Palm Kernel Oil, Olein & Stearin
Palm Kernel Oil, Olein & Stearin
Palm Kernel Oil, Olein & Stearin
Palm Oil is the world number one produced edible oil. 80% of crude palm oil is
produced in the Asia Pacific region with the main oil producing countries being
Malaysia and Indonesia. Crude Palm oil is obtained from the pericarp of palm fruit
and crude palm kernel oil is obtained from the seed or kernel. The majority of
exported product is in the form of refined oil.
Standard specifications:
Max 5.00%
Max 0.50%
Iodine Value:
Max 19
Max 5.00%
Max 0.50%
Iodine Value:
Min 21
Max 5.00%
Max 0.50%
Iodine Value:
Max 8
Max 0.10%
Max 0.10%
Iodine Value:
Max 19
Melting Point:
Max 0.10%
Max 0.10%
Iodine Value:
Min 21
Melting Point:
Max 24
Max 0.10%
Max 0.10%
Iodine Value:
Max 8
Melting Point:
Min 44