Bahria University Medical Admission

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Campus Cafeteria
From quick snacks to a square meal, our campus cafeteria can bring you great food at
affordable prices, The daily selection includes sandwiches, freshly prepared meals f0r
lunch and a variety of fast food items from pizza to kebab rolls, potato chips and vending
services for a variety of soft drinks and beverages. The cafeteria stays open till late in the
evenings for students working after hours. A hygiene inspection of the cafeteria is carried
out by the campus medical 0fficer every fortnight.

Interactive Lectures
The traditional lecture system is used to introduce a subject and discuss the broad
concepts in that specific field that specific field of study. Interactive lectures to smaller
groups remain an effective and essential way of teaching. More recent methods of
learning and teaching, such as case-based learning and small group-based problem-
solving sessions are also employed.


Group Based Learning

Small group and tutorial sessions are regularly held every week to enable students to
discuss the details of a lecture topic. Students are expected to prepare presentations on
applied topics discus their implications with their fellow students. The lecturer acts as a
facilitator. By participating in these group discussions, students have the opportunity to
interact and learn from one another.

Practical sessions are conducted to reinforce concepts developed during theoretical
sessions. Laboratory work is a vital part of Physiology, Biochemistry, Histology,
Pharmacology, Microbiology and Pathology courses, and provides an opportunity for
students to make their own personal observations in relation to their theoretical
knowledge they gain. Gross Anatomy is mostly learnt during the practical session in the
dissection hall. Lectures and tutorials are held for providing clinical orientation on the
Clinically orientated topics are identified within the framework of anatomical information,
which are structured, and case-base learning.



Theoretical and practical knowledge is supplemented by field visits and clinical case
presentation to provide students with essential hands-on experience and clinical practice.

The University regularly organizes seminars where groups of students are encouraged to
independently present on topics of general interest before a larger audience. This
encourages students to read beyond their textbooks and learn how to support their
knowledge with research.

Principal Presenting Shield to Students in Seminar on Obesity


The University offers remedial program for students who face difficulties in learning or
show deficiencies in their academic performance. These programs consist on topics
already covered or currently being taught. Upon evaluation, any particular area is
assigned the relevant modules to take in the remedial program.


BUM&DC is committed to providing the kind of environment and training that would
enable professionals to successfully contribute to the improvement of the health sector,
particularly in low income communities under the Community Oriented Medical Education

The University involves its students in research developing work in these designated
communities. Students are encouraged to participate in the preventive and curative care
and management of patients and their families in Primary Health Care field settings.


Evaluation is an ongoing process, comprising surprise tests, midterm and end-of-term
examinations, and annual/university examinations. Credit from these continuous
assessments contributes towards the final examination scores. The assessment process
is used step by step to determine whether instructional objectives are being achieved. To
evaluate students competencies, skills and attitudes, a variety of assessment methods are
used, including short essay questions, MCQs, practical and oral examinations and clinical
tests. In line with the PM&DC stipulation, the pass / fail threshold for all tests and
examinations has been fixed at 50%.


BUM&DC's evaluation system encourages each student to create personal standards of

excellence rather than to rely upon grades only or compete with peers. Students failing
behind the rest of the class are helped by remedial coaching, if necessary.

Mandatory requirement to appear for the university examination include 75 percent

attendance in all disciplines. However, persistent unsatisfactory performance or chronic
absenteeism could lead ton withdrawal of a student from the college.


The students affairs office coordinates administrative co-curricular and extracurricular
activities. Students are advised to approach the Deputy Director Admissions and Student
Affairs for any academic or nonacademic matter.

The Deputy Director Admissions and Student Affairs is also responsible for organizing
sports and club activities, seminars, guest lectures and field visits. Matters pertaining to
admissions, registration with the university, degrees etc. are also dealt by the Students
Affairs office.

A moment of joy - Tug of war between Students and Faculty during picnic


Liaison with Parents display the potential to reap the maximum

This office also serves as a bridge benefits of outstanding programs of
between the College Administration and education, and to respond to the rapidly
parents. Student progress reports are evolving demands, opportunities and
regularly mailed to parents at the challenges of the health sector. To meet
conclusion of every term and annual this objective, academically qualified and
examination. Similarly, the situation of culturally diverse students from all parts of
attendance, where falling short, is the country and beyond are inducted in the
brought to their notice. Matters relating to college. The college creates a rich and
college discipline and violation of college supportive environment in which all attain
rules and regulations are also referred to their educational goals and broaden their
parents. horizons.

Medical students at BUM&DC are

expected to master the body of knowledge,
skills and values that form the foundation of
advanced postgraduate training in primary
college graduate must be able to
demonstrate problem-solving skills,
knowledge of normal and abnormal
conditions, the ability to acquire and utilize
information in the clinical management of
patients, and the empathic values that are
critical to the effective practice of the
General medical profession.
BUM&DC is open to all academically
qualified candidates, regardless of Procedure to Apply
gender, religion, race, creed, or domicile. Admissions are advertised in all the leading
Students from anywhere in Pakistan and newspapers of the country, and are also
overseas may apply. Admission is strictly announced on the University website. The
based on merit which is determined on prospectus and admission form are
the basis of candidates' academic available at the college's admission office
records and on their performance on the and by mail. Requests by mail should be
entry test. The college has the capacity to addressed to the Admission Office and
admit up to 100 students annually in accompanied by a bank draft of Rs. 2200/-
MBBS Programe. payable to Bahria University Medical &
Dental College. Candidates from outside
Objective Pakistan are required to enclose a bank
The educational goal of BUM&DC is to draft of US$ 100 on any bank that has a
enroll enthusiastic, dedicated and branch in Karachi and Islamabad. Cheques
academically sound students who and postal orders are not accepted. Please


do not send cash by post. combination before contacting the Bahria

University Medical & Dental College
Applicants aspiring to join the medical Admission Office, as there is no flexibility
programs at Bahria University Medical & on this requirement.
Dental College are advised to read the
eligibility criteria for application carefully. The next step is the procurement of a
Admission to a medical institution is certificate from an office of the Ministry of
always competitive and very well Education called The Inter Board
contested. Applicants are advised to Committee of Chairmen (IBCC). This office
prepare for the admission process translates foreign qualifications into
seriously and with commitment. Pakistani equivalents. It has its own
requirements to be met and it can take
Provisional application can be submitted time. It is the applicants' responsibility to
with HSSC Part-I result by those who have obtain the Equivalence Certificate before
already appeared in HSSC Part-II an offer of admission can be formalized.
examination and are awaiting result. International applicants are advised to visit
However awaiting result must reach the website of IB CC at
Admission Office latest by the day of entry
test. Failing this, all provisional
application forms will cases to receive Bahria University Medical & Dental College
attention after this date and no further is truly a national institution, where
communication to this applicant. students come from diversified
background from within the country and
International Applicants abroad.
International applicants who wish to join
Bahria University Medical & Dental Admission / Academic Rules
College are advised to initiate the process
several months in advance. This will allow Eligibility for Application
them time to understand the eligibility Any one of the following qualifications is
requirements in Pakistan and to complete necessary for an application to be eligible
them well before the last date of for consideration. All foreign qualifications
admission. must be supported by an Equivalence
Certificate issued by the IBCC.
T he a cademi c r equire m e nt s for
admission are prescribed by the Pakistan Ÿ A minimum overall score of 60% in
Medical and Dental Council, and must be pre-medical group of Higher
fulfilled. That stipulates a combination of Secondary School Certification or
Biology, Chemistry and Physics at the equivalent in Pakistan. However, much
Higher Secondary School Certificate higher scores prove competitive.
(HSSC). International applicants must Ÿ British Advanced Level Certification
ensure that they have taken this with Biology, Chemistry and Physics.


The score should be over 60% (pre- Selection Criteria

medical) in the IBCC Equivalence. The final merit list is based on the following
Ÿ US Grade-12 or Canadian-Grade 12 criteria as per PM&DC admission policy:
or 13 Diploma (minimum GPA 3.0)
accompanied by an Equivalence a. Entry Test 50%
Certificate from the IBCC of at least b. HSSC / Equivalent 40%
60% HSSC Pre-Medical qualification c. SSC / Equivalent 10%
(that will require inclusion of Biology, Total 100%
Chemistry, Physics, and English in the
final 3 years). Note: The entry test is conducted in
Ÿ Higher Secondary School Certificate Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English
(12th grade) from other countries with Scores are calculated on the basis of the
Biology, Chemistry and Physics following weightages out of total 200
accompanied by an Equivalence MCQs:
Certificate from IBCC of at least 60%
HSSC pre-medical qualification. a. Biology 100
b. Chemistry 50
Entry Test c. Physics 40
All applicants will be required to take the d. English 10
college entry test. The entry test is an Total MCQs 200
essential requirement of the admission
process. The higher a candidate scores in Interviews
the entry test, the better their prospects Interviews are part of checking of original
for selection. credentials, meeting with candidates and
parents / guardian. Applicants are
The entry test is conducted on-campus, cautioned that interviews, although held
or in other locations as advertised. The towards the end of the admission process,
test is conducted annually, and are only one component of the whole
encompasses questions on Biology, process and contribute a small weightage
Chemistry, Physics and English (HSSC to the cumulative merit. It is very rare that a
level). The duration of the test is 2 hours, candidate is rejected on the basis of his or
and the format is a series of multiple- her interview.
choice questions on each subject.
Final Selection
The relative weightages of all the
Before the test, each applicant is sent an
components of the admission process are
Entry Test Card, which outlines the
added up to arrive at the final merit list. The
necessary instructions. Candidates are
top applicants on the merit list are invited, in
not allowed to enter the exam hall without
writing, to join the first-year MBBS class. No
this Card. The results of the entry test are
formal waiting list is announced, but all the
subsequently made available on the
remaining applicants stay on the waiting
university website.


list. Any dropouts from the class are Examinations Rules

replaced by candidates on the waiting The exam schedule is announced well
list, according to merit, before before the commencement of
commencement of classes. Applicants examinations, so as to allow sufficient time
are informed of the selection individually, for students to prepare. It is mandatory for
by post, as soon as the final merit list is students to fulfill the minimum requirement
ready. to be eligible to sit in the examinations, on
the following bases:
Confirmation of Admission
Selected students are required to confirm
Internal Assessment
their intent to join the college by
depositing the admission fee, tuition fee MBBS: 10% of total marks of each subject
and other fees, within the stipulated are allotted to internal assessment. Internal
period. If a seat in the first-year class is not assessment of Theory is based on term test
confirmed by this date, it is offered to the and pre-annual exam, conducted by the
next person on the waiting list. No further College, while internal assessment of Viva
claim of admission by the incumbent Voce / Practical is based on practical and
applicant is valid in such an eventuality. ward assessment / tests / visit reports.

University Rules General Eligibility for a Professional

Since BUM&DC is a constituent unit of Examination
Bahria University, its students are A student is eligible to appear in a
required to abide by all rules and professional examination, at the end of an
regulations, academic as well as academic year, subject to fulfilling the
administrative, promulgated by the following conditions:
university through statutes, notifications,
circulars, resolutions of regulatory bodies a. has studied the prescribed courses
and executive or administrative during the academic year;
b. has attended at least 75% lectures,
Curriculum demonstrations, practicals and clinical
The curriculum followed at BUM&DC for sessions in each subject separately;
its Five years MBBS program has been
developed according to the latest c. has paid the examination fee as
requirements of health care systems prescribed by the University;
around the world and is compatible with
the curriculum of leading medical d. his / her admission form, for that
colleges/universities in Pakistan and particular examination, has been
abroad. The curriculum meets the submitted to the Director of
standards of the Pakistan Medical & Examinations by the College; and
Dental Council.
e. additional eligibility for a particular


professional examination of MBBS h. T h e f i n a l P r o f e s s i o n a l M B B S

course, as given in the subsequent examination is not taken before the
paragraphs. close of the fifth academic year of
medical students.
Professional Examinations
a. The University examinations are held Academic Standard for Award of MBBS
only twice each academic year (i.e. A candidate who has passed the final
Annual and Supplementary) for each professional MBBS examination, from
class. Bahria University constituent / affiliated
b. There are no more than two college shall be entitled to the Degree of
professional University examinations Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of
in an academic year. Surgery (MBBS) from Bahria University,
provided he / she has conformed to all the
c. The same fee is payable whether a requirements of PM&DC which may be
candidate appears in one or more enforced from time to time.
Registration and Examination of MBBS
d. There is an External Examiner for each Students
subject of all the MBBS Professional
Examinations who is equally First Professional MBBS Part-I Examination
associated with the Internal Examiner
in Theory, Practical, Clinical and Viva a. A candidate shall be eligible to appear
Voce Examination as laid down by the in the First Professional MBBS Part-I
Pakistan Medical and Dental Council Examination at the end of 1st academic
(PM&DC). year if he/she has studied the
prescribed courses during first
e. Whatever may be the system of academic year.
marking for all examinations
throughout the medical course, the b. Any student who fails to clear the first
percentage of pass marks in each professional MBBS Part-I examination
subject is not less than fifty, i.e. 50% in in four chances availed or un-availed
theory and 50% in oral and practical / after becoming eligible for each
clinical examinations. examination shall cease to become
eligible for further medical education in
f. No grace marks are allowed to the Pakistan.
medical students in any examination. c. No student shall be promoted to 2nd
year class till he / she passes the
g. No student is promoted to the higher University examination in Anatomy,
class unless he passes all the Physiology and Biochemistry.
subjects of the previous class.


F i r s t P r o f e s s i o n a l M B B S Pa r t- I I subjects in 2nd Professional Annual

Examination Examination shall be eligible to re-
appear in the subsequent University
a. To be held at the end of the 2nd Examination (Supplementary / Annual)
academic year in the subjects in in the subject or subjects in which he /
coursework completed in the second she has failed.
c. No student shall be promoted to 4th
b. A candidate shall be eligible to appear year class till he / she passes the
in the First Professional MBBS University Examinations in
Examination Part-II at the end of the Pharmacology and Therapeutics,
second academic year if he/she has Pathology General and Microbiology
studied the prescribed courses and Forensic Medicine.
during second academic year.
Third Professional MBBS Examination
c. Any student who fails to clear the First
Professional Part-II Examination in a. A candidate shall be eligible to appear
four chances availed or un-availed in the Third Professional MBBS
after becoming eligible for the Examination at the end of fourth
examination shall cease to become academic year, if he/she has passed the
eligible for further medical education 2nd professional MBBS Examination
in Pakistan. from a recognized Institute and has
studied the prescribed courses during
d. No student shall be promoted to 3rd the fourth Academic year.
year class till he/she passes the
University examination in Anatomy, b. A candidate who fails (whether
Physiology and Biochemistry. appeared or absent) in one or more
subjects in 3rd Professional Annual
Second Professional MBBS Examination Examination shall be eligible to re-
appear in the subsequent University
a. A candidate shall be eligible to appear Examinations (Supplementary /
in the Second Professional MBBS Annual) in the subject in which he/she
Examination at the end of the third has failed.
academic year if he / she has passed
the First Professional MBBS c. No student shall be promoted to 5th
Examination Part I & II and has studied year class till he/she passes the
the prescribed courses during third University examinations in Special
academic year. Pathology, Community Medicine,
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and
b. A candidate who fails (whether Ophthalmology (EYE).
appeared or absent) in one or more


Final Professional MBBS Examination garners sponsorships for student

assistance, limited financial help may be
a. A candidate shall be eligible to appear provided in the near future. In the
in the Final Professional MBBS meantime, the College will continue to
Examination, if he/she has passed the encourage and promote academic
3rd Professional MBBS Examination excellence amongst its students through
from a recognized Institute and has merit scholarships and awards.
fulfilled the minimum requirement for
the clinical training at a recognized Hostel Accommodation
hospital/institute, as laid down in the Hostel facilities are very limited and will be
PM&DC Regulations. provided on first come, first served basis.
Cost of living with food approximately Rs.
b. The final MBBS Examination in 13,000/- per month. (Separate hostel
Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, facility for female students). Students are
Obstetrics and Gynaecology shall not advised to apply for hostel accommodation
be further sub-divided for qualifying in immediately on confirmation of admission.
the Final Professional MBB S However, to avoid any inconvenience
Examination. students are advised to arrange
accommodation at their own if hostel
c. Three academic years at least shall accommodation is filled .
intervene between the dates of
passing the 1st Professional
Examination and the Final
Professional Examination.

d. A candidate who fails (Whether

appeared or absent) in one or more
subjects in Final Professional Annual
Examination shall be eligible to re-
appear in the subsequent University
Examinations (Supplementary /
Annual) in the subject or subjects in
which he/she failed.

Financial Assistance & Merit

The college operates on a “not-for-profit”
philosophy. Consequently, in its
formative years, it will not be possible to
offer significant financial help to needy
students. However, as the college


College Disciplinary Committee firearms; violation of civil rights of others;

The College Disciplinary Committee organization of civil disturbance; non-
keeps watch over the maintenance of payment of college dues without valid
discipline on-campus. A team reasons; protracted absence without
comprising of the Chief Proctor, deputy permission from classes, clinics,
proctors and faculty proctors vigilantly laboratories or other scheduled
assist the committee. Breaches of the instructional sessions; and any acts or
university's code of conduct are routinely gestures that harm the reputation of the
referred to the committee and disciplinary college and its members.
action is taken as it deems appropriate.
Dress Code
College Discipline All societies have dress codes, most of
Students who are admitted into the which are unwritten but understood by the
Bahria University Medical and Dental members of the society. At Bahria
College are deemed to have already University Medical and Dental College male
pledged (on the application form) their students are to wear dress pants, dress
shoes and sober color shirts full or half
abidance by the rules and regulations of
sleeves properly tucked into the dress
the college. BUM&DC students are pants. Female students are to wear
expected to manifest a responsible and Shalwar Kameez. In winter both may add
empathetic attitude towards others at all blazers and / or pullovers. However, white
times. Integrity and honesty make up coat (Apron) is mandatory for Medical
the foundation of any institution of higher Students.
learning and of the character of its
graduates. The College strives for the Following are prohibited
highest standards of academic integrity Boys entering the College wearing
and discipline. Dishonest behavior, Shawls, Slippers, Shorts, Jeans
whether in the examination hall or
anywhere else on campus, will result in Girls entering the College wearing
the offender's irrevocable dismissal from Jeans, Tight trousers and blouses,
the college. wearing sleeveless and cap sleeve shirts,
without dupatta, Slippers and flip flops
Similarly, incorrect reporting of scores at
Student Card
the time of admission will invalidate the
All BUM&DC students are issued student
admission on discovery of facts at any
ID cards, which they are required to display
on their clothing while on campus. No one
is permitted to enter the campus without a
Other reasons for dismissal may include:
student ID card.
submission of false evidence; theft; willful
destruction of equipment, furnishing or
property; physical violence; harassment,
sexual or otherwise of other students, Smoking is strictly prohibited on campus.
faculty or staff; possession of drugs and



(A) Pakistani Students:
(whose parents are resident and derive their income in Pakistan)
Annual Charges Amount in Rs.
Tuition 425,000
Examination 25,000
Student Support Fund 1,000
Health Insurance 1,800
Total 452,800
Admission 75,500
Security (Refundable) 10,000
Degree 5,000 Only on Admission
Registration of University and PM&DC 5,500
Total 96,000
Grand Total 548,800
(B ) Overseas Students (Foreigners & Expatriates):
Annual Charges Foreigners *Expatriates
Tuition US$ 15,000 US$ 10,000
Examination Rs. 25,000 Rs. 25,000
Health Insurance Rs. 1,800 Rs. 1,800
Student Support Fund Rs. 10,000 Rs, 10,000
Admission US$ 1,000 US$ 1,000
Security (Refundable) Rs. 10,000 Rs. 10,000 Only on
Degree Rs. 5,000 Rs. 5,000 Admission
Registration of University and PM&DC Rs. 5,500 Rs. 5,500

* Pakistani National Resident Abroad (PNRA)

Note: The University reserves the rights to revise the fee structure at any time.
Applicants are advised to study carefully the rates of the various fees to be paid to the
college, before applying for admission. They must ensure that sufficient financial
arrangements are available to cater for the studies spread over five years inclusive of cost
Students who are foreign nationals or expatriate will have to pay their fee in US Dollars as
per rates mentioned against each.

Fee Refund Policy

The College will refund only the amount of tuition fee to the candidates who apply for the
same two weeks before the commencement of classes, thereafter, no fee will be refunded.
Admission Processing Fee is non refundable under any circumstance.
The Security Deposit is against breakage and / or any other damage caused by the
student. This deposit shall be refunded to the student whenever he / she ceases to be the
student of the University after deduction, if any.


Principal Dr. Farheen Hassan
Professor Dr. Qurat Ul Ain Omaeer
Dr. S. Tipu Sultan MBBS
MBBS, DA(London), FFARCS (Irland)
FCPS Anaesthesiology Dr. Shazia Babar Matin
Former Principal of DOW Medical MBBS
College Karachi.
Dean, faculty of Medicine, University of Dr. Nazish Fatima
Karachi. MBBS

Vice Principal
Dr. Muhammad Irfanullah Siddiqui Physiology
Dr. Sadiqa Syed
MBBS, M.Phil
Anatomy Department
Assistant Professor
Professor Dr. Azhar Iqbal
Dr. Zia Ul Islam MBBS, M.Phil
MBBS, M.Phil
Dr. Rehana Rehman
Assistant Professor MBBS, M.Phil
Dr. Ambreen Usmani
MBBS, M.Phil Lecturers
Dr. Akbar Waheed
Lecturers MBBS, MCPS
Dr. Aysha Saba Naz
MBBS Dr. Shumaila Rehmani
Dr. Sobia Ali
MBBS Dr. Urooj Bhatti
Dr. Aaliya Syed
MBBS, MCPS Dr. Syeda Sadia Fatima
Dr. Zehra Akhtar
MBBS Dr. Farah Amir Ali


Community Medicine Department

Dr. Hina Zahid
MBBS, MBA Health Mgt Professor

Dr. Saifullah Shaikh Dr. Muhammad Irfanullah Siddiqui

MBBS, MSc (Physiology) MBBS, MCPS, MPH, M.Phil, FCPS

Dr. Naila Azam

Bio-Chemistry MBBS, MCPS (Family Medicine), FCPS

Professor Lecturers
Dr. Mukhtiar Baig Dr. Dost Muhammad Hulio

Associate Professor Dr. Saeedullah Channa

Dr. Hassan Ali MBBS, MBA (HRM)
MBBS, M.Phil
Dr. Sohail Bashir
Assistant Professor MBBS, MSc
Dr. Rafat Murad
MBBS, M.Phil
Dr. Zile-a-Rubab
MBBS, M.Phil Assistant Professor
Dr. Khalid Mustafa
Lecturers MBBS, M.Phil
Dr. Nadeem Ul Haque
MBBS, M.Phil

Dr. Abad ul Aghfer Pathology and Bacteriology

Dr. Waqar Azim
Dr. Arif Jamil MBBS, MCPS, FCPS
Dr. Farhat Abbas Bhatti
Dr. Naveed Ali MBBS, MCPS, FCPS
MBBS, Dip. in Hospital Admin
Dr. Bushra Ayaz
Dr. Afsheen Rehan MBBS, DCP, FCPS


Medicine Ophthalmology

Dr. Iftikhar Hussain Dr. Muhammad Waseem

FCPS (Oncology)
Dr. Muhammad Muneeb Sheikh
Dr. Parvez Asghar MBBS, FCPS
Dr. Muhammad Manzoor
Dr. Jamal Ahmad MBBS, FCPS
MBBS, FCPS, FCPS (Pulmonology)
Dr. Ashraf Mehmood Syed
MBBS, FCPS Dr. Nasirullah Khan
Dr. Muhammad Zafar Ali
MBBS, FCPS, MRCP(UK), Dr. Anwar Ul Haq

Rehabilitation Medicine Obstetnes & Gynaecology Department

Dr. Syed Syeed Qaiser Dr. Khalida Nasreen Abdullah, TI(M)


Surgery Paediatrics Department

Dr. Sajid Sultan Waraich Dr. Afzal Saeed


Dr. Muhammad Farooq Dar Dr. Zeeshan Ahmad

MBBS, FCPS, OJT (Plastic Surgery) MBBS, FCPS, FCPS (Neonatology)

Dr. Noman Arshad Psychiatry

MBBS, FCPS, OJT (Neuro Surgery)
Dr. Farrukh Hayat Khan
Dr. Daud Raza MBBS, FCPS
MBBS, FCPS, OJT (Orthopedic)

Dr. Muhammad Qasim Butt



Radiology (Diagnostic) Dermatology & V.D.

Dr. Irfan ul Haq Dr. Rehan Uddin


Dr. Mrs Shaista Nayyer Cardiology

Dr. Tahir Iqbal, TI(M)
Dr. Zafar Amin MBBS, FCPS, FCPS (Cardiology)
Dr. Syed Imtiaz Ali Zaidi
Dr. Muhammad Aslam MBBS, FCPS, FRCS (Irland),
MBBS, MCPS, FCPS FRCS (Edinburgh), FCPS (Urology)

Dr. Imran ul Haq



Bahria University various disciplines.

Bahria University is a federally-chartered
public sector university, which was Bahria University's medical education
established on 7th February 2000 program has resulted from a vision to
through Presidential Ordinance No. V of produce world-class medical practitioners,
the same year. Its headquarters is located skilled not only with academic prowess, but
in Islamabad, and it also has campuses in also with the compassion that is inherent to
Karachi and Islamabad. These include this noble profession. As such, graduates
Pakistan Naval Academy Karachi, the coming out of BUM&DC will dedicate
Bahria University campuses in Karachi themselves to the ethical and social
and Islamabad, the National Centre for principles of health care, and to a lifetime of
Maritime Policy Research in Karachi, the learning in the field of medicine.
Institute of Earth and Environmental
Sciences in Islamabad, the Institute of The following colleges are affiliated with
Professional Psychology in Karachi, Bahria University:
Bahria College campuses in Karachi,
Islamabad and Bahria University Medical a. Islamabad Medical & Dental College,
and Dental College in Karachi. The Islamabad.
university has a distinguished reputation b. Frontier Medical College, Abbottabad.
among academic circles in Pakistan, for c. Shifa College of Medicine, Islamabad.
its high quality professional training in d. Shifa College of Nursing, Islamabad.


WHY BAHRIA? ! Trieste University (Italy)

! Federally Chartered ! Chabahar Maritime University (Italy)
! HEC Recognized ! Al-Khawarizmi College (UAE)
! Engineering Programs (BCE & BSE)
accredited by PEC Bahria University Career Office
! BUM&DC is accredited by PM&DC.
The office of Career Services at Bahria
! AII students provided with Lap
Tops (with wireless connectivity) by University is a wealth of information waiting
the University on easy installments. to be reckoned with. Here, in our Career
! Multi-Campus office, we do our best to provide and
! Highly Qualified Regular Faculty supplement Bahria Graduates with
! Custom Built Campuses information that is vital for the pursuit of
! State-of-the-art Laboratories their career. As a team, we offer top notch
! Well stocked Library resources to help you find the best suited
! Classroom & Research Based career. Our services are of a wide range
teaching which includes Job & Internship
! Leadership Development Centre Placement, Emotional & Career
! Career Office Counseling, CV Profiling, Alumni
! Internship Opportunities
Networking, guidance in CV writing,
! Best Student to Faculty Ratio
! Medical coverage for needy conducting Mock Interviews and other
students career related services. These services
! Secure and Disciplined may appeal to individuals bracketed in any
Environment segment of University. The career services
! Merit Based and Need Based w e b s i t e a d d r e s s
scholar ships can be
accessed for detailed information.
International Linkages
International Linkages set a benchmark Leadership Development Center
towards which every institution can “Breakthrough Leadership It's Personal!”
aspire. The standards required to gain Leaders of today are faced with many
and maintain international accreditation challenges, including globalization, a
and partnership with world class revolution in information technology, a
universities are excellently displayed by transformation to a knowledge and
Bahria University in managing its constant discontinuous change.
academic and organizational affairs. Consequently, productive and competitive
Foreign Universities in collaboration with organizations are now characterized by
Bahria includes: confident people performing as leaders at
! University of Leicester (UK) all levels.
! University of Nottingham (UK) The aim of the Leadership Development
! University of Bedfordshire (UK) Centre (LDC) at Bahria University is to
! Greenwich University (UK) develop programs satisfying current real-
world needs. LDC focuses on experiential
! Corbett Centre-King's College
learning and feedback that results in the
development of insightful, integrated and


impact leadership. The activities in the Communication Lab

include all four skills i.e. listening,
Counseling speaking, reading and writing. The group
Bahria University has taken the initiative discussions and presentations will give
to support its students by implementing students a chance to increase confidence
emotional counseling at University level. and develop their language efficiency.
Bahria recognizes the need for guiding its
students not only in academics but Bahria University Sports
through career placement as well as The importance of sports in the life of a
counseling. It aims at grooming confident student is invaluable. It provides them with
individuals who are emotionally secure an opportunity to play a sport they enjoy,
and take pride in their achievements. We, while competing against their peers. Not
here at Bahria, desire our students to
only does it incorporates the necessity of
excel in every sphere and emerge as
teamwork along with agility and strength,
productive citizens always ready to
but also instills lessons that are essential in
deliver their best. It is a small step, but a
the life of a young student. It empowers the
step nevertheless towards a brighter
mental and physical health, fosters
future for each and every one of our
stamina, relieves mental stress and helps
cultivate cooperative skills that are so
The popularity of emotional counseling greatly called for in today's world. These
lies in its confidentiality and accessibility. are the characteristics needed to develop a
There is no discrimination based on strong and successful life. It also helps in
gender or religion. Our counselors are dissuading the students from deviant
highly qualified, trained individuals who behavior and plays a pivotal role in the
are driven by an immense sense of overall development of a student. In today's
humanity. They are present at our hectic life, sports provide us with an escape
campuses for five days a week for both that is not only immensely enjoyable, but
the morning and evening sessions. also keeps us healthy and shaped. It hones
Bahria instills in its students an inspiration ones skills, hand-eye coordination, speed,
from life which will lead them to true endurance and overall strength. Involving
success. oneself in competitive sports encourages
healthy competition. Taking up captainship
Communication Laboratory in team games inculcates leadership
The Communication Lab is designed to qualities. Playing as a team encourages co-
improve verbal and written operation among the players.
communication skills in conducive
environment. Students will plan, practice, We at Bahria University believe that there is
and participate in individual as well as no better investment than in the future of
group presentations. Effective our young athletes. Our especially
communication skills will be practically designed Sports Programs bear special
applied to personal, class and business components that motivate the students to
situations. remain in the campus, earn better grades


and reinforce the ideals of achieving Rugby Championship

success more than any other single type ! Participated in Beach Volley ball-LUMS
of activity. We therefore provide them with 2008
the latest facilities of sports the result of ! Hosted LUMS in Islamabad for a Sports
which benefits them not only on the fields, fixture
but long after they step off of it. In the last ! Winner of Karachi Universities Cricket
academic year Bahria University has Tape ball Championship 2007
provided numerous opportunities to our ! Bahria University Inter Campus Sports
students to participate in International, gala 2008
National and University level sports ! Bahria University Campus Sports galas
fixtures. Following is the list of sports 2007/2008
activities participated by Bahria students; ! Bahria University Campus Swimming
! Participation in World University galas
Sports Games Bangkok, Thailand Besides participation in the above sports
fixtures Bahria University arranges all
! Winner of all Pakistan University Pakistan Naval sports facilities totally free of
Tennis Championship 2008 charge for its students in Islamabad and
! Winner of all Pakistan University Karachi campuses.
Hockey Championship 2007
! Winner of Zone-C University Cricket Extra Curricular activities at Bahria
Championship 2008 University Campuses
! Runners up of Zone-C University Extra curricular activities contribute greatly
Basketball Championship 2008 towards achieving the objectives of Bahria
! Participated in all Pakistan University University in developing well-rounded


individuals in University campuses. colleagues and friends.

These activities offer positive impact on Trips whether educational or recreational
students' emotional, intellectual, social, are very important for the students. These
and inter-personal development. By trips not only give students a break from the
working together with other individuals, hectic routine of classes but they are also a
students learn to negotiate, great source of knowledge and
communicate, manage conflict, and lead information.
others. Taking part in these out-of-the-
classroom activities help students to Keeping all these benefits of extra
understand the importance of critical curricular activities in mind, different non
thinking skills, time management, and academic activities were conducted at
academic and intellectual competence.
Involvement in activities help students
mature socially by providing a setting for
student interaction, relationship
formation, and discussion. Working
outside of the classroom with diverse
groups of individuals allows students to
gain more self-confidence, autonomy
and appreciation for others' differences
and similarities.

Debates and Quiz competitions are

beneficial because they include skill Bahria University Campuses. The activities
development in critical thinking, public that took place mainly include different
policy and values research, computer sports activities, competitions like
research proficiency, public speaking, debating, quiz etc., educational and
advocacy, and conflict resolution. recreational trips, entertainment events like
Besides these they provide a healthy dinners, movie nights, fun fairs etc.
competition among the students which
give them a sense of achievement and ! W i n n e r Tw i n C i t y B a s k e t b a l l
accomplishment. tournament 2009 held at EME College
Entertainment activities like Alumni or ! Winner LUMS National Males
Annual Dinners, Fun fairs, Movie nights Badminton Championship 2009 held
etc. give a chance for the students, faculty at LUMS, Lahore.
and administrative staff of the University ! Miss Zahra Omer selected in Table
to interact with each other. They also give Tennis for 25th World University
a chance to the families of faculty and Games to be held at Belgrade, Serbia
staff to come and enjoy the University from 1st to 12th July 2009.
environment. Such activities come as a ! Winner of Zone-C, Inter University
pleasant change for everyone as they get Table Tennis Championship 2009 held
a chance to relax and enjoy with their at IIUI.


! Runner-up in 50m free style ! Participate in All Pakistan University

swimming Inter University Rugby Championship.
Championship 2009 held at ! Participate in Beach Volley-Ball LUMS
University of Agriculture Faisalabad. 2008.
! Runner-up of Zone-C, Inter University ! Hosted LUMS in Islamabad for a
Basketball championship 2009 held Sports Fixture 2008.
at IIUI. ! Bahria University Inter Campus Sports
! Winner FJWU Women Sports Week Gala 2008.
2009, in Tennis, Badminton held at ! Bahria University Campus Sports Gala
FJWU, Rawalpindi. 2008.
! Runner-up FJWU Women Sports ! Bahria University Campus Swimming
Week 2009, in Table Tennis held at Gala 2008.
FJWU, Rawalpindi.
! Participation in World Sports Games Besides participation in the above sports
Bangkok, Thailand. fixtures, Bahria University has made
! Winner of All Pakistan Tennis available All Pakistan Naval Sports facilities
Championship 2008. totally free of charge for its students in
! Winner of Zone-C University Cricket Islamabad and Karachi campuses.
Championship 2008.
! Runner-up of Zone-C University
Basketball Championship 2008.

Rector is giving away Trophy to the Competitor



ASSOCIATION Ÿ To promote integration of the members
The Bahria University Alumni Association into corporate, business, engineering
(BUAA) was registered as a NGO on 4th and other sectors.
June 2008 under the Societies Ÿ To provide a means of involvement by
Registration Act, XXI of 1860. BUAA shall the members of BUAA to support the
be a non-profit and non-political academic and research programs at
organization, set up for the benefit and Bahria University.
welfare of the Bahria University alumni, Ÿ To provide welfare services for Bahria
employees and ex-employees in University alumni, employees and ex-
particular and Pakistanis at large. The employees through creation of job
Registered office of the BUAA is situated opportunities, placement services,
at DSA office Bahria University, Shangrilla unemployment bureau, career
Road Naval Complex Islamabad. Any counseling and services.
person, who has been awarded a Ÿ To provide and promote establishment
degree/diploma by Bahria University, is of scholarships, stipends, awards and
eligible to acquire membership of the prizes to needy, deserving or
BUAA. Any faculty member/officer who outstanding students at Bahria
has been a permanent member of Bahria University or to the alumni for
University for a period of two or more furtherance of higher studies.
years will also be eligible to be a member Ÿ To distribute free books for studies at
of BUAA. Bahria University.
Ÿ To find means to support the affected
Rector Bahria University is the Patron of families of deceased alumni,
Bahria University Alumni Association. For employees and ex-employees.
registration purposes an ad-hoc Ÿ To provide medical assistance to
Executive Committee was formed in alumni, employees and ex-employees
February 2008. The Bahria University in any form required.
Alumni association has been formed to
fulfill the following objectives:

Ÿ To promote interaction among the

members of BUAA so as to enable
them to enhance social and
intellectual relationships among
Ÿ To provide a conducive environment
to the members of BUAA so as to
enable them to establish professional
networks among them.
Ÿ To protect and promote the interests
of the members of BUAA and Bahria
University to take measures for their


Vice Admiral (R) Rector
Mohammad Haroon HI(M), T.Bt 051-92660812

Rear Admiral (R) Shahid Latif Pro-Rector

HI(M) 051-9263410
Cdre (R) Mumtaz Raza SI (M) Registrar
Cdre (R) M. Asad Khan T.Bt Project Director 0346-2510010
BUM&DC Karachi
Cdre M. Mohsin Mirza T.Bt Director (P&D) 051-9263409
Cdre (R) Muhammad Ali Director 051-9260002
Islamabad Campus Ext. 206
Capt (R) Ashfaq Agha TI(M) Director 021-9240351
Karachi Campus
Capt M. Sohail Aslam PN Director
Examinations 051-9263403

Capt (R) Tashfeen Riaz PN Director Finance

Capt (R) Muhammad Iqbal PN Deputy Registrar
Surg Capt (R) Director
Ghulam Mujtaba Abbasi TI(M) PN Health Sciences O51-9263402
Cdr (R) Zahid Hussain PN Director 051-9263404
Admin & Coord 0322-5021864
Cdr (R) Abdul Hafeez Shaikh PN Director
Admissions 051-9263405
Lt Cdr (R) M T Bhatti PN Deputy Director
Examinations 051-9263403
Ms. Sundal Mufti Director Students
Affairs & Careers 051-9263421
Mr Syed Aamir Hussain Assistant Director
Admissions 051-9263405
Mr Muhammad Awais International Officer 0345-5184772



1. Write in CAPITALS your Name and Seat Number as given in your Admit Card on allocated column on
your Answer Sheet, question paper and Rough Work Sheet.
2. Put your Signature on the allocated column on the Answer Sheet.
3. This Question Paper contains 200 Questions in four parts as mentioned below. Time allowed is 02
Part-I Biology 100 Questions
Part-II Chemistry 50 Questions
Part-III Physics 40 Questions
Part-IV English 10 Questions

4. For every question, there are four choices. There is only one correct answer. Each correct answer
carries four (4) marks. No marks will be deducted for questions not attempted / left unanswered.
5. There will be negative marking in the test. Each wrong answer carries minus one (-1) mark.
6. All answers must be marked on the answer sheet only. Do not mark any answer on the question
paper. Answers marked on the question paper will NOT be considered.
7. All answers must be marked by filling the appropriate circle with pencil.
8. The answer sheet is scored by a machine. Please mark your choice by filling in the appropriate circle
completely, making it a dark circle as shown below:

9. The machine will record 'zero marks' for improperly filled / dual marked circles. Some examples of

10. The answer sheet is extremely sensitive, be absolutely sure before marking an answer. If you wish to
change an answer, erase it completely and then mark a new answer.
11. Pay attention to the announcements and instructions given in the Examination Center. You will be told
when to start and when to stop.
12. Do not spend too much time on one question, you may run short of time for other questions.
13. Rough work, if required, may be done only on the blank rough work sheet provided.
14. Calculators or any type of tables are NOT allowed.
15. Do not borrow any article, talk, whisper or turn your eyes or head away from your own papers. Non-
compliance with these instructions will disqualify you from the test.
16. Use of 'Unfair means' or 'misconduct' during the test will result in cancellation of your paper.
17. You are not allowed to take away any part of the question paper or note questions elsewhere.
18. Submit the Original Copy of Answer Sheet together with Question Paper and rough work sheet before
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19. The duplicate copy of Answer Sheet is your take-home copy to help you evaluate your own test
performance. In case of any dispute, original answer sheet is taken as the authority and NOT the
duplicate answer sheet.
20. Please put your Signature and write your Seat Number at the place indicated below to confirm that you
understand the rules given above and that you will abide by them.

Seat No. ______________ _______________________

Signature of the Candidate



BIOLOGY(Sample paper)

Number of Questions: 100 Time Allowed: 01 Hour

Please choose the most appropriate answer from the options given under each of the following questions
and fill the appropriate circle (only one answer of your CHOICE) on the ANSWER SHEET provided to you.

1. In a urea cycle one molecule of urea is formed by the combination of one carbon dioxide molecules with:
a One amino molecule
b Two ammonia molecules
c One nitric acid
d One nitrogen dioxide molecule

2. The bile is synthesized in the liver whose function is:

a Blood clotting
b Emulsification of fat
c Maintenance of osmotic flow
d Oxygenation of tissue

3. Myocardial infarction is commonly known as :

a Hypertension.
b Heart attack
c Aids
d Cancer

CHEMISTRY(Sample paper)

Number of Questions: 40 Time Allowed: 24 Minutes

Please choose the most appropriate answer from the options given under each of the following
questions and fill the appropriate circle (only one answer of your CHOICE) on the ANSWER SHEET
provided to you.

1. In the periodic classification, the elements are arranged:

a. As covalent and electrovalent.
b. As metals and non-metals.
c. According to their atomic weights.
d. According to their atomic numbers.

2. Many elements have fractional atomic masses. This is because:

a. The mass of the atom is itself fractional.
b. Atomic masses are average masses of isobars.
c. Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes.
d. Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their relative abundance.

3. Simplest formula that gives us information about the simple ratio of atoms in a compound is called:
a. Structure formula
b. Molecular formula
c. Empirical formula
d. Molar ratio


PHYSICS(Sample paper)
Number of Questions: 30 Time Allowed: 18 Minutes

Please choose the most appropriate answer from the options given under each of the following questions
and fill the appropriate circle (only one answer of your CHOICE) on the ANSWER SHEET provided to you.

1. A change of temperature of 50 C is equivalent to a temperature change of:

a. 323 K
b. 273 K
c. -273 K
d. 50 K

2. The amplitude of a sound wave is detected as its:

a. wavelength
b. frequency
c. resonance
d. loudness

3. Electrical appliances are usually grounded in order to:

a. maintain a balanced charge distribution
b. prevent a buildup of heat
c. prevent a buildup of static charges
d. prevent an overload in the circuit

ENGLISH(Sample paper)

Number of Questions: 30 Time Allowed: 18 Minutes

Please choose the most appropriate answer from the options given under each of the following
questions and fill the appropriate circle (only one answer of your CHOICE) on the ANSWER SHEET
provided to you.

1. Select the correct meaning of the word:

a. worried
b. disaster
c. happy
d. satisfactory

2. Select the correct preposition to complete the given sentence

The children loved ____________ play cricket.
a. at.
b. For
c. Go
d. To


3. Select the correct meaning of the idiom:

If I look after some one, I :
a. follow him everywhere
b. take care of him
c. call on him
d. watch him


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