The Microscope
The Microscope
The Microscope
Mechanical Parts
Illuminating Parts
Magnifying Parts
Mechanical Parts
Illuminating Parts
Magnifying Parts: The Objectives
Bright-Field Microscope:
the field of vision is light and the
microorganisms appear dark
because they absorb some of the
Staining increases the light-absorbing
ability of the microorganism resulting
to greater contrast and color
Types of Microscopes
Dark-Field Microscope:
has a special condenser that
fits into the substage,
resulting in a dark
background against objects
which are brilliantly
illuminated or appear as
bright refractile bodies.
Useful in the examination of
unstained live microorganisms.
Types of Microscopes
Fluorescence Microscope:
makes use of the principle that
certain dyes when exposed to uv light
alter the wavelength of this light and
become luminous (flouresce).
Best used for immunological and
serological studies