Research Paper and Report Outline

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Environment, Behaviour & Society Research Group



The below has been prepared to help all research students with the writing and organising of research
papers and reports including dissertations and theses. The first four pages, to the end of Methods,
are also relevant for research proposals.

What is a research paper or report, including a thesis report?

Form of professional documentation and communication
Designed so readers can extract information readily and easily
Describes research work in sufficient detail for it to be verified (and maybe repeated or at least
built off) by others
Interprets/draws conclusions from data
Places research questions and conclusions in context of related research work in the field
Language and style:
Use objective language
Avoid words/phrases with a meaning that could be misunderstood
Avoid bias in language scholarly writing should be free of implied or irrelevant evaluation of
a group or individuals being studied
Ensure simplicity and clarity ensure it is easy to follow your thinking
Contemporary science and scholarship use the active voice as much as possible
Use the past tense for things already done, eg, research methods, tests applied, etc.; use the
present tense for things that live on, eg, the findings and conclusions drawn
Present information in a logical order for the reader
The quality of your written communication will influence your readers understanding
Follow a standard style guide EBS and most of the social/environmental sciences worldwide
use the APA Publication Manual
For dissertations and theses being submitted in Australia, use Australian spelling and
punctuation throughout; for manuscripts being submitted to a journal, follow the journals
Research terminology:
Use appropriate research terminology
Define terms when first used; do not give list of definitions
Write terms in full before using acronyms
A scholarly research paper, report or thesis has:
An informative summary (the abstract)
Subdivisions with headings and subheadings (two levels are quite sufficient)
Main points made obvious
All factual statements supported by references to peer-reviewed research or by data from this

Parts of the first four subsections have been used by permission of Dr Meloni Muir, Practical Report Writing,
School of Medical Sciences, University of Sydney.
See the APA Publications Manual (5 edition), section 2.12, pp 61-76 for an excellent set of guidelines for
avoiding unintentional bias in language.

Environment, Behaviour & Society Research Group

The structure and content of a research paper, report or thesis should be appropriate to your research
topic. A classic research report, in any field, contains four basic sections (though the names and the
numbers of actual sections or chapters may vary):
Introduction (background literature review)
Discussion (interpretations, conclusions, recommendations)
Plus of course references, acknowledgments and maybe appendices (in a report, but not in a paper)
Below is an outline for a typical Hons, MPhil, PhD or Post-doc research paper, report or thesis:

Title Page
Title: The title summarises the main idea of the paper simply and, if possible, with style
o A concise statement of the main topic of the research
o Identify the actual variables or theoretical issues under investigation and the relations
between them
o Fully explanatory when standing alone
o A good title easily compresses to the running head used for published papers
o Titles are commonly indexed and compiled by abstracting and indexing services into
reference works; therefore avoid words that serve no useful purpose, eg, the words
method and results do not normally appear in a title, nor should such redundancies as a
study of or research on
o Avoid abbreviations and acronyms
o Recommended length no more than 10 to 12 words
By-line: Author(s) name and institutional affiliation, eg, Environment, Behaviour & Society
Research Group, The University of Sydney
Date submitted
Running head: Abbreviated title recommended to the publisher as a running head; limited to
50 characters including spaces, shorter is better
Table of Contents
For theses and other reports only, not for papers
Recommended to use Words automatic Table of Contents generator
The abstract is a brief summary (one paragraph of 100-120 words) covering:
Purpose of the research
Overview of what is known from the research literature
Main research question and/or hypothesis
Overview of research methodology
Summary of principle findings
Ending with the significance of the research (very important for research proposals; frowned
upon for papers)
The abstract should be:
Self-contained (eg, define all abbreviations, or do not use them; spell out names, do not use
acronyms, etc.)
Coherent and readable, eg, use active rather than passive voice

Introduction and Review of Research Literature

The introduction is likely one-quarter of the paper or thesis the purpose, background and review of
related research. Include the following:


For additional details on some of the below items, see the APA Publication Manual (5 edition).

Environment, Behaviour & Society Research Group

Objectives and/or Aims

The purpose and potential significance of the study, ie, the problem under investigation,
and why it is important
The objectives and/or claims of the research

Critical Integrative Review of Background Research Literature

Background of existing research in the domain of your topic
What is known and what is not known
Leading to the identification of gaps in existing knowledge
Subdivide into several sections, each dealing with a different body of relevant prior
Include discussion of the theory(ies) underlying the research
Review and critique major research methods previously used in this domain
All research terms defined
In total, tell your reader what is known and what is not known (gaps) in the domain of your
research topic
Leads logically to and supports the research questions or hypotheses

Research Questions and/or Hypotheses

Flowing from the above review the specific research questions, and hypotheses if
appropriate, that were investigated
The gaps in current knowledge turned into researchable questions and/or hypotheses
Include subquestions, but avoid pseudo- or procedural questions

Another ca one-quarter of the paper or thesis the what and how of the research:
Describe how the study was conducted and why the methods used were appropriate
Enable the reader to evaluate the appropriateness of your methods, and therefore the
reliability and validity of your results
Tell the reader what you did and how you did it in sufficient detail so that a reader could
reasonably replicate your study
Subdivide into several labelled sections and subsections, each dealing with a different part of
the research methodology, depending on topic, but include at least the following sections and

Research Design
The mode of inquiry that was deemed most appropriate for this research, ie, into which
epistemology and mode of inquiry did it fit, and why?
Overall plan of the research two stages, preliminary and main study, etc (as
This section is unusual in sciences where everyone follows the same received
methodology, eg, psychology where everything is experimental, or physiology or other
bench sciences, but is needed in our field as the range of modes of inquiry or
methodologies varies widely; it is therefore necessary to indicate and justify the basic
methodology selected

Pilot Study(ies)
Details of any pilot studies conducted to refine and test instruments, etc.

Participants: Population and Sample

Appropriate identification of the population and sample are critical for assessing the
results and generalising the findings
Identify the population that is relevant for the research under investigation
Indicate how the sample was selected, including how the size of the sample(s) was
decided and what type of sample it was (simple random, stratified random, and why)
Indicate any agreements or payments etc made to participants
Include mention of ethical considerations and how handled
Characterise the final sample along lines that will be most useful to determine how far the
data can be generalised, eg, numbers from different ethnic groups, or other analytic
variables relevant to the dependent outcome variables

Environment, Behaviour & Society Research Group

Data or Other Information Collection Methods

What type of information, evidence or data was collected to answer the research
questions or test the hypotheses?
Articulate the constructs implied in the research questions and/or hypotheses and the
variables selected to measure them
Detailed description of data collection instruments (for independent, mediating or
moderating variables and dependent variables), and how they relate to the constructs and
For text-based interpretive research, this would be the types of evidence used and how
they were gathered
For field, laboratory or simulation research, this is the types of data collection methods
used including constructs and variables and instruments
Address quality assurance: reliability, construct and internal validity, and

Summary of each step in the execution of the research
Summarise instructions to participants (with actual protocols in the appendix of a report)
Include specific experimental manipulations (if appropriate), sequencing of administering
pre- and post-tests, etc. (as appropriate)
Describe randomisation, counterbalancing and other control features of the design (as
Most readers are familiar with standard procedures that are well published; dont repeat
details of them; describe in detail any unique or new procedures

Data/Information Analysis
Describe the specific quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis methods that were used
to analyse or evaluate the data or information, and why they were appropriate
For qualitative and interpretive research, explain in detail how you evaluated the
information in front of you, qualitative, interpretative, structural analysis, etc
For prototype development research, give details of how you assessed the object
developed and against what criteria you tested and evaluated it
For field or laboratory research, give details of quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis
methods employed
Ensure your reader is clear what data analysis techniques you used to analyse the data
for each question, and why
Sometimes this section is put into results, as a description of the data analysis methods
used for each research question and associated findings, but it is preferable to put it in the
end of Methods to combine in one place all the methods used in the study

Perhaps as much as one-third of the thesis, report or paper what you found from the research:
Summarise the data collected and the findings relative to each research question and/or
Divide the section into several subsections, each reporting the findings in answer to one of the
research questions.
Include all relevant results, including those that run counter to expectation
For quantitative analyses, report levels of statistical significance and effect size/strength of
relationship indicators
Include sufficient descriptive statistics so the direction of the findings and the nature of the
effect being reported can be understood by the reader
For qualitative analyses, report sufficient detail to justify how you arrived at the results and so
the reader can assess the validity of the findings
Just the facts here; do not discuss or interpret the data (that comes in the next section)
Include tables and figures as appropriate (eg, ANOVA tables, figures or explanatory qualitative
diagrams that illustrate complex relationships and comparisons)
Tell the reader what to look for in tables and figures and provide sufficient explanation to make
them readily intelligible

See the APA Publication Manual, pp 21-26, 130-144 for additional information on the presentation of statistics.
See Miles and Huberman (1994), Qualitative Data Analysis: A Sourcebook of New Methods (Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage) for some ways of presenting qualitative analyses.
See the APA Publication Manual, sections 3.62-3.86, for detailed information on tables and figures.

Environment, Behaviour & Society Research Group

Avoid using tables for data that can be presented easily in a few sentences in the text
Be scrupulous in presenting the data in as fair a manner as possible
For multiple studies being reported in one paper or report, describe the method and results of
each study separately

Discussion and Conclusion

Maybe just one-sixth of the paper, report or thesis, but a critical part, putting the results into context:
Summarise the most important findings from the study; open the section with a clear
statement of the support or non-support for the original hypotheses or the essential answers to
the major research questions
Discuss similarities and differences between the results and the work of others
Evaluate and interpret the findings, ie, interpret or give meaning to the findings, tying them
back to the research questions, hypotheses, theory(ies) and previous research reviewed
earlier in the paper or report
Emphasise any theoretical implications of the results
Discuss the strengths and limitations of the study: acknowledge limitations (be specific),
suggest improvements and address alternative explanations for the results
Discuss the overall significance of the findings, ie, comment on the importance of the findings
Discuss the policy, planning and/or design implications as appropriate
Discuss what would be the next steps in continuing research and development
Include a list of archival references, in standard APA format, of all published work directly cited
in the paper
If a reference is not in English, translate the title into English (in parentheses).
Do not reference unpublished or internal reports, unpublished papers, conference papers that
have not been published, or papers or books in languages that are unlikely to be known to a
majority of readers.
Minimise the use of on-line internet sources, as most are not refereed and do not constitute
scholarly archival literature. Do not cite ephemeral or non-peer-reviewed website
information. For on-line refereed publications and major government reports, use the
standard APA citation format, and cite the date of retrieval.
Helpful if the detailed description of certain material is distracting or inappropriate in the body
of the report
Include research protocols, unpublished tests and its validation, new computer program
designed for your research, instruments, consent forms, etc. (include in reports, but usually
not in papers)
Authors Note or Acknowledgements
Identify sources of financial support
Acknowledge supervisors and other colleagues professional contributions to the study
Include disclosures, eg, that the study is based on a PhD thesis, the results were presented
earlier at a conference, and any relationships that raise the possibility of being perceived as a
conflict of interest
Include contact details for further information concerning the research
d:\wpfiles\teaching\courses\research paper-report outline-long version.doc
Rev: 20 October 2009

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