Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana
Medical Marijuana
Adeel Nadeem
Professor Sgroi
English 101
Essay 5 Persuasive
Medical Marijuana
Marijuana, also known as weed, pot, grass, bud, Mary Jane, and a vast number of other
slang terms is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis
sativa the hemp plant. As of today, marijuana is an illegal drug in the USA and many other parts
of the world. There are hundreds of reasons why people say marijuana became illegal. Most say
its mainly because of propaganda because big tobacco companies are making too much money
off of cigarettes from the millions of smokers. Marijuana is illegal, yet its the most used drug in
America. Studies have shown 42% of people in the U.S. have tried marijuana at least once.
Thats about half of the population. The topic of legalizing marijuana for medical use is a
controversial issue for years. Four states have already legalized marijuana however, there is lot of
debate about whether or not marijuana should be legalized. It will have a huge impact on our
society in good and bad ways. Legalizing Marijuana would affect our youth, medical health, and
Marijuana has a very big impact on our society, especially on teens because they are one
of the main consumers. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Marijuana
use is most common among young adults aged 18-25. In this age group, marijuana is most
popular with college students. Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control report that 30.2 percent of
college students have used marijuana in the past year (OMalley, 1). It effects our learning
ability, memory, ability to pay attention, and many other aspects. These can last for days or
weeks. Marijuana is becoming a bigger and bigger matter in our society as time goes on. The rate
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of teen smokers has been growing over the past years. There are lots of teenagers out there who
sell weed to their friends to make quick easy bucks, this gets them hooked on it. Buying
Marijuana illegally exposes teens to other drugs in the illegal market. A regulated, legal market
in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers, as well as reduce their
exposure to other drugs in the illegal market. On the other hand, many say that smoking
marijuana has no effects at all. It does not prevent your brain cells from learning or cause short
term memory. Your memory is affected by smoking pot only during the time that the main effects
are being felt.
One of the main reason weed is illegal is because the negative health effects caused by it
as most scientists have stated. Dizziness, Shallow breathing, red eyes and dilated, pupils, dry
mouth, increased appetite, and slower reaction time are some of the short term of effects of weed.
There are also long term effects such as; depression disorder, Suicidal behavior, memory loss,
and brain damage. However, Study after study has found that marijuana is less harmful than
alcohol and tobacco. At one time it was said that smoking weed could, over time, cause brain
damage and could also result in an increased risk of lung cancer, but it has never been proven. In
fact, Marijuana-derived compound forces cancer cells to freeze and prevents them from
spreading. Professor, Lester Grinspoon of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School stated Although
cannabis has been smoked widely in Western countries for more than four decades, there have
been no reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema attributed to marijuana (Grinspoon, 2).
Another study conducted by the Center's investigators assessed the use of marijuana as a
treatment for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. That study determined that "smoked
cannabis was superior to placebo in reducing spasticity and pain in patients with MS, and
provided some benefit beyond currently prescribed treatments (Armentano, 1). Marijuana has
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lots of value in our society due to its medical use and other positive attributes. Peoples view on
weed has changed over the year. Marijuana is more socially acceptable than it was before. Over
the years more and more people have started to argue and debate that weed should be legalized. I
believe as of right now there are more people supporting weed than against it.
Legalizing marijuana could potentially generate $8.7 billion in federal and state tax
revenue per year. Over 800,000 people are arrested for selling or using marijuana in the U.S.
each year. All these arrests cost lots of money which is our tax money that is being used to lock
up these drug dealers. Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado are the four states that have
already legalized marijuana. According to sales data from Colorados Department of Revenue
Colorados monthly marijuana sales top $100 million. Dan Riffle, Director of Federal Policies
for the Marijuana Policy Project said, It means that $100 million is going to licensed, taxpaying
businesses, creating jobs and helping to build new schools instead of going to cartels and
drug dealers as is the case in the 46 states that didnt regulate marijuana (Stableford, 2).
Legalizing marijuana might be very beneficial. It can help us make our communities better with
more funds to build roads, build better houses, make the environment more comfortable and
build schools which will improve our education system like Don stated. It could also improve
our medical system. Not only that, but the public wants the government to legalize it.
Its difficult to see why weed is still illegal in most states. Marijuana has many good and
bad effects. I dont know why most politicians assume that supporting marijuana would yield a
negative feedback from the citizens even though most of the population supports it. There are
many other things that are just as harmful as marijuana that are legal or even worse. Such as,
cigarettes, alcohol, and tanning beds. This is America, the land of freedom and about choice.
Even if marijuana is harmful, let everyone live their own life and make their own decisions. Give
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the people the choice to enjoy what they want without the fear of getting criticized or prosecuted.
Also, in this tough economic times the government should be looking for ways to create jobs and
produce ongoing revenue. It is a win-win type of situation. So I dont see whats the hold up.
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Works Cited
1. Armentano, Paul. " - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws." Working
to Reform Marijuana Laws. NORML Foundation, 28 Aug. 2015. Web. 13 Apr.
2. "Marijuana Use Statistics." Marijuana Use Facts. Drug Rehab 101, n.d. Web. 13
Apr. 2016.
3. 05, May. "Puffing Is the Best Medicine." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times,
05 May 2006. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
4. Stableford, Dylan. "Colorado's Monthly Marijuana Sales Top $100 Million."
Colorado's Monthly Marijuana Sales Top $100 Million. N.p., 12 Oct. 2015. Web.
13 Apr. 2016.