Health Teaching Plan Age 76
Health Teaching Plan Age 76
Health Teaching Plan Age 76
Assessment/Data Collection:
“I am able to take care of myself except when lifting my arms over my head”
Active in therapy
Productive Cough
Nursing Diagnosis:
Knowledge Deficit r/t altered health maintenance AEB trouble moving air into and out of lungs
s/p open heart surgery.
Assets Limitations
Goal: Patient will understand importance of using Incentive spirometer every 2 hours while
awake as ordered by physician.
Cognitive: Teach patient of benefits of Incentive spirometer
Cognitive: Teach patient that the reason for incentive spirometry is to help him fully inflate his
Psychomotor: Patient will report number of times used daily and mark progress with indicator
Psychomotor: Patient will demonstrate knowledge of COPD process, meds, therapy and follow
up care.
Affective: Patient agrees to use every 2 hours while awake
Affective: Patient agrees to report signs of respiratory compromise
Teaching patient to exhale completely with her mouth off the spirometer mouthpiece. Then she
should seal her lips tightly around the mouthpiece, breathe in as slowly and deeply as possible
through her mouth, and note the highest level the indicator reaches. When she can't inhale
anymore, she should hold her breath for at least 3 seconds then exhale normally. Encourage her
to try to reach prescribed goal as defined by her physician.
Teaching patient of COPD process and how incentive spirometry combined with exercise,
therapy, and compliance to medications allows for greater rehabilitation potential.
Teach patient which signs and symptoms of respiratory compromise that should be reported to
healthcare staff immediately.
Planned teaching strategies and teaching/learning Activities:
Nurse will instruct by verbalizing the importance of using incentive spirometer as prescribed by
physician, which is currently every 2 hours while awake.
Nurse will give patient information about COPD and how the incentive spirometer can help
improve the function of her lungs.
Nurse will provide written easy to understand information on proper use of incentive
Nurse will provide same teaching information and material to include patients’ family who will
be overseeing her care/safety when she leaves HealthSouth. Assistance of the family may have
a positive effect on patients’ outcome.
Nurse will provide written instructions on which signs and symptoms of respiratory compromise
that need to be reported immediately.
Time Frame:
30-45 minutes
Evaluation Method:
Goal Met. During my shift patient demonstrated and properly used incentive spirometer every
2 hours while awake and marked progress with the indicator so that she could report it to her
LPN. PulsOx was @ 92% before using spirometer then at 96% after use.