ke (Tartakower—Dr. Em, Las- Ber, New Vor, 1924) and now 17 PK followed by °K witha promising post tlon for White (Tartakower). @ Hs Kt-Q5, PKs fh Ke x BLK x Kt 7 Kt-04, 0-0; 3 BK, POs: 9 PgR, Kt Qed; 10 BX KL PD: fe Pols, KOK s #. Elihases—L. Steiner, Budapest, 1953. The column is Flohr “Fine, Nottingham, 1956. G) M3 P xP: gKEXP, BORIgc 5 Bes, BX Bik; 6 Q XB, KKI—Kai 7 P—RKt, 0-0; F BKts, PO} (stronger than §.-.Kt—Ky; 9 PKU, PoQ4, 20 PX P, KUX Pyar Kt—OBs, Kr x kts 12 QX Kt, P—Qis 13 0-0, PORBy; 1g PBy. Fine—Herg, Kem ti, 1959) 2 0-0, Bz; 10 Kt—OB, Beery QR—Be KU x Key 120 Kt, B—Byy13P—Ke . Chebhover—Rabino witch, Til, 2937 (8) Nimzovitch—Tatrsch, — Baden-Ba- en, 19854 ENGLISH OPENING 1 P—QB4, P—Kt ENGLISH OPENING ee 45 1 Pope ” 8 ™ 8 ra 7 = 9 70 2 KBD) x90 , mena Pos XCD oe» Xt Keo. PORES (@ 2 C&-QB)) 3 * Obs PO Kt—QB3 (a) PBs PxP 3 RB) PRR PoxKy ‘fone Kx Pom i) PoRKY OKs mon pm 4P-0 0 BKB Kt-33 (n) — rs ot xo: Boy Xe KS ©) Pom BK cd Pont Ki: KER) PQ PKS 2 “O38 Ka EBs () POs POS Boke c o-0 oP Py) EK 0 Poe ome? BOR pokts 0 RKC: KEG Poe > FO-Ke | KBs PO OO Pk “Qe xs) oe 6-9) Boxy 9 PxP PoRRY/() Bo a xR BoKt pRR 088 BR 5-9n0) segs oo) BRP Bx Bye PQs BORK Pobel 0-0 0-9) BPR) 0-0 PKK PQ eee meas em Gg Bo OCR Bx | Key Pom REX 00 Pas, Sees PQky -BXB PQs PXP RIX Sem = PxE PB Go RQ" RR mk Bee ses Ne Acenin ncaa eee "Ee OBE Ra Bo Rk EXP OL —_ Keene @ FO) 200-04 BXPEO) BELG EXP — OXPE(O) * See. 4, Digrom 17, Kockt= @ (@) rg KeX Re OP XKU § PQs 100-Q2. (Alen. ESaaEa ———— eo (kts, KBs! PRK, B-QBH 7 B—Kts: B—Ba! § 0-0, 0-0; 9 K— Rr, Qs /-¥. Réti—Torre, Maviendad, soish PX Pep X FOX Qi7P X QB-KBs: SPs, O—O~0 =, Tarta- NowerAlethine, Warm, 1935. Eaerior ey Kiki, PQky; 7 P-ORs, Kt Byy 6 KiB, BRS 7 PRG, Po 4; SPX P, Ke-OK ty; 9 BRU, Kbig; 20070, Qe Py ry KU Kt, QXKUF. ChebtoveKan, USSR. championship, 1999. With these varatons ‘compare Alekhine’ Delene,p 6, cl 16 (@) A strong alternative is 4.-_P—Q4 5 SPX POX P/OR—B3, Q-Kaie P— Gy, PXP eps 8 OX, Kees; 9 Rex Rt, BH Key 10 Qh, BX Rick, 110 XByQ X Qk 12 PX Q,BOKS = Fine—Shainsvt, New Work, 2938 (6 Better was 7 B—Kta, e447. RK EPHQH PXP eps 9OXP, KK Correct was 8... KKU—Kts! with « strong attack, eg. (3) 9 KEXP, OX Py fo BEKKts (ro PBs, QX KU), BX Pek; 1 KBs, Q-KBS ¥. (2) 9 PKG, QKIK 4; ro Rex POX Po PMs, PRB 12 Ke XB, Rex Pal 19 K— Ka, OX KER. () 9 KtKs, BX Kt; 0 BP XB, QBs; #2 QBs, Q—lrck, 12K—Q1, QB; 1 KK, RI=Kts ‘Analysis by Athi. (©) 13KUX KtQ X Kt; r¢P—03, QR Qi15 PX, BXP; 160 XO. Dawe, Euwe—Alethine, rth match game, 2938 ) Rebinetein~Saemiseh, Brel, 2025- G), 5 P—Ky Kes; 4 PBs, PO; 5 PQs, BUKtss 6 Ba, PRR 7 KBs, BOK 2; F BORG, G—Qas 9 KR5, BX Key 1 BX BPX Pris BX BP, Ke—Qgy 42 BOKS/ 4. Alchine— Tilentha, Hastings, 1955-54 ‘Notes continued on p. 46 elt. 17-19 (ter 4...B=K) 3, KKB: PQ, PK. ARs B-Kts; 02,0057 0 Bx Ke; 6 BX B, POs; 9 Key, P is; 10 PER, Q—Kigy #2 QRS, Q— Br, 2 HRs, Priedmann—Wood, Tendon, 2045 (@) 3.--Kt—Bs tranaposes to previous ‘ohms, © sk sf, P03; 6x Kt, PX Kt; PBs, P—Q4; 8 PX KP, BPX Py OR, B-Qa; 20 QRS, RORY 1 DOORS Ke—Bs; 12 Px Pk, Kevile— ‘Marshal, New Vork, 2935 OM 5.5K Key 7 Ox B=, Boston, i938 (©) 12...Q-Ka; 13 BI 6 Rt—Ost, BX Poland orton, 1 POR: 1g ORK, Pais 15 PB, PT, 6 Poy, Raj 27 PKR, with «strong attack, Fines Merico City, 1934 ‘Notes continued on p. 46:46 ENGLISH OPENING ENGLISH OPENING a [Notes continued from p. 44 @) A simple continuation is 5...Ke x Re; OKP x Ki, P—QB4;7 RK, Ki By} 8 P—Q3, BKajg Rtg, O03 0 00, QBs; 17 BK, B—By =. Kan Ratner, Moscow, 1945."The retention of the Kt at Qu is poor becuse White gets PQ4 too eae: fy $20, B—Ky, 6 Kt— By, PRBS; 7 0-0, Ki—By;8 P—O4 7, PX Po Kt—-QKts, B—QBg; 10 KKt X PROX KG Rex Rt, BBs 22 Quack. AlekhineDut-Chotimisti, Consbad, s928. ( To reserve -_.B X Kt when necenary. ‘The less aggresive 9-.-B—Ky is apt to tum out poorly, eg 20 KBr, Kt-Os Getter PBs) 71 Rex Rt, BX Rt, 22 Q—Ry, PLB; 13 BBs, BB 14 XB, Rt—Kap as KR—BY, Poy, 19 POK47 . Kan—Chethover, Moscom, 1936. Of considerable interest ere ie the sew move 9.--P—B4/ (asin the alo. {ous variations ofthe Sian). If then 0 PRons, PO; 17 BIKE (better RB ay in the eoluma), PX By 12 Q— Kueh, KOR 13 PKs), PoBs HanaterGreen, New York, 1942. Or here 10 RBs, BK (more logical it 10 ‘BOByasincol. 19); 17 Kt—QR, Kt— Qe; 12 BBs, BOs (Marshall Han suet, New York, 1939) and now 13 P— ais. QD 12..-Ki-O4; 13 BBs, BB: 14 RXB, BXKG 15 BXB, KQd— Rts; 16Q—Br,Q—Q3;17 Q— Ke, Sabo Die, Hastings, 2956-39. () Aleander—Euwe, Nottingham, 1036. @ Ioetior is 9 P—K1s, B~Ks; 10 B— Kts, Pog; 1 R—Br, POR; 12 Kt— Qs PRs 1s KEXP, eX RG 4 PX KU, Q Qe 15 Ki-Ky, Res 18 B— QBs, RRs; 17 BQ, KOs. Go- sldee—Reshevsky,LeningradMoscom, (im) Much stronger than 9. .P—QR4; 10 BLKs, BoKy 1 BXKY PX Bs 1 KI—Q2 Opocenshy—Flohr, Podebrady, 1936 (r) 15 PRs, Kt—R fy 1g QBs, P— Ba 15 Ke— Ky, BORG; 10 BBs, Kt— tb) Sentaient—Horoyits, ‘New ‘York, [Notes continued from p. 48 (Best, Aermatives ae: () ...B—Bas {B—Kts, KBs G..- POs; § PKs, KKI—K3; 6 POR, PQR4: 7 KK Ka,0—0;5 Py, B—Kt3; 90—0, B— Qe) ro POG, Que; 17 Bes, B Row. | Nimsovitch—Alething, Baden- Baden, 1925); $KI—B3, P—QR3;60~0, PQs; 7 PKs, 0-0; $ P04, BOR, 9 PKs, Py; 10 PKus, BKB 4, frB—R3 . Tartakomer—Cratafld, Ma” Flenbad, 1925. 2) 3.—-P—O3; 4 BKt3, BORG: sP=Q5, 0-05; 6 Pt, PBS, 7 Kt, KRU~Ka) J PK, BRS; 9 00, BB; 10 KX B, PKRg: 1? PKins! 2. Dake—Fine, gi match ame, 1958 @ Weaker is 6 B—Qs, Pag; 7 R— Qku G Ke—By, Ke“ Ge; 8 00, P By; o K—By, Kt—Ka; 10 P-QKt, Kt XC Keck =, Lasker™Alerander, Noting ham, 1936), Kt—By; 8 POR, OW0; 9 P—Kis, Kt—Ka} 10 Q—Bs, PERS} Tr BOK, POR: 12 POR, PRG} a3 PXP, ROP 14 KKK, Ki [By . Capablanca~Bogeljubow, Notting fam, 1996. ) 12... R—Krj13Q~Q2.Flht—Eume, sd match game, 1932 @ Bete 9... B—Kts; 10 PERG, BX ey 17 Kt XB, Rt—Bgs 12 Ps, OK (Qs bat White's game ail preferable. G)32...Kt—Qa; 19 PRG, Kt—By; 24P—QRty. Botvianik—Reshevsky, AVEO ‘armament, 1938. 2) Simpler is 7...0—0; 8 P—O4, PP; OKUXP, KU Kt; oP X Ky KB, By P=Q5, ROK, Kt-Ka, PERS Kan Vadositeh, Tits, 1057. 15? X Kt,Q-Q4; 14 KBs, 0~0~ 0:15 BK, KK 16 PK, BK, Koblente—Kagosin, USSR. champion. ship, 204s (m) 4 BKes, BRts; 5 00, PKs; ORB, BK 7 Poe, PX; SRE Xi, BB 9 KB, Gor, 10 Qs, KeoByy rz KX KY, Q% Keck PKs, ROB; 13 PKs, BORE =, Stablberg—Pilik, Mar del Plata, 1944 (9 12...Q—B3; 19 PKs, Botvianik— (Capablanca, Moacom, 2936. 1 P—QB4, Kt—KB3; 2 Kt—KB3 ——————— 2 2 33 2 25 2 @Ba), PKs BOBS ccc PoQgl | KtoBy P04! PXP — PHQy 4PXP KtXP PUK) KEXP PO4() — P—BY GH) 5 POEs. P-KKy = PXP = PXP KK (@) K-08) KEXP KEXP) 6B BK PKs BK Kt—Q6ch (0) Ke—-B2 | Kt_KB3/(g) BK 7K-K2 0-0 K-98; 0-0 KUX Bch = POKg(@) PKy— 0-0 SRXKt Pog Kt—Ba fh) P—Q3 POR; (0) BOK XQ POKty 9 P04 ExXQ BQ PXP KiB) Kt—-0By wQxP BQKls RUBY POR axe BQ) BK 0 BX Kt HKEXQ KLOR BX Kt POR XB PKS Pooky BXB | oKtXKt | POKty KR, POR! PBs BXKt | _BKn Ki-Q2 KIXP) 0-0-0 BB Kt_Ks sp ER-QUS(@)EtXEP = KK: Q-Br=() QB BB | BoBy (e) Better is g-—-Kt x Kt; 6 KP X Ke, PKK with «portion analogous to the Grueneld Defense in the QP opening, ot S-POKs: 7 POs, PRP IPP, BKugch with «satisfactory variation of the QCD. ©) 6...P-Kas 7 00, OR—By; 8 P— Q5,K95, 9 KU Ke PX Kt 10 Kt 2a. Nimwovitch~Rubinstein, Dresden, 190. (918. KBs; 9 O-Kts, PK 10 BOKts, Bos; Hy BX Key Bx Bs 12 KR—Q: followed by P=Qs +. (Becker) (0 15. .P—OKt4?; 14 Kt x KP, BPX Kup 15 HX KP, PX Ry 10 RX Boh, Xe 17 BX'Ktch K-On, 18 Kuch}. TakaceRabinsten, Rogaska- Satna, 1929 (ist brillaney pez) {© Compare Réti Opening p. 310, ec. 3 ‘The column is Kashdan~-Reshevsty, New York, 1942 0 P—By = (oa) D4 K-85; ¢ K-OBs, 6 PK tanspoues toa var Stan Defence which isin White's favor ‘Three unusual atematives ae: (3) POKg 17) g Kt—Kts, BKteehy 6B Qe (better ¢ OKI—B3 and if 6.-.0-057 OKs), BBs; 7 BBs, Q—Ktg, # PKS, POR; 9 KKI=I3? @ P kts as esiential), Kt—By; 70 BOs, 0-0; 11 0=0, P=O5; 12 KBs, B= 1K. Dake—Fine, oth match game, 1933, Q) 4. .PoK3; 5 Keb, BK; 6 RKC Kts, POs 7 BoBy, KORG # P-Ks,0-0;9Q-Bs, BOs: 100-0— 0,08 Kty21 Ke XB, Q- Rtg; 22 K— tr, QR—Br; 1yB_O3, KBs F. Nae varno~Keres, Madrid, 1943. (3) 4 P— Okty, s Kt-Ols, Rts 6 BK, KOOKS: 7 ROX Ke, BXKU 5 PBs, Notes continued on . 49a ENGLISH OPENING ENGLISH OPENING 49 1 P-QB4, Kt—KB3(a); 2 Kt—QB3 [Notes continued from p. 7 p-Ktz;9 P—Ka-&. Alekhine Saemisch, Kt, Py; 8 P—Q4, BQa;9P X FKP 7% Fi = a 5 aka Ras Sieteddy 8830820 5 me 2 PAK, PBs. P—Q4! (m) @ Weak is 6...Kt—Kts; 7 Q—Rgch, ~Tartakower, Nottingham, 1936. = ees ONG EEETER ASTM Gy neuertan pc? Tyo POH Kt Re Rani ksh, hu bem ky s Bek P04 0) POs rx Be poke k. DakeMucler, PX B, 9 Kt—Ks, DOs: 10 P—By 17K wens ()——Fentlanetas peel tine woke a0 Eek sono 8 bo Rteh, BQ3; o KIKDs, () Fhr—Thran, Noting, spe ene @ Fete mo QeRL GRAN ONG Gm sP-ReP Ore POR PR; EE ena Fico is begyr hts. Raut SG, emg Bay O04 9 eee eee BG str dt Bt es oto SS, RR, to Bk : : : shovhaee ahh Mar da Pata, By DRG, RRCOKG =" Below one Pome pape” Boees 9 2ebeche— Mice eo a ee phos Te eee Bh pale 4. KOKS: sO Gg Keds, Reedy, Knock PSke Bxp | BXP | BOKE Pe RE EE Bethe, tn 3 xem om om PKRI? mo eee Notes conmud frm 9.48 one rom@ oy Key Mg KUKs, g KEK, PX Ke KOU, B-Qu 6 BK BBs: 1 Bam EO Boat Seite PRET Coeh eet! Wea PS kote oo b 0-0 Kt-Ks/() 0-0-0 KtBy —-Q-Ky Fay te OO, 0°00; 82 Champlin’ gy The masher ik a a =) eet Ski waseiee Whi rotates opponents Scar nik OR BO) BB ECHR make tosss, ment isttery Fe Fe Fey ey Be Bovine (Stenger ho RIPXP, ReP x 7:7 ete Ss Cees tc onal Oo ee CT aR BS Gy Re Rus yoy FoRBy te Ke 2 ods POSE) O04 BRB ae, OO Be Rit Ry sek ig Beka ae PBsle@ MKB BXEEO) oo Sra as Pte hn Pek Poe Ror PRRs = (6) (Fhe —Keshdan, Poetne, rosy, BP, Kost Simonton, st math - —————_—_._—___—__—_- G) Or 20 O—0, B~Q3; 11 Q—Rach, B— —_RAMEr 198E “pracRaM 0 FP Obs2P Ky Pane — SreGeba bors BA ke-gs, Oak Bebe, Faetne, sa cols, 26-28 poses to the Caro-Kann 74 QR_Qr, QR—Qu; 15 Kt-Q2, P— White now played 13 7 Kita upon nich Ago! sea Pong, g Ee *-Kevis~Fin New Yor tons 23/0 (one Cele P—-KKts, PQs, 5 PKs, P_Q5;6P @ Mrz... KBr; 12 B—Bs, BX Band HEE 23-1 KEP which occurred in fey kuri’er quire egy ue @)1y0-OK—BusasR-Ku Ke-Gx; ehemiag meat teh Black cannot win a Pawn by #...P XP; 16 Q-B6, PKs; 17) Q—Ks, K—Ktr oP X P, B—Rtsch; ro B—Qz, Q & Ps rr ‘(Alerander—Fine, Nottingham, 1936) and aE ee eee BX B, Q-Kech; 12 BRS, QX Rj ry now 28 Q—Kty ! is quite strong. Re Gear oP es, asspaning SEE ABS — Ouatenew annoy gx budgie buch PARC Pe geem aon, QM APR Bh eG ete Rings Dee Reon pr RR a Rca eae OEE Re ROR, ne by GONE Bs bale Nie RNP RS PRG, 6O-O,B pe Gril Due sy os Se Rete ke BS,a7 ROMs = RaentAttorney, og Kemny, Pg 25 BR, RR— Kite 7Px Ph Pe BGK Kees QRS, ReKtS. Bogaljabon— KEKIhgP OR Pesto, OP XB; 4 OK QBs; 25 Mikes, Kemet 099. Boon 0-1, GK, v2 eit ‘Masel=Batinn, Leningrad oy Notes continued on p. 49EVANS GAMBIT “Tras wsrenesrise branch ofthe Giuoco Pano sil retains much ofits vigor, although most modern tournament players are reluctant to adopt it, However, it has always been a favorite with analysts who have recently ‘uncovered some new material which opens new perspectives for the first player. In the Evans Gambit Accepted, the traditional refutation has been Lasker's Defense in col. 1 (¢ PK, P—Kg; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 B—B4, B—Bg; 4 P—OKts, BX P; 5 P—B3, B—Rai 6 PQs, P—Q3; 7 0—O, B-Ktg/) although here White can draw with relative ease. More important, the attack has been strengthened in the variation with 7 Q— ts, and the variations in col 2 and notes are still a problem forthe second player. ‘Theoretically, at the present stage Black does better to play the Normal Position (cols 4-8) and avoid Lasker's Defense, unless he is content with a somewhat barren equality. In the old line in col. 4, which was analyzed ex- tensively by the greatest masters of the day some fifty years ago, Black can maintain his extra Pawn and stave off the attack. Tt may be that the difficulties of the Normal Position are too much for tournament play, but analysis reveals no really strong continuation for White against the best defense. ‘The Compromised Defense (col. 9) leaves Black's development too back- ward and is not to be recommended Replies other than 5...B—R4 have always been considered bad. But Euwe and some Soviet masters have recently revived 5...B—K2 with considerable success (col. 10, note ()). ‘The Evans Gambit Declined with 4...B—Kts is theoretically inferior to the Accepted version. While Black is not so exposed, his positive counter- chances are meager. White cannot obtain an attack a8 glamorous as the customary one, but the new improvements in cols. x and 2 indicate that he can at any rate often obtain a somewhat more comfortable game and a slight positional advantage in some cases. EVANS GAMBIT fa ee 1 P—Ké, PK; 2 K¢—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 B—B4, BBA; 4 P—OKU, BX P; 5 P—B3, B—R4; 6 P—O4 , es x 2 3 4 5 6P-as* 5 PXPO) 70-0. ok 0-0 BOKH/G) Qe!) BoKy sexP) PXP! PXP PRP PXPLw BOK PO) 9QXQcd() 0-0 BOKts!() KBs! Ex BKe POR) KRY yoKtXP —-RQr BR, BUKES/ BRS OK BB, G2! PKR rrP-QR4!(8) R-Q5!7 PB BQ} BRA () PRB) | PLORS/ KRU: PKR) KX BBXxB oo BR Q—RAch RXB 0-0 Eek: QQ: 33 Kt—Be KeBS | BXKE | Xt ROG eer exB Om 14 PRS PxP Kt-95 By PxP 2K 15 KO Kt05 gamit eB Eexkt Bo I6Kt-Ky — BXEUE(O) PX KEE PUKS/() Q-Br/ (0) QR-er= 0-07 ¥ (m) (@) Lasker's Defense, the major reason for the virtual disappearance of Uhe Evans (Gambit from tournament play. (@) The best chance, If instead # POR, Pic PoP XP, B—Kts; 10 B—Kts, Bg; 12 B—Kts, BX Ke 12 PX, QRsi 13 Bx Kuch, PB: 1g KORG, KOK. Charousek—Blackburne, Nu remberg, 16961 of § BKKts, PBs; 9 BeKs, BOs; 10 Kt—Ry, PKs 7F KUORs, Qa; 12 Kes, PB 13 PKs, Ps; ry B—Br, 0-0-0; 15 + DIAGRAM ar cel, 1-3 rey 2h 242 ena Om mater Fal FOR, TR hat by Le agwe EE Tater &..P—Qa] (O(n) 9Q—Kta,Q—Rs 10 B-KKts, Q-Kty: #7 B-Q5, KRU Ks; 12 QB X Ke, KX By 15 BK QX Bs 1g Ke P,'Q-Ksy 13 Q-Rsch, Qs +.) 9 OKt-Q3, QBs; 10 B—Q5, KKU—K fr PORRG, PRR; 22 KtBa, O—0; TSKIORS, R-Qi; KU Ky, BK [Notes continued on p. 52 +See p58, Diagram 222 EVANS GAMBIT [Notes continued from p. 51 (©) Weaker 11K Q3, Kt 12 B— Ry, PRBS: 17 Ki-Gs, KU Kts, 2 ROKu, KBs; 15 BOs, ROK, 16 PBs, PoBg a7 BX Boh, KUxB ‘Tehigotin—Pillbury, London, 189. (Anew try is Shtcinsape's move 7 B— KKts, but good reply is Q—Qsi # 0-0, PoKis;y Boy, KI Kas 0B X Ke, KUX Bris P x P,0-0-F Sheinspir— Romanovsky, Leningrad, 2037 ) owed. 7--.Q—K2?; 8 PQs! wine a piece. 7. Ki—R3/? is not suient bot not quite as bad ast lok 9B Kt, PX'B, 9 BX Ped, KBr, 10 PXT, QaKai fr Bs, KeX Pye KUX KL, Qx Ke 15 Q-R3, BoKUs; 1g KI—02, BOB); 1s O-Kts, PBs; 13 BK, PoRty 17 0-0, KKay 18 Key agosin—Bronstein, USSR. Champ Ship. toys. Alter "the text BKty threatens, fy 4 0-0, B—Kty; 9 B= Oks, POH3; 0 B-Ry BRS) or P95, POR. G@ Weak is ra B—KKts, Q—Kts; 150— Ey, Key 16 B x RQ X B17 RX P00; 25 R-KRS, QX PI 19 BX QX MG 20 Bs, Peg ++, Liss sih—Rablnoviteh, Leningrad. pee ) 16...BX Rj 17 BX BS and White preserves a stong attach, ef 27... % By rs Keech, K—Kry 1g BX Keb, PB; 20 KEXP, QR; 27 KK, Qo Kt 22 ORS! 9 Stronger than 9 QKt—Q2, Kt—-Ry; 10 0-0, 00; 2 PXP, QXP; a2 5, Kis: 3 Goku, Qty = Aletander—Tylor, Hastings 935-36. The ‘column is analysis in Selachaty Journal, 1902, quoted by Loevenfsch G) 6...P—QK (Leonbard’s Defense) [a theoretically uite strong 7B X P,P X P,30-O@KUXP. Q-B), PXP;9 BX KL PXB; 10 Q—Ry, BRI; tr QX Pek, BQ: 12 QX Pa), O— Bs, 1 PKs, Q-Kts = Tartakower—P Taher, Haden, 19is. 6...B—Rty is re fed by 7 PX Py PAKRG? (either 7 PQs or 7. RKt—Ko is playable), 8 0Qs, Q~K3; 9 TRS, QoS; 10 9-05, Rex Psa RLXKE Q x Ke 12 PoBe, OKRA: 13 KOs, P=O3! 1 BOKtsch, B—Qa; 25 BX Rebs, Ta kower—Chajes,Calbad, 1933. (09 The normal positon. @ Minekwitz—Stenita, Baden-Baden, 870, Continued 18.--QP XP 2s 17 QO Qe BX KI RPL Q XR 10 R Rr wih a wining attack, (2) 17 BX BP, KUP x Pi 13 PX PQ By; 10 Kt, QBs, () 11 BOK, Keka 12 PKR, Qe; #3 BHKls, Ke Bs ry QX KL Is alo god (6) 16. RBas 17 PRs, EVANS GAMBIT 53 1 PKé, P—Ké; 2 Kt-KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 B—B4, B~B4; 4 P—OKM4, BX Pi 5 PBS 6 7 5 O-R) oe ex?) 70-9) Ky. s@xPy @-23) 6 (KBD)... P95 (0) ken? @) ROR yo PKs! BK PXP Kika! HBR! -B-O!(0) BXP 0-0 2Q-Ky Ktpy BOK3 (0) Kt—Ky! 13BXB KK: PXB POR! XP QO KOK = PBs 15 KtX BE() KR * DIAGRAM 32 After PO Px Ph) Q-Ks QBs Puxs Oks KEXP KKt_K: () BR BX EEG) Qxe 0-0 ono RE KR—K: Roku QR-Br BQ BoBa () Kt—Ka = (@) (@) Ato weak is 9. BB, CW) Po PXP 0-0 (0) P06 (m) Kt_Kts KR; KX BP eX Kt BX Kuk KXB QRS Poxy Oxe P93 Q-O5ch BK Ox PQs) ROK: PKBy + (0) BOK; 10 BO kis, ep, 10.8 XRG ar PX B, kot x ©) OF 12.085 13 KUXB, Rex 14 OKs, lity. Byi a5 Boks /+ (© Mozphy—Stanley, New York, 1857. (@) 9 BK followed by P—Q trans pote to ol. 78. After 9 Kia, KtBs Ito Q-Kuy (best 6 10 P05), 0-0» rr PKs, Kt-QRs; 12 Q—Ba, Ke xB ty PX RE, KX 1g PXB, RRL 35 QX Ke Q-Bst. Analyis by So uy. [Notes continued on p. 55EVANS GAMBIT 35 sé EVANS GAMBIT DECLINED 1 PK4, P—K4; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 BB, B~B4; 4 P—OKU, B—Ke (@) r 2 3 5 PHOR4! (b) PKs? PoORS KR, 6 Kt—Bg/...... PBs KEXP) Kt-B3 | P93 KtR3/(p) 7 KH05/() Q-KU Poy KXkt() Q-m P03! SPXKt BxKt PKs! PX Kt 9 PX Kt BXP 0-0! ROKK 10 B-Kta!(@) QKt—02 BX Pek PXEt | POOR, EXB 1 QXP PKs BXP QPXP Kt-gr Q-Ku (@) 12 QB 0-0 tbs RoKich —Kt—Ks Kt_Bs 13 KB BK: BKy, O-Ky Kt Bois 14 PAR QB 0-0 = Px Pep. Q—-03 Rs BES KtUky oPXP KK 15 POQRs+() PERE (H)PXP | Q—Rr ct (n) QE KEXP () ORO: + +(0) ( 4.--P-Q4; 5 PXP,KUXP;60— is an improvement on 10 0-0, PX Kt; 10 (Starcny recommends'6 B—R3), Kt— Kus, 7Kt x PyOKt % QP, Pg, B— Q5;, 9 BORKt5, Pits; 10 Kt—Qo Schifers—Pilsbury, Nuremberg, 1806 (@) More aceurate than 5 P—B3, Kt—B3; 8 PQs, PQs, and it now 7" POR PgR); § P'kts, Kt~Ka; o 0-0, 0-0; 10 BKis, Ri-Kig; or KI—Ry, Kt—fig =. Albin Schlechter, Monte Car 1, 908 ©) Inadequate is 7 PQ, PQ3; 8 P— Ky, BORE 9 P—Kts, Kins; 10P XP, PCD rr POR, Kt Key 120 KE, BOs 13 B_Qs, BK. Mikenas Alaorses, Moscow, 1944 (@) Weak is 7... Kt KP; 8 0-0, 0- 07; 9 PQs, Kes; 10 Qe Ket, USSR championship, 1939. (©) The Kt cannot safely eave, The text 1 QXP,QP XP; 12 POR, Rainy PBS, BOK5 =. Sokol Lilienthal, Moscow, 1044 Dig. BORs; 16 PRS, BOR: 17 ROKR, QR—Qr; 15 PG, BBE: 19 P XB, P—OB4; 20 R-Key and wine Sokolshy--Coldenoy, Kiev, 1945 G An unexplored possibilty is 9 BRS, (0-0; 10 QKt~Qa, B-Ksi 17 0-0, Kt KRY, 12 PRG with good attacking chances ) Rojahn—Capablanea, Buenos Ales, 1930. ( 0r7 0-0, BORts; 3 P~Q5, QBs: 2 B—K3, KKt—K3; 10 QKt—O2, Ke y= ) Pollock—Lasker, Hastings, 1855 Notes continued on p. 55 Notes continued from p. 88 (oar 2X Prien mite bese 2 Te gO ke Rx Bl sd Beh Gaga £0 Be RK; 7 RIK Qe RS Ee eke (@ 26K—Rt, Kt X Bs 17 QX KK, Q— K4; 18 Kt—R4, B—Qr; 19 Kt—Bs, BX E fT Conpanise Dees, A go Neate akin: Bich Ox Per ice was, Ba Fee Mb ey Rot Ba Qe PA btidee e weit Oo irs Ata), Soh ee gh kk kee” Bote a Reo) eB & S2x6, Ooms p Peep SoG! Ray wk oe oe awry 1 xm, POG Oe BEY RE OS OEE Ooo me Keys KUXP, ROK; 12 Q-K, KRU Ks; 19Q-Kal, QBs 1g BRS, BAKts\15QR—Qr,KtBys 10 R XP, KX Ryry P—Keck, KBr, 18 P XP. Kosch Andersen, London, 186. G) 1,..0-0; 12 QR, P—Kua (or 22. ROK; 13 B=Qs, O-Raj rg Ke— Kd); 19 BOQsh Rap KEK, Pikes 25 KOK, OKI; 16 BO Kat. (2) A litlekown alternative ig. B— Ka 6 PQs KUoRa ls 7 Rex P, KX By a Kix kt, POG 9 PXP, OX XP =F. Shteinsapie—Noakh, Leningrad, togy. Or here 7 B—Os, PQs 1; 8 Q— Rach, PBs; 9 BRS, P—QKU: 10 Q— Bs (hlerander—Euwe, Maastricht, 1940) and. now 70..,P—Bs/+ (Euwe). All other Bishop moves are bad @ 7 PXP, BKis; § 0-0, P-5 Trasposes to the normal, postion, col. Up8. Tt ere 7. B—RIGhF, 8 RD, Ook, 0 Q-R Gy 7. PQs spss oth Noma (0) 15..-K—Ktr; 16 BK, P_Q4: 17 Poiigi,” Duehraen—Kramet, Ebene, [Notes continued from p. Beter than 7...Kt—Ry; 9 BOK, KKB y: 9 Kelly, BKtg, 10 Kt Qs, Kt Rts rr PX Kt. Tartakower ‘SShakta, Baden, 12a © 9..-Kt—Ku; 10 PQe, PX Ps a BND, BXB, 1 QXB, KKBS (502-85 323 Kt—Bs, 0-0} 1400, Qi Qe; ry Py, ROK, 14 RR PORy) 77 KtOKRy, KtoKg; 8 Ro RSS. “Tyrtakower”Vates, Carkbad, 1029. (0m) Stronger than ro KUX Kt, PX KG 11 Pails, Kt—Bg; 12 0-0, 0-0; 13P—Q5, PQs =. Tartakower—Rubi tein, Tae Hague, 1921. Alo posible here Js Pordy’s suageation 1p. -P—B3s 14 Rep Xb, KUP x Fy as PXP, P—Oe, IPP, PX P37 BOK, BORG KER () 15...P—By 16 ROKtn, BORG (etter ib 16. KR; as in Ragosin Panos, Leningrad-Metco, 193, but 17 OER, Ried Os, Be Rg: 19 Ke—Bay preserves some pressure); 17 R— Kts, BBs, 18 Q—Ry, P. Johner—Hro- mata, Baden, 1934 (0) 6 B—K2, P—O4; 7 P03, PXP: 8 BMP, QX ek 9 B XQ, KU-KBy; 0 Keo Bs, Ke Bs () Another good continuation is 6...Q— By; 7 BX Poh, KBr; 8 PQs, POs, OB KG, PX Kt; 10 B—Q5, BX Prt PoKig, B XR, 12 PXP, O-KRG: ty Ritch, RK, 24 BoB, QX BE TER XQ.KX Ry 16 Q—Rsth, PKs; 17. Hyeh, K—Kr-. Analysis by Lange (@) Less convincing is 11--.B-Kts; 12 25, Poa 1s Kt—By, PPT Ke cs. OK (Whiteker”“Thomas, Lon ‘on Washington cable match, 1932) and tow 15 BX P should have been played ) 6 QXQ,RXQ; 17 BR BXPS 25 RtoKe HX Key 19 BR BX Pl do POKBS, ROKKts 2 POKRg, P— ERs; a2, tesgns, REti~Pers, Viens, 1913FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME Tin: voor xsacnrs i one ofthe most slid openings at White's dis- posal. If he is not anxious to win, White can draw more easily with this ‘opening than with any other. But it offer little hope of an advantage, since Black can choose one of a number of equalizing lines, Alter the usual q B—Kts, Black can defend with either 4... B—Kts, or 4-.Kt-Qs (The Rubinstein Defense). In the symmetrical lines with ¢ B—Kts, B—Kts, the most important is the Metger Variation (cols. 1-7), which arises after 5 OO, 0-0; 6 P— Qs (ee Diagram 23), B x Kt; 7 P XB, P—Q3; 8 B—Kts, Q—Ka. leads to rather cramped positions where White's two Bishops and superior evelopment are offset by his inferior Pawn structure. The traditional lines lead to fairly easy equality (cols. 2-4). A new idea for the defense is seen in col. 2, note (f). Black cannot avoid the Metger Variation very well after 6. ..B X Kt; the alternatives on his eighth move (cols. 8-r1) are not par- ticularly to be recommended, while the Svenonius Variation (cols, 14-15) is. theoretically unsound. Nor can White vary with advantage; equali are pointed out in the notes to cols. 12 and 13 DIAGRAM 25 Pages 58-64, cols. 1-22 DIAGRAM 24 Pages 65-68, cal. 26-40 Tater 63) (iter ¢- Os) 6 FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME 3? {But Black does have « good alternative to the Metger Variation on his sixth move with 6, .P—Q3 (instead of 6...B X Kt), seen in cols. 16-22. ‘The normal 7 B—Kts then leads to no advantage against 7...Kt—K: the weakening of the Pawn position is of no consequence (cols, x6-1g). The purely symmetrical continuation 7 B—Kts, B—Kts is bad for Black (col an mpertnt game against Bae in 936 Alene td to ive an ‘ld line with 7 Kt—Ka (instead of the more usual 7 B—Kt). By breaking the symmetry carly Black obtains a satisfactory game (cols. 21-22). ‘The Nimzovitch Variation, 6 BX Kt (col. 25) practically guarantees White a draw but promises little more ‘The other main line, the Rubinstein Defense, 4...Kt—Qs/ (cols. 26-40) fs probably the chief reason the Four Knights’ has become scarce as an aggressive tournament weapon. Against it White has six replies, none of which yield any advantage (5 KtX Kt, 50-0, 5 B—Ka, 5 B-R4, 5 BABg, 5 Kt X P). (@) $KtX Kt (cols 26-27) is an equalizing line which leads to a quid draw. ; (2) 5 0-0 (col. 28) is inadequate because it leaves Black the two Bish oI inst stra () 5 B—Ka (col. 29) leads to nothing against straight development. (@) 5 B—Ré (cols. 30-33) looks promising at fist sight because the Black KP is under attack. But Black can continue in gambit style and sacrifice the KP with 5... B—B4!. He always obtains enough compensation for the Pawn, ; . (5) $B—Bg (cols. 34-36) looks even stronger, since Black’s KP is threat- ened and White's B has an eye on Black's KB2. But again the sacrifice of the KP is entirely adequate in all variations ; (6) 5 Kt X P (cols. 37-40) carries out the threat but is likewise insuf- ficient, With 5. ..Q~Ke Black not only regains the Pawn but gets winn attack in some variations. The line in col. 37 is especially striking. ‘Alternatives other than 4...B—Kts or 4...Kt—Qs are of little value. Tt should be noted that 4...P—QR3 can transpose to the Ruy Lopez (cols. 43-43). a ‘Altematives on White's fourth move are compendium curiosities (cls 443)8 FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME 1 PKé, P—K4; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 Kt—B3, Kt—B3; 4 B—Kis, B-KIS; 5 O—0, 0-0; 6 P—Q3*, BX Ki; 7 PX B, PQs; 8 B-KIS, Q—K2 (a); 9 R-KI, Kt—Q1** FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME 9 1 POKé, P—K4; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 Kt—B3, Kt—B3; 4 B—KEs, B_-Kt5; 5 O~0, 0-0; 6 P—Q3, BX Kt; 7 PX B, P—Q3* 1 2 4 5 10 P94 BOKts.... KK! 1 P-KR3 BOB: BAR) PHBy (o) R—Qr 2 Pky! Kt! (ke) BES PKK 13 PQs! ()-BUBr PKS PBs Boxts K-Ke 1g BKB: PLKRs BoB PXP BR, Bg POKRy (mm) 15 XP BOKK = BOK «= PKB, B-KKta ROB: QR-Or | QR—Br KX KP () Kt—-Ra 16 P—By P95 BKp BPXP RUBY PKR QO BRS = KtXBP B-Qs 47 P-QR4 + (@) Q-03 a) ROK BOKiy = (@) Kt—Q2 = (h) Kt + * Seep. 56, Diagram 23 ** DIAGRAM 25 cle 225 Emre ae ia wes Tater o eo (@) The Metger Variation. {BX KU 12 QXB, PERS: 17 BOKRg, Kt; 14 BKey, PBS; 15 B-Qhg, K—Ktoy 16 PM, PP) 17 QBs. Tareasch-—Kostich, Gothen: berg, 1920 (©, Stronger than (2) 13 Kt—Ry, PERS, 14 B= QB (weak is 14 UX BP XK 15 BoBaeh, K—Roy 26 BORy P KRU." WollRubinetein, Teplite— Schoenau, 1922), Kt—Kgs ts Kt B, PX KE; 16 PoByl, PB: 17 PBs, Kibxcby 18 KW XP, PORKY = Kimoch, (2) 13 B=Q3, Kt—Kgi 14 B— Qi Ke Qa, 15 RRs PRG 6K Kits, POW; 17 PQs, Kt Beck = Bogoljabow-Rbinten, Hastings 1038: (@ Wolt—Cobn, Noremberg, 1906. (©) The most energie. In reply 12 PX. Kb, Px Py 13 Kt XB, KeBe wins a pie (An unusual way to equalize is 12 Q-Bs; 17 PO: (13 B—Br is esse, PoBs hig PX Ke BX Py 1s HOKE, POOR; 16 BX KU PX Bs fy BOR, PRtg 13 KtORs, P XB, 19 QRS, KROKU! =. Goldstcn~ Pandy, AME: Ulin coreapondencechamponship, 1999, Spielmann Kreiie, enna, 1920, Notes continued on p. 60 3 @-Kts) (em. PKR xem (9 RK). BXOK'() BOER, Km PR Boks. eK KOKO PRR) PKR; Q-Qi/(—)_ EEX Kt PRR) BX EE Rt BP x K¥(0) Bm XB | POY B Bach Bo @ Pky kes OR Poy |B Ky | PXP 0 PB Pop ke: PX POKRS RRu | POY KEXP XP Gree | bob} Rte PP Keg: KY QB) BRE Boe Som SR tk Qk: PKR | BXP | BOKKY Gee @ Re PXB | QR RPXP?() QXPA POF RRP ke Boks kes PB Bt) COA) pat + DIAGRAM 26 cole. 6-10 (© Bogatyrebak—Botvinnik, 105s. @) One of the iostefective drawing lines Moor, ak Whites dipos, An unsual possibilty Rg PQs, Kee; 10 PQs /,P—KRS; fr BORM4, PoBy, 22 BoRy?, e575 13 0-Qs, PX Ps 14 P XB, Re Bu as B-QKtS, KRU. 16 Q—Ks &. ‘Apuchenesk Fine, Stockholm, 1937 © Black cannot afford to vary too much, fet Ke-Qay 12 Kt, PoKBg TPB, RP; rg PKBy!, PP 15 BX BP, Q—Day 16 Q—Q2, KK; By Paty! BAR 1 BCRP ‘orchmarPolyak, Ukrainian champion- ship, 1957 (@) Lilienthal 1936 (© Premature, Tarrasch maintained that White would have the beter game by de- ferring this move until his Rooks are on the KR le, ‘The column is Capablanca Lasker, St.Petersburg, 1914 Notes continued on p. 60 Moscow, Capablanca,60 FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME Notes continued from p. $8 0) PKK, PX Ps I0 KLAR Kt spp by Die Seacen. Mate Re GUKG oz BRB, Gy Stenger tha 2 Pt Pg 3 Reciiias Reka Pej eKRS, Mg Rey, ty Kieky PRS, KinQs) heavieeteToleb, USSR. fy Rpg Qe, Wo BORE KOR, Scan 6 Be kesee, ier, Wal Bags (Org BRK, preventing 14. P—Q4, jbo ach Ost, 19 Ruotediy okt Ra ieswoeer tke. QD ye Qu 19 Recs, QBs; ring BaBr ge PoRsi Re eth RASCH FB Qui Bich eka 18 PSC ep. Baont 140-2 —By to ely GE KC RUC BPD Ke POR. 10 he ene, The cls fo Rae Rage Ge Splints, Cae Sn ie cl er Soar pin ibe coum continuation [Notes continued from p. 59 (D peo K-Rs lene 19 equaty, ex, 10 and Whe bis» pore tack (ue Oe oR iG Per ttRe Kommstepe Kae Ke Gk se ReGe GKCNGH GY Abeta: () 9. KIKry 10 ey ead amckion—oe Pon bey PLB PRE Is BER Mont heats Se dog seek sO Eilat ogy cFeRsg?ieewetby | Sopy ye mee Re Glan P= SREP xP Ge PCR Gait Bue Feb PF Ox ace Oke we Qldse tet Gra ORG, Kekus He RUSK Fda PS Grae Spycam PCRS Bothy Bah ae Fe foot wish P SRG PIRES Rie Vile) tr B's Pa Rb 2 Riiocres Bee, Phy (hans pcs er han 0 RoR KeQi asin PORRY, eg BERT, PHB te RK (© Beer tan 10 RRS, REQ TORR ath Rin 8 onan wige, MBA Cbouy Sei Rk roBAKsy 18 KK BRE fe Geta ON Qe 1p RX eh Re Drie Reka OX Be Tare OSA RLS EN Bh Bach—Suinae Ben 28 Eeterburs Sen Sets ot (530s wualy angen into Woe te RPX Re, 1s PB ace ikonS eth atte ete Galton #r.0F tye BO CRD okt eB acs te Kuck Roke RoR oe Oo See eee p RK a pein RU Ky We Pe QRS Re ag Raigciga scree Boe PSO RAR Rayts Ookach KG) Jono Spica, Narnbes, eg pein Pai Ricky lo FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME o 1 P-K4, P—K4; 2 Kt-KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 Kt—B3, Kt—B3; 4 B—KES, B_KiS; 5 0-0, 0-0; 6 P—Q3, BX Ki;7 PX B 1 13 4 15 7 @-93). P-Q4 (h) 5 @Kis)...-RKt..PORR3 BX Kt PX Po) (eK) QK2@) KOK (h) PXB exPo) go BX Et) Q-Ka() Ete KUXP PB, (a) PRE KeQr | Kt-Kt (i) Qs 3 ro Kt-Re POs KEXKt BODY Bxxt Pops) PoBe | RPXKt | RUKr PXB 1 BBs BQ} 0 BKts| PXPI() BLK Poo KOR PB RX Kt ROK we B-Kty | POER: © BHQRy | PHU ROK KteKts | Kt-Ktu | Q-Bz 0 RUKB/ Bots yKtXKt BKe BK BXQ POKRS RPX Kt KE-Ks | KtR2 | RXQ Bxxt PKB, PK BOK) KRXR xB EPXP() PBs PUKKY PXB K-02) 15s RXP KKe PQ, PXP ROK Eke 9 BQ: Q@ Kz BOKS/(m)— QR-Kts 16Q-Bs£(0) POSE) PXPH (|) QR-KUt He) BoB Toleror is p BOB4, KI—Kiy, 19 GD A novel iden 9 POs KE Qe Cee BS One PSB; CRs or gt would Bave 12 Kt—By, B-Kts; 13 Q—Qz, BX Kt} been better); ro BRS /, P—Ba; 11 Kt X FR Re June Ladket) iy, Qube 12 KeeBat, Key Ge th, 199. Pag ser Pgs OOF P—KBy; rx PKBa!, KI —Bsi 14 Ber, KUM Rey 5 eK Rae te esr) BSC Ky 1 BB, Simonson—Sueman, New York, toy ROK, FOR, QoKts 15 QBs, @) Tyor—Vidar, Notingha, 196 PLQss eonbarie Joner, View Qh Weakeris8..P —KRs;gR_Ke,P— oat Bo By PQS 7 BERL Py: vo Beek O21 BR, ORE Bakke Ni eae Rees, KO By 13 RPS RY re OP APH 15 PRM OK KeRs 14 P-KBES. ogolbow— 2 GRU, Babs ty RH B2KS: Graces Moscow, 1905. BOER Koi LRGLER Pao @ Bete 9, PBs; 10 BORG, KI RC Rel RXR ae RO RBs 22 Qu PKlig, KE-QBe, 2 BORG, ROH tolowed by P-Kis id wins A Rt Brag RP Be, ReeQe = Coe” tame won by Em. Lasker. cate) (@ MaracsyBerstei, Ostend, 1906. GY) MarocrySae, Cab, s7 {9 spl way to ule BE) The rest Vat. Eso a bk Ke Notes continued on ». 66 FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME 1 PKA, P—K4; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 Kt—B3, Kt—By; 4 BAK B-K15; 5 0-0, 0-0; 6 P-Q3, PQs" 6 7 7 Bats Eis (@) 5 Kt_Kry PB) 9 BOB Pog KK BKB) KX EE eg Px 11 PORR3 (1) P—By PKR} BOByh! BX Kt | KOR QxB | BOK 13Q-Rs! QBs! POs() BXP KK: BXB Bor PKB 15 PBs xP PXP om 16 Kt—KB3¢ Q—Kts BK (0) + DIAGRAM 27 cals. 16-20 (@) For 7..-BX Kt se col ots, Ta sch suggests 7 B—Rg} PQs, PX 8 K-Rr (s) PBy PXP! BX Kth) PXB RXP Kets Kx Kuk RPX Kt BKty Qk: BaF (i) 19 20 Boks BX Kt Kt PXB KOs Ke-KR, () Ktx BOO) KtKy ) KexB KX Kt Kt-Q5 RPX Ke (l) Kt—O5 PBs Qo! BOBuk eX Ktch(p) KR PX Kt X-Kp 9 BXP PBs (m) P—KR/ PXP PBs PXP Ktx Kuk ROR: PXEt Kuk Boy KBr (0) KOR: KK, KR +(@) BK Lasker, a6th match game, 1908); 12 K— Rr Kt ty 3 BIER Q % By FKL @) He 8. Ke—Key: o REX Kt, RPX Ke 10 Kt—-Q5, Gg 12 Ke x Rich, PXKG 12 BRR +. © 10 PXP, BXKY tr PXB, KEE Sep rs Qo KORY 13 P-Q4, P Dy; 14 B~O2 (ApscheneekEuwe, Pris, 1934), Kt—Be = Or 1 PXP, BX KY 12 PX, QKt xP; 13 0-2, B~O 14 QR-Kr, QR—Kuy 1s KR, KtoRs = Atkins Blake, Glasgow, ro11-11Q—Byand 22 ?— 1B have also been played. us BX KU) 1g PXB, RRs 15 Ki—Bs, KImKig; 16 PX P+. Tar feck (Buchmann Marron, Correspondence, Pig KUxP, FKRs; 10—-KRy Kt 18% Reis PB), B-QBy (0 far Tarech— cs, Mastin, 1995 Notes continued on . 62 FOUR KNIGHTS’ GAME 63 [Notes continued from p. 61 (18 GB leads to nthngsrr..P XKUX Pyar RX Reh BX Ri 2s BRT. Ore Foch Ri Rey ry QRAG: (ry Bnwe recommenda 16 KR—Kt, which Tetgn, BRIG, 14 GOR? BX ako gnd but not quite a goon asthe Be mocR Oo, Capable te Tach St Ptesbug 910, BRIS; (0) §Q—Ks, PX Ps 9 PX, BRE: TR Gr ig ORG, REM PLS So Akg, ROR, oF Dey Bea Be Gy! Sty 0; 1 Rgn abr Qos, BORG © ER Px Ry 6 BHR, PB! 17 Jawa Sergei Mating 25-55 PXBR-Ktr =, @) 8...Kt x PjoB X Kt, PX By 20 Kt {op Al other moves one immeciate, Goris Piaf OOo Hh 15 POee 16 TOBA! BRS: @ On g BOs, QR 10 RK, a7 PXP, BX P; 18 PoB7, KK; p_ORs; 17 R—K1, P—OKts; 12 Q—Ka, Jp P-QB4/ ab the pase Pas decide RAI" Eee, Momo, sre Gene) Toor ig BORK APR gre BS (0) Bleck aalontendge Mow 6... Ku, PKG, 15 PP, Begs 6 Be pnts Reka, ReQDe; 18 Poin, Rey ORTH 17 QoQ RRA Ben TRE Boks ie KRU Genta) Ba Ke Get ROR, KOMP) 18) Tent Kr Boks, RoQbr GBs: fo RX Bi) ap Poy, Kine 30 RR, 1936 Notes continued from p. 62 KiKi; 10 My KUX B20 Re 8, PBs: 1K Ou RE utr ktlkig Ho) PLRRi; rs Dik Pkt 1B Gee Kye PR PQg PaO! KG, KUOar fy RUKH. Chaje a ee Ee B St pi nave), Mba, Nor Yt, sie Lew os Be Sight bans BERG, than the wnt p B—Oy, Geder to RP REb, POD, 1 RX Roc Ruds Px Ker BSD PRR Rae sChr game Whi unmet Pogo Rex Kek,1p PRL BS @) Alternatives are: (2) pore into eat ronote 0). 9. Be ERA; 1g KR, K—Rat 15 RORKU, Koro DXRGPXB HDX BPX RRR 26 R-Kty, BoBy and White Bors Q—Keych K—Bay15.P—Byt. cannot win easly. Analysis by Dr. B. and 9 12 RX Piemet by 11...Q—Ry/ Ba Lasker, ( Tyhor—Lasker, Nottingham, 1935. (P) Black is st The altermatives are: () bs sb Reb Rest © White mat prevent PRB a Ty sere RSC ag () Ao goat o-Ps, to BB Okage and mates) aF Pg 2 PL ae rik ope Rian mates Oar P Bae By K Res 40 -BB Bec tomer Fy Q Tke! Keke 1s RoR BX al Bs in aetna ne Pek 16 KX B, Kt—Bychy 17 K—Rs, {BX £. Tarasch- Spielmann, Ham Reis; 1§P—KB, Kt Bs 90K Ke Big tre)irg Rs RR and cls EG ng RRR, or Re Bee eeie oe preming han nee: KORE 20 RBS) RUKRIG 27 BE Ovo. BPX Reisiewie tong. KR Rinchay RRs wie fm) Q-B42, PRP MAX MR baw) 1 BX Kore BXKG Been eke Te eeaektyy PoCHy 1S QR6, RimRrek 4 Ks, Os py, O-Ka bas the ony dee BSC Pals KB, Keech 08 ROX fo eaebas hay RSC RE KKug? | ROP KG ay RR and sis ke ne Guren or ates SO ay etka ap RL KRU RO se
base est, fates, Mosc, 136 fn) The square Qs mst be held fray.) Carte 13 QP X Py Megric begs QP #1 O-OsF— Kkts, Rios #5 0X9 Okie Qube B Kt HQ RGAE ital, Upest, tor The cokinn He Xb rg RIK POsh 5 ORE P, atl Tach6 FRENCH DEFENSE 1 P—Ké, P—K3; 2 P—Q4, P—O4; 3 K(—QB3, K(—KB3; 4 B—KKIS, B—K2; 5 PKS, KKi—Q2; 6 P—KRé (a) 1” 2 3 4 15 oBxXB. PH QBs... POKBS! P—QRs (0) 7PXB BX BO) B-Q3.-......Q—Rsch (m) Q—KY QxP EXBI() PQBy() KBr KBr SRR PB) PXP PB (p) Kb) Kt-OB3 (h) KEXP P-QBy oKtBy PXP Kex PI? () QBs KtBy PQR3() KtXBP PXB | PoBy Kt_QBs rQ-Ky Q-Ku RRs PXP. 0-0-0 POKES | KBr Poxis! Ki-Q: | PK 410-00 0-0-0 Kt=Be_ 0-0-0 BX Beh (a) POR, BGs KtXPl EXP -QXB w2Q-Ky | KUBy PX Kt | KR) PLR KtKy = RB PXR = -BQa PRS 13 PXP RRs BXP(@) Q-Ks | RRs QxP PKR, = RXB | ROBI(n) BK ry B-O34(8) Q-Ke+ QXR PBs R-KES PoRr!+() (@ Althine’s Ach, sometimes, also loses the exchange without adequate com- (led Chatard’s or Abbin~Chatard's A pensation: 8 Kt—Kts, OO; 9 Kt—Bp, Sk sep rs Dae ROC org pyc hy rote Og SR PKK, PRs; Hype Meer, Pe Pi aa Ree ke, P seve QB ar PB Oi to now ft £9 KL PKY Prketdhs, 1s 020s Kea (© Oro. -Kt—By 10 O-Kuy PRD "in" Gig Teton ‘Machin Ost, HPXP ep, PXP) 12 0-0-0, Toss but ry KURT 4 O-Ktsehs 14 Bas 23 ROR a KQui ie ROROH. Qy7}. Kashdan); 10 Kt XR, PX Ps rr Abate Fat, Manheim, ina G2 U4, Rashes 0 REX BX Ear (@) 14 QBs 15, BRA. Bors fy", Rumler Men Oldman Staton sg PN (ity KerRGy Peay Con theses Ge han $ Qty KBs; 9K Sal aration prac Pe Reach, © ENG Cop O Ren er O Race Bx be OXB ORK Op ro bum in Reed i ke Qtek 1 O-Gs, Ox Hite RQt, Bek hg rs PB BOs: 14 0-O— Revol RO RRO Pe Re Me roan ate Rigthetont pobabigoutcomeit ain); Qatin, we) er00 item see HiGurgaters ers Moker), Bele s93t2 O50 Oars ee Proto kingaa ke ope Trkeany Rots ay Re Pa be OReth, RBH IS Rt yo DUS Resp Roky KOs By, Kt-Bj. Kluger=Siabo, Tata 4 Places pation ie weable Toinee 193g O8 7 OOK, RO tevic G) Beter than 7.0% B when Bhck Notes contnued on p78 FRENCH DEFENSE n Kt—KB3; 4 B—Kis* 6 REX Kt (a) PXEtO) 7X QxB 5 Ka K-20) 900-0 PKB PX Pep. KtxP rr P—KB4! (d) PXPep.(0) wa KUXP. P-OKts 13 PKK Boke 14 B— Ke BX xt BXE PKs (0) BOK: Ky 0-0 B93 P-OBe PXP Kt—Bs (@) PB PBs QR: P-OKts! 0-0-0 PXP PoKKY, PBs BX QBP PXP=(H) + DIAGRAM 32 cal, 16-20 Tater ¢ Xs] (The most precise. I 6 BX B, Kt POKKY! ORs KBs PoBy BXP tbs Popa! QuR6 RB PXP QxPe@ 6 19 B_Kts (i) PXP. QxP BX Kt PX BIO Q-g2 Q—0R KKt—Ks Kg KBr EK KK QoKKY P-QRs Ox Oc KXQ BoE Bo Kisch Pay B93 BO Br Q-Rr 0-0-0 exe RXO= @) BXB 7 KUXB, OX KY F PORK, P—QUg; 0 POWs, Ki—is; to P=KB4, Q-Kas 11 Kt—By, BOs, 12 0-03, 0-0; 1) B~Q3+. Fores ‘Tartakower, St, Petersburg, 195, (© HS... P-OKt3; 9 0-0-0, BKt3; Kes, P-Qhy; 14 B—Kts, Px Py 12 B XP, Ki—By; 1 P—KBg, O-0 ‘0; 1g Kt—B3 and White eventually wins a Pawn (Ewe) (@) Weak is 12 PKR ?, 0-03 12 B— Kis, PK 15 BX, Kex By ag QX Ke, RP. Splelmann—van den Bosch, Soest, 1035. White's rth move is suansted by Bove (0-0; #2 PKK¢s, P—OKts; Yo BK, Kt; 1p Kt'Rs White © tr Ke; 7 BXO, KUXQ; § BRE, REX RPS. ‘ving a Pawn Notes continued on p788 FRENCH DEFENSE Notes continued from p76 0) 8..PXP 9 OX, K-QB5; | K-Ris a0 RQ, Q-Kr, weg g 0 Ree O-kig 108 Gag Kok PRN), Ge KtKeseh OO Sets Ra BGs RUB Reem Die oe Oe POR; HKD Ges RG Reb ty QReh eK aed fg Klis 1102, KURU KIX Blac wens Parovuloich Til Okigse Lovatsch Msc oncom, et ‘gas Th clan Ryumin~ Seber, Gy x Pato guy a et afer icon, iss en Phos hohe Pah (9 0n'7. PX Akthine gives 8 Q~ Ki By yo KU Rg Rae HOO Rich Koiis9 RRS PEP to RON BE, 900,00; HOR Se Baek Riss ROK OX Red ny NRG DB Vale POI Rusg PRG BCH iced Mee\NY, BX MB PSCR ts OC HP wih ate a Gye OO dw Oph iy KPC, KEXP vo BH ffi emates e:) P— Ke Docs Pac (Crkanthorp— RR8i7 PKS 1 PBs: 8 O-Ruy R Fig haber Buavanomtornie Bp RB KEM 1 0-5-0, Erp orate EE, ES Ga kt (dy The only chance was 15 KKE x D2, HSH, leme: wae) 60005 7 Kot fag! Geen borate Re pat wy Roget abe Te Pokkiy Rey eR gs REA, P Bs se Res Gon wi chan hems OS Bi bas aw Quah, ERs ty) Singer QR POR 9 PX Kt—Koch, K—Rs; 20 Q XR, Q—Ksch, Ps Kt-QBs; ro Kt—Bs Brel Qe RKC KU) Beer than 12 ROR, PORRG 22 SitoKD wihewimingatacicheded) $8 bis Rex Bs ty Oot Oo Re hte dclemive sources a adequate, 14 KR Fis > Lather Royal tents Dek, PRK IF RES Pek, teh, Lenogad uh tex ciate Oem, Reb Zp Rech, ged by Hae Notes continued from p.77 (9 K-53 1,.0-057 BOs, P48) ter tan 6B X Kuck 7 PX B, RED -RipPse keds it Poms Onde), Regn 9 Pdae, Katy Pog ie PCP en BX PO); OKs 1 Kee, RroRty Tasch Pega KEXP. Folge Rete Spee fo POR alowed fy Pras 087 kent On0-Oy et PoKBs ~ con: ar Bante Polis Re Qu PQ BoP: 10 QRS, KE-Qs; a4 : OB Rhee OGG, Bigks Kaisg Ke—Bs a. Capablance Alekhine, Ty RRi=K2 and Whites attack vas onc Nev ork, 24 Gaul Riser Stabery appt gp. Capblance-oatisbon, New York, 1s. Q—Ke and mow 1g RX 2H should have been layed. After rsQ—Kts, (1) On 9 Q—Kta, Qs is agin best, Kt—Rg?; 16 R XP White won quickly, Dut not BK; ro P—KKt3 /, B— PtSi Mare sr tna BST BX By RX By ae Qo OG, = Pokey, Pie re 650-0, Pe (0 Chasousek Maroy, Nagy Teteny, 1) Rix P a, emanovthy— choy 289. HoeUSSR championship os The MeCatceon Vasition (0) RotegyKonte, Cara, FRENCH DEFENSE 9 1 P—K4, P—K3; 2 P—Q4, P—Q4; 3 Kt—QB3, KtKB3; 4 B—KiS eee = ae or 2 23 24 35 4 BKts) Px Pip) 5 (PKs) i KK: BX Kt KR) PXP exBi@ 6 B02 (a) PgR; KIX? BX Kt) rr 7PXB BXKt KtkBs KiKs PXB(m) KtQ: 50-Ky KtXP — B-Qs PKK! (o!* PKu (a) BOK: 9 B93 BBG) Q-Qa Qk KEXB KtXQBP(k)B-Kts — PQBy ro KX Kt Ba KKIBy PXP POBs (i) PB PKB, BX ar KtB3!..0 PRR, Ba) Ky EX PXP(@) Kt-By | Kes PKR! © QRH ROR; BHKissh 0-0-0 PB PXP/(h) BQ: PORs Ox Kt 3 QRKu! PXP BX Et KUkts)—K2 0-0 Q- Rech?) Q-K FG) BXB P-QBs 0-0 14 KK3 + () PXP KtBy QR: QO 0-03) Q—KRY = KBs: g PX Pep, Q x Pi 10 Q-Q3f ce Purdy) 9 P—ORs, B x Keak; 10 Kt x B Ke x Kt (or 10" PXPi 1 OXF, Ki-QByj72 B—Kts, Bz; 5 BX Kt, BXB a) PKL Q-Rg 12 Qs, PP; 23 RESCH, QQ; 4 BX ek, BOF MF 6. KKi—Q2; 7 Q-Key, BBs; 8 Poti, Pig; 0 BOs, PBs, 10 BOR! KeoKtyy 11 PBs, Q—K2; 12 Phe, PX Ps 17 BORs eb, Stinet “rertkower, Hating, 1937-1938 (© Infesoeis 8... KBr; 9 BOs, Kt X By 10 KX Kt, P—QRe: rr PKR, By; 12 B—Ka, PORRG: 13 QB, BY; 1g Kt, Kt—Ka; a5 KU—Kty Bogeljubow Réel, Breslau, 2935 (@) Inferior is 10._.Q—Ktschy 21 QX Q PXQ; 12 PKB, PX 17 R~ Rb =. Bogatyrohuk—Zabarev, Mono, 1035, * DIAGRAM 33 ale, 20°23, (166 BR (an old move recently re ved by Lajos Steiner), PRKU! 7 B— Kt, Kes; 8 Rt Ko and now the best ne for Black ie 8...P—QB4 (8. .P—80 FRENCH DEFENSE 1 PAK4, PKS; 2 P04, P—O4; 5 Kt—0B3, KKB 26 7 28 9 4 O—KKts) PKs () xP) KKI-Q? SEXP QKtKs..... PBs (a) Bk Poop POby oBxKe P-gp) PX BRB. PXB K-08; Kom 7 KKB (0). .Q-Q2..... Kt () P-KBY POR KeQ POKES Pky Q Ky BX PL) SPB) Ke-QB) BR KBs OK eK) Ob PB) PBs) PK) POR 0-0-0 B93!) P_ORS!(K) KB PB Kt@ 0 BK KBP XP) POR wPXP PKK) QE: BPXP BQ KiXP Py) QB XP POY, uB-Kish BK 0-0-0 PXP Pky BQ BK KtQ2(0) BK: BOR BX Bh KOR) KK KRY PKR KIXB KLUB} «0-0-0 0-0 POKR, 130-0-0 KR-Kr BERS) BQ34 (m) Q-KG. O00 0 RK QR (a) 14 Q-R4 (8) KUKKts BX Beh () Kem PLER} = (©) KeKy = (7 KeX Bek leads to. quick dram, Wh 7 POs, Ki—Qs; 8 PKB, Po Oks BOK: 9 O—Kis, POR; 40 B-K3, BRU; 11 BBs 4); 9 Bg, R—OKt; 17 Kt—Ka, O03 13 O— (0”0, B—Ks'=. Alekhine—Landss, Am serdar, 2056 (@) To prevent ...P—By. If § BOs, PoBy SOP xP, Rex Pi 10 B—Ktec, KOKa/ 17 Q x Qe RX Qi 12 KX Ke, RQG 23 KOS, BHP 1g ker, RB 15 Ke—By, BBorky 16 KOE: RXR 17 RXR, Key i KeoRS draws ( Or 8...0-0; 9 Q—Ba, PK; 10 0-0-0, PXP; tr KEXP, BRKG 2 RX B QOKa: 13 POKRY, ROK tg RUKig, PORKEg: 15 R-Kg, Q— Bry 16 PORG+. Myin-Zhenensky— Rauser, Leningrad, 1936. (@ Adckbine—Pettow, Warsaw, 2035 (© Buwe—Flohr, 14th match game, 1932, 9.007 PKK, the cor ely is 7 Priiy.g Reka, Poke RU wis, Poke re Bok, Boke ot Keb, Q Gy 12 Q-ks, Kings Opec Fh a Sac 233 Weaker is 9 Ba, Bt 10 Be Obs, rn onb, Ken Guise RR wie ONO; Rte Rete Doky Te Scharf, Ue tose Wie soul ty to encange the Black QB. me (0) Or 12. POR 1a RK, Ke— Ges iy Rou, Pots 1g PP Acie" Alaloe Be, igs 1p RB) iy Ry, ROKK 2 HRs Pag os Kilkee Age Kes. Elsa back Montevico, tpn 4? x2, PX Prrampoeta cis 5 [Notes continued on p81 FRENCH DEFENSE a ‘Notes continued from p. 79, © Hinstead 11._.KtB3 7; 12 PXP/, OK 13 ORB y; OP; 14 Kt-Oe, PORS, 15 OR-Kts, Ke-Os 20 RY, B~Q2; 17 PRs. Yusoviteh— Ghistyakor, USSR, championship, 1939. () The best move is 1y.-.P—Kty/ and fig Ke, BO: © t4.-K—Kts, 15 RKts, ORS: 16 KR-QKU, P—ORs; 17 KOK ‘Plik—Flores, Mar del Plata, 2944 @) Hh 2..,Q-Rg; 19 BX PH @ Lilenthal—Bondarevsky, Moscow, Spar. The older line is 73...B~Q3; 14 Ons, Qa; 15 Kes, Kt oF 14 RBs, ORs; 15 Qe, OK tsk 25 KQi, QX P17 OX Poh KOH; HE R-Ki, PRG: to RBs, OX KEP; 20 Kt-“Bs, Q—Gs and Black fale Yates—Kmochy Kecskemet, 1927. AVter the text White is at a lus for a good con tinvation, for if 2g BXP?, PBS 15 Qx Kilch, K—Qrs 16 Q—B6h, K—Bat 2 OXR,QX Poke, while if rg Ke— Ea, Q-Keschy 25 K—Q, Kec KP. ‘Thre remains the game continuation: 14 Kr=By, B=Q2i 15, QBs, 0-0-0F, 18 Pkg, QoKtGch; 27 KK, P— Byres. G) An old move which has experienced a iden revival On Maroczy’s 9 BK, Kt X QBP; 10 BHQ5, Q—K2! is sufie ‘ent (Spielmann), (Qk) lteratives are infer: eg. 9-..P— QBy; 10 Kt—Ke, Qa; 7 Pods, Re X Py12 BQ, PXP; 17 RUXP, O-B, 14 Q—Ba, PRG; 15 Phe, BHO7, 15 B03. Bolbochan—Rosett, Mar al Pats, 1942. OF here 10 B=Q3, PX Py zr Kt-Rs, Q-Ry; 12 0-0, PX Ping BX KY, PX By 24 KICK, Kt Ay ag KUXP, KUXP; 20 OKs, Be! a7 Kt—Qéeh-+. Boleslaveky— Lisitsin, Moscow, 1944 © OrarP x P, QBs 12 Kt—By, Kt— 035 13 BK, KUX BP =, (im) Less aggresive is 7...BXB; 8 REx P, 0-0; 90-05, P-Ka; 10 P AOS Bika; 17'0-0~6, PKB s (2) 8... PKB 9 QRt~Bs, B-Q3; 10 Q-Q5, B—Q3; 11 0-0-0, OK 22 KecKig ah. LaskerR6d, New York, 1934. (@) Panov—Loeventsch, Tits 1937 (@) The Rubinstein Variation Deterced. @0r §...P XB; 6 Ktx Py PKBY: 7 ken iis, BKt3; 9 KBs, 0-0; 9.003, BBas 10 P XP, QR Ke—OKts, QXQch =. Alethine—Tara- ower, Vienna, 1923, The column i Tart owerMarocsy, Gothenburg, 1920 Notes continued from p. 80 @) Stronger than 9 PHKKts, PX QF; go BPXP, PXPs a BPP, BS Ktsoky 12 KBs, OW0; 13 BOK, Ke (Q3 % Py ry PX KG RX Kuchiby Whitehead—“Marocy, London, 1923. Best here is #2 Kt—By, 0-0; 13 PKs, B— Kali 14 QQ, PKtg; 15 KE KID, BY Rij 26D XB, KUX QP. Alapie— ‘Maroy, Vienna, 1008- @) Best i 9.-. BK} 10 PKK, O— 0; 11 BHKt, POR with « dificult ane (m) Spielmann —Menchik, Margate, 1938 (0) The Gledhill Attack, § Q—Ku, i ine ferior: s._-P--QBj and now: (1) Kt— Ris, PP; 7 KURU, KOs: 8 Ke geek, BX Kt 9 QKP, BPI 2 REX B, QBs 17 XQ, KE: 22 BOOKis, Ba, 15 KBs, Ke Ks, Bogtlbow Ret, Maebrisch— Ontau, 1923. (2) 6 Ki—Bs, PXP (or fe Kt~Os 7 PX P, Poa 6 Px Pep Rex BD) 9 Gxt BPE olf" iktg 0-0, Sate Pate ed fateh amet; 7 BRIX P, RUST POET Rt! p ke Kes, Re Ryu Pky BRS rr POR, Re Ri weds, kim Em, Laer Gj diay Pics Bo Res: SOLOM OF Ke x B50 % Re POR: fe kts, Rese, ot PKR P= Satya Keka Ger 13 OK, Pai 2 eter Gin, Wis, 88 (© Wesker is 7 Kt BP; # POR, Gob, Quay ao Rts PsaryLaker, rember 10 @ Als sfcet 8-0-0; 9 B~Q3, eae o geks, MCR RB, OoRlie Rin Bee = p Spicimaon—Keres, Nord 1x8 Sota conse PBs, Be ROae82 FRENCH DEFENSE FRENCH DEFENSE 83 ‘Notes continued from p. 82 (©) Bondarevsky Boleslavsky, Leningrad (R) An improvement on g...B-Qz; 10 1 PK4, PK3; 2 P—4, P—O4; 3 Kt—QB3, B—KUS; 4 P—KS, P— 0B4; 5 P—QR3, BX Kick; 6 PX B, Kt—K2* recon, PORES ar ROH, ORL 0 panty; 9 PoRy PHY Gy, REKIs, 1) Ride Ke x = 3 oe 3 9.8 TORR FOR APR EOS RoR Pk 7 Kt—Bs, P—QR¢ ()...Q—Kty Bp asin the coltma); 17 B—Rigch, BX BX: 16 PRS with strong attack, OR Br Re BH! (o) Brie PCH Bos ay Be Ghat Med poy, Saleen, noes SOmnstorn . Bers Fatys igh ter: USSR char oe bes re sbi Bega y Bees, White's pln i too tame A sng g- ORs (@) Keay) PBs PORRy She phs se 00, BORE Ar BR, eae line o PR ORC Rg 9 BQ3... RK 0-0 Kt-B3() QB Peete on iacrayPOBel, BOR, BOs 120-0, BBs; RU Pops PBs BQ: KEG) PXP pg BERD RP X PrsPoOky, Ry REX Phra P—By PORK ts? Po oS 1d OP xB, OX Re (lambs) RP IPs 78 PR 2, etd aoe poke Ry Ba?) PXP Seelam, Mocson, Soeq) and now 17 Ragosin, USSR. championship, 1944 QKtB; QKE-B} | POR QRE-KG QBs! Bee MT) Lp Tab Anthea lines sO URC, PRIS, PRO) BRS 20-0 KBs P Reka Kiet (tvnnk). 22 K—Ry, QRt Rts; 12 KIB, P= Bg 0-0 PKR; KEXP OX (fi instead PBs: 9 BK, DRUGS 13 FR BGn ag BRS, 42 PERS 0-0 QB KR BXQ Oe Pe ee OOS. RAK: #7 BOR, KEXP; 28 PB, PRRs PBs PBs KKE—Kts KBs BURR One ER Ra b= RXR, ty 0-0. Hom Say 1gK-Ry | PXP 0 BKs | IXEL | PBS Bee pons, Beaichte Batyem Moser, ts KOR | -RXP | 0-0) RPX RY BQ? 2), Moss, 138 (e017 RRR, Qo 18 BB = MKUXKE Q-Ks BRS RK R= 6) 25. RX Pi 17 Oe Bevieete— TE eee chamois ts Pia Eo boss Boas Secs USS ha aa te §Q x Wg ROKKN | PK QS BKB 0) Adopted eaty to hep te Black QL 9 @ XH, Oke orp Kt-K: KBs): Q-r POKty ous . Qua; ro KOR s f, ORI BS: 1 6PKy PUK (@) PXPE(@® QB Oe as em Peas eke Bek aS iy Roker, edb as RoOku = im) Rig 00; BOK PAB PX BROstLikatial taverns los xr ss0-0, 870014 BORG, comings 10 R~KEs,O% Pe 11 Be (@ Necownry I nnead §.QKIBy; ROK Foca Kt om OP Be S| Ge Gbe te PRBS, Rte Bis KU vale 90-95 SoM Gee eign se Bp FBS, Smpsovdoledaity, Letingrd Mos: SS yeu wy Rechts, RX KG 15 fr'boks, Digs 2 BR OOO} cow 10 Poth, 0-0-6; 160 x Ba: Alsandet 1) 0-0, Kt Bu 1g PKG, KUBY) Gp An idea here ing Kt—Kz, Kt-Qs5 10, Beton, “atch” Goat Britain Kay ag RROKU, GoRG7 5 PRs RUAN Reig ae RURy, OnO; USSR 146.7. Q—R4? i efted by ORB KER Perr Re GMa pbs snk Kick; 5B-O2 G-Kei 9 QUE KRU Oya alleovick“Bawwonih, USSR HURL R BS GBS BER SQ Rh Px Pray RICKS QR Championship, 199 Category “chanpionan ourmement, Bp) 12 Piha, RRs) 9p DR B— @) 11 0-0, BQa; 12 K-Kts, PUSS ggg Wether ng PeRty b= Qui og PRS, ROKR 1g PRG. Khai 13 eR, 0-0-0; 14 PBs, Qays0B RY QR RAs Re Hotyehak “Altre, USSR. cham Pets 1s Kes, PKRA TOK Qe, Rijs se Bet, 0-0-0) 15 BOB, plosbi, 154 KeBy iy Kickin QoRy a) P| Bob ny PXP PRES. Rene (0) Bopljbow—Fabs, Nottingham, Oks, PKktg!, ontsky—Botin Hoey, Lenngad-Mecow the "986 nik, USSR. championship, 195. (9/17 BX Kee, BX By aR x BK By; 19 Q—Kz, Q—-Qa, Smyslov—Botvin- [Aer 6s] ik, LeningradMoscom, 19 Notes continued on . 8284 FRENCH DEFENSE FRENCH DEFENSE 85 1 PLK¢, PKS; 2 P04, P—O4s 5 Kt-QB3, BRIS 1 P-K4, PK; 2 P04, P—Q4; 3 KU—0B3 +36 37 38 39 40 40 4a 43, 44 45 4 @ Ks 3 Bis), cee Px P (m) O08. eo eset () pxtUm PX P-QR KEXP 5 @QR).... BG Ku) POR PxP PRP Beh) Kt ibs Pe es eR ag Rea) Boy 5 POR B03 PXB EX Kuh 6PXB KB Ke-KIg() KIB) B-Oa(0) Boke BX RU KGB) PRP BHR Pxkt KB) BxBh” PXPQ Keo OKIXP REX KLKs QR KI—B3 (a) 7O-Kul@) PXP | QXB RIXP Ht-OBs/(a) PRB () KEE: RUEB) PRY Somme” BxP | exepy Qua 7B-Ks0) BKB) 0-0 QXKD Bi im 303 OREXE!. Q-KG Keb) KeKD) Sem Ru BOBS oy Pike | Pom Pek) SKENBS OQ -BXBO) QR BQ oo) kr) POR POY oo 88 exis Bo Boke Kea) EK> |B KCh BoB oKeKy 0-0-0 9-@ km ® BK RKP | OKUXP | PXB BOK Poms Kime Og: Qs Qo a BK BB EQ KEK QE Kt—Rq KtX Kt P—KBs PXP B-Ka ‘Kt—QB3 (f) 0-0 R—-Kty? (I) Kt—Q2 Ba | PKL 0-0 BxB 0-0 PB! Kt Q-KS BORE Rob BQ; BG PX KE Oe PxPw® Kix: Erg, | BxB Be | Oke Ke, XE QQ PXP | -BXKL «QXP xB 43 P—Kts. Ktx Kt QR—Ktr Ktx Kt O04 QR-Qr KtXB B—Q3 (i) KtxP B-O3 eoxu Qxee Go) Px BOR 1 KRQr QXKtL POR s+ 0-0-0 14 Q-Ktg+(b) P—QB4 + (c) O—O= (bh) Q—B3 + (l) QXQP QB = ©) ‘Kt—Ka = P—Kyy = (0) Bose (0) More accurate than 4..RU-KBy; 7 Kh 11 BK, QK—Ba; 10 KLX Pay + DIAGRAM 35 ar, Q—Kiy 12 Pts, Rana ROSES “GMa Sa a RE Ga Alia dbl pbs oO cee toraey, USSR. championdip sos, Rt(btels KUO); gE, ML Rady Que, 0 DR RRS 1s Webs beaker pPRPL GBs § ——Byutotregs OnOras KURU NK Ou Re ROK ty Que, Bos Ip Keng KEK 7B Qy ROK RUT ON Qa ask TBs SoRRGS, Madbie Nios Ook Qa RRL OxdEe, fy Guo Laker" Capi, Mee Blak use G) 7 BeOby Reg § Fate Mlarscay, New Yok a em @) 14. Key 1g BK, R-Ooy 1 PKKig PKG 8 Ke Rui om! Rone oes te OUT RE ET Bi KOO, FRG BeBe at | BS ae ©) Pk Stbberg, Mar det lat PKG reves: Hoyoow—Desison, —@ AlineEuwey sth mach game, {UH Hh contd 27 RU—KG fee? Sapat tas ee Rie Oe PRs, BX KE: 7 PHB tee Tuicnt for oqnty 6 6. t=) Il 14. XB; 22 QXKY KIX Oe ROR NAR EXD vans, ut or ent okt OM RED QR RI GREK DXB 7QxB,0-G;8 OG TARR hob anny EOP OKOKER i eran ® Sh Ct ‘than fi oe P12 QX P, Kt—Qs/; 12 B—Kts,Qx BP +. 25 PRB BR vo RBS, GE GSE PB OX On er @ KeRty, BRig; 9 OR (Aker g Pe Reet a podks Regie ts F EAL ARs Siontwr ans’ MA MSG Ei Seatin Sic, Kee 2 Alcthine’-Nimsoviteh, San Remo, 1930); 9 BOs, B—Qa; 10 KI— By (beter 10 P XP),'BX KE sr BX (©) Otic cninanos Ach ie White fae, es Seettadtetitamare()7PoBs )CapneeAlstipe) st aac (ater PB KE 2 BX Ser eQyn GNP Gener sO ane "ge, ich conned 19 KKK (© Boptows more Alon god ie BQ REHAB OH eB = Set Beir y FRG, OX OPI Doky, ROK OKO be Kt—Bs, Q—Bz; § Q—Q4, Kt—Kz; 9 B— " 1934 P—B3); 9 Q—Kts!, Kt—KB3? (neces- Gee twOLo ROB OX Notes contued on p86 Borne g RKO REEKG OF Notes continued on. 8686 FRENCH DEFENSE Notes continued from p. 8 Best 6. -QKI—By; 7 PORG with poston similar to cols 3-34 (©) Fine—Flahe, avno toumament, 1938. D5. -PXP; 6 Kt-Kts, BX Bek; 7 Q XB, KBs; SKK, PBs: 9 Oy! Keak 20K Qeek, K—Basi BORIS (FineCapablanes, vno tout ‘ament,r938) and now Capablanca sug- fisted tr. KUX Plea KUX KG Ke Kav; ry Kix Beh, RO Kt and regains the plot satisfactory. G) Av alterative i 6 Q—Kts, KBs; 7 Pc, PQs; # Kt-Ks, BX Bek 9 Ke XB, Rt x Py to Q-Key, Ke-Qiy) 10 700, EKU“K2, Kashdan—Simonson, match, i998 (i) Lasker—Bogatyrchuk, Moron, 1955: © USP. P, Kt-Qiis, 6 KBs, KK Ka 7 BOs, P—Os; 8 PORS, B— Raj 9 P-ORU, Kt x KUP; 10 PX Ke BSc By a BoKtgch (Fine—Botwnalk, vo tournament, 1938), B—Q2/; 12 @ XP, BX Kick; 130 XB, BB @) §..-K—By; 6 KBs, PP; 7 Ke XP, Q-Ry 8 BOs, RI—Qs; 9 P— QRS, PBs Boratyrehsk~Botvinsk, Moscow, 1927); 10 KUX Kt, P XQ: a Ke x Q.B x RUG); 12 BK, PRG 5 POR. (9) Better 6,..Kt—Bg asin eo. 35. 0 24. Kt By; £5 PBg IL. Steiner Koshnitaky, New South Wales champion. ship, vou (im) Alternatives ave: (0) 4... P—OKty; SO-KU/, HBr i; 6 BORK's, 0-0: 7 0-0-6, BORS; § KR, BX, 9 KR XB, Kt—Qiis; 10 PB, KK Kay 17 BX Ry Rex By 12 OK, P— KR4j 13 Kt=KKts =. Alerander—Alek bine, Margate, soa8. (3) 4.--PKBS; 5 Kew, P-B4: 6 POR, BORA: 7 PLOKUs, PX KU; SKU—ORts, KBs 9 RP XP, Ba; ro PBs, KKIK2: TP x P,P x Peta B—Q3 &. Botvinlk “Rages, Moscow, 1027. (2) 6 P-QKt4, BK; 7 RRs, B 02,8 PB; is simplest. (6) Better than $...B—B2; 9 BOK, (0-0; 10 B x Kt, BX B; 12 0-0, @) Belsvienets—Regosin, Leningrad — Moscow, 1985 ‘Notes continued from p. 85 GY) Warmly recommended by Alekhine Terie alternatives are: (0) 4 Q—Kis, KUkhs (Kobus Pots, P. Qi: 6 PRs, OR; 7 Be, PX P:8Qx QP =)i5Q XP R—Ktr; 6Q— Ro, ROKts (GP By fe feasible) 7 UKs, Pig! better than 7. PK 3 BGs, PX QP 9 OXP, PoBg; 10 Qa Keech, or 7 KEXP: 8 BOs, Po KBys 9 KtKs, Poa: 10 BX Kt ‘Alethine Ewe, gth match sume, 1933): 5 BOs, KI-Kig; 9 O—Q5, Kt-QBs + (Alekhine) @) 4 B=Q3, PX) 5 BX B, P-OBG (or ¢.KtKBs; € B—Qs, Pig, 7 PORs, BX Kuh 8 PXB, Qe QE g Kis, Q-Bas 10 0-0, Pog: 11 BoKs, Kt—Qy; 12 P—ORy, Kec Py 13 QO, KeX Bek 1g Q Kt, 0-0; 15 BRs, R-Qu*. Lilen- thal—Bokslavsky, Leningrad—Moscom, tout); 6 P—OKS, BX Kec 7 PX, KeKBs; § BOs, 0-0; 9" Kes, QKt—Q2; 10 0-0, PORE; 71 OK, BoKey 2 Kinks, RoBrs. Tarte omer—Preepiorka, Debreczen, 1926. (9) 4 B02, Kt—Kalj ¢ PXP, PXP, 6 Qs, OK Bs 7 BOs, 0-0; RR, Biking, 9 0-0-0, QR3 10 B~Q), BX BQ XB, Ke— Rq/. Speyer—Alekhine, Hamburg, (Also strong is 9 B—Ke2, QKt—Qa3 10 0-0-0, QURy 1 PBS, POKG: 2BBP XP, PX Pi yPX PHA, Stcnet hea, Kemer, 937 ) Necewary was 1...Q-Ry tr Bo 2, Quks: 12 PX P but Alene stil prelers White's game. The column is Alek- hine--Eave, spd match game, 1955 (om) The Rabinstein Variation (r) A possibilty heres 6 B—Ks, Kt; 7Q—Qs, PKs; § BK, BOK; 9 BBs, Q—Br; so P—Qs #. Tartahower ~Brinckmann, Keeshemet, 1927 (©) L. Steier—Kmoch, Niendor 1927 Compare col. 27-28, FRENCH DEFENSE & 1 PKA, P—K3; 2 P—Q4, P—Q¢ 6 a 8 9 © 5 (Kt—-9Ba) PKs @xP@ POBy* 4 EXP) P_QB3.....-KtHKBy Keg Kt-QBs Kt—OB3 (m) 5 Kt—KB3 KtKBy B_Q3 KKB) () eK EXP 6 Kt x Kh BLK2(t) 0-0 UX Kt PXP | POBs, BBs (0) 7 B03 (0) PXP BOKts POR3 BK PBs KKK: BQ KKt—K: 5Q-K PXP P-OKty BX Kt — QKt_Q2 0-0) BXP KB, PXB keKG gBOKKts BOKKts() BUKe = QxP KeKy PB BOK Kish PX P BK 10 PXP Qk x QXxeP 0 RK QR 0-0 PKR () KIB) BQ: rr PBs 0-0-0 (g) PKR, (i) BBs Pkt Ox Pay BQ: BB PB! 20-0 Kt-By 0 KtBy BX Ktch R-Qr BXKt() O-O=() PXB 13 KtKs!£ (0) BXB R-QBr F(t) = DIAGRAM 36 Ktgch Ki— By 6 Ke cole 30 oF ie (@) Ii 5... B—Ke the most energetic is 6 oes, Rene 7 kt Ric, Bx Ru s@-ky 0-0, BBs, Poe; 1080 BS Py 18 BON RRE #2 Rex Ts Pky, 1s toy Rago takin, Lenin, 38 © 7 KEK! B05, 8 Oty PBs, Us, 0°05 10 8s, BI, Bags a to int ety n Cm sel Hanc Havana “ip Bat is fry t97 RRS, 0-04 elas ty SBR, boos 9 Key, B-Ge. 10 Baka beokts! 17 O20, BBs, Pgh POR 17 KI—K, Po EPCS ate Sncthgs,corerondence, ie O84) Tater 3 5... —Qlg (Marshall's Variation) is refuted by ¢ RP XP, KPXT, 5B Notes continued on . 88 y88 FRENCH DEFENSE [Notes continued from p. 87 BX Ky 12 QX By QOH Ky. Or 1 -P-KRS: 9°04; 13 PBs, QR Mi ‘Mises, sh match game, 1916. (©) Ie owe 13.-.R X BPs 4 POR, 9-04; 15 FORs, OKs; 19 OX, Ke x Q; #7 B XB, R-Qy; 28 QR-Or and won quickly. "Eowe-Landau, 2nd 30 1s B03: 14 OR 15 KRKY, Kt-Q4 18 17 P~QRs, P-QRtas 18 15; 19 ORR, Bronstein P-OKts; 17 Q—Ka, BRU, 2, QB and analysis in the Deatzche Schuko, December, 2930, ‘Showed that Black has playable game, G Spielmann—Petrow, Margate, 198 0) 4 B03, PX PL7 PX, BO compels 3 B—Ka. An intructive mistake er 6B—Q5 is 6. Barr P XPT, BX P; 800, Pg; 9 POR, B— Ka; 10 BOKB,, PXP, rr RU P Nimsoviteh—Sawe, Carsbad, ror, Another good reply is 20. ..0—O and Wry PKey Key 12 ROKts, P= Bgl 13 PP, RX Ps 14 PRUs RX Kt; 15 BCR, KiB; 26 ROK, DB (Q2 with enough attack for Black (Nim- zovie Nintzoviteh preferred P- Kis but Black can always proceed asin the eolume, ) Much better than 12...P-Rs; 15 KeORs, Q°R3 ry RB, ROBE PRs, BK; 10 P—QKty =. Aitken (Chesil, Hastings, voa5-a® 1g ROR5, ORK; 15 Q-Q2, B— Kee 16 KK, Ke-Kigs 17 Q-Kts, OM: 18 RK, Py hy POP R . ‘Altken—Bondarevaky, match Great Britain “USSR, 1046 (im) Goad alternatives for Back axe: (1) oP XP: 5 OXF, Re-QB (or 5 Keka; 6 BQ, Kke—By; 7 Q— Ki, Kt—Qs; § 0-0, P—By; 9 PP, Qe Py 10 Kt—By, B—K2 =. Petron—Ope cansky, Podebrady, 1936); 6Q-KB, F- By; 7 B—Oy, KRt—K3; 90-0, kt 0 Q—Kts, BK; 10 RK, 0-0; 1 PORg, Rt—Kuy 12 QKL-Os, P— Re; a5 KtoKts, KER; 5. Keres une, Zandvoort, 1936. (a) 7.Kt—Ka, SPX, KKt—Bs; 6 BK, Kt—Os; 7 PQs, QBs; # P—OKty, P-QRs, 9 PBs, RP XP! ro BP XP, KP XP, br Q xP, KX BP 12 Ke-Q4, Ke Kts13 % RUG), Ke-Kss14 Qs, By. Keres~Stahlierg, Dreslen, 1936 () Alcbine—Euve, Nottingham, 1936 (© Weak ie 6...KKt—K3j 7 BKB, KtcKis; § BoKty BOK2, 9 ROK, QA Kts: 20 OKI Ga, B—O3; 11 Ke Kis, QR~Bs; 12 PORs, P-ORS; 13 POKRy &. Kers~Hasenius, Kemer, to () 1g PKR, Q-KKers 15 B—Q2,Q— oy 18 B—Kty, PK! Hondarevy— Botsinak, Leingrad—Moscow, 194 FRENCH DEFENSE 89 1 P-Kt, PKis 2 P04, P04 st 5 33 s4 55 9 PKS)... K-92 (0)* —OB4) | P-OB4.. 4Q-Ku (a) KPXP. Kt-OBs KKt—B3/ ()) KKt—B3 Kons) KPXPL GX PY Kt-QB) Kt SKI-KB; | BAKish | KKtB)-PXQP PKs KkeK: BQ) KU-QB) RPXP() Kt-@ 6P-By? Qk BB BK) KEK) KB OK: Gr Bim) PBS) 73-93 Ox Qa) KK 0-0 B-OKis/ PRP) BXQ) PXP | KK: BE) £0-0 BXBh = QKLX PO) PXP BLD Bo KXB = OKtXKt| BXP 0-0 RK PXP 0 OREXKt KK PX? PXP KIxXP | -KtBS BK PXP wKIXP KEK 0-0 BK; 0-0 PORES © KURS/) 0 BK) BKB KIKty BOK KtKs | PQKQ BX Ktch(o) ROK: Bok BoB 0-0) XB BGs BOK PQ BK | PXB BK Oke Osi+() KK? «= POR) 0-0 POR a3 CE — OBE) BOO oo = DIAGRAM 37 col, 532-57 (hg PXP, K-9By; § KK, BP! 6 BOs, PBa 7 PBs, P— ORs: 3 QR, KKK; 9 KK, = 6) Rs; 9 0-0, 0-0; 27 RK, Kt— Kaye. Tarrasch-—Lacker, St. Peters burg, tor () go XP in am equally good rep Ske bs, Ke"Oiy; 6 BGs, QBs! Gea IF fastead G) 6. KR(—Kay 7 00, KtoKts; § Ke, Q—Ba; 0 Key, Boba; v0 PRRs, Kir, 7 Pooks, KKU—Ka; 12 PRO, Ninao- itch "Soaely, Keeskemet, 1937. (2) 6 PAKKts; 7 PER, PREG; 3G Kty, KRt—Ka; 90-0, Q-Ktgi 10 P— Ry Ke—Kts; 22 BOKteck, Be Qs; 12 BS Bick, Batik—Duchrsen, core- spondence, 1931); 7 O-Kts (or 7 B- Kiba, KOKts), PBs; 8P xP (SB KB4?, POKRU; 9 B—Q2, KEXP; 10 Kt kt, Q x Keds} Araiza—Flne, Sy acuse, 1934), 0 Q; 9 P—Bych, KP, TRE XQ PRAT, ‘Notes continued on p. 90oD FRENCH DEFENSE [Notes continued from p. 89 (© Canepa—Alekhine, Montevideo, 2998 Introduced originally by Taras, ce ently revived and now one of the mast Popular varatons. (©) 5. Rtg; 6 KKIBs transposes tool 3 (P, More precie is 7 BX Deh, KX Bi; SPX, OX Qehi 9 Kt XQ, fori BX P21 KeOkts, BK: 17 OK Qs, KKt—y; 12 BKts, 0-0; 15 0 O20, Ke-Kig; 1g BORe se (Kan— ondarevsky, Tis) 1932)" but Black should reply p,.Kt'X P-and continue as inthe tot, G@ Fobr—Botwinnik, sth match game, 1035 ) Or § 0-0, BKay 9 Q-Ka, Ke— Bs; 10 R-Qr, 0-0 =. Keres—Biiakases, Noord, 1038 @ Bondarevsky-~Vudoviteh, USSR, championship, 1930. 4 PP, BX P ig very draws, hy § BOs, Ke-OBs; 6 PCP, PPS FRE Key BRU: S Rt Bs, KKK: 90-0, 0-0; 10 PBs, Q—Q55 11 R— Ks, Ke—Kty =. Splelmann™ Alothine, New Yor, 1927 (0) 5. P, abn col 55,18 feasibe, ) Weak is 6 B—K2, Kt—By; 7 0-0, Bg RK Q—Kty; oKU=Br, PX P20 P_OR3, B~Q3; 11 Qs, 0-0; 1a KtKts, QR—Kr F. Konstantinopal Sky—Hotinaik, USSR. championship, toss (im) Inferior stenatves are: (1) 6...0— Kois7 BKa!,P x Ps 8 0-0, Q-B3; 9 KAR, B03; 10 KEXP, P— Qn 17 POEs, KKI—R3; 22 BOK, OW O;13 Ke Kt, Px Kes PBs = KererCapablanca, Avz0™ tournament, 1g38. @) 0.--P—Hs; 7 0-0, BOs, F PAOKs, PX Po RP X P, KKt—Ke fo R-Ks, 0-0; 1 Ke—Bs, BKK ta PBS, Q-By 13 BRS, KR-QH, 24 B—Q3 &, Keres Stablberg, Buenos Hires 090 (2) An improvement on the first-round fame between the same opponents: 17 PX B, 0-0; 12 0—Qa,Q—Ktg: 17 POR, B-Byi 24 KKI~Qs, KEKE 15 PX and now 15...Q-KKt: 16 PBs, BK was in order Wotvinal) (©) Wotvinik-Boesavsky, Leningead— Mosc, 1947 (2) The most convincing. A good alterna tive is () 6 PBs, PBs) 7 Kt? Gory PXP, QX By 8 BoKts, BOs tnd now (9 QR, 0-05 10 Kt Br, PoKg; 2 BX Kt, PB 12 PX By Rex Py ry Kt x Ke, BX Key 1g B— Qe, HORS; 15 0-0-0, BURY =. Smysiow—Serebriky, Tallin tous.) 9 Kt—Brt, PKa?s 10 KIKs!, P— Keir Kt P, QoKs; 22 Ktoks!, U9) x KG 13 PKG HP gO OB ash ig B kts’ 00. 16 Be Qby. Ekstiom—Valtois, Stckbolm, fo4tn4s), Q—K3; 8 Bs, Qa (better PERK); 9 PRM, BAKay 20 00, Palys 27 KeQe) Bs, RoBi, wz Kickts, BXKG 1) PB, Kt tg; 14 Kt—By . Bolesavsky-"Ruda- Loviky, USSR. championship, 104s Weaker altematives ae: (2) 6 Pb, PX Py 7 KOXP, BKtsch (better 7B K3};8B—02, 0-0; 9B—Os,Kt-KU F; TOKU x Kt 2. Luckie Stahlberg, Buenos Aires, 1912 @) 6 BQ3, Kt-ts (not 6. PBR, 7 KER. Duds Stahberg, Mar del Plat, 1943); 7 BK, PAOlig) 8 PBs, Kt~QBs; 9 0-0, PXP! not y...Po-Bys 10 KP X PQ Pyar PoBy!, BP XP) 12 PX Py Poe Big ROK, Boa 14 KK BargalatMasini, Bacnos Altes, 1943); 2oP XP, PBs (@ A thought bere is 6...P-OKts, t0 ply for PB, (17? x PSP XP, BKs; 90 0,0-0; 10K (29. KORG: 14 R-KU, Botsnnit “Bolestvsky, Mose, 104 FRENCH DEFENSE o 1 PAK4, PKR 56 37 2 04) 04) 3 Kt=92) (2) Kt_KB3 (b) 4 PoKs KKt—Q2 5 B93 PORs 6 P—oR3* Sea ae TKK: Kt (®) KE (BARS skt-Bs BX B PXP KUxB oPXP 0-0 BoKisch PKs (t) ro KBr! (i) Kt-B3 Bok BKe 1 POR; BUKts Ki-Br(@) — Q—Br 12 POE 0-02 PB =O + DIAGRAM 38 ale. 56-57 Tater OB) (@ Ateratives are: () 3 BK, Py Kt—Qs, KU-KBS: 5 Kt—Ka, 8 Q-K:()) P-OB4 (h) PKB, Kt-OB) Kt—KBy KKK: PKK, PEEKS () P93 Boke K-33 Kt0s KtX Kt PXKt tor Pky B-Ke Boke oo 0-0 PKs QB: = (m) BxR, PX, 0-0, Moscow 9 Kt—K> Po PxP PXP KtKts K-83 Kt—KB3 (0) Kt—KB3 P04 Qk B03 BoKts B-Q3 0-0-0 0-0 om 0-0 KexP Rokr BRS Kt-By | Kt—KB3 KI-By BX Bek KtBs | KXB ts? QKt-Q2 KIXB POY QXxKt 0-0 Ki-Kts KtoKs or PB BKB4 (0) KtX Kt 6) Kt—Kis; § B-Q3, PBy; 6 DX Py 7 KtKBy, Kes: 8 Quiz 4, TarakowerTone, 1035. (@) A cous defense which as not been fMlqutely refoted theoretically is 3.0P Sui! 7 (Get seen in Schweinberger— Haber ite, Vienna, ro) g PX BP (org PKs, Pg, s POs, Kt QB3; 6 OKI—Bs, Q—Kis; 7 BOs, PX Prd P XP, B-Qs; 9 Ke—Ka, KK; 1 B-Ktr, Q-Ryy 14 0-0, BKtg; fe ROK, BXKG 13 RX b, ROM 24 BOs, KORG 15 BX ORL BX if 2 Mikénae Haeenfons, Kemer Riga, gap) BX Ph sO Rsch PR, 6Q— Kash B-Kay 7) PRRs, Kt—Klig; & KKtoBs, 0-0; 9 Kt—s, KBs; 10 x Oktoly, RORY rr BoBy, KEK, kts: 6 POR, BoKts; 7 P—OBs, PAB, . Buwe, 0) 9 B-Q3, PPG Re, Pos 13 Qs, KOR: Notes continued on p. 9292 FRENCH DEFENSE ‘Notes continued from p. 91 14 0-0-0, BOKK!5; 15 R-Ks, BX Kt; 6 PXB, BX: 17 BOOS, B— By\=- Bolbockan—Stabiberg, La Pla (© 7. PBSI: 8 KBs, OKs 9 Kehs, PRP and now not zo Kt x PUK.) RK Ke PX Kt, PKR: 42 0-0, KtX Pi 13 R“Kg, BKt (Kerer—Fine, Margate 1937), but 10 Kt— Kw), PKI 1 BX Pek, KQi5 22 BARis, Kt—Bs; 15 PX P (@ More aggresive than 10 B02, BX Bek; 11 QB, Q-Kts;12 R—-QB,Q X Qek; 13 K XQ, Kt—Kty when however fy PoOK, KKa; 13 PKR, B Qe; 16 RRS retains winning chances for White, KeresFlores, Buenos Aires, 1936, (© Better 12. P—QR4. The column is ‘AlethineCapablanca, AvRO tournament, 38 ) This may alo be played on the sth rove, usualy tansposs into the column © 01 7 ORs, P—OR4; § QBs, B. Rs; 9 OKt—By, QB; fo KER BX By it QXB, ORs; 12. OXQ, Ke 5 15 BOK, Ba; 1y R—K3, 0-0; 25 KR—QB:, KR—Br =. KeresMike. ‘as, match Estonia Lithuania, 1040 0) Black must soldty his K-sde. U9 PAORtg 10 PKB, P—Ktg; a Ki By, K“Kty, 22 POR! PKs: 23 PORS, KtaQ3; 24 PoRt, PoRa: 15 PBs". Yadowiteh—Toliah, Mosiom, 104 13 B Ks, Q—Kess 1g Kt Ks (batter rgP-KR4),QKt—KtrjtsP—KDg, Kt by; 16 POKts, KI—Ka. Ragosin— Betvinni eth maich game, tpeee G) Tehigria’s Attack (0) Good alternatives are: (2) 2... BK; 3 PHOKts, PQs; g BOK, BBs; 5 PCRs, BoKa; 3 Q-Ku, B-By 7 KKK, Phy; 5 Pky, Kt QBs; 9 PR, KURs =. Tekigrin— Tarrach, match, 1893. (2) 2.-P Ka; F PORBG PHQ3, 4 KEK, Ke QB3; 5 P>RKts, Bots; 6 PBs, PX P,P PXP, PBal; # PQs, BOKs, 9'B—Ks, B—Rsehy 10 BBs, it Bek, Tr QXB, PXP: 12 PX By REDs, 13 OKt=Q2, Q—Ks 14 0-0-0, O- 0-0; 15 ROKr, KR—BI#. "Kon. ‘stantinopolky—Bondarevsky, Leningrad SaMtoscon, 1939 ) Inleior i$. P—O4; 6 P—Q5, P— OK; 7 BOR, PX PEP XP, Kt Kesi9 Kt Ry, Ro; 20 Rt—By KR Byy Fy POR31, Kt-Qg; x2 Ke KG, QE a PXKY BX Ke ry Qe yt, ReresMikens, Kemet 1937. (im) Tastakomer—Selessiev, Pistyan, 1922 (9) 4... Q—Rs was preferable (©) 12... R-Ka; 13 PRBS, Kt—Bs; ve ROK, KOK 25 Q-O2 Tarte Eower—Fise, Kemer 1951 (Other unusual alternatives ane: (1) 2 POKK( (Tartakower's Attach), POs, 4 Doky; 7 Kt-Q3, Keo, 22 BK, KUX KU, Morten Nimaovitch, Lone don, 1927-(@) 2 P~QBa, POs; 3 KP % ORach, 2, ORAS; 12 Q—Ba, Bs 42 P_QRs, Q—Os; 13 KB, BX KU=, Tolush—"Makogonov, Leningrad Moscow, 1959, Q) 2 PKs, POs = (2 P05, POs; 5 Kis, POBG; P RKIBy, Ke—QH3; 5 BK2, B—Q3: 6 0-0, QBs; 7 ROK, KKt—Ks: 8 PBs, 0-0; 9 P—QRs, PB ‘NimaovitehCapablanen, Sam Sebestan, oh @) Better 2...P—QDB4 (Tartakower. (© 5...B-K2; 6 0-0-0, QKt—Os; 7 PORK 1, PERS 88—Kes, PBs; 9 P-KR4, Reti~Marocey, Gothen: burg, 1920 (©) Spielnann—Grau, San Remo, 1930. GIUOCO PIANO Teas oxo opening dates from te time when Taly was the ruling chess power. Unlike the more impetuous gambits in vogue then, White deferred the center advance fora while; hence the name, which i Taian for “quiet game.” In modern tournaments itis not often seen beeause Black has too much defensive latitude ‘The strongest try for White after the initial moves is ¢ P—Bs, to set up a Pawn center (cols. 1-21). Black then has three replies: 4...Kt—Bg, 4: Q-K2 and 4. PQ (x) 4..-Kt—Bg (cols. 1-14) meets the White center advance with a counterattack, The main variations where White gives up a Pawn for an attack in col. 1-7 have been exhaustively analyzed and it has been shown that Black’s defensive resources are adequate, Black's most solid line i that seen in col 6, where he wins a Paven at the expense of a somewhat cramped position. Ta the altemative line with 8...Kt x Kt the ancient ‘Greco Tine has been completely demolished (cl. 8) but Black still has an adequate defense in an immediate... P—Q4 (cl. 9). White need not sacri fice a Pawa, but Black then develops quickly and equalizes immediately (col 11), Co. 12 is another illustration of the principle that ...P—Q4 is always a strong reply by Black to P—K by White, The Giuoco Pianissimo (most quiet game”) is too tame to lead to an advantage; however White ray transpose to a variation of the Evans Gambit Declined (col. 14 note (m). (2) 4..Q—Kea (cols, 15-17), reintroduced by Alekhine, sa solid defense which offers fewer possiblities for counterplay than the alternative 4 Kes, (3) 4.-P—Q3 (cols, 18-21 i inadequate because White gets too strong 1 Pawn center. 4 0-0 is easily met by straight development (col. 22, note (D) 4 P05 leads to two main branches, depending on whether White Aevelops his QB toK3 or to KKts. The development at Ks (cls. 23-25) has some merit but the lack of pressure in the center makes Black's game easy “The Canal Variation (cls. 26-30) isone of White's most popular Fines in the Giuoco, but is met by any one ofa number of defenses which prevent White from building up a strong Pawn center, The litle-known line in cl. 30 especialy tobe recommended. 9894 GIUOCO PIANO 1 P—Kt, P—K¢; 2 K(—KB3, Ki—QB3; 3 B—B4, B~Bi 5 4 PBS, Kt— BB; 5 P—Q4, PX P; 6 PX P, B—KiSch; 7 Kt—B3, Kt X KP; 8 0-0, BX Kt; 9 P—Q5! (@), B—B3; 10 RK, Kt—K2; 11 RX Kt* 7 2 3 4 5 1 PQs 0-0 12 BOK ts, PKKy P06 BxXB oo) PXP sg EXE PuKts 0-0) BK 14 KLX RP! (0) KtXB 0 BXP KX Kt PXEt | KUXB 15 QRsch RXP OX Kt k-En KOKy PO! 16 RR R-Kr 9 BXP POKBy POKBS = Q-Q3/ BK a7 ROR3 (W)....Q—Rych(H) PKK Y! «BOK Qs BQ! (0) KBs REG) PoKy | ROK SRK() RRS B-O3/ B93 QR—x: ROB ROKKu EBL BK Qe KY! QURKi BK, BR WORRKr = QR-O:F Keke Bas 17 PX, PXP; BP, Re me Okie tp PKK (©) The Therkatz Variation. @ Keres move ©) 17...PoBs; 18 PARK, PX P ©P.15 19 Q—Rock, K~Ba; 20. QR Sd both sles must take the draw by pete petual checks Keres (P18 Q—Rych, KBs; 19 Q—Rsch Bs 30 Q—Rael, P-KKty 20 Q-Oach tysa2 Roky, PBS KKts; 21 PRRs, Buby 23 PRS, fag PX, Qs; 25 PKeyeh+ 4); 34 Q-Rech, KOU; 25 PXP, RoKuy; 36 RS Kt (if20 RORS, BX P/—Stenhnueck— Helbra, quoted in Deuiche Sehacritung, RX B,Q—Ks; at Re ROKr (pot 25 ROKBe 39 Q— with an uncles position which seems tole in Blak’ favor [atte Rx HH) (@) The Mocter Attack @) Alternatives are bad ea 23. ..0— By; 14 Q—Bs, O~ Qa; 15 BEKIS 1, OX By 26.0 XB, PKB, 17 QR-KI4 or 13..PRRs, 14 B—Ktsch, PBS, Ty REX PL, KX Ke 18 QBsek, Keo Notes continued on p. 98 GIUOCO PIANO os 4 P—K4, P—K4; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 B—B4, B—Bd; 4 PBS, Kt— BB; 5 P—O4, PX Pi 6 PX P, B-KtSch $ 7 8 9 . (x2) . xB: (0) 7 (Kt X KP) (a) P04! (p) 0-0)" PxP Bx KO KexKt Kaex? 09.0 -PXB XK KiB! ? Kt—K4 (b) P—-Q4! BXP. P—Q4! (I) B—K3! wPXBl BR) BRIG PXB QR me) PXB. Kes) DXB BX KE QO RKr QR! ROKich(m) PB Pokby! @) DOKI) Pe Keke ROX BP! QXK@ RXR OxB ok: Pee Oe PKB Xr-04 KH | OK KRY BR ° 0-0 0-0-0 —-B-K3. P—QRs PB) KKs BX RW Rob: KeM 0 kR-KE XB eo igR-Kr | KUXKE PO Qe QB OXY OX or 163-02 RK QR-Qr++() KICKs/ KK POkty F R-KU+() PX Kt= (a) Kx RFQ Kz (or 17 Qa, BKs; 12 KtKts cal. 9 PORK), BOKs: 12 KU Kt, Q-05; 2) Quis, PORRS) 14 KOKy gives White a very strong stack. () The moat sold continuation, Weaker Alternatives ae: (x) 9.-,B—Ra; 10 PX Kt, Ke Py 17 Kt—Ks, U3; 22 Qo Kes, QBs: 13 PRU, BP: 1g BOK, ex Bs 7s Rex Ke, OK IOKRKich/. (3) 9... KU—Ry 208 Qs, PoRBat Fr PX B, 0-0} 12 O— Res. G) 9 Kt—Kay 10 PXB, Ki Os 17 BoRty, 0-0; F2 PB, P— Okts) 13 BoKts, Kt—Kes 14 BBa, Reckesy 17 O-Qs2. Lombard Berger, Carb, 1907 (9 Ih 10 Q-Ks, Kt X Kick; PX Kt, Boss a PXKY POs; 13 PBs, @ 7P-O4; 8 PXP, KKEXP; 9 OOF (020, BX KE 20 PX By OO; 17 R= = DIAGRAM 40 [Alte § 0-0} [Notes continued on p986 GIUOCO PIANO GIUOCO PIANO 97 1 P—K4, PKA; 2 Ki—KB3, Ki—QB3; 3 B—B4, BBA 1 POK4, P—K¢; 2 Kt—KB3, Kt—QB3; 3 B—B4, B~B4 1 2 B 4 5 16 " 8 9 20 4@—By) 4@-By * (eB), eK: @—e) 2 P03 5 90. P03 0) Po 5 2-O0) Pe @x?) P93 BX! Gx) (@) PXP 6 OX) PKS BARS... K-02 (m) 0-0 60-9) PxP (B-Ktsch) POE) BOK OO Ke (K=B3). PQS BK 7 B02 BORIS) EIQ: -Kt-Br RLY 7 P05 POR: KI-Bs BX Beh (a) Kt—Ks Kt—k: P—O4! P95 Kt-QKtr POR (@)—-Kt-—B3 (h) SQKRXB PXP PO) PXP POR 83-03 BK (9) 0-0. 93! (m) P04) BOKG(h) -KIKty KEXP PLORS P03 BRI) 0-0, BK) Bots oPxP KBs POKR,/ BK PLR! DQK-Q2 POs BKK BK} BLK KKIXP 0-0 em xB 0-0 Pooks) KKH BOS | K-00 BOK PRs PXKtis) POKY p) ro KB, = BXB BK) 0-03, LORS KOK KBs PKS) PRS) BOR | -RXB ROKr 0-0-0 RK: B93 BXKt = PXP BRS POR OKIQ2 03 POR PKB = PXB | Q-Ks Kt 0-0 KKB; BOK () ERK PXPep. Q-Kr QB Pts weP-Qky POKR; © QRUK:() KIL@ KEXP (Bs) KIKts | KK, KEG: KEK 0-0 BK) BOKRY AS KKs() Kt-Ks 0-0-0 EX KE QKt-Q2 13 Q-Ba KR BKts PBs QKEG) KIB 0-0 QXKE OB PORK OIG: POER) P-Qe! KiB) BXKt = PRS 0-0-0 t_Brt () 14 BORG () BHD BOKRG£()BXP PBI (0) exQ=@ BXBEG) PKY=() PBF) RKr- @ KIXBEO * DIAGRAM, hy 9KR1, PX Ps OP X QP X RO cals, 16-20 11 Q=Q5 4+ (Handbuch. @) 6 PQs, Kt—Qr ls 7 P06, OX P alo playable i 7.0-P XP) 8 Kt Ry, Kt—KBS; 9 0-3, PORS; 10 B— Kis) Pokyy tf BX KU, Q XB: 2 R—Qi, BBs 13 BOQ5, KUoK3) 24 PORK, QR KU ry Rtg, 0-0 Medina~Alebhine, Gijon, 194; 8 OX Q.PX Q59 Kes, KK; 10 Bs, KicBy nr KBs, BBs, 22 Ke Rg, POKK() 1g BOR, ROX B: 14 PS Ke, Key #, Chebhover—Polya, Leningrad, 208. iskares—Grucneld, Machrsch—Os- (@) aston ny RKEX PBX Bk BORG POs Re, Pe birr 0-0, 0-04; KR = Or 6 KEXP, 9 KEY, P Rheem ch Oi 08Gb Poketby, BS Rus Kex@ BO, oe ke 1g Rokich RQ: ©, Milagre! RUg/'40A pane Channel SHocher Maite ape OIE, HoREh Qe (oot Ke (9 Or 13 PORs, QR: 14 QBs, Bo, OWO; 10 O° Ky, Boke RS PR te eRe! Cote ad tony Bay BORG; te B—Ry Q Qa ues OR Or; t7 Rene Boe = Taraach | Janowal Vion ip KUCH To MSsthn San Stastny it Rex Rey On) tr OG, Roe: fo @ Faally goody 19K OR: 2g Pe ORY BRA 25 RDA Bs, KEXB: 15 QX Kt, P—OKtg; _ altemative is J.-B Ka 9 Kt hs, O— TORQ}, BOK (laraiow) OF 10, BGs, Poy it PP ep, ro KA, B oo RUC Pia ie Boks Keke B O35, BXQ BRS Dominion Saisusbasiey mid iages ter 483) P-QRy # BAKs, 69 Sets Paar, Vinny 158. RSS akte-bs, Recht av GBs 6. Rts ie fated by 7 B08, cin, SELEY dE ASSO) The Cnc Panini 0-0; cr KR-Os, Rokey 12 FOS, KRG, PX Py ro BX Pe end, 6 o.2 3, 60-0 ave Wht wy RESULT Ma, @ Weakis7 PX, P XB;SQ—Kac, ‘Notes continued on . 99 fog in atahy op, 6. Rt Kap 7 Ke BU STR Ox ny 8 Bohs, PE ls ‘Noes continued on p99
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