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SR 9 Sporting Rifle Caliber .308 Winchester Instruction Manual ng SS Heckler & Koch, Inc. WARNING: Read this manual before using this firearmSAFETY RULES Please read this before handling your fimarm Tho folowing safoy rules are placedin this manual by Hecwer & Kach, Ines as an Impartant taminder that resins salety is your iaspensbity, seams can bo dangerous and can potentially cause se lous injury, carnage to aroperty oi Gea a handled impropart lever point a firearm al anyone, orin any directon ater than @ SAFE le, downrange. rection 2 Always treat allrearms ail thoy were loaded 3. Keapyaurtrgor el he viggor unl our sights aio onthe target 4. Keep your linger oll he tggar while loading or unloading these 5. Be sure of your target andthe tack clop boyond 5. Naver aiveta or take.a trearm tom anyone uniess the action i open, 7, Be sure that the ammunition you avo using actory loaded ands not damaged in/any way. Avoid urs arena, 8. Before tine, remove the magazine ram te weapon, lek tho bot to the rear and Check he barral of your unloaded firearm lar any poscisle abstractions 8. Before fring any firearm untamitar to yeu, make sure thal you understand how lunctors. Untamilantycan cause serious accitarts, Aloida eonileatainng Bu20n any. firearm which you mand use or uthwich youre ma sutlceety toma 0. Wear hearing protection and aye pratection whon shooting your Froarn, 11. Keep your hands enc fingers away tram the muzzle fa avold.iniy or burn 12, Firearms end ammunition should be stored sapsratoly boyord the eeach’of clare, -Aveld ineuse of drugs ard alcoholic beverages baforeand durngany shoeing REMEMBER: A FIREARM HAS THE CAPABIL- ITY OF TAKING YOUR LIFE OF THE LIFE OF SOMEONE ELSEI GE CAREFUL WITH YOUR FIREARM —AN ACCIDENTIS ALMOST ALWAYS THE RESULT OF NOT FOLLOWING BASIC SAFETY FULES, SR-9 Sporting Rifle Caliber .308 Winchester (7.62mm x 51 NATO) Heckler & Koch, Inc. 21480 Pacific Biv. Sterling. Virginia 22170 USA Tel. (703) 450-1900Table of Contents Section | Section II Section Ill Section IV Section V Section VI Section Vil Section Vill Section 1x Section X Section Xl Section Xi) Introduction Function and Operation of the Rifle Ammunition Loading and Handling the SA-9 Field Stripping for Cleaning & Reassembly Cleaning and Maintenance ‘Adjusting Sights Trouble Shooting Parts Uist & Exploded Views Accessories Technical Specifications Getting the most out of your new rifle 24 26 28 30 34 95 SECTION |- Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of the SR-9, This 208 NATO caliber small arm wes produced in accordance with the most advanced manufacturing methods. The SR-9 is a delayed blow back operated rile with stationary barrel and delayed roller locked bot system, This rifle features a full profile cold hammer forged polygonal rifled atrel, a state-of-the-art third generation butfer system taken from the Hk MSG-90 sniper rifle, and a unique “Ihumbnote” kevlar reinforced fiberglass ‘woodgrain’ buttstock and forend. Please read the following satety anc operating instructions.SECTION Il - Function and Operation 4. CAUTION — If you have not read the safely rules on the inside cover of this owners manual, please do so now before continuing. 2, IMPORTANT — The nomenclature of the SA-9 operating paris and contiols fallow. Please study them so that you can better understand the operating instructions. oro (Figure 14) vad inaooe erg aa (Figure 18) 3. OPERATING PRINCIPLE IN BRIEF The weapon is loaded and cocked with the safely off Pulling the trigger releases the hammer. which strikes the firing pin The cartridge Isignited. The powdorgasesthus gonoratod criva tho bullet out of the barrel. At the same time, these gases also exert pressure on the cartridge case. This causes forces to aci an the bolt head face: a partion of these torces is transmitted to the receiver and a poriion to the bolt head carrier via the locking piece; the angular ratio of the locking piece and barrel extension results in @ delayed reaction movement of the bolthead. The bolt head must frst rol the rollers in onto the lecking piece to begin pushing the bolt carrier to the rear belore it and the bolt head carriar are free to move tothe rear. This quarantees that the bolt keeps the barral lockad until tre bullot has left tho muzzle. (Figure 2 - Bolt in lacked position)Aier the locking rollers have been fully cammed into the bolt head the bolt can continue its recoil mavement. In the course of this movernent, the empty cartridge case is ejacted and the hammer recacked, Atthe sama time, the recoil spring is compressed, which returns the bolt oite forward position. During the course o/ thisprocess, anow founds chambered from he magazine. The extractor engages the extracting groove in the cartridge case. As a result of the bavelied surlagoe of the locking piece, the locking rollers are cammed into the supporting surfacesin the barrel extension. The weapon isnov. reacy to fire agan, (Figure 9 - Bolin unlocked position) SECTION Ill - Ammunition AMMUNITION WARNING NOTICE: HECKLER & KOCH, INC. SPECIFICALLY DIS- CLAIMS ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAN AGE OR INJURY THAT SHOULD OCCUR BE- CAUSE OF, OR AS A RESULT OF, THE USE OF FAULTY, RE-MANUFACTURED, OR RELOADED AMMUNITION {HAND LOADED), OR MILITARY SURPLUS AMMUNITION WHICH DOES NOT MEET SAAMI OR NATO SPECIFICATIONS, OR OF CARTRIDGES OTHER THAN THOSE FOR, WHICH THE RIFLE WAS ORIGINALLY CHAN- BERED IN 7.82 X 51 ALSO KNOWN AS .308 WINCHESTER OR 7.62 NATO. The following guide lines should be considered whan selecting the correct ammunition for your if 1..Be surethe ammunition you havechosen is compatible with your ‘woapon; propor calibor, designatod 7,62 « 51, .308 Winchastor or 7.82 NATO. 2. Prior to loading the magazine and chamber, carafully inspect all cartridges for the following abnormalities: a. cracked or split cases b. improperly seated bullets and primers , damaged bullets corroded cases WARNING: IMPROPERLY LOADED AMMUNITIONCAN CAUSE DAMAGETO THERIFLE AND/OR DEATH OR SERIOUSINJURY TO THE SHOOTER OR BYSTANDERS.3, Do not attempt to fire a round in which the projectile has been foread back into the case. Ths condition, upon fring may result in increased chamber pressure above safe limits. 4, Use of military surplus ammunition is sky. Some lots of military surplus ammunition are overpressure andar primed with corrosive primers. Heckler& Koch, Inc. will not repair under waeranty any Hi firearm damaged or corroded by military surplus ammunition. 5, If you need advice on ammunition selection seo your HK Authorized Dealership, or call our Customer Service Department at 1-703-450-1900, SECTION IV - Loading and Handling the SR-9 CAUTION: Practice all steps in this manual with an unloaded rifle until you are familiar with the rifle. Treat your rifle with the caution and respect due to a loaded gun even when it is unloaded. WARNING: FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS SAFETY PRACTICE CAN LEAD TO AN ACCIDENTAL FIRING WHICH CAN CAUSE DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. Keepthe fle pointed in a sate direction at alltimes. Asate direction is one in which an accidentally fired bullet will cause no injury and minimal or no property damage. 4. Toload the SA9 first insure that the salty isin the safe pesition as shown below, (Figure 4) Tho safety aale (safety) is located on the left side of the rifle just above the triggor. Itis in the safe position whan the thumbpiece is aligned in its detent stop next to the white figure “O". A safely incicator is located on the right side of the rifle oppesite the safely saiteh. The white ine on the indicator will point to “O" when safely isonCAUTION: The rifle will fire it you hold the trigger pulled and switch the safety to the “fire” position (1). 2. Depress the magazine release bulton on the rightside of the rile (see Fig. 5) (Figuro 5) and withdraw the magazine downward and away fromthe rifle, Set the magazine aside 3. Grasp the cocking handle and pullit to the rear as far sit wil. go. With the cacking hancle pullad back, raise the cocking handle into the retaining notch and let go of t. The cocking handle wil stay to the rear in this notch, 4. Look into the ejection port (Fig. 1A) and examine the cartridge chamber at the rear of the barrel to make sure that it contans no ammunition. if thechamberis empty, place the rile aside. Iitisnot, ‘see the trouble shooting section. . Now thatthe rifle has been cleared of ammunition and placed an safe, you may load cartridgas into the magazine. Uso ammunition as described in Section III - ‘Ammunition. 10 5. While holding magazine in one hand, depress cartidges straight down into the magazine with the tips of the bullets pointing toward the front of he magazine (See Fig. 6) (Figure 8) until the cartridge snaps under either the lek or right magazine lip. The standard magazineholds upto 5rounds, and optional magazines can hold up to 20 rounds CAUTION: Do not attempt to load more than the prescribed number of rounds into these magazines. Donotalter the shape o/ the magazine housing or the follower. Do not lengthen or alter magazine spring, To do so may cause malfunetion of the system or the magazine may not seat or feed properly. Use only genuine HK magazines. 7. Insert the loaded magazine irito the magazine well (Fig. 1B) with tha bullets pointing taviard the front of the rifle. Swing magazine upwards and rearward simultaneously (Figure 7) Press itin until you nearthe magazine catch click" which locks tinto place.8. Be sure the rill is now pointed in a safe diraction. Hold the grip firmly in the firing hand. Smartly slap tha cocking handle dawn out ol the rataining notch with your other hand going in a right to lett movion NOTE: Always allow the cocking hardle to lly forviard by isell. Do ‘ot try to ease fi shut. Doing this will not allow the bol te lock in battery position and could resut in a misfire You have now placed @ live cartridge into the tring ckamber of the barrel. Grasp the forend (Fig. 18) with one hand supporting the other on the grip (Fig. 1) 9. Bring the buttstock to your shoulder. Align the rifle with your target. Depress the thumbpiece of the safaty until it stops at its dotent stop aligned with the red number 1” (Fig, 8) (Figure 8) Your SR-9 is now ready to lire. WARNING: BEFORE YOU SHOOT. KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR BULLET WILL HIT AT YOUR TARGET AND BEYOND IT. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A PROPER, BACKSTOP THAT WILL FULLY STOP THE BULLET. BE SAFE, NOT SORRY. DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY CAN OCCUR! 1, Align the sights on your target by means of the dopterhole and the front sight. Make sure that the target appears to be resting on top af the front sight post and is properly centered and that there is aneven circle of light between the innercircumference ofthe diopter hole and the outer cizeumforenco of tha trent sight hcldor (Fig, 9). eto Fone (Figure 9) 1. With the sights alignecias describe previously, breath in, breath out and relax while holding your breath. Apply astoadiy increasing pressure to the trigger, When the pressure you place on the trigger is enough, the rifle wil fre, The ritle ejects the fired cartridge case and loads a fresh cartridge from the magazine by itselt.. You aro ready to fire again as soon as you release the trigger allowing it io reset. You may continue ofirethe rife in this fashicn untilthe supply of cartridges in the magazine is exhausted. WARNING: IF THE RIFLE GOES "CLICK" AND DOES NOT FIRE A CHAMBERED CARTRIDGE, A “HANGFIRE” OR DE- LAYEDIGNITIONMAY OCCUR, ESPECIALLY WITH OLD AMMO (REFER TO SECTION Ill - AMMUNITION). KEEP THE RIFLE AIMED AT TARGET FOR 20 SECONDS. IF THE RIFLE DOES NOT FIRE, REMOVE THE MAGAZINE, PUT ON SAFE, UNLOAD DEFECTIVE CARTRIDGE AVOIDING EXPOSURE TO THE EJECTION PORT. DISCARD DEFECTIVE CARTRIDGE IN A SAFE PLACE. IF YOU HEAR ANY UNUSUAL NOISE, PARTIAL EJECTION OF BRASS, OR REDUCED LOAD, UNLOAD RIFLE, DISASSEMBLE AND INSPECT BARREL TO MAKE SURE NO BULLET IS STUCK IN BARREL. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIRE THE RIFLE WITH A BLOCKED BARREL. DAMAGE WILL RESULT AND DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY IS POSSIBLE,12. Reloading the Rifle Should you wish to roload the rifle with a spare loaded magazine, fitst place the rifle on sate (Fig. 4). Press the magazine release button and withdraw the empty magazine (Fig. §). Pull the cocking handle to the rear. Insert tho freshly filed magazine until it locks (Fig. 7). Slap the loading handle down to chamber a cartridge. Place the ritle on fire (Fig. 8) and you may realign the sights and continue firing as above. WARNING: DURING RELOADING POINT THE RIFLE ONLY AT YOUR INTENDED TARGET, DO NOT POINT IT AT YOUR TOES, SHOOTING BENCH, OTHER PER- SONS, OR ANYTHING YOU DO NOT INTEND TO SHOOT, DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY CAN OCCUR. 13. Unloading and Clearing To unload and clear your SR-9, frst point rifle in a safe direction, place the safety axle in the sa’e position, Remove the magazine Draw the cocking nandleto therearandiockitthere. It yourritewas loaded the cartridge thatwasinthe firing chamber will be ejected out through the ejection port, Look through the ejaction port and make sure fo cartridge remains in the fing chamber. 14 SECTION V- Field Stripping for Cleaning & Reassembly A, Disassembly 4. First keep the rifle pointed in a sale direction, then unload and clear your SR-9 (refer to Section IV, Part 13). 2. Depress the cocking handle and allow the belt to close. 3, Remove buttstock locking oins by pressing them out rom side to side and then pulling them out. (See Fig. 10) (Figure 10) 4, Pull buttstock assembly straight back lo the rear; the entire buttstock assembly and recoil sorng willcome out as one unit. Note: Grip pancis are an integral part of the buttstock and will slide off of grip frame to the rear (See Fig. 108) (Figure 108) 155. To remove grig insert, turn out insert screws (2) and lift unit off pistol grip to the front (see Figure 18) 6. To remove grip assembly end tigger group swing the assemoly down and off ef the rile. (See Fig, 114) (Figure 114) 7. To remove the batt group, lay rifle on table or onthe ground, draw back cocking handle to tha rear. Noie: Make sure to place a hand bonind the receiver to catch bolt group. (See Fig. 1183) (Figure 118) 8, To remove forend @. Press out forend locking pin b, Remove forend, set aside (See Fig. 11C) 16 (Figure 110) 9. Stripping the bolt assembly a. Hold the bolt assembly with the bolt head to the lett b. Turn bolt head one-half tum away trom you (Fig. 11D) (Figure 11D) With your left hand, pull bolt head away trom bolt cartier. . Motate the licking piece away tran you and draw out then remove firing pin and firing pin spring from the bolt carrier. (See Fig. 11E). See Fig. 11F for belt group parts e116) 17YUN) —— eee (Figure 117) The bolt assembly consists of 4. bolt head cartier with recoil spring tube, bolthead locking lever, locking lover, spring and retairing pin 2.bolthead and locking rollers, locking raller holderandpin, extractor and extractor spring 8. locking piece 4. firing pin spring 5. firing pin ‘The bolt assembly is housed and quided in the receiver. In conjunction with the recoil spring the bolt feeds and fires the cartridge and also serves to extract and eject the empty case after firing and to cock the hammer. 10. The grip assembly can be luthor disassambled for cleaning as follows: 18 a. Rotate the safety thumbpiece up past the safe position until itis pointing straight up. (See Fig. 124). Itcan now be drawn ut the left side of the grip assembly. The trigger mechanism can be taken out from the top of the grin frame by pulling up on the hammer or mechanism assembly. (Soe Fig. 28) NOTE: No turther disassembly of the trigger mechanism is required. No further disassembly of the trigger group is rec- ommended. (Figure 124) (Figure 128) B. Reassombly Reassembly is performed alter the rifle has been cleaned. 4. Replace the trigger mechanism into the grip frame ta the same position it came from. 2, Insert the safety axle into the hole with the thumbpiece pointing Up. When itis inserted as far as it will go, rotate the thumbpiece toward the safe. or “0” position untl it engages the detent stop. Put tho grip assambly aside now. 3, Take up the bolt carrier and place therfiring pin into the bolt carrier from the front. Make sure the pointed end of the firing pin is protruding front he {rant of the bolt carrier. (See Fig. 194) 19.(Figure 194) 4, Place the firing pin spring around the firing pin. Slide the lacking piece into fring pin. (See Fig. 196) (Figure 138) 5, A. Depress the locking piece into the bolt carrier and turn it one quarter clockwise. (See Fig. 130) (Figure 130) 20 B. Push the bolt head with the long ejector out facing upward and the slanted surface under the nose of the belt head locking lover, holding a cistanca of Smm or about the thickness of a rulerbetween the face o! theboltarrier anc the back of thebolt head. (See Fig. 13D). Turn the bolt head to the right maxing sure that the nose of the belt head locking lever stays on the raised shoulder of the bolt head, (See Fig, 13E). Continue to rotate bolt heac unti the long ejector cut and slanted surtaceis, facing downward (Figure 120) (Figure 196) a©. Grasp belt head with loft hand and bel carrier with the right hand. Pullthebott headandthe bolt carrierin oppositedirections. This will pull the locking rollers inside the bolt head and allow it to be roinstallad inio tho receivar, 6. Insert bolt assembly into the rear of the receiver. The long recoil spring guide or the bolt carrier goasin first NOTE: The bolt head must be extendec forward to aliow rollers to collapse into the bolt head, allowing the bolt assembly fo enter the receiver. (See Fig. 14) (Figure 14) 7. Seat the front bottom edge of the grip assembly on the shal or back of the magazine well. Swing the grip assembly up onto the receiver. (See Fig. 15) (Figure 15) 22 8, Slide butisiock assembly straight onto the receiver, letting the grip panels slip back over the grin frame. (See Fig. 168), (Figure 16a) Replace grip insert and two screws. Replace the two bultstock locking pins. (See Fig, 168). (Figure 168) Replace the forend onthe barrel. Pustin the forendiockingpin. The SF.9 is row reassembled, 23SECTION VI - Cleaning and Maintenance WARNING: Make sure rifle is unloaded before cleaning. Death or serious injury could occur from accidental discharge. The service life and performance of your rile will depend upon correct handling and proporcleaning. Even though modorn factory loaded ammunition does aot promote corrosion, it does not inhibit it either, The SA-9 receiver is phosphated and a bakes lacquer Is applied over the phosphating to maximize corrosion resistance. Alter every shooting, the following procedure is recommended for cleaning 1. Field str the tile (desorbed previously), 2. Clean the barrel and chamber arse with a good cleaning ail or soivent, Cleaning oll and jubricants found to be elfective include. Ballistol, Break-Free CLP, Hopes #9 and for bore cleaning only Shooters Choice and Hopoes Bench Rest. Apply't frst witha brass orbronze bore brush of the 7.62 oF 00 caliber size. (NOTE: Do nol Use stainless steel bore brushes. They will destroy polygonal ‘ifing). Run through 6 to & times, followed by clean patches soaked in bore cleaner until the patches come out clean, Run a dry patch through the barrel to remove all excess nore cleaner. Then run a patch with oll down the barrel. Belore shooting mun @ dry patch through to remove oi. 3. Wipe the built-up biack carbon deposits out of the locking recess area just behind the chamber with a 1ag soakedinceaning ail. The optional HK chamber face cleaning brush may be used on very heavy deposits, 4, Wips black fouling offother disassembled partswitharag soaked in cleaning oil. 24 §. When all parts are cleaned leave a light coat of oll on each par, 6. One oF tivo drops of oil should be placed inside the rear sight ‘assembly to aidin fighting corrosion and keep the sight parts able to move frealy. 7. Reassembie the rifle, NOTE: Nevor apply any cleaning fluids of oils to ammuniton. ‘These products can seep into cartridge cases and contaminate powder or priming compounds, resutting in misfires. 25SECTION Vil - Adjusting Sights WARNING: Make sure rifle is unloaded before adjusting the sights. Death or serious injury could occur trom accidental discharge. ‘Adjusting the HK rotary rear sight requires an HK sight adjusting tool. Adjustments are made as folio To adjust elevation: Look dawn into the rear sight drum and you will see four vertical grooves running up and dows. Opposing spring loaded catch bolls canbe seenppressing outward from the spindle into an opposing pair of vertical grooves. Slide the ‘fingers’ of the sight adjusting tool down into the same two grooves where the catch bolls are located until the fingers rest firmly on the catch bolts, While pressing the sight adustment tool down, sida the ecrewdriver shaft into the rear ofthe sight adjusting tool as faras it will go. The sorowdrivar shat cams the fingers together, which squeezes the catch bolts out of engagement with the sight drum and back into the body of the spindle. With ona hand, hioid the too! and screweriver still, and row you willbe able to folate the outer sight drum either up or down on the spingte to change elevation, (NOTE: To lower point of impact, turn clockwise, to raise point of impact tum counter-clockwise). Each 1/4 turn maves the point of lmpact 1.29 in (3.3em) at 109 yards (100 meters). When the sight adjusting tool is removed rom the sight, the catch . bolts will pop back out again and engage the sight crumat the point you have choson to set tha elevation. Tho roar sight drum and spindle assembly will now folate logether, and can be returned to the apenure hole you have chosen, (See Fig. 17). 26 (Figure 17) To Adjust Windage: Use the Phillips head screwdriver to Icosen the clamping screw at the top rear of the sight 2/4 of one turn (See Fig. 18). (Figure 18A) (Figure 188) Now with the screwdriver, turn the adjusting soraw, which is located atthe right rear of the sight, clockwise to move the point of impact. to tho loft, or counter clockwise to move tho point of impact to tho fight (See Fig. 188) Aller making windage adjustment re-tighten the clamping screw. NOTE: Each revolution of theadjustmant serew moves the pointot impact §.19 in, (13.2 em) to either side at a range of 109 yards (100 meters). 27SECTION Vill - Trouble Shooting Problems, Rifle goes click when trigger is pulled but does nat fire Reduced nose when gun fires. Cause(s) Hengfire (delayed ignition) Mistire (dud) Feilure of bolt to close Broken firing pin Rille not loaded Possible cartridge with litte oF no powder charge. 28 Remedy Problems, Cause(s) Remedy Continue to aim rife Rillo "jams" when Bullet shape too Change ammo ina sate Girection feeding flat, catches on for 20 sacands Alter 20 seconds unload weapon avoiding exposure: to ejection port, Discard dud round in acale place. A. Unioad title chock for empty brass casings, clean rile it heavily outed, B. Allow bolt to close, do not ease it shut! Roplace firing pin Load & seat maga- zine, load chamber Unload & clear ne Disassemble & in- spect barrel for stuck bullet. Return title to H& Repair Dept. to remove the bullet{from the barrel before attempting to fire. ‘edge of chamber Bent magazine lips Change magazino misguide carvidge (use only HK cr iai! to it cartridge genuine mags.) into position to feed Magazine rot Remove & insert ingorted correctly as in Section 4 Rille fails to eject Weak ammo Unload & or jects weakly disassemble & check for bullet stuck in barrel. I bullet is stuck in ‘barrel, rotum rifle tok Repair Dept Failure to extract, Weak exiractor. —Moxtractor ratios spiing loosiey on bot head replace extractor spring Failure to eject Broken elector Replace ejector in orip assembly NEED HELP? CONTACT HK CUSTOMER SERVICE AT (703) 450-1900 29HKSR-9TechnicalSpecifications | &s* Caliber - 208 Winchastor / 7.62 51mm Operation- Recoil operated, delayed roller locked bolt systam Magazine capacity -5 rounds Rilling - Po'ygonal tin 14 twist Barral length « 19.7" Overall length - 42.318" Sighis - Rotary aperture rear sight adjust- able for windage and elevation, hocced front sight, 30 31SECTION IX - SR-9 Parts List 34. Sately, compioto 205621 |. Receiver with barrel and eocking 25, tigger housing - 2oes4e fever housing ~ Factory Installed 38, Trigger - 225109 2. Cop completa 208497 37. Soar complata 20069 3. Rotary rear sight - 206495 38. Seat soring with roller 202645 4. Washer - 200871 39. Ejector axle complete - 200473 5. Toothed lock washer - 922617 420. Ejector soring - 200476 6. Clamping serow 200972 ah Efedor= 200477 7. Campression spring for ball~ 200383 42. Axle fo tigger and sear 2004s 8 Ball 929897 49, Trigger spring - 200483 9, Windage adjusting sorew - 00aa 4, Ate for hammer 200404 10, Magazine ealcn, complete 205618 45, Hammer siut- 200897 11. Compression spring for magazine cetch- 200893 46. Hammer soring 200498 12, Push buiton for magazine eatzh- 2oasaa 47, Distance slaove ~ 291029 13. Giamping sleave 920423 48, Axle for sear sexing 200402 14. Support for cocking lever - 200402 49 Hammer ~ 221021 18. Cocking lover - 2oanas 50, Buttock 700859 16, Elbovr spring for cocking lever - 200404 $1, Grp insert 701101 17. Gocking lever axle - Z00403 £2. Grip inser serows - 928891 18, Front sight - 200415 58. Back plate - 202051 419. Clamping eloove ‘922604 54, Butler 295875 20, Bolt ead carrier Factory Instaled 88, Countersunk serew for butler 200543 21. Locking piece - Factory Installed §6. Lock washer - 922615 22. Fring pia 00440 87. Buller serow 2oosat 23. Fing pia spring - 200841 58, Lock waster - 922614 24, Bolt head complete Factory instaled 59. Spring ting - sauta7 28, Extactor- 200444 60, Butt pad 701102 20, Exuactor spring - 20445 61. Reto} spring - 200525 27. Lacking rollers Factory Installed 62. Recoil soring quide ring 200524 28. Holder fr locking rellers- 200449 63. Recall saring stop pin - 200529 29, Clamping sleeve 2x6.9 200460 64, Two (2) rivetted gins 200828 40, Bolt nead locking lever - 200482 65, Butistock focking pin 200520 31. Compression soring for bolt head locking lever - 200453 86, Forend- 701100 22, Gylincrical pin - 20085 87, Forerd locking pin 200869 33. Pistol grip frame = 22az64 58. Magazine, 5 rounds - 206709 32 33SECTION X - Accessories Genuine HK accessories can be purchased at any Hi Authorized Dealership. For the location nearest you, call (703) 450-100. #300009 - sight adjusting tool #700039 HK claw-lock quick detachable optic sight mount, 30mm tings with 1 inch inserts, #700212 - ARMS. brand quick detachable mount with Weaver system and NATO Stanag rail #221187 - 1200 meter tearsight #200594 - leather sling #211023 - cleaning kit #212499 - PSG-1 trigger mechanism #203362 - carrying handle #700589 - chamber face brush #700588 - cleaning rod #200913 - ejection port butfer 34 Section XI - HK SR-9 Technical Specifications Caliber - 308 Winchester ! 7.62 x Simm Operation - Recoil operated, delayed roller lacked bott system Magazine capacity’- 5 rounds Fifing - Polygonal 1 in 11 twist Barrel length - 19.7" Overall length - 42 3/8" Sights - Rotary aperture roar sight adjustablo for windage and elevation, hooded frant sightSection XIl - Getting the Most From Your New Rifle To insure long life and reliable functioning of your new ile, remember the following tips 1 ‘Make sure to allow the bolt to Go forward om its own spring power whan chambering around, Ifitis eased jorwardit will Not lock in battery and will not fire Beware of surplus or reloaded ammo. 1! may be less ‘expensive than factory but in the long run itwill cause more problems than i's worth, (Refer to Section I). Aftermarket andsurplus magazines are often substandarl, These can cause major feeding problems. You expect excellent performance from HK; substandard equioment can fail when you need it most. ‘Make sure the magazine is seated properly in the rile. A non-seated magazine will no! feed properly. Please review Soction IV, part 2 and 7. Keepyourweapon clean. Awell-cleaned and cared forritle will last a lifetime. 36 NotesSR 9 Sporting Rifle HECKLER & KOCH, INC. 21480 Pacfic Blvd, Sterling, Virginia 22170 USA TEL. (703) 450-1900 @ Heckler & Koch, Inc. USA 1990
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Clock Cleaning and Repairing - With a Chapter on Adding Quarter-Chimes to a Grandfather Clock
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