Fallen Watchers, by Jason Guenther
Fallen Watchers, by Jason Guenther
Fallen Watchers, by Jason Guenther
Most of this dissertation will be spent in the area of interpreting the facts
from the bible as to whether the Lord has "spoken" on the possible
connection between the modern day mystery of UFO's and their occupants
and the bible. The reason for this is that many people are familiar with the
general facts about UFO's, and not too many people are familiar with the fact
that the bible has MUCH to say about it. It is my opinion that, if I were to let
the bible speak for itself, it will bring you into ALL TRUTH, even the REAL
truth of what you already know, and don't know, about UFO's. I am not even
going to entertain the ignorance of whether UFO's exist or not with you. If
you say they do NOT, you are utterly ignorant of the facts, lying to yourself,
and probably have never taken a look at the facts to begin with!. I'm sorry
for being so abrasive, but I must speak truthfully. The evidence is
OVERWHELMING for their existence, but it’s WHAT they are, that causes so
much controversy. In case you don't know much of the general facts about
UFO's, I shall make a list of the highlights, and integrate this side of the
spectrum later on in the document. There have been well over 6000
"professionally" written books on the subject, but, just in case you are not
aware of some of the facts, I'll recap for you. Here are a few.
By the 2nd century A.D., what was once considered a bible truth, had
now become rank “heresy" and the "highest of blasphemies," thus being
denounced by the clergy of the Church. The Church at this time assumed this
position after agreeing with the "interpretation" of one Christian writer, Julius
Africanus (A.D. 200-245). Julius would "formulate" an interpretation of a very
controversial scripture verse, thereby setting the course for what would be a
defection away from what the early Church first believed. This is centered on
a couple of KEY scripture verses that "unlock" much of end-time bible
prophecy. The Jews upheld Julius Africanus’ “interpretation” of the term
“son’s of God” in the Old Testament, at the time also, when Rabbi Simeon
ben Jochai in the 2nd century A.D., "cursed” all those who believed in the
LITERAL INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE, concerning the meaning of the term
"sons of God". That's right, it was considered to be "blasphemous" to believe
in what the bible said! The"bible" at that time, consisted of the Septuagint
(which was around when Christ walked the earth), Latin Vulgate, and various
Hebrew versions of the Old Testament (Torah etc.). The first "complete" bible
was in the form of the Latin Vulgate. The fact is, there is NO room for mis-
translation here, which shall prove that the Church willfully chose to become
APOSTATE on the meaning of "sons of God", and still remains today. This,
even though all bibles translated after the Septuagint LXX, were translated in
part from the Codex Alexandrinus. The Codex translates the term "sons of
God" as "ANGELS of God." Every single modern day translation was
translated from the Codex Alexandrinus to some degree. The Latin vulgate
would be the first translation to "cover over" INTENTIONALLY, the meaning
of this term. By the late 4th century A.D., the Syrian church had managed to
make the interpretation of Julius Africanus, known as the "good son's of Seth
view," as official church "doctrine." Subsequently, it became policy of Papal
theologians at that time, to eradicate firmly from the teachings of the
Church, any doctrine or dogma contrary to the "son's of Seth view." The fact
of the matter is, this interpretation and its apparent doctrine are a flat-out
heretical LIE, and completely apostate to the Word of God. This
interpretation has and still does hide the KEY behind Satan's end-time
"master plan" for these last days, and completely undermines much end-
time prophecy interpretation, keeping the entire body of Christ in utter
This controversy, surrounds the interpretation of the term "son's of God"
used in the books of Genesis and Job. The term is properly rendered bene
ha elohim in the Hebrew. The predicament here is that both the Septuagint
and the torah translates this term as meaning that of ANGELS, and thereby
creating one of the most disturbing doctrinal dilemmas the Church has ever
had to face. The reality is, this rendering is the TRUTH. There is NO way to
get around this one. As a matter of fact, it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid the stark
truth of this meaning, yet the false prophets and teachers have managed to
perpetuate the "good sons of Seth" heresy for 1900 years via false theology.
Those proponents that would say that the Holy Spirit would clarify over time
the now accepted "son's of Seth" interpretation, are HERETICS!. God doesn't
play games with his Word, if that's what it says, that's what it says!, and God
MEANS what he says. Why must we try to fit Gods Word around our own
ideology of what REALITY should or should not be.
"And it came to pass, when men began
to MULTIPLY on the face of the earth, and
daughters were born unto them, that the
sons of God
saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they TOOK them
wives of all which they chose".
It's not enough that the bible clearly translates "sons of God' as "angels,"
but the propitiators of the real "lie" will not give you an answer as to why the
supposed "good" sons of Seth would instigate an action which denigrates
down to nothing more than the RAPE of women it would seem on a mass
scale, when you study the text. These angels TOOK them "wives" of ALL
THAT THEY CHOSE. What do you think, there was a "marriage," and a little
white house with picket fence, and they lived happily ever after? NO! What
God is saying here is very clear. This "union" was not "amicable." Also, if the
sons of Seth were so "good," why were they not spared the flood instead of
Noah's family? The sons of Seth interpretation would also seem to denote
that the "daughters of Seth," weren't too "good looking," and if they weren't
very good looking, how is it that there was any sons of Seth? Are you getting
my drift? No matter how you break down the sons of Seth view, it completely
falls apart. The original scriptural text is quite plain, that they were "angels."
But what must be understood is that these angel's are FALLEN angels.
Ancient Hebrew tradition holds that they "came down" in the days of Jared.
Interestingly enough, the word Jared in the Hebrew is Yaradh, meaning
"descent," or "shall come down"[Strong's ref. 3382] Just so you know,
MOST of the early Church fathers and reputed Christian reformers believed
in the "angelic" or the "ancient interpretation" view. Here's a few:
Justyn Martyr Clement of Philo Judaeus
pseudo- Alexandria John Wycliffe
Clementine Commondianus Iranaeus
Martin Luther Josephus Flavius Lactantius
Athenagoras Tertullian
The modern day bible scholars who support the "angel view" are also
noteworthy here:
Once one has grasped the profound ramifications of the "angel view,"
then one will not have a problem with what God says in the next couple of
verses of Gen.6. If it’s not weird enough that fallen angels "manifested into
flesh" before the flood, then you’re going to have to contend with the
problem of the "offspring" of this union.
"There were
in the earth in those days; and also
that, when the
sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children
to them, the same became
mighty men which were of old, men of renown".
I want to make this perfectly clear; the word "giants" translated in your
bible is a clear cut INTERPRETATION LIBERTY from the Greek. The wrong
"root" was chosen for the translation of the word "giants" on purpose. The
root that was used is gigantes (giants), but that’s NOT correct. Yes, they
were "giant," but that’s not WHAT they were. The translators did not interpret
from the source root. The primitive root of "gigantes" in the Greek translates
"gigas," meaning EARTHBORN. They are also called "gibbhor" or
"gibborim" in the Hebrew. You see, your King James bible is translated from
the Greek and Hebrew from cover to cover! In the case of Gen.6:4, the
translators specifically chose the Septuagint LXX for the word "giants," which
was translated from Hebrew to Greek. The reason? The source origin Hebrew
translation is too "un-believable" (even though it’s true), because they
REFUTED the "angel view." The correct translation in the Hebrew is
[Strong's ref. 5303 nephiyl - nef-eel; prop. a feller, i.e. a bully or
tyrant: - giant]. Its proper use in the plural for this word is NEPHILLIM
(giants). Though this is the root given, it is NOT all of the meaning of the
word. You must "trace the roots , to find the fruit," and what you come
up with is [Strong's ref. 5307 naphal- naw-fal; a prim. root; to fall, be
cast down, cease, fugitive, die, fail, be judged, throw down] and also
the ancient chaldean root [Strong's ref. 5309 nephel- neh-fel;
something fallen, i.e.an abortion]. Though these are descriptive words
for these "offspring" (nephillim,) they are much more descriptive of their
"fathers" who bore them. What seems to give the credence to the "rape"
scenario is the use of the words "...came in unto..." in Gen.6:4. It implies that
of "forcefulness." Also quite interesting, is the term "...and they bare children
unto them." It might not seem curious to you at first, but God already stated
at the top of the verse that"... there were nephillim (giants) in the earth in
those days... "He is emphasizing the fact that there was a definite "sexual
union" between human females and "fallen angels," creating a HYBRID
progeny called the nephillim. These are what are referred to in ancient
mythology as DEMI-GODS(half man - half God).
TITAN = Greek
SHEITAN = Chaldean
SATAN = Hebrew
If most of what you've read and learned about the "gods" of mythology
isn't starting to ring some bells and whistles in your head by now, then
you’re not alive!. It is imperative that you notice that the "nephillim" are
NOT the same as "fallen angels". You must understand that "fallen" in the
case of these angels, is a "state" rather than a "condition" at FIRST. What I
mean is, what happened to the fallen angels after they "procreated" with the
daughters of men? Every indication would seem to say that the fallen angels
"left" in the same way they "...came unto..". They materialized "out of the
"flesh" and back into their original form (spirit)", leaving behind their
offspring, the nephillim on earth. When they came unto the daughters of
men, they must have manifested FLESH. There is no other explanation and
NO reason to believe this not possible as the bible is fraught with occasions
of "angels" appearing in the flesh, eating, drinking, talking, fighting etc, and
then "de-materializing" back into "spirit". Do you think the daughters of men
were wives to phantoms or thin air? As uneasy as this will make you feel, it is
a REALITY. But then you're going to say "now wait a minute here, angels
are sexless. The bible says so, so they couldn't have copulated with
women!” Well.... your bible does NOT tell you the angels are "sexless". This
view stems from another misinterpretation of scripture. The distortion of Matt
22:30, Mark 12:25, and Luke 20:35. These verses of scripture, are some of
the most mistranslated verses of all time. Jesus in no way denotes anything
to do with the angels "sex", rather he is stating there is no need for angels to
marry, as they are created ETERNAL. There is no need for them to "extend
themselves". Marriage was created for prolonging the existence of a "fallen"
human race through "procreation!". This IS the point he is making, because
the fact of the matter is, all the "host of heaven", good and bad including the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, are ALL MALE!. You don't like it? TOUGH, cause
that’s what your bible TEACHES. Oh, and another thing, all of the
"nephillim?"... were male ALSO, as there weren't any "mighty woman of
renown", only MEN. Now, NO I'm not "sexist" or "racist", I'm just trying to
state the abject facts according to the Holy Writ. There is New Testament
confirmation however, that directly confirms the "angel view":
first estate,
left their own habitation.....
giving themselves over to fornication, and going after
are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of
eternal fire".
(Jude 6-7)
It should be noticed here that this is a very unique translation for the
word "strange" here. It is one of 18 different translations, and only used in
one place, one time, right here in Jude 7. It is[Strong's ref. 2087
heteros,het - er - os; of uncert. orig., other or different,:-altered,
strange]. And it would seem that Peter affirms this as well:
"For if God spared not the angels that sinned,
To put it in a nut-shell "all HELL broke loose just before the flood." This
interaction between angels and men created an enormous upheaval. God
said, "ALL FLESH WAS CORRUPT" upon the face of the earth (Gen.6:12).
This sounds to me like things got way out of hand, and this "interaction"
between fallen angel and man had become "all encompassing". Like a
plague, the fallen angels "infected" the entire human race. More disturbing,
is that the scripture gives the allusion that this had an impact on the animal
kingdom as well:
"And the Lord said, I will DESTROY man whom
I've created from the face of the earth; both man,
and beast, and the creeping thing,
and the fowls of the air; for it
repenteth me
that I have made them".
(Gen. 6:7)
God over-emphasizes the fact that he had to DESTROY "every living
thing" off the face of the earth (except Noah and family and "carefully
selected" animals). This is an extremely "stern" action and has never really
been properly understood as to why? Now you KNOW why, God HAD to;
otherwise, no life COULD have been spared. Left outside the hands of God,
man and beast would have been utterly annihilated, by "nephillim
infestation", and or by themselves. This interaction also seemed to instill
irrevocable destruction to the "spiritual nature" of mankind, as "...that every
imagination of the thoughts of his heart was onlyEVIL CONTINUALLY"
(Gen.6:5). There was only one way for God to handle this dilemma, by
"wiping the proverbial slate clean!". And thats exactly what the Lord
did....the flood. Satan had attempted to infiltrate ALL FLESH LITERALLY, to
try and thwart the inevitable birth of Jesus Christ. Had God not taken the
stern action of THE FLOOD, the doom of all mankind would have been a
surety. The "plague" of fallen angels completely and utterly perverted ALL
FLESH, even the animal kingdom, as God destroyed them as well. We may
never know the full extent of the ramifications dealing with the flood event,
but we do have somewhat of a "picture", if we will believe the bible. Like
most of the "deeper" truths in the bible, they are not shown "openly" on the
outside, but rather "mixed throughout" the scripture. These truths are only
discernable when one digs deep into ALL the Word, and pulls these points
together. There are things written in the bible, that NO ONE HAS FOUND
AS YET as things have not occurred for the prophecy given to be revealed.
God has made his Word this way. Some things must come to pass for these
truths to come to the forefront, and so it is with the area of the "nephillim" in
the bible. It has been the modern UFO era, that has brought to light the
truths revealed in Genesis 6, and also confirming what Christ had said about
the time of the end, and its similarity to the time of the flood. As a matter of
fact, the bible says the end will be EXACTLY like the time before the flood.
Though Satan failed the first time, he will, and is attempting it once again for
his TIME IS SHORT. The reality of this truth is and will be totally denied by the
Church at large, for it goes against THEIR DOCTRINES AS TAUGHT BY
MEN. It does not matter, for the TRUTH will always remain THE TRUTH, no
matter how much they try to deny it. Now Noah and the seven others of his
family were "spared". What the Church will teach you, is that Noah was
"perfect". He was a "just" man, and thereby by he was "superiorly righteous"
before the Lord. Nope, you have to dig deeper than that. The word perfect
here is translated in the Hebrew [Strong's ref. 8549 tamiym, taw -
meem; entire, without blemish,complete, perfect,undefiled,whole].
It comes from an even earlier root, tamam, meaning be clean, consume,
and make an end [Strong's ref. 8552]. Now, all these adjectives are
descriptive of "sacrifices" and used in this context. Certain sacrifices or burnt
offerings, had to be made with animals that were "unblemished" or perfect
"specimens" (physically). These were considered "undefiled" and acceptable
offerings unto the Lord. Face it folks, we found out after the flood that Noah
wasn't at all that "perfect" now was he (he was a drunk!). No, I'm pretty sure
the Word of God is indicating that Noah's "bloodline" was "undefiled" by the
fallen angel "invasion". His "genealogy" was unaffected by the fallen ones,
thereby allowing an untainted bloodline to pass through the flood, which
pass's on through to the 1st advent of the Savior. Both the spiritual and the
physical aspects of "pureness" or "perfection" (un-blemished, without spot)
are represented in the scripture. What has never been properly explained is
the "physical" aspect. The interpretation by the Church leaves God looking
like a "bumbling idiot" when it comes to his "creation". No, there is
something "deeper" inferred by God in the LAWS of "cleanliness" and
"purification" as to what is interpreted commonly today. God does not put
just any old thing in his Word, and expect you to uphold them. No, there is
precise "meaning" and "purpose" in every last JOT AND TITTLE of his Word.
The whole mystery of 'why the flood?' becomes clear when one
acknowledges the truth of Genesis ch.6. You will begin to understand "why"
the person of Noah, and his "purpose" according to the flood event. You will
understand why Noah was "spotless" and without "blemish". This will not
seem at all too remarkable when one looks at the typology and eschatology
concerning Noah in comparison with Christ. There is a hidden message in the
genealogy from Adam to Noah. It is quite remarkable in that it really sums up
to be a prophecy concerning Christ in the most simplest of ways you can
think of. If we take the names of Adams descendants up to Noah, and
translate them from Hebrew to English, we find this remarkable message of
Jesus Christ's mission, for the redemption of all mankind, from the "curse"
exacted at the fall.
Adam Man
Seth appointed
Enosh mortal
Kenan sorrow;
Mahalalel the blessed God
Jared shall come down
Enoch teaching
Methusalah his death shall
Lamech bring
Noah the despairing
rest, or comfort
"Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) the blessed
God shall come down teaching (that) his death shall
bring (the) despairing rest."
This truly is a "bible code" if there ever was or is such a thing. I find it
very unlikely, that a group of Jewish Rabbi's would deliberately contrive to
hide an expression of the Christian Gospel within their venerated Torah!.
Indeed, this was by supernatural design.
Now, what on God's green earth could possibly be the PURPOSE of the
fallen angels "procreating" with mankind you ask? Didn't you read your
bible? You have to go back a couple of chapters in Genesis to find yet
another verse of scripture that has NEVER been properly interpreted or
"And I will put enmity between thee (Satan)
and the woman, and between
By the time Abram (not yet Abraham) was pursuing his "kidnaped"
brother Lot into Danite country, king Chedorlaomer of ancient Elam, was
"slaughtering" TRIBES of these nephillim all over the land (Gen.14:5). This is
before the eventual "erasure" of Sodom and Gommorah. This has always
stumped theologians. How did these things show up after the flood? And how
could they "multiply" so rapidly into what seems to be "races" when studying
the text?. There are various Hebrew myths that claim that king "Og" of
Bashan (a nephillim), was descended from another nephillim called "Hiya",
who was the son of the fallen angel called "Shemyaza" (a watcher. See book
of Enoch). "Og" was said to have "escaped the Deluge by clinging to a
rope ladd
to the
Ark, and
being fed
by Noah
through a
to myth.
The initial
"infestation", was completely erased by the flood. ALL flesh perished. The
"physical" structures (bodies) of these entities were destroyed . This was
NOT their final end. These initial nephillim were transformed from their
"nephillim" form, into their newest incarnation, DEMONS! (disembodied
nephillim). A large number of these demon remnants of the nephillim from
the flood, are NOW being held in tartarus(hell. To be released in the future),
while the rest are confined to the earth. To show that this is true, one only
has to look where the word "demon" comes from. The word "demon", which
is exclusive to the Greek, was translated from the words "seirim" and
"shedim", in the Hebrew. "Seirim", is the name of a "tribe" of nephillim, which
are related to have been native to the area of Mt. Seir, south of the Dead
Sea. The name comes from the Hebrew [Strong's ref. 8165 Seiyr, say -
eer; seir, a mountain of Idumaea and its aboriginal occupants.]. But
the root for this word is the most revealing[Strongs ref. 8163 saiyr, saw -
eer; shaggy, a he-goat; by anal. a faun:- devil, goat, hairy, satyr.].
And even more [Strong's ref. 8175 saar, saw - ar; a prim. root, to
storm, i.e. fear:- be horribly afraid, be tempestuous, come like a
storm.]. It is the root "saiyr", that we get the Greek translation
for"daemon" (demon). The scary thing about these root words for the name
"Seirim” is they all indicate that these things were REAL TANGIBLE
CREATURES. They were "aboriginal occupants", they were "hairy" and
"shaggy", they are related to being "fauns" (fairies), "satyrs" (may I point
your attention to the "myth" of the Greek god Pan), and DEVILS, but they
were tangible, PHYSICAL manifestations that lived and were "native" to
some areas. The word "shedim" in the Hebrew means [Strong's ref. 7700
shed, shade; a demon:- devil.]. This comes from an earlier, and quite
interesting [Strong's ref. 7736 shuwd, shood; a prim. root; to swell
up, fig. (by impl. of insolence), to devastate:- waste.]. It was the
combination of these two Hebrew words, that we get our version, demons.
The "shedim" are the most ancient of all nephillim tribes listed in the bible.
The source of the root is said to predate the ancient chaldean it comes from.
Along with the "seirim", these two tribes were pre-flood. Their historical
traces are found only in vestigial remnants of ancient Hebrew and chaldean
legends, and in the Hebrew language itself. Their REALITY is confirmed by
the Holy Writ. In the above illustration, I have placed the name"Beth-
Rapha"as a possible connection to the appearance of the nephillim after the
flood. The reason why, is that this families name means literally "house of
the dead" or "house of the Rapha" (demon). It must be completely are NOT
nephillim, and nephillim are NOT demons and so on. The term "demon" is
generic, just as "angel" is generic. Nephillim are "demonic", but not demons.
What we are dealing with here, is the HIERARCHY of the ENEMY. This is
referred to by the apostle Paul in the New Testament as the "kosmokrateros".
Demons have their own subset hierarchy as will be shown. It is important
that you understand this fact. The Church by and large, doesn't have a clue
as to how Satan's hierarchy works, and as such, "my people perish for lack of
knowledge". This diagram is by no means comprehensive, but it shows that
there is a "pattern of succession" that occurs from angel, to fallen angel, to
nephillim, down to demon. It shows HOW the host of heaven (evil alignment)
became structured trough a system of "de-generation" (they fall from one
"stage", to the next, each time relinquishing some their abilities and power).
It would seem that this is the price that is paid by the fallen angels for their
tampering with the flesh. The difference between a fallen angel and a
demon, is that the fallen angel has the ability and power to "manifest and
de-manifest flesh", and
more than likely still
retains most of his powers
and abilities from his "first
habitation". The fallen
angel is more or less
"held at bay as to what he
is allowed to do", A
demon on the other hand,
does NOT have these
abilities anymore. They
have lost the ability to
"manifest flesh", and have
lost also their once
"corporeal body"
(nephillim). They need to
"possess" a body now,
that is not their own. Now
is a good time to refer to
the ex-canonical book of
Enoch, which WAS a part
of the original canon of
scripture at one time,
placed just before the book of Job:
Now the nephillim, who have been
born of spirit and of flesh,
shall be called upon earth
evil spirits,
and on earth shall be their habitation. Evil spirits shall
c l o u d s,
which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and
bruise those upon the earth...".
(Enoch 15)
The adjective "clouds", is most descriptive (2 Pet.2:17, Jude 12). The
relationship between "bruise those upon the earth" and Gen. 3:15 is most
evident. All of the titles designated to angels can be either "good" or "fallen",
with the exception of the Archangels (even though Satan could have possibly
been an Archangel, the bible is silent on this). All angels according to the
bible, were either cherubim or seraphim. There are no other "types" given.
Satan IS a Cherub! That is how he was created. His NATURE has changed,
but not too much else (in form). Its only wise to assume that all "fallen"
angels must be of these two types as well, only their "alignment" has
changed. Their "structure" (cherub or seraph), did not change when they fell.
Their "angelic powers" were NOT changed as well. They are just limited now
as to what they are ALLOWED to do. The misconception that when they "left
their first habitation", they lost their angelic abilities is absurd. This stems
from the perception, that fallen angels are demons. They are NOT!. Demons
are directly connected to the nephillim in the scriptures. Their "first
habitation" was HEAVEN, now they are confined to HERE (this universe,
especially earth). Demons no longer have access to heaven, and
furthermore, scripture seems to indicate that demons can NOT FLY!
(Matt.12:43, Luke 11:24). The word used in both of those passages in the
New Testament, specifically means "walking". It’s very important that you
understand this, demons are on the "bottom of the totem-pole" . They do not
have the same "benefits" so to speak, as they once had.
There is a tell-tale "mark" if you will, that can be found in the names for
the angelic hierarchy. There is the peculiar "im" at the end of most of the
names of giant and angel alike. Keep in mind, that the name for the "triune"
God is "Elohim" in the Hebrew. Not to confuse God with the Enemy, but this
shows a definite linguistic trademark. It is the stamp of "made in heaven". If
your still doubting the nature of the nephillim, then you must look at the
meaning of their names to get a better picture of what they were. As shown
earlier, the term "nephillim" is a generic term designating all the various
"tribes". There is a great deal to be learned from the etymology of the names
of these things. There were "tribes", and each tribe was distinct. To show the
"distinctive" differences between each tribe, we must do a little digging:
The Sumerians/Babylonians according to archeologists, founded Babylon
in the late 3rd millennium B.C. Its original name was called "Babel", which
meant "gateway of God". Biblical records, however, indicate an earlier date
for the event connected with the building of the structure known as the
"Tower of Babel". According to the biblical account, the "tower" was built
during the reign of "King Nimrod", the first "King" of Babylon. Nimrod was
also a descendent of Noah. The bible is silent on the time-frame of the
building of the "tower" of Babel, but conservative bible scholars have placed
it between 3500 and 4000 B.C. It could have been much earlier than this,
and then again, much later. But all we know, is that by the time of the
building of the "tower", the Earth's population had been restored to a certain
degree from the devastation of the "deluge". The reference to Nimrod and
the beginning of Babylon in the bible, is "centered" around the building of
the "tower". We will have to examine a verse very closely, to see what this
"tower" was all about.
"And they said, go to, let us build us a city and a
T O W E R,
and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered
abroad upon the face of the whole Earth".
(Genesis 11:4)
let us build us a city and a tower
#1129 #5892 #4026
"banah" "iyr" "migdahl"
to build, make, set up, a city, a place, guarded by a tower, (fig.) a
repair, obtain children a pyramidal object, to
watch, idea of opening of twist, advance,exceed,
the magnify, in conj. With
eyes, lift up, awaken #410
whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make
#7218 #8064 #6213
"rosh" "shamayim" "awsaw"
to shake, highestas in tip- the sky, the nether regions to do or make,
manufacture or
top,top portion, con. to where the celestial bodies fabricate (obj.)
location of stars as to revolve,outer space,
their location in the sky universe
a name
"shem" *Note:modern-day scholars have concluded
a conspicuous position, that the word "shem" is borrowed from the
as a marker or memorial, Sumerians word "sham" (shu.MU). The proper
by impl. of authority, pronunciation of "shem" is "shame" in English.
renown, used in conj.
with #8064 heaven,
disguise, heap up,
The miracles of Christ in the New Testament, are called "shems". They
were marks of his divinity. The "signs" and "wonders" in Jer. 32:20, are also
called "shems". But the original meaning of the word from its Sumerians
origin is "MU"(sham) which means "fiery sky chamber"! (see the
Babylonian Epic of Creation, the Enuma Elish). These were associated with
what are known as "stelae" in the Babylonian texts. "Stelae" are the objects
or memorials associated with the "mu". They are otherwise known as "stone
pillars" or OBELISKS that we see throughout all cultures of antiquity in some
form or another. As will be shown later, something else is referred to as being
"pointed" (obelisk). To Akkadians/Babylonians, and Assyrians, they were
known as the "naru" (fiery stones that fly). In Hebrew, the word "ner"
means "a pillar that emits light". It is from this word that we get the term
"candle". Though I don't espouse to all of the ideologies of the ancient
Sumerians researcher, Zecharia Sitchen, his expertise in the area of
etymology is to be respected. I would suggest that you read his work entitled
"The 12th Planet", to get a good idea of how the languages developed from
one-another from the Sumerians, to the Egyptians. The Hebrews integrated a
lot of the words from these cultures into their own. Anyhow, as you can see
from the breakdown of Gen.11:4, there is a lot more involved here than is
usually interpreted. Now I ask you, why did the inhabitants of Babylonia,
exert themselves to "make a name", why was the "name" to be placed upon
a "tower whose TOP shall reach unto HEAVEN (outer space), and how could
the "MAKING of a name" counteract the effects of mankind's "scattering
upon the Earth"?. How did they know they were going to be scattered? If
they knew they were going to be scattered, then they also knew by WHOM
(God). Knowing this, we could assume that they deduced that the only way
to counteract this event, would be to LEAVE EARTH! By the implication of
the translation itself from the Hebrew, it shows that the "shem" that they
made was a "miracle" by definition!. If that is not enough, than you must
deal with the "identity" of the only named personage involved with this
event, Nimrod. In verse 9 he is called a "mighty hunter" before the Lord. The
use of the word "mighty" here is very specific indeed. It is [Strong's ref.
1368 gibbhor;- giant], or other wards, nephillim!. The word for "hunter" is
ambiguous. The textual intent seems to imply that Nimrod was in fact a
nephillim, but does not say what "type" of hunter he was. I mean, what did
he hunt? And if he wasn't a nephillim, than the text would imply that he
"hunted" nephillim! Any ways you cut it, the character of Nimrod is related as
being anything other than your average, everyday human!. No, there is
something more here.
There is a verse of scripture that quite shocked me when I read the
interpretation from the Septuagint. It is translated quite differently in your
King James Bible. Actually, the rendition in the King James is absolute
"butchery", half of the text is missing, and the translation is completely
ludicrous. I remind you again, this translation is much closer to the original.
Pick up a Greek Hebrew concordance and check it out. It is a passage of
prophecy that I believe to be fulfilled during the Tribulation. Though it will be
denied uni-laterally amongst scholars, this is what it really says:
"The vision which Esias son of Amos saw
against Babylon. Lift up a standard on the
mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to
them, beckon with the hand, open the gates,
ye ruler. I give command and I bring them:
are coming to fulfil
rejoicing at the same time and insulting.
(Septuagint LXX, Isaias 13:1-3)
This vision of Isaiah's is depicting the time of the end. It is referring to
the time of "the day of the Lord". The day of the Lord happens during the
Tribulation. This vision is against "Babylon". Babylon is a focus of end-time
prophecy. The location of end-time Babylon is, contrary to where 99.9% of
bible scholars place it,NOT in the Middle-east, but that’s another
dissertation. It needs to be noticed here, that it is the "Lord" who brings
them, to fulfil HIS wrath!. It must be remembered here, now, that this is as
close to the "original" AS YOU CAN GET IT!, I mean, Jesus himself probably
did notice the Septuagint, and I didn't hear him complain about anything.
Let's go on with this passage now.
"A voice of many nations on the mountains,
even like to that of
m a n y n a t i o n s;
a voice of kings and nations gathered together:
the Lord of hosts has given command to a
war-like nation,
(vs. 4)
This verse can throw you off if you’re not paying attention. These are
many nations "on the mountains" (high places). Notice that both "kings" and
Nations" are represented and "gathered together" (Armageddon). The word
"kings" here is "melek" in the Hebrew. Its root comes from "ma'lak" , which
denotes that of "angels" of class/rank. As it is stated in verses 1-3, these
"nephillim" are referred to as a "war-like nation" (one, singular). The Lord
gives them "command", and he BRINGS THEM. Command of what?
Command of "fulfilling his wrath"! (vs. 3). Where does he bring them from?
Well? Don't think I'm getting a little "off the wall", but look at the next verse.
"To come from a land
A F A R O F F,
from the
the Lord and his warriors are coming to
destroy the world".
(vs. 5)
Very little of these five verses remains in your King James or any of the
other versions. Now, I don't know about you, but "utmost foundation of
heaven" does NOT sound like around here (earth). This place is a land "afar
off". The use of the word "utmost" is antiquated to "distance". The inference
of the use here is as to the "ends of the universe" when read in its context.
This is directly connotated with the "day of the Lord" or what's referred to as
For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which
cannot be escaped,
a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate,
and to destroy sinners out of it."
(vs. 9)
These are very provocative verses of scripture. When exegeted and read
in context, the impression left is that most of what's taking place is not of
"human" doing. Besides, no humans live at the "utmost foundation of
heaven" now do they?. As stated in verse 3, we are dealing with "nephillim"
here, actually, by what the text says, NATIONS OF THEM!.Isaiah has a lot
of strange things to reveal, and it would be extremely wise to take careful
notice, as Isaiah had much to say about Babylon, and the last-days.
"Hell from beneath is moved for thee
to meet thee (Antichrist) at thy coming:
it stirreth up the
R a p h a,
even all the
chief ones of the earth;
it hath raised up from
their thrones
all the
kings of the earth".
(Isaiah 14:9)
This is one of the most illuminating passages of prophecy in all of
scripture. This is dealing with Satan being "cast down" during the tribulation,
and the Antichrist's judgment of being cast into hell. In your bible, the word
has been translated "dead" in place of "rapha" as you see here. This is NOT
correct. There is NOTHING else they could have used here except "rapha"
for it to be IN TRUTH. You see the translation for "rapha" is "dead", but it’s
not meant "dead" like you think, in the translation. Nope, this "dead" are the
disembodied spirits of Rephaim, or NEPHILLIM. These are evil spirits that
are "cast out" onto the earth when Satan is "cast down" at the mid-point of
the tribulation. These are the evil spirits that are held in "tarturus" at the
moment. I want you to see something here and let it sink in, it is from the
"thrones" of the "chief demons", thatALL THE KINGS OF THE NATIONS ARE
CONTROLLED BY!. Now, when you equate this passage with chapter 13:1-3,
this becomes most disturbing. It seems that, all at once, there is an
onslaught appearance of "demons" and "nephillim", capped all off by the
presence of Satan himself and the person of Antichrist at the start of the
tribulation. Chapter 13:1-3 definitely illustrates that nephillim shall "appear"
at the day of the Lord "to fulfill his (God's) wrath". Now, nephillim are
"conceived". This leaves only 2 alternatives, they will be "conceived" during
this time, or they are and have been "conceiving". It is remarkable how
pastors and teachers avoid the un-avoidable interpretations of these
passages. These areas of Isaiah are "avoided" ON PURPOSE, because the
Hebrew translations are too strange. The interpretations given in modern
theological seminaries are not only comical, but are utterly absurd. Even
though there is more spoken of Satan and his angels then heaven and God's,
there is an absolute refusal to BELIEVE what the bible has to in fact say.
That’s why the Church as well as the world still perceives Satan with "little
horns and a pitch fork". As shown earlier, Satan has a "seed", and the
scripture seems to indicate that this "seed", may in fact be still around, or
are going to be in the near future. But now, let’s try to find confirmation of
cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil, and SATAN, which
decieveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his
were cast out with him.
(Revelation 12:9)
Most of the Body of Christ is in harmony as to what point Satan is "cast
down" at the end. It's at or after the beginning the Tribulation. Gee...even
the Jehovah Witness's will agree with me on this one. This verse is referring
to just this time in John's vision of the Tribulation. But take a LOOK at the
very next verse:
"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
S A L V A T I O N,
and strength, and the
kingdom of our God,
and the
power of his Christ:
for the accuser of our brethren is
which accused them before our God day and night".
(Revelation 12:10)
Ahh.... so sorry the LORD has put a damper on the pre-trib rapture cult
parade. The "rapture" happens at or any time after the revealing of Antichrist
at the Beginning of the tribulation, and you got Old and New Testament
CONFIRMATION. To believe in a pre-trib rapture is to believe that Christ can
return at "any moment". This is called the Doctrine of IMMINENCE, which is
completely APOSTATE from the Word of God and deceives millions. It brings
with it a form of WITCHCRAFT. I can give you well over a hundred scriptures
against this very doctrine! Actually, it is this very doctrine that will HELP (is
right now) the Antichrist as I will show you later. It is the "end-product" of yet
an even more malignant delusion against the very doctrine of Jesus
Christ....the "false gospel" that is very much of what is coined as THE LIE in
the new testament. But for now, let’s look at these "covered over"
translations. I refer you to this passage:
"Wilt thou shew wonders to the
shall the
rapha arise
and praise thee? Selah
(Psalm 88:10)
This verse is correctly translated "rapha", where you now have "dead" in
your bible. Psalm 88 was written at a time when David was in a very "low"
spiritual state. David is mourning and in a great deal of anguish. This verse
represents a bit of rebellion in David's spirit towards the Lord at this point of
time. It is a resentment of his predicament. David is trying to get a reply from
God, and out of frustration, comes this "mocking". The word "arise" is very
significant. The "rapha"(demons), are those that are held in tarturus (hell).
You must understand, David is NOT talking about "dead people" here, he is
referring to the "demons" which came from the "Rephaim". To emphasize
this, I refer you to these seldom spoken verses:
"But he knoweth not that the
under the waters,
and the
inhabitants thereof".
(Job 26:5)
The word "rapha" here is also mis-translated "dead" in your bible. This
verse shows you where these "rapha" are, in the "depths of hell" (tarturus).
They were "transFORMED" into the rapha (death of their "nephillim"
bodies) from the flood (under waters). The "inhabitants thereof" would be
HUMANS! The "rapha" will "arise" from tartarus in the near future as Satan
tries his "coup de gras" during the tribulation. David refers on more than one
occasion in your bible to the nephillim subtily, but is now covered over by
translation. A couple of verses past Psalm 88:10, David refers to something
not seen by mis-translation. Something strange is un-covered when you
correctly exegete the verses, and believe what it is saying.
"I am afflicted and ready to die
from my youth up: while I suffer thy
Emim (nephillim)
I am distracted".
(Psalm 88:15)
"My heart is sore pained within me: and the
of death
are fallen upon me."
(Psalm 55:4)
The word "Emim" here is translated "terrors" in your bible. As I've
shown earlier, one of the meanings of the word "Emim" is "terrors". There are
six translations for the word "terrors" in your bible, one of them is in
reference to the "Emim" (nephillim tribe). You will notice in the verse after
88:15, God uses the word "terrors" again. This time, it is an entirely different
translation. This affirms what I've said earlier, "the same, is not always the
same". Ancient myths and legends of the Hebrews, tell of what was called
"the terrors". Legend has it that, "the terrors"would come in the night and
carry away woman and children to eat!. It can be shown, that the roots of all
the myths and legends of "monsters", is based upon the "nephillim" of the
bible. Now, to look at something quite differently than what you've been
used to.
Hebrew myths give the nephillim a very interesting title. They are
referred to as the "awwim" which means "devastators" or "serpents". In
some Jewish lore, Eve is called the "mother" of the "serpents". It is
interesting to note, that Eve's name in Hebrew is "hawwah"which means
"she who makes live". This word is related to the word "hevia" in the Hebrew
which signifies a "female serpent". In Arabic, serpent is "hayya", which is a
cognate of the word "hayat", meaning "life". Satan is referred to as "that Old
Serpent", and took the form of a serpent in the garden of Eden. It is only
logical that Satan's "seed" would be referred to as "serpents" as well. The
scripture does in fact show this. Some of the translations for the word
"serpents" in your bible, are quite different than what you would expect. Not
all "serpent's" in the bible are the same, and I'm not talking about "snakes"
or "reptiles here". The bible would refer to some of these "serpent's" as being
quite different. We sometimes take things for granted in what we've heard or
read from the bible, to the point of over-looking the obvious. Then again,
sometimes the "obvious" is so "fantastic", in the end, the TRUTH escapes
being detected. This is the nature of TRUTH and DECEPTION. We as
Christians, have to be SEEKERS of that "truth". And the truth is, this next
verse of scripture is a prime example of the "truth" escaping detection. You
need to take a good look at the translations of all these words in this verse,
for its not what it seems to be at all. Modern theology covers over these
translations to hide the OBVIOUS. This is the nature of APOSTASY, and it
always starts directly from the Word. To "overlook" on purpose is apostasia.
To "re-define" or add or take away is apostasy. So I ask you, what do you
think this is saying to you:
"Rejoice not thou whole Palestina, because the rod
of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the
serpent's root (Satan)
shall come forth a
viper (Antichrist),
and his
shall be a
(Isaiah 14:29)
fiery flying serpent
#8314 #5774 #8314
"saraph" "uwph" "saraph"
on fire, burning, spec. a to cover,obscurity, to seraphim, an
saraph or creature, fly, dimness, flee angelic being,
from away, shine burning, fiery,
their copper color, forth creature
fiery, "seraphim"
I believe this to be in reference to what we view today as "UFO's" . The
correct translation for the word "cockatrice" in your bible is
"viper"[Strong's ref. 6848 tsepha]. It comes from the root for
"Zophim"or "watchers" [Strong's ref. 6839 Tsophiym]. The actual
translation for the word "serpent"at the end of the verse is [Strong's ref.
8314 saraph]. This is the translation for the word "seraph" as in "seraphim"
(plural). The translation for the word "fiery" is ALSO is ref. 8314 "saraph", or
seraphim. Both these words mean the exact SAME!. This is very important,
as this is NOT a mistake or a fluke. That the Seraphim are characterized as
"serpent's" is very strange indeed. Seraphim are "angels" as illustrated
earlier. Obviously, these are NOT of the "good alignment", and it seems they
are alluded to as "serpent's" in scripture to designate them as such. The
striking description of these Seraph's are their "copper color" (orange), and
the adjectives that describe "luminescence" in fact as to their appearance
(fiery, burning) are quite strange. This description is a lot different from the
ones given by Isaiah (Isa.6:2,6:6) and the ONLY two may I remind you
scripturally, but it is the exact same word used [Strong's ref. 8314]. The
only thing Isaiah relates to us about seraphim is that they have "6 wings".
The allusions to "obscurity" and "dimness" is quite interesting in the
translation for flying. UFO's are identified with just such behavior. It is also
quite interesting to note here, that the most prevalently sighted color of
lights in UFO sightings historically, is orange! (copper?). For the record, there
are seven references to the word "serpents" in the New Testament. Of those
seven, only ONE is used in relation to "snakes" or "reptiles" literally. The
other "6" translations of "serpents" in the Greek are used in direct
relationship with Satan!. They are [Strong's ref. 3789 ophis, of - is;
(through the idea of sharpness of vision); fig. a snake, (fig.) sly,
cunning, malicious, espec. Satan:- serpent]. Oh, by the way, the
reference to the evil one in the bible is 13 times in the Old Testament, and 33
times in the New Testament! (refer to the 33rd degree of Freemasonry or
Luciferianism). If I were you, I'd check out some of these six verses in the
New Testament. You will find
that Jesus uses this translation
for serpents four times, in
reference (description) to
some of the people he was
addressing (nephillim?). The
allusion to "vision" in the
translation of "ophis" is very
interesting. It comes from an earlier root [Strong's ref. 3700 optomai, op
- tom - ahee; to gaze(i.e. with wide-open eyes at something), a watching
at a distance:- appear, look, see, shew self]. It's from this root that we get
our word "optometrist". Now let’s SEE. watchers, Zophim, serpents, Satan,
all have the relationship of "eyes" or "seeing". The ancient Assyrian god
"Ashur", is known as the "winged-disk god". One of the descendants of
Noah's just after the flood, was the Assyrian King Asher, the builder of
Nineveh. Legend has it (see Zend Avesta), that the winged-disk god "Ashur",
descended into the temple of the King ofAssyria one Evening and communed
with him. Myths have it, that the King made a "treaty" with the "demi-god".
Oh, by the way, the meaning of the word "Ashur" is "all-seeing!" In the
Persian epic of the Bundahishn, the demi-god Angra Mainyu (nephillim) is
known as "serpent with two feet". The Testament of Amram of the Persians
refers to Angra's father as the "Watcher with a visage like a viper".
Serpent worship has been found from the most ancient antiquity, amongst all
cultures, around all of the world. It is one of the most ancient of worship
systems and it is directly related to Satan, though obscured by various pagan
theologies. It’s as old as Sun worship, and can be found integrated into most
modern day religions. One of the biggest kept secrets of Freemasonry
(Luciferianism, is the belief and worship of fallen angels that came to earth
and created the "holy Grail" (bloodline) which will eventually give the world
the "2nd Messiah". Some of the offspring said to be of this bloodline are
Jesus Christ, Gatauma Buddha, Charlemagne, Constantine, the Merovingian
dynasty, King Solomon, King Og of Bashan, Nimrod, and Anak and his "7"
sons to name a few (what I'm telling you is kept highly secretive amongst the
masonic elite). Those of this bloodline that live today are said to be the
Rothschild dynasty, the Habsburg's, and the "Royal" family (Stuart's,
Windsors', and SINclair's). The fathers of the "bloodline" (nephillim), are
referred to as the "Adepts" or "Hierophants", or the "illuminated ones", and
are communicated to through "channeling" (spiritism). This just so happens
to be 99% of the basis behind the theologies of the modern New Age
movement, Buddhism, Hinduism, Mormonism, NAZI-ISM (the Aryan or
"pure" race) Druidism, Cabalism and so on. In fact it can be shown to be
integrated into every religion on the planet with the exclusion of "true"
Christianity! Scary huh? Actually when you also throw in the fact that the
"modernized" version of Darwin's theory of "evolution" purports that man
evolved from at one point, "reptilian bipeds" , you can see to what extent
this ideology has permeated even into the world of atheism, and science!
(see Carl Sagan's The Dragons of Eden). I'm telling you (to the utter disgust
of my fellow brethren, the Church at large), that what science has found in
fossil evidence of Neanderthal man, is none other than the evidence of
certain races of nephillim (non-human hybrid. Flesh and blood without a soul,
"seed of Satan!") or "troglodytes" (cave dwellers). Now, let's look at
something here a little differently than what you've been used to. No pastor
will ever tell you or show you this like this, even though he knows what it
really says, for he refuses to believe.
"And the Lord sent
among the people, and they bit the people; and
much people of Israel died".
(Numbers 21:6)
The translation for the word "fiery" here is [Strong's ref. 8314 saraph]
or properly annotated "seraphim" (plural). These are ANGELIC BEINGS, and
they are DEMONIC! The word for serpent here is "nachash" in Hebrew
(snake), but it comes from the root [Strong's ref. 5172 nachash, naw -
khash; a prim. root; to hiss, i.e. whisper a magic spell, divine,
enchanter, enchantment, diligently observe]. Notice the allusions to
sorcery, magic, and "EYES" (observe). The adjective "fiery" also infers "light"
in its translation. Now, I'm sorry, but these "serpents" were NOT "poisonous
copper colored snakes" no matter how you cut it after you've read the
correct translation. The translation specifically says they are SERAPHIM! The
translation for these two words are identical to Isa.14:29, the only thing
missing here is the adjective "flying". There is confirmation of this, but it has
been overlooked and mis-interpreted. This verse is usually interpreted to
mean the angel of death that killed the first born of the Egyptians. It is NOT
referring to the "destroyer" (singular) at all. There was ONE angel (the
Destroyer) that slew the first born of the Egyptians. This is not referring to
the Egyptians at all, it is talking about the Israelites and the plagues they
endured in the wilderness during the "wandering". The verse says ANGELS
(plural) that were "among them". This is talking about the "fiery serpents"
(seraphim), for there is NO other interpretation. Now, the Lord tells Moses to
do something strange here:
"And the Lord said unto Moses, make thee a
and put it upon a pole,
and it shall come to pass, that every
one that is bitten, when he
upon it, shall live".
(vs. 9)
It is a slightly different translation used here for "fiery serpents". The
translation for "serpents" here is [Strong's ref. 8314 saraph] or "seraph"
(angelic being). Obviously, Moses did not make one of these, he made an
IMAGE of one out of brass. It is very interesting to note, that in the
translation is also the allusion to "seeing" or "observing". Isn't it strange that
by "looking" at this image of a "fiery seraph", the Israelites would be
restored? There is a profound symbolic purpose for this which has never
been properly interpreted to satisfaction as far as I'm concerned. I believe I
know a little of the answer to this riddle, but some things need to be found
out for one’s self for them to become "rama". Now, almost to a man, every
single pastor or teacher of the Word of God will deny what I have just shown
you pertaining to the "fiery serpents" in the wilderness, of which the
Israelites were plagued. God himself will confirm what I've shown you
through his servant David in the book of Psalms:
"He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger,
wrath, indignation, and trouble, by SENDING
among them".
(Psalm 78:49)
They will still deny it, for they refuse to believe. This chapter in Psalms is
dealing with the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It deals extensively with
the plagues God brought upon the HEBREWS, not the Egyptians. Make no
mistake, the "fiery serpents" were "evil angels", not SNAKES!. A great deal
of what is written in the bible about the "demonic host of heaven", is placed
"parable-like" throughout scripture. Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, the pieces
must be carefully extracted and scrutinized, then organized for it to become
coherent. Of course, you must BELIEVEwhat you are reading. This ultimately
becomes a waste of time, if the person is un-willing to believe in what is
written! This person usually formulates an interpretation that he/she WILL
believe .This interpretation usually "blinds" the individual from seeing the
little "connecters" of the jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle in the long run, is the "big
picture". You will NOT be able to see the big picture without the "connecters"
( i.e. eyes, serpents, locusts, nephillim, rapha etc.), and you can't see or
interpret the "connectors" if you don't believe in what the words mean and
their interpretation. I hate to use the phrase but its "all academic". Now,
what I find very strange ladies and gentlemen, is that the early church
fathers and historians give almost nothing as to this incident in the
wilderness with the 'flying serpents', or as Psalm 78 says, the "evil angels".
Philo gives a philosophical diction on the meaning of the "brazen serpent"
lifted up by Moses to heal the people from the serpents, but says virtually
nothing about the 'serpents' themselves. Josephus on the other hand,
mentions nothing on this specific event during the Exodus in his works at all.
But, we can peruse a couple of very interesting facts if we pay attention, and
they will tell us something of extreme importance. Philo and Josephus say
only this about the 'serpents':
"For all around were rugged and precipitous rocks, or else a salt and
brackish plain,
and stony mountains, or deep sands reaching up and forming
mountains of inaccessible
height; and moreover there was no river, neither winter torrent nor
stream; there were no springs, no plant growing from seed, NO
TREE whether for fruit or timber,
except some few poisonous
and SERPENTS, and scorpions...."
(Philo, "On The Life Of Moses 1", XXXV:192)
"For when the ground was dificult to be passed over, because of the
multitude of
(which it produces in vast numbers, and indeed is SINGULAR in
some of those productions,
which other countries DO NOT BREED, and yet such are worse than
others in POWER
and mischief, and an
some of which
and also
and do come upon men at unawares, and do them mischief)......"
(Josephus, "Antiquities Of The Jews", 2.10.245)
Now, Philo only has this to say about the "serpents" or rather "evil angels",
but he says something of extreme importance. He says they were "REPTILES"
created for the destruction of man, and designates "serpents" or rather
'snakes' as something different. He also gives a description of the wilderness
which disproves that these "serpents" were garden variety snakes that FLY,
of which there are today in areas of Asia (they can 'leap' from tree to tree).
Why? because Philo says there were no "TREES" or anything else but a
barren plain of wilderness. He also states something that seems
contradictory at first glance and states that there were no "animals",
whether FLYING or....TERRESTRIAL!!!. Now, this is a strange statement for it
elliminates everything, birds, animals, whether earth bound or 'terrestrial',
meaning in the FIRST HEAVEN (earth’s atmosphere). So what is Philo saying
these reptiles are? It would seem that Philo does NOT know himself and that
these statements are from records not in the bible for sure. He states that
these 'reptiles' were born for the destruction of mankind, meaning they were
implemented specifically for the 'evil angel assault' of Exodus, and not
common snakes or serpents of the ground. If this isn’t strange enough, then
we have to contend with Josephus's account. Now, as I said, Josephus does
not state anything about this 'serpents in the wilderness' account of the
Exodus in his works. This statement is from an account about Moses, before
he was ordained by the Lord, while in service to Pharoah in Egypt. It is an
account of how Moses made war with the Ethiopians while in service to
Pharoah. This is much stranger for Josephus states that these serpents were
"singular" meaning exclusive to the country, just like Philo. There were no
other 'breeds" of these 'serpents". He says they are much "worse" than other
'serpents', and they are "UNUSUAL" in appearence. Furthermore, they came
out of the "dens" in the ground UNSEEN, were extremly fierce, and......FLEW
IN THE AIR!!!. He’s talking about "flying serpents" here folks and alludes to
SUPERNATURAL PROPERTIES which they have (unseen, they fly, unusual
appearence etc.). He states as he goes on that these 'flying serpents'
attacked the Egyptian army as they moved south through the wilderness
towards Ethiopia, and were "exclusive" to that country. Josephus, like Philo, is
basing his statements on other accounts of this event, not from the bible.
Iraneus loosely explains this account in his "fragments". Josephus goes on to
explain how Moses designed a way to deal with these "flying serpents", by
utilizing another mysterious creature, a type of "bird" called an "IBE", which
Josephus states is the greatest enemy of these "flying serpents", and which
would hunt and destroy them when they attacked. Weird stuff folks, and not
to be ignored.
themselves with the
but they shall
cleave one to another,
even as iron is not mixed with clay".
(Daniel 2:43)
If you have any knowledge of the New World Order and basic end-time
biblical prophecy interpretation, than you will grasp the frightening scenario
here. This is the interpretation of the 4th kingdom or the last-days kingdom
according to Daniel. It’s the one being built before our very eyes right NOW!
(NWO). The "toes" of the kingdom are partly strong and partly broken
according to Nebuchadnezzars dream of the statue of a man (ten nations or
states, ten "kings", and ten "horns"). He relates the "toes" as being mixed
with "miry clay". What is the the "miry clay"?. Look after the first comma of
The ONLY textual conclusion you can make is that the “THEY", is something
OTHER THAN MEN or HUMANS! The "miry clay" is NEPHILLIM! (Aliens?
we will see later).That’s right, there is NO other explanation or alternative
here according to the text. Are you SEEING this? We have to look deeper at
this. The end of the verse is extremely interesting. it states "they shall not
cleave to one another". Is the word cleave being used in the same context as
"mingle? If so, the probable answer as to why they won't cleave to one
another, is because they can't!. Their ALL MALES and need the "seed of
men" (woman) if being used in the context of mingle. But if not, then the
only other probable reason is because THEY don't want to give themselves
away! (reveal themselves). Read Dan.11:39...he shall cause THEM to rule
over many... and it’s all done by CRAFT! This is why they don't "cleave" to
one another. When you consider that God refers us "humans" as "clay", and
to be molded by his hand's, we see a strange parallel. Clay is mixed with
water, or the HOLY SPIRIT in the Lord's analogy of the "potters wheel". The
meaning of the term "miry clay" becomes quite interesting. The root for the
word miry here is[Strong's ref. 2916tiyt, teet; from an unused root;
through the idea of dirt being swept away;mud or clay; fig.
calamity:- dirt, mire, clay]. What "miry clay" is here folks, is MUD!. You
know what mud is. We've all played with it when we we're kids and let me
tell you what God taught you. Mud is "runny", "gooey", and downright
"mucky". You've tried to make something with it right? A "castle" or a "fort"
or anything else for that matter. You COULDN'T, that’s why you ended up
throwing it at your best friend! What I means is, that the "water" and the
"dirt" don't mix! The water keeps "separated" from the "dirt", and that’s why
you can't "form" anything with it!. Its "miry clay", not "clay"! (I refer you
again to 2 Pet.2:17, Jude 12). Can we see some other confirmation of this?
"He brought me up also out of an
horrible pit,
out of the
miry c l a y,
and set my feet upon a rock,
and established my goings".
(Psalm 40:2)
This is the only other use of this term in the bible. David wrote this
Psalm, and what was David's first claim to fame? He slew the "nephillim"
Goliath! (an Anakim). And to show he was not messing around, he brought 4
extra "stones" for Goliath's 4 other "nephillim" brothers. What's most
interesting about the word "miry" here is its translation. Its different from the
one in Daniel, Its [Strong's ref. 3121 yaven, yaw - ven; prop.dregs;
hence, mud:- mire, miry.]. This translation is exclusive to this ONE place in
scripture. As you can see, there is some substance to this.
the coming of the Son of man be".
(Matthew 24:37)
This warning should not be taken lightly, for this comes out of the mouth
of Christ!. You must remember, the "day's" of Noah extended past the flood.
And we also found out that there was nephillim after the flood as well. Noah
lived up to the time of the advent of the first "Antichrist", NIMROD. This is
an important point to take note of, because the Antichrist to come will be
something "like" him. We shall continue further with our study of this certain
individual in part two of this series, as he plays a most significant role in end
time prophecy and is an extremely important link between the "mysteries" of
the nephillim in the bible, and the modern day phenomena of UFO's, aliens,
and abduction historically. The Antichrist plays one of the most important
roles in end-time bible prophecy. To understand the connection between the
modern day UFO, alien phenomena, and the "nephillim" of the bible, one
must know something of the background and historical roots of the biblical
Antichrist. After a brief examination, we shall look further back in time for
vestigial traces between the "sons of God' interaction on mankind in history,
and the UFO phenomena of today in the scripture, and from what we know
from academia and science. Let’s take a look at a "key figure" in end-time
prophecy interpretation and his connections with our topic in part 2 of this
discussion.More can be shown to directly connect the modern day UFO and
alien dilemna with the bible, by doing a simple study of the shadowy figure in
the scriptures known as the "Antichrist". He, is ever so directly antiquated to
"Lucifer" in the scriptures, and shall play a most important role in the final
episode of the last days.
The many different aspects of the Antichrist as related in the bible, are
hard to understand unless you can SEE the "system" that ushers him in
(NWO). But given the picture the bible gives us of him, only naivety would
conclude that this "man" is, well....like us! If there is one verse of scripture to
confirm this conclusion then:
"Yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the
cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou (Antichrist)
laid down,
feller (nephillim)
is come up against us".
(Isaiah 14:8)
This verse is a prophecy pertaining to AFTER the Tribulation in co-
ordination with verse 7 as well. This is the only place in the entirety of
scripture that uses this word "feller" in its present form.. As I've shown
before, "feller" is used "exclusively" of giants! (nephillim). But let's check out
the translation here. In the Hebrew its [Strong's ref. 3772 karath, kaw -
rath; a prim. root; to cut off; by impl. to destroy or consume; spec.
to make a covenant (alliance or bargain); be con-federate, feller,
lose, perish, +utterly]. Doesn't the Antichrist "confirm" a "covenant" of 7
years? At the end , doesn't he "utterly lose" and "perish"? Isn't he the one
that "cut's off" the "daily sacrifice", resulting in the "abomination of
desolation"? Isn't this talking about our boy? Than what's with the absolutely
non-sensical interpretation of the Church today? Hal Lindsay has seen this
and has publicly stated his belief that the Antichrist will be a nephillim, and
so do I. You see, the Antichrist is Satan's version of the "Messiah". A half-god
man! No it’s NOT a deception, he's REAL!. The "deception" is to those who
don't recognize him as such, a REAL LIVE MONSTER! His "supernatural
powers" will be completely REAL, NOT MAGIC (no rabbits and mirrors). THE
like the MESSIAH, or shall I say to the vast majority, even the Lord Jesus
Christ! That's how strong the "deception" is, to "deceive even the very
ELECT if it were at all possible", and it’s happening RIGHT NOW (my people
perish for lack of knowledge). The bible shows that he will be the "king" of
PHLANTHROPY, the world will LOVE HIM and follow him right to hell. In fact,
the Church is primed for him RIGHT NOW, and they will FOLLOW HIM with
PERISH! As I've shown earlier, the "ten kings" of Daniel are also nephillim,
and are in league with THE BEAST and his empire during the Tribulation. As
I've shown earlier, there is a direct connection between the fallen angels
(watchers) and nephillim (Zophim), and "eyes". There is somebody else
antiquated with "eyes" in scripture:
"...there came up among them another
little horn (Antichrist)...
and behold, in this horn were
the eyes of a man,
and a mouth speaking great things".
(Daniel 7:8)
I believe this to be a "binding tie". Notice here that the "eyes" in this
little horn, are LIKE that of a man. It’s NOT saying they ARE of a man. The
bible says that the Antichrist "does not worship the gods of his father’s",
that’s because his "fathers" DIDN'T WORSHIP ANY GODS, THEY WERE
to "worship" is HIMSELF, a GOD OF FORCES! (his supernatural abilities). This
is why he "regards no woman", for he MAGNIFIES HIMSELF ABOVE ALL!. He
"worships" and believes HIMSELF AS GOD!. He doesn't think the need to
"procreate" to extend himself, after all, he's GOD (eternal!, in his mind, and
well... as I've shown, he REALLY KINDA IS!). Do you SEE the scenario? There
is another little tidbit as to his true identity:
"Woe unto you that desire the
day of the Lord...
as if a man did flee from a lion,
and a bearmet him; or went into the house,
and leaned his hand on the wall, and a
SERPENT (Antichrist)
bit him (kings of the earth)
(Amos 5:18-19)
This couple of verses of scripture have been generally interpreted as the
"betrayal" of the kings of the earth, by the Antichrist (Not his nephillim
"kings"). It could possibly be alluding to the three "horns" that are plucked up
by the "little horn" (Antichrist) in the book of Daniel. Regardless, he is a
SERPENT!. This is not just by happenstance. This verse can be interpreted
many different ways at the MOMENT. We will not know for sure until these
"personages" are revealed. "Serpent" is translated here [Strong's ref. 5175
nachash], with descriptions inferring "eyes" or "observing", and "magic
spells" and "divine" as adjectives.
Contrary to today's prophetical interpretation, the Antichrist does NOT
become "POSSESSED" by Satan!. Satan is "cast down" upon the earth to be
WITH the "Antichrist", and the "False Prophet" (satanic trinity) , as well as
being met with a HOST of demons "from hell beneath..." (tartarus), and
nephillim "to fulfil my wrath..." (as shown earlier). These three are brought
together with their "host", dragging along with them the WHOLE WORLD, to
fight a battle called Armageddon against GOD ALMIGHTY!. Can you
understand the utter INSANITY of this scenario! But this is what the bible
"And I saw
unclean spirits
come out of the mouth of the dragon, and
out of the mouth of the beast,and out of the
mouth of the false prophet".
(Revelation 16:13)
As you can see, there are "3" separate individuals referred to here. There
are three "unclean spirits" (demonic), that proceed from the mouths of these
three. It states that they are like "FROGS" (serpents, reptilian?). Could this
be a subtle reference to Isaiah 14:29? Could this be alluding to "fiery flying
SERPENTS?” The text states that they come out of their MOUTHS. Maybe it is
implying that they will convince the world that "aliens" are in fact our
CREATORS. The reason that I say this is that there has to be some kind of
"out of this world" reason for what happens next:
"For they are the
working miracles,
which go forth unto the
kings of the earth
and of the
to gather them to the battle of that great day
of God almighty".
(Revelation 16:14)
I want you to notice here that "they" are the "spirits of DEVILS!” Now,
according to modern day interpretation, devils ARE spirits. So, how do you
make sense of this phrase? Because the "devils, are something other than
the "spirits" that proceed from them. They proceed forth from the "mouths"
of these three in tandem with the "working of miracles". This draws the
WHOLE WORLD to battle, through the "kings of the earth" (ALL leaders),
against whom? GOD ALMIGHTY!. What this is all referring to ladies and
gents, is THE LIE OF ALL LIES!. This is a "specific" LIE! This is the one
talked about by the Apostle Paul (2 Thess. 2:11). There is only ONE scenario
that can possibly create this event. I don't care how you slice it, dice it,
rationalize it, or equate it. This can NOT, nor will it happen unless the
WHOLE WORLD does NOT know that it is GOD ALMIGHTY! That is all there is
to it!. They are not going to know who they are fighting against, because
they are told it is someone or "something" else. AN ALIEN INVASION?,
while the beast, false prophet, dragon, nephillim, demons, and UFO's with
their ALIEN occupants are DOWN HERE with the rest of us all working
together to prepare for a battle against the LORD, like one big happy family!.
This whole plot comes to a fiery end ON THAT DAY, which is specifically
referring to the "day of the Lord", the return of Jesus Christ, and the day of
"And it shall come to pass on that day, that
the Lord shall punish the
of the
that are
and the kings of the earth upon the earth".
(Isaiah 24:21)
That day here folks is Armageddon. I want you to notice the next line, the
Lord "punishes" the HOST that are ON HIGH. It’s important that you note
where they are at, on "high". From the perspective given of the Lord's return
to earth, the "kings of the earth" are BELOW him, and the "host" ABOVE
him, as Christ comes "in the clouds" and from the east. The Lord is also very
specific here now; they are the "host" of the HIGH ONES! (nephillim, aliens,
UFO's?). The Lord specifically gave what direction to look at for his return.
"Thou shalt bring down the noise of strangers,
as the heat in a dry place; even the heat with the
shadow of a CLOUD:
the branch (Antichrist?) of the
(Nephillim, aliens?)
shall be
brought low".
(Isaiah 25:5)
The term "terrible ones" is an extemely interesting term. The translation
for the word terrible is quite interesting as well as unique, its[Strongs ref.
6184 ariyts, aw - reets; fearful, i.e. powerful or tyrannical:- mighty,
oppressor, in great power, strong, terrible, violent]. There are many
translations for the word "terrible". The implication of the beginning of the
verse from the end says that the "terrible ones" wereSTRANGERS(alien,
foreign, check the translation out yourself). It’s also interesting to note, that
there is the "allusion" of Christs return with "the heat with the shadow of a
CLOUD". The "branch" of the terrible ones is being equated with Isa.14:29
(fruit of the Antichrist, the terrible ones), and a couple of other passages of
scripture. And even more so, we find this "strange" statement come out of
the mouth of God that is ALWAYS mis-interpreted.
"Thus shall you say unto them, the
that have
not made the heavens and the earth,
shall perish from the earth ,
and from under these
(Jeremiah 10:11)
This is the Lord speaking here in first person. It is directed at the
"humans" of the earth. The Lord is NOT, acknowledging other "gods" here
(none is like unto himself) , he is acknowledging that we (humans of the
world) believe THEY ARE GODS!. Remember what scripture says "mens
hearts failing them for FEAR of those things that are coming UPON THE
EARTH!". Another thing, if God is only referring to "statues" and "idols" here
like the "brain-trusts" of the Church want you to believe, than show me
where these statues and idols are in SPACE, because that's what this verse
says (heavens). There is a definite correlation taking place here as you shall
see concerning the UFO agenda of their occupants, and the prophetical
outline of the last days. So let us now turn our attention towards another
piece of the puzzle.
As I've said earlier, the last-days are centered around "Babylon". Contrary
to what contemporary Christianity interprets Babylon to be, as well as being
a "system", both economic and spiritually, it is also a "place" and not in Iraq
or somewhere in the middle-east. There are over 150 parameters identifying
this "Babylon" of the last-days. There is not space here to delve into this in
great length (I shall in another dissertation), but prophecy related to the
Tribulation period, is focused upon "Babylon" the NATION (place). I would
like to now exegete some verses of scripture, so as to give you more of an
understanding of the "invasion" scenario, right from the Holt Writ. We shall
examine some in depth etymology of some of these words used.
against her, which shall make her
land desolate, and none shall dwell therein:
they shall remove, they shall depart, both
man and beast"
(Jeremiah 50:3)
out of the north cometh up a nation
#3380 #6828 #5921 #1471
"minniy" "tsaphown" "al" "goee"
from out of the hidden place, the top, the aliens, foreigners, a
above inremoteparts of highest/above or body of people or
the north, over animals, locusts
where God lives
As you can see here, there is MUCH more than meets the eye here in the
original language. The most interesting word of this verse is the word
"great". The Gesenius Greek and Hebrew lexicon annotates the use of this
word in reference to the "Anakim". It should be stated here, that this word is
actually borrowed from the ancient Sumerians word "Annunakki". The
Annunakki were gods in the ancient Babylonian epic of Gilgamesh (the
Enuma Elish). They were said to have "descended" from the skies, "mated"
with woman and produced demi-gods, then re-ascended after the "deluge".
The word for "assembly" here is extremely unique. Brown-Driver-Brigg's
Lexicon says that it is used especially of "angels" or"sons of God". The Lord is
even more specific as to where the north is in relation to this "invasion". A
couple of words can say a lot.
"Come against her from the
(Jeremiah 50:9)
come against her from the utmost border
#935 **** #7093
"bow" "qets"
go down into war, an end, or extremity
especially suddenly of space or time with
space the idea of
extreme remoteness as
to being nearly
Are you starting to see that some of these adjectives are used in direct
connection with "outer space"! Listen, "Russia" is NOT the "nearly infinite"!.
All of these adjectives in the translation infer EXTREMELY REMOTE, VERY
AFAR OFF, AS BEING NEARLY INFINITE. To show you I'm not blowing air, let us
refer back to Isaiah 13, and the "nephillim" that come to fulfill God's wrath!
"T H E Y
come from a
far country, from the
rough caterpillars".
(Jeremiah 51:27)
upon the earth:
and unto them was given
as the
of the earth has power".
(Revelation 9:3)
As you will notice in verse two before this, these "locusts" come up from
the "bottomless pit" (correctly the "abyss").The word for them in the Hebrew
is"akris"[Strong's ref. 200] which means among other things,"pointed",
and as "lightning". Have you ever seen video of UFO's doing maneuvers?
They can reach speeds of 17,000 mph., and when caught on film, it leaves
the appearance of "streaked lightning"! What is caught on film is the "light
trails" in jagged non-uniformity suggesting rapid direction change in
acceleration. There is also the allusion in the translation of "locusts" as to
"having access to the tip-top, or the utmost parts"!. Verses 7 to 10 will tell
you what they looked like. Verse 11 tells you it is a "kosmokrator" class/rank
angel called ABADDON that is "prince" over them. Verse 5 tells you that
they are given power to torment men for five months. You take a good look
at this passage and you tell me that were dealing with "puffs of wind" here? I
think NOT!. This verse is NOT antiquating interaction between man and non-
physical reality! On the contrary, it is being very "specific" as to description
of interaction. These things in this instance are being referred to as locusts
"symbolically", as pertaining to FLIGHT!. There is no question here it is
referring to "demonic beings", but is there anything else to show us just
exactly "who" of the demonic hierarchy we are dealing with here?. In verses
15 and 16, we find that 200,000,000 of these things are let loose to destroy
1/3rd of mankind, under the command of 4 "commanders" who are
subordinate to "General Abaddon". Read chapter 9 very carefully, pay
attention. These "locusts" are very strange in appearance. There is no doubt
that we are dealing with "supernatural beings" here. These things are
allowed to unleash on mankind, torment for 5 months. The description of
these things is very interesting, but what's most intriguing, can be missed
very easily. Towards the end of chapter 9, the description of the "locusts" is
yet expounded once again. The "power" of these things is in their "mouths"
and in their "tails". The "tails" in fact are distinct entities of themselves. Take
a good look at what the "tails ARE:
"For their power is in their mouth,
and in their tails: for their
were like
S E R P E N T S,
and had
h e a d s,
and with them they do hurt".
(Revelation 9:19)
Over and over in this chapter, we are told about the "power" of the
"scorpion-like" tails of these "locusts" with man/woman/beast "visages". We
are told very quickly (and once I may add) a little more detail about the tails
of these "things". If you are not paying attention when reading this chapter,
you will completely miss it. The inference is very subtle. They are like unto
SERPENTS!. I now ask you to refer back to Isa. 14:29 (fiery flying serpents).
Are you getting the picture? This is not talking about "snakes", It is distinctly
referring to "demons" in the etymology. This is a "plague" that is brought
upon mankind. The typology is evident when one relates back to Numbers
21:6. A plague of "demons" was brought upon the Israelites in the desert
before they entered the Promised Land (Canaan, home to most of the
nephillim races!). A plague of 200,000,000 "locusts" (demons) will be
brought upon the world before the reigning in of the King of Kings and the
millennium. Furthermore, John relates that the "tails that torment" also have
"heads". This is something that has been completely looked-over in
prophetical interpretation. The "tails" are distinct beings with "heads", which
alludes to "personality". The translation used here is "ophis"in the Hebrew
(Strong's ref. 3789)with the reference to "eyes" in the translation
(watchers/nephillim?), and directly related to Satan in the meaning. The
torment inflicted by these "locusts" is like the "sting of a scorpion". Do you
know what the effects of a scorpion bite are? If not treated, the victim will
lapse into "paralysis", than eventual "toxic cardio-pulmonary shock", or more
commonly referred to as a "heart attack" (heart failure). Now, I just want you
to read Joel 2:1-11 over carefully. It is also talking about the same events
Jeremiah and John are talking about. The added phrase in Jer. 51:27 (cause
the horses), was taken from Joel 2:4. This chapter is in harmony with Rev. 9.
These are "locusts" (flying serpents, UFO's) that are being inferred here.
"Like the noise of chariots on the
of the
shall they
like the
of a
flame of fire
that devoureth stubble,as a
strong people
set in battle array".
(Joel 2:5)
The imperative word in this verse is "shall". These "things" are
antiquated with the "appearance of "fire" or "brilliance". The translation
shows they are not on fire, nor do they "burn things up". It is viewed LIKE
unto these things. What is being shown here, is "access of (sky)", how "fast"
(noise), and how "efficient" (burnt stubble). Read verse 6, that translation for
"mighty" is "gibhor", giant, or what it really is called, nephillim. Verse 8
infers they have "supernatural life". Verse 9 sounds like an "alien holocaust"
(it leaves the ever so slight after-thought of "mass abduction"). Verse 10 tells
you these are definitely NOT "men". I've heard every interpretation there is
on this passage, and every-time they put this passage in the context of
"humans" doing these things, it becomes comical.
Probably the most famous passage of scripture that people relate to as
describing a UFO, or UFO's, is Ezekial ch.1. To the shock and amazement of
most who hold this view I would expect, this passage is NOT describing
UFO's. Let me show you what is being described here. Read chapter one very
carefully first then turn your attention back to this document. Think about
what your reading. Ezekial is "viewing" this, so "picture" what he is viewing.
Ezekial describes a lot of detailed "perspective" here as to his surroundings,
and what they look like.
"And I looked and behold a
came out of the
a great cloud, and a fire
and a brightness was about it, and out of midst of
it was the color of amber. out of the
MIDST of the fire".
(Ezekial 1:4)
I want to reiterate something here again, the "north" is where the Lord
"resides" (in the sides thereof) according to scripture. The "north" is where
heaven is. A "whirlwind" came out of the "north". The translation here is
distinctly different than the others. It is [Strong's ref. 7307 ruwach, roo -
ahk; wind; by resemb. breath, a violent exhalation: fig. life; by
exten. a region of the sky; by resemb.spirit, tempest, whirlwind].
What you’re going to be shown here, is that something is being given BIRTH
too. This is also descriptive of the life giving "spirit" of God. This is a "vision"
of and on a massive scale. What I mean is, what Ezekial is looking at, is not
confined to his perspective of planet Earth. This is HUGE. Out of this
"unfolding fire", comes "creatures" of various appearances. The descriptions
of the "creatures" are not as important as to their "actions".
"Their wings were
one to another; they
turned not
when they went; they went everyone
straight forward".
(vs. 9)
If you study this little verse by itself, you'll find that this illustration
cannot work if you are picturing this in two dimensions. This can ONLY be
properly understood if you are thinking 360 degree "panoramic" view
(spherical). What Ezekial is looking at is the "night sky" from the perspective
of Earth. The creatures are "cherubs" and they are ZODIAC! They are
"constellations of stars" that we see in the night sky:
"Now as I beheld the living creatures,
behold one wheel
the earth
by the living creatures, with his four faces".
(vs. 15)
Take careful note of the "wheel UPON the earth". Ezekial is looking at the
"horizon". The answer to this whole riddle is in how the "wheels" work or
move. Without getting into a prolonged detailed analysis, I think you should
be able to get a pretty generalized picture by the next verse.
"The appearance of the wheels and their
work (construction), was as it were a
wheel in the middle of a wheel...
And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by
them: and when the living creatures were
lifted up from the Earth,
wheels were lifted up...
for the
of the living creature
round about them..."
(vs. 18)
The word "dreadful" here is usually interpreted as meaning "full of awe".
No, Ezekial IS seeing something dreadful here. The "orbits" of the
constellation and the planets, were so "high", giving the allusion of great
distance. But Ezekial states something else here, the "orbits" of these cosmic
bodies are "full of eyes". This is what is dreadful. Ezekial is stating that the
"constellations" are FULL OF WATCHERS OR ZOPHIM. As stated before,
we get our word "eyes" from the word "zophim" (watchers).
The intellectual war of the last millennium, has been raging this past
century between two opponents and one subject, "evolution". The outcome
of this war so far has shown, that the "atheist" is wrong because he doesn't
know God, and the average Christian is wrong because he has been taught
"doctrines of men", and has not truly searched for the truth in God’s Word.
The answer to the dilemma of "millions of years", as opposed to "6000" has
ALWAYS been found in the bible, and the bible would state that both
"millions" and "6000" are OF A TRUTH! The main sensitive point for most
Christians is not so much the "time" element, as to the "creation" vs. what
the world perceives as "evolution" when it comes to MAN. I will say this right
off the top, man did NOT "evolve" from a monkey, bug, slug, or any other
utterly ABSURD idea of the like. I for the life of me, will never understand
how someone can even "entertain" this notion. Never the less, let’s see what
really IS truth. The area of concern I first want bring to your attention is
"time". A careful study of scripture indicates that the "Word" is centered
around the time-frame of God's 6,000 year plan for mankind before the
millennial reign of Christ, but that is not ALL the "time" related to in the
scripture. There are many strange verses in the scripture that cannot be
understood via modern theology. Modern theology eliminates these verses
out of their doctrines because they "do not fit". To show you this, we must go
to the beginning, and take a close look to see if we have been told the truth
from our "prophets" of the Word who lead the Church, for they are the ones
who have "decided" what is truth and what is not FOR YOU!.
"In the beginning God created the heaven
and the earth. And the earth was
and darkness was upon
the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon
the face of the waters".
(Genesis 1:1-2)
in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
#227 #1254 #8064 #776
"az" "bara" "shamayim" "erets"
beginning, from a prim. root, to outer space, the a planet or
now, create, select, 2ndheaven, celestial world
of old, at which do, dispatch, space
time, then, hitherto make
The textual intent of this verse is to imply a very "generalized
description". These words used are not as defined as they could be if this
verse were to imply the "summation" of creation. It does NOT. As the Lord
outlines the creative "steps" in further verses, the words become much more
descriptive. There probably never would have arose an argument against
"instantaneous creation", had the Lord not put in vs. 2, and some other
subsequent verses of scripture. There is NO good argument on the side of
"creation scientists", for the reason why the Lord describes the "condition"
and state of the earth here.
the earth..."
(Genesis 1:28)
The word "replenish" here is [Strong's ref. 4390 mala]which means to
be full, fulfil, satisfy, be expired, accomplish. Our English translates this
word as meaning "to redo what was once done", obviously. The fact of the
matter is, there is no "use" of the word "plenish" in the bible. This does NOT
mean that it is not a word that appears in the Hebrew, it just means it’s NOT
BEING USED!. The textual intent by itself implies WHAT IT IMPLIES! But
enough of this, lets listen to David sum it all up in one verse of a Psalm:
"Thou sendeth forth thy spirit (Gen.1:2),
they are created (Adam & Eve): and thou
the face of the earth".
(Psalm 104:30)
David is summing it up pretty simply. You do see that word "renewest"
don't you? Yup, that’s what it means, the "face of the earth was
RENEWED!". O.k., renewed from what? well...a waste and a desolation, an
undistinguishable ruin, CONFUSION, get the picture? The word used here is
[Strong's ref. 2318 chadash, khaw - dash; a prim. root; to be new, to
rebuild, repair, renew], so there's NO mistake!. Well, let's go on then. We
know that something "major" happened to the face of the earth. Are there
any traces of what happened? Does God say anything about this elusive time
period?. You betcha:
"I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was
and the heavens, they had no light".
(Jeremiah 4:23)
Umm...it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Jeremiah is looking
at. He is looking at Gen.1:2. This is the only other place where "tohuw"and
"bohuw"are used, and it’s not by accident. Bible prophecy is given to identify
and magnify the God of the bible. The God of the bible is the "alpha and
omega", he can go backwards and forwards in time at his leisure, and may
very well want you to see something in the PAST!. This is a "vision" of the
PAST! But, Jeremiah has much more to say.
"I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they
and all the hills moved lightly.
I beheld, and, lo, there was
NO MAN (Adam),
and all the
at the
presence of the Lord,
and by his fierce anger".
(vs. 26)
Well, I'm out to lunch right about now you say...right? Don't be so fast to
doubt, the "Word" is not through here. If you are to believe what I've shown
you so far, than this verse is implying that there were CITIES in the "fruitful
place" before the "event". But there was NO "man", no Adam according to
the translation, he was not yet created. Remember, that the face of the earth
was covered with water in Gen.1:2. The only "inhabitants" spoken of
anywhere here are "birds" so far, and it would seem to imply that the CITIES
belonged to the BIRDS!. Let's go on.
"Behold, the Lord maketh the earth
EMPTY (void),
and maketh it
and turneth it
and scattereth abroad the
(Isaiah 24:1)
Isaiah is definitely referring to the "event". It is the Lord that does this to
the earth. We see a new dimension added here to the "event" with the earth
being turned upside down. This is NOT referring to a future event, this
happened in the past. As in Jeremiah, we see the allusion of the inhabitants
(birds) fleeing, or rather, being scattered because of the event. What caused
the earth to overturn? Well, read Job 12:15, than when you're done that read
Psa. 24:1-2. You'll find that it is a "flood" that turns the earth "upside-down",
and that the earth was "established upon 2 floods". Now, which flood was
the one that made the earth turn upside-down? It is a bad guess if you said
Noah's flood, because you and me, and everyone else including Noah, would
have never been here, Noah would've PERISHED! The earth was over-
turned by the first flood of Gen.1:1-2. There are multiple strange references
throughout the Old Testament to describe the earth trembling, shaking,
melting, smoking etc. These seem out of place in some of the texts, see Job
9:6, 26:11, Psa.97:3-5, 60:2, 104:32. The first flood was NOT the event. The
event involved "fire", "smoke", "melting" etc. Let me now refer you to a
startling passage of scripture.
"Then the earth shook and trembled; the
foundations also of the hills moved and
were shaken, because he was
he bowed the heavens also, and came
D O W N:
darkness was under his feet (Gen.1:2)".
(Isaiah 18:7-9)
This is talking about God here. If God hadn't created the earth and man
yet, why is he so wroth? If you read vs. 8, you'd notice that "fire out of his
mouth devoured". Devoured what? I do not believe this is all analogous and
symbolism, and generally good "poetry". This verse is definitely alluding to
Genesis 1:1-2, and Jeremiah 4:23, but these verses are showing the "why" of
those verses. Continue:
"He made
darkness his secret place;
his pavilion round about him were
dark waters (Gen.1:2)
and thick clouds of skies...At the
brightness that was before him
his thick clouds passed".
(vs. 11-12)
This verse is absolutely placing this event at Gen.1:2. There was a
"brightness before him" as in the passage of Jeremiah ch.4. It is connected
with the hail stones and the coals of fire.
"The Lord also thundered in the heavens,
and the Highest gave his voice;
hail stones and coals of fire.
Yea, he sent out his arrows, and
and he shot out
and discomfited
T H E M".
(vs. 13-14)
I believe the "them" to still be what Jeremiah refers to as "birds". As
you've noticed all through this dissertation, the term "them" has been used
throughout to describe the "demonic host". All these passages have been
harmonious with a "scattering" of these "inhabitants" which we've identified
as being "birds"!. Oh but there's much more. I believe the "key" to this whole
riddle is found in the book of Ezekial in the ominous passage that describes
the "anointed cherub that covereth". This is probably by far, one of the most
mis-interpreted passages of scripture.
As I've shown earlier, there are many little details that can be passed
over, if you don't spend the time digging things out. One of the biggest
questions to be raised about Ezek. 28, is "where" are the events taking
place. In heaven? study this passage and you'll find that it CANNOT be so.
These verses are referring to within the boundaries of the universe. There is
detail in the description of the location where Satan "the ANOINTED cherub"
is located. If we look close enough, we might even find exactly "where":
"Thou art the
anointed cherub that covereth;
and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy
mountain of God; thou hast
walked up and down in the midst of
have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast
therefore I will
thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will
destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the
of the
(vs. 16)
There is a lot here to digest. This passage implies that all of the blame
was put on Satan, for the "violence" THEY brought up in his midst. The
"they", obviously must be referring to the other 1/3 of heaven that fell with
him (the "birds"). I believe that this "destruction" from the midst of the "built
stones", happened in the PAST!. This "destruction" WAS THE EVENT I've
referred too. This "event" was all in tandem with the initial "fall" of Lucifer!
Lucifer was thrown out of heaven "before" the creation of Adam and the
"renewing" of the planet. Satan was NOT destroyed, he had his "place of
dwelling destroyed", and then was "scattered from the midst" of the "built
stones of fire". It is this authors belief, that at one time, Satan and his host
inhabited our solar system "physically", and established a "civilization" of
ANGELIC BEINGS! Flesh had NOT been created yet!. They are known in
some places of scripture as the "inhabitants thereof", or "they", or ....
"birds"!. The most interesting factor is all the descriptions of this time-period
do not seem to be describing "earth" or any distinct place per say. The only
description of "where", is given in the phrase "stones of fire", which at casual
glance would seem to be talking about somewhere in heaven. This just
happens to be NOT the case. Read the next verse very carefully and tell me
why does Satan have SANCTUARIES, and why would he need them in
"Thou hast defiled
THY (Satan's)
by the multitude of thine iniquities,
by the iniquity of thy
therefore will I bring forth a
from the
MIDST (planets)
of thee..."
(vs. 18)
Whose sanctuaries are they? that's right, Satan’s!. Not for the worship of
himself, but for the worship of GOD ALMIGHTY! (read Psa. 148). By the
"defiling" of the very sanctuaries he "built" to honor God with, he was
destroyed from the midst of the solar system, and "formally" CAST from
heaven (though he still has access, see Job). I believe he was "based" on
other planets other than earth in the solar system. The evidence of "un-
natural" formations on other planets known to the general public speaks for
itself. There is no doubt as to the evidence, the question is, who and what left
it. I believe this "evidence" can be seen in our solar system, and is spoken of
in other references in scripture. We take some things for granted when we
read them, and therefore never find out what they really mean. Let's go on
here, and dig some more.
"Thou hast
as one that is slain; thou hast
thine enemies with thine strong arm".
(Psalm 89:10)
thou hast broken Rahab in pieces
#1792 #7294 #7518
"daka" "rahab" "rats"
to bruise, beat to pieces, boaster, proud, act break in pieces,
collapse, crush, smite, insolently, strength, bruise,crush
break, discourage, blusterer
as one that is slain thou hast scattered thine enemies
#2491 #6340 #341
"chalal" "pazar" "oyeb"
pierced, wounded, to scatter abroad, an adversary, foe,
profane, disperse enemy, as one of a
to break ones word, oppo. Tribe or party,
defile, slew, slain hostile
The word "rahab" here is NOT the "harlot rahab" of Jericho. I'll tell you
something else, it’s NOT Egypt, or Babylon, or any other country the false
prophets of Babylon are trying to sell you. Scientists, and astronomers have
scoured and pondered the scriptures for centuries, trying to find any traces
for the evidence they see in the solar system of a "massive calamity" they
know has taken place.Scientists have resolved themselves to the reality of a
"cosmic collision" within our solar system in the remote past, that destroyed
positively "one", if not two "planetary bodies", that were once in our solar
system by a "comet" or another planet possibly on an unusually"elongated
elliptical orbit", with a very long orbital period (once every 50,000 years
perhaps). This supposed planetary body is almost completely undetected to
mankind, except for the "myths" and "legends" of almost every ancient
culture that has ever been on the earth (see Epic of Gilgamesh, planet
"Marduk" etc.). Scientists and astronomers are aware of strange
"gravitational" shifts, of some of the outer planets of the solar system. They
have "discovered" a few of our planets by this same method. A couple of the
outer planets have "peculiar orbits" which they believe to have been caused
by some type of collision with another planetary body. They also assert, that
the "moon" we now have was "caught" by our earth's orbit, which came from
somewhere else in the solar system or from "outside". The general
conclusion amongst them is that our solar system once upon a time, was
NOT the way it is now. Between Mars and Jupiter, is what's left of a "planet"
that was destroyed eons ago according to scientists. It is now an "asteroid
belt", and the largest one in the solar system. There is another one in
between Uranus and Neptune. This massive disturbance in the solar system
caused the then "thriving"
planet of Mars to be
completely devastated of all
"life" (remember now, it was
announced to the world that
"life" was found on Mars in
1976!). The ancient
Babylonians called the planet
that scientists believe was
destroyed, "Tiamat" (the
"maiden of life). It could
possibly be that the Lord
once called the asteroid belt
we now see before Mars and
Jupiter,RAHAB! Look at the
translation for the word
"slain". It is very distinct and
has all the adjectives of the
other passages I've given in
description of Satan and what
happened to him. The word
"rahab" here is used as an "adjective!” It has been "assumed" that it is
representative of Egypt, because of its use in one other passage of scripture,
and thereby is now Church "doctrine". You've read these verses before many
times, and they just don't seem to fit with anything else. These verses are
"generalized" in their interpretations by theologians and are left being not
properly understood. If we’re dealing with "Egypt" here, circa. "Exodus", why
is God saying it happened in the ANCIENT DAYS!: Why do the teachers and
leaders of the Word look over so many details:
"Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm
of the Lord; awake, as in the
in the generations of old. Art thou not it that hath
C U T R A H A B,
(Isaiah 51:9)
as in the ancient days in the generations of old
******** #6924 ****** #5769
"qedem" "olam"
afore time, eternal, concealed, the
everlasting, ancient, vanishing point,
before, the front of eternity, time out of
mind, eternal
It is the same translation for the word "rahab" here. But notice these
translations indicating time-frame. The next verse does talk about Egypt, so
it has been "assumed" that this is what "rahab" must be referring to.
Garbage, since when was Egypt so ancient to Isaiah when he wrote this book
(the mini-bible, 66 books!), to the extent that he relates it to "eternity" and a
time "out of mind", meaning no memory of, or before TIME! You take a good
look at all these translations I've exegeted. There are MANY other words that
could have been used for the ones that were, to better get across the
meanings that the mainstream Church so willingly follow after. I'm sorry but
the Egypt interpretation is BUNK! These two verses I've given you are
directly descriptive of SATAN, and what the Lord did in times PAST, BEFORE
TIME! (Gen.1:2, Jer.4:23-28 etc.). This repeated reference to a time "afore
time" is found over and over in the bible, as early as Genesis chapter 6!.
Read 2 Peter 3:4-9 for New Testament confirmation on "afore time". Why
would there be such words with such meanings if they are not in fact what
they mean.
"The pillars of heaven tremble and are
astonished at his reproof.
He divideth he sea with his power, and by his understanding he
By his Spirit he garnished the heavens;his hand
(Job 26:11-13)
I realize what your reading here is different than in your King James.
Thats right, because what is in your King James is NOT correct. The word
"smiteth" in verse 12 is [Strong's ref. 4272 machats, maw - khats;
todash asunder, smash, crush, pierce, wound]. The word "proud" right
after this is [Strong's ref. 7293 rahab, rah - hab; blusterer, proud, act
insolently, boaster]. The translation for "crooked" in verse 13 is "barach"
in the Hebrew which means "fugitive", or literally the "fleeing serpent"
(check it out). As I've shown before, the Septuagint is much closer to the
original. Verse 13 is rendered in the Septuagint "....by a command he has
slain the "APOSTATE DRAGON". I believe there is a lot of things hidden in
the translations we have now, and I also believe they were hidden
The start of the modern UFO era, begins in 1947 with the"Incident at
Roswell". This is also known as the beginning of the "first wave". It should
also be pointed out that this event happened within months of the prophecy
fulfilling rebirth of apostate Israel, and the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
I'm giving the reader the benefit of the doubt as to his knowledge of the
incident, as I will not go into too many details. What most people do NOT
realize, is that the Roswell Incident was actually "2" separate incidents. The
incident that most people are familiar with, is what is referred to as the "first
crash". It was this first crash that was reported by the Press, worldwide in
1947, and then "recanted" not many hours afterwards. This has been part of
a cover-up for over 50 years by the United States government almost
admittedly!What has not been revealed, is that there was a "second" crash
site found by the Army that produced both the "disk" and its "occupants".
Legend has it, that of the
four occupants found, one was
still alive!. One Col. Phillip
Corso wrote a book claiming
the said "alive" occupant, lived
for some time afterwards
giving mankind some of the
technology we now have
today. Included is the
"computer chip", "fibre optics",
the "laser", and "stealth
technology" to name a few.
Steven Spielberg claims that
his movie "Close Encounters
Of The 3rd Kind" is based upon
a FACTUAL event that happened at Holloran Air Force Base in 1964 (an
"exchange").The last 9 years has seen 4 incidents which scare UFOlogists
because of their close proximity to major metropolitan cities, and because
they are "mass sightings" with multiple witness's and "hard" documented
evidence (video, still frame). These types of events are known as "flaps".
They can go on for long periods of time with increasing intensity. On the
evening of Thursday, March 13th 1997, there was the "mini-flap" in Phoenix
Arizona that shocked America. This event was broadcast all over the world on
the news. The media put out an official statement a couple of days after the
event, claiming it was the rock group "U2" rehearsing for their tour outdoors,
complete with "laser light show". I saw the footage, and it wasn't no "laser
show". On January 1st 1993, Mexico City became host to an "invasion" of
UFO's, that has become the best documented "mass sighting" in history. The
Mexico City flap began in 1991. It officially ended as a "flap" in 1995, 4
years!, but the sightings have not ceased however. One day in 1993, "700"
people caught the event on videotape. This footage is now widely circulated
around the world and readily accessible. More than 100 of the videos were
taken in the "day-time". In 1998, we saw the "Gulf Breeze" flap in south
Florida, that produced some of the most astounding video footage of a mass
sighting there has ever been. I've seen this footage, and it is incredibly
shocking. 1996 saw the flap over Israel, which has been incredibly "hushed"
by the mass media. This flap, referred to as "the big invasion", saw a great
deal of video evidence come out of it, but has been suppressed. Very little of
this footage has been released. I've seen a little bit of video from this flap off
the Internet, and I'm telling you, we are NOT being told what's really going
on. The 1990's has been the period called the "3rd wave" (2nd wave 60's
and 70's) in UFOlogy.
and with all
of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received
that they
that they should believe a
L I E.
That they
might be damned who believed
(2 Thessalonians 2-9-12)
As I've shown, UFO's and their "alien occupants" are "demonic". I believe
they will be part of "the" end-time deception, and IS already NOW. The
answers the Church gives to the world on the areas of "evolution", "UFO's"
and "aliens", and basically "what it is to be Christian", is ABSURD and an
EMBARRASSMENT!. There is an enormous amount of Christians in North
America who do not attend a church nor will they, because they KNOW
something is WRONG!. They once attended, but left out of deep
discouragement, and a "broken heart". After a while, they realized that what
they were reading in the bible, and what they were seeing and hearing in the
Church, were DIAMETRIC OPPOSITES! These people probably, with the
WILL of the Holy Spirit, attempted to correct what was wrong IN TRUTH
AND LOVE, only to find out what was REALLY wrong. They have not been
back since. Their TRUST was totally shaken in anything that has to do with
the visible Church. My heart goes out to them, and I pray to God that he
gives them the strength to overcome. I think I've talked enough on this area,
I will be doing other articles on this very area later on.
There are generally three different kinds of "extraterrestrials" that have
been witnessed too over the past 55 years. The most commonly reported of
these are what are referred to as "greys". "Reptilians" are reported far less.
The obvious correlation I'd like to make here, is to what we've looked at
earlier. "Serpents" are a name given to Satan and his host. We've seen that
the "fiery flying serpents", are in fact "Seraphim" (fallen "seraphim"). Could
they possibly be what are known as "reptilians" ? And then there is the
"humanoid", which is reported the least. "Humanoids" are reported to be the
"offspring" of human and alien, via "sexual" or "surgical" manipulation,
having a prolonged lifespan. Grey's have been noted for their one physical
trait most of all, their "eyes". They are also
noted in the lore, to be of "great age". All
persons who claim to have a personal
encounter with them, report that these "grey's"
are very "ancient' and "super-advanced"
EVOLUTIONALLY compared to a human. They
are reported to have "non-functional" mouths,
ears, noses, and from reported "autopsies"
done on these beings, they have no functional
"digestive system". They do not NEED to eat
FOOD. They communicate via
TELEPATHY(this is how the bible states
DEMONS communicate), and are reported to be
either "male" or "female" (I refer you to what
are known as "incubus" and "succubus" in
mythological demonology). But these things
are NOT WISPS OF AIR, they may be the
"Kosmokrateros of the Air", but they are NOT
AIR. THEY ARE REAL BEINGS WITH POWER!.They have the ability of
"inter-dimensionality". I believe this "ability" of theirs, allows them to
"traverse" vast distances across the universe, to other "places" and "times" if
they so choose, but that is part of the DECEPTION!. They do not live on
another planet, or in another galaxy as many people believe, they are
SPIRITS. They are popping in and out from "out-side" time and space at their
leisure, from other DIMENSIONS! (my Father's house has many MANSIONS!).
You must remember, we are dealing with FALLEN ANGELIC BEINGS HERE!
They WILL be proven to be also REAL TANGIBLE CREATURES! Now, I
believe the bible talks enough on these things, for me to not have to get into
an in depth analysis on "aliens". I think YOU should do your homework and
be obedient (WATCH THEREFORE!..Luke 21:36), and find these things out
for yourself. But I will give you what I "think" is happening here, though this
is nothing more than mere speculation based upon all the facts I've taken a
close look at:
If you study Genetics, you'll know that "cross-breeding" in the animal
kingdom, UNLIKE humans, is possible between different "breeds" of the
same "kind". If you keep cross-breeding a "line", that lines physical
"characteristics" becomes "dissolved", taking on the characteristics of the
guest "breed" over time. What I'm saying is, if all the nephillim weren't
stamped out after the flood, than that genetic line would eventually take on
the physical characteristics of a "human" over many generations. As crazy as
that sounds, that is the case. After many generations, that SUPERNATURAL
BEING, would look totally HUMAN. The nephillim as recorded in the bible,
were described as looking anything BUT HUMAN!. I believe that there is the
distinct possibility, that the "aliens" we observe and hear about now, are
nephillim that "fled" before the "event", and possibly
before and after the flood (if we’re dealing with purely
"physical" entities, trapped in a mortal coil). Don't think
this too waco, an "angelic being" or an "offspring" of one
would have SUPER-INTELLIGENCE and POWERS, to say,
build the GREAT PYRAMID, or construct the "lines at
Nazca" (as a matter of fact, a giant 300 ft. tall according to
Hebrew legend COULD build these), or let’s say, build the
MONUMENTS ON MARS and what is also reported to be
on the MOON! (I have seen photographs that would shake your head). And
also cause God to DESTROY the earth TWICE to boot! (the next time by
FIRE). Just possibly, a 300 ft. tall giant from 5000 years ago could be a 4ft.
tall "grey" today if subject to prolonged periods of "hyper-space" travel ( time
and the effects of the "gravitational force" changes, could cause major
"genetic alterations" over a prolonged period of time). Satan is the "prince of
the POWER of the air". He has "power" OVER the air. He is NOT air!. The
subtle inference of this is the "mastery" of "access throughout the universe".
He is also a FALLEN ANGEL!. Well, it’s plain that there's more to what meets
the eye in scripture on these modern day anomalies. It is pure IGNORANCE,
to sit back and wipe all this off as "bunk". There is a "picture" being
"exposed" reflecting what the Apostle Paul once said....we see through a
glass DARKLY now, but then, FACE TO FACE.
"Is there anything whereof it may be said,
See, this is NEW? it hath been
which was before us".
(Ecclesiastes 1:10)
In continuing with our study of this modern day biblical enigma, certain
prophetical connections become increasingly clearer as we look at the whole
of the end time satanic agenda including America/Babylon, the Antichrist,
Lucifer, THEM etc. etc. Bible prophecy just will not fit as a whole, unless the
whole of bible prophecy is worked out piece by piece. As you search out all
the pieces that comprise the end-time scenario, the "big picture" becomes
more clear and detailed. in order to unravel the "alien/nephillim" enigma in
the bible, we must look at every facet that surrounds the culmination of the
6000yr. dispensation of man on this earth. Let us look at the 'person' and
characteristics of the Antichrist, and the mysterious figure known as
The bible seems to give quite a different interpretation of the
personality known as Satan , and his "other" PERSONAL name, Lucifer. The
whole of end-time bible prophecy culminates in the introduction of the
person and political system directly from hell itself. The church has always
interpreted the two names to belonging to the "enemy" as belonging to the
same "person" and "entity". The "truth" of the matter is, nothing could be
farther from the truth according to scripture. The bible seems to indicate,
and Isaiah is quite emphatic, that these two names belong to two different
"incarnations" of the same person, quite the same fashion as Jesus and the
Father, but satanic, fallen.
"That thou should take up this proverb against the
son of the morning! how art thou cast down to the ground,
which did'st weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon
the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend
above the clouds; I will be like the most high. yet thou shalt be
brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. They that see thee shall
narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, is this the
that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms".
(Isaiah 14:12-16)
"Yet thou shalt be brought down to HELL, to the sides of the PIT. They that see thee
shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, is this the
that made the earth to trmble, that did shake the kingdoms...".
(Isaiah 14:16)
Chapter 14 of Isaiah identifies who the king of babylon is, Lucifer, and the
Antichrist. They are all the same person. Mmm...Lucifer, son of the
morning!A MAN!!!. I wasn't kidding around earlier when I stated that the
Antichrist will be a NEPHILLIM (see vs.8), and his biblical name is LUCIFER,
all the pieces together, one begins to see that much of what is called the
'great NWO conspiracy' and its TRUE SECRET, was foretold in the bible by the
prophets of old. The "alien agenda" behind the Illuminati's NWO conspiracy,
is clearly outlined in scripture. The use of the word "man" here is NOT by
accident, nor is it lightly referring a symbolic reference to Satan. It is this
authors belief, that Satan will do what his counterparts, the "b'nai-ha-elohim"
did in Genesis 6. He will "come down" (be "cast down"), and take a "woman"
, thus incarnating himself as a a MAN, A "NEPHILLIM!!!. As outlandish as this
interpretation seems, it is also confirmed by the works of Satan and his
followers writings. Occult dogma and doctrine would seem to confirm this
interpretation from scripture. This is why the demons in hell mock him when
he is finally cast into the pit and say to him "art thou also become WEAK as
us?" in vs.10., as by "projecting" himself in this fashion in the "natural", he
loses most of his abilities and power by confining himself in "flesh", then
ultimately like unto the "demons". His release at the end of the millennium
will be "havoc", but not on the same scale, for he will not be able to do as he
once did. To emphasize what I've just said, let’s take a look at the verse that
alludes to this being the case.
The whole of the earth is at rest, and is quiet: they break
forth into singing: yea, the fir trees rejoice at thee, and the
cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no
is come up against us".
(Isaiah 14:7-8)
Strong's 3772 - karath, kaw-rath; a prim. root; to cut
(off, down or asunder); by impl. to destroy or consume;
spec. to covenant (i.e. make an alliance or bargain, orig.
by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces):- be
chewed, be con-federate, covenant, cut (down, off),
destroy, fail,feller, be freed, hew (down), make a
league[covenant], lose, perish, utterly, want.
Strong's 5303 - nephiyl, nef-eel; prop. a feller, i.e. a
bully or tyrant;- a giant
This is the only place in scripture where this word and translation is
used. This is most certainly talking about the "Antichrist". The very
translation bares the marks of his agenda of the last-days, and quite detailed
if I may add. Though this is the only place in scripture this word (feller) is
used as such, it is not the only 'way' it’s being used. One of the words used
to translate "giants" or "nephillim" in scripture is "FELLER"!!!. It is most
definitely antiquated with the offspring of "FALLEN ANGELS"!!!. I do not
think this is just a coincidence, but is a definite 'spiritual marker' in the text.
A connector that only makes sense when all the other pieces have been put
together. Rev.12 confirms Isa.14, and is not no symbolic analogy to a 'puff of
smoke'. History and archeology proves that the ancient cultures that existed
even unto prior to the flood, worshipped "MEN" who were offspring of the
"gods" who came from the 'stars' to earth. The Gen.6 account seems to be
confirmed by all ancient cultures and civilizations. The 'gods' of the
Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans etc., all worshipped
"dietys" who were the "offspring" of the GODS!!!. Secret masonic dogma
holds the belief that the 'king' of the gods....LUCIFER, THE LIGHT BEARER,
will come to take his rightful throne when his time has come....the epoch of
light, the age of aquarius!!!!. His 'secret doctrine' has been kept alive and
safe through the centuries via the SECRET SOCIETIES that go back to the
time of Nimrod. Now, I've shown in parts 1&2, that the "invasion from the
end of heaven" by fallen watchers, concurs with events which take place
during the tribulation, especially the battle of Armageddon, which is NOT the
taking of America/Babylon. But, let’s take a look now at something here
that's easily overlooked if you’re not paying attention.
Modern day theology has no theory or understanding of how these
types of verses fit into biblical prophecy, and they are but cast aside and
'symbolized' as being 'analogous' to the main biblical content: there are
subtle connecters that are part of the unfolding last days nightmare involving
the 'nephillim', fallen angels of old, and the modern counterpart, UFO's,
"Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation,
and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength,
therefore thou shalt plant
pleasant plants (Ezek.17:5),
and shalt set it with
(Isaiah 17:10)
The covert "black-ops" programs of the U.S. government include secret
bases such as "Groom Lake/Dreamland", other wards known as AREA 51, as
well as numerous "underground bases" strategically placed around the
United States. These "black-ops" programs include ALIEN/HUMAN GENETIC
RESEARCH, and a host of other horrors, not to mention other dark research
such as HAARP technology, and now the newest controversy, chemtrails. The
fact of the matter is, the general consensus amongst respected researchers
have concluded that the U.S. is in league with "extraterestials", and has been
since the late 1950's. I believe this verse of Isaiah is directly referring to
these "secret bases", and in fact, you can say of the phrase "strange slips", is
alluding to ALIEN SNARES!!!. there are quite a few of these facilities spread
out across N.Amarica. Here is a small list of some of the more prominant and
well know:
1) Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada (home of "Dreamland," a.k.a., "Area 51, "Groom Lake" and "S-
4" complex)
ALMOST OVERLOOKS THE TOWN. IT IS UP ON THE MESA. Perhaps now the largest facility
accomodating the aliens.]
5) Ruby Mountains between Sherman Mt. and Jiggs, Nevada [alleged mind control programs]
6) Base under water between Jacksonville and Palatka, Florida in the ocean. [mind control]
7) Gore Range near lake, west from Denver, Colorado [Library & Data center for Earth
Population, gathering data on all humans on Earth.]
8) Warden Valley West from Fort Collins, Colorado [ Executes special mind control programs on
humans posing a threat and or applies disease affects against humans who pose a threat.]
9)Lake of the Cherokees in Oklahoma. [Serves as a blood bank center; preparing ET's food
supply. Genetic experiments with children, sex. Using young women as incubators. Also doing
animal tests.]
10) BetweenDanway and Delaware, Oklahoma. [Medical experimentation, research; Bodies
kept in coma-state for transplants. Location for implants including implants for mind control ]
11) The Dalles,Mt Hood, Oregon. [Observation base for human army troop movements on the
planet. Also to infiltrate and stir up conflicts among nations.]
12) Barron, between Mt. Logan and Jack Mountain, Washington.[ Study Center for how the
satanic forces should/could control Earth. Training leaders to take over national gov'ts --
operated primarily by the "grays" who are robots or androids.]
13) Colville, Calispel Peak, Washington.[War training center, to train beings to make war, die and
come back to life again. Beings are trained to duplicate a specific human person. These are used
as "revolutionaries" and maintain telepathic contact with base]
14) Fort Wayne, Indiana, (in the Churubusco area). [A base for missions involving exposure in
order to measure public opinions and public reactions.]
15) Terre Haute, area Rockville - Greencastle, along Interstate 70 in eastern Indiana.
[Agriculture research center in heart of farm country, lots of abandoned coal mines and caves in
this area.]
16) Las Vegas area. Baldy Pk. - Cowles, New Mexico. [Mind control programs.]
24) Mt. Everet, Massachusetts. [Governmental advisory base for briefing heads of state]
25) Bismark - Aberdeen - Napoleon, North Dakota. [Main Command & Control Center]
26) Lake Michigan, Near Big Sable pt. Under water base. [Weapons storage]
29) Noamy Pk.., Logan City near Garden City, Utah. [Genetic test facility.]
30) Baldy Pk, Arizona. [Political manipulation center for all of N. America.]
31) Kendrick Pk., Area Flagstaff - Red Lake, Arizona. [Mass Mind Control facilities, to control
entire city populations.]
32) Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. [Communications base and guard base for the weapons facility
underneath Lake Michigan. Also Weather Control Base as well as weapons testing and P-R facility
to show off weapons to human leaders.]
33) Center City - Area Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. [Communications base for all other bases on
34)North Platte - Seneca and Ringgold, Nebraska. [another Data monitoring center]
35) Where Virginia and Kentucky meet, huge underground complex city …Evarts Harlan -
Cumberland nets; East Point - Dewey Reservoir; Sandy Hook - West Liberty; Denton (entrance).
36) Adirondack Mountains - Long Lake area. Piseco, New York. [2 bases, one military the
other is population control for Northeast along with Air Traffic Control Center.]
Insiders say that these bases penetrate deep underground and are
inter-connected throughout the United States and Canada. There is piles of
documented evidence for these bases and the goings on that take place
there, it is in fact no mystery at all. The Lord does in fact seem to allude to
these secret bases, and in fact ties them to the fallen watchers if you’re
paying attention to the text:
"And the sucking child shall play on the HOLE of the
A S P,
and the weaned child shall put his hand on the
(Isaiah 11:8)
"And the
in the
and in the ROCKS of mountains".
(Revelation 6:15)
These 'underground bases' are part of an underground infrastructure
that encompasses the continent says the insiders, and are able to house
"millions" if there was a 'terrestrial' or 'EXTRA-terrestrial' threat. according to
the sources, top secret 'alien' technology, both "BIO-GENETIC" and
technological alien research is said to go on at these 'black-ops' bases. It is
interesting to note, that these bases have high tech security and laws to
imprison folks indefinitely if they go snooping around. When you enter this
into the meaning of Isa.11:8, it becomes much more understandable. It has
been rumored from the 'inside', that the U.S. has realized that they have
made a HUGE mistake, and are in fact "in big trouble". It’s no wonder, for the
Lord has said it before it happened. The Lord also tells what he is going to do
to these "rich men" that have hidden themselves in the "dens" in the
mountains and the rocks in the end:
"They shall lick the dust like the
S E R P E N T,
they shall move out of their
like worms of the earth: they shall be afraid
of the Lord our God, and shall fear because of thee".
(Micah 7:17)
This verse in Micah is very strange, for it does not seem to fit the
verses around it. The passage is dealing with the last-days....these days, and
as shown above, the 'rich men' of the earth in accord with the "Illuminati",
have made themselves DENS....."cockatrice dens", where they do their
abominable deeds. Micah states that they shall "lick the dust" like their
FATHER....Satan, and they shall "move out of their holes" or "dens". Even the
inference of "worms of the earth" is very interesting, because the U.S. tunnel
boring machines that have made this intricate underground complex of
'cockatrice dens', are called WORMS. They are part of the "Rand Project",
and I don't have to tell you the connection of that word "Rand" and another
project of the Illuminati called ALTERNATIVE 3, and the corporation by the
name of RAND!!!. These "worms" were designed to work after the way the
"earth worm" is able to tunnel, and remove the earth. I don't know about
you, but these kinds of verses are extremely 'detailed' in the way they
describe these "enigmas", and it sort of gives you the shivers when you think
about it knowing that there is a very real God, who has placed in your hand a
very "supernatural" book that tells the 'beginning' from the 'ending'. The
bible is even more detailed as to what goes on at these "dens" or "bases".
The Lord would in fact allude ever so subtly to a very frightening
revelation that has become more prominent these last-days. The "rumor" of
thousands of men, women, and children held in these "underground bases",
being used for "genetic research" and "hybrid experimentation", may in fact
be referred to in the scripture. As shown in Isa.11:8 above, there is the
strange term COCKATRICE connected with these "underground bases".
What is a "cockatrice" according to scripture, and how is it related to the
"dens" in the bible:
"For, behold, I will send
C O C K A T R I C E S,
among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall
B I T E Y O U,
saith the Lord."
(Jeremiah 8:17)
Strong's 6848 tsepha, tseh-fah, from an unused root
mean. to extrude;a viper (as thrusting out the
tongue, i.e. hissing):- adder, cockatrice.
This term "cockatrices" is used in the O.T. four times and is like a 'code'
word. This verse in Jeremiah is very strange to say the least, for the use of
'cockatrice' is also used in Isa.14:29, and as I've shown earlier, it is most
definitely alludes to 'fallen angels' and or 'nephillim'. If the U.S. has made a
secret deal with 'fallen angels', then this verse testifies to the mistake they
have made. These 'aliens' will not be "charmed", meaning they won't be
"STOPPED". What they intend to do, they shall do, and what it says here, is
they intend to "BITE" saith the Lord. This is a subtle allusion to what
happened to the Israelites in the 'wilderness' during the Exodus to the
promised land, when they were bitten by "serpents". Another anomaly that
has become prevalent and more and more heard about today, is the frequent
sightings in South America of the CHUPACABRA or "goat sucker". A
carnivorous "dog, reptile, dinosaur" that stealthily "vampirizes" livestock in
the night, and is able to scale vertical walls 30 ft. high "without touching it",
and is also known as well to "shapeshift"....and disappear and appear at will.
This phenomena has been more prevalent in the last year, as authorities in
Venezuela have claimed they have "captured" a CHUPA. Area residents
claimed that the U.S. government quickly came in and confiscated the
evidence immediately upon capture. They also claimed that the local police
shot and killed "a couple". Could this be a U.S./Alien "black-ops" operation of
a sinister kind?. It is very eerie to say the least!!!. Notice the translation for
these things in scripture. The term 'to extrude" is very enlightening as to the
way perhaps these demonic beings come into our dimension. They need to
'extrude themselves' into this dimension from their "first habitation" in the
heaven lies and take on "flesh". These kinds of scripture verses have no
place in modern day theology. They are worded away, for they have no
meaning in modern prophecy interpretation. This verse fits totally with what
is coming out from insiders of the peril the U.S. government is in with their
relationship with the...."aliens"! The implication of the "reptilian" is alluded to
with this use of 'cockatrices'. god would be even more literal as to what goes
on here:
and weave the SPIDERS WEB: he that
dieth, and that which is CRUSHED
breaketh out into a
V I P E R".
(Isaiah 59:5)
This is a very interesting and alluding verse of scripture. It says that they
"hatch" cockatrice "eggs". Now 'eggs' are hatched, so what is this saying?
Well, the definite ideology is the inference of "conception"....they create and
make "cockatrice" eggs to continue a "birthing" cycle. God says that they
'weave' a "spiders web", a web that will become a "snare" unto them in the
end. Those who "eat" of the EGGS die!!!. Could this be a warning to those
diabolical persons perpetuating this macabre plot? What’s even more
interesting is that "that which is crushed" breaks out in a VIPER!!!. In
Gen.3:15, the address of war between the 'serpents seed" and the 'seed of
men', came with the admonition that the 'seed of man' would CRUSH the
"serpents head"!!!. This verse says that what is "crushed" will break out into
a "viper"....a "serpent"....a DEMONIC BEING!!!. this is but another verse of
scripture that does not seem to fit in the corresponding passage, yet all
these seemingly out of place verses, are in passages dealing with the last-
days and the Tribulation. Is God letting us know of these "enigmas" that we
hear about, and telling you the rumors are true?. I believe thoroughly so, for
the Lord told the 'beginning' from the 'ending' by his Word, and 'ignorance of
knowledge' is not in the will of God for his people. There are other verses in
scripture that have very definite connections to Gen.6, Babylon/America,
aliens and 'fallen angels', and their most definite role they will play in these
last days.
One of the modern day enigmas we see and hear about more and more
prevalently in the news, are the reports of very large "hairy" creatures known
as "Bigfoot" and "sasquatch" in the dense, wooded, un-populated areas of
North America, and "Yeti" in some areas of the Himalayas of Tibet, and
known by other names around the world.
"The WILD BEASTS of the DESERT shall also meet with
the WILD BEASTS of the ISLAND, and the
shall cry to his FELLOW; the
a place of rest
(Isaiah 34:14)
Strong's 8163/75 - saiyr, saw-eer; shaggy, a he goat; by anal. a
faun;-devil,goat, hairy, kid, rough, something fearful:-
horrible thing:- satyr
Strong's 3917/18/15 - liyliyth, lee-leeth; a night spectre, a
twist (away of the light), i.e. night; fig. adversity:- screech owl
This writer believes the enigma known as 'Bigfoot', 'Sasquatch', 'Yeti' etc.,
are a "very real" phenomena, and are directly tied to the alien/fallen angel
mystery. SATYRI believe is a code word designating what we understand to
be the modern day "Bigfoot". The term 'satyr' is used in a few references in
scripture to describe this FALLEN BEING!. It should be noted, that there is
ample evidence to suggest that these "things" for lack of a better word, are
"spiritual manifestations" that leave tangible proof behind, aka. film, tracks,
hair etc., which is conclusive to the UFO/Alien phenomena. Photographic
evidence, even the most famous footage the"Patterson film", suggests that
these 'things' are MULTI-DIMENSIONAL!!!. The Bigfoot has been captured
on film "shapeshifting", and "appearing and disappearing" in and out of the
footage. In the above picture even, what can be seen on the 'left side' of the
Bigfoot's head is what appears to be that of a "baboon's" face!. And what is
even more astounding, is there is in fact what appears to be the image of
that of an "OWL" on the upper left torso where the arm meets!. Occult
symbology is extremely prevalent in UFO, alien, "spiritual" manifestations
and encounters. The 'satyr' of the O.T. is referred to as being "indigenous" to
some areas after the flood, and were "aboriginal" to the first occupants who
wondered into these lands in scripture, which is most strange to say the
least. The legends of PAN, and what we already know of the "nephillim" start
to take on a whole new meaning, and what has always been referred to as
"myth" and "legend", begins to become biblical FACT!!!. The term "screech
owl" is another veiled reference to a demonic entity that is entrenched in
Hebrew myth known as "LILITH", a "demon" of 'female' impersonation.
This is the only place in scripture where 'Lilith' is found, and is generally
referring to the Tribulation, and Armageddon in this chap. of Isaiah. It’s
interesting to note here, that the translation for "owl" here carries the
allusion to 'turn away from the light' or 'twist away'. It also carries the
meaning of Satan's office against the believer in Jesus Christ in "adversity" or
ADVERSARY!!!. The demonic is definitely implied with the term "night
specter". The main point that should be seen here, is this is the only place in
the bible where you will find the 'angelic' referred to in the feminine which is
not in harmony with the rest of biblical demonology. That is because the
translation is descriptive of the way this demon or kind appears and interacts
with humans. It is more conducive with another 'type' of demon called the
"owb" or "familiar spirit". All beings in the 'fallen' realm have the benefit of
their 'spiritual state" to do the one thing that is primary to their demonic
"Then Uriel said, Here are the angels, who co-habited
with women, appointed their leaders; and being
made men to profane, and caused them to err; so that
they sacrificed to
as to
for in the great day there shall be judgment, with which
they shall be judged, who led the astray the angels of
heaven that they might salute them".
(Enoch chap. XIX. vs. 2)
Now, this is a very strange wording for this verse from the book of
Enoch. The fallen angels who came down were "numerous inAPPEARENCE".
This is very suggestive of the many forms that UFO's 'appear' in and also
other types of paranormal manifestations. The book of Enoch indicates that it
was this very "fall" in Gen.6 that caused men to "err" or "error", and they
sacrificed to 'devils' as to 'gods'. Now, this is a very strange statement itself,
for it implies that the people of that time DIRECTLY AND KNOWINGLY
sacrificed unto "DEVILS"!!!. There doesn’t seem to be the implication of
"deception" here as it would seem with much of the "idolatry" in the O.T. ,
and this is directly talking about pre-flood. Needless to say, things were very
strange and quite frightening to say the least that anti-diluvian period of
time in the days of Noah. The prophets later on would refer to the offspring
of the fallen angel "infection" upon humanity.
"Yet destroyed I the AMORITE before them,
whose HEIGHT was like the
and he was strong as the oaks; yet I destroyed his
(Amos 2:9)
This verse is referring to the Amorite people who had a very strong
"nephillim" majority in history. I want you to notice here that these Amorite
'nephillim's' HEIGHT is being referred to here, and what is being stated here
may not be so out of wack here nor mere symbolism. The 'height' of these
nephillim Amorites of the past were the height of "TREES", and this might
just be a verifiable fact here. The above picture is a skull of a "giant" from
exhibition on "early hominids" in Peru. Notice the "foot long" ruler in the
picture to determine scale!. The legends in Hebrew myth of "giants" that
were said to be some 300 ft. may not be so far fetched, for in a temple in
Syria there just may be the trace of a 'nephillim' of monstrous
proportions..."On these floor slabs are carved gigantic human
footprints-each more than 3 feet long. Two footprints appear on
the first slab and one left footprint on the second, as if some giant
had paused at the entryway before striding into the building. In
ancient conception the temple was the abode of the god, which is
why these have been interpreted as the footprints of the resident
god-or goddess, as we shall see.…attributes the temple to the
goddess Ishtar, ...While the footprints are those of a barefoot
human, the deities in all the 'Ain Dara temple reliefs are wearing
shoes with curled-up toes(see "Y-M-C-A!" http://www.bib-
arch.org/barmj00/aindara-b.html).The distance between the two
single footprints is about30 feet. A stride of 30 feet would belong to
a person about 65 feet tall."....Now, I
don't know about you, but whoever or
whatever left there "footprints" in the doorway
of this temple is of extraordinary dimensions,
and the myths and legends of "GIANTS"
become less and less unreal. Please note from
this relief from 'Ain Dara, that the personages
bare 'horns' and 'cloven hoof' aka. SATYR/PAN
characteristics. Now maybe you will believe the
"spies" who went in to spy out Canaan when they said that they were like
GRASSHOPPERS!. Thus, we shall soon see Joel's, Jeremiah's, and
Three prophets in the bible distinctly allude to a terrifying vision of a
horde of demonic personages that come up out of the abyss during the
Tribulation some 200,000,000 strong. There terrifying images are described
in detail by the apostle John in Rev.ch.9. John directly antiquates these
demonic beings with the 'evil angels' or 'fiery flying serpents' that destroyed
many of the Israelites in the wilderness during the Exodus:
"And there came out of the smoke
upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the
of the earth have power".
(Revelation 9:3)
"And they had a
of the
whose name in the Hebrew tongue is
but in the Greek tongue hath his name
(vs. 11)
Strong's 3 - Abbadon, ab-ad-dohn; of Heb.
orig.;destroying angel:- Abaddon
Strong's 623/22,575,3639 - Apolluon, ap-ol-loo-ohn;
a destroyer(i.e. Satan), to destroy fully, to perish
or lose, die, seperation, ruin, death, punishment:-
Abaddon or Apollyon was worshipped as "APOLLOS" by the Greeks, and
the 'feminine' "APOLLONIA", pagan deity of the Romans, goddess of "lust"
and "pleasure". The scripture clearly indicates here that it is none other than
SATAN whose home is going to be the 'bottomless pit", and it is he who is
King over the "locusts" or "fallen watchers"......ALIEN/NEPHILLIM!!!. It
needs to be noted that the word "Abbadon" and its translation is the same
for the Hebrew "Abaddown" which means 'destruction', perish, 'hades",
something 'lost', wretched, and the different variants in the hebrew denote it
to pertaining to Satan. Satan does and will be "cast down" here upon the
earth, and his minions with him are also cast down it seems, and those held
in "Tartarus" to do battle against the Lord with the world. The very translation
of these words Abaddon and Apollyon infer what happens to Satan
ultimately......lose utterly!!!. Here is a 'parable" from the Book Of Enoch that
tells of the Gen.6 account of the descent of the Fallen Watchers and what
happened back then:
and on every foot SIX TOES, four and twenty in number;
and he was also BORN to the
(2 Samuel 21:20)
and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against
women; for they come forth during the
and destruction".
(Enoch chap. XV.vs.9-10)
It is quite interesting that the "nephillim" of old were signified by having
"6 fingers and toes", and evidently, it just so happens that the aliens that are
reported today also are said to have "6 fingers and toes"!. A tell-tale sign
that we are dealing with one and the same thing? Perhaps very much so.
This verse in Enoch is very interesting to note, because this is directly
referring to the prophetical statement made by James talking of this same
"days of slaughter" which is another reference to the TRIBULATION. These
leftover 'spirits of the giants' come forth DURING the days of slaughter. This
is quite interesting and gives a lot of weight to the "nephillim invasion" of
Isaiah 13 in the days of modern Babylon. Until that time, they remain
"CONCEALED"....could this be what we are seeing today with the UFO
phenomena? Are they remaining 'concealed" till they will come forth during
the "days of slaughter"? It is also interesting to note that the effect of these
things are what was claimed in Gen.3:15, that the 'serpent" would BRUISE
the seed of man. These kinds of verses give a lot of insight into what is to be
expected pretty shortly. There are other tell tale signs of a 'concealment' and
other mysteries pertaining to the UFO/Alien/Nephillim enigma of today.
ABDUCTIONS and "cattle mutilations" along with what are known as "crop
circles', all play a role in this modern day mystery:
One of the more frightening mysteries we face today is the "abduction"
mystery, because of the "statistics". 3% of the U.S. population at large
according to a poll done in 1998, have stated that they held the belief that
they were "abducted" by extraterrestrial beings, and that most had
undergone what they believed to be "experiments", and some "implanted"
with foreign materials. This statistic is claiming that MILLIONS of people
have this "belief, and this becomes a frightening prospect. When we consider
the chances that this cannot be mass delusion or hysteria, that some of
these folks MUST be telling the truth, all the "rumors" about a
government/alien relationship becomes much more valid. CATTLE
MUTILATIONS become even more prevalent in this mystery, as they serve a
purpose for the 'return of the nephillim'. The most disturbing facet of the
Alien Abduction mystery, is the reported "medical experiments" that have
said to be the focus of the abduction agenda for the aliens. Reports of
genetic experimentation, human/alien cloning and hybridization, female
"insemination" etc., have a connection to the cattle mutilation phenomena. If
by chance, much of this is being done in collusion with the U.S. 'secret'
government, than something central of the cattle mutilation phoneme
becomes prevalent.....BLOOD!!!. The one facet about "cattle mutilations"
and other livestock, is the fact that the animals in question have ALL THEIR
BLOOD REMOVED. When you take into question that if the U.S. government
is in fact part of this mystery, there could be a need for vast amounts of
"blood" to be continue the 'abduction' scenario, and that cattle blood has
been said to be able to be used as an artificial "plasma" for emergency
situations. When you take into the consideration of the reported rumors of
thousands of people being held in these underground bases, and being used
for 'alien hybrid experimentation', the cattle mutilation enigma becomes
much more feasible when trying to understand the mystery. Does the
"Christian" have to worry about being abducted? Many would say that a
"Christian" CANNOT be abducted against their will. Oh....really?
"Then the DEVIL
up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle
of the temple".
(Matthew 4:5)
"The idea that men, women, and children can be taken AGAINST THEIR WILLS, from their homes, cars, and
schoolyards say strange humanoid beings, lifted onto spacecraft, and subjected to intrusive and threatening
procedures is so terrifying and yet so shattering to our notions of what is possible in our universe, that the actuality
of the phenomenon has been largely REJECTED OUT OF HAND or bizarrely DISTORTED IN MOST
MEDIA ACCOUNTS. This is altogether understandable, given the disturbing nature of UFO abductions and
our prevailing notions of reality. The fact remains, however, that for 30 years, and possibly longer, thousands of
individuals who seem to be sincere and of sound mind and are seeking no personal benefit from their stories have
been providing to those who will listen CONSISTENT REPORTS of precisely such events."
Forward To Secret Life, 1992
John Mack M.D.
unwelcome to the inhabitants of the earth will
succeed to the THRONE; even the BIRDS will
fly away. The Dead sea shall cast up fish, and
at night a voice will be sound, unknown to the MANY
but heard by all. Chasms will open in many places
and spurt out flames incessantly.
WILD BEASTS will range far afield,
M O N S T E R S,
fresh springs will run with salt water, and everywhere
friends will become enemies. Then understanding
will be HIDDEN, and reason withdrawn to her
secret chamber......".
(2 Esdras 5:6-9)
Bungoma woman gives birth to horned
By Robert Wanyonyi
A caesarean operation carried out on a woman who has been “pregnant”
for five years stunned doctors at Lugulu Mission Hospital in Bungoma
The foetus turned out to be a strange creature.
Mrs. Florence Okoth who is now recuperating at home in a Kimilili town
estate said doctors concealed the discovery and instead sent the creature
for analysis at Kijabe Mission Hospital. She said she started having a
strange swelling in her stomach in June 1997 which doctors and
midwives diagnosed to be pregnancy. Okoth, 43, told hundreds of
unbelieving friends and well-wishers that the object weighed 6 kg with a
human head made of a cement-like substance and
protruding horns.
“The chest looked like a bat complete with wings while
the middle part represented a sheep skin. The lower
section had clear features of a mature frog,” said the
woman to the amazement of all.
She said the creature had hundreds of root-like tails that
had entangled themselves around her large intestines
which doctors said were used for sucking blood. “Since
1997, I could not feel satisfied even after eating a heavy meal,” said
Her husband, Mr. Francis Okoth who hails from Ugunja in Siaya
District, is a bicycle repairer in Kimilili town. He said they spent over
Sh62,000 visiting various hospitals in the country in order to cure his
wife, a mother of one daughter.
A senior doctor at Lugulu hospital who was part of a
team that operated on Okoth confirmed that the strange
creature was removed from the woman’s body, killed and
taken to Kijabe for further analysis.
He said the patient was suffering from uterine fibroids. The family has
appealed to well-wishers to enable them offset a hospital bill of Sh70,
556 they had incurred at the time of her discharge recently. “We used a
friend’s land title deed to secure her release. We don’t even have money
to buy her drugs,” said the husband. They said they were encouraged to
come forward after the East African Standard highlighted Margaret
Apoya’s problem, a woman with unnaturally large breasts who is to be
operated on at the Moi Referral and Teaching Hospital in Eldoret.
The East African Standard, May 7/2001
Now, this is a passage of 2nd Esdras dealing with the "signs" of the end
spoken by an angel to Ezra. The "king" spoken of here is the
"ANTICHRIST" as this king is unwelcome "TO" the inhabitants of the
earth, not "BY" them. This is very important as it implies that he 'is"
unwelcome to them in a "sinister" way. The "birds of the heavens fly away"
as illustrated in Jer. once again, and the earth undergoes tumultuous
changes as Christ’s second coming draws near with volcanic and surface
changes evident by these verses in the Apocrypha. What is very allusive of
Christ’s second coming and possible "rapture", and also the casting down of
Satan of Isa. and Rev. to the earth in the "personage" of the ANTCHRIST,
KING OF BABYLON, "LUCIFER" IN THE FLESH, is a "voice" heard at "night" but
not heard by the MANY!.(Isa.17:4, Isa.21:11-12, Zech.14:6-7, Psa.90:5-6,).
Please note that this is also very close to the illuminati "PROJECT
BLUEBEAM" plan if you've done your research, and the enemy knows more
of the bible than you KNOW!!!. Christ's second coming is alluded to in the
reference to the signs of turmoil and the "as the days of Noah were", for
according to second Esdras MONSTERS ARE ONCE AGAIN BORN TO
WOMEN...NEPHILLIM!!!. It should also be noted in this passage that in
these days "understanding" will be hidden. When you put this together with
the modern day UFO abduction enigma, reports of "impregnation" of
abductees, genetic alien/human experimentation in places like Area 51, and
you add it all up, GODS WORD IS NOT "LIEING"!!!.In the end before Babylon's
fall, the Lord states that Babylon has become a 'cage' of every un-clean
"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
and is become the
and the HOLD of every FOUL SPIRIT, and a CAGE
of every unclean and
(Revelation 18:2)
In Revelation, America/Babylon is said to become a "habitation of
devils". Is this talking subtly about the secret black-ops underground bases
such as AREA 51, and DULCE N.M, and the reported 'alien engineering and
testing' that takes place their? the reference to 'hateful bird' is ever so
alluding to those "birds of the heavens" in Jer. 4:23-27. America/Babylon
becomes a "hold" and a "cage" to 3 kinds of demonic according to this verse,
establishing even more the said "Kosmokrateros" that Paul was referring to in
the N.T. Interaction with 'aliens" since 1947 and possibly earlier as reported,
leads to a "Noah’s days" syndrome which causes God to utterly destroy
America/Babylon. What should not be overlooked here, is that God calls
Babylon a CAGE.....a "cage" is something you "hold" something in. God is
stating this because America will be a 'cage' to these demonic beings, for
God will not let them escape, and will destroy them right in their "dens". The
above photo I believe to be one of the best UFO pictures I've seen. There is
NO WAY that this was "faked" or doctored, or digitized. it shows what
appears to be a UFO creating a "cloud" around itself in a pretty "cloudless"
sky. A great deal of the documented UFO photographs that have circulated
are "authentic", mixed in with the multitude of counterfeits. This is all part of
the Illuminati's 'disclosure' process to bring revelation about from the ground
or public "up".
The modern day UFO conspiracy is fraught with many 'secrets' from
within many sources. The historical records of antiquity, the biblical record,
the secret societies etc., all have a connection of some type or another to the
modern day UFO enigma. The freemasonic record, the writings and
documents of those connected with the secret "fraternity" back to antiquity,
hold a special significance to a certain area of the night sky. In Masonic
writings, the constellation ORION is very important and sacred, just as it was
for the ancient Egyptians for their Lord of the DEAD is said to reside there
(Osiris, Lucifer). Even of more importance to freemasons is the star SIRIUS,
which holds a certain "secret" amongst the high level Lucifereans.The star
Sirius is involved in the rites and rituals of freemasonry for it is represented
in the symbol of the "blazing star", which is the SUN GOD or Lucifer...."The
Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars.
SIRIUS glitters in our lodges as the BLAZING STAR"....( Albert Pike 33° Morals
and Dogma, page 486). For a little insight into the "Sirius Mystery" and the
part freemasonry plays in it, read Robert Temple's book.[go here]. The
connection of the "sons of God" to the stars is found in the scriptures, and in
texts outside. The bible may allude specifically to the star Sirius in one of its
passages. The book of Enoch relates that in the days of the "descent", the
days of Jared and Genesis 6, the WATCHERS "landed" or descended upon Mt.
Hermon or "Armon" according to the aramaic. This is in harmony ever so
"covertly" in the biblical text.
"In those days, when the children of man had multiplied, it happened that there were
unto them handsome and beautiful daughters. And the
saw them and desired them; and they said to one another, Come, let us choose wives
ourselves from among the daughters of man and
And Semyaz, being their leader, said unto them, and I alone will become responsible for
great sin. But all responded to him, "let us all swear an oath and bind everyone among
us by a
not to abandon this suggestion but to do the deed". Then they all swore together and
one another by the curse. And they were altogether two hundred, and they
into ARDOS, which is the summit of
H E R M O N.
And they called the mount
for they swore and bound one another by a curse.
(1 Enoch 6:1-6)
"So the Lord our God delivered into our hands
also, the king of Bashan, and all his people: and we smote him until none was left to
him remaining....
And we took at that time out of the hand of the two kings of the AMORITES the land
that was on
this side of Jordan, from the river of ARNON unto
(which HERMON the SIDONIANS call
S I R I O N;
and the AMORITES call SHENIR;)..."
(Deuteronomy 3:3-9)
"The voice of the Lord breaketh the CEDARS (Amorites, nephillim Amo 2:9); yea, the
breaketh the cedars of Lebanon. He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and
like a young
(Psalms 29:5-6)
Now Deut. 3:9 gives some very curious "clues" and word connectors here
to the star SIRIUS. King Og was a "nephillim", a "giant", offspring of the sons
of God. The "Amorites" were a second generation nephillim tribe. It seems
via biblical eytmology that first generation nephillim races has the "IM" in
their names, and second generation relative tribes have the peculiar "ITE" or
"ITES" in the plural. The book of Enoch says that 200 "watchers" led by
SEMYESA(Samyasa in other translations of Enoch), decended upon Mt.
Hermon or which "they" called Armon. The "sidonnians" were a race of
people of that area of the time, and I can’t help but see a curious allusion to
"CYDONIA" of Mars (cydonnians?). After all, the fallen angels inhabited Mars
and the relics were finding is just that evidence. They called this Mt.
Armon......."SIRION".....and that’s too 'curious' for comfort in correlation to
the name of the star "Sirius". The bible states that in pre-adamic time Satan
and the "BIRDS" had inhabited the STONES OF FIRE or the "planetary
system" we live in now, and God SCATTERED THEM from the "midst" of the
stones of fire or planets (Jeremiah 4:25). Could they have gone to the star
system of Sirius and set up camp there?. When 200 of them decided to come
and take daughters of men to "beget" children, did they come from Sirius
and the constellation of Orion?. When they descended on Mt. Armon and
began to "co-habit" with the daughters of men, did they relate to the
inhabitants of the land where they came from and it was recorded in their
lore to be placed in the bible? Could it be
possible that the inhabitants of the land
bare record of this in their "names" and
the names of some biblical locations?. It
could may very well be!. It could be that
Mt.Hermon or "Armon" is really
called......MT.SIRIUS, called after where the
fallen angels came from. The 200 fallen
watchers called the mount "Armon", and
Deut. 3 says that where Mt.Hermon is,
there is a river called "ARNON", and that
connection is very curious. The second
generation nephillim tribe of the Amorites
called the mount SHENIR which is very
closely parallel to SHINAR in the bible.
Until this century, astronomers did not
know what a aboriginal tribe in Africa
called the "dogone" knew. The dogone tribe have recorded in their legends
the descent of "star people" who came from the sky many millennia ago.
They left with the dogone people, the location of
where they came from, and who they are. They also
told the dogone that one day they would come
back. The dogone drew a map for white scientists
when they came upon this enigmatic tribe in the
bushes of Africa this century. The dogone tell a story
of a star that orbits around Sirius once every 50
years. Astronomers did not detect this body orbiting
around Sirius until this century. In fact, it is
impossible to see or detect this "Sirius B" unless you
have extremely high powered telescopic
capabilities. So how did the dogone know about this
Sirius B? Maybe the star people (fallen angels) and the dogone are telling the
truth...huh!. The correlation between Cydonia on Mars, the Giza plateau and
the great pyramid complex, and the constellation Orion and the star Sirius is
found throughout all the ancient esoteric texts and legends. The great
pyramid complex in Egypt would seem to be aligned with Orion and Sirius in
a most peculiar way so as to not go un-noticed. The constellation orion in
Egyptian mythology represents OSIRIS, "Lord of the Dead" (Satan, Lucifer).
Osiris was the premiere god the ancient Egyptians worshipped and he is said
to abode in the constellation Orion.
As looked at earlier, the bible alludes to an "invasion" by nephillim/fallen
angels who shall return in the last days, as in the days of noah were. Like the
book of Enoch, the bible refers to these fallen angels as WATCHERS, and
that in the etymology, the word was designed to be used in both the good
and bad connotation or rather good angels and fallen angels. The bible would
seem to use this term "watchers" in the negative connotation, and connects
said watchers to an INVASION from a FAR COUNTRY. the lord will send
SERPENTS & COCKATRICES, and as discussed earlier, "cockatrices" are
genetically altered or modified HYBRIDS of all types, shapes, sizes. the
modern day CHUPACABRA enigma is a prime example of what a 'cockatrice'
could be. A MONSTER created in a lab.
"For, behold, I will send SERPENTS, COCKATRICES
A M O N G Y O U,
which will not be CHARMED and they shall BITE YOU saith the Lord. When I
would comfort myself against sorrow, my HEART IS FAINT (luke 21:26) in me.
Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because of
(Ecclesiastes 10:11)
Pay careful attention to Jeremiah 8 for these "serpents" and "cockatrices"
dwell in a FAR COUNTRY. This is the same term and translation used
elsewhere in this dissertation. The word 'country' translates a PLANET OR
"WORLD". The cockatrice, serpents are demonic beings, no doubt today’s
"alien" phenomena. These two verses above imply that the agenda that
these serpents or ALIENS are gonna do cannot be stopped, they cannot be
CHARMED or ENCHANTED out of what they are going to do. Jeremiah states
that THEY ARE SENT AMONG US!!!. This would be in total harmony to the
reports coming out from inside the secret government. The textual intent
implies that they are sent to be "with" us....among us. The Roswell incident in
1948 and ever since is what this is implying. This allusion to "among us" is
subtly referred to again by Jeremiah in another strange prophetical passage,
and may point to a "advanced scouting mission" by the fallen ones to set up
the TRAP amongst the rich men of the earth, from which they will not be
able to CHARMED out of, which could be happening right now within the U.S.
government inner sanctum (Illuminati).
"Behold, HE (antichrist?) shall come up as
CLOUDS (aliens, nephillim, fallen angels?),
and his chariots shall be as a WHIRLWIND (Joel 2?): his horses swifter than
EAGLES (UFO's?).Woe unto us! for we are spoiled. Make ye mention to the
NATIONS; behold, publish against JERUSALEM that
Now, I'm going to show to you from scripture that the myths and legends
of the long lost past, of a kingdom of the GODS with roads paved with gold in
the midst of the SEAS. The home of the gods "Poseiden" and "Atlas", the
gods or rather MEN OF RENOWN (Gen.6). They ruled and reigned over all the
earth and the inhabitants thereof from the island/continent known as
ATLANTIS. How strange it is the correlation between this story first
recorded and reported as early as Plato's time (500 b.c.), and that of a
certain KING OF TYRE or "TYRUS" in the bible. Plato's account of this
mythical kingdom in the middle of the seas is the best and most
authenticated account of ATLANTIS. The BIBLE is the ultimate account of this
said KING OF TYRUS who ruled from the MIDST of the seas. This is a very
important topic here folks for the freemasons and illuminati plan on making
Atlantis RISE AGAIN in the form of modern day AMERICA/BABYLON. America
is to be a PHEONIX that shall "burn" or be destroyed in FIRE, and out of the
destruction, be re-born into the NEW ATLANTIS, and the dawn of the golden
age of the GODS. The king of Tyrus in scripture is LUCIFER or Satan in Ezekial
28. The bible seems to imply in layered prophecy that this last days king of
babylon is also the king of Tyrus (Babylon), with a
seaport city called Tyre (New York), and said Tyrus and
city of Tyre get utterly annihilated (Ezek.ch.26). The
bible speaks of this said tyrus in the distant PAST as
well though, most probably PRE FLOOD or perhaps pre-
adamic, and that Satan was said King of Tyre. The best
way to do this is give you Platos account verbatim, and
give you the corresponding scripture verses where
applied to show you that its most probably talking
about the same thing:
she and her inhabitants, which cause their terror to be on all who haunt it".
(Ezekial 26:17)
"For thus saith the Lord God; when I shall make thee a desolate city, like the cities that are not
inhabited; when I shall
with them that go down to the pit, that thou be not inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of
the living".
(Ezekial 26:20)
For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a shoal
of mud in the way; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island..............To know or tell
the origin of the other divinities is beyond us, and we must accept the traditions of the men of
old time who affirm themselves to be the offspring of the gods-that is what they say-and they
must surely have known their own ancestors. How can we doubt the word of the
children of the gods?
"The men of Arvad with thine army were upon thy walls round about, and the
GAMMADIMS (nephillim)
were in thine towers: they hanged their shields upon thy walls round about;
they have made thy beauty perfect".
(Ezekial 27:11)
Although they give no probable or certain proofs, still, as they declare that they are speaking of
what took place in their own family, we must conform to custom and believe them. In this
manner, then, according to them, the genealogy of these gods is to be received and set forth.......
.......Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years
which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who
dwelt outside the Pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to
describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the
leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the
kings of Atlantis, which, as was saying, was an island greater in extent than Libya and Asia, and
when afterwards sunk by an earthquake,
"And unto Eber were born two sons; the name of one was
PELEG (earthquake);
for in his days was the
(Genesis 10:25)
"He stretched out his hand over
the Lord hath given a commandment against the merchant city, to destroy the
(Isaiah 23:11)
became an impassable barrier of mud to voyagers sailing from hence to any part of the
ocean..........The progress of the history will unfold the various nations of barbarians and families
of Hellenes which then existed, as they successively appear on the scene; but I must describe first
of all Athenians of that day, and their enemies who fought with them, and then the respective
powers and governments of the two kingdoms. Let us give the precedence to Athens...........In the
days of old the gods had the whole earth distributed among them by allotment. There was no
quarrelling; for you cannot rightly suppose that the gods did not know what was proper for each
of them to have, or, knowing this, that they would seek to procure for themselves by contention
that which more properly belonged to others. They all of them by just apportionment.......
"Is this your joyous city, whose
Her own feet shall carry her off to sojourn. who hath taken this council against TYRE, the
crowning city, whose
are the
(Isaiah 23:7-8)
.....obtained what they wanted, and peopled their own districts; and when they had peopled them
they tended us, their nurslings and possessions, as shepherds tend their flocks, excepting only that
they did not use blows or bodily force, as shepherds do, but governed us like 'pilots'
from the stern of the vessel,
"Thy suburbs shall shake at the sound of the cry of thy
P I L O T S".
(Ezekial 27:28)
"The inhabitants of Arvad and Zidon were thy MARINERS, thy
O TYRUS, that were in thee, were thy
P I L O T S".
(Ezekial 27:8)
which is an easy way of guiding animals, holding our souls by the rudder of persuasion
according to their own pleasure;-thus did they guide all mortal creatures..............The tale,
which was of great length, began as follows: I have before remarked in speaking of the
allotments of the gods, that they distributed the whole earth into portions differing in extent, and
made for themselves temples and instituted sacrifices. And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the
island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, and settled them in a part of the
island, which I will describe
..............Looking towards the sea, but in the centre of the whole island, there was a plain which is
said to have been the fairest of all plains and very fertile. Near the plain again, and also in the
centre of the island at a distance of about fifty stadia, there was a mountain not very high on any
side. In this mountain there dwelt one of the
earth born primeval men of that country,
whose name was Evenor, and he had a wife
named Leucippe, and they had an only
daughter who was called Cleito............The
maiden had already reached womanhood,
when her father and mother died; Poseidon
fell in love with her and had intercourse with
her, and breaking the ground, enclosed the
hill in which she dwelt all round, making
alternate zones of sea and land larger and
smaller, encircling one another; there were
two of land and three of water, which he
turned as with a lathe, each having its
circumference equidistant every way from
the centre, so that no man could get to the
island, for ships and voyages were not as
yet..............He himself, being a god, found
no difficulty in making special arrangements
for the centre island, bringing up two springs
of water from beneath the earth, one of warm water and the other of cold, and making every
variety of food to spring up abundantly from the soil. He also begat and brought up five pairs
of twin male children; and dividing the island of Atlantis into ten portions, he gave to the
first-born of the eldest pair his mother's dwelling and the surrounding allotment, which was the
largest and best, and made him king over the rest; the others he made princes, and gave them
rule over many men, and a large territory.........
(Daniel 11:39)
........And he named them all; the eldest, who was the first king, he named Atlas, and after him the
whole island and the ocean were called Atlantic. To his twin brother, who was born after him, and
obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country
which is now called the region of Gades in that part of the world, he gave the name which in the
Hellenic language is Eumelus, in the language of the country which is named after him,
Gadeirus.Of the second pair of twins he called one Ampheres, and the other Evaemon. To the
elder of the third pair of twins he gave the name Mneseus, and Autochthon to the one who
followed him. Of the fourth pair of twins he called the elder Elasippus, and the younger Mestor.
And of the fifth pair he gave to the elder the name of Azaes, and to the younger that of
Diaprepes...........All these and their descendants for many generations were the inhabitants and
rulers of divers islands in the open sea; and also, as has been already said, they held sway in our
direction over the country within the Pillars as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia..........Such was the
military order of the royal city-the order of the other nine governments varied, and it would be
wearisome to recount their several differences...........As to offices and honors, the following was
the arrangement from the first. Each of the ten kings in his own division and in his
own city had the absolute control of the citizens, and, in most cases, of the
laws, punishing and slaying whomsoever he would.
(Revelation 17:12)
.............And the king was not to have the power of life and death over any of his kinsmen unless
he had the assent of the majority of the ten. Such was the vast power which the god settled in
the lost island of Atlantis......
"I will make thee a terror, and
yet shalt thou
1). Thompson Chain Reference Bible - Frank Charles Thompson B.B. Kirkbridge Publishing Co. 1990
2). Scofield Reference Bible - C.I. Scofield, Oxford University Press 1903
3). The Septuagint with Apocrypha - Lancelot C.L. Brenton, Hendrikson Publishers 1851
4). Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible - James Strong, Thomas Nelson Publishers 1995
5). Gesenius' Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament - H.W.F. Gesenius, Baker Book House Publishers 1951
6). The New Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon, F. Brown- S.R. Driver-C.Briggs, Hendrikson
Publishers 1987
7). Wycliffe Bible Commentary - Pfeiffer & Harrison, Moody Bible Institute 1962
8). The Works of Josephus - William Whiston A.M., Hendrikson Publishers 1987
9). The Works of Philo - C.D. Yonge, Hendrikson Publishers 1993
10).The Book of Enoch - Richard Laurence (Archbishop of Cashel), Wizard Publications 1973
11).The Fallen Angels and the Heroes of Mythology - John Fleming, Hodges-Foster-Figgis Publishers 1879
12).From the Ashes of Angels - Andrew Collins, Signet Publishers 1996
13).Biblical Demonology - Merrill F. Unger, Kregel Publishers 1994
14).The Antediluvian Giants - Stanley E. Price, Hearthstone Publishers1992
15).The Omega Conspiracy - I.D.E. Thomas, Hearthstone Publishers 1986
16).Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler/Mark Eastman, Koinonia House Publishers 1997
17).International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Thomas Delmark, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1991
18).America the Babylon pts.1&2 - R.A. Coombes, Real Publishing Co. 1998/2000
19).Abduction - John E. Mack M.D., Macmillan Publishers 1994
20).The Day After Roswell - Col. Phillip J. Corso, Simon & Schuster 1997
21).UFO End-Time Delusion - David Allen Lewis, New Leaf Press 1991
22).UFO's in the New Age - William Alnor, Baker House Publishers 1992
23).Masonry: Conspiracy Against Christianity - Ralph A. Epperson, Publius Press 1997
24).Rosicrucian Manual - H. Spencer Lewis A.M.O.R.C., Pantagraph Press 1918
25).Holy Blood/Holy Grail - Baigent-Leigh-Lincoln, Corgi Books 1982
26).Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeir, Ambassador House Publishers 1999
27).Occult Theocracy - Edith Starr Miller, Emisary Publications 1933
28).The 12th Planet - Zecharia Sitchin, Avon Book Publishers 1978
29).All the Angels in the Bible - Herbert Lockyer, Hendrikson Publishers 1995
30).The Dragons of Eden - Carl Sagan, Ballantine books 1977
31).New Wine or Old Deception? - Roger Oakland, Word for Today Co. 1995.