Write A Program To Implement BASIC COCOMO Cost Estimation Model
Write A Program To Implement BASIC COCOMO Cost Estimation Model
Write A Program To Implement BASIC COCOMO Cost Estimation Model
int i,ss[3];
float kloc,fp,E[3],D[3],P[3];
float a[3] = { 2.4, 3.0, 3.6 };
float b[3] = { 1.05, 1.12, 1.20 };
float c[3] = { 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 };
float d[3] = { 0.38, 0.35, 0.32 };
void calc(int i)
E[i] = a[i]*(pow(kloc,b[i]));
D[i] = c[i]*(pow(E[i],d[i]));
ss[i] = E[i] / D[i];
P[i] = kloc / E[i];
printf("\n\tEffort, E = %f PM",E[i]);
printf("\n\tDevelopment Time, D = %f M",D[i]);
printf("\n\tStaff Size, SS= %d Persons",ss[i]);
printf("\n\tProductivity, P = %f KLOC/PM",P[i]);
} // End of CALC function //
} // End of PROGRAM //
Enter the number of Function Points : 1250
KLOC = 160.000000