June 2010
June 2010
June 2010
JUNE, 2010
Music Notes
The Virtual Choir: How We Did It
“But get me a musician!” By Composer Eric Whitacre
“And then, while the musician was playing, the power of the Lord came on him.” In the 48 hours since we posted the Lux
–2 Kings 15 Aurumque Virtual Choir video, soaringleap.com
If ever there was an example that follows in the service. has seen an extraordinary number of visitors. I
of servanthood, then surely The conclusion of worship is a want to take this opportunity to give a brief
God placed it upon the lives song to thank God for his explanation how the Virtual Choir came to be.
of musicians. Saul, Elisha and Word and to provide strength A friend emailed me a link to a video, the lovely
Britlin Losee singing the soprano part to Sleep,
most prophets were always for the journey of life.
an a cappella choral work I wrote in 2000.
calling upon musicians to calm
It occurred to me that if 100 people recorded
their minds and put them into It is to this life of servanthood
their respective parts, we could line them up and
a sort of trance whereby God through music that we are create a virtual choir. Everyone bought the same
would communicate to the called. Never take for granted recording of Sleep from iTunes, a beautiful
prophets. Musicians were to your talent and contribution performance by the British choir Polyphony.
drop everything and obey the to call upon God in music. Singers around the world posted their individual
command of the prophets. In parts, singing along to the recording. Scott
Haines volunteered to cut it together.
the temple, musicians were The book of James challenges
I was thrilled, and wanted to see if we could push
servants providing the music us to put faith into action.
the concept to the next level. So this time, I
that accompanied the great Just as we are ser vants in made my own conductor track, filming it in
festivals and gave praise to music, may our lives reflect complete silence, hearing the music only in my
God on behalf of the people the same servanthood. Find head. Then I watched the video and played the
through music. Even in war, ways to give yourself away this piano accompaniment to my conductor track.
we are reminded of the summer in volunteering Then I offered the sheet music as a free
ser vanthood of music and within your church and your download. As singers began posting their
individual tracks, I called for ‘auditions’ for the
musicians as tools with which c o m m u n i t y. Ho n e y o u r
s o p r a n o s o l o . Me l o d y Me ye rs f ro m
to bring down walls as in servanthood to a sharp edge Tennessee posted my favorite entry.
Jericho and to rally the troops. just as you perfect your My goal with this ‘chapter’ of the Virtual Choir
musicianship in rehearsal. was to see if we could not sing our parts
To d a y, m u s i c i s s t i l l t h e separately and cut them together; I wanted to see
vehicle through which we May the music that we make if we could actually make music. There is a lot of
offer praise to God and await be a conduit for the “power of rubato in my conducting (slowing down, speeding
up) and some very specific dynamic gestures, and
his word to come to us within the Lord” to come upon us!
the singers responded beautifully.
the proclamation of the Word Amen!
When I saw the finished video for the first time I
The Virtual Choir actually teared up. The intimacy of all the faces,
the sound of the singing, the obvious poetic
symbolism about our shared humanity and our
need to connect; all of it completely
overwhelmed me.
I’m hoping that this is just the beginning. My
ultimate goal is to write an original piece for
Virtual Choir and receive its world premiere in
cyberspace, hundreds (maybe thousands) of
people singing alone together. Go to http://
ericwhitacre.com/the-virtual-choir to hear
the finished piece.
MEMBER AND FAMILY NEWS 6.2 miles. Drew also plays guitar June Anthems
(If you have information to share about on the Front Porch whenever
yo u o r yo u r fa m i l y, p l e a s e s e n d he is in from UT.
information in email jimlyon@mac.com. June 6 (Holy Communion Sunday)
One Bread, One Body (arr. Hayes)
If we inadvertently omit your name on
Two New Grandbabies
the birthday list or omit information you June 13 (Holston Annual
have submitted, contact Jim. ) Dick (Bass) and Connie Jackson Conference begins)
are new grandparents as well as Let the Trumpet Sound! (Curry)
Bill (banjo, guitar & singer on
June 20 (Fathers’ Day)
Ha p p y Ju n e the Front Porch) and Linda Gill A Loving Father (Bacon)
Birthday as of last month.
June 27
Unfor tunatel y, Congratulations! Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So! (Butler)
we have no June
Birthdays. List of Celebrities Grows
Phil Rickman, husband of Pat Sight-Singing Class
Rickman (handbells, women’s June 7, 14, 21, 28
Two Wise & Honored Ones ensemble, Soprano), was on Mondays
11:00 AM – noon
Sam Hiester (Audio/Computer WCYB-TV in April discussing Café
Technician on the Front Porch t h e new certification
& s o n o f Ly n n & A n d y ) requirement for lead paint
received several honors during removal in older buildings. Phil
Sullivan South Honors’ Day i s Pr e s i d e n t of the
among which were President of HomeOwners Association of
the South Key Club & "Friend Greater Kingsport and retired Tales of Wonder
of Youth" Appreciation Award as an Air Traffic Controller.
from the Optimist Club of
Colonial Heights. In his spare In the News
time, Sam organized an Easter Jo h n S e e g e r ( Fr o n t Po r c h
Egg Hunt where 1500 students Gu i t a r i s t ) , w i t h d a u g h te r
from Miller Perry, Rock Springs Re a g a n on h i s b a c k , we re
a n d S u l l i v a n E l e m e n t a r y pictured in the Kingspor t
Schools were invited. Times-News this month. They
were listening to the music at
Aaron Pinto, (son of Vicki & Racks by the Tracks in downtown
Ti m w h o w e r e Ha n d b e l l Kingsport.
Ringers) accepted an invitation
to be a member of the National
Society of Collegiate Scholars.