For Discussion
Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry
An initatve of the PECHEducation Commitee
Incooperation withthe Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Science
lane Technology (DOST), and Technical Sills and Development Authorty (TESDA)
‘The Phifppine Chamber of Commerce and industy (PCC!) ~ Training, Education, Science and
‘Technology Commitee seeks to conmibute tothe evelopment of a Qobally competitive manpower
base and highly dynamic and successful entrepreneurs through waining ad education activites. ks
primary role st inate ane or paricpate in programs ana actives thal woul! promote human
resource development aligned wih the requiremeres of today's business environmen
‘One ofits mission isto develop and promote creative Filipino ererepreneurs among stents. nthe
yeat 2995, the PCC! together with te Planters Bank ol the Phiippines ard Department of Trade and
Industy, the LaBIDA was launched. in the year 2007, uncer the leadership of te PCCI Vice
President for Education, Dr. Eduardo Guterez-Ong, ine commiee has prarined 1 came up with
dstinet compeition where these students wil be recognized for ther ideas in entiegencurship
emphasizing the atibutes ofa Filipino,
\with zis in view, a project dubbed as “Businoss Idea and Development Award” of IDA, was
conceptualized to bring out the entepreneural spit and cratvenass of he students
To date, Ox. Ong, Chairman for Education Commitee, continues to pursue the comment of PCC!
{play a bg roe inne creation of wean coureywide through agreulure, marutacturng ans
‘servis. The Education Commitee is embarking the 4a Search forthe Best Business les and
Development Award (SIDA) compession 2010,
‘The Search forthe Best Business Idea and Development Avard (8108)
sees to:
‘2. Recognize creative or innovative products or services using available facal or indigenous
'. Develop entrepreneurial culture among Flpino yout:
Promote and develop a sense of nationalism among Fapino youth throug! product of service
4. Promote entrepreneurship as major eomponent in our Economic Sustainable Development
(€S0).For Discussion
1. Food
|i, Non Food
ti, Services
Enities willbe judged basad on te following criteria
1 Originaliy (new and innovative product) 35%
2. Creatty (extent of creative use of indigenous materials) 30%
5. vianity (economic and social impact) 20%
4. Presentation 15% °
4. The Search for he Best Business idea and Development Award (BIDA) fs open to ary group of
‘tee (2) 10 te (8) college students erelied in business education anc reated programs (Associate
(oF Bachelors Degree) in schools afilated with Entepreneurship Educators’ Associaton of the
Phuppines (ENEDA), Philippine Association of State Unversiies and Colages (PASUC), Piping
(Counel af Deans and Educators in Business (PCDEB) and other Business Educaton Program
(€ducaters or Students) Organizations.
‘The projects co-sponsored and supported by the Commission on Higher Educaton (CHED),
Deparmert af Sciance of Technology (OOST), and Technical Education and Skils Development
‘Authority (TESDA)
2. sll enties mast be endorsed by thelr respective callegeluniversity Dean or any Local Chamber
‘ffated vith PCC! Honever, al ellegesiunversives are alowed ro send ONLY ane (2) entry por
3. The business plan wil require a minimum of P100,000 and a maximum ot P1 milion capt 10
Sart the operation othe business,
4, Partcipating groups should wete alter of inter: addressed to Philippine Chamber of
Commerce and industry, anion fo Edueation Committee and Sunni iogether wth the Oil
SIDA Enay Form to the PCCI Secretariat Otice
5, nity fotme together wth the Business Plan Format can be secured from the PCL
Secretariat or in any participating agencies.
6. All participating groups shall submit an Executve Summary AND ENTRY FORM of their
business plans ta the PCCI Secretariat Offee rot later than
7 Ten (0) group finalists per category (Food, Non-Foad, Service) wil be determined by a panel of
Judges irom the PCCI Education Sub-Commmitce on BIDA. These finalists wil be ranked from
ghee t lowest
8, The Business Plan shall be submitted together with tne producUservce prototype (optional) tothe
CCI alloning the BIDA formal, Finals vl Be requested to make a 16-minute oral presereavion (0
' pane! of judges. The Board of Judges shal deliberate based on te submitted Business Plans and
Shall rao and rank them from righest lowest
10, The idea in the submited business plan must not have been previously entered in national
11, The decision ofthe Board of Judges shall be tna
112, Te winning enzes for tre BIDA may be considered for adoption by Local Chambers inthe
implementation stage unil the realization of the project.For Discussion
123, Al prototypes including the ownership ofthe ideas will remain as the propery of he students
‘and cologeluriversiy represented.
1. The finalists their respective Advisers and Schools shalt
Wve a Centicate of Recognition,
3. There
A.A spacial citation may also be given by the Board of Judges,
‘each category and shall receive PE
The awards shall be presented to the winners during the 36° Philippine
Business Conference on DATE October 2010 atthe
PCC! shall notiy the winners and partipating schoois THROUGH LETTERS, PERSONAL CALL)
Oficial Entry Forms and Business Plan Format can be obiained fom
* Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry
2/F, Employees Compensation Commissian (ECC) Bulding
11385 Senator Gl Puyat Avenue, Makati Ciy
'PCCI Website: hép:iuen
1. The deadine of submission of entries AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY IS LAST WEEK OF
2 preliminary Screening willbe on the 2° Week o! September.
+3 Submission of Final Paper will be on the Last Week of September
4. Fira! Judging wil be on 1* week of October.
'5 Awarding wil be on the 3% Week of October.
‘Tete wil be a panicipation fee of One Thousand Pesos (1,000.00)
‘er ently payable tothe Phippine Chamber of Commerce ans
All inquties maybe coursed trough the PCI Secretariat (co Ws.
‘lulet Espino) at telepone number 896-4649 local 102,