Bypass & Coupling Capacitors
Bypass & Coupling Capacitors
Bypass & Coupling Capacitors
Note that capacitors return their stored energy to the circuit. They do not 'use up'
electrical energy by converting it to heat as a resistor does. The energy stored by
a capacitor is much smaller than the energy stored by a battery so they cannot
be used as a practical source of energy for most purposes.
Capacitive Reactance Xc
For example a 1µF capacitor has a reactance of 3.2k for a 50Hz signal, but
when the frequency is higher at 10kHz its reactance is only 16 .
Two or more capacitors are rarely deliberately connected in series in real circuits,
but it can be useful to connect capacitors in parallel to obtain a very large
capacitance, for example to smooth a power supply.
Charging a capacitor
The capacitor (C) in the circuit diagram is being charged from a supply voltage
(Vs) with the current passing through a resistor (R). The voltage across the
capacitor (Vc) is initially zero but it increases as the capacitor charges. The
capacitor is fully charged when Vc = Vs. The charging current (I) is determined
by the voltage across the resistor (Vs - Vc):
Vc increases as soon as charge (Q) starts to build up (Vc = Q/C), this reduces
the voltage across the resistor and therefore reduces the charging current. This
means that the rate of charging becomes progressively slower.
In practice, most digital circuits such as microcontroller circuits are designed as direct
current (DC) circuits. It turns out that variations in the voltages of these circuits can cause
problems. If the voltages swing too much, the circuit may operate incorrectly. For most
practical purposes, a voltage that fluctuates is considered an AC component. The function
of the bypass capacitor is to dampen the AC, or the noise. Another term used for the
bypass capacitor is a filter cap
The blue line, represents the voltage of a circuit that doesn't have a bypass. The pink line
is a circuit that has a bypass. Ripple voltages are present in almost any DC circuit. You
The simplest incarnation of the bypass capacitor is a cap
connected directly to the power source and to ground, as
shown in the diagram to the left. This simple connection
will allow the AC component of VCC to pass through to
ground. The cap acts like a reserve of current. The
charged capacitor helps to fill in any 'dips' in the voltage
VCC by releasing its charge when the voltage drops.
The size of the capacitor determines how big of a 'dip' it can fill. The larger the capacitor,
the larger the 'dip' it can handle. A common size to use is a .1uF capacitor. You will also
see .01uF as a common value. The precise value of a bypass cap isn't very important.
Figure 1
| |
| Current1 -> |
+ | |
Power | |
Supply O { } Device
| |
- | |
| |
Figure 2 shows the placement of the decoupling capacitor, and the additional current
from the capacitor, Current2. In times of higher current demand, the current received by
our logic device is the combination of Current1 and Current2.
Figure 2
| |
| Current1 -> | Current2 -> |
+ | | |
Power | --- |
Supply O --- C { } Device
| | |
- | | |
| | |
For successful capacitor coupling in an audio system the signals must pass
through with little or no distortion. This is achieved if the time constant (RC) is
larger than the time period (T) of the lowest frequency audio signals required
(typically 20Hz, T = 50ms).
For this reason, most modern line codes are designed to produce DC-balanced
waveforms. The most common classes of DC-balanced line codes are constant-weight
codes and paired-disparity codes.