Mary and Mosaics

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St Mary Abbots 6.

30pm Evensong

15th August 2010 – The Blessed Virgin Mary: MARY IN MOSAICS

In the Anglican Calendar – 15th August is one of the key days for remembering
Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It is one of several key days celebrated throughout the
year remembering Mary’s life and witness.

August 15 is the day that Catholics have long celebrated what is called the
Dormition (falling asleep) or Assumption of the Virgin Mary. The Feast of the
Assumption celebrates both the happy departure of Mary from this life by her
natural death, and her assumption bodily into heaven.

Go to Westminster Cathedral, Victoria.

The life and witness of Mary has been a massive source of encouragement and
example to pilgrims since the 1st Century.

It is rooted in the basic obedience of Mary to say Yes to all that God asks of her.

High up the walls of the Lady Chapel you will see a series of mosaics depicting the
life of Mary.

The Mosaics in the Frieze representing the life of Mary.

1. The Betrothal of Joachim & Anne

2. Birth of Mary
3. Presentation of Mary in the Temple
4. Mary’s betrothal to Joseph
5. Annunciation by the Angel Gabriel
6. Visitation by Mary to Elizabeth
7. Nativity at Bethlehem
8. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
9. Flight into Egypt
10. Finding in the Temple
11. Home at Nazareth
12. Marriage Feast at Cana
13. Mary bids farewell to Jesus
14. Way of the Cross
15. Crucifixion
16. News of the resurrection
17. Descent of the Holy Spirit
18. Angel predicts the death of Mary
19. Risen Jesus appears to his mother
20. Dormition of Mary [today’s Feast]
21. Saint Luke writing the Gospel

“The ceiling is a fitting tribute to the central role [Mary] played in the life of Our
Lord, and continues to play in the life of the Church.” Cormac Murphy O’Connor

Her life is a life with Christ – Rowan Williams

The devotion to Mary shows no sign of abating in the 21st century.

“In Catholic and Orthodox Christianity, where devotion to Mary has been long, if
cautiously, institutionalized, this pattern of veneration shows every sign of
continuing into the 21st century adapting itself )(as it always had done) to the
needs of each place and century,

RP Marshall London August 2010

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