English Original Divine Principle Notes/slides

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The key takeaways are about the importance of family and the Family Pledge according to the Unification Church teachings.

The Family Pledge is described as the family's core, order and absolute standard for accomplishing Cheon Il Guk and connecting lives to God.

The main points about the Family Pledge according to the text are that it consists of eight verses, is the record of True Parents' victory, and is the key to opening the gate to Heaven.

The Original Divine

Lecture Guide
Family Pledge
The Family Is …
• God’s Ideal of Creation
• Basic Unit of Kingdom of Heaven (Kingdom of True Love)
• Training Ground for Shimjung and True Love needed to be registered in Kingdom of True
• Core entity where loves of three eras come together
• Basic unit of social and national order
• Absolute Sex (True Love, True Life, True Lineage) sexual purity, pure blood, pure love

So, the eternal original homeland of human

beings is the True Family
Family Pledge Is …
• The family’s bone, core and order
• Absolute standard and core of the Constitution for
accomplishing Cheon Il Guk
• Gospel among all gospels that connects our lives to God
• Key that lets us open the gate to Heaven
• Blessing among all blessings given by Heaven to humanity
• Family Pledge is the record of True Parent’s victory in every
battle throughout their lives

Family Pledge consists of Eight Verses.

Family pledgeVerse
Family Pledge Verse11

① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love,
② To seek our Original Homeland,
③ And establish the Original Ideal of Creation,
④ The Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven.

「 ref. 」 ① Takes interest ( I am the

Owner owner )
② Takes responsibility
③ Protects
④ Raises, nurture
Family pledgeVerse
Family Pledge Verse22

 ① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love
 ② To attend God and True Parents,
 ③ Becoming a Representative Family and a Central
Family of the cosmos;
 ④ We pledge to perfect the Way of Filial Sons and
Daughters in our Family, Patriots in our Nation,  
⑤ Saints in the World and Dutiful Family Way of Divine
Sons and Daughters in Heaven and Earth.
Family pledge Verse 3
Family Pledge Verse 3

 ① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love,
 ② To perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart,
 ③ The Three Great Kingships,
 ④ And the Realm of the Royal Family.
Family pledge Verse 4
Family Pledge Verse 4

① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love
② To Fulfill God's Ideal of Creation,
③ To build the Universal Family encompassing Heaven
④ And to perfect the World of Freedom, Peace, Unity and
Family pledge Verse 5
Family Pledge Verse 5

 ① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love,
 ② To strive everyday to advance the
 ③ Unification of the Spirit World as Subject Partner
 ④ and the Physical World as Object Partner.
Family pledge Verse 6
Family Pledge Verse 6

① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love,

② To become a Family representing God and True Parents;

③ We will perfect a Family that moves Heavenly Fortune

④ and conveys Heaven's Blessing to our Surroundings.

Family pledge Verse 7
Family Pledge Verse 7

 ① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our family pledges by centering on True Love,

 ② To perfect a World based on the Culture of Heart,

 ③ Which is rooted in the Original Lineage,

 ④ Through Living for the Sake of Others.

Family pledge Verse 8
Family Pledge Verse 8

① As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk,

Our Family pledges by centering on True Love,

② As we enter the Completed Testament Age,

③ To achieve the Ideal Oneness of God and Humankind in Love,

④ Through Absolute Faith, Absolute Love and Absolute

⑤ Thereby perfecting the Realm of Liberation and the Realm of

being Completely Free in the of the Kingdom of God on Earth
and in Heaven.
Why We Study the
Unification Principle
I. Reasons to study the Unification Principle

1. To solve all problems in the real world

(1) View on God ( life ・ marriage ・ nation ・ world ・ history
・ universe )
(2) Life ( mind and body ・ conflict ・ confrontation ・
struggle )
   Family breakdown (divorce, affairs), Teenage prostitution, AIDS,
School violence, Labor and management problems,
Racial discrimination, National barriers, Religious conflict,
Ideology conflicts (philosophy, democracy ・ communism),
Environmental pollution, Food shortage
(3) Problems concerning the Spirit World
(4) Existence and relationship ( Fundamental issue of
philosophy )

( Leaders of religion, politics, the economy, scholars and media

have addressed problems according to arising circumstances,
leaving fundamental solutions yet to be found. Always putting out
fires, but never finding the source of the problem. )
2 . To establish True Values

(1) Values : How do we view right and wrong?

( good vs. evil, true vs. false )

(2) If values are different

thoughts ⇒ judgment ⇒ standpoint ⇒ decisions ⇒ actions ⇒ lifestyles will
also differ
 ( example : North and South Korea  ⇒   Values are different, so
thoughts, judgments, viewpoints, decisions, actions, and life-styles are all
3. To realize a United Peaceful World
People desire freedom, equality, peace, unity and happiness.
Where does a united, peaceful world begin?
World ⇒ Family ⇒ Individual
Individual ⇒ Family ⇒ World
The united, peaceful world begins From me!  
Unity of the Individual’s mind and body

( man,
woman) Realizing peace through building a true family
4. To know the True Me
True Person God’s child
False Person Satan’s child
5. Reasons we cannot solve these problems
(1) We try to solve problems while denying the existence of the creator.

(2) Even though we may believe in God, we put Him aside and try to
problems centering on our own thinking.

(3) People don’t want to affirm that they are fallen people.
II. Man
The starting point of all problems and their solutions: ‘Me’

1. What kind of being am I?

(Being of contradiction)
Evil Original Conflicting purposes
mind mind

Evil Mind Good from conception (no)

after birth   O (yes)
( Misfortune Desire ( Happiness
) )
Fall  ( Original nature ・ Ideal of
Evil Good Creation )
Body deeds  Conflict ・ Opposition ・
deeds Struggle
Individual World
Sadness Joy
Problems Problems
Fighting Fighting
Peace Peace
Unity Unity
2. Fallen man (1)

Conflict, Opposition, Fighting,

Human Fall Ignorance

Original Lost: both the original
Ideal of
Nature nature of man and
of Man God’ ideal of creation

Original Man God’s ideal of creation

God’s children Ideal family, nation, world
2. Fallen man (2)

World of essence
(things that can be “felt” or
Spiritual ignorance sensed by internal means,
intuition, etc.)
・ The reality of God, His heart,
His will Religion ( S
Mind )
・ Life (origin, purpose, after death)
・ Good & Evil
Fallen man Unity
External ignorance
Spirit Body ・ Origin of the physical universe Science ( O
Intellect ・ Laws of nature )
World of phenomena
(things that can be observed)
III. Religion and Science

Philosophy : Science proving God ( Origin of the Universe )

Religion : Teaching the lifestyle of attending God

1. Religion
There was no need for religion in the original world.
Fallen man needs religion.
What is the state of religion today?

(1) Religion today : Unable to fulfill its responsibility

1) Emphasis on the next world⇒ Living in material reality
2) Incomplete doctrines (unable to solve current problems )
3) Ignorance of God’s Will ( Lost Heavenly fortune )
(2) Christianity
1) Became the world religion by raising the banner of man’s salvation
  2) Lost the fundamental mission of religion
  ① Should overcome ignorance of the mind and teach about God’s providence:
Unable to fulfill that mission
  ② Must become the bride who can receive the Messiah ;
Unable to fulfill that mission
(“I am the groom, and you are the bride.” - Jesus)
    “ God is my father” Unable to explain the
“I am His son (Only son)” father and son relationship
Jesus Bride and groom (could not build an ideal family)
⇒ Ethics and values destroyed because there was no unity (bride & groom)
Could not teach the ideal of the true family & world brotherhood

③ “Be the salt and light of the world” ( Mat 5/13-16 )

Unable to fulfill that mission
(The world came into the church (religion) and made it secular, and the church
lost the spirit of truth, the power of true love.)
④ Christianity: could not fulfill the mission of religion


Messiah =
Religion Resurrection Blessing
A E Fall Jesus True Parents
( Fallen ( Cheon Il Guk )
world )
Judaism Unification
S Death Church True olive tree
(Elder brother) (2 child) (3rd child)

False olive tree False olive tree


Rom11/17 : The Messiah comes and cuts down the wild olive trees and engrafts the root with the True olive
You do not receive salvation (rebirth) from a religion by believing in it.
You receive salvation through the Blessing (true love) by believing in (attending) the Messiah (True Parents);
change way of living to follow original purpose of creation.
3) Lost the ability to take action
   (lost the ability to act and the power to persuade due to the incompleteness in

4) Became a religion of rituals and institution

   (lost its sense of direction concerning God’s providence)

5) Became a tool for living

   (indifferent to the realization of God’s ideal)

6) Lost the spirit of the early church

(lost the fire of the religious reformation)
2. Science

1) Object of research : Something (form) ⇒ Nothing (no form)

2) Faces obstacles (limitations of the physical world)
3) Man’s life has become more convenient due to the development of
science, but also has suffered great damage by ignoring human values.
IV. The Necessity of the Appearance
of the Principle
1. From the view of the providential age
( Development of spirit and intellect )

New Word (Completed
Completion Gospel
Sacrifice (New
Growth (Old testament)
1600 400 400 1600 2000

A・E Noah Abraham Moses Jesus LSA

Fallen Man
( Realm of no
Principle )
2. From the view of the Bible ( Biblical ground )
① John16:25 :
“Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will
no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my
② John16:12 :
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.”
③ John16:13 :
“But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.
He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he
will tell you what is yet to come.”
④ Rev10:10-11 :
"You must prophesy again before many peoples, nations, languages
and kings."
⑤ Luke5:38 : “ New wine must be poured into new wineskins.”
V. The Mission of the Principle
1. Solve the problems of the real world
1) Problems about existence and 7) Fundamental problems of
relationships the Bible (Denominations)
2) Problems of the family and the youth 8) Problems concerning the
3) Racial discrimination Spirit world (Life after death)
4) Religious disputes 9) Ideological problems
5) National borders (democracy, communism)
6) HIV/AIDs 10) True values

2. Establish True Values

1) Know God clearly
2) Reveal the Spirit World (problems of life after death) clearly
3) Know True Parents clearly
4) Know clearly that man is fallen
5) Clearly know about restoration through indemnity
6) Clearly know man’s portion of responsibility
3. Realizing Peace, a United World
  (1) Fulfill God’s Ideal of Creation to build One Universal Family encompassing Heaven and Earth
(Realize the Family of Heaven)
1) Realize the Ideal of True Families centered on True Parents
(Absolute sex Absolute purity ・ Absolute sexual organ)
2) Reveal the fundamentals of democracy and communism Realizing peace, a united world
3) Religion and science (Unity of philosophy)
4) Resolve fundamental issues with the Bible (unity of denominations and religions)
5) Lead humanity into a new world (form one universal family encompassing Heaven and Earth)

(2) Restore God’s Fatherland ( Cheon Il Guk, Blessed Families formed by all humanity )
① Know God clearly ④ Know clearly that we are fallen (sinners)
② Know the spirit world clearly ⑤ Know clearly about restoration through indemnity
③ Know True Parents clearly ⑥ Know clearly man’s portion of responsibility

4 . Establish my True self

Reveal the state of Original man and Fallen man
V. Overview of the Structure of the Unification
Principle and its Core Content
1. The structure of the Unification principle
Part 1  –  Intro – 7 chapters 13 chapters 568 pages ( Korean language version )
Part 2  –  Intro – 6 chapters
2. Core content
Principle of
Creation Eschatology
The Messiah
Who is Jesus? What was his mission?
Salvation = Restoration Resurrection
Rebirth and the Trinity
The Human
Fall Introduction The Second Advent : When, How, Where
Principle of Providence of Restoration Messiah = Lord of Second Advent = Savior
Restoration Preparation for the Second = True Parents   (Blessing = Rebirth
Advent of the Messiah True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Mankind

BibleOld testament ( 39 books ) - Judges 9:6 Messiah = Jesus

New testament ( 27 books ) - Rev22:14 Messiah = Lord of Second Advent
The Bible’s ultimate purpose : to prepare people to Receive the Messiah
The Principle’s ultimate purpose : to prepare people to Receive the Messiah, receive his teachings,
believe and attend the Messiah, become a True Child of God who fulfills the Purpose of Creation

The Unification Principle is not the doctrine of only the Unification Church,
but it is the principle and Heaven’s way that mankind must know and live.
「 ref.1 」
The Principle was revealed by True Parents

1920.01.06 Born at 2221 Sangsa-ri, Deokon-myon, Jeongju-gun

Pyonganbuk-do Korea
1935 (15yrs old) Easter morning, Received Heaven’s mandate
1945 Completely prepared and revealed heaven’s principle
before the liberation of Korea

〇 Victorious in his fight with myriads of Satans in Heaven and on Earth, received
Heaven’s recognition (seal), went out to the world and proclaimed the life-giving Word

〇 Difficulty discovering the Principle: More difficult than picking up a

specific grain of sand from the bottom of the Pacific ocean

〇 To meet the Messiah (True Parents) : More difficult than fishing for a
specific fish in the entire Pacific ocean

〇 The Principle is the atomic bomb of True Love, the atomic bomb of eternal life, the
words of salvation, the words of eternal life, the words of unity, the words of peace,
the words of blessing that appeared in the 20th century.
Character of the Principle: Absolute revelation
( not documents found in a school, or constructed
only by the human brain )
「 ref. 2」

Key dates in the emergence of Divine Principle:

1935 (15yrs old) 4. 17   Received Heaven’s mandate

1935. 4.17 ~ 1945. 8. 15   Delved into the Principle
1945 ~ 1952   Propagated the Principle
1952. 5. 10   “ Divine Principle Original Copy”
(Witnessed in Pusan, Daegu, Seoul )
1954. 5. 1   Established HSA-UWC in Seoul
1957. 8. 15   “ Explanation of the Divine Principle”
1966. 5. 1   Exposition of the Divine Principle
2008. 9.1 Original Divine Principle
(Father spoke following Heavenly Parentism event )
2008.10.10 ODP Education Begins (King Garden, Hawaii)

Revealed UT and VOC Theory on basis of Divine Principle

「 ref.3 」

Father wrote the following prayer / poem in 1935 at the age of 15.
In the beginning part of the book this poem was published in, Father wrote :
“I met Jesus on Easter morning when I was 15. From that day,
I have walked this way, following heaven’s orders in order to fulfill God’s Will.”

Crown of Glory
When I doubt people, I feel pain.
When I judge people, it is unbearable.
When I hate people, there is no value to my existence.

Yet if I believe, I am deceived.

If I love, I am betrayed
Suffering and grieving tonight, my head in my hands.
Am I wrong?
Yes I am wrong.
Even though we are deceived, still believe,
Though we are betrayed, still forgive.
Love completely, even those who hate you.

Wipe your tears away and welcome with a smile

Those who know nothing but deceit,
And those who betray without regret.

O, Master, the pain of loving.

Look at my hands.
Place your hand on my chest.
My heart is bursting, such agony.

But when I love those who acted against me,

I brought victory.
If you have done the same things,
I will give you the Crown of Glory
1935 Sun Myung Moon
This prayer poem was brought to America by a missionary sent in the late 50s.
In 2001, one American member was so moved by reading this poem that he sent it
to the International Poets Association.
The most renowned international poem masterpiece judges of the International Poets
Association judged this poem using 9 different categories of examination.
This poem was selected as the best poem and was introduced through
the International Poet Association’s annual bulletin.
In 2002, this poem was read and displayed at the International Poet Association
Conference in Orlando, Florida.
The trophy and medal are kept in the Cheon Jeong Goong museum.

The 9 Categories of Examination:

(1) Creativity (6) Coherence

(2) Origin (7) Consistency

(3) Writing Style (8) Logic

(4) Theme (9) Ability to understand and analyze
(5) Selection of Phrases and Vocabulary
Principle of Creation
< Table of Contents >
Section 1 The Dual Characteristics of God and
the Created Universe Section 4 Original Value
( 1 ) The Process and Standard for the Determination of
( 1 ) The Dual Characteristics of God
( 2 ) The relationship between God and the Original Value
( 2 ) Original Emotion, Intellect and Will; and Original
Section 2 Universal Prime Energy, Give and Take Truth, Beauty, Goodness
Action and the Four Position Foundation ( 3 ) Love and Beauty, Good and Evil, Righteousness and
( 1 ) Universal Prime Energy
( 2 ) Give and Take Action Section 5 The Process of the Creation of the Universe and its
( 3 ) The Four Position Foundation which Growing Period
the Three Object Purpose through ( 1 ) The Process of the Creation of the Universe
Origin-Division-Union Action
( 4 ) The Omnipresence of God ( 2 ) The Growing Period for the Creation
( 5 ) The Multiplication of Life Section 6 The Incorporeal World and the Corporeal World
( 6 ) The Reason All Beings are Composed of Centering on Human Beings
Characteristics ( 1 ) The Incorporeal World and the Corporeal World
( 2 ) The Position of Human Beings in the Cosmos
Section 3 The Purpose of Creation
( 3 ) The Reciprocal Relationship between the Physical
( 1 ) The Purpose of the Creation of the Self
Universe and the Spirit Self
( 2 ) Good Object partners for the Joy of God
(1) What is the Principle of Creation?
It is God’s blueprint for the creation of man, man’s life and the
We must know God in order to know about life and the universe.
1) How to live well (Blueprint )
Things – how to use (use according to plan) - 100V, 220V
Man – how to live (live according to the principle of creation)

2) When is the purpose decided?

  Things – when made in the factory (blueprint)
Man – at the time of creation (principle of creation)
3) People who live well –people who live in accordance with the Principle of
People who don’t live well – people who don’t live in accordance with the
Principle of Creation (broken people, people with severe illnesses)

The Unification Principle is not a doctrine, but

the True Principle by which all people must live.
(2) Views of God
1 ) Ancient philosophy (Greek philosophy)
Without determining the essence of material, they dealt with the constituents
of the universe

① Thales – Water ⑤ Pythagoras – Numbers

② Anaximander – The Boundless ⑥ Parmenides – It is
③ Anaximenes – Air ⑦ Empedocles – Air, fire, earth, water
④ Heraclitus – Fire ⑧ Aristotle – First Material

2) Eastern philosophy: the Li–Chi Theory  

Saw Chi as the substance of the universe
Energy (chi)  – Yin, Yang
Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Soil - 5 Agents

3) Philosophical conflict of the middle ages

  The origin of the universe (The existence of God )
The essence of the universe (spirit or matter)

4) Modern age
    Spirit (Democratic world)
   Matter (Communist world)
5) Today’s Science (Physics)
Reveals that the ultimate causal element of matter is energy
Recently discovered Quantum Physics will be able to find the origin of this energy.

6) Does God exist?

How does He exist? ( Debate between existence and non-existence, Debate on
inherent qualities )
What are His characteristics? And how can we know them?
   (We can know them through what we can see)

7) Pre-existing views of God cannot clearly explain:

the God of Love & Goodness; or: What determines life/death vs fortune/misfortune;
or Judgment, or an Absolute ・ Unique ・ Unchanging ・ Eternal God
① Gen1:27 - God made man in His image (It is not clear what it is we resemble.)
② Plotinus – Motivation and Purpose of Creation are vague

8) View of God in the Unification Principle is clear: God is God of heart and true love –
truth, beauty, and goodness – unique, unchanging, eternal, and absolute. God’s
motivation and purpose for creating was/is to have an object with whom God may
share the heart of true love, eternally, with an infinite number of objects of love. As
God is infinite, so is God’s desire to have an infinite number of unique sons and
daughters to love and from whom to receive stimulation.
The Dual Characteristics of God and the
Created Universe
1 . The Dual Characteristics
of God
〇 Exod 3/14 : God is self existent.
〇 Rom 1/20 : God’s power and deity are perceived in the things
that have been made. (There is a common law)

Law of “cause and effect”

Laws of existence Law of “resemblance”

Cause ( Artist ) God

Effects ( Works ) things
Rom1/20 (the creation
the nature of the
( Common law)
- Harmonious union of Original internal nature
- and Original external form
God = First Cause
( Creator, Absolute Being, Unique One,
- Harmonious union of Original masculinity and
- Original femininity Only One )
- Position of the masculine subject partner Internal
Nature External
O form Universal Prime Force
True Love ( Principle, Law,
( Character Characteristics Yang Yin Order )
God ) Infinite energy
Internal Yang Yin External
nature form
Ma Mind Male Female Body
Animals Mind Male Female Body

Created Plants Mind Stamen Pistil Body

Molecules Internal Positive Negative Material
inclination ion ion ( Atom )
Rom1/20 Material
Atoms Internal Protons Electron
( Common law - inclination ( Particle )
for all created Particles Internal Yang type Yin type Energy
beings ) inclination nature nature
Subject, Object,
Relationship Internal, Subject Object External,
Cause, Result,
Internal External
Vertical, Horizontal,
Invisible Visible
The Relationship of God’s Original internal nature and Original external form
⇒ Complete same element (United body)
Ice, Water, and Vapor = H2O ⇒ Dual Characteristics theory = ‘Only One’ Theory
(1) God exists in dual characteristics

Internal External Shimjung ・ True Love ・

nature    form Character
Principle ・ Law ・ Order
Union Absolute sex

Yang Yin Harmonious

Union Masculine subject “Father”

Male Female Union Shimjung ・ True Love ・ Character

Principle ・ Law ・ Order
( Man ) ( Woman
) Absolute sex

○ God is my father, my parents ( Shimjung, True Love,

Absolute Sex ) : one parents, one love partner, one family
○ I am God’s child (Shimjung, true love, character, absolute sex)
   ⇒  Attend with one’s heart, not conceptually – in reality we
belong to one family under God in God’s original world.
(2) God

① Original body of Shimjung and True Love

② Original body of Intellect, Emotion, Will and Truth, Goodness, Beauty
③ The origin body of principle, law and order
④ Original Body of Absolute Sex, Root of True Love, True Life and True Lineage
⑤ Subject body of the conscience
⑥ The Origin Body of Life (Root)
⑦ Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, Eternal, Self existing, Omnipresent being

Exists as Infinite Spirit with Infinite power

(Original Body of Power )
God’s Characteristics

①   Absolute ・ Unique ・ Unchanging ・ Eternal Quiet Harmony Unity Peace

② One Heart ・ One Body ・ One Ideal ・ One Core
Harmony Unity Peace
③ Absolute owner of Absolute Faith ・ Love ・ Obedience

④   True Love ・ Life ・ Lineage ・ True family natur Harmony Unity
e Peace

Loving Harmony Unity

「 ref.1

God’s appearance Common Internal ・
characteristics External
Divine Form Yang ・ Yin All created
Individual things
Characteristics Individual

God ①God’s essential characteristics

( Core of internal nature )
Shimjung : True love
②Root of God’s True love
( Character ) of God’s character
Logos : Law, order
Divine Nature
logic  =  Self-regulating   
laws  =  Necessary, Mandatory
ability Creativity  The basis of creation is Shimjung (True Love)
Must resemble Shimjung (True Love)

Co-relationship : Origin Division Union Action, Four position foundation

「 ref .2 」 Inside Sungsang (internal nature)
Intellect – Intellectual function; cognition (ability to recognize)
Logic : Ability to investigate the principle through
Internal common
Sungsang sense
(“functional Reason : Ability to ask and know the cause and
through morals?
Sensibility : Ability to perceive through the 5 senses
(intuitive cognition)
Sungsang Emotion – Emotional function ; Emotional sensibility
(ability to feel emotions such as joy, anger, loneliness)
Will – Function of will: Desire (Ability to pursue, determine, and
Conception decisions)
: Specific representation
Internal General idea : Abstract images
(“form Rules : Laws of value, Laws of nature
Numbers : God is the Supreme Mathematician
(scientist, artist)
「 ref. 3」 The origin of the individual’s nobility

Sungsang Internal


Nobility, dignity, divinity, absoluteness of From God

individual character
「 ref. 4」   What is the essence of the universe?
( matter? spirit? )
The relationship of Original Internal Nature and Original External Form
Completely the same element ( Union )
Example: Water, Vapor and ice = H2O
Theory of dual characteristics ( Union ) = Theory of Only One

( Science )
( Philosophy ) ( Religion ) True Love Ideology
The First
The Only One God

OnlyOne Only
Only One Head-wing
theory ideology Ideology
True Parents’

Spirit× spiritualism× Spiritual ideology× Democracy× Right wing×

Material× materialism× Material ideology × Communism× Left wing×
「 ref. 5」 What is the Only One Ideology?
① It is the ideology of Parent and child.
② The fundamental law of the universe is that of parent and child.
③ To believe in, attend and honor God as your parent
④ God is not a conceptual being. He is in a parent child relationship
with mankind. Therefore, the Creator God is the parent of humanity
and is my parent. This ideology is the Only One ideology.
⑤ The Only One ideology is the Head-wing ideology, God ideology,
Parent-Child Ideology. ( Godism )
⑥ The essential characteristic of the Only One is Shimjung. (True Love)
「 ref.6 」 What is the Origin of the Universe?
( Finding the Origin of the Universe )
(1)The origin of the universe is God.
Harmonious Union of dual characteristics of Original SS, HS Masculine
① God is{ Harmonious union of dual characteristics of Original Yang, Yin} subject body
② God is{ God of Shimjung, True Love, Character
Original body of absolute sex who is the root source of true love, life, lineage

Male Man God has two sexual organs.

Yang God made man tomultiply throughloving theirbodies
Man and woman’s sexual organs
(to love through the Sexual organs)
Female Woman
Become one (One body) through loving

① To take on a body
② To love in substantiation (Love is felt and
(2) Purpose for man’s
experienced through a substantial partner)
creation ③ To multiply children

Love is a concept, not an actual reality.

「 ref. 7 」

Why can’t we see God or feel

1. (1) Why can’t we see Him? Because He is invisible.
① There are things we cannot see with our physical senses.
Eyes: Sun rays ○ (can see), X-rays × (cannot see)
Ears:   Sound waves ○ (can hear), Ultra sound waves × (cannot
Electromagnetic waves × (cannot sense)
② The more precious, the more we can’t see

1. (2) Why can’t we feel Him? Because we are one.

① Heart beat, blinking eyes, breathing
② The smell of one’s own stool on the toilet
③ Air pressure (Air) – varies constantly, but we almost never sense it
「 ref. 8」   Creation? Evolution?
(1) It is “Creation”.   Why is it Creation?
① All entities exist in pairs (for the sake of Love)
② The species are different (sparrow, crow tit)
③ In order for something new to come out,
there must be an input of energy (ideas, skills)
Science (physical energy) : Input>Output     
Love (spiritual energy) : Input<Output

(2 ) The Argument of Creation vs. Evolution is finished

⇒ It is Creation, not Evolution
Why? Because:
① Was existence first, or thought first?
(motivation and purpose come first)
② All things are born for the sake of Love (existence)
Therefore, all beings exist in pairs, each living for the other.
③ New developments always need the investment of creativity
(new ideas, skills). Without this, there can be no development.
「 ref. 9 」

Pantheism, Plotinus (Emanation Theory)

“There is no motivation and purpose of
Creation.” (All is a random event.)

Principle ⇒ Completely complements Christianity’s

theory of Creation
What was the motivation and purpose
for which God created the Universe?

Motivation of Creation : Shimjung and Love

Purpose of Creation : Joy

Through revealing the Shimjung motivation theory,

the argument of ‘How we were formed’ is finished.
Creation or Evolution? The argument of Pantheism and emanation
(Plotinus) is finished.
2. The relationship between God and
(1) Relationship of Mind and Body   (People are Second Gods )

God Mind ( First mind )

Man Body( Second mind )

( Second God )

- See people as incarnation of God

Human beings are - Listen to what people say as if it is God
Second Gods: - speaking
- People’s divinity, value, dignity
- Theory of “Resemblance”
(2) Relationship of Parent and Child
1) Why are God and Man in the relationship of parent and child?
(Reason God is the parent and mankind are His children)
All beings are born from parents (lineage) ⇒ Children are complete substantiation of the parents.
※ The 4 principles of being formed:
① Children are formed through their parent’s love ② They are formed belonging to their parents.
③ They are formed for their partner ④ They are formed to live eternally.
2) Adam and Eve were God’s children
True love travels the shortest distance (True love ⇒True life ⇒True lineage)

Adam God’s son and God’s body

Eve God’s daughter and God’s partner (Adam’s wife)

Adam and Eve’s marriage is God’s marriage.

(Appearance of the substantial God)
Adam and Eve’s first love is God’s first love.

Until now, God couldn’t give love substantially while in a body.

With the appearance of the True Parents, He was finally able to.
3 ) The greatest desire of man is to become True

① All beings exist because they have parents.

② Parents need children to become parents.

Father Mother Parents ( Parents rest) God ( Safe God (Satan)

Knowledge Settlement)
Loyalty Shimjung
Husband Wife
Filial Piety Love
Groom Bride
Fidelity Character
( Attendance ) Fallen people
Son Daughter Children( Qualification ) Man ( Perfection ) Man are the object
of sadness
(3) To become God’s True Sons and Daughters
① We must resemble God. Children resemble their parents (internally, externally, lineage)
② A True Person is one who resembles God.

God Man
Internal Nature ・ External Form   Mind ・ Body  
① Yang ・ Yin Union   Husband ・ Wife Union

Essential characteristics : Shimjung, True Love,

② Essential Characteristic : Shimjung Life, Lineage, Absolute Sex

Motivation of Creation : Shimjung Motivation of life : Shimjung

Creation   Investment of Self Create Own Character Invest in oneself, Live for others,
④      Unfolding of self         Self progression
( Sacrifice, Service )
⑤ Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, Eternal Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, Eternal (Individual, Couple,
⑥ True Love, True Life, True Lineage True Love, True Life, True Lineage (Absolute sex)
(Absolute Sex)
⑦ Absolute Faith, Love, Obedience Absolute Faith, Love, Obedience

Man’s responsibility : Resemble God (active effort)

God’s responsibility: create man who Content: Shimjung, True Love, Character, Principle, Order,
resembles Himself
Law, Absolute Sex

God: Absolute Sex = Absolute Divine Character   Man: Absolute Human Character

Completion of God’s Portion of Responsibility =  Completion of the ideal oneness of God and Humankind in
Conclusion  ① God is my parent. ⇒   I am His Child.
② A True person is a person who resembles God’s Shimjung, True love and Absolute Sex (True
(4) True Education
Human Education ( Shimjung, Model pattern )
1) To become True Children of God Education
Intellect Education ( Skills, Knowledge )

Gen1/28 Education Principles Education methods Goals
Wholeness Person of
Shimjung Education Character
( Perfection of Individual )
3 Great
Blessings Multiply Multiplication
Moral education Good people
Purpose of Dominion ( Perfection of Family )
Creation Dominion
Knowledge ( Skills ) Genius
(Perfection of Dominion )
Mat7/2 : He who does the will of God will go to Heaven.
God God God
Mind Body
Man Woman
Oneness of God and things
Man Man
Children Ideal
Individual of Temple
Divinity & Good People World

2) Educate Clearly about God, the Spirit World, True Parents and
Restoration through Indemnity (Live the Principle)
3) The Unification Education achieves the 3 Great elements of
Culture Unification : Unity of Shimjung, Unity of Thought, Unity of Lifestyle
Philosophy of true education: Love Heaven, Love Humanity, Love Your Country
(5) A Person of original nature who resembles God

Internal External Union

Nature Form
Universal nature
A being with
God’s form Yang Yin Union
Individual nature Individual bodies

Being of Shimjung
Divine Being Being of Logos
Creative Being

A being with Objective position = Objective being

Connected body
position Subjective position = Subjective being
(6) What kind of being is Man?
( Science ・ Philosophy )

1) Being of Shimjung


Function of
the heart


Will Emotion

Good- Beauty

( Ethics ・ Morals ) ( Art

2) Being of Logos
(Word, Idea)

( Reason )=Int ・ Nature =( Law )

Int ・ Form


Reason Law
Freedom Law Necessity
Purpose Function

Laws of Nature (Nature)

Laws of Value (Man)

Order of the Universe

Model of the Family
3) Beings with
( God ) ( Man ) ( All Things )
Shimjung Shimjung

Subject Object Subject Object

Union Union

Position of Object- ( Connected ) - Position of Subject

- ( Connected )Awareness
Awareness as Object - as Subject
(7) The Dual Characteristics: key to solving all problems of the world
(Internal Nature, External Form are the Master Key)

Nature ( Mind )
All things were created
God Man with Man as the model
( Body )

Therefore, all places where people gather should have a balance of Sungsang
and Hyungsang and fulfill the Purpose of Existence and Value of that place
( Internal ( Internal ( Internal ( Internal
( Internal
nature ) nature ) nature ) nature )
nature )
Family Education Guiding
Company Peaceful, United
ethics principles principles
ethics World principle

Family School Company Nation World

Parents Teacher Mangmt Leader Humankind

Children Student Employee People Nations

- The internal values must be established firmly. (Internal values based on true
original nature.)
- Unity of Values Absolute Goodness
(Life of Shimjung = Life of living for the sake of others)
「 ref.1 」 Solving the problems of Yang andYin with the
Characteristics of Internal Nature and External Form

God Man
( Parent ) (Children )

Nature Perfection
First And (Individual Perfection,
And (Individual Perfection,
Form Moral

Later Yang
Yin (Family perfection,
(Family perfection,
「 ref 2 」  Man’s Last Revolution
① Industrial, political, religious, cultural revolution:
Solve problems× 、 Unified Peaceful World× 、 World of Happiness×

② Revolution of Man:
〇 Past revolutions  – 「 Guns 、 Swords 」 Power
〇 How will we conduct the Revolution of Man? (True Education )
〇 What are we going to use in the Revolution of Man?
( True Love and Principle that flow from Shimjung )
〇 Revolution of Man⇒ Revolution of Shimjung (Roots)
⇒ True Love (Flowers, fragrance) ⇒ True Character (Fruit)
⇒ Revolution of Absolute Sex (True Family)
3. The Relationship between God and the Universe

mind -
Internal + Principle
of Image Man
- Creation (Map) +
All body

God Created
+ Things Internal +
External Unfolded
Individual Nature -
Form - Symbol All
Embodiments Things
Of Truth (Flag) External +
Form -

Man All Things

Subject Object Imitation Sounds of All Things

Encompasses Elements 、 Qualities 、 Natur

Cause Result e

The 5 Viscera and 6 Entrails 5 Great Seas 6 Continents

Internal External 12 sets of Ribs ( 24 ) 12months, 24Solar terms

Vertical Horizontal Hair Plants

Skin Earth’s crust
Invisible Tangible Muscles Substrata
Veins Underground waterways
( Masculine
( Feminine Object ) Skeleton Rocky Mantle
Subject )
Bone Marrow Molten core
The Book of Changes and the Bible
from the Viewpoint of the Principle of Creation
The Book Great Yang Yin       Five Agents     
of Changes Ultimate All things
The Way( One yang and one yin; this is the Way )

Word (道也者言也)
( John1/1 )
The word was with God and the Word was God.
Bible God Word All things

Internal +
- The root concept of East Asian philosophy and
Principle God the Bible can be fully elucidated only with help
External + from the Principle of Creation

The Book of ?
Does not explain that God has character
Changes 太 + ( Yang Yin )

? × God = Father ( Explains God with personality )
Bible God But does not explain His characteristics
? ×
「 reference 」

Western Ontology
: Form and Matter    Internal Nature and External Form
Eastern Ontology
: Yang, Yin Positivity and Negativity

Western Culture
Eastern Culture
II. Universal Prime Energy, Give and Take Action,
and the Four Position Foundation
1. Universal Prime Energy
All Beings (Entities)  →  Need energy
Universal ① The fundamental energy of God’s being
Prime ② The origin of all energies that allow
Energy created beings to exist, multiply, and act

2. Give and Take Action

UPE Universal Prime Energy

( Cause, Subject, Internal )

Sub Obj. Give and Take Action Relationship

Energy The forces generated by

Give and Take Action
( Result, Object, External )

Existence, Multiplication, Action

(1) All beings are co-relative

Why co-relative? : To have Give and Take Development

What do they reciprocate? Love and Beauty   Joy  

Parents Children Universe :
Sun Moon
Husband Wife
Teacher Student Planets Earth
Man Superior Subordinate
Employer Employee Flowers
Government People Animals Plants Judgment
Bible you give
Animals Male Female Arteries Mat7:2 Measure
Stamen Pistil receive
Plants Inhalation Exhalation
Minerals + -
(2) The Function of the Conscience from the View of Give and Take

Generated by give and take action

The force of
All people have an active conscience guiding them to goodness
the Conscience The ultimate subject partner of our conscience is God

The Function of the The Function of the

Conscience in Original Man Conscience in Fallen Man
God God God
Force of the What Fallen people
Truth Conscience Truth mistake as the Truth
→ Goodness

The force of the Conscience

Original Conscience → Wrong direction
(3) Fall and Salvation from the View of Give and Take

God God Mediator

Messiah 1 Tim 2/5 Life
Man Satan Man Satan Man
Perfected man Fallen man Man who has received salvation

(4) Functions of Original Mind and Conscience in context of G&T

(Subject God
(Subject God partner)
Shimjung ( Sungsang) Truth
(Respond with True Love)( External Form )
Precedes parents
Original (Subject)
(Object) Conscience Precedes teacher
Precedes God
( Respond with True Love )

(Object (Object
partner) Body Body Suffering of conscience

Perfected Man ( False self )

( True Self )
(United entity)
3. Origin Division Union Action, The Three Object Purpose,
The Four Position Foundation
(1) Origin-Division-Union Action
The process in which out of God, the Origin, two entities are separately manifested
and reunited in oneness is called origin-division-union action
「 Satanic theory 」 T +- O 「 God is Principle 」
Formed by Fallen man

Man Woman D
A + -

S +- U

「 Dialectic law 」 「 Law of Give and Take 」

Conflict, Struggle Give and Take Action

( Hatred ) ( Love )
「 Dialectical materialism 」 「 Reciprocal Only One Theory 」
Feuerbach’s Materialism
Hegel’s dialectic 3 stages of development
(2) The Three Object Purpose
When any one of the four positions assume the position of subject partner,
the other three are engaged as its object partners.


Subject Object


① If the four positions have give and take action, the 3 object purpose is fulfilled.
② The center of all beings is God.
③ All motivation is from God.
Do not let yourself be your motivation.
(3)  The Four Position Foundation

1) When the 4 positions have give and take and fulfill the three object
purpose, the four position foundation is formed.

God ① Foundation for the realization of God’s purpose of creation

② Foundation for existence
③ Fundamental foundation for love
Subject Object ④ Fundamental foundation for goodness
⑤ Fundamental foundation for all forces
⑥ Fundamental foundation of 3 stages
⑦ Fundamental foundation for the numbers 4, 3,12
2) Types of Four Position Foundations

 ① Individual four ② Family four   ③ Dominion four

position foundation position foundation position foundation

God God God

Mind Body Man Woman Man All


Man Child Ideal

Individual Perfection Family Perfection Perfection of Dominion

(Perfection of Character) (Ideal Family) (Ideal World)
3)  The Mode of Existence of the Four Position Foundation

Circular movement & Up

Spherical movement Behind

Right Left


Standard of Absolute Value : God

Absolute Value : True Love, True Life, True Lineage
True Love’s special rights :
right of equal status, right to live together, right to participate in work
⇒ Right of inheritance
4. The Omnipresence of God



Fe Man Woman

m ale





In a world where God’s purpose of creation has been fulfilled, all

individual beings embody God’s original internal nature and original
external form and initiate spherical movements to build the foundation
for God’s governance.
God is thus omnipresent among all created beings.
5. The Multiplication of Life
For living things to propagate their kind they must reproduce,
and this multiplication takes place through give and receive action and
origin-division-union action.

God God God

Subject Object Stamen Pistil Male Female

Union Seed Offspring

6. Reasons all Beings are Composed of
Dual Characteristics

1) In order to exist
① Energy is required for any being to exist
② Energy is produced through give and take action Subject Object
③ A partner is needed in order to reciprocate

2) To have eternal nature Force

「 Conclusion 」 The Laws of the Universe ( Laws of Heaven )

(1) Principle of existence: Exist in Dual Characteristics

① Correlative being, corresponding being ( correlative relationship )
② Why correlative? For love, To make relationships ( Oneness = Joy )
( Subject, Object )   ( Order, ethics, values are established)
(2) The principle of the origin of existence : Exist for sake of others ( Let’s live for other’s sake. )
Problems derive from people living for their own sake
Egoism ( Individualism )

(3) Principle of Life of Existence

① To live for the sake of others
② To love
To love God
To love human beings
To love all things
To love one’s enemy
③ To live a more public life
(4) Law of Development :  Give and take action ( The law of reciprocation )
① What is given and received? : Love and beauty flowing from Shimjung
② If you have give and receive :  Oneness (Union), Development (new entity)

(5) Stages of development :  3 stages ( ODU Action )

①God’s Principle : ODU Action (Love, Beauty) Give and Take

Action, Only One Ideology based on Give and Receive Action

②Satan’s Theory : Thesis Antithesis Synthesis ( Antagonism,

Hatred ) Conflict and struggle, Dialectical materialism

(6) Foundation for Existence :  Four position foundation

① God’s purpose of creation, fundamental foundation of goodness

② Absolute value : True love, True Life, True Lineage (Absolute sex)
③ The standard of absolute value : God
3. The Purpose of Creation
1. Motivation and Purpose of Creation

(1) Motivation for Creation (2) Purpose of Creation

〇 God’s essential attribute
〇 Root of God’s True Love Joy
〇 Core of God’s Character

Joy Love
The impulse of shimjung ①Object of resemblance ( Gen1/27 )
The irrepressible emotional ②Object of goodness ( John14/20 )
impulse of the heart that Object
Object desires to feel joy through
③Object of Perfection(Mat5/48)
loving the object partner ④Object of Shimjung(Gen1/28)

No form
( Temporary ) ( Eterna
2. Object Partners of Goodness to God’s Joy
(1) God’s Works = Four Position FoundationGen1/28
God’s Joy = Four Position Foundation ( 3 Great Blessings )
The 1st Great Blessing The 2nd Great Blessing The 3rd Great Blessing
( Fruitful ) ( Multiply ) ( Dominion over all things )
(Individual Perfection = ( Family Perfection = Ideal Family()Perfection of Dominion = Ideal World )
Perfection of Character)

God God God

Mind Man All

Body Woman Man
Oneness of
Man God and man Children Ideal
( John14/20 )

Divinity Good People World

Kingdom of Heaven
Heavenly World of Goodness on Earth and in Heaven
Person Life of Heaven Cheon Il Guk
( Shimjung ( Education ( Education regarding skills,
Education ) about rules ) knowledge, and physical activity)

(2) The great blessing among the 3 Great Blessings = Blessing Marriage
(Inherit God’s True Love, True Life, True Lineage and Absolute Sex)
   Absolute sex   Completion of the Realm of Liberation through fulfilling one’s portion of responsibility
The Family is the Basic Unit of Heaven
① Constituents : Parents ・ Husband and Wife ・
Children ( siblings )
② Relationships ( Up-Down ・ Right-Left ・ Front-Behind )


Husband Wife

Brother Children Center (Core)
(siblings) God

③ Unity of relationships ( United body )

Center Shimjung (True Love)
④ The order of the family is the standard order of the universe.

⑤ The family is God’s ideal of creation.

The number of Heaven: 3 (  

God   Adam
・ ・ 
Eve )

The number of Earth: 4 (   

God Adam
・    Eve
・   Children
・ )

The number of Family: 7 ( God ・ 
Parents ・  Children・
Wife )
Items the whole family must fulfill
(1) One heart, unity
(2) Purity, pure blood, pure love, pure family (absolute sex)
(3) The dutiful family way of filial son or daughter, patriot, saint and
heavenly sons
and daughters of God
(4) Love with True love and live a life resonating with True love
① True love infinitely invests and forgets.
Everything starts with investment. So there is nothing that
cannot be connected to True love.
② The foundation of True Love is the family
A true family is the basic foundation where the parents,
husband and wife and children live in relationships of
So the family is the training ground to develop shimjung and
true love.
It is the fundamental base on which we live lives of true love
originating in shimjung.
The desire of Man’s
• Man’s desire is to find the original homeland
• The original homeland is where there is true love Man  ―  Sperm
• Fallen man has lost his original homeland Sexual (Seed)
Organs Woman  -  Ova
• Where is the homeland from where I was born? (Egg)  

God’s Absolute

Sperm from a Ova from a

True Father’s True Mother’s
Absolute Sex Absolute Sex

(Seed of true (Body of true life)

love) Sexual organs
of Absolute Sex

(True Lineage)

Conclusion: To Go in Search of the Lost Homeland

3. Dual Purposes

Internal nature part – Internal nature purpose ( whole ) Public

External form part – External form purpose ( individual ) Personal

「 Connected, Organic body 」

Energy Particles Atoms Molecules Plants Animals Man God

Individual Family Clan Tribe Nation World Cosmos God

「 ref. 1 」  Why do we marry?
1) To become complete (Before marriage, we are only half)
①To resemble God, who is complete  
②To dominate God’s True Love
③To perfect love (Individual perfection)
④So the partner is the owner of your sexual organ ( Love is experienced and perfected
through a partner )
2) To perfect God and perfect the realm of liberation of love
The marriage of Adam and Eve  : God’s marriage  
The substantial appearance of God
          First Love : God’s first love
     The point where God’s love and Man’s love meet :
The sexual organs

3) To multiply God’s True Love, True Life and True Lineage (Eternity)

God’s body (To take on a body)

Conclusion: God’s purpose for creating man Object partner of love (to love in substantial form
Multiply God’s children (to multiply children)
「 ref. 2 」 True Parents and Completed Testament Age
King of Cosmic Peace, True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind
-Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families, Peace
1) God’s Ideal of Creation and Unity of the Cosmic True Parents, True Parents
of Heaven and Earth, -The King of Cosmic Peace, Holy
Fulfillment of the Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven
and Earth, Opening Cheon Il Guk
「 True Parents 」 Ideal of Creation The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Mankind
「 True Parents 」     -Establishment of God’s Kingship
-Safe Settlement of the Unity of the True Parents of Heaven,
Earth and Humankind
True Parents
A E -Blessing ( True love, True life, True lineage, Absolute sex)
Fruitful : Individual Perfection      -The Principle and God’s Words
Gen1/28 Multiply : Family perfection -Messiah, True Love (Seed),The Principle
3 Great Blessings Dominion : Perfection of dominion Messiah
through Completion Liberation and Complete Freedom  
Old Testament New Testament Indemnity Completed Concluding
( Dominion of the Ideal of
Word Testament Creation )
( Judaism ) ( Christianity ) ( Realm of Cosmic Sabbath for Parents
( Unification ( Family (CIG) of Heaven and Earth)
church ) Federation)
( 40years )

Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (Church)

Indemnity Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Family)
The Family House of Cosmic Peace and Unification (Cheon Il Guk)
Completion of Tribal Blessing
Blessed Tribal Messiah
Hoon dok Family Church
Restoration of God’s Fatherland ( Cheon Il Guk )
Blessed Family Pledge  ( The core of True Parents’ life, The bone of the family, The law of
Families the family, Family of Absolute Sex )
2) Parents of Heaven and Earth Cosmic Realm of Sabbath Is Eternal Theme

God Invisible True Parent (mind) All-immanence

Unified Settlement of Parents All-authority

of Heaven and Earth All-power
Visible True Parent (body) All-transcendence
Parents Daily Life Realm

Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth (July 7, 1997)

(1) This realm is established on basis of absolute sex

Sperm from True Father’s Absolute Sex (seed of true love)
Ova from True Mother’s Absolute Sex (body of true life) womb
Reproductive organs of a true husband and wife’s Absolute Sex (true lineage realm) victory
(2) True Mother’s ova is wrapping for True Father
True Mother is like clothing to True Father
Mother has no substantial body. Until now, no substantial mother, so she was Holy Spirit
So True Mother must be born again within True Father and by True Father.
True Father must raise True Mother as a substantial body (re-creation)
(3) Victory of the Coronation Ceremony for the Authority of the Liberation of God
(Era of All-immanence, All-authority, All-power, All-transcendence)
3) Four Great Realms of Heart and Three Great Kingships

God Grandparents ( Past ) Position representing

+- God

3 Great Kingships
( Family )
Perfected Husband Perfected Parents ( Present ) Representing Mankind
Man Wife Woman
Realm of
Heart of Parents the Royal Family
Heart of Husband and Wife Mankind is
Heart of Brothers and Sisters God’s Children
Heart of Children

( Children ) Children ( Future ) Kings of the future

「 ref3 」  Completing the True Family Ideal

1) Completing the Husband-Wife Ideal ( Completing the Parental Ideal)

①The husband in the subject position unites with God, the subject,
God God and then completes the wife.

②The wife in the object position unites with her husband, the subject,
Subject Subject
and completes the husband.
partner partner
③The husband and wife were born as sons and daughters.
They grow to perfection by attending their parents.
Man Husband Wife
④Therefore, the husband must attend his wife as he attends his mother
Object Subject Object and the wife must attend her husband as she attends her father,
partner partner partner
and this is how they perfect each other through their lives.

⑤This way they become a True Couple that resembles God, who is
complete, and they become completed True Parents.
(Son) (Daughter)
2) Fulfillment of the Sibling Ideal (Fulfillment of the Children’s Ideal)

Parents Parents
Subject Subject
partner partner

Elder Younger
Children Brother
Object Subject Object
partner partner partner
①The elder brother in the subject position unites with the parents, the subject, and completes the
younger brother.

②The younger brother in the object position unites with his elder brother, the subject, and
completes his elder brother.

③The elder brother and younger brother are both born as extensions of their parents.

④Therefore, the elder brother should attend the younger brother as he attends his parents
The younger brother should attend the elder brother as he attends his parents. This is how they
perfect each other through their lives

⑤ This is the way they become True children resembling their parents and become true siblings.
3) A true husband and wife are unalterable

Parents Unalterable

(  ?   )  Also must be Unalterable
and Wife
in order to resemble God

Children Unalterable
4) Conclusi
amental laws of Heaven and Earth : The laws governing parent and child
ose of Life : Fulfill the Three Great Blessings
      ( Objects of Shimjung, Objects of Goodness that return Joy to God)
n of man : Perfection of Shimjung ⇒ Perfection of spirit mind ⇒ Perfection of Spirit Self
ion of the 4 Great Realms of Heart (Absolute Sex)⇒ True Love 「 Living for the sake of others 」
c Unit of Heaven = Family ( 3 Great Kingships ) :

True Parents = True Children

  3 Great Subject
Teacher = True Disciples 3 Great Object Thought
       True Owner = True People

l ⇒ Purpose of Creation ⇒ Fulfillment of the 3 Great Blessings⇒ 4 Position Foundation

Mat 7:21
“Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”
4. Determining Original Value and the Standard for Such Value
1. Defining Value
Subject Object

Content Value
Satisfaction Characteristics

2. Determining Value
(1) Determining the Value from how its purpose is viewed
View of
Eg. paper
house Filial Divine
Patriot Saint
child child
Subject Object Way of Family
Family Nation World Cosmos
(Mind) (Body)


(2) Determining Original Value

Ideal of Creation
The original value of an entity is determined by the
formation a partner relationship between the
purpose of the entity’s existence as an object
Subject Entity’s
Person Purpose partner centering on God’s ideal of creation and the
original desire of a person standing in the subject
partner position to pursue value.
Original Value

So for an object partner to possess original value, it
must form a union through a give and take action
Subject with a person standing in the subject position,
Person thereby becoming a third objective partner to God
and forming an original four-position foundation.
Union Third Objective Partner

four position foundation
3. Standard of Original Value

God Since God, the center of the four position

foundation is absolute, the standard of value is
also absolute. So, with God as the standard,
S.P. O.P.
the value of any object partner that is
determined relative to Him is also absolute.

(1)Standard of Value: Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, Eternal

Jeong Goryeo – Patriot
Sovereignty× Mongju Joseon - Traitor
Person× Examples Korea - Patriot
Intellect× Yi Sun-sin Japan – Enemy
Japan- Patriot
Ito Hirobumi
Korea - Enemy

(2) So the standard of Original Value: God    Messiah ( True

Parents )
4. Original Emotion, Intellect, Will and
Original Truth, Beauty, Goodness

God Intellect Emotion Will

( Responsive Feeling )
Mind Intellect Emotion Will

Man ( Action )

Body Truth   Beauty Goodness ( Value )

The human mind has three faculties: emotion, intellect and will.
The body is a responsive entity to the mind’s intellect, emotion, and will, so its
actions appear as being in pursuit of the values of truth, beauty, and goodness.
Because God is the subject partner to the human mind, He is also the subject
partner to human intellect, emotion, and will.
So a person can manifest the values of original truth, beauty and goodness only
when, because of his desire to realize original value, he responds through his
mind to God’s intellect, emotion and will and then acts on these through his body.
5. Love and Beauty, Good and Evil, Righteousness and

(1) Love and Beauty

God Parental Love

Love type
Love Conjugal Love
Children’s Love
S.P. O.P.
Loyalty (choong: Subjugate God )
Beauty Filial piety (hyo: Subjugate Parents )
Union Beauty type
Faithful (yeol: Subjugate Partner: faithful
husband, virtuous wife )
When two entities, discrete manifestations of God’s dual characteristics, form a
common base and seek to engage in give and take action so as to form a four position
foundation, thereby forming a union that is God’s third object,

The emotional force given by the subject partner to the object partner is called love,
and the emotional force given by the object partner to the subject partner is called

The force of love is active,

and the stimulation of beauty is passive.
(2) Good and Evil

God Satan

Subject Object Subject Object

Union Union

Good Evil

An act or its result is called good when it fulfills God’s purpose of creation; this
takes place when subject and object partners unite through the harmonious and
smooth give and take of love and beauty, become the third object partner to God,
and form the four position foundation.

An act or its result is called evil when it fulfills Satan’s purpose

by forming a four position foundation centered on Satan.
(3) Righteousness and Unrighteousness

Unrighteousness Person Evil

Element of human life Element of human

to pursue goodness life to pursue evil

In the process of bringing about the purpose of

goodness, those elements in human life that are
for the sake of goodness are called
righteousness; while

in the process of bringing about the purpose of

evil (Satan), those elements in human life that
are for the sake of evil are called
V. The Process of the Creation of the Universe
and Its Growing Period
1. The Process of the Creation of the Universe
1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day

Bible light waters ocean sun fish mammals

Gen. darkness under/abov land moon birds Human
1:1-31 e the beings
plants stars

Non-water Water era ocean plants animals Human

Science era land beings
( Gas )

Azoic Archaozoic Proterozoi Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic

era era c era era era

Bible’s Revelatory character

6 Days : Periods of Creation→ 6 orderly periods of creation
1 Day≠24 hours ( II Pet. 3:8 )
2. The Growing Period for the Creation
(1) Evidence for the Existence of the Growing Period

① Seen from the Process of Creation (6 days)

② Seen from the Human Fall ( Cannot Fall after Completion )

③ Seen from the Human Portion of Responsibility ( Incomplete )

④ Seen from the Bible (Gen. 1:5)

(2) Growing Period: Three stages
God( Complete Subject )
Direct Dominion
( Dominion of True Love)

Perfection Perfection
( Complete Object )
(Morning)First Day

Completion Indirect Dominion

( Power of Principle )
Night Growth ( Realm of dominion based on
through the Principle )
doi r eP gni wor G

(Evening) Human
Gen.1:5 Creation Reasons for Human Responsibility
〇 Right to be God’s child
〇 Right to govern creation
Autonomy Creation
Principle Human Responsibility   ( Owner of dominion )
Governance of Character 〇 Creator ( 2nd Creator )
( Man of Instinct ) ( Man of Character ) 〇 Take part in the
creation process

Complete God’s Will God’s Responsibility Human

100 % 95 % Responsibility
( God’s Word ) ( faith, practice )
(3) Reason God Gave Portion Responsibility to Human Beings

① As the Creator of human beings, God is qualified to govern human beings.

② If human beings are to be qualified to be God’s children and have dominion over
creation, they must also create all things. But human beings don’t have the power
to do this.

③ So instead of creating all things, God has human create our own character
under our own portion of responsibility. By having human beings do this,
something that even God cannot do for us, God intends to make us qualified to be
His children and to exercise dominion over all things.
④ Then how is the creation of human character accomplished?
The human character is created and perfected by
God giving His Word to human beings according to His 95% portion of
responsibility, and human beings believing in that Word and putting it into practice
according to our 5% portion of responsibility so as to act with Absolute Sex and
self dominion (self-discipline).

⑤ So human beings create our own character by our own portion of responsibility
and come to possess creativity, become second creators and participate in God’s
creative enterprise in a way that completes that enterprise.

This is the reason God gave a portion of responsibility to human beings.

※The liberation realm of responsibility can be completed on the

foundation of Absolute Sex.
Ⅵ. The Incorporeal World and the Corporeal World
Whose Center is Human Beings
1. Does Spirit World exist? If so, how does it relate with us?
(1) Seen from the Principle of Creation ( Dual structure of the Cosmos )

Subject Spiritual Vertical

Infinite, eternal Eternal Life ( God )

transcends time & space

Internal ( Spirit
Mind ( 5 spiritual senses ) Position of
nature Incorporeal
world ) World Spirit Human Beings
Heaven self ①Microcosm
God Man Heb. 8: 5 Cosmos ②Mediator
Earth ( Center of harmony )
③Owner of two worlds
Corporeal World self
form ( 5 physical senses )(tree)
( Nature )

Finite, temporary Matt.16:19 & Matt.18:18

restricted by time ( Earth
& space Soil )
Object physical horizontal
(2) Seen from the Bible
Gen. 1:1 : God’s creation of the universe
( Created the spiritual world and the natural world )

(3) Seen from the creation of the spirit self

1) Bible verses about the spiritual body
( Gen. 2:7 ) ( I Cor. 15:44 )
nostrils ( Ecc. 12:7 )
Body of God’s spirit =
⇒breath of life spirit (soul) returns to God ⇒ Eternal
live again life
dust from the ground dust (body) returns to the earth
physical body = planted
⇒physical body

2) Reappearance of spirits
Matt.17: 1-10 : Moses and Elijah with Jesus
Luke 9: 28-30 : Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray.
And behold, two men talked with him, Moses and Eli'jah,
Acts. 9: 3-5 : Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?
II Cor. 12: 1-4 : (Saul) whether in the body or out of the body I do not know
Rev. 22: 20 : Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
Luke 16: 19-26 : poor man named Laz'arus and the rich man
2. The Three Life Stages of Human Beings
Life in the womb Life on earth Life in the spirit world

baby Spirit body ( Spirit mind )

( spirit mind )

womb Physical body ( Spirit body )

( physical mind )

water air love

10 months dust 100 years Eternal Life

Seung- —   eternal life
formationー growth ー completion Birth - individual perfection
-marriage - completion
Eternal happiness
Preparation for Preparation for the spirit word by attending God
physical life Perfect True Love
Perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart

Be surprised in the spirit world

( Why? There are two of me. I give birth to a spirit self. It doesn’t hurt )
3. Structure of the Physical Self and the
Spirit Self and Their Reciprocal Relationship
Physical Spirit
self (+) God’s life element
( Principle, love )
air, light ( Principle )
Physical Spirit mind Completion Divine spirit Kingdom of Heaven
Life elements ( + )
Growth Life spirit Paradise
Luke 23:43
(-) Form-spirit level
Vitality elements (-) Spirit Formation Form spirit spiritual world
food, water Physical
body body
( revitalized character ) Physical

Perfect person ⇒ Perfect spiritual body ⇒ Perfect original mind ⇒ Perfect heart ( Perfect true
love )
Perfect Absolute Sex ( Perfect true blood lineage)
(1) The Importance of Physical Life
① The spirit self grows and matures through the physical self
( Completes the 3 Stages of the Growing Period )

② Physical Life : Perfect the 4 Great Realms of Heart

→ Experience True Love ( Realize True Love )

③ Redemption must be done on earth

( Resolution through indemnity conditions )
④ Physical Self ⇒ Birth of the Spirit Self ( Reproduce )

⑤ Life on earth determines the life in the spirit world

Life of goodness ⇒ Spirit self becomes good ⇒ Heaven

Physical Life Life of evil ⇒ Spirit self becomes evil ⇒ Hell

Spirit self is the best (and final) product of physical life

「 Conclusion 」 Why do people need to live lives of goodness?

⇒ because the spirit world exists
(2) Importance of the Spirit Self
① Owner of the spirit world ( Owner of love )
② Subject of the physical self
③ Spiritually communicates with God ( Live through attendance )
④ Eternal life
⑤ Same shape as the physical self
⑥ Life is automatically recorded in the spirit self ( video tape, DVD/bluray disk )

(3) How Heaven or Hell is Determined

Hell Heaven
egoism altruism
self-centeredness selflessness

( egoistic consciousness ) Self ( altruistic consciousness )

(4) The Human Mind as Seen in the Relationship
between the Spirit Mind and the Physical Mind
1) The relationship between the spirit mind and the physical mind
are like that of internal nature (subject) and external form(object).
( What is believed as
God God Purpose Truth
the Truth )

Spirit Physical Spirit Physical Spirit Physical

mind mind mind mind mind mind

Internal External form

nature Original
Mind Conscience

Form a united, ( harmoniously united heart ) ( harmoniously united heart )

functioning entity Physical mind : disappears along
with the physical body
Original mind : remains within the spirit self

Fallen man⇒ carries the original mind that pursues to live in goodness, but lost the
original standard of absolute truth ⇒ each individual’s standard of conscience differs
centering on what one believes is the truth.
This is the reason the direction of conscience tends to differ when ideologies and
philosophies differ.
2) The Relationship between the Original Mind and Conscience
① Similar to the relationship of internal nature and external form
God ② Similar to inside and outside
③ The original mind and conscience are always directed towards
Original God’s purpose of goodness and follows its will.
mind Conscience
④The original mind and conscience repel the evil mind, which
Internal goes the opposite direction of God’s Will, and strives to go the
nature form way of goodness.

3) The Spirit mind and the Physical mind of Fallen human beings
① Stay under the influence of Satan in their immature state,
unable to receive life elements from God because of the fall
Spirit Physical ② The spirit mind cannot stand in the subject position toward the
mind mind physical mind, and it is instead governed by the physical mind.
③ This immature spirit mind that gives and takes with the physical mind
under the dominion of Satan is called the evil mind.
「 Reference 1」 Necessity of Faith
(1) Rom. 7:22 : Paul’s lamentation → Realization that two laws exist
( God’s law and Satan’s law – two conflicting laws )
Satan (+)God’s life elements
( principle, love )

Physical ( Principle, Word ) Spirit

(+) Living spirit mind
air, light mind elements

(-) Physical
Vitality elements (-)
food, water body ( revitalized character )

Selfish mind ( Law of Sin ) ( Heavenly Law ) Live

for others
Self-centered motivation Heavenly motivation

I John 1: 8-9
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness.
(2) Separate from Satan ⇒ Self Denial

「 Confine oneself within the Principle 」 = Live the Principled Life ( Godly lifestyle )
( Live for others )

(3) God’s Blessing

Inherit God’s true love, life and lineage

Let’s grow the engrafted sprout of true love

⇒ True Love, True Life, True Lineage Sex

Purity - pure blood - pure love - pure marriage (Filial piety, loyalty, fidelity)
( Cheon Il
-pure home - pure nation - pure world - pure cosmos
Guk )
「 Reference 2」

(1) Three Stages of Judgment in Spirit World

①   Judgment of Character = Love
②   Judgment of Public work = Public lifestyle
( People are public beings )
③   Judgment of Public money = All things are public property

(2) The Three Great Laws which human beings must follow
①   Preserve of blood lineage ( purity )
②   Do not violate human rights
③   Do not misuse public money
Do we find our own way to Heaven?
「 Reference 3 」 Or are we sent there?

We find our own way there.

⇒ You can live a heavenly lifestyle by perfecting your spirit self and so
become a citizen of heaven.

(1) Did you live for the sake of others?

Person who lived for oneself ⇒ Hell
Person who lived for others ⇒ Heaven

(2) Did you love your enemy?

How many people love ‘me’?

You and your ancestors in the spirit world will go to Hell

if your descendants make a mistake on Earth.
「 Reference 4 」 Points to note:
(1) Principle ( God’s Word ) is the food for my spirit self.
①Physical food ー material food and drink
②Spiritual food ー Principle ( God’s Word )= True Love
③If you listen and forget the Principle, only Satanic thoughts and words will remain.

(2) Prayers of repentance act as air for the spiritual body.

①If you do not pray every day, you do not have air so you are dead.
②Prayer is similar to a conversation with God.
If you do not converse with God, you are conversing with Satan.

(3) Complaining is poison to the spirit self. ( deathly poison )

①Judgment of the Word : Did you believe in God’s Word?
(4) Judgment ②Judgment of Character : Did you practice God’s Word?
③Judgment of the Heart : Did you love?
Love God?
Love humanity?
Love the creation? Let’s
Human Fall
〈 Table of Contents 〉

  Section 1 The Root of Sin Section 4 The Consequences of the Human Fall
1.1 The Tree of Life and the Tree of the     4.1 Satan and Fallen Humanity
Knowledge of Good and Evil 4.2 Satan’s Activities in Human Society
   1.2 The Identity of the Serpent
    4.3 Good and Evil seen from the Viewpoint of
   1.3 The Fall of the Angel and the Fall of
Human Beings
   1.4 The Fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of     4.4 The Works of Good Spirits and Evil Spirits
Good and Evil     4.5 Sin
   1.5 The Root of Sin     4.6 The Primary Characteristics of the Fallen
  Section 2 The Motivation and Process of the Fall Section 5 Freedom and the Human Fall
2.1 Angels, Their Missions and Their Relationship     5.1 The Meaning of Freedom from the Viewpoint
to Human Beings
of the Principle
2.2 The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall
    5.2 Freedom and the Human Fall
    5.3 Freedom, the Fall and Restoration
  Section 3 The Power of Love, the Power of the
Principle and God’s Commandment Section 6 The Reason God did not Intervene in the
  3.1 The Power of Love and the Power of the Fall of the First Human Ancestors
Principle in the Human Fall     6.1 To Maintain the Absoluteness and Perfection
    3.2 Why God Set up the Commandment as an of the Principle of Creation
Object of Faith     6.2 That God Alone be the Creator
    3.3 The Period during which the Commandment     6.3 To Make Human Beings the Lords of Creation
was Necessary

  All people have an original mind, which inclines them to pursue goodness. Yet,
even without our being aware of it, we are driven by evil forces to perform evil
deeds, which we do not want to do. In Christianity, the master of these evil forces
is known as Satan.

  The human beings who were created as God’s children became Satan’s
children by falling under Satan’s temptation to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge
of good and evil, which God had commanded not to eat. They inherited the original
sin and came to live under the dominion of Satan, who became the false god of the
world and the owner of evil forces.

  The explanation of the human fall will clarify the issues of the Fall and the
fundamental questions of sin, by examining the root of sin (original sin), the identity
of Satan, the motivation and process of the Fall, and the reason why the
omnipotent God did not intervene in the Fall of the first human ancestors.
Section 1. The Root of Sin ( Original
Sin )
① Literal ?
     God’s Word : Gen. 2:17Fruit
  more valuable than life
     Jesus’ Word : Mar. 7: 15, Matt. 15: 11 ( becomes sin )
Fruit of the
knowledge of ② Test : God of love - does not test through death.
good and evil ③ Symbolic : What was the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and
that made God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden?
       ( Jesus; forgiveness, love your enemy )

  What does the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolize?
(1) The Tree of Life and the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil

Fruit of Evil fruit Good fruit

good and evil

AA Eve God

Tree of the knowledge Perfected woman ( Eve ) Love

Gen. 2:9 of good and evil Tree of evil   (responsibility)   Tree of goodness

Tree of life Perfected man ( Adam )

Adam Jesus 2nd Advent

α Life Life Life ω Person = tree

〇 Tree of Life =
Adam who perfected the ideal of creation
Rev. 22:13
〇 Tree of the knowledge of good and evil =
Prov. 11: 30; fruit of the righteous Eve who perfected the ideal of creation
= tree of life
John 15: 5 grapevine 〇 Fruit of the knowledge of good and evil =
Old New Rom. 11: 17 true olive tree Jesus    Eve’s love
Testament Testament

Gen. 3:24 Prov. 13:12 Rev.

(2) The Identity of the Serpent

① Conversed with people

② Knew the Will of God
③ Tempted human beings, intellectual Lower animal
④ Lived in heaven ( Rev. 12:9 ) Spiritual Being
⑤ Ability, power ( Angel )
⑥ Transcended time and space
(3) The Fall of the Angel and the Fall of Human Beings
Rev. 12:9
Angel Person Gen.2:25
Isa. 14:12

serpent Crime Crime Gen.3:7
II Pet. 2:4
( rules the Lower
universe ) Job 31:33
Fornication parts

Jude 1:6~7 John 8:44

Matt. 3:7
Fallen person = Satan’s child
Matt. 23:33 II Cor. 4:4
Rom. 8:23 John 12:31

〇 Snake (Satan) : Fallen Archangel Lucifer ( worldly god, acts as a king)

〇 Root of Sin : Illicit sexual (blood) relationship between
the fallen Archangel and Eve ( lustful desires )
〇 Fallen Man : Satan’s children ( inherit the servant’s false love, life and lineage )
① Many religions consider fornication as the
greatest sin
② Israelites practice circumcision
③ The Last days: perish due to fornication
(reap what you sow)
④ Reality in society: Cultural development and sexual crimes
⑤ Heredity is passed through blood lineage
⑥ Rise and fall of nations- Fornication ( AIDS )
⑦ Immoral and rebellious teenagers, destruction of family morals

AA Eve Adam

( uncle ) ( daughter )

Mother Child

Religious chastity : Contradicts with Gen. 1:28

Catholic : Contradiction
( Priests and nuns practice celibacy: Followers can marry )
Section 2. The Motivation and Process of the Fall
( Why did the Fall Occur ?)

(1) Purpose of the Creation of the Angels

1) Mission as servants ( Heb. 1: 14, Rev. 22: 9 )

① Gen. 18: 10 : Sent God’s message of the great blessing to Abraham
② Matt. 1: 20, Luke 1: 31 : Spread the message of the birth of Christ
③ Acts 12: 7-10 : Helped Peter to escape the prison by taking the chains off his hands

2) Song of worship
① Rev. 5: 11 : And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne
and the living beings and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times
ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,
② Rev. 7: 11 : And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the
four living beings, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,
(4) The Motivation and Process of the Fall

Heavenly children

Archangel Eve Adam

Spiritual Fall    Physical Fall

Motivatio With the heart to return once again to

Lack of Love
n God

Spiritual Fall Process Physical Fall

Guilty conscience Inherit the Archangel’s nature after the Fall

fear, dread, (Fallen Nature )

Angel’s wisdom Become Satan’s child
Satan becomes the owner of the world
Section 3 . How did the Human Beings Fall
the Growing Period?
( 1 ) The Power of Love and the Power of the Principle

Power of Love < Power of Principle + Faith

Power of Love > Power of Principle
Power of Unprincipled Love > Power of Principle Power of Unprincipled Love < Power of Principle + Faith

① Immature Adam and Eve in their growing periods had the

possibility to Fall through unprincipled love (angel’s love)

② This is similar to a train which cannot run off track unless some
outside force collides with it and pushes it in a different direction.
(2) Why God Set Up the Commandment
God gave the Commandment in order to prevent the Fall.
   In their immature state, Adam and Eve could not be directly governed by God through love.
Because the power of love is stronger than the power of the Principle,
God gave the Commandment in order to prevent the Fall.

( 3 ) The Period during which the Commandment

The Commandment was necessary during the Growing Period

Eat ( Direct Dominion )

Growing Period
「 Do not eat 」 Growth ( Indirect Dominion )

Section 4 . The Consequences of the Human Fall
( 1 ) Satan and Fallen
Ideal of creation Fallen world
Gen. 2 : 27
G don't believe S
1) Humanity becomes
1) True Parent Satan’s children
2) True Children 2) Satan is the
A E Good desire Evil A E
3) True Family love parent of humanity
actions 3) Original sin⇒ fallen nature
( royal sovereignty )
4) Satan is the owner of the
Motivation ・ Direction ・ GoalChild

( Action ・ Result itself Х )

Good Evil
On earth
Heaven On earth Hell
In heaven In heaven
「 Reference 」

1. The Three Great Changes

① Change of blood lineage – remove original sin
② Change of possession – remove fallen nature
③ Change of the Realm of Shimjung (Original nature) – practice the life of attendance

2. The Three Great Liberations

① From Satan’s blood lineage ( eradication ) - Blessing
② From Satan’s dominion ( fallen nature ) - Principle Realize
Life the True Family ( Ideal World )
③ From Satan’s lifestyle ( environment ) - Cheon Il Guk


(Nation of the Cosmic Peace andUnity)
of the Cosmic Peace and Unity)
(2) Satan’s Activities in the Human World


Evil spirit

Luke 22: 3 Satan entered Judas Iscariot

Spirit world

Natural world
self Evil thoughts ・ actions
(3) Good and Evil Seen from the Viewpoint of
Had Adam and Eve formed a four position foundation centered on God, they would have
established a good world.
But when they loved each other with a purpose contrary to this and established a four position
foundation centered on Satan, they ended up forming an evil world.
This demonstrates that “good” and “evil” refer to the results produced from identical content used in
the pursuit of opposite purposes.

God Satan

Subject Object Subject Object

Union Union

Good Evil
(4) What is Sin?

1) Meaning : Sin is a violation of heavenly law which is committed

when a person forms a common base with Satan,
thus setting a condition for give and take action with

2) Classification of sins

① Individual sin (leaf)

② Collective sin (branch)
③ Hereditary sin (trunk)
④ Original sin (root)
(5) Fallen Nature
Adam and Eve inherited from the Archangel all the proclivities
incidental to his transgression against God when he bound Eve in
blood ties through their sexual relationship. These proclivities have
become the root cause of the fallen inclinations in all people.

Original Nature Fallen Nature Restoration

① God’s standpoint Failing to take God’s standpoint
Love (愛)
( love ) (envy, jealousy)

Satan ② One’s position Leaving one’s proper position Mediator

Eve Adam
(mediation) (temper) (仲)

③ Obedience, Obedience ・
Reversing dominion
Submission ( 順 ・ Submission
屈) (屈)
Multiplying the criminal act Sacrifice ・
④ Multiply goodness
(stubbornness) Service (通)
Section 5 . Freedom and the Human Fall
(1) The Meaning of Freedom from the Viewpoint of the
1) There is no freedom outside the Principle.

Principle freedom

Free Free
Mind will action

2) There is no freedom without responsibility.

Human beings, created according to the Principle, can reach perfection only by
fulfilling their responsibility based on their free will.
Freedom without responsibility is self-indulgence.

3) There is no freedom without accomplishment.

Freedom will ceaselessly pursues concrete actions through free actions.
(2) Freedom cannot have caused the Human Fall
Human beings lost their true freedom as a result of the Fall

Unprincipled Love
Not Free

Death Line

Death Life God



True Love
(3) Reason for giving freedom
Freedom : Seeks to return joy to God through accomplishments while fulfilling
responsibility in accordance with the principle of creation.
Free action resulting from free will ⇒ Good results ⇒ Gives joy to God

(4) Desire
Desire : Inherited creative nature of God
Purpose of Creation :  Happiness ⇒ Happiness is felt by fulfilling one’s desire.

If human beings did not have desires :

joy could not exist,
and we would have no desire to receive God’s love,
no desire to live, do acts of goodness,
or develop.

God’s purpose of creation and the providence of restoration could not

be fulfilled and human society could not be maintained or developed.
Section 6 . The Three Reasons God Did Not Intervene in the
Actions of the Fall
(1) To Maintain the Absoluteness and Perfection of the Principle of Creation
God subject
Direct dominion
Complete ( true love )
P. Creation P.Person object

Indirect dominion
( Realm of dominion based
Growth on accomplishments
through the Principle )

Creation Person

Principle dominion +  human responsibility

Human Creation of Creativity ( 2nd Creator )

God’s Word responsibility character Right of God’s child
95 % 5% 100 % Right of Lord of Creation

If God intervened, it would result in His denying the absoluteness and

perfection of the Principle.
⇒ So He could not intervene
(2) That God Alone Be the Creator

God Satan
Recognize as the 2nd Creator

Dominion over creation

Creation Sin

God only governs over a principled existence which He has created

⇒ If God intervened, he would recognize Satan’s creation such as
the Fall, sin and hell as principled.

If God had intervened, it would have resulted in recognizing Satan as

a second the creator who had created evil.

So in order that God remain the sole Creator, He could not intervene
in the Human Fall.
(3) To Make Human Beings the Lords of Creation

Direct dominion
P. Creation P. Person ( true love )

Completion Indirect Dominion

Dominion autonomy
Growth + human responsibility

Creation Person Unfulfilled by Adam

and Eve

If God exercised direct dominion over human beings still in the indirect dominion,
⇒ human beings could not fulfill their portion of responsibility
⇒ human beings could not inherit the nature of the Creator
⇒ human beings could not become God’s children
⇒ human beings could not become qualified to rule the universe.
So God did not intervene in the Fall so as to make human beings the
lords of creation.
「 Reference 1」  God’s Heart and Anguish
Satan is the Adulterer of Love (Enemy of Love)

(1) Satan is the enemy of enemies who violated the Four Great Realms of Heart
   Violation of the Four Great Realms of Heart
(daughter ・ sister, wife, mother, grandmother)
(2) God’s heart that must love the enemy of love
(3) God’s heart that must love the children of the enemy of love more than his own children.
God cannot become the absolute Creator by carrying the concept of ‘enemy’
within His heart.

We must understand God’s unspeakable heart and liberate Him from His anguish.
「 Reference 2 」   Why must we love our enemy?
(1) Because the motivation for creation was shimjung.
①This is the reason Satan accuses God by saying: “You have to love your enemy”.
  ② Human beings reach perfection with the help of the angels during the growing period.
⇒ How can these human beings be God’s children ?

(2) God is the parent of shimjung.

Striking the enemy might satisfy one’s resentment for the moment, but God cannot strike His
enemy because He knows that the pain he would afflict on the enemy’s parents, spouse,
children, siblings and relatives is greater.

(3) If you hit the enemy, it would mean that you acknowledges its existence.

There is no concept of enemy in God’s ideal of creation.

So God cannot strike his enemy Satan(Devil).
If God were to strike Satan, it would mean that He recognized Satan as His enemy.
This is the reason God has conducted the providence to subjugate Satan naturally.
「 Reference 3 」   Motives for Becoming Satan
(1) When we are unable to love as God loves
(feelings of being excluded, lack of love, resentment)
(2) When we leave our place of existence
(complain, dissatisfaction)
(3) When we attempt to dominate in reverse
(When we break discipline and do things according to our own thinking)

Prevention: Live a life of Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, Absolute obedience

「 Reference 4 」  What We Must Do

(1) Let’s become people whom God can trust.
(2) Let’s understand and console God’s Heart.
(3) Let’s become people who can liberate God.
Human History
〈 Table of
Contents 〉
Section 1 The Completion of God's Purpose of
Creation and the Human Fall
   2) Heaven and Earth Judged by Fire
    (1) The Completion of God's
   3) The Dead Rising from Their Tombs
Purpose of Creation
   4) People on Earth Caught Up to Meet
    (2) Consequences of the Human Fall
the Lord in the Air
   5)The Sun Darkened, the Moon Not Giving
Section 2 God's Work of Salvation
Light and the Stars Falling from Heaven
    (1) God's Work of Salvation is the
Providence of Restoration
  Section 4 The Last Days and the Present Days
    (2) The Goal of the Providence of Restoration
    1) Signs of the Restoration of the First Blessing
    (3) Human History is the History of the
    2) Signs of the Restoration of the Second
Providence of Restoration
    3) Signs of the Restoration of the Third Blessing
  Section 3 The Last Days
    (1) The Meaning of the Last Days
  Section 5 The Last Days, the New Truth
    1) Noah's Day was the Last Days
and Our Attitude
    2) Jesus' Day was the Last Days
    1) The Last Days and the New Truth
    3) The Day of Christ's Second Advent is
    2) Our Attitude in the Last Days
the Last Days
    (2) Bible Verses Concerning the Signs of
the Last Days
    1) Heaven and Earth Destroyed, and
a New Heaven and New Earth Created


We dwell in ignorance of history, uncertain about its origin, the direction in which it
is heading, and its final destination. Concerning eschatology, or the doctrine of the
Last Days, many Christians believe literally what is written in the Bible.

(II Peter 2:12 – Heaven, Earth, Judgment of Fire; Matthew 24:29 – sun, moon,
stars; I Thessalonians 4:16~17 – resurrection, rise into the air)

One pertinent question for Christians is whether these events will take place
literally or whether the verses are symbolic, as are many parts of the Bible.
Section 1. The Meaning of the Last Days
( Origin and purpose of human history )
II Pet. 3: 12: heaven, earth ×, fire judgment
Matt. 24: 29: sun, moon, stars
I Thess 4: 16-17: resurrection, ascend to heaven

(1) Original history –   Righteous history

(2) Fallen history   – Sinful history
(3) History of the Providence of Redemption –   Providence of Restoration

1) History of cultural development Far Eastern cultural realm

Hindi cultural realm ⇒Christianity⇒
21 ~ 26 cultural realms ⇒
Islamic cultural realm
Christian cultural realm

2) Way of religion and science

mind - religion
Person Unificatio
body- science

3) Tendency of historical conflicts

Cain – view of life  –  Humanism (Hellenism) –   materialism  – communism
Conflicts of Unification
good and evilAbel – view of life  –  (Hebrew) –   spiritualism  –  democracy
4) Bible : Restoration of the Tree of Life ( Gen. 2: 9→Rev. 22: 14 )

Gen. 2:9 Rev. 22: 14

…the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, Blessed are those who wash their robes,
and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. that they may have the right to the tree of life
and that they may enter the city by the gates.

α     Revelation 22:13     ω

Tree of Life Tree of Life

Perfected Adam Second Advent

( True Father ) ( True Father )

Garden of Eden World of the

Original Ideal of Creation
Section 2. The Last Days

G Turning point S
( Last days )

faithfulness unfaithfulness A E
Gen. 2: 17

Good Evi
original sin X l original sin
Redemption X repentance
Prayer X In heaven Hell In heaven prayer
Faith X On earth On earth faith
Messiah X Messiah
Last days X Last days
Meaning of Last Days:
The world of evil centered on Satan (dominion of evil centering
on Satan) ends, and the world of goodness centered on God
(dominion of goodness centering of God) begins.
The Last Days Occurred Several Times
①Noah : Gen. 6:13 I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is
filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them
  with the earth.
②Jesus : John 5: 22, Mal. 4: 1
③Second Advent : Matt. 24: 29, Luke 17: 26 (As it was in the days of Noah,
so will it be in the days of the Son of man. )


Completion Formation


Satan Growth


Section 3. Bible verses about the coming
of the Last Days
( 1 ) Earth destroyed ( II Pet. 3: 12 ~ 13 )
①Noah : Gen. 6: 13 ( I will destroy them with the earth )
②Jesus : II Pet. 3: 12 ( the elements will melt with fire) ) ×
Literal? ③Second Advent : II Pet. 3: 13
( we wait for new heavens and a new earth) ×
1) Earth ④Earth remains forever :
  Ecc 1: 4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,
Symbolic? but the earth remains forever.
  Isa. 66: 22 For as the new heavens and the new earth which
I will make shall remain before me

Matt. 6: 9   Our Father who art in heaven

John 3: 13 …he who descended from
the Son of man

Heaven Good High Holy Truth ( Symbolize good

2) Meaning sovereignty )
Earth Evil Low Lowly Lies
( Symbolize Satan’s evil
sovereignty )
Earth destroyed  =  Satan’s evil sovereignty destroyed
(2) Rise into the air (I Thess. 4:17)

…shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

Literal ?
1) Rise into the air
Symbolic : ?

Heaven Good High Holy Truth ( Symbolize good

sovereignty )

2) Meaning

Earth Evil Low Lowly Lies ( Symbolize Satan’s

evil sovereignty )

Rise in the air   =   Paradigm Shift

(3) Judgment by Fire ( II Pet. 3: 12 )

Literal :? ①Jesus : Mal. 4: 1 ( so that it will leave them neither root nor branch ) ×
②Second Advent : II Pet. 3: 12 ( the elements will melt with fire ) ×
1) Fire
Symbolic : ?

2) Meaning

James. 3: 6 : the tongue is fire

Tongue Word
John 5: 24   ..he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has
eternal life
John 12: 48 ..the word that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day
Isa. 11: 4   ..he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with
Fire Truth the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
Luke 12: 49 I came to cast fire upon the earth…

Judgment by Fire  =  Judgment by Truth

(4) Sun, Moon, StarsMatt. 24: 29   … the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give
its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the
heavens will be shaken;

1) Sun, Moon, Stars Literal ?

Symbolic : ?
2) Meaning Gen. 37: 9-10 …the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing
down to me

Sun Moon Stars

Father Mother Brethren

Law Lose
Moses Judaism
( candlelight ) Position

Jesus Holy Spirit

Gospel Lose
( electricity, light ) Position

2nd Advent Holy Spirit Word of the

Completed Testament
( sun )
Be darkened = Foreshadows the end of the mission
Stars fall = Foreshadows failure by not fulfilling one’s responsibility
Section 4 . Last Days and the Present Days
Matt. 24: 32 : fig tree lea

(1) Signs of Restoration of the Three Great Blessings

1) Signs of the Restoration of the First Blessing ( Individual Perfection )

Phenomenon Original Ideal World Modern World

Increase of spiritual
Restoration of spirituality One in heart

Pursuit of the freedom of the

Restoration of the freedom Freedom of the
original mind
of the original mind original mind
Revolution for freedom
Height of democratic ideals
Pursuit of individual values
Restoration of true human Nobility ・ cosmic value
Human rights movement
( liberation movement )

Restoration of original, Charity

World relating horizontally
Return to find the original
true love with God’s love
love ideal

We can know from the signs of the restoration of the First Blessing that the present days are
the Last days.
2) Signs of the Restoration of the Second Blessing

Original Ideal World Modern World

History of World of one great family God’s cultural realm centered

centered on God on Christianity

History of the World under God’s Division and intersection of the

democratic world and the
fall of nations sovereignty communist world

Cain – view of life  –  Humanism(Hellenism) –   materialism  –  communism

Adam Unification
Abel– view of life  –  God-centered (Hebrew) –   spiritualism  –  democracy

3) Signs of the Restoration of the Third Blessing ( Restoration of Dominion )

Internal   –  religion, philosophy, ethics   –  spiritual restoration   –  preservation of nature

External   –  science, technical development   –  economical growth   –  comfortable environment

Conclusion: The signs of the restoration of the Three Great Blessings show us that the
present days are the Last Days.
(2) Seen from Social Phenomenon
1) You reap what you
sowAdam and Eve’s Fall in the Garden of Eden ⇒ Illicit sexual relationship

Archangel Eve Adam

( Uncle ) ( Daughter )

Mother Child

2) Close relative relationship  ⇒  incestual relationship

Through observing social phenomenon, we can know that

the present days are the Last Days .
Section 5. The Last Days and Our Attitude
Last days

「 Confusion 」

(1) The Last Days : Bring old era to resolution ⇒ Providential beginning of new era
(2) Confusion Internal : fear ・ dread ・ confusion

( Contradiction )
External : conflict ・ war
(3) Our Attitude
① Receive inspiration from God’s spirit through humble prayer.
② Do not be strongly attached to conventional concepts. Be receptive to God’s spirit.
③ Find the new expression of truth in the providence of the new era.
The Messiah:
His Advent and the
Purpose of His Second Coming
〈 Table of Contents 〉

  Section 1 Salvation through the Cross

    1) The Purpose of Jesus' Coming as the Messiah
    2) Was Salvation Completed through the Cross?
    3) Jesus' Death on the Cross
    4) The Limit of Salvation through Redemption by the Cross
and the Purpose of Jesus' Second Advent
    5) Two Kinds of Prophecies Concerning the Cross
    6) Gospel Passages in Which Jesus Spoke of His Crucifixion as
if It Were Necessary

  Section 2 The Second Coming of Elijah and John the Baptist

1) The Jewish Belief in the Return of Elijah
    2) The Direction the Jewish People Would Choose
    3) The Faithlessness of John the Baptist
    4) The Sense in Which John the Baptist Was Elijah
    5) Our Attitude toward the Bible

The word "Messiah" in Hebrew means the "anointed one," signifying

a king. The chosen people of Israel believed in the Word of God as
revealed through the prophets, which promised that God would
send them a king and savior. Such was their messianic expectation.
God sent this Messiah in the person of Jesus Christ. "Christ" is the
Greek word for Messiah.
Section 1. Salvation through the Cross
Christ ⇒ Messiah ⇒ Jesus - 33 years old    † ascended to heaven
Christianity ⇒ church of the cross ⇒ faith of the cross ( redemption through blood )
(1) The Purpose of Jesus’ Coming as the
Messiah Salvation = Restoration

G Gen. 2: 17
believe don't believe
S Evil Nature Become one with Satan
Satan’s temple
( original sin ) Fallen human beings
1 . Fruitful
Satan is the worldly God
Temple ( I Thess. 3: 16 )
naturePerfect ( Matt. 5: 48 ) A
DivineOne in body ( John 14: 20 )
Complete the
purpose of A E Fallen man are Satan’s children
God’s lamentation ( lost children )
the Providence Gen. 6: 6
2 . Multiply of Restoration Humanity’s lamentation ( lost parents )
Child Child Rom. 8: 23
Creation’s lamentation ( lost owner )
3. Have dominion Rom. 8: 19
over creation

( Jesus ) Evil
Original sin
Original sinX repentance
redemptionX In heaven In heaven prayer
prayerX Heaven On earth Hel
On earth faith
faithX l Messiah
(2) Was the Providence of Salvation completed through
the Redemption of the Cross?

① Conclusion : No, it was not completed.

② The purpose of the providence of salvation

was not fulfilled.

•Resolution of original sin × ( Rom. 7: 23, I John 1: 8-10 )

•Restoration of the original human nature of creation ×
•Necessity of prayer and faith for indemnity ( I Thess. 5: 17 )
•Necessity of the descendants’ life of faith and salvation ( Rev. 22: 14 )

③ Why was it not fulfilled?

⇒ because Jesus died on the cross
3) Did Jesus Come to Die on the Cross?
① Seen from God’s providence Nation ( high priests, rabbis,
scribes )
Zechariah’s family
Joseph’s family
( Mary & Jesus )

② Jesus’ words and deeds ( John 6: 29,John 10: 38), miraculous powers⇒ Matt. 12:24 Beelzebul
③ Heart of anguish Matt. 23: 37 hen, John 5: 39-40 Bible,
John 5: 43-46 Father’s name, Matt. 23:36 foretells wrath
④ Disciples’ testimonies
Stephen :( Acts. 7: 52-53 And they killed those who announced beforehand the coming of the
Righteous One, whom you have now betrayed and murdered, you who
received the law as delivered by angels and did not keep it. )
Paul :( I Cor. 2: 8 None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have
crucified the Lord of glory. )
Jesus’ death on the cross = result of ignorance and unbelief
Jesus’ death on the cross was predestined X   There is “limit of salvation”
(4) The Limit of Salvation through the Redemption by the
Cross and the Purpose of Jesus’ Second Advent

If people believed in Jesus Did not believe

John 14: 20
Become one

physical spiritual physical spiritual
physical spiritual physical spiritual

(Isa. 9: 6, Matt. 16: 27) (Rom. 7: 23, I John 1: 8-10, 1. Thes. 5: 17)

Returns to complete
Physical body invaded by Satan ⇒ Physical salvation failed
spiritual and physical
Made foundation for spiritual victory  ⇒ Spiritual salvation achieved salvation
(5) Two Kinds of Prophecies Concerning the Cross

Lord Lord
don’t believe believe, attend
of Jesus of
Suffering Glory

Cross human responsibility King of kings

( Isa. 53 ) ( Isa. 9 、 11 、 60 )

Gen. 2: 17
don’t believe
Adam life

Die in the don’t believe believe

Moses Canaan
(6) Gospel Passages in Which Jesus Spoke of
His Crucifixion as if It Were Necessary
①John 3: 14 :
   And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
so must the Son of man be lifted up…

serpent Jesus

Salvation Salvation

Fire Moses people Jesus

serpent don't
don't believe
②John 19: 30 : “It is finished”
Jesus asks his disciples: “Who do men say that I am?"
Simon ( Peter ) : “The Son of God”
Peter : Betrayed Jesus in Caiaphas’ courtyard
( Luke 23: 43 ) :
Thief on the left did not believe
Thief on the right testified to Jesus as “Messiah” ⇒ paradise

Meaning of “It is finished”

① Received testimony as the Messiah
②Accomplished spiritual salvation

It does not mean that Jesus completely accomplished God’s Will.

③Matt. 16: 23 : Said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! ”
Luke 9: 30 :  And behold, two men talked with him, Moses and
Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he
was to accomplish at Jerusalem.  Now Peter and those who were
with him were heavy with sleep, and when they wakened they saw
his glory and the two men who stood with him.  And as the men
were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is well that
we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for
Moses and one for Elijah" --not knowing what he said.

Physical resurrection×, Substantial body ( cross),

to go the way of spiritual salvation was decided
Satan tried to enter Peter in order to prevent spiritual salvation.
Satan entered Judah to betray Jesus.

Conclusion :
   Jesus did not come to die on the cross, but
he died on the cross due to the unbelief of the
Jewish people and his disciples.
Section 2. The Second Coming of Elijah
and John the Baptist
(1) The Direction the Jewish People would choose
Mal. 4: 5 E M
Behold, I will send you
Elijah the prophet

John 1: 21 not Elijah

J・B Jesus
Matt. 11: 14 、 Matt. 17: 13
He is Elijah who is to come
①Lowly carpenter’s family
①Born in Zechariah’s family
don't believe ②Unlearned youth
②Miraculous birth believe ③Violated the Sabbath (Matt. 12:1-8)
③Ascetic life ④Befriends tax-collectors, prostitutes
④J ・ B = Messiah? and sinners
( John 1: 20, Luke 3:15 ) ⑤Puts himself in the same position
as God
Jewish ⑥Should love him more than anyone else

( Direction of the Jewish people )

(2) The Mission of John the Baptist

①Prophecy’s missionJohn 1: 23 : Make straight the way of the Lord

John 1: 33 : Testimony at the Jordan river

②Mission of Attendance : in holiness and righteousness before him all

the days of our life. ( Luke 1: 75 )

Unbelief of John the Baptist  →  Unbelief of the entire Jewish people  →  Jesus crucified on the cross

(3) The Unbelief of John the Baptist

① Ignorant about God’s Will and the providence ( Matt. 11: 17 )
②Judged centered on himself
③False view of the Messiah
④Disbelieved in Jesus’ words and deeds
⑤Worried about his social authority and reputation
⑥Believed in the Old Testament literally

View the Bible in a new perspective

(4) The Sense in Which John the Baptist was Elijah

John the Baptist Return of Elijah

( Mission of Elijah )

…and he will go before him in the spirit

and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of
the fathers to the children, and the
Luke 1 : 17
disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to
make ready for the Lord a people
(5) Our Attitude Toward the Bible

Heavenly John the Baptist's ignorance and unbelief in Jesus

secret brought about the Jewish people's unbelief,
which eventually led to Jesus' crucifixion.

because we have been reading the Bible based on the

No one knew unquestioned belief that John the Baptist was a great

①We should dispense with the conservative attitude of faith.

②We should constantly make effort to have the right faith by searching
both in spirit and in truth.
〈 Table of Contents 〉

Section 1 Resurrection 2.3 The Providence of Resurrection for Spirits

   1.1 The Biblical Concepts of Life and Death    2.3.1 The Purpose and the Way of Returning
   1.2 The Death Caused by the Human Fall Resurrection
   1.3 The Meaning of Resurrection     2.3.2 The Returning Resurrection of the Spirits
   1.4 What Changes Does Resurrection Cause of Israelites and Christians
in Human Beings?     2.3.3 The Returning Resurrection of Spirits Who
Abide Outside Paradise
Section 2 The Providence of Resurrection   2.4 The Theory of Reincarnation Examined in Light
   2.1 How Does God Carry Out His Work of the Principle of Returning Resurrection
of Resurrection?
2.2 The Providence of Resurrection for Section 3 The Unification of Religions through
People on Earth Returning Resurrection
2.2.1 The Providence to Lay   3.1 The Unification of Christianity through
the Foundation for Resurrection Returning Resurrection
   2.2.2 The Providence of Formation-Stage    3.2 The Unification of All Other Religions through
Resurrection Returning Resurrection
   2.2.3 The Providence of Growth-Stage    3.3 The Unification of Non-Religious People
Resurrection through Returning Resurrection
   2.2.4 The Providence of Completion-Stage
   2.2.5 The Kingdom of Heaven and Paradise
    2.2.6 Spiritual Phenomena in the Last Days
   2.2.7 The First Resurrection
If we are to believe literally the prophesies of the Scripture, we should
expect that when Jesus comes again, the saints will come back to life in the
flesh. Their bodies, buried in the earth and completely decomposed, will be
reconstituted to their original state. (I Thess. 4: 16, Matt. 27: 52)
As people of faith we must accept them, but given the modern state of our
knowledge, they do not make rational sense. Therefore, it is important that
we elucidate the true meaning of resurrection.
Section 1. The Meaning of Resurrection
Life : state in which the physical self
1.1 General Concepts of Life and Death maintains its physiological functions
Death : end of physical life 、 corpse
1.2 Biblical Concepts of Life and Death

One in heart with God

Life (God’s love is the origin of life
State of being inside God’s true love)
John 11: 25 he who believes in me –shall live
Resurrection Fall whoever lives and believes in me –shall never die.
( process John 5: 24 he who believes ---has eternal life,
phenomena )    (he who hears my word and believes him who sent

State where Shimjung Relationship with God
has been severed
(State where a person has left God’s realm of love, and exists
within Satan’s realm of dominion, where there is no true love.)
Rev. 3: 1 name of being alive------dead
I John 3: 14 he who does not love—abides in death
Luke 9: 60 Death Death Rom. 6: 23 wage of sin ------ death
Rom. 8: 6 set the mind on the flesh---death
( dead body(
)active person ) set the mind on the Spirit-----life and peace

Resurrected Resurrected
spirits Earthly people
1.3 The Meaning of Resurrection
  Resurrection may be defined as
    the process of being restored from the realm of Satan’s dominion
to the realm of God’s direct dominion, through the providence of
restoration.   Accordingly, whenever we repent of our sins and rise
to a higher state of goodness, we are resurrected to that degree.

1.4 What Changes does Resurrection cause in Human

   External: No apparent change (usually)
   Internal: Spiritual change (From Satan’s haunt to God’s home)

    Ex.) Jesus’ disciples

       No significant external changes after becoming disciples.
1.5 The Death Caused by the Human Fall

Resurrection is needed, because human beings died as a result of the Fall.

What type of death was brought about by the Fall of the first human ancestors?

1) Gen. 2: 17 :“… on the day they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they will surely die.”
   These words did not refer to the end of physical life.
   Adam and Eve after the Fall continued their earthly life for over 900 years, living their lives and
children. Hence, the death caused by the Fall was not the end of physical life, but rather a state of
spiritual death in which we are cut off from God’s love. The Fall was not the cause of physical death.

2) We see in the Principle of Creation that no life form consisting of material can exist for eternity.
If human beings were to live on earth forever in the flesh, there is no need for God to create
the spirit world. According to the Principle of Creation, human beings were originally created to grow old
and return to dust. (Ecc12: 7)

Death caused by the Fall : Descent from good dominion of

into the evil dominion of Satan
Section 2 . The Providence of Resurrection

Providence Providence Providence In accordance with

of Resurrection = of Restoration = of Re-creation the Principle of Creation

2.1 Basic Principles for the Providence of Resurrection

①Believe in God’s word and practice it

  Completion of the Providence of Resurrection =
God’s responsibility (Word) + Human responsibility ( believe and
practice )
②Only on base of physical self — can spirit can grow to perfection
③Merit of the age
④Completed through three orderly stages
2.2 The Providence of Resurrection for People on Earth
Perfect ・

Justification Kingdom

by attendance Divine- of Heaven



Growth Justification Paradise

stage by faith Life-spirit

Formation w Form- level
stage by works spirit spirit world

physical body
O.T. N.T. C.T

Fallen Age of the

Formation- Growth- Completion-
man providence to stage stage stage
lay the resurrection resurrection resurrection
for resurrection
 1) Spiritual Phenomena in the Last Days
The reason God promised to pour out His Spirit in the last days (Acts 2: 17) :
Last Days is the time when people return to the spiritual level reached by the first
human ancestors just prior to the Fall.

Dominion over the universe

①”You are the Lord” Chosen people of the age are appointed as the substitute the Second Advent

②You are the best.

Levels of the spirit world differ according to their spiritual standards.

a)Focus only on their vertical relationship with God, not sensitive to their horizontal relationships.
That is why spiritual mediums receive the revelation that they are the best.
b)It means they are the best in carrying out one’s particular mission, not the best among everyone.

③Spiritually sensitive people will encounter confusion stemming from

horizontal conflicts.
2) The First Resurrection (144,000)
The “first resurrection” spoken of in the Bible describes the fulfillment of restoration
for the first time in providential history through the Christ at the Second Advent, who
will cleanse people of the original sin and restore them to their true, original selves,
enabling each to fulfill the purpose of creation.

12X12 = 144,000
2.3 The Providence of Resurrection for Spirits
1) Purpose :
① Spirits can grow and reach perfection through the physical self
② Spirits cannot be resurrected apart from the physical self.
2) Method:
Form a common base with the spiritual activities of the people on earth.

3) Spiritual Resurrection of Believers

  (Heavenly Kingdom) ●●

( Paradise ) ●
Matt.17: 3
( Elijah )
● ●

Growth-stage Completion-stage

returning resurrection
● ●

returning resurrection
● ●


Matt.17: 11
(J・B) Heb. 11: 39
Matt.16: 19, 18: 18
4) Returning Resurrection of Spirits Who Abide Outside
Spirit world
returning B Decease
B resurrection
A B ( good spirit ) ( believer of other religion )

Death physical( good person )( believer of other religion )


Physical world
Revelation, Spiritual experience
Form a
common base
Fire, Prophecy
5) The Returning Resurrection of Evil Spirits
In order for evil spirits to receive the benefit of returning Resurrection, their works
must have the effect of punishing earthly people to help them to make conditions
to indemnify their fallen nature that has frustrated God’s past efforts to cleanse
them from their sins.

①Direct      ② Indirect

Punishment Evil
spirit Resurrection
( Judgment )

Earthly Evil Earthly

person person person

2.4 The Theory of Reincarnation Examined in
Light of the Principle of Returning Resurrection
Spirits who could not complete their missions during their earthly life must return
to people on earth who share the same type of mission they had during their lifetime.
When a spirit assists an earthly person to fulfill God’s Will, the person will fulfill not
only his own mission, but also the mission of the spirit who has helped him.
Hence, this earthly person may sometimes be called by the spirit’s name and appear
to be the reincarnation of that spirit.


C B A Elijah
the Baptist

Earthly people
Section 3. The Unification of Religions through
Returning Resurrection
Spirits of other religions

Confucian Buddhist Christian Unification
Second Religions
Good Christian
Confucian Buddhist

〈 Table of Contents 〉

  Section 1 Predestination of God’s Will

  Section 2 Predestination of the Way in Which
God’s Will is Fulfilled
  Section 3 Predestination of Human Beings
  Section 4 Elucidation of Biblical Verses Which Support
the Doctrine of Absolute Predestination
Prosperity and decline,
Controversy over Fortune and misfortune in human life
Predestination Salvation and damnation
Rise and fall of nations

Support Predestination Deny Predestination

Rom. 8/29 ~ 30 Matt. 7/7
Those whom He predestined He also called;… Ask and it will be given to you;

Rom. 9/15 ~ 16 James 5/14

“I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,…” Is any one of you sick? He should call the
elders of the church to pray over him
Rom. 9/21
Gen. 2/17
Has the potter no right over the clay,… “But you must not eat from the tree of the
Rom. 9/11 ~ 13 knowledge of good and evil”
Yet, before the twins were born… “Jacob I
loved, but Esau I hated.” Gen. 6/6“
The Lord was sorry that He had made man on
the earth”
1. Predestination of God’s Will

Purpose of Creation
God Will Purpose of the
Providence of Restoration

Absolute, Absolute,
Unique, Eternal Unique, Eternal
Unchanging Unchanging

Predestination of God’s Will: Absolute

2. Predestination of Fulfillment of God’s Will

God’s Will Absolute

Purpose of Creation
( Providence of Restoration )

Fulfillment of God’s Human

God’s Will Responsibility Responsibility
100 % 95 % 5%
Matt. 7/7 Ask and it will be given to you;
James 5/14 Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of
the church to pray over him
Gen. 2/17 “But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil”

Gen. 6/6 “The Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth”

Predestination of the fulfillment of God’s Will: Conditional

3. Predestination of Human Beings

God’s Providence
Of Salvation One Point Whole
(starting point)

① Chosen people
Qualifications ② Ancestral line with many good accomplishments
of a ③ Requisite character
Central Figure ④ Qualities during earthly life
⑤ Most fitting time and place

Human   Fulfilled ⇒Figure completes his mission ⇒Fulfillment of God’s Will ○

Responsibility Unfulfilled ⇒ Figure fails his mission ⇒ Fulfillment of God’s Will X
Example: Acts 1:15 ~ 26   Judas Iscariot ⇒ Matthias

Predestination of Human Beings: Conditional

4. Elucidation of Biblical Verses Which Support
the Doctrine of Absolute Predestination

The verse does not mention

Rom. 8:29 ~ 30 Human responsibility

Foreknow Glorify
Predestine Justify

God’s Human
Responsibility Responsibility Fulfillment
1) Rom. 8/29 ~ 30 “For those whom He foreknew He also predestined…”
God’s predestination concerning an individual’s glorification is thus contingent upon the
fulfillment of his portion of responsibility. Because the biblical verse does not mention the
human portion of responsibility, people may misinterpret it to mean that all affairs are
determined solely by God’s absolute predestination.
2) Rom. 9/15 ~ 16 “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy…”
   This verse was written to emphasize the power and grace of God.
3) Rom. 9/21 Has the potter no right over the clay…
This verse teaches us that fallen people have become like refuse, fit to be discarded, and
in such a state, no matter how God may treat them, they have no cause to complain.
4) Rom. 9/11 God favored Jacob over Esau from before they were born
   This was in order to set up a certain course in the providence of restoration.

〔 Womb 〕   〔 Earth 〕 

Cain Esau Hated Responsibility ⇒ Is loved by God
Adam Isaac
Loved Responsibility X⇒ Is not loved by God
Abel Jacob

-The End-
〈 Table of Contents 〉
Section 1 The Value of a Person Who has Fulfilled the Purpose of Creation
Section 2 Jesus and the Person Who has Fulfilled the Purpose of Creation
(1) Perfected Adam, Jesus and the Restoration of the Tree of Life
(2) Jesus, Human Beings and the Fulfillment of the Purpose of Creation
(3) Is Jesus God Himself?
Section 3 Jesus and Fallen People
Section 4 Rebirth and Trinity
(1) Rebirth
1) Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Their Mission to Give Rebirth
2) Jesus and the Holy Spirit and the Dual Characteristics of the Logos
3) Spiritual Rebirth through Jesus and the Holy Spirit
(2) The Trinity
  For fallen people who seek salvation, perhaps the most important
questions among the many they must resolve concern Christology.
Issues which fall within its scope include the Trinity, which deals with
the relationship between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well as
rebirth and the relationship between Jesus, the Holy Spirit and fallen
Until now, the controversies surrounding these issues have never
been clearly settled. Consequently, considerable confusion remains in
Christian doctrine and ways of faith.

Is Jesus God Himself?

What is Rebirth?
What is the Trinity?
1. The Value of a Person Who has Fulfilled
the Purpose of Creation
(1) Relationship of Dual Characteristics
between God and Perfected Person

Perfect God Mind First Mind


True Second Mind

Perfect Person Body

Experiences the Heart of God

Becomes a Temple of God (I Cor. 3:16), Divine Nature

Perfected Person: Divine Value

Eternal Value
(2) Purpose for which Human Beings were


Human Joy
Beings C A Only One

Perfected Person: Unique Value

(3) Human Relationship with the Universe

Spirit World
Spirit Self
God Cosmos
Physical Self

Physical World

Perfected Person: Cosmic Value

2. Jesus and the Person Who has Fulfilled
the Purpose of Creation
Value of Perfected Man Value of Jesus

God God

Mind Body Mind Body

Man Jesus

① Divine Value ① Divine Value

② Eternal Value ② Eternal Value
③ Unique Value ③ Unique Value
④ Cosmic Value ④ Cosmic Value

Jesus = Human Being (Who has Fulfilled Ideal of Creation )

(2) Perfected Adam, Jesus and
the Restoration of the Tree of Life

Eden ( Gen.
Perfected Fulfilled
2/9 ) Adam Ideal of Creation
of Life Adam

Rev. 22:14 Fulfilled

Jesus Ideal of Creation

Jesus = Person (Who has Fulfilled the Ideal of Creation )

(3) Is Jesus God Himself?
1) John 14/9-10  “ He who has seen me has seen the Father…”

God God’s First Self

Mind First Mind

Body Second Mind Jesus Second Self God
not the Mind Itself

① Rom. 8/34   Christ Jesus is at the right hand of God…

② Matt. 27/46  “ Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”
③ John 17/1   After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed
④ He was tempted by Satan, and died on the cross

Jesus = Not God Himself

2) John 1:10 The world was made through Jesus

( Word )
John 1/14
Word became flesh
A fully mature person
John 1/3 Jesus Encapsulates the universe
A creator (creativity)
Natural John 1/10
World Natural

Through a Perfected Person is Fulfilled the Value of Creation.

From this Perspective, it can be said that the World was created through Jesus.

Jesus = Not God Himself

3) John 8/58“Before Abraham was, I am…”

By Lineage By the Providence of Restoration

Abraham Jesus First Ancestor

(to give rebirth to all

Jesus Descendent Abraham

Jesus = Not God Himself

3. Jesus and Fallen People

Value of a True Person Head of the Church

Dominion over all things Main temple
Original Sin X Jesus Jesus Vine
Experiences God’s heart First fruit
Savior True Parent


Body, members
Value of a True Person X Branch temple
Dominion over all things X Fallen Restored
Person Person Branch
Original Sin O Next fruit
Experiences God’s heart X True Child
4. Rebirth and Trinity
(1) Rebirth
1) Jesus and the Holy Spirit and Their Mission to Give Rebirth

Ecc 7:28 “One upright man, One upright woman”

① True Mother, Second Eve (Feminine)

Holy ② Consoles and moves the hearts of people
Jesus ③ Cleanses people’s sin
④ Works on the earth
Spiritual Spiritual
True Father True Mother
2) Jesus and the Holy Spirit and
the Dual Characteristics of the Logos


Object Partner Adam Eve

Second Adam Jesus Second Eve

True Father True Mother

To give rebirth to fallen people, Jesus came as the Second Adam, the True Father
of humankind.
Therefore, there should also come the True Mother of humankind, the Second Eve.
This is the Holy Spirit.
3) Spiritual Rebirth through Jesus and the Holy Spirit

Fall Salvation Salvation

God Satan God God

Holy Second Second

Adam Eve Adam Eve Jesus Spirit Father Mother
True Ancestors ( Second
( Second
True Couple Eve ) Rev. 19/7
False Ancestors Adam ) Rev. 21/9
True Parents Child
Child False Couple Child Child
False Parents ( Believer )
True Child ( Perfection Rebirth Rebirth
of Body Spiritual Child Spiritual and
and Spirit ) False Child ( Adopted Child ) Physical Child
( True Child )

Ecc. 7/28 While I was still searching but not finding – I found one upright man among a
thousand, but not one upright woman among them all.
Rev. 19/7 For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready
Rev. 21/9 “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.”
「 Ref 」

Adam Eve



( Body Spirit
( Spirit )
and Spirit )

Child Spiritual Rebirth (Adopted child )


Second Second
Jesus Holy Spirit
( Body ( Body
And Spirit ) And Spirit )
True Child Spiritual and Physical Rebirth
(2) The Trinity

To fulfill the purpose of creation, Jesus and the Holy Spirit must form the four-position
foundation with God as the center.
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit thus become one, and this oneness constitutes the Trinity.

Original Trinity   Fallen Trinity   Restored Trinity Restored Trinity

(Spiritual) (Spiritual and Physical)

God Satan God God

Holy True True

Adam Eve Adam Eve Jesus Spirit Father Mother

Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual

and and and and Spiritual Spiritual and and
Physica Physica Physica Physica Physica Physica
l l l l l l
Trinity and the Will


Adam Eve Original Trinity ⇒Fall

Holy Restored Trinity (Spiritual)


True True Restored Trinity

Father Mother (Spiritual and Physical)
Part II
〈 Table of Contents 〉
   ( I) The Principle of Restoration through Indemnity
      (1) Restoration through Indemnity
      (2) The Foundation to Receive the Messiah
       ① The Foundation of Faith
       ② The Foundation of Substance
   ( II ) The Course of the Providence of Restoration
      (1) The Ages in the Course of the Providence of Restoration
      (2) Categorization of the Ages in the Course of the Providence of Restoration
       ① The Ages Categorized with Reference to God’s Word
       ② The Ages Categorized with Reference to God’s Work of Resurrection
       ③ The Ages Categorized with Reference to the Providence to Restore
through Indemnity the Lost Periods of Faith
       ④ The Ages Categorized with Reference to the Expanding Scope
of the Foundation to Receive the Messiah
       ⑤ The Ages Categorized with Reference to Responsibility
       ⑥ The Ages Categorized with Reference to the Parallels in the Providence
   ( III ) The History of the Providence of Restoration and I


Principle of Restoration


Human history is the history of God’s providence of restoration.

It is called “providence of restoration,” because it is God’s work of re-creation,
which has as its goal to recover and realize the purpose of creation and
because God works this providence in accordance with the Principle.
The Principle of Restoration explains God’s Providence through which fallen
human beings can be restored to their original state. Therefore, without knowing
the Principle of Restoration, fallen people can never find the path of life.
So we must understand the Principle of Restoration in detail.
I. Providence of Restoration and the Messiah
1. Providence of Restoration
(1) Positions of the Original Person of Creation and Fallen Person
One with God
God’s Child (Heart)
God’s Divine Nature
God’s Temple God-like thoughts and actions

Perfected Perfected
Person Person
Path of the
( Restored) Rebirth (Removal Principle
Completion of Original Sin )= Blessing ( Path of
Messiah Shimjung )
( Path walked )
Path of Restoration
( Path of
Formation Indemnity )
( Path sought )
Realm without Principle
God Person Satan
Basis of
God-like Goodness Satanic One with Satan Satan’s Child
and Evil elements Satan’s Evil Nature
Goodness (Parent Basis of Evil Satan’s thoughts
Satan’s Haunt and actions
Fallen Nature, Original Sin
(2) Embodiment of Goodness and Evil


Evil Good

Fallen Human Being

Goodness and Evil act inside people to differing degrees.

In a fallen person, the basis for evil is a concluded and decisive
element. So it is easily invoked and manifested.
The basis of goodness is incomplete, however. So it has difficulty
bearing fruit without the person making conscious effort to stimulate it.
(3) Restoration of Fallen Human
Beings Perfected Perfected
Person Person

Completion ( Restored) Rebirth (Removal

Messiah of Original Sin )= Blessing

Formation Course of Separation

From Satan


① Through the Course of Separation from Satan

② On the Foundation of having been restored to the
completion level of the growth stage
③ Restored to the position before the Fall by receiving the Messiah
and being reborn (removal of original sin)
④ Become a Perfected Self by following (serving) the Messiah (True Parents) and
achieving further perfection of growth (perfection of heart).
〇 Complete Salvation is Achieved through True Parents
Two Messiahs ⇒ True Parents
  ① Where does the Messiah come to? Perfection stage of the growth stage
   Reason: Adam and Eve fell at the perfection stage of the growth stage
  ② What is the reason for receiving the Blessing? To remove the original sin
  ③ Why should people receive the Blessing at the completion level of the growth stage?

Perfected Perfected
Person Person

( Restored) Rebirth (Removal

Completion of Original Sin )= Blessing


Formation Course of Separation

From Satan

(4) Three-Dimensional History of the Conflict
between Good and Evil

Satan God

Property World
(5 ) Primary Factor in the Development of History

God’s Will
100 %

95 %

Human Fulfillment God’s Will manifested

Responsibility in history
5% Failure    Satan’s will manifested
in history
2. Providence of Restoration through Indemnity
(1) Fallen Person is in Midway Position
Satan Position God

Evil Original
Evil Mind Mind Good
Conditions Conditions
Fallen Person

1) Meaning of Indemnity: When someone has lost his original position or state,
he must make some condition to be restored to it.
The making of such conditions of restitution is
① Restoration through Indemnity: Process of restoring the original position
and state through making conditions
② Condition of Indemnity: Condition made for the restoration through indemnity
③ Providence of Restoration through Indemnity: God’s work to restore people to their true,
unfallen state by having them fulfill indemnity conditions.
2) Types of Conditions of Indemnity

① Condition of Equal Indemnity (Old Testament)

( Exod. 21/23-25 ; Life, Eye, Tooth, Hand, Foot )

② Condition of Lesser Indemnity (New Testament)

( Faith, Baptism, Holy Communion, Debt )

③ Condition of a Greater Indemnity

( Sacrifice of Isaac, 40 years in the Wilderness )
3) How Should Indemnity Conditions be Made?
① Reversing the Course
〇 Adam⇒ Forsook God     God⇒ Forsook Jesus (Matt. 27/46)
〇 Israel⇒ Reviled Jesus     Israel ⇒ Should Love Jesus and Bear
〇 Adam⇒ Violated the Will⇒ Caused God Grief Humankind⇒ Should Love the Will
⇒ Should comfort God’s Heart
〇 Adam forsook God⇒ Humankind ended up in the bosom of Satan
For Jesus to take humankind out of the bosom of Satan
and return them to God, he had to worship and honor God
even after being forsaken by Him.
※ Do Not Blame God. Do Not Blame Anyone.

② Who Should Make Indemnity Conditions?

Fallen People must make them.
(2) What Indemnity Conditions Should Fallen People Make?
We need to know the conditions Adam and Eve should have made.
Why? Because Indemnity Conditions are made by reversing the course.
1) Conditions Adam and Eve Should Have Made

Of Faith
God’s Word    ⇒ Incarnation⇒ Perfect
Heaven, of the Word Character
Person Faith Substance
All Things

[ Horizontal ]
Of Substance


Dominion over the Creation and Angels as a Perfected Person

⇒ Establish the Order of the Natural World
2) Indemnity Condition to Remove Fallen Nature

Fallen Nature Indemnity Condition

Failing to Love from
God’s standpoint (Envy, Love ( L )
Leaving one’s proper
Satan Eve Adam Mediation ( M )
position (Temper)

Reversing Dominion
Submission ( S )

Angel Multiplying Evil Propagation of God’s Will

(Obstinacy) of Goodness (P)
3. Foundation to Receive the Messiah
( The hope of history is to receive the
Messiah )
For fallen people to be restored to their original state, we must receive the Messiah.
Before we can receive the Messiah, we must first establish the Foundation to receive the
Messiah. Without such a foundation, fallen people will kill the coming Messiah.

(1) Foundation of Faith

〇 Securing Ownership ① Central Figure = Father
God’s position-Ownership ② Object for the Condition = Symbolic Offering
Our position-Faith 「 Word 」 , Sacrifice, ark, Ark of the Covenant, Temple
〇 Dispensation falls Laws, Gospel, Jesus, True Parents (Principle, Speech)
Under God’s Ownership
③ Period = Growing Period ( 12, 4, 21, 40 )

(2) Foundation of Substance

〇 Securing Dominion ① Central Figure = Second son (son on God’s side)
Good Dominates over Evil
Evil Submits to Goodness
〇 Dispensation falls ② Condition ( Substantial Offering )
Under God’s Ownership   Indemnity Condition to Remove Fallen Nature
II. The Course of the Providence of Restoration

Completion Second
Fallen 2000 years
Person 2000 years 2000 years
Age of the Providence to Old Testament Age New Testament Age Completed Testament Age
① With Reference to God’s lay the Foundation for the (Formation) (Growth) (Completion)
Word Word

Age of the Providence to Age of the Providence of Age of the Providence of Age of the Providence of
② With Reference to God’s Lay the Foundation for Formation-Stage Growth-Stage Resurrection Completion-Stage
Work of Resurrection Resurrection Resurrection Resurrection

③ Providence to Restore Age of the Providence to Age of the Providence of Age of the Prolongation of Age for Completing the
through Indemnity the Lost Lay the Foundation for Restoration the Providence of Providence of Restoration
Periods of Faith Restoration Restoration

④ With Reference to the Age of the Providence to Age of the Providence to Age of the Providence to Age of the Providence to
Expanding Scope of the Lay the Family Foundation Lay the National Lay the Worldwide Complete the Cosmic
Foundation to Receive the to Receive the Messiah Foundation to Receive the Foundation to Receive the Foundation to Receive the
Messiah Messiah Messiah Messiah

Age of the Providence to Age of the Providence Age of the Providence Age of the Providence
⑤ With Reference to Lay the Foundation for based on God’s Based on Jesus’ and the Based on the Believers’
Responsibility God’s Responsibility Responsibility Holy Spirit’s Responsibility Responsibility

⑥ With Reference to the Age of Symbolic Parallels Age of Substantial

Age of Image Parallels
Parallels in the Providence Parallels
III. The History of the Providence of Restoration and I
God Original Purpose
Providential Mission

〇 Fruit of History PerfectedBeing
〇 Last Runner in the Purpose People))
Adam I Heavenly Stadium Demanded by RealizationofofKingdom
History Heaven
6000 years 〇 Creator of Heaven(Restoration
New History Environment )
Environment )

Oneness (Attend Him)

Course of Restoration
Messiah Through Indemnity
( Miraculous Restoration Χ )


「 Ref. 1 」

Central Figure
Word ( Gen. 2/17 ) Foundation of Faith Object for the Condition
Completion Substance X ( Word, Faith, Substance ) Period


*Person on the side of Goodness

(Second Son) dominates over the
person on the side of Evil (First Son)
Fallen Nature⇒ Foundation   *Person on the side of Evil (First Son)
Fallen of Substance submits to the Person
(Indemnity Condition on the side of Goodness (Second Son)
Person to remove Fallen Nature)
( Embodiment of Blessing⇒ Removal of Original Sin
Original Sin⇒ Messiah
Good and Evil ) Oneness in Heart⇒ Attend him and
become Perfected
「 Ref. 2」 of Restoration in 8 Vertical Stages
Age of Liberation (God, People, All Things)
God ①Coronation of God’s Kingship
②Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of
( Father ) the Parents of Heaven and Earth
Opening the Gates of Cheon Il Guk
Father True Father ③The Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families
of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent
and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth

Mother True Mother

Completed Testament Age

Son Adam Son
( Son )

Son of Son of
Concubine Concubine

New Testament Age (Son)

Adopted Adopted
Son Son
Old Testament Age (All Things)

Servant Angel Servant

( Servant )
Things All Things ( In place of the Word )

Servant of Fallen Servant of

Servant (Ownerless)
Servant Person
Cain Angel Abel Adam
「 Ref. 3」
Providence of Restoration in 8 Horizontal Stages
Resolved (○)
Unresolved ( × )

Individual Family Clan Tribe Nation World Cosmos God

Earth If resolved (○)

If not resolved ( × )

True Parent
Providence of
in Adam’s Family
〈 Contents 〉
〈 Table of
Contents 〉
  Section 1 The Providence of Restoration in Adam’s Family
   ( 1 ) Foundation of Faith
   ( 2) Foundation of Substance
   ( 3 ) Foundation to Receive the Messiah and Its Loss
   ( 4 ) Some Lessons from Adam’s Family

The Will of God in the Providence of Restoration to send the

Messiah and save fallen human beings began immediately
following Adam’s fall. Therefore, the Providence to lay the
Foundation to Receive the Messiah was begun in Adam’s

Fallen people must know clearly about Adam’s Family.

This is because Adam’s family encompasses God’s
Creation, the Fall and Restoration.
I. Foundation to Receive the Messiah
For fallen people to be restored to their original state, we must receive the Messiah.
Before we can receive the Messiah, we must first establish the Foundation to Receive the
Without the Foundation to Receive the Messiah, fallen people will kill the coming Messiah.

Foundation of Faith
①Central Figure: Adam⇒ Abel
②Object for the Condition (Symbolic Offering) : Lamb
③Period : Growing Period

Foundation of Substance ( Substantial Offering ) God

 ① Central Figure: Abel
 ② Condition: Indemnity Condition Indemnity Condition
To remove Fallen
to Remove Fallen Nature Nature

Cain Abel
( Angel )
L M S P ( Adam )
1. The Reason Adam Could Not Be The Central Figure

(1) The Person who Fell

(2) Unprincipled Being (Serving Two Masters)
(3) Embodiment of Good and Evil
(4) Transferred Blame
Satan God


Embodiment of Good and Evil

2. History of Separation (of Good and Evil)
Ex. )
① When the Israelites fled Egypt, God struck the firstborn
Satan God sons and firstborn of the livestock (Exod. 12/29 )
Midway ② In the wilderness course, only the younger sons were
allowed to carry the Ark of the Covenant ( Num. 31/25 )
③ God hated Esau and loved Jacob even when they were
( Crop ) Adam ( Lamb ) in the womb (Gen. 25/23 )
④ When Ephraim and Manasseh were blessed ( Gen. 48/14 )
Cain Abel
Indemnity Condition
Signify to remove fallen nature Signify
Indemnity Condition
to remove fallen nature
Cain Abel
Second Love
Archangel First Love Eve Adam
Archangel Adam

Unprincipled Principled
Partner Body Mind
( Desire) ( Shimjung ) Fallen Offering
Fallen Messiah
3 . The Reason God Accepted Abel’s Offering but
Rejected Cain’s Offering
Separated Adam can directly relate
Younger son to God.
Adam’s position
∴God accepted Abel’s Offering
Separated Archangel cannot directly
Firstborn son relate to God
Cain Archangel’s position
∴God cannot accept Cain’s Offering

(3) By receiving Abel’s Offering, God showed us that

a sinner can make an offering acceptable to God,
provided he satisfies the necessary conditions.
(4) Even fallen people can be accepted by God when they satisfy
the necessary conditions.

(5) For a person who has a connection with Satan to return to

side, he must make the requisite indemnity conditions.
4. Foundation of Faith
 (1) Central Figure : Adam ⇒ Abel
 (2) Object for the Condition: Lamb
 (3) Period: Growing Period

5. Foundation of Substance
(1) Central Figure : Abel
(2) Condition : Indemnity Condition to remove Fallen Nature


Indemnity Condition
to remove fallen nature
Cain Abel
( Angel ) L M S P ( Adam )
6. Result  
(1) Foundation of Faith: Success
(2) Foundation of Substance: Failure ( Cain murdered Abel)
(3) Foundation to Receive the Messiah: Not Established ( Providence prolonged

① Human History: History of Separation of Good and Evil

⇒ Fallen person – Embodiment of good and evil
② Human History: History of Conflict of Good and Evil
⇒ Struggle between the sides of good and evil
( Until Goodness is Established )
God first receives a blow then takes,
Satan first strikes then is deprived
③ Evil dominated over Goodness
④ Evil started first: Cain murdered Abel
「 Ref. 」 
The Sins in Adam’s Family: The Origin of the Sins of Humanity

Sins of Humanity (Center

of the Ten Commandments )

① Parents: Unbelief ( Treachery ) ① Do not have any other

( Adultery )
gods other than God
② Child : Murder
Unbelief ② Adultery Χ
(Treachery) ③ Murder Χ
③ Archangel :Lying
Adultery ④ Theft X (Greed Χ)
Steeling ⑤ Do not bear false
witness (Lie)
II. Lessons

1. Lesson In Regard to the Principle

(1) God’s predestination and attitude towards the accomplishment of His Will:
He does not intervene in the human portion of responsibility.

(2) God’s predestination in regard to the Will is absolute:

He began a new chapter of His Providence by raising Seth
in Abel’s place.

God’s Will God’s Human

Fulfilled Responsibility Responsibility
100 % 95 % 5%
2. Lessons to Note

(1) Abel : Do not be arrogant, Be obedient and modest,

Do not boast, Be self-sacrificing (blood, sweat, tears)

Abel’s Responsibility: He should have loved Cain absolutely

( He should have passed on and practiced God’s love )
He should have brought Cain to voluntary submission

(2 ) Cain : Control your desire to murder someone

(Do not be discontented, Do not feel less loved)
Killing Abel may provide momentary satisfaction of anger,
But cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven
(Murderers go to hell)

Cain’s Responsibility: He should have submitted to Abel

absolutely and voluntarily
( Cain receives blessings through Abel )
He should have controlled himself with patience
3. Law of Cain and Abel


Become absolutely one with God (Love)

Abel Abel should love Cain with the love he receives
+ his own love
Archangel Adam Abel is Cain’s pathway to Heaven
Only God can intervene with Abel: Pray

Cain does not have a heart or true love (Desires to kill, hates)
So he must be taught.
Teach him shimjung, she can live for others (Loving his enemy)
4. The Attitude for Going to Heaven
(1) Abel: Should consider Cain’s feelings to maximum extent
(The good person walks the path of sacrifice to save the evil person)

(2) Cain : Goes to Heaven through Abel.

Cain should sever his relations with Satan (Separation from Satan)
Whose words should he accept?
If he is to believe in God, he must sever his ties with Satan

Abel = Roots
Cain = Soil

5. Everything is decided in the moment

The relationship between moment and lifetime.

Providence of
in Noah’s Family
〈 Table of Contents 〉

   ( 1 ) Foundation of Faith

1) The Central Figure in Restoring the Foundation of Faith
2) The Object for the Condition in Restoring the Foundation of Faith
   ( 2) Foundation of Substance
   ( 3 ) Some Lessons from Noah’s Family
Cain killed Abel, thereby preventing the providence of restoration in Adam’s
family from being accomplished. Nevertheless, God had predestined
absolutely the fulfillment of the purpose of creation, and His Will remained
unchangeable. Hence, upon the foundation of the loyal heart which Abel
demonstrated toward Heaven, God chose Seth in his place (Gen. 4:25).
From among Seth’s descendents, God chose Noah’s family to substitute for
Adam’s family and commenced a new chapter in His providence.

It is written in Genesis 6:13 that God judged the world by the flood: “And God
said to Noah, ‘I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is
filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”
This shows us that Noah’s time was the Last Days.
I. Foundation to Receive the Messiah

For fallen people to be restored to their original state, we must receive the Messiah.
Before we can receive the Messiah, we must first establish the Foundation to Receive the
Without the Foundation to Receive the Messiah, fallen people will kill the coming Messiah.

Foundation of Faith
 ① Central Figure : Noah
Indemnity Condition
 ② Object for the Condition ( Symbolic Offering ): Ark
to remove fallen nature
 ③ Period : 120 years, 40 days, 21 days, 40 days
Cain Abel
Foundation of Substance ( Substantial Offering ) L M S P
 ① Central Figure : Ham ( Angel ) ( Adam )
 ② Condition: Indemnity Condition to Remove Fallen Nature
Shem Ham
1. Foundation of Faith
① Central Figure = Noah (The first ancestor of faith,10 generations, Righteous man, Descendent of Seth )
② Object for the Condition = Ark ( Symbolizing new cosmos )
③ Period = 120 years, 40 days, 21 days, 40 days

(1) Significance of the Ark (Symbolizing New Cosmos)

Noah God

Ark New Cosmos

3 Decks 3 Stages of Growth

8 Members of Noah’s 8 Members of Adam’s Family ( Entire
Family Humanity)
Animals Natural World
(2 ) 40 Days of Flood (Separation of Good and Evil)

God Noah’s Family

Satan Sinful Humanity

Meaning of Number 40

The number 40 became characteristic of dispensations for the Separation of

Satan, which are necessary for restoring the Foundation of Faith, in the
following courses of the Providence of Restoration through Indemnity.
Ex. ) Noah’s 40-day flood, 400 years from Noah to Abraham, the Israelites’
400 years of slavery in Egypt, Moses’ 40-day fast, 40 days of spying
in Canaan, Israelites’ 40 years of wandering in the wilderness,
40-year reigns of King Saul, King David and King Solomon,
Elijah’s 40-day fast, 40-day period of Jesus’ resurrection.

40 days of Flood : Period of Chaos after Creation of Universe

Works God Performed Around the Ark : Symbolizes the Entire Course of History following
God’s Creation of Heaven and Earth
(3) God’s Works After the Judgment by Flood

120 years 7 days 40 days 150 days 40 days 7 7 7

Ark Flood
Raven Dove Dove Dove
Flood Judgment

Ark Symbolizes new cosmos Archangel - Sought Eve’s love

40-day Flood Formless Emptiness (Gen. 1/2) Satan - Cain and Abel’s
Raven Symbolizes Satan
(Gen. 4/7)
Satan - Targets Noah’s Family
after the Judgment
Third Third Adam Symbolizes Did not God’s Ideal is fulfilled on earth
Dove Second Advent return

Second Second Symbolizes Olive leaf If Jesus was not believed, he would be
Dove Adam Jesus (Promise) crucified

First First Adam Symbolizes Returned Symbolizes fallen Adam

Dove Adam God withdrew His ideal from earth
2. Foundation of Substance
(1) Central Figure : Ham
• To restore the position of second son
• To become one in heart with Noah (Gen. 9/20-26)

Satan God

Felt Ashamed Adam ((Gen. 2/5)
(Covered himself)

Fall Rebuked Naked

((Gen. 9/21)

One in Heart
One in Shame
((Gen. 9/23)
(2 ) The Reason Feeling Ashamed Constituted a Sin

1) What is Sin?
To form a common base with Satan and provide him with a condition
enabling him to act, thereby violating Heavenly Law.

Before the Fall: Naked but not Ashamed

After the Fall: Ashamed of Nakedness

Feeling ashamed provided Satan with a condition

2) Ham failed to become the Central Figure for the Foundation of Substance

3) Languages and Races Divided

3. Result

Though the Foundation of Faith was successfully laid, due to the

mistake of Ham the Foundation of Substance was not established.

Therefore, the Foundation to Receive the Messiah in Noah’s

Family was not Established.
II. Lessons

1. Lesson In Regard to the Principle

(1) God’s Will is Absolute, but its achievement is Conditional

( Because of human portion of responsibility )

(2) God’s predestination in regard to human beings

He began a new chapter in His providence by
raising Abraham in the place of Noah’s family

God’s Will God’s Human

Fulfilled Responsibility Responsibility
100 % 95 % 5%
2. Lessons to Note

1. Do not act based on your own thinking.

2. If you don’t know, ask.
3. You will be taught when the time comes.

3. The Path to Heaven

Have humility, obedience and patience (Wait for the right time)
Be grateful, and joyful

4. Everything is decided in the moment

The relationship between moment and lifetime.

Providence of
in Abraham’s Family
〈 Table of
Contents 〉

   ( 1 ) Foundation of Faith

1) The Central Figure for the Foundation of Faith
2) The Objects for the Condition Offered for the Foundation of Faith
① Abraham’s Symbolic Offering
② Abraham’s Offering of Isaac
③ Isaac’s Position and His Symbolic Offering in the Sight of God
   ( 2) Foundation of Substance
   ( 3 ) Foundation to Receive the Messiah
(4) Some Lessons from the Providence of Restoration centered on Abraham

Due to Ham’s fallen act, the providence of restoration in Noah’s family was not
fulfilled. Nevertheless, God had predestined absolutely the fulfillment of the
purpose of creation. Therefore, upon the foundation of Noah’s heart of loyalty
toward Heaven, God called Abraham, the son of Terah who was an idolater
most beloved by Satan, and commenced a new chapter in the providence of
restoration with his family.
I. Foundation to Receive the Messiah
For fallen people to be restored to their original state, we must receive the Messiah.
Before we can receive the Messiah, we must first establish the Foundation to receive the
Without the Foundation to receive the Messiah, fallen people will kill the coming Messiah.

Foundation of Faith
 ① Central Figure : Abraham
 ② Objects for the Condition ( Symbolic Offering ): 3 Sacrifices God
 ③ Period

Foundation of Substance Indemnity Condition

to remove fallen nature
 ① Central Figure : Isaac (Jacob)
 ② Condition: Indemnity Condition Cain Abel
to Remove Fallen Nature L M S P
( Angel ) ( Adam )
1. Foundation of Faith
(1) Central Figure : Abraham

Gen. 1/28 Gen. 9/7 Gen. 12/2

10 generations 10 generations
Adam Noah Abraham
1600 years 400 years

10 Generations 10 Generations
40 Days 400 Years
First Father of Faith Second Father of Faith
Ham (Second Son) Abraham (First Son)

Ur of the Chaldeans → Haran → Canaan

( Iraq ) ( Syria ) ( Israel )

It is the same as Noah building the Ark for 120 years.

1) Position of Adam’s Family
Canaan       Egypt

Abraham Sarah Pharaoh

Adam Eve Archangel

2) Position of Noah’s Family
( Satanic world ) ( Heavenly world )
Noah Children Earth Ark

Abraham Lot Egypt Canaan

Abraham was established as the Central Figure for the Foundation of Faith
Thus, he can make the Symbolic Offering
(2) Symbolic Offering
1) Symbolism of the 3 sacrifices: Symbolized the Cosmos, completed through the 3 stages

Symbolizing The completed stage

Judges Second
Heifer Completion Completed Testament
14/18 Advent
Stage Providence

Symbolizing To begin the growth stage

Ram John 1/29 Jesus
Growth Stage New testament mission

To complete the formation

Symbolizing stage Old Testament
Dove Formation Matt. 3/16 Jesus Providence
( Matt. 5/17)
Judges 14/18: “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have solved my
Rev. 19/7 : Feast of the Lamb ( Age of the Wife is the Age of the Heifer )
2) Meaning of the 3 Sacrifices

① Symbolized the cosmos, completed through the 3 stages

② To restore in Abraham’s generation (horizontally) all the indemnity conditions
which had accumulated in the course of the providence (vertically) through the 3
generations of Adam, Noah and Abraham.
③ To restore through indemnity all the defiled conditions containing the number 3,
which were invaded by Satan, thereby fulfilling the entire providence of restoration
once and for all.

3) How was Abraham to make the Symbolic Offering?

He should have cut them in two, but he did not cut the dove
4) Meaning of dividing the offering (Gen. 15/8-13)
Separation of Good and Evil ( Purpose of the Providence of Salvation
is the Restoration of the Good Sovereignty)
① Adam’s Family⇒ Separation of Cain and Abel
(Adam is the Embodiment of good and evil)
② Noah’s Family⇒ Separation of other people from Noah’s family
  ( Centered on the Ark, Judgment by Flood, Separation of good and
evil )
③ Abraham’s Family⇒ Separation of the realm of God’s good sovereignty
out of the Satanic World
④ To sanctify the Offering by draining out the blood of death
  ( which had entered fallen humanity through Satan )
5) Consequence of Not Dividing the Offering
Failure to separate good and evil (Under the dominion of Satan)
① After the Creation of Humankind⇒ The Archangel targeted human beings
② Adam’s Family⇒ Satan targeted Cain and Abel at the time of their Offering
③ Noah’s Family⇒ Satan targeted them after the flood
④ Abraham’s Family⇒ Satan targeted them after the Symbolic Offering

6) Consequence of Abraham’s Mistake

① Failed to restore the Foundation of Faith

② 400 years of slavery in Egypt ( Period of punishment and of separating Satan )
   To indemnify the 400 years from Noah to Abraham
③ Providence prolonged through 3 generations through Isaac to Jacob
(Offering of Isaac )

If the Symbolic Offering had been Successful,

The Foundation of Substance would have been laid
centering on Ishmael and Isaac.
(3) Abraham’s Offering of Isaac

•Abraham — The one who failed ( Same as fallen Adam )

•Principle of God’s Providence — A person who fails is not used a second time
• as a central figure
•However, He ordered Abraham after his failure in the symbolic offering to offer
•Isaac (Gen. 22/2)

1) Why God gave Abraham another chance

① Principle condition requiring providence to restore the Foundation to Receive

the Messiah be completed on third attempt.
② Satan had attacked both Adam and his son Cain, defiling the family
over the course of two generations.
Hence, according to the principle of restoration through indemnity,
God could work to take back Abraham and his son Isaac
over the course of two generations.
③ On the basis of the foundation of shimjung whereby Abel and Noah were
successful in their symbolic offerings.
2) Condition for Abraham’s Offering of Isaac
① Position of Adam’s Family

Canaan       Gerar Kingdom

Abraham Sarah Abimelech

Adam Eve Archangel

② Position of Noah’s Family

( Satanic world ) ( Heavenly world )
Noah Children Earth Ark

Abraham Lot Gerar Canaan
3) Offering of Isaac
① 3 day course – period of separating Satan ( new beginning)
② Tried to kill him – To separate him from Satan
③ Did not kill him – Because Isaac was separated from Satan
Abraham’s absolute faith ( Loyalty )
Isaac’s absolute faith (Obedience)
④ Now I know! ( revealed God’s reproach to Abraham for his
earlier failure in the symbolic offering and His joy over
the successful offering of Isaac)
4) Results of the Successful Offering of Isaac
① Abraham died symbolically, Isaac is the resurrected Abraham
② Abraham and Isaac are as one person
③ Isaac can make the symbolic offering as the central figure for the foundation of faith

5) Foundation of Faith Centered on Isaac

① Central Figure : Isaac ( Abraham )
② Object for the Condition: Ram ( Gen. 22/13 )
2. Foundation of Substance
(1) Central Figure : Jacob Adam
① Individual : Restored birthright Cain Abel
( Elder brother Esau )
   Blessing ( Father Isaac )
   ② Family: Restored family in Haran
   ③ Dominion over the Creation: Restored wealth Shem Ham
Brought archangel to submission

(2) Condition : Substantial Offering Abraham

God Ishmael Isaac

To remove the Esau Jacob
Fallen Nature
Cain Abel Cannot be the
Central Figure
L M S P because he is
Central Figure
Esau Jacob the Offering

Esau and Jacob Embrace ( Gen. 33/1-12 )

3. Result
(1) Isaac’s family horizontally restored the indemnity conditions
accumulated vertically from the time of Adam’s family

•Adam, Eve ⇒ Adultery

Adam’s •Cain, Abel ⇒ Murder
Family •Archangel ⇒ Lying ( Treachery, Theft )

through •Abraham, Isaac ⇒ Restored Eve (Did not commit adultery )
Indemnity •Jacob, Joseph ⇒ Restored Adam ( Did not commit adultery )
In Abraham’s •Joseph ⇒ Indemnified Murder ( Loved his enemy, restored wealth)

Jacob’s victory brought about the Rise of the Chosen People

(2) Through Jacob’s Victory
1) Rise of the Chosen People ( Abraham’s descendents became the Chosen People )
2) God’s Side (Abel) Subjugated Satan’s Side (Cain)
3) Jacob’s course is the model course to subjugate Satan
4) The history of Israel is central in the history of the providence of restoration
5) God of 3 generations ( Exodus 3/6 ): From the providential viewpoint,
3 generations are the same as 1 generation

Abraham Isaac Jacob

One Generation
The person to walk the central path in all courses of indemnity
is the Abel-type central figure of the Substantial Offering.
( Abel, Ham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph )
(3) Prolongation of the Providence
1) Through Jacob’s victory,
the Foundation to Receive the Messiah was established, but…
Satan’s side – National foundation was established
God’s side – Family foundation was established

The Messiah can come only when the National Foundation is established

2) Abraham’s failure in making the Symbolic Offering

  ⇒ 400 years of slavery in Egypt still left to do

The Foundation to Receive the Messiah was

successfully established in Abraham’s family,
but the Messiah could not come.

※ Foundation to Receive the Messiah is needed until the Messiah comes

II. Lessons
1. Human portion of responsibility is necessary in Fulfilling the Will

2. Lessons to Note
① Small mistake made – Greater indemnity condition required
② Divide yourself in two to separate good from evil
③ Cooperation between mother and son
④ Be careful of small mistakes – thinking “Surely not” causes mistakes

3. The Path to Heaven

① Jacob ⇒ With blood, sweat, tears, devotion and effort
He did his utmost for Esau (for 21 years)
② Esau ⇒ Obedience, submission

4. Everything is decided in the moment

The relationship between moment and lifetime.

Providence of Restoration
Centering on Moses
〈 Table of Contents 〉
1 .The Model Courses for Bringing Satan to (II) The Second National Course to
Submission Restore Canaan
(1) Why Jacob's Course and Moses' Course Were ① The Foundation of Faith
Set Up as the Models for Jesus' Course   ② The Foundation of Substance
(2) Jacob's Course as the Model for Moses' and   ③ The Providence of Restoration and
Jesus' Courses the Tabernacle
2. The Providence of Restoration under the   -1) The Significance and Purpose of
Leadership of Moses the Tablets of Stone, the Tabernacle
(1) Overview of the Providence Led by Moses and the Ark of the Covenant
(I) The Foundation of Faith -2) The Foundation for the Tabernacle
① The Central Figure to Restore the ④ The Failure of the Second National
Foundation of Faith Course to Restore Canaan
  ② The Object for the Condition in Restoring (3) The Third National Course to Restore
the Foundation of Faith Canaan
(II) The Foundation of Substance (I) The Foundation of Faith
(III) The Foundation to Receive the Messiah (II) The Foundation of Substance
(2) The National Courses to Restore Canaan under ① The Foundation of Substance
the Leadership of Moses Centered on Moses
(I) The First National Course to Restore Canaan ② The Foundation of Substance
① The Foundation of Faith Centered on Joshua
  ② The Foundation of Substance (III) The Foundation to Receive the Messiah
  ③ The Failure of the First National Course to (3) Some Lessons from Moses' Course
Restore Canaan

1 . Moses and Jesus in the Providence of Restoration
Amos 3:7 : "Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret
to his servants the prophets.”

Bible =   Secrets concerning God's work of salvation

<the way for fallen people to walk>   subjugation of Satan

① Jacob's Course (in symbolic form) : the model course to bring Satan to submission
by submitting Esau (Amos 3:7)
②Moses’ Course (in the level of image) : the national course to bring Satan to
submission (Acts 3:22)
③Jesus’ Course (in the substantial level) : to pioneer the path to bring Satan to
substantial submission; and educate all people to follow this path and bring Satan to
submission (John 5:19)
2 . The model course to bring Satan to submission

(1) Why Jacob's Course and Moses' Course Were Set Up

as the Models for Jesus' Course

① Satan, who does not meekly surrender even before

Satan God, would by no means readily surrender to Jesus,
much less to ordinary believers.
Jesus ② God, who takes responsibility for human beings, whom
He created, called upon Jacob and worked through him
Man to show us, in symbolic form, the course for bringing
Satan to submission.
③ Jesus who came as the ancestor of humankind brought Satan
to submission by following the courses of Jacob and Moses.
Angel By following Jesus' course, people of faith can also bring
Satan to submission.
(2) Jacob's Course as the Model for Moses' and Jesus' Courses
(Comparison of the facts seen in the courses to bring Satan to submission)

Adam Jacob’s Course Moses’ Course Jesus’ Course

Course of Fall Symbolic (Family) Level Image (National) Level Substantial (World) Level

Wrestling with the angel The Lord tried to kill Moses

1 Trial The Three Temptations
(Gen.32:25) (Exod.4/24-26)

Bread & lentils Manna & quail

2 Flesh & Spirit Jesus’ flesh & blood
(Gen.25:34) (Exod.16/13,14)

Sanctification of corpse
Sanctification of corpse for 40 Sanctification of corpse (Resurrection)
3 Corpse
days (Gen.50:3) (Jude1/9)

Restoration of the 3-day course (Gen.31:22) 3-day course (Exod.5:3) 3-day course (Luke18/33)
numbers: 3
4 (stages) , 12 12 sons (Gen.35:22) 12 tribes (Exod.24:4) 12 disciples(Matt.10:1)
(generations) & 7
(days of Creation) 70 members of the family
70 elders (Exod.24:1) 70 followers (Luke10:1)
Turbulent waters
5 Staff Ford of Jabbok (Gen.32:10) Red Sea(Exod.14:16)
(Rev.12:5, 2:27)
6 Mother’s help Mother’s help (Gen.27:43) Mother’s help (Exod.2:2) Mother’s help (Matt.2:13)
Restoration to
7 Haran ⇒Canaan (Gen.31:33) Egypt ⇒ Canaan (Exod.3:8) Egypt ⇒ Canaan

Eradication of Idols ⇒ Buried under an oak Golden calf ⇒ Ground into

8 His Words and power
Satan tree (Gen.35:4) powder (Exod.32:20)
1. Overview of the Providence Led by Moses
The basic principle of the providence of restoration is identical.

1 . The differences from the previous providence

①Family level ⇒ National level (difference in the scope)
②Age of the Providence to lay the foundation for restoration ⇒ Age of the providence of restoration
③Symbolic offering ⇒ God’s Words (Condition of indemnity)

2 . Position of Moses (Uniqueness)

①Representative of God(Exod.4:16, 7:1) – Moses = God
②Model for Jesus(Gen.37:5-11 ) – Incarnation of God = Jesus
③Moses’ course – Model for Jesus’ course
Moses – course in the level of image (Deut.18:18) ; Growth & death
Jesus – course in substantial level (John.5:19) : Growth & death

3 . Unbelief by the nation leads to the prolongation to three courses.

First course Second course Third course

40 years 40 years 40 years
21-day course 21-month course Wilderness of Sinai
40-year palace life Wilderness of Midian Moses & Joshua
Route Map of Israelite Exodus
Ford of Jabbok

Mediterranean Sea
2 spies
Canaan Dead sea
12 spies
First Course (21 days)
Fire & Cloud
3 day period Kadesh-Barnea
Manna & Quail

Nile river
2nd Course (21 months)

Egypt Riphidim
Wilderness of
Red Sea Midian

Mt Sinai
2. The First National Course to Restore Canaan

1 . Foundation of ① Central figure = Moses (Pharaoh)

Faith ② Object for the condition = 40-year palace life
(unshakable loyalty & fidelity to God of Abraham, reason)

2 . Foundation of ① Central figure = Moses

Substance ② Condition = Indemnity condition to remove the fallen nature
(The Israelites should stand in the position to love and respect,
believe and follow Moses.)

3 . Providence for Moses’ act of killing an Egyptian

the Start ① to show the Israelites Moses’ patriotism and let them believe in him
 ② to cut off Moses’ attachment to Egypt
 ③ to restore through indemnity by Satan side on the position of eldest

The whole period

Egypt Canaan
Course of faith of all humankind
To follow with absolute faith, love and obedience

Unbelief of Israelites(Exod.2:15) ⇒ Prolonged to 21-month course(Exod.13:17)

3. The Second National Course to Restore Canaan
1.Foundation of Faith ① Central figure = Moses (Jethro)
② Object for the condition = 40-year period in the
wilderness of Midian (Exod.3:7-10 Moses’ calling)

2 . Foundation of Substance ① Central figure = Moses

② Object for the condition = Indemnity condition to
remove the fallen nature (The Israelites should stand
in the position to love and respect, obey and receive

3 . Providence for the Start: Power of three signs & ten plagues
① To restore through indemnity the position of the eldest son

defiled by Satan
② To cut off the Israelites’ attachment to Egypt
③ To let the Israelites know that Moses was sent by God
④ The Israelites had already completed the due indemnity period
400 years as slaves in Egypt (Exod.12:41)
⑤ God heard the Israelites’ cries and groaning (Exod.2:24-25)
(1) Representative of the Word(Exod.4:10)

Moses God

Exod.4/14 Aaron Miriam Exod.15:20 Jesus Holy Spirit John.1/14

(Representative of the Word) (Incarnation of the Word)

(2) God tried to kill Moses (Circumcision)

God tried to kill Moses ⇒ Moses’ wife Zipporah circumcised their son.

① To indemnify by shimjung Adam’s betrayal against God

Reason ② To set up the condition that Moses started by his own will
③ To foreshow that Jesus would also survive by the mother’s help
(3) Circumcision
Circumcision of Moses’ sons →saved his family → enable the Israelites’ Exodus
When Jesus will come → circumcision of Israelites → enable God to save them  

1) The meaning of circumcision

① To signify removing the blood of death
② To signify the restoration of man’s right of dominion
③ To signify the restoration of mankind as God’s true children

2) Three types of circumcision

① Circumcision of the heart (Deut.10:16)
② Circumcision of the foreskin (Gen.17:10)
③ Circumcision of all things (Lev.19:23)
(4) Three signs (Exod.4:3-9)
1) Aaron’s Staff →   Serpent (Restoration of Adam)

God Jesus Symbol

Meaning of the staff:

Supporter, Protector, Guide
Moses Staff → Serpent (John 3:14, Matt.10:16 Wisdom)

Pharaoh’s Staff → Serpent

2) Moses’ hand →   leprous (Restoration of Eve)
Incurable disease (leprosy) ⇒ Fall of Eve
Complete recovery (Complete restoration) ⇒ Symbol of Holy Spirit
Restoration of Holy Spirit – Providence of redemption of all mankind

3) Water of the Nile → Blood (Restoration of Children)

Inorganic substance Organic substance Symbolize people of faith

(Fallen humanity) (Living humanity) Restore children of life

Result : Restoration of Four Position Foundation

(Restoration of Three Great Blessings)
(5) Ten plagues (Exod.7:14 ~ 11:10)
1) Meaning : to foreshadow that Jesus would come with miracles and signs to save God’s
chosen people.
2) Reason : Laban cheated Jacob ten times during his 21-year hardship in Haran.(Gen.31:7)
In Moses’ time ⇒ Egyptians cheated Israelites ten times (for 30 years)

3) Contents
①The water of the Nile was hit ⇒ to be changed into blood (Exod. 7/17)
②Frogs(8/2) ③Dust⇒Lice(8/16) ④Fly(8/21)
⑤Livestock killed by plague (9/3)  
⑥Boils (9/9) ⑦Hail(9/18) ⑧Locust(10/4)
⑨Darkness(10/22)   ⑩ Killing all the firstborn among Egyptians
4) God hardened the Pharaoh’s heart after each plague
①Pharaoh : to make his best efforts to hold on to Israelites;
so as to realize his powerlessness ⇒ natural surrender
②Israelites ⇒ to cut off their attachment to Egypt

God wanted to show He was on the Israelites’ side through

the defeat of Satanic side and victory of God’s side.
4 . The Course of Exodus(Exod.8:28)
① 3-day journey Cor.10:4
② Pillar of cloud & pillar of fire Rev.2: 7
③ Staff ー Red Sea Rock = Christ =
④ Manna & quail Jesus
⑤ Rephidim: Rock & water
⑥ Fight with Amalekites Water = Water of life = Savior of life

Moses God

Aaron Hur Jesus Holy Spirit

Caleb Saints

Enemies Vanquished Enemies Vanquished

5 . The Providence of Restoration and the Tabernacle
(1) 40-day fast & the two tablets of stone
(2) The significance of the two tablets of stone & the Tabernacle
1) Two tablets of stone : Jesus & H.S. – Heaven & Earth
2) Tabernacle : representation of Jesus in symbol Offering      Word
3) Structure of the Tabernacle
(Foundation of (Providence of
restoration) restoration)

Holy of Holies

Mercy seat Ark of the Holy place

Covenant Symbol of Messiah

Spirit Flesh
Heaven Earth
(3) Ark of the covenant (placed in the Holy of Holies)

① Two tablets of stone : Jesus & H.S. (Symbolizing Heaven & Earth)
② Manna (in a golden urn) : Main staple of the Israelites, symbolizing the body of Jesus
③ Golden Urn: to symbolize the glory of God
④ Aaron’s staff with budding: demonstrates God’s power to the Israelites

〇 The Ark represented the cosmos, on a large scale, and the

Tabernacle, on a smaller scale.

① The mercy seat placed on top of the Ark of the Covenant

② Two cherubim made of hammered gold : placed on either of the mercy seat.;
   God promised He would personally appear between the cherubim, to give
   guidance to the Israelites.
③ Cherubim had blocked fallen Adam’s way to tree of life.
④ It foreshowed that everyone would be able to come through the divided
cherubim before Jesus, the tree of life, and receive the fullness of God’s Word
⑤ Holy of Holies –only the high priest could enter only once a year
when making a sacrifice of the Day of Atonement

Matt.27:52 : The curtain in the Tabernacle was torn in two when Jesus was crucified.
This meant that Jesus' crucifixion laid the basis for spiritual salvation, when the gate was opened
between spirit and flesh, or between heaven and earth.

⑥ God’s purpose to give the Tabernacle

a) The Israelites are to complete the restoration of Canaan

b) The Israelites continued not to believe
c) Even Moses might act faithlessly as he is human.
d) God needed an unchangeable object of faith, even if man fell faithless.
e) It means that as long as even one person revered the object with absolute faith,
God could continue the providential Will through that person.

Building the Tabernacle: The Messiah had come symbolically

(4) Tabernacle (Symbolic Messiah)
First Foundation for the Second Foundation for Third Foundation for the
Tabernacle the Tabernacle Tabernacle
Moses Moses Moses

Object for 40-day fast 40-day fast 40-day scouting

Two tablets of stone Two tablets of stone Two tablets of stone
4 0 -year
4 0 -day fast 4 0 -day fast 4 0 -day scouting wilderness

Central Moses Moses Moses

figure God God God

Israelites Moses Israelites Moses Israelites Moses

Second foundation for the
Nation : Golden calf centered on (12 patriarchs)
Tabernacle succeeded; However,
Aaron 10 reported faithlessly; 2 faithfully.
Israelites became faithless after
Moses: became angered and broke 10 tribes were faithless
departing from Mt. Sinai.
the tablets of stone(Exod.32:9)

Result : Failure of the Second National Course to Restore Canaan

4. The Third National Course to Restore Canaan
1 . Providence centered on Moses
(1) Foundation of Faith
① Central figure = Moses
② Object for the condition = 40-year wandering in the wilderness of Sinai
(honoring the Tabernacle with faith and loyalty) .
(2) Foundation of Substance
①Central figure = Moses

God God
(Old generation) (New generation)

Israelites Moses Israelites Moses

(3) Providence for the start: Water from the Rock

(4) Moses’ Twice Striking the Rock
1) The reason striking the rock twice constituted a sin
① It set up the condition to enable Satan ‘s invasion if the nation falls in faithlessness.
② It indicated that Satan may strike Jesus who will come as the rock in substance.
③ Hence Moses’ twice striking the rock became a remote cause of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Strike once
Living Adam Satan

Adam Strike once

Dead Adam
I Cor.10:4
Strike twice (in uncontrolled rage)
Living Adam

Jesus   Restored Adam


Dead Adam

Moses – faithlessness of the Israelites  →  broke the tablets of stone

⇒  十 Indication of possibility of Jesus’ death by crucifixion (created resentment in
people’s hearts).
Jesus – faithlessness of Jewish people  →  Consequential death of Jesus by crucifixion
2) Why couldn’t Moses’ mistake of twice striking the rock be restored?
Tablet of stone (Exod.31:18): inscribed the Ten Commandments,
the center of Mosaic law
Christ Jesus
Rock (I Cor.10:4): Root of the tablets of stone, Root of Jesus
(symbolizing God)

It could not be restored as it resulted in striking Jesus (God) as the root of the
tablets of stone.

Rock Moses Rock

Tablet Tablet Holy

of stone Aaron Miriam Jesus Spirit
of stone

3) Why did the rock Moses struck twice in anger, still yield water?

• On the foundation of nation’s drinking the water at Rephidim in the Second Course.
• Although the second dispensation based on the rock was invaded by Satan externally due to Moses'
outward act of faithlessness, it remained sound internally due to his unchanged loyalty to Heaven.
• Moses' and Joshua's internal attitude of unswerving faith and devotion to the ideal of the
Tabernacle. (Devotion of Joshua and Caleb)
4) Results of twice striking the rock
1) Internal Israelites ⇒ could enter Canaan;
External Israelites ⇒ died in the wilderness (Deut. 34:4,5)
2) Nation’s faithlessness ⇒ Rock was possessed by Satan.  
Satan challenged Jesus as the Rock in substance with three temptations. (Matt.4:1-11)
3) Moses’ flesh – dead (by striking twice) : Jesus’ flesh – crucifixion (unbelief)
  “    spirit – entered Canaan       :    “   spirit – resurrection (salvation)
4) Fiery serpents (Rev.12:9) ⇒ Death of faithless nation;
Bronze serpent (John 3:14) ⇒ Salvation of repentant nation
5) Joshua succeeded to Moses’ mission.
6) After Moses’ twice striking the rock due to the nation’s faithlessness :
①Moses: Twice striking ⇒ He couldn’t enter Canaan. (Num.20:12)
⇒ He desperately prayed and begged God (Deut.3:25)          
  ⇒ He died outside the borders to Canaan. ⇒ None knew the place of his burial. (Deut.
②Jesus: Nation’s unbelief ⇒ to the way of crucifixion ⇒ Desperate prayer to avoid the fate
(Matt.26:39) ⇒ Death on the Cross ⇒ His corpse was lost after death.
2 . The Foundation of Substance Centered on Joshua
(1) Scouting of Jericho
Two scouts reported faithfully. ⇒ Israelites became one centering on Joshua.
The scouts completed the mission, with the help of the harlot Rahab who sheltered them,
on the foundation of shimjung of the two.

Moses → Joshua (as Moses’ successor) Jesus → Lord of the Second Advent

   Foreshowing the complete

Spirit    Substance to restore Canaan Spirit restoration in spirit and flesh

(2) Restoration to Canaan

Moses Joshua (as the successor to Moses)

3-day journey →   Red Sea 3-day journey  →  Jordan River

Shitim (scouting)  →  Jordan

Guided by pillars of cloud & fire Guided by the Ark of Covenant

Crossing the Red Sea with the staff Crossing the Jordan River with the Ark of Covenant
(3) 12 stones set up in the camp of Gilgal (Josh.4:20)

① 12 stones were taken from the very place where the priests’ feet
stood in the Jordan River to set up as a stone alter in Gilgal.
② Jacob built a stone alter wherever he went…
(as a altar of prayer to praise God)
③ 12 tribes of Jacob’s descendents follow their ancestor and set up 12 stones,
which foreshowed they would construct the Holy Temple.
④ This foreshadowed that the twelve disciples of Jesus should join
together and honor Jesus as the Temple.
⑤ God stopped giving manna at this point ⇒ From this time forth the
Israelites were to make a living with their own sweat.
(4) The Conquest of Jericho
① Israelites obeyed God’s command to march.
40,000 soldiers – 7 priests (blowing 7 trumpets)
- the Ark of covenant ー the rest of the Israelites

② Method
Marching around once a day for 6 days; on the 7th day, after circling the city
wall the 7th time, Joshua ordered them to raise a great shout toward the city.

③ The conquest of Jericho foreshadowed that by the power of Christ and

the work of his followers, the satanic barrier between Heaven and earth
will crumble.

(5) Joshua defeated 31 kings

This foreshadowed that Christ will come as the King of Kings to build the
unified Kingdom of Heaven on earth by bringing all gentile kings to complete
surrender and winning the hearts of their people.
5. Lessons
1 . Renewed understanding for the history of the Old Testament Age
  It was thought merely as a record of Moses’ life and Israel’s history.
• God intended to reveal by this account certain secrets of the providence of restoration.
• Jesus passed away without divulging the true significance of Moses' course. (John 5:19)
• Moses walked the model course or formula course for the providence of restoration.
• We cannot but come to the conclusion that God exists and has been guiding human
history toward the realization of one absolute purpose.

2 . God's predestined Will cannot be achieved through the person entrusted with
fulfillment if he does not complete his portion of responsibility.

3 . Increased condition of indemnity

4 . The greater one's mission, the greater the test one will face.
5. Everything is decided in the moment:
The relationship between moment and lifetime: one moment can fulfill or fail a
lifetime of work.
6 . When God is about to give grace, He puts the person through a test,
either before or after the grace, to prevent Satan's accusation.

① 40-year living in Pharaoh’s palace  ⇒ The first course of Exodus

② 40-year living in the wilderness of Midian  ⇒  The second course of Exodus
③ The test in which God tried to kill Moses  ⇒  The three signs and ten plagues
④ 3-day journey  ⇒  The pillars of cloud and fire
⑤ The Red Sea  ⇒  Manna and quail
⑥ The battle with the Amalekites  ⇒  The tablets of stone, the Tabernacle, and
the Ark of covenant
⑦ 40-year wandering in the wilderness  ⇒ The water from the rock
⑧ The fiery serpent ⇒   The bronze serpent
Worldwide Course to
Restore Canaan Centering
on Jesus
〈 Table of Contents 〉
    1. The First Worldwide Course to Restore     3.The Third Worldwide Course to Restore
Canaan Canaan
     (1) The Foundation of Faith      (1) The Spiritual Course to Restore
      (2) The Foundation of Substance Canaan under Jesus' Leadership
      (3) The Failure of the First Worldwide Course       ① The Spiritual Foundation of Faith
to Restore Canaan       ② The Spiritual Foundation of Substance
      ③ The Spiritual Foundation for the
    2. The Second Worldwide Course to Restore Messiah
Canaan       ④ The Restoration of Spiritual Canaan
     (1) The Foundation of Faith      
      ① Jesus Takes On the Mission of John (2) Worldwide Course to Restore the Substantial
the Baptist Canaan centering on Christ at the Second
      ② Jesus' Forty-Day Fast and Three Advent
Temptations in the Wilderness   4.Some Lessons from Jesus' Course
      ③ The Result of the Forty-Day Fast and
the Three Temptations
      (2) The Foundation of Substance
(3) The Failure of the Second Worldwide
Course to Restore Canaan
In the beginning, Adam should have governed the angels (I Cor.6:3) , but
due to his fall, human beings came under Satan's dominion and formed a
hellish world. To restore this through indemnity, Jesus came as the second
Adam to personally bring Satan to submission and establish the Kingdom of
Heaven. However, Satan, who does not submit even to God, would by no
means readily yield to Jesus and people of faith. Therefore, taking
responsibility for having created human beings, God raised up Jacob and
Moses and revealed through them the model course by which Jesus could
subjugate Satan.

Jacob walked the symbolic course to bring Satan to submission, while Moses
walked the image course. Their courses pioneered the way for Jesus to walk
the substantial course. In walking the worldwide course to restore Canaan,
Jesus followed the model demonstrated in the national course to restore
Canaan when Moses was working to subjugate Satan.
1.Foundation to Receive the Messiah
For fallen people to be restored to their original state, we must receive the Messiah.
Before we can receive the Messiah, we must first establish the Foundation to Receive the
Without the Foundation to Receive the Messiah, fallen people will kill the coming Messiah.

The foundation of faith
  ① Central figure : John the Baptist
  ② Object for the condition : Word
  ③ Period : 400 years Indemnity condition to
The foundation of substance remove fallen nature
  ① Central figure : John the Baptist Cain Abel
love obey
  ② Condition : Indemnity condition to
remove fallen nature (Angel) respect receive (Adam)

Nation John the Baptist

1 . The First Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
(1) The foundation of faith
1) Central figure = John the Baptist
Elijah of the Second Coming(Matt.17:13)
One who makes straight the way of the Lord(John.1:23)
Illustrious life of prayer and asceticism in the wilderness
2) Object for the condition = Oneness with the Tabernacle on
the foundation of the number 40.
(Messiah will descend on 400-year national foundation.)

(2) The foundation of substance

1) Central figure = John the Baptist God
2) Condition

Indemnity condition to
remove the fallen nature
Israelites John the Baptist
love obey
respect receive Luke 3:15
Failure due to John the Baptist’s faithlessness in Jesus
2 . The Second Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan
(1) The foundation of faith
1) Central figure : Jesus (who takes on the mission of John the Baptist)
John the Baptist gave the baptism to Jesus at the Jordan River. (John 1:29)
2) Object for the condition : 40-day fast & three temptations

(2) Three temptations

1) The cause behind Jesus’ three temptations
Remote cause : Moses’ act of striking the rock twice and breaking the tablets of stone
Immediate cause : Faithlessness of John the Baptist (Failure of Elijah-type central figure)

2) Satan’s purpose in giving Jesus the three temptation:

To prevent Jesus from restoring the three blessings and accomplishing the purpose of creation.

Purpose of Messiah’s advent = Purpose of creation = Three great blessings = Three


The cause behind Satan’s taking a dominant position to impose temptations on Jesus

⇒ Moses’ act of striking the rock twice and breaking the tablets of stone
led Satan to claim possession of them.
3) Significance of the three temptations
① The first temptation – in the wilderness
Stone = Jesus
Satan : Stone      Bread Satan meant for Jesus to give up
the position of Messiah.
Jesus : Word Bread

Result : Jesus fulfilled the condition of indemnity to restore the first blessing;
and establish the basis for the restoration of the position as the Messiah.

② The second temptation – at the pinnacle of Temple

Satan : “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.”

Jesus : “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.” God : Invisible owner

Jesus : Substantial owner

Result : Jesus fulfilled the condition of
indemnity to restore the second blessing; and Angel
establish the basis for the restoration of children. : Servant
③ The third temptation – high mountain top

Satan : “I will give you all things if you worship me.”

Jesus : “You shall worship and serve only the Lord your Satan tempted Jesus
God.” to bow down to him as Adam
Result : Jesus fulfilled the condition of indemnity to had bowed down to him in the
restore the third blessing; and establish beginning.
the basis for dominion over the natural world.

④ As a result of Jesus’ victory in the three temptations:

〇 Jesus restored through indemnity all that had been offered to God over the course of the

providence for the purpose of laying the foundation of faith

〇 Jesus set up the condition for the fulfillment of God’s three great blessings and the
restoration of the four position foundation.
(3) The foundation of substance
① Central figure = Jesus
② Condition:


Indemnity condition to
remove fallen nature

Jewish people Jesus Luke 3:15

Love Obey
(Cain) (Abel)
Disciples        receive

Failure of the second course

3 . The Third Worldwide Course to Restore Canaan

(1) When even Jesus’ disciples as well as the other Jewish people became
faithless to him who came as the substantial Tabernacle and the temple, Jesus
had no choice other than to allow his physical body to be crucified.

(2) As a consequence, the Jewish people lost the one who should have been the
spiritual and physical focus of their faith. They no longer had a basis upon which
to begin the third worldwide course to restore Canaan as a substantial course.

(3) Christians, as the Second Israel, were to begin this course as a spiritual course
by exalting the resurrected Jesus as their focus of faith.
4 . Spiritual Course to Restore Canaan centering on Jesus
(The Spiritual Foundation to Receive the Messiah)

(1) The Spiritual Foundation of Faith

1) Central figure : Resurrected Jesus (standing in the position of John the Baptist in
Jesus resurrected three days after his death on the cross
(to restore the position of spiritual true parent).

2) Object for the condition : Jesus as a substantial spirit

in the 40-day period of resurrection

3) Period : 40 days starting from resurrection

(2) Significance of Jesus’ crucifixion

Satan God The three temptations

Victory : Jesus God

man Faithless
Failure : Satan
Flesh Spirit Flesh Spirit

1) Purpose of God’s in sending the Messiah : Salvation for all humanity

2) Satan’s purpose : to kill Jesus even if it meant relinquishing his hold on
① For the salvation of humanity that had conspired with Satan, God gave Jesus to Satan as
payment for their sins.
② Satan exercised his maximum power to kill Jesus so as to interrupt the way of
physical salvation.
③ God, by the basic principle of restoration through indemnity, exercised His maximum power
to resurrect Jesus (path to spiritual salvation completed).
(3) The Spiritual Foundation of Substance

1) Central figure : Resurrected Jesus

2) Condition: God

Indemnity condition to
remove fallen nature
love obey
respect receive

Providence for the start :  Jesus gave his disciples the power to
perform signs and miracles.

The spiritual foundation for the Messiah was laid to

complete the providence to restore Canaan only spiritually.
5 . The Course to Restore Substantial Canaan Centering
on Christ at the Second Advent
This providence has passed through a long two-thousand-year course
of history, expanding to construct a worldwide spiritual dominion.
(1) Foundation of Faith
1) Central figure : Christ at the Second Advent as the new John the Baptist
2) Object for the condition : Condition of faith with the number 40
(2) Foundation of Substance
1) Central figure : Christ of the Second Advent as the new John the
Indemnity condition to
2) Condition: remove fallen nature
Christ of the Second
1st & 2nd Advent as the new
Israel love obey respect receive John the Baptist

(3) The third national course to restore Canaan

Moses (spirit) → Joshua (spirit & flesh): substantial course—Restoration to Canaan

(4) The third worldwide course to restore Canaan

Jesus (spirit) → Christ of the Second Advent (spirit & flesh): substantial course
— Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
First Israel (Judaism)  →  Faithless

Second Israel (Christianity)   →  Faithful

Second Israel (Christianity)  →  Faithless

Christ of the
Second Advent
Third Israel (Korea, Unification Church) → Faithful

Providence for the start

Moses External - Rock Jesus External – Miracles

& signs

Joshua Internal – Christ of the Internal - Word

Water from the rock Second

1. Jesus was a saint among saints (Messiah) (no original sin)

Isaac Rebecca Judah Tamar

Esau, Jacob External Internal

Perez, Zera
Restoration Restoration

Elizabeth Zachariah Mary Joseph

Luke 1:43
Restoration in
John the Baptist Jesus

2. Loss of foundation of substance centering on Jesus’ spirit and flesh

Unbelief of Zacharia’s family (Zachariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptist)
Unbelief of Joseph’s family (Joseph, Mary)
Why could they not believe?
Jesus’ birth, The way Jesus was raised, Issue of Jesus’ marriage
3. Jesus built spiritual foundation and made new beginning
(Course of Public Life)

(1) Jesus’ entry into public life

1) Jesus’ fast
The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man
hath not where to lay his head. (Matt. 8:20)

2) Marriage in Canaan
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not
yet come. (John 2:4)

3) Mother and brothers come to see him

(Matt. 12:48) Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?

(2) Last Supper and Betrayal by Judas Iscariot (Lk. 22: 15-16)
(3) Desperate prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I
will, but as thou wilt. (Matt. 26:39)

Three Disciples Fall Asleep Foundation of spirit and flesh is lost


(4) Jesus’ trial and arrest

1) Trial by Caiaphas
Charge: Are you the Son of God?

2) Trial by Pontius Pilate

Charge: Are you the king of the Jews?
Israel did not have the authority to impose the death penalty
Pontius Pilate said this person is without sin, and
Asked the crowd whether he should forgive Barabbas or Jesus (Matt. 27:15-19)
The crowd said he should forgive Barabbas and crucify Jesus
His blood be on us, and on our children. (Matt 27:20-26)

3) Jesus is arrested

(Jesus) shoulders the cross


(5) Jesus on the Cross

1) Speaking to women wailing at the sight of Jesus carrying the cross:
weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and for your children. (Luke 23: 26-28)
2) Jesus’ pain on the Cross
3) Jesus’ prayer on the Cross
① Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. (Lk. 23: 33-34)
② Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? (Matt. 27: 45-46)
③ Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. (Lk. 23:46)

4) The fate of the Cross


4. Providence of Jesus’ resurrection

1) Jesus’ spiritual resurrection Advent of spirit on Pentacost (Acts 2:1-4)
2) Start of Christianity by Jesus and Holy Spirit

5. Jesus’ original mission

1) For him to be married in a Holy Marriage, become the True Parent and
performing the Holy Blessing (resolution of original sin) for all humanity
2) Establish a true family (fulfill the Purpose of Creation)
3) Liberation of God’s homeland

6. Jesus’ sorrow
1) His own mother, whom he loved more than anyone, blocked his path to marriage.
2) The agony of Jesus in leaving the earth before establishing a lineage
3) Jesus’ han covered with blood, sweat and tears for having had to shoulder the
cross before he could accomplish his mission.

7. Resolving the agony, han, sorrow, death of Jesus

True Parents revealed this
True Parents have comforted Jesus

1) For Jesus not to have gone the way of the cross

Messiah Joseph’s tribe (Abel) Become tribal Messiah,

Zachariah’s tribe (Cain) John the Baptist = Bun Bong Wang

Jesus would not have gone the way of the cross.

2) How can Jesus’ and True Parents’ han be resolved?

Fulfill tribal messiah mission Finish tribal blessing
Complete Hoon Duk Family Church Original Divine Principle Education
Build God’s Liberated Homeland Hoon Duk in Daily Life
2. Lessons
1 . God’s predestination of His Will is absolute;
Accomplishment of His predestination by human is conditional.

2 . The greater a person's mission, the greater the test he will confront.
① Since Adam became faithless and forsook God, Jesus had to restore Adam's
mistake by enduring when God forsook him, all the while showing unchanging faith.
② Therefore, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness and forsaken by God
on the cross. (Temptation in the wilderness; trial on the cross)

3 . Even suffering on the cross, Jesus lived for God and His Will. “not by my
but yours (God’s).”

4. Everything is decided in the moment

(ref.)   Comparison of Moses’ & Jesus’ Courses
Cleanse Complete the
Original Sin purpose of creation

Messiah Man Oneness in ideal, action, life &

(3rd)    (2nd)    (1st)
(1st)      (2nd)   (3rd)
Joshua Moses Moses
Moses Moses Moses
Israelit Israelites Israelites 40years 40 year 40 years
es for the Messiah in palace in Midian in wilderness
Success Failure Failure Success Success Success

Foundation Foundation
of substance of faith
(3rd)      (2nd)      (1st) (1st)      (2nd)      (3rd)
Resurrected John the Resurrected
Jesus Jesus John
disciple Fallen man 40 day 40day spiritual
Jews Jews 400 yrs fasting resurrection
Succes Success
Failure Failure Success Success
The Periods in
Providential History
and the Determination
of Their Lengths
〈 Table of Contents 〉
3. The Periods in the Age of the Providence
  1. Parallel Providential Periods of Restoration and Their Lengths

  2. The Number of Generations or Years in the (1) The 400-Year Period of Slavery in Egypt
(2) The 400-Year Period of the Judges
Periods of the Age of the Providence to Lay
(3) The 120-Year Period of the United Kingdom
the Foundation for Restoration
(4) The 400-Year Period of the Divided Kingdoms
    (1) Why and How the Providence of Restoration of North and South
Is Prolonged (5) The 210-Year Period of Israel's Exile and Return
    (2) Vertical Indemnity Conditions and (6) The 400-Year Period of Preparation for the
Horizontal Restoration through Indemnity
    (3) Horizontal Restoration through Indemnity Advent of the Messiah
Carried Out
    (4) Numerical Indemnity Periods for Restoring 4. The Periods in the Age of the Prolongation of the
the Foundation of Faith Providence of Restoration and Their Lengths
    (5) The Parallel Periods Determined by the (1) The 400-Year Period of Persecution in the
Number of Generations
    (6) Providential Periods of Horizontal Roman Empire
Restoration through Indemnity Carried Out (2) The 400-Year Period of Regional Church
Vertically Leadership
  (3) The 120-Year Period of the Christian Empire
(4) The 400-Year Period of the Divided Kingdoms
of East and West
(5) The 210-Year Period of Papal Exile and Return
(6) The 400-Year Period of Preparation for the
Second Advent of the Messiah
Does God live in the history?
If God lives, how does He work?
And what kind of principle does He work with?

(1)   Parallel Providential Periods

1 . What does “parallel” mean?
  We find cases where the various circumstances of a period in history are
repeated in similar form during a later age.
This term was first used by a famous historian, Arnold Joseph Toynbee, who
could not reveal its reason.

individual family nation world cosmos

2 . How do parallel providential periods come about?
(1) How do parallel providential periods come about?

When a central figure fails his responsibility, his failure must be restored through
Therefore the periods come to be parallel to one another.

Completion of God’s portion Human portion

God’s Will of responsibility of responsibility
100 % 95 % 5%

individual family nation world cosmos

(2) Main factors which determine the formation of
parallel providential periods
Repeated dispensations to restore the foundation for the Messiah

① Central figure
1) Foundation of faith :
② Object for the condition
Division of good and evil:
③ Numerical period of indemnity

2) Foundation of substance : ① Central figure

Restoration of dominion: ② Indemnity condition to remove
the fallen nature

Indemnity condition to
remove the fallen nature
Cain Abel
love obey
respect receive
(3) Types of the parallel providential period
Parallel providential period in the formation stage --- ( Symbolic type)
Parallel providential period in the growth stage ------- (Image type)
Parallel providential period in the completion stage - (Substantial type)

Foundation to Receive the Messiah on the family level

Adam Abraham
Age of the providence to lay the foundation for restoration
Age of symbolic parallels

Foundation to Receive the Messiah on the national level

Abraham Jesus
Age of the providence of restoration
Age of image parallels

Foundation to Receive the Messiah on the world level Christ of the

Second Advent
Age of the prolongation of the providence of restoration
Age of substantial parallels
(2) The Number of Generations or Years in the Periods
of the Age of the Parallel Providential Periods
(1) Formation of the number of years
4th stage 10th level
Completion: 3rd stage  8
Growing Period

Growth: 2nd stage  5
Formation: 1st stage    2
    1st level
Adam Eve
① Number 12 = 4 position foundation X 3 stages Heaven    Earth
② Number 4 = 4 position foundation ; 4 stages ③    ④
③ Number 21 = completion number 7
(Heaven’s number 3 + Earth’s number 4) X 3 stages
④ Number 40 = 4 position foundation X 10 level
Creation: 6 stages

(2) The number of years in the parallel providential periods Human fall: 6 stages

Adam Noah Jacob meets
Noah Jacob
Symbolic 10 gen. 10 gen. Birthright to Haran to Canaan Joseph
Parallel p.

1600 400 120 40 21 40

Horizontal restoration through indemnity carried out vertically
12 120 y. 120 y.
4 40 d. 40
21 21 d. 21
40 40 d. 40

Slavery in Egypt Judges United Kingdom Divided Kingdoms Israel’s Preparation for the
of North & South Exile & Return Advent of Messiah
Abraham Moses David Malachi Jesus
Image Solomon
Parallel p.
400 400 120 South 400 210 400

120 y. 120 y. 120

40 y. 40 d. 40
21 y. 21 d. 21
40 y. 40 y. 40

Persecution in Regional Church Christian Empire Divided Kingdom Papal Exile Preparation for the
the Roman Empire Leadership of East & West & Return Second Advent

Jesus Augustine Luther Christ at the

East Second
Parallel p.
400 400 120 West 400 210 400
(3) The Parallels between the Two Ages in the Providence of Restoration

Slavery in Egypt Judges United Kingdom Divided Kingdoms Israel’s Preparation for the
Saul of North & South Exile & Return Advent of Messiah
Abraham Moses Solomon
Malachi Jesus

400 400 120 400 210 400

Object for
the condition Tabernacle      Tabernacle    Temple   Temple     X      
Second Temple
Central figure
Moses        Judges                         X    
   Malachi Prophet Prophet
High priest High priest
King King

Persecution in Regional Church Christian Empire Divided Kingdom Papal Exile Preparation for the
the Roman Empire Leadership of East & West & Return Second Advent
Luther Christ at the
Jesus Augustine Charlemagne
400 400 120 400 210 400
Object for the
condition Ecclesia       Catholicism   Catholicism Catholicism    X    
Central figure Monastics Monastics
Augustine      Church Leaders                    
Pope Pope   X       
Luther King King
400 y. ①Abraham’s mistake in offering ⇒ Satan’s invasion – Restoration through indemnity
②Jacob’s 12 children & 70 kinsmen –   Slavery in Egypt (punishment & faith)
of ③1st Israel : Circumcision, sacrifices, Sabbath (Lifestyle of separation from Satan)
Slavery ④Moses’ 3 signs & 10 plagues – Surrender of Pharaoh – Exodus
in Egypt ⑤After the slavery – 10 commandments, core of the Old Testament
– Completion of the Tabernacle – Preparation for the Messiah

400 y.
of ①Jewish nation’s mistake in honoring Jesus ⇒ Satan’s invasion – Restoration
Persecuti through indemnity
on ②Jesus’ 12 disciples & 70 followers – Persecution in Rome (Punishment & faith)
③2nd Israel : Baptism, martyrdom, Sabbath, holy communion (Lifestyle of separation
in the
from Satan)
Roman ④Spiritual miracles & power (A.D.313: Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity;
Empire A.D.392: Emperor Theodosius I designated it as the state religion.)
⑤After the persecution – Gospel, core of the New Testament
– Formation of Ecclesia – Preparation for the Messiah
(2) ①Mission of the Judges : Prophet, Priest, King
400 y. ②Israelites’ entering Canaan ⇒ Dividing the land among the clans & tribes
of the ③Settling in villages united around the judges, the people consolidated into a
Judges chosen nation ⇒ Establish a simple Jewish feudalistic society
④The Israelites should have exalted the Tabernacle and remained obedient to
the direction of the judges. However X
Instead of destroying the seven Canaanite tribes, the Israelites live among
them and were influenced by their customs, thus bringing great confusion to
their faith.
400 y. ①Mission of church leader : Monastery, Pope, King
of ②Germanic people’s migration
Regional (Invasion of Huns (a Mongolian tribe) into the West in 4th century
Church ⇒ German’s migration to Western Europe)
Leader- – Spread of Christianity to the Germanic peoples (Spread Gospel to Kingdom of
ship Franks)
③In the new land of Western Europe, God raised up the Germanic tribes as a
new chosen people ⇒ Establish an early form of feudal society.
④Christians were supposed to exalt the Church as the image of Messiah and
follow the directions of its bishops and monastic leaders. However X
They became influenced by the Germanic paganism, which brought great confusion
to the Christian faith.
(3) ①Prophet Samuel - anointed Saul - First king of Israel (800 y. after Abraham)
120 y. ②Solomon manifested the ideal of Moses’ Tabernacle by constructing the Temple
of the and building the Kingdom around it.
United ③Central figure of the Foundation of Faith - King
Kingdom (High priest : Spiritual kingdom, King : Substantial kingdom)
④Failure of King Saul in Abel’s position – Failure of the Foundation of Substance
(King Saul disobeyed the commands of God given by the prophet Samuel - he fell
into lust )
⑤King Solomon, the 3rd generation, fell into lust with his many foreign wives, who
him away from God to worship pagan Gods (ex. Asralot, Milgom, Gmos, Molok)
⇒ Division of the Kingdom to North & South

①Pope Leo III - Crowned Charlemagne - First emperor of Christendom in 800 A.D.
②Charlemagne's empire realized the ideal of the Christian State as set down in
120 y. The City of God by St. Augustine
of the ③Central figure of the foundation of faith - King
Christian (Pope : Spiritual Empire, King : Substantial Empire)
Empire ④The King left the position of Abel ⇒ Failure of the Foundation of Substance
(The kings did not remain obedient to God’s Will)
⑤The Christian empire began to divide in the third generation.
Charlemagne's grandsons (Louis II, Charles II) partitioned it into three kingdoms:
the East Franks, the West Franks and Italy (which became ruled by East Frank later) .
(4) ①The United Kingdom - Divided in the third generation into two kingdoms
400 y.
② Cain – 10 tribes –The kingdom of Israel - 19 kings - 260 years
of the
Divided Abel - 2 tribes– The kingdom of Judah - 20 kings - 394 years
Kingdom Northern Kingdom of Israel :
of North & Founded by Jeroboam, who had lived in exile in the days of King Solomon
South 〇 The Royal Families changed nine times, No King was righteous in the sight of God
〇 God sent the prophet Elijah - Prevailed in the contest with 850 prophets of Baal and
Asherah on Mt. Carmel when God sent down fire upon the altar.
〇 Other Prophets, including Elisha, Jonah, Hosea and Amos, spread the Word of God at
the risk of their lives – The Kings did not repent
〇 God had the Assyrians destroy them and took away their qualification as the chosen
people forever.
Southern Kingdom of Judah :
Founded by Solomon’s son, Rehoboam.
〇 The Royal house continued in one dynastic line from David to Zedekiah, producing many
righteous kings out of the twenty who ruled the kingdom for 394 years.
〇 A succession of evil kings after King Josiah, combined with influence from the northern
kingdom, led to much idolatry and corruption –The People were taken into exile in Babylon.
③ God sent 4 great & 12 small prophets to move nation - Repentance and Internal Reform.
④ The kings and the people did not heed the warnings of the prophets
- God chastised them externally by sending gentile nations such as Syria, Assyria and
Babylon to attack them.
⑤ End of the monarchy of the chosen people of Israel
(The Gentile nations took the people of Judah into exile)
① The Christian empire also began to divide in the third generation East Frank (Italy)
400 y. West Frank
Divided ②   Cain – West Frank
Kingdom    Abel – East Frank (+ Italy) : Under Otto I’s rule ⇒ The Holy Roman Empire
of ③ The Papacy was corrupt - God sent prominent monks to admonish the
East &
(St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Francis of Assisi) – (Internal Reform in the Church)
④ The Papacy and the Church did not repent, but sank further into corruption
and immorality - God chastised them externally - letting their people fight the
Muslims in the Crusades.
While Jerusalem and the Holy Land were under the protection of the Abbasid
Christian pilgrims were received with hospitality
- After the Caliphate collapsed and the Holy Land was conquered by the cries of alarm
went out that Christian pilgrims were being harassed by Seljuk Turks
- Outraged, the popes raised the Crusades to recover the Holy Land.
There were eight Crusades, beginning in 1095 and continuing sporadically for about
years. Despite some initial success, the Crusaders were defeated again and again.
⑤ Monarchic Christianity began to erode
The papacy had completely lost its prestige and credibility
- Christianity thus lost its center of spiritual
The lords and knights who had maintained feudal society were decimated by the
Crusades - Feudal society lost its political power and vigor.
Since the papacy and the feudal lords had spent enormous funds to pursue these
210 years of ① From the time King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon took King Jehoiachin and his royal
Israel’s Exiles family, prophets including Daniel and Ezekiel, and many other Israelites into captivity
& Return - 70 years

② Persia destroyed Babylon

Royal decree of King Cyrus

Return to their homeland in three waves
- 140 years
Reform themselves as a nation united around the Will of God
(Foundation for faith was established)

210 years of
Papal Exile & ① Pope Clement V to move the papacy – Captive in Avignon in southern France
Return - 70 years
② In 1377 Pope Gregory XI - Return the papal residence to Rome
③Urban VI, Clement VII, Alexander V
Three popes opposed one another to bring huge confusion

The papacy recovered the authority it had lost

The Foundation for faith was established
400 year ①40 day providence to separate Satan – The last restoration through indemnity
Preparation (4000 yrs)
for the
Advent of ②Build the Temple, Repent, Study the Law – Reformation of Faith
the Messiah - Restore the Foundation of Faith

Israelites Nebuchadnezzar – Rebuild destroyed Temple Study the Law

Malachi - Repent for worshiping Pagan Gods
③Until they meet Jesus – Externally Suffering path
(Persia, Greece, Egypt)
(Until Jacob’s family met Joseph - Suffering)
④Reform Judaism and prepare a people that can receive the Messiah
(BC 430 Malachi)
Preparation of the environment around the same time (Among the world’s people)
   Buddha (565-485 B.C., India)
   Socrates (470-399 B.C., Greece)
   Confucius (552-479 B.C., China)
⑤Jesus – Israel – Roman Empire – to the whole world
400 year
for the ①40 day providence to separate Satan – Last restoration through indemnity (4000
Second years)
Advent of
the Messiah ②Religious reformation, Repentance, Study the Gospel = Pioneer the way of Faith
- Restoration of the Foundation of Faith
After the Pope returned to Rome the Medieval Christians
Religious reformation
Luther Medieval Dark Ages Repent Follow the light of the Gospel Pioneer

③Until meet the Returning Messiah

-Internal path of suffering (Humanism, Enlightenment)

④Renaissance – politics, economy, culture, science

Rapid development ⇒ Make environment to receive the Messiah

⑤Christ of the Second Advent – 3rd Israel – USA - World

(4) Crossing of the sovereignties of God and Satan in the history of the
providence of restoration
Cain-type view of life

Satan God God Satan God

Augustine Charlemagne Luther Second

Jesus Advent
400 400 120 400 210 400
Persecution in Regional Church Christian Empire Divided Kingdom Papal Exile Preparation for
the Roman Empire Leadership of East & West & Return Second

God Satan Satan God Satan

Abel-type view of life

(5) The Progress of History in the Age
of the Providence of Restoration

Satanic primitive
societies haunted by
Monarchic societies Northern
struggle and division
(Egypt, Babylon, Hittites) kingdom
of Israel

Solomon’s failure Societies of

in unification of democratic
eastern empires type
God-centered society
of interdependence, Clan society
mutual prosperity and of God’s side Feudalistic
universal shared centered on societies of
values Abraham God’s side Kingdom of Southern
centered on goodness kingdom
the Judges (the United of Judah Heavenly
Kingdom under kingdom
King Saul) of goodness
on Earth
Empire England USA
Israel (Spiritual (Spiritual
Christianity) Christianity) Christianity)

(Formation) (Growth) (Completion)

Struggle between
Protestant & Catholic 102 Puritans
Industrial revolution Spiritual Christianity
(Failure in spirit & flesh) Heavenly kingdom
Colonial policy
Propagation of Christianity
Liberation of colonies

The Period of
for the Second Advent
of the Messiah
〈 Table of Contents 〉
1. The Period of the Reformation (4) The Rise of the Great Powers
(1) The Renaissance (5) Religious Reforms and Political and Industrial
(2) The Reformation Revolutions since the Renaissance

2. The Period of Religious and Ideological 4. The World Wars

Conflicts (1) The Providential Causes of the World Wars
(1) The Cain-Type View of Life (2) The First World War
(2) The Abel-Type View of Life (3) The Second World War
(4) The Third World War
3. The Period of Maturation of Politics,
Economy and Ideology
(1) Democracy
  (I) Cain-Type Democracy
  (II) Abel-Type Democracy
(2) The Significance of the Separation of
(3) The Significance of the Industrial

(1) Period : 1517 ~ 1918 (400 years)

(2) Divided into three periods:

①   The Period of the Reformation

[1517 ~ 1648 (130 years) ]

②   The Period of Religious and Ideological Conflicts

[1648 ~ 1789 (140 years) ]
③ The Period of Maturation of Politics, Economy and Ideology

[1789 ~ 1918 (130 years) ]

1 . The Period of the Reformation
(1) Outline
1) 1)The 130-year period of the Reformation : began in 1517, when Martin Luther raised the
banner of the Protestant Reformation in Germany, and lasted until the wars of religion
were settled by the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648.

2) The character of this period :

Shaped by the Renaissance and the Reformation, both products of medieval feudal

3) Causes for the rise of Reformation & Renaissance

Medieval feudalism
Resistance against the repression to human
Causes for rise Secularization of
original nature
the Roman church

Two types of
External → Movement for a revival of Hellenism → Renaissance
desires of
human original Internal → Movement for a revival of Hebraism → Reformation
(2) Renaissance
① The Renaissance came to life in fourteenth-century Italy
(the center of the study of the classical Hellenic heritage)
② Movement imitating the thought and life of ancient Greece and Rome
Movement which transformed the medieval way of life
③ Encompass every aspect of society, politics, economic life and religion.
It became the external driving force for the construction of the modern world.

(3) Reformation
①The secularization and decadence of the Church leadership was the cause
(Rebellion against the ritualism and rules of the Church, the stratified feudal system and papal authority

which deprived them of autonomy, under the influence of the Renaissance)

② Revival of the spirit of early Christianity
③When the indulgences which Pope Leo X began selling was proclaimed in 1517, a movement to
this abuse ignited a fuse to explode in the Protestant Reformation under the leadership of Martin
④ The wars of religion which swirled around the Protestant movements continued for more than 100
years until 1648, when the Treaty of Westphalia ended the Thirty Years' War which was fought on the
soil of Germany.
2 . The Period of Religious and Ideological Conflicts
(1) Outline
1) The period of religious and ideological conflicts refers to the 140 years beginning with

the secure establishment of Protestantism at the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 and

ending with the French Revolution in 1789.
   Two movements of Reformation and Renaissance brought people internal and external

freedom to pursue the internal and external desires flowing from their original nature.
3) As people exercised freedom of faith and thought, they could not avoid divisions in
theology and disputes among philosophers.

4) God has worked His providence of restoration throughout the course of history
by repeatedly separating those representing Abel from those representing Cain,
from the individual level to the world level.
→ In the Last Days, this fallen world is divided into the Cain-type communist world
and the Abel-type democratic world.
(2) The Cain-type View of Life (Humanism)

1) The pursuit of the external aspects of the original nature first aroused a movement to
revive the ancient heritage of Hellenism and gave birth to the humanism of the Renaissance.
2) All matters in human life came to be judged by reason or empirical observation.

3) Instead of facilitating the internal inclination to seek God, it gave birth to a view of life
which encouraged people to follow only external pursuits.
This blocked their path to God and led them toward Satan's realm.
4) As a result, Nature and Man were separated from God.

5) Cain-type view led medieval people to the direction to separate from God and cease the
faith in God.

6) Historical figures of Cain-type view of life:

D .F Strauss, L. Feuerbach, Karl Marx, F. Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong

7) Cain-type view of life, which budded after the Renaissance and grew through the
Enlightenment into atheism and materialism, matured into the godless ideology of
Marxism, which became the cornerstone of the communist world of today.
(3) The Abel-Type View of Life

1) The original nature of medieval people not only pursued external values; it also sought internal values.
2) As medieval people were prompted by their original nature to pursue internal values,
a movement arose to revive Hebraism which bore fruit in the Protestant Reformation
3) The Abel-type view of life guided modern people to seek God in a deeper and more thoughtful way.
4) Historical figures of Abel-type view of life:
Immanuel Kant, J. G. Fichte, Friedrich Schelling, Hegel
5) Cain-type world : Communism In order to form these two types of world today, the two
Abel-type world : Democracy types of view of life were established.

The Man’s view of life: Either Cain-type or Abel-type.
3 . The Period of Maturation of Politics,
Economy and Ideology
This period lasted for 130 years from the French Revolution, through the Industrial
Revolution, to the end of the First World War. (1789 ~ 1918)

(1) Maturation of Politics

1) Democracy
French Revolution
Cain-type Leaders of atheism and Communism
Democracy materialism were awakened to
the flaws of absolute monarchy
Monarchic Democratic to tear down the remnants of
society society the feudal system.

Democratic Revolution
Abel-type of England and USA Liberal
Democracy Abel-type democracy was born Democracy

out of sincere Christians’

victorious fight with absolutism to
win religious freedom.
2) Separation of Powers
Brain ( = Political party)

Stomach Heart Lung

Legislative Executive Judicial

Root Stem Leaf

①Satan was defectively mimicking an aspect of the Principle ahead of its realization
by God.
②According to the principle of creation, The universe is patterned after the
structure of a perfect human being.
③The ideal world to be built by fully mature people is also to resemble the
structure and functions of a perfect individual.
Human body: Brain ⇒ Spinal cord ⇒ Peripheral nervous system ⇒ Every part of the body
Ideal society: God ⇒ Lord of Second Advent ⇒ Follower (Stomach, Heart, Lung) ⇒ Economic system
Human body : Vertical relationship the brain ; Horizontal relation with each other.
Ideal society: Vertical relationship with God ; Horizontal relationship with each other.
④Process of Restoration of Separation of Powers :
Monopoly of powers by king ⇒ King (Powers) + Church as Party (Church dominates people)
⇒ Party politics with separation of powers ⇒ Ideal society ruled by God’s Word
⑤Conclusion : Realization of ideal society by the principle of 3-stage development.
(2) Maturation of Economy
1) Significance of Industrial Revolution

God’s Ideal World without sin

of creation Pleasant living environment

The Industrial Revolution which began in England arose to restore the

living environment to one suitable for the ideal world.

2) Industrial Revolution To restore the external living environment for the ideal society;
To contribute to the internal aspect of providence of restoration
for the propagation of the Gospel.

(3) The Rise of the Great Powers & Colonies

Industrial As markets for superabundant products The great powers felt an urgent
Revolution As source of industrial raw material need to pioneer new colonies.

Consequently the great powers grew strong rapidly as they competed with each
other in the scramble for colonies.
(for reference) The ideal world resembles the structure of a healthy human body.

God’s ideal Realization of society without sin

of Creation Restoration of pleasant living environment


Human Stomach Heart Lung Liver

Politics Legislative Executive Judicial

Production Consumption In
Necessary &
Fair & Sufficient for needs
Reasonable & in harmony with the
purpose of the whole

Plant Root Stem Leaf

Give & Take Action Mind Heart of Parents

Mind to live for others
Body of Servant
Will of commitment Body
(4) Religious Reforms & Political & Industrial Revolutions since the Renaissance

1st   Renaissance 2nd Renaissance 3rd Renaissance

(Literature) Enlightenment Materialism
(Natural science) (Social science)

Reformation Spiritual Movement Unification of Religions

(Wesley brothers, Fox, (New Reformation
(Luther, Calvin) Swedenborg) by True Parents)

Collapse of medieval Society of God’s

feudal society (the Manor Collapse of absolute Ideal of Creation
system) monarchy
(Imperialism) (Capitalism)
Feudal lord, knight, serf
(Collapse of communism)

1st Industrial Revolution 2nd Industrial Revolution 3rd Industrial Revolution

(Steam engine) (Electricity, gasoline engine) (Nuclear energy)
Society of God’s Ideal of Creation (Cheon Il
Godism (Headwing Thought)
(Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity, Universally Shared Values)

Production to meet needs

Interdependence Fair distribution Economic Community
Reasonable consumption
Overcome selfishness
Human rights, opportunities Political Community
Mutual Prosperity guaranteed

Shared power and honor (Management)

Absolute Values (Absolute Sex)

Universally Moral and ethical society Ethical Community
Shared Values World of shimjung culture
4 . The World Wars (Three Wars)
(1) The Providential Causes of the World Wars
1) Human actions
Internal cause: Internal tendency toward the Will of God
External cause : Intention to respond the situation one
2) The World Wars
Internal cause : God’s providence
External cause : Politics, Economy, Ideology

3) Internal cause of the World Wars

① Satan’s last desperate struggle to preserve his sovereignty
② Worldwide indemnity conditions to restore the three great blessings
③ To overcome Jesus’ three temptations on the world level
④ To fulfill the worldwide indemnity condition to restore God’s sovereignty
(2) Significance of the World Wars
  World War I (Land) ; World War II (People) ; World War III (Ideology)
1) Providential significance of the World Wars
 ①  Politics : Ideological confrontation
 ②  Economy : Scramble for land
 ③  Providence : Conflict between God and Satan (or, between good and evil)
Substance is a shadow of invisible essence. (Heb.8:5)
An Invisible being cannot act without substance. Conflict
God - intends to set up His ideal of creation (restoration)   -  Good between
Satan - intends to prevent himself from being deprived sovereignty  Evil good & evil

2) The Providential Significance of the World Wars

- For the sake of restoration of God’s Three Great Blessings

Completion of Adam fell →   under Satan’s possession

Great individuality
Jesus    → Three Temptation (by Satan)
Blessings Completion of family
Completion of dominion
Messiah of Second Advent →   World Wars
(3) Confrontation of triplex alliances of Heavenly and satanic sides

Adam Eve Angel

World War I Imperialistic
(Defeated nation (Anti-Christian) (Axis)
--- Colony) Satan Germany Austria Turkey
1914-1918 Democratic (Allies) League of Nations
God USA England France
(4 years) (Christian)
(Pro-Christian) (L.N)

World War II Anti-Christian Satan Germany Japan Italy

(Victorious nation
- Independence of colony) Victory
(United Nations)
Christian God USA England France (Allies)
(6 years) Pro-Christian (U.N)
(Soviet Union)

Communist Satan N. Korea China Soviet

World War III Anti-Christian World
(Unification of world by the
victory of Heavenly side) God S. Korea Japan USA Victory
Democratic (World
1966-1978 (Vietnam 12y.) Christian
Satan N. Korea Japan China
1979-2000 (21y.)
Pro-Christian Asia
God S. Korea Japan Taiwan
Central Figures of Satan’s side in the World Wars

Type of individual Type of multiplication of Type of dominion over

completion children the creation

I German: Kaiser Pan-Germanism World hegemony

II German: Hitler Pan-Germanism World hegemony

Solidarity of farmers
III Soviet: Stalin
and workers
World communization
(4) Causes and Results of World Wars

Cause Result

〇 Indemnity condition of the formation-stage for

the restoration of Three Great Blessings The beginning of the providence
I 〇 Condition of victory for Jesus’ First Temptation of the Second Advent on the
〇 Foundation of foundation of the formation- formation-stage
stage for the restoration of sovereignty
〇 Indemnity condition of the growth-stage for the
restoration of Three Great Blessings Start of the Providence
〇 Condition of victory for Jesus’ Second
II Temptation of the Second Advent
〇 Foundation of foundation of the growth-stage on the growth-stage
for the restoration of sovereignty
〇 Indemnity condition of the completion-stage
the restoration of Three Great Blessing
Construction of Heavenly
III 〇 Condition of victory for Jesus’ Third
Kingdom on Earth
〇 Foundation of foundation of the completion-
stage for the restoration of sovereignty
(Conclusion) World Wars

World War I & II → for dividing the world into two

World War III → for unifying the divided world

Armed War → Imperfect

Two possible ways
Ideological War → Perfect

It depends on the success or failure in carrying out the human portion of responsibility

The Second Advent
〈 Table of Contents 〉

  1.   When Will Christ Return?   (1) A National Condition of Indemnity

  (2) God's Front Line and Satan's Front Line
  2.   In What Manner Will Christ Return?   (3) The Object Partner of God's Heart
     (4) Messianic Prophecies
  (1) Perspectives on the Bible (5) The Culmination of All Civilizations
  (2) Christ Will Return as a Child on the Earth
  (3) What is the Meaning of the Verse 4. Parallels between Jesus' Day and Today
that Christ Will Return on the Clouds?
  (4) Why Did Jesus Say that the Lord Will 5. The Chaotic Profusion of Languages
Come on the Clouds? and the Necessity for Their Unification

  3. Where Will Christ Return?

  (1) Will Christ Return among the Jewish

  (2) Christ Will Return to a Nation in the East
  (3) The Nation in the East is Korea
1. In What Manner Will Christ Return ?
1 . Will the Second Advent occur when Jesus comes to dwell within the hearts of
people through the descent of the Holy Spirit? (Act 8:16 ~ 17)
The descent of the Holy Spirit is not the Second Advent of Christ.
Although Jesus has been dwelling with the hearts of faithful believers ever since
his resurrection and the Holy Spirit’s descent at Pentecost (Act 2:4) ,
the fact of their eager waiting for his Second Coming all the way until today
firmly indicates that the descent of the Holy Spirit is not the Second Coming.

2 . Will Jesus return as a spirit?

Even though the apostle John had frequent encounters with the resurrected
Jesus who appeared in spirit, Jesus said to John, “Surely I am coming soon,”
to which John replied, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”(Rev.22:20) .
This shows that Christ at his Second Advent will not come as a spirit.

3 . Will Christ return on the Clouds? (Matt.4:30, Rev.1:7)

Will Jesus really return on clouds?
We should examine it against historical facts, as the history is a mirror for the
future as well as a witness of the past.
Prophecy of the Second Advent Clouds X Woman
Same man X Same
Clouds : Matt.24:30, Rev.1:7 Perspective Literal X Meaning

Physical coming : II Joh.1:7 ~ 8, Rev.12:5 of Bible (Judaism) (Jesus)

(1) Historical facts

1) Example of the Second Coming of Elijah 2) Example of Jesus’ First Coming

Dan. 7:13 clouds Χ

Mal.4:5 Messiah
Elijah Jesus
Act 1:11
Is. 7:14 flesh 〇
Clouds Clouds

II Kings 2:11
John the Baptist Christ of the
Rev.1:7 clouds Χ
Second Advent
Matt.17:11 Rev.12:5 flesh 〇
3) In the light of the Bible

Son of man Jesus   Christ of

Clouds “each person”   “ one who

Every people
pierced him”
(Rev.3:3, persecutor (Rev.20:5)
II Peter 3:10)

Luke 17:20 Christians who believe he will come on the clouds will not see the Kingdom of God.
Luke 17:21 Heavenly Kingdom will not be realized in an instant, as it would if Christ
were to return on the clouds.
Luke 17:22 Even though the day of the Son of man will have already come, they will
not be able to see it.

Luke 17:25 He would ever suffer persecution and rejection.

Matt. 7:21 ~ 23  “ Lord, Lord, did we …” ”I never knew you; depart from me….”
Luke 18:8 He may not find any faith, as was the case in Jesus’ day.

(Many believe in the Clouds, Few believe in the Flesh.)

4) In the light of the Principle

Spirit Spirit Spirit

Creation Fall Salvation Christ of the

Adam Jesus
Second Advent

Flesh Flesh
flesh Flesh

Conclusion : Physical birth

(2) What is the Meaning of the Verse that Christ Will Return on the Clouds?

Rev.1:7 Christ of the

Son of man Jesus
Second Advent

Saints Clouds

Sanctification Vaporization

Fallen man Water

The verse that Christ will return on the clouds means he will come to the
place where faithful believers have gathered.
(3) Elucidation of the verse of Act.1:11

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand Heaven

looking into heaven?” (Reprimand)

“This Jesus, who was taken from you

into heaven, will come in the same way
as you saw him go into heaven.” Jesus

(4) Why did Jesus say that the Lord will The life of Jesus:
come on the clouds? Birth in a stable;
• Childhood: Exile to Egypt
1) To prevent the delusions of antichrists • 12 yr.: Propagation of the Gospel
2) To encourage Christians to accomplish • 30 yr.: Assistant of a carpenter
• 33 yr.: Death on the cross
God’s Will.
His was a life of constant suffering:
unbelief, hardship, persecution….
2. When Will Christ Return?

(1) ”No one knows” : I Thess.5:4, Matt. 25:1-13 、 Rev.3:3

(2) ”Knowable” : Amos 3:7, Matt.24:36

① Time of Noah
② When Sodom was ruined.
③ When Nineveh was ruined.
④ Birth of Jesus was known by Mary, Joseph, Wise Men of the East;
but not known by priests, scribes, Pharisees, officials…

(3) How we can know it?

① One who is awaken (the “prophets”
mentioned in the Bible)
② One who has wisdom
Methods to find out the time

1 . Through the Providence of Restoration

Abraham Moses David Solomon Malachi Jesus

400 400 120 400 210 400

Slavery in Egypt Judges United Kingdom Divided Kingdoms Israel’s Preparation for the
of North & South Exile & Return Advent of Messiah

Jesus Augustine Charlemagne Luther Messiah of the

1517 Second Advent

400 400 120 400 210 400

Persecution in Regional Church Christian Empire Divided Kingdom Papal Exile Preparation for the
the Roman Empire Leadership of East & West & Return Second Advent

Jesus : 1930 + 30 after Abraham = 1960y after Abraham: Messianic Declaration

AD1917 ~ 1930
Christ of the Second Advent AD1930 + 30 y. o. = AD 1960 : Messianic
2 . In the light of phenomena of the Last Days

Matt.24:32: Metaphor of a fig tree

(The Last Days are the time when harvesting as one planted and raised.)

(1) Adam : Three Blessings Χ

(2) Jesus : Three Temptations 〇
(3) Christ of the Second Advent : The World Wars
① World War I (1914 ~ 1918): 4 years Land
AD 1919: Conception
AD 1920, January : Birth
② World War II(1939 ~ 1945): 6 years People
Start of his course as the Messiah
③ World War III ⇒ Ideological conflict Ideology
Victory of God’s side : Peace and Unity of the World

Conclusion: Christ has already returned on the earth.

3. Where Will Christ Return?

Israel Rev.7:4    to one of Israel tribes

(Jewish nation) Matt.10:23 in a Jewish village
Matt.16:28 Some of followers will meet him
when he returns on the earth.

As punishment for murder of Jesus:

2000-year tragic history of lost Jewish nation; the Holocaust of 6 million Jews

Israel Victory of faith 〇

Israel Victory
Victory of lineage Χ

Christ will never return to Jewish nation that killed Christ.

“Through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles,…” (Rom.11:11)

Matt.21:33 ~ 43
“Through their trespass salvation has come
Son (Jesus) Lord
to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous.”


Farmers Vineyard
Vineyard Other nation
Israelites      Qualification of     (fruitful nation)
chosen nation

“…from the rising of China (Communist & Invasive nation, Religious persecution)
Rev.7:2 sun…” (East) Japan (Invasive nation, Religious persecution)
Korea (Good-natured nation)
144,000 Heavenly heart Respecting Heaven, loving people
Seeking Peace & Hope
Korean is a
Devoting to people’s welfare nation of morality.
The Lamb Human heart
Tradition of filial piety, birthright, family & lineage
National thought order; Homogenous nation
4. The conditions required of the nation
where Christ will return.

1 . National Dispensation of 40 for the Separation of Satan

2 . Nation of Sacrifice
3 . The Object Partner of God’s Shimjung
4 . The Culmination of All Civilization
5 . Messianic Prophecies
1 . National Dispensation of 40 for the Separation of Satan
  (1) 1st Israel (Jewish nation): 400-year Period of Slavery in Egypt

  (2) 2nd Israel (Christianity): 400-year Period of Persecution in

the Roman Empire

  (3) 3rd Israel (Korea): 40-years Period of Persecution under

Japan’s Imperialist Policy (1905 ~ 1945)

7 years
1905 `48 `50
40 years `52 1953 : Cease-fire
1945 `88 `90
40 years
`92 1993

2 . Nation for Sacrifice (God’s and Satan’s Front Line)

Yu-il thought
Communism Homocentric
1789 (Esau) Ju-che thought

Satan Cain View of life ⇒ Cain-type Atheism

Kim Il ・ Sung
(False Father or Cain-
Evolution type Father)
Adam Panmunjom 12345
6 7 8 910

True Parents
God Abel View of life ⇒ Abel-type Theism
3 Subject Thought
Creation Democracy Head-wing
democracy (Jacob)

Brotherhood Godism
3.The Object Partner of God’s Shimjung (Nation God loves most)

① God’s shimjung
God’s shimjung at creation = Joy (Hope)
God’s shimjung faced with human fall = Sorrow (Tear)
God’s shimjung of restoration = Suffering (Grief)

② God is God of suffering, of sorrow, of distress (blood, sweat & tears)

③ Korea is a nation of suffering, sorrow, distress (blood, sweat & tears)

Movies – Tragic film (of loyalty, filial piety and chastity)

Language – Full of heartistic expressions (piercing to the bone)

Expression – A variety of sorrowful words & phrases

(For reference-1) Korea: Nation of Morality
〇 Ideology of Nation

Heaven’s Heart
Respecting Heaven & loving people
Ideology of pursuing hope and peace
People’s heart Devoting to the peoples welfare

〇 Eastern Nation of Courtesy

Jesus King Parent Bridegroom

Loyalty Sayukshin Filial piety Shimcheong   Chastity Chunhyang

Spirit of Nation Subjects Child Bride

〇 What Korean nation should show and teach to the world:

Thought of loyalty, filial piety and chastity
Thought for victory over communism
Thought of attendance on parents
Thought of absolute sex (Original Divine Principle)
(For reference -2)

〇 Dae ・ Han ・ Min ・ Guk (Republic of Korea) : a great name

Traditional clothes are beautiful & monastic; Traditional hat is called “gad” = “GOD”.

Hangul characters are evaluated as the best in the world ; the best language that are able
to supremely express the realm of God’s heart .

Korean dish as a composite menu.

Korean as an able nation ; IQ ranks 1st to 4th in the world.

〇 The way of thinking

Western way : dialectical swords and spears (fork and knife)

Korean way : give & take chopsticks and spoons (represent Adam and Eve, and

〇 Tradition of the Korean Nation

Loyalty (filial piety & chastity)

Birthright system
Lineage (the strict family tree is called “jok ・ po”)
4 . The Culmination of All Civilization
(1) Continents

Chinese Mesopotamian
Civilization Civilization
Rome England

Island Germany France

Indus Egyptian Greece Italy
Civilization Civilization

Continent Peninsula Island
Peninsula Island
Yellow Indus Euphrates Nile River Crete Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean
River River River River


Pacific Ocean
Korea Japan

Peninsula Island
(2) (River) Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean

(3) Pilgrimage & Fruit of Civilizations in the light of Season

One year Spring Summer Autumn Winter

One day Morning Afternoon Evening Night

Whole life Childhood Youth Middle age Old age

Climatic Temperate-zone Tropical Subtropical Frigid-zone

civilization civilization civilization civilization civilization

Tropical Subtropical Frigid-zone

Human Fall
Civilization Civilization Civilization

Peninsula & Islands Soviet

Egyptian Continent


Korean peninsula
(4) Nation where the Religions bear fruit (Nation of Morality)

All the ideologies and religions have reached Korea to bear fruit.

Age of Three Nations(AD.1 ~ 7th c.) – Buddhism (from India)

Age of the Yi dynasty (15th ~ 19th c.) – Confucianism (from China)

Modern times(20th c.) – Christianity (from Western World)

21st c. – Unification Church (originated in Korea)

5 . Messianic Prophecies
(1) “Chong ・ gam ・ nok” (Korean book of prophecy) :
which has been deeply believed by Korean nation since the age of the Yi dynasty.

利在松松 ; 壬辰倭乱 (Japanese invasion of 1592) 辰 · 巳 (2000, 2001) - 聖賢出

利在家家 ; 丙子胡乱 (Chinese invasion of 1636) A sage appears
利在八金山 ; 6.25 Korean War of 1950 午 · 未 (2002, 2003) - 楽堂楽
利在田田道下止 ; the present day
    to realize happy families

(2) Pastors who received the revelation of Christ’s coming to Korea

and proclaimed it :
    Age of colonial rule by Japanese Empire: Kim Jae Bok, Kim Yik Doo
    6.25: Son Yang Eun

(3) The elders who shouted out Christ’s coming to Korea:

    Pak Tae Seon, Ra Un Mong (1950 ~ 60s)

(4) Among the common believers: many believers received the revelation of
Christ’s coming to Korea.
(5) Jesus: Wise men of East testified to him

Christ of the Second Advent : by wise men of the West

• Arnold J. Toynbee (Historian)

Politics and economy shall be resolved by the USA and Soviet,
while Ideology will be resolved by a new heretical religion which appears in Asia.

• Arthur Ford (President of the Society for Psychical Research in US)

“God sent Rev. Sun Myung Moon; even though seeing him,
people remain ignorant of God, for they are spiritually blindfolded.”

• Lavers S. Corde?
visited Korea in 1970s to look for the living God. (this man just disappeared 

• Mrs. Jean Dixon (the prophet for the 21st century)

  “ Rev. Sun Myung Moon was sent by God for the 21st century.”

•Kiyoshi Nasu : Author of ‘Savior in Jail’; former correspondent for Japanese

Mainichi Newspaper in Washington D.C ; commentator on diplomacy.

•Dr. Kim Eun Woo : ‘ White Paper on Christianity’; Who will save this world?  

•Dr. Yoon Se Won : “ Rev. Moon is the Messiah.”  

(6) Poem ‘A light of the East’(1927) by Rabindranath Tagore
(who awarded Nobel prize in Literature in 1913.)

In the golden age of Asia

Korea was one of its lamp - bearers
And that lamp is waiting to be lighted once again
For the illumination in the East.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high ; Hope
Where knowledge is free ;
Where the world has not been broken up
into fragments by narrow domestic walls ; Unification
Where words come out from the depth of truth ; Truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection ; Perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
into the dreary desert sand of dead habit ; Eternity

Where the mind is led forward by thee into

ever-widening thought and action --
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
Heavenly Kingdom = My Homeland
R. Tagore
(7) Ae-Guk-Ka (National Anthem of Republic of Korea)

1. Donghae mulgwa Baekdusani mareugo daltorok / Haneunimi bo-uhasa uri nara manse
Until the East Sea's waves are dry, (and) Mt. Baekdusan worn away,
God watch o'er our land forever! Our Korea manse!

2. Namsan wie jeosonamu cheolgapeul dureundeut / Baram seori bulbyeon naneun uri gisang ilse
Like that Mt. Namsan armored pine, standing on duty still,
wind or frost, unchanging ever, be our resolute will.

3. Gaeul hanal gonghwal hande nopgogu reumeopsi / Byalgeun dalgeun uri gasim ilpyeon dansim ilse
In autumn's, arching evening sky, crystal, and cloudless blue,
Be the radiant moon our spirit, steadfast, single, and true.

4. Igi sangnwa imam euro chungseongeul dahayeo / Goero una jeulgeo una nara sarang hase
With such a will, (and) such a spirit, loyalty, heart and hand,
Let us love, come grief, come gladness, this, our beloved land!

(REFRAIN ) Mugunghwa samcheolli hwaryeo gangsan / Daehan saram Daehan euro giri bojeonhase
( REFRAIN:) Rose of Sharon, thousand miles of range and river land!
Guarded by her people, ever may Korea stand!

In the future many people will come to Korea from all the countries of the world.
We must step forward to prepare for such a time to be in attendance with the Coming
Christ at the Second Advent.
6 . Conclusion
What will we use to unify the world?

Divine Unification VOC

Principle Thought Theory

New Community New Mind New Love Absolute Sex

Movement Movement Movement Movement

Korean is the homeland of faith

Korean language is mother tongue of the world.

The unification of the world may be easy,

but unification of shimjung is difficult.
[For reference 」  Prayer Poem by Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1935
when he was 15 years old.

   Crown of Glory

When I doubt people, I feel pain.

When I judge people, it is unbearable.
When I hate people, there is no value to my existence.
Yet if I believe, I am deceived.
If I love, I am betrayed.
Suffering and grieving tonight, my head in my hands
Am I wrong?
Yes, I am wrong.
Even though we are deceived, still believe.
Though we are betrayed, still forgive.
Love completely even those who hate you.
Wipe your tears away and welcome with a smile
Those who know nothing but deceit
And those who betray without regret.
Oh Master! The pain of loving!
Look at my hands.
Place your hand on my chest.
My heart is bursting, such agony!
But when I loved those who acted against me
I brought victory.
If you have done the same thing,
I will give you the crown of glory.

Sun Myung Moon, 1935
(For reference)

1. Who is Rev. Sun Myung Moon ?

(1) Messiah - Son of God (True dutiful & filial son of God)
  The Messiah is the greatest gift that God gave humankind.
(2) Savior - One who saves the families of the world.
(3) Christ of the Second Advent - Unification (& liberation) of religions
(4) True Parents  
    Blessing : The greatest gift that Messiah gave humankind is the
Principle and the Blessing.
(5) True Parents of Heaven/Earth/Human - Substantial manifestation of
(6) The Peace King of Heaven & Earth -
Complete Liberation of God; Glorious restoration of the Homeland
True Parents are the world champion in 8 aspects:

(1) The champion who knows God best in human history.

(2) The champion who knows the Substance of Evil best in human history.

(3) The champion who knows about People best in human history.

(4) The champion who knows the Spirit World best in human history.

(5) The champion who knows Jesus best in human history.

(6) The champion who knows the Bible best in the human history.

(7) The champion who know the Meaning of History and

the Basis of Religion, Philosophy and Ideology best in human history.

(8) The champion who know the Ideal of True Families best in human history.
2. The written resolution of the representatives of
the five great religions (December
(1) Order of the Ceremony        
25, 2001)
Date and Time : Noon, December 25,
Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Sang Hun

    Proclamation of the opening of the ceremony: We will now conduct the ceremony for the adoption
proclamation of a written resolution by the representatives of the five great religions.
1. Recitation of the Family Pledge
2. Proclamation of the written resolution (Jesus)
3. Representative prayer (Jesus)
4. Three cheers of victory, led by Mohammed - Victory for God, Victory for True Parents, Victory for the
five great religions The ceremony concluded with applause.

(2) Seating Arrangements

The front seats were filled by the leading representatives of the five great religions.
Behind the leading representatives, the 12 other representatives of each religion sat.
In the back of the arena, 120 representatives from each religion sat.

(3) Jesus’ Prayer

We of the five great religions, attending God above us and True Parents horizontally, pledge and
proclaim that we will go the way of absolute obedience, in order to correct all of the wrongs
committed throughout history.
I report this in the name of Jesus, a Blessed central family. Amen, Amen, Amen
(4) The written resolution by representatives of the five great religions

1) We resolve and proclaim that God is the Parent of all humankind.

2) We resolve and proclaim that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Savior, Messiah,

Second Coming and True Parent of all humanity.

3) We resolve and proclaim that the Unification Principle is a message of peace for
the salvation of humanity and the gospel for the Completed Testament Age

4) We resolve and proclaim that we will accomplish the peaceful unification of the
cosmos through "living for others" while transcending religion, nationality and race,
centering on true love.

5) The representatives of the five great religions resolve and proclaim that we will
harmonize with one another, unite and move forward, in order to bring about the
nation of God and world peace, while attending True Parents.
(For Reference)
A Letter from God

My beloved True Parents:

I am Jehovah, the Lord of all humankind.
My beloved Son! My beloved Son! I, Jehovah, the God of all humankind,
deeply love you and cherish you. Your heart is full of gratitude and
thankfulness, yet My gratitude and appreciation for you is beyond words.
The word “love” is inadequate to express My feelings, but no better word
comes to mind.

My beloved True Parents, you dwell deep inside My heart, and my love for
you is beyond description. You have been victorious on every level and have
restored to its proper position everything that had fallen.
Is it not fitting, therefore, that you be the Savior of humankind, the Messiah
and King of kings?
On December 25, 2001, the founders and leading figures of Christianity and the
other major religions drew up a resolution and proclaimed unanimously that, along
with you, they would participate in the realization of peace and the unity of heaven
and earth. Therefore it is only appropriate that you be exalted as the True Parents of
all humankind. This is the will of Jehovah, the God of all humankind.

Although the world’s population does not fully understand the position of the
True Parent, it must be internally secured. Hence, Jehovah, the God of all
humankind hereby bestows upon His beloved True Parents the title, King of all

You suffered incarceration many times. You took up My cross and endured
countless trials and tribulations on My behalf. Now the God of all humankind would
like to convey His gratitude, adoration and zeal to you. True Parents, I want you to
inherit everything that is Mine.
My beloved True Parents! I am taking this opportunity to convey My grateful
heart to you. I want to embrace you in My bosom and never let you go!
I would carry you on my back and never let your feet touch the ground!
I would hold you, and we would talk together all night long.
I, Jehovah the Lord of all humankind, trust you, True Parents. I know the
many heartbreaking stories of your suffering and sorrow. I know them all,
remember them all and witnessed them all. I was responsible for placing you
in those situations, yet you endured them all and set the standard of a
victorious foundation. For this accomplishment I will never forget you.
Thank you, thank you, True Parents! Thank you for your dedication and toil!

Victory to My beloved True Parents!

Victory to the Savior of humanity!
Victory to the King of kings!

Jehovah, the Lord of all humankind
December 28, 2001
3. Prides of Unification Church

(1) True Parents

(2) Divine Principle (God’s Word)
(3) Holy Blessing
(4) Blessed Family (Family Pledge)
(5) Tribal Messiah
(6) National Messiah
(7) Boon ・ Bong ・ Wang (King of Entrusted Region)
(8) True Parents of Heaven/Earth/Humankind
( 9 ) Peace King of Heaven & Earth

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